The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 18, 1910, Image 4

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    Are You
Taking advantage of that
China sale at Clinton's this
month? Do you realize
what it means?
One-Fourth Off .
on Haviland and Hand
Painted China, and Yt off
all other China. You are
missing something if you
let thir go by.
Prescription Druggists
First Door North of
first National Hank
The Monday EvenlngBridgo Club will
meet with Mi88 Alice Wilcox January
24 th.
Tho divorce case of Jacob and Lucy
Miller of Garfield will como up in the
district court tomorrow.
The Liullea aid of the Christian church
will be entertained Thursday afternoon
by Mrs. Mary Alexander.
C. S. Bonner, who had been visltinir
his narenta for soveral weeks, left
Saturday to resume his duties a3 engi
neer at Mojavo, Cal.
Weather forecast: Fair and warm
er tonight and Wednesday. The max
imum temperature yesterday was 85,
a year ago 86; minimum this morning
1G, a year ago 22.
Mrs. Mario Mitchell, of Foreman, S.
D., who was formerly Miss Mario
Goodridge of this city, arrived last
evening and Is being entertained at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hoag
land.. On January 28th a big celebration
and banquot will bo held at Oshkosh,
the object of which is to eclebrato the
selection of Oshkosh as tho county
scat of the now county of Garden.
Judge Grimes has been invited to- at
tend and has accoptcd.
Tho K. D's., tho Young Ladies class
of the Christian B. S. will clvo a plo
supper and social at tho K. V. hall Fri
day ovening. Pie and coflfeo will be
sorvcu lor iu cents, avcryoouy invited.
The Episcopal guild will meet Thurs
day afternoon with Mrs. II. C. Brock.
Tho Girls' Friendly socioty will bo
entertained this evening by Miss Ger
aldino Bare.
The stork visited the home of Mr.
and Mrs. A. S. Coates last evening and
deposited a ten pound girl.
W. V. Hongland left yesterday for
Broken Bow, where he will transact
business for a few days.
Eugene Fish, sheriff of Deuel Co.,
and Attorney L. 0. FfcifTor of the same
place, wore In tho city yesterday.
Mrs. Harshficld, of South Dakota,
who has been visiting her daughter
Mrs. John Weaver for two weeks loft
on No. 1G this morning.
Charles Dill who has been ill forsomo
time was taken to the hospital in Om
aha this morning on No. 1G to receive
treatment. Mrs. Dill, Dr. McCubo and
Will Yost accompanied him.
Dr. Willis J. Redficld, accompanied
by his chafTcur, Frank Wilson, and
John Opt), of Wood River, loft yester
day for Grand Island, and will return
tonight in two of tho Doctor's Frank
lin cars.
Tho furniture for the now Presby
terian church arrived Saturday from
Hondula, Wis., and is being placed in
position. Tho church is expected to bo
ready for occupancy about Easter.
Butler Buchanan returned yesterday
from tho eastern part of tho state
where ho visited friends for several
days and reports W. O. Gamble of
Wayno who Is well known hero, to be
very ill with cancer.
Misses Laura Murray and Maud
Mollyneaux will visit Europe this sum
mer in company with Now York rein
uvea ot miss Murray, uney win em
uiuiv Hi jliuvv jiuin mmuu -101, mju tiiiiu
abroad will witness the passion play at
Thirty pormarient winning beauty
models, ten "Kiddies" saturated with
Spanish pepper. Btrong malo chorus
and ten principals headed by Robt. Pit
kin and Elizabeth Goodall, comprises
tho hugo cluster of selected artists who
will appear here In "Tho Time, the
Place and tho Girl" Friday evening.
Tho cost of tho production represents
thousands or dollars.
District court continues in session
and the docket is being well cleared of
Mrs. Henry Waltemath will enter
tain the Harmony Club Monday even
ing of next week.
As an advertising medium this issue
of Tho Tribune Is a great success, re
gardless of its valuo as a news disscm-
Miss Lena Schradcr and sister of
Gandy, who have been sponeing several
days in town loft for Grand Island this
Lost Friday ovenlne on tho streets.
probably west end, brown belt with ox-
dized buckle. Finder return to this
office and rcccivo reward.
Mcmbcra of tho P. E. 0. entertained
their husbands last evening at a "Dutch
Dinner" at the Grimes residence. The
most conspicuous dish was sauer kraut,
which of course was accompanied by
the usual trimmings. The dinner was
much enjoyed by nil.
For Sale.
41 II. P. gasoline engine, also a steam
engine. Just what you want. Sco tho
Union Stock Yards Co., North Platte,
Fire, Lightning, Cyclone and Tornado
The very best at low est rates, writ
ton by Biurr & Goodman.
For Rent.
Tho Workman nico homo and barn.
west 4th St. Tho Peniston convenient
8 room house. Locust & 4th. The
Broach 7 room house, west 2nd. Other
houses and unfurnished rooms, farms,
hay and crazing lunds. See Bratt &
Everything in tho grocery line is higher in price than it
has been for years and still going higher. Our stock is large
and was bought for ca9h on a lower market. Take advantage
of the prices and luy in a month's supply.
18 Pounds Granulated Sugar $1.00
2Gc can Whito Cherries G cans for $1.00
25c can Black Cherries 6 cans for $1.00
, 25c can Sliced Peaches. G cam for $1.00
25c can Yellow Free Peaches. , , ,G cans for $1.00
25c can Bartlett Pears .6 cans for $1.00
20c can Grapes. . , ; 7 cans for $1.00
20c can Green Gage Plums . . '. 7 cans for $1.00
20c can Apricots, . ; 7 cans for SI. 00
15c can Peaches., 8 cans for $1.00
45c gallon Pears , .- 40c !1 for si. 16
45c gallon can Poaches 40c, 3 for $1.15
'35c gallon Apples, very special , 4 for $1.00
10c can Peas , 3 cans for 25c
12Jc can Tomatoes , per dozen $1.25
10c can Com per dozen 95c
Largo cans of Pumpkin, Squash, Beans, Kraut, Hominy, .per can 10c
10c can Oysters ,3 cans for 25c
20c can Oysters , 3 cans for 50c
1-lb tins Dried Boof, very special 10c, 3 enns for 25c
Buy a lot of this you wont got these prices again.
Here is where you profit again by your foresight.
Regular price Purity $1.00, this sale $L45
Rcgulur prico St. Louis Flour $1.G0, this salo $1.45
Not more than two Sucks to u customer.
Regular 10c a pound best Jnp Rico 5 lbs for 25c
Regular 10c n pound Muscatel Raisins.., 4 lbs for 25c
Regular 15c a pound Sultana Raisins 2 lbs for 25c
Regular 20c a jionnd Layer RuluinB 2 lbs for 25c
Regular 5c Yeast. Foam 3 pkgs for 10c
Regular 5c Matches 3 boxes for 10c
Regular 5c Salt 3' sacks for 10c
Regular 5c gum of all kinds 4 pkgs for 10c
Here Is whoro you got your dollar's worth.
Regular 35 cent Acropolis brand 3 lbs for $1,00
Rogular 30 cenVper pound Fifth Avenuo brand, 4 lbs for 1.00
Regular 25 cont per pound Frontier brand 5 lbs for 1.10
Regular 20 cent per pound Good Cheer brand .7 lbs for 1.15
Regular 15 cent per pound Snap brand 8 lbs for 1.00
Regular 50 cent Red Cross Brand Tou at this sale 10 eta
50c and GOc Japan-Gunpowder and English Breakfast 40 eta
7 bars White Russian Soap 25 cts
8 bars Swift Pride Soap , ; . .25 cts
All 5-cent Toilet Soap , . ; .0 bars foi25 eta
All 10-cent Tollot Soap :a bars for 25 eta
Ke)ogKB and Quaker Corn Flakes ....,,,,., 3 for 25c
Egg-O-Sco v . . . . .a U for 25c
Largo Prunes .' ,f .3 pounds for 25c
Small Prunes. . ,, .5 pounds for 25c
Large Silvor Prunes. . , .2 pounds for 25c
15-cent Extra Choice Dried Peaches, .' 4 lbs for 50c
20-cent Extra Choice Dried Apricots 3 lbs for 50c
15-cent Extra Choice Nectarines.., ......... 4 lbs for 50c
Mixed Nuts...., 3 lbs for 50c
Mixed Candy, 2 lbs for 25c
Takd advantage of this Fine Early Ohio Potatoes, 80 cents per
bushel, Only two bushels to a customer,
Tramp a Westenf eld,
150 men's all wool nnd nico tailored
suits at $9.00 and $9.85 per suit worth
$14,00 to $18.00 at THE Hub.
Wm. Chamberlain nrrived this morn
ing from Malvern, la., and will visit
his uncle, Rev. Chamberlain, a month.
Beach Coleman and Thomas J. Cork
ory, leading attorneys of Scotts Bluffs,
are having n hearing in tho district
court today over tho dissolution of an
Mr. and Mrs. Schick, of Mooreficld,
who are spending today In town are
planning to move to Arizona in the
spring for the benefit of Mrs. Schick's
D. S. Gishwiilcr, of Illinois, has been
elected assistant principal of the Her
shoy schools. The crowded condition
of the school requires four instructors
instead of three.
Messrs. J. II. Shick, C. L. Grant
and Lcnard Peterson, members of tho
Bchool board of District 108, transacted
business at County Supt. Ebright's
ollicc yeBteruay.
Now is the time to
tailored suit, cloak,
Tako advantage of
Como see for yourself. Wo only do as
wo advertise, xours lor business,
The Hub.
buy your ladles'
jacket or Bkirt.
tho salo prices.
A message received in this city this
morning announced the birth of a son
to Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Cryderman,
of Denver.
Men's and boys' underwear at 20 per
cent less than tho regular price at The
The secretaries of tho Sunday schools
of tho county will confer a favor on
the county association by sending a
list of their officers and date of elec
tion to tho county secretary, G. W.
McDowall, North Platte.
The annual "fced-fest" of the Com
mercial Club was held at the rooms
last evening at ten o'clock, about sixty
members partaking of tho spread
served by Caterer Armstrong. The
menu was varied and well prepared.
When all had been served, cigars were
passed, and while "blowing the smoko
away" the members were entertained
by vocal selections by Messrs. McDon-'
aid, McGovcrn, Clinton and Mussel
man, piano selections by -Prof. Miller
and feats of legerdemain and Prof. Mc
Donell. Thcsn entertaining features
continued until tho midnight hour. Tho
evening proved a very delightful one
throughout and tho "feed-fests" should
be held monthly instead of yearly, as it
cements mo bocibi as wen as the busi
ness relations of tho members.
Tho iTnh'a Pier Rntn In not a mark un
sale, but on every item the discount fs
taken from tho regular prjeo.
A Modern Institution for
the treatment of Medical
and Surgical Cases. Grad
uate Nursing. Physician
in attendance day or night.
Special accommodations
for confinement cases.
721-23 North Locust St.
Telephone No. 642.
W. W. Kimball Co., (Established 1857) Publicity Series.
A Beautiful $300 Kimball Piano
To be GIVEN AWAY ABSOSUTELY FREE at the store of
North Platte, Neb.,
FEBRUARY 5, 1910.
Read the conditions below which are simple and
devoid of the many restrictions usually attached to
contests. In this contest everyone stands an equal
chance with his neighbor.
$300 Kimball Piano Free. No Expense,
THIS PIANO GIVEN AWAY ABSOLUTELY FREE, with stool and beautiful scarf to the one writing the sentence, "GINN,
WHITE &. SCHATZ SELL RELIABLE PIANOS," the greatest number of times on a U. S. Postal Card, or any card of exact size.
R. D. Thomson, T. G. Patterson and J. E. Evans have consented to act as judges in this contest, which means absolute fairness
$3,450.00 in additional prizes will be given away as follows: To the one next highest in the number of sentences written we
will present a credit check for $100.00, good to apply on any new piano. The next highest a credit check for $90.00. The next
highest a credit check for $80.00, and to the five next highest a credit check for $75.00 each. Then Ave at 70.00 each. Five at
$05 each and so on until tho full amount of prizes are distributed. In the event of a tie the judges will make the awards on the
legibility of the writing and the neatness of the card in general. If you are fortunate in winning one of these credit checks and
already have a piano tho checks may be disposed of providing each transfer is properly endorsed by us.
Write the sentence "GINN, WHITE & SCHATZ SELL RELIABLE PIANOS" as many times as you can on one sWe of a U. S.
Postal Card or any other card of exact size, (cards furnished free by us are preferred,) using either pen or pencil writing one way
only. Writing must be visible to naked eye. No employes or persons connected with the piano business allowed to compete Ex
pert penmen or engravers, barred. No person living over fifty miles from North Platte 'allowed to compete
Answer all questions in card below (or on back of cards furnished by us) and mail or bring same to us with card of sentences
and have reach us not later than February 5th at 9 P. M., as the contest closes at that time.
The questions are for the purpose of enabling us to know how many homes in the community are without pianos.
There isno limit or restrictions as to the number of contestants in a family but only one prize will be given to any one family.
Only one check accepted on tho same piano.
Tho winners of credit checks will lave their choice of our entire line of pianos. It has always been our custom to mark all
goods jn plain figures, and pianos will be marked the same way, therefore the check you may win will be just so much in cash on
any new piano you may select and not only will the credit check be accepted on any new piano in stock but the balance of the
purchase price can be arranged on easy terms. We have received direct from the factories two carloads of piano3 for our grand
opening sale which begins Monday, February 7th, 1910.
and all answers must reach us not later than 9 p. m.. on that date.
A Few Reasons why wc are making this Great Offer, and hew" it it possible.
It is not the policy of the W. W. Kimball Co., (capital $5,000,000), to spend great sums in magazine advertising which is the
usual method of largo piano manufacturers. The cost of such advertising is enormous and the benefits and results uncertain, but in
this manner the name of their famous pianos will be indellibly impressed upon the minds of the people. This is the object of the
advertising and in this contest both the' dealer and tlte public secure direct benefit.
This Blank must be FILLED OUT and Mailed with Card of Sentences.
Name .
Street and Number orRural Route.
; Postoffice. , . . f i. i.
How many times have you Written the Sentence . r.
Have you a Piano or Organ? . s. ..... v . . . . J .
What make and how old? .' . ,
Is there anyone in the family at present taking music lessons? .
If possible give us below the name and address of one or more of your neighbors whom you have reasons
to believe would consWer the purchase of a Piano. ' N
Address all communications to GINN, WHITE & SCHATZ, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. if