WINE CROP FAILURE Product in France Is Less Than Home Consumption. - Yield Is Only About One-Tenth of Nor mal Amount Will Not Create De mand for American Article Weather Is Blamed. Paris. The wlno production of Franco this year will bo only about one-tenth of the normal amount. The French vineyards yiold an average of 13,000,000,000 gallons of taxed wlno a, year, and this year they will not yield moro than 1,400,000,000 gallons at most Tho taxed wine Is that put on the market and sold. That con Burned by the producers Is not taxed. -There aro 1,200,000 wlno producers, and. their annual consumption of wlno Is about 265,000,000 gallons. The nor mal consumption of persons In France who buy their wlno Is 1,272,000,000 gallons. This, with the 265,000,000 gallons used by the wine producers, makes the total consumption of French wlnea In France about 1,537, 000,000 gallons. Not only will the production this year fall far short of that amount, but even If all the old stock of wine Is added to It thero will still be a large shortage. Tho ntock on hand ought to bo from 250.000,000 to 300, 000,000 gallons. It is, In fact only about 200,000,000 gallons. The sales of wine In bulk which mark the fotcs with which tho vintage season closes hare already Indicated an augmentation of prices over last year. Tho shortages of something like 137.000.000 gallons as regards French consumers will, It Is expected, be filled by Importations from Algeria, Spain and Italy. ' At tho same time, however. It Is recognized that In thoso countries also the production this year Is far below tho average. The cheerful vior Is based on tho fact that Spain, Italy and Algeria normally produce, relative to their own -consumption, a much larger surplus of wines than France. A leading writer on wlno produc tion, asked whether the shortago of supply In Franco would causo n do mand hero for American wines, an swered emphatically in tho negative. The reason, ho said, was that Ameri can wines could not be sold cheap enough to tho French wholesaler to leave him a suitable profit on his own subsequent sales. He admitted, in ;maklng this state ment, that largo quantities 6f Ameri can wines aro brought to France, ma tured, and treated hero in accordance with," tho practices of tho trade, and then pur onthe .market under labels which' do not distinguish them from the regular French product But most of these wines, he said, go back to America. Incidentally It may be remarked that any one can noto In Paris and also In London that wherever American wines are found on the menus of restaurants the prices affixed are much higher than those of tho corresponding grades of European wines. Tho' vlntago fetes this year -have ber as gay as usual. It is pretended in some of the wine districts that the quality of tho vintage Is above tho average. But this is by on means proved, and is doubted by experts. It is too early yet to know positively whether it Is truo or not Tho prices obtained for tho fine wines In Burgundy at tho vintago tales aro not so high as they were In 1904, when tho yield was not only extremely abundant, but tho quality was far better than that of ordinary years. It is evident that unless thero aro largo importations, France must bo- gin the next season with its groat wlno collars virtually empty, and that for months to come exports of wines Raises Fence Former Governor of New Mexico Has ' Only Farm of Its Kind Catalpa Grows Rapidly. Roswell, N. M. Thero is only one . "fenco-post farm" in tho United States, so far as known, and It Is conducted near this llttlo Pecos Val ley city by a former governor of tho territory.' Ten miles east of Roswell is tho Hagorman estate, and on a largo acrcago of this vast tract of land Herbert J. Hagerman, former chief oxecutlvo of this territory and heir to the founder of tho estate, has a farm devoted to tho oxcluslvo purposo of raising fonco posts. Tho trees nre planted for the es pecial purposo of being grown to tho necessary slzo and utilized to support the barbed wire that surrounds the picturesque Irrigated estate and In closes tho vast applo orchards and al falfa fields. Tho trees are not grown for telophono posts, for cordwood, nor for any other purposo than fenco 'posts. Tho trees are set out in rows about a foot apart, and aro irrigated and cultivated ns carefully as tho apple orchards. They aro allowed to grow to a height of 15 or 18 foot before they are cut, unless there Is a press ing need for fence posts before the trees reach that hoight Then they can be cut Into rrom two to threo posts. One tree will grow to a hoight sufficient for three posts much quick er than two trees enn bo grown to sufficient size to make one post each, IfcExrv Caw J must be at a minimum. Just to what degree this state or things will In' crease tlio prices of the finer wines in Great Britain, and America It Is im possible to say, r Rut what makes the. situation less gloomy In France than It would ap pear tojbe at first sight is .the fact that the partial failure of tho grape crop has been wholly due to the ab normal summer' and autumn. In' every district the vines aro reported to bo strong and frco from disease, and in all parts of France w'horejwtno 1b produced tho "dfefloll Is proportion ately the name,, uniform results hav ing followed an, Identical cause. The low temperature and frequent rains of the sunjmer delayed tho growth of the vines and studted tho development of the grapes. It was hoped that In tho early autumn the grapes would gain rapidly In size, but the weather has continued to bo for tho most part unseasonable. Thero has, been hall as well- as many chilly rains. Fearing they might loao tho whole crop If they delayed, a great many vinicultures gathered their grapes early, while they were too green to yield an abundant amount of Juice of the quality suitable for making good wine. Besides this, great quantities of grapes wero gathered' In tho rain, and they softened and soured more or less before they wero put under tho press. No alarm about tho futuro of tho wino-produclng Industry because of this temporary failure has been mani fested by thoso engaged In it They expect that next year's yield will bo normal, as they can hardly conceive that naturo would Inflict upon tho country two summers in succession like tho last WAR ON STOCKINGS Russian Prima Donna Would Have Women Go Barefoot. Woman Io Grsttly Hampered In Her Physical Oevelopment" by Many Unnecessary Articles of Clothing She Wears. - Boston. Lydin Llpkowskn, tho Rus sian songbird of tho Boston opera house has . amplified her declaration that, stockings as an artlclo of con stant wear should bo relegated, to tho scrap heap. The fair prima donna de clares woman is greatly hampered in her physical development by tho many unnecessary articles of clothing she Is cahed upon to use in her toilette. "Relaxation is known to bp the great cure-all for many human Ills," sho says, "but woman has still to learn that her body and her muscles need relaxation if she, herself, is to be physi cally fit "I do not know how you look upon it In America, but wo in Russia are rather moro outspokon in such mat tors, and tho discussion of woman's apparel Is not considered an exclusive matter for star chamber sessions. "Now stockings aro a necessity when one is out walking, or visiting, or on the stuge, but worn constantly through tho day they aro to my mind a source of evil. Glvo tho legs a chancel Don't hem thorn In as If they were prisoners that aro to be punished. Let tho blood circulate, freely through tho veins! Put tho stocking In tho Bainu class with the corset a necessity that the sooner rid of tho better for tho wearer. "When at homo I confess that most of tho time I am Btocklngless. I have high boots for tho winter, trimmed with fur, that offer real comfort and which do not exact tho penalty tho stockings do. Post Trees one planted after the othor is cut, of courso, bo that tho trees are there fore allowed to grow to a height suffi cient to mako three posts, where this is posslblo, and it generally is. A peculiarity about tho treo Is that it grows very fast until it reaches a height of 18 or 20 feet, and then it Is slow of growth. This makes it just as undeslrablo as a material for tele phone posts as it is desirable for fence post growths, henco it appears to bo intended just for tho purpose for which this young ox-goyornor has selected it The Hagerman fonco post farm is one of tho curiosities of tho Pecos Valley and will remain so. Teachers Sell Peanuts, West Orange, N, J. Tho humble peanut is the agency through which the teachers of St Mark's public school horo have secured a"new piano. When their request for this was re fused a few weeks ago by the board of education they purchased a quantity of raw peanuts, roasted them in ap proved stylo and sold thorn at a good profit to tho pupils and their friends. They now hnvo tho piano. Load of (Dynamlte Falls. Mahanoy City, Pa. A lively scare was given this town when a wagon containing 2,000 pounds of dynamite coUnpsed at the intersection of Main and Center streets, olive at tho -time with Christmas shoppers. Several boxes of tho explosive dropped to the street but fortunately did not go off. WEALTHY MAN'S SON FARMER Ambitious Michigan Boy Earned Money to Buy Farm as Laborer In Father's Factory, Kalamazoo, Mich. Out in the wil derness of Idaho, 40 miles from the nearest railway station, Boone Thomp son, son of ex-Mayor Thompson, has taken up a claim and is now living on tho 160 acres, miles and miles from the nearest settler. Notwithstanding the tact that his father Is president and manager of he -Kalamazoo 8t6ve Cbrapahy and one of the few millionaires of this city, tho son has gono to raising pota toes, wheat and other farm products, the money necessary for him to Invest In the farming project having beon earned by tho son while working for his father as a Inborer in the. stove factory. Young Thompson writes from the west that his crop of potatoes this year will net him eoverai hundred dollars, although tho cost In market ing the product will cut a consider able nolo In the returns. Notning besides rattlesnakes and sagebrush grow on the claim beforo Thompson went west Annual Farm Show. Hartford, Conn. Articles of Incor poration have been fljed with the sec retary of stnto of Delaware by Hart ford parties and a charter has been granted to the United States Agricul tural and Industrial Exposition Com pany, capitalized at $1,000,000. Tho corporation proposes to hold a perma nent annual Americas Industrial expo sition in one of tho western or south western states for tho purpose of pro moting the Improvement of and edu cation in tho arts, manufactures and products of tho United States. F. Alexis Taylor 1b director general. Tho board of directors is made up of prom inent agriculturists and 40 governors have accepted vice-presidencies. "Talk about ease and pleasure! Women whoso legs nro encased, In stockings the wholo day long know not what real easo Is. In tho summer let women go about barefooted! "Oh, I do not mean when visitors nro around. That would bo somewhat shocking. But, as much as one posol bly can without breaking any of the conventions, a woman should go about stocklngless. "Just Imagine a woman wearing her gloves constantly! If mankind Insists that baro feet do not occupy tho samo plane na baro hands, good and well, but in tho quietude and solitude of one's own boudoir a woman wearing stockings simply inflicts a punishment upon .herself, and tho .pity of It is that tho punishment may bo wholly undo served. "I do not pobo as a physical culture export, but common sense would teach every woman thnt stockings may bo looked upon as nn article of wear that, constantly used, may becomo a source of harm. "Women, generally, wear too many clothes. Some Russian writer onco said that tho average woman may bo llkoned to a huge volumo with skirts instead of leaves. Is not that bo In many cases? Why do womon woar them? This must bo classed among the world's unanswerable questions. A woman's reason bocause may bo the best answer. "1 am not an advocate of mannish ness In dress; quito tho contrary. I admire pretty gowns and would liko to sco every woman dressed In exqui site Btyle. But why should supcrflu ous clothes be considered an essential of womanliness?" Mine. L!pkovska is an ardent suf fragist, and her Ideas on tho subject of woman's equal rights aro as strlk ing ns her own personality. "Woman la man's successful com petitor in nearly overy walk of life; then why deprive her of any rights that man enjoys? ' oho queries. NEW JERSEY FISHErTeS RICH Federal Census Bulletin Shows Valu ation Runs Up Into Millions of Collars Oysters Help. Atlantic City, N. J. Tho valuation of New Jersey fisheries runs up Into millions of dollars, according to a bul letin Issued by the United States cen sus bureau showing that 7,100 men de rived a livelihood from tho Industry last year. Thero aro 128 fishing ves sels, valued at $590,444, with equip uent worth ?11.U7, and 3,850 boats valued at $300,416. ,The total value of tho fish caught In Nov. Jersey Is placed at 93,068,591). Oycters alone, of which 2,500,000 bushels wero taken, according to tho bulletin, sold, for 1,120,000, vhilo 305, 800 bushels of clams uottod tho bay mon tho neat sura of $336,600. Other catches include 115,300 pounds of lobsters, which sold for $16,060. Fox Lures Away Dog. New Castle, Del. John Banks, for mer ownor of the property now used as a state rtdo range south of this city, lj looking for a vnluablo collie dog which waa decoyq duway by n fox to which ho gave chase when ho discovered tho marauder beneath a treo on which roosted a number of plump turkeys the othor morning Guinea fowls first gavo tho warning and when Banks looked out of the window ho saw the dog knock tho fox over. But tho latter was on his feel in a few seconds and ran off with the dog In full pursuit. Tho latter ban not been seen since. " A LITTLE COLD. He caught a little cold Thai was ftlL , ,fMo the neighbors sadly said, , as tuey gaiuercu touhu ms ueu, When they heard that .ho was dead. He caught a little cold That was all. (Puck.) Neglect of a cough or cold often leads to serious trouble. To break up a cold in twenty-four hours and cure any cough that Is curable mix two ounces of Glycerine, a ha!f-ounco of Virgin Oil of Pino compound pure and eight ounces ol puro Whisky. Take a tcaspoonful oVory four hours. You can buy these nt any good drug store and easily mix them in a large bottlo. Slight Misunderstanding. Mickey's mother lslted a young school teacher on the East side the other day, Bays Uie New York Sun. A a nearly as sho could mako out from the mother's spiutterlngs the teacher had boon calling Mickey "names that no lady would use and no daclnt mother would stand for." The teacher thought hard, but could recollect notlmo when sho had given way to an Impulse to call Mickoy dreadful names. "Suro but you did," Insisted tho mother. "I dont know what you meant by It, but scurvy olopbant is no nlco name to call a boy. That's what ho said you callod hiin, a scurvy ele phant" "Scurvy elephant No," said tho teacher, in a relieved volco "I didn't call Mike a scurvy elephant I called him a disturbing element, and I reiter ate my statement" Mickey's mother wont home partial ly satisfied, but not quito sure that tho teacher hadn't been calling her names, too. Where Is Bcsslo Hartman? Rosanna and Bcsslo Iinrtman lived with, their mother at Chnpman, Nobr., In 1001, tho year that their father vras killed by a falling treo at Anada, Mo. Their mother, an Invalid, being unable to caro for thorn, tho girls wero sent to Omaha to school, bolng housed and mothered by a Mrs. Smith. Finally, in 1903, Bcsslo, the younger of tho two, was taken in charge by the Nebraska Children's Homo society, who refused to tell her married slater, Rosanna, whero sho is. BcbbIo be camo of ago last February. If sho will send her address to P. O. B5x 898, Omaha, Nobr., it will bo for warded to her sister Rosanua, who is now Mrs. Qco. Duorr. Provided for Newsboys. Mrs, William Waldorf Astor provid ed in her wilt thnt tho newBboys of t New York should havo a Thanksgiv ing dinner, as they havo had nt tho i expense of tho Astor family for half a century. This year at least 2,000 newsboys were on hand, the nftornoon i papers having suspended work, thus giving tho llttlo follows a holiday. Important to Mothors. Examine carefully ovory bottlo of CASTORIA, a Bafo and suro remedy for Infants and children, and bco that it Bears tho vtfTTl Signature of In Uso For Ovor 30 Years. Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought. Tho Difference. ''Our continental marriages are just as happy as thoso mndo In your country," explained the forolgner. "We all admit that marriage is a lot tery." "Well," responded the American, "we. prefer to lot a girl select her own ticket." This Will Interest Mothers. Mother Qray'a Sweet Powder for Children, cure Fererlshness, Headache, Dad Stomach, Teething Disorders, Regulate the Dowels and Destroy Worms. They break up colds In 1 hours. Pleasant to take, and harmless as milk. They never fall. At till Drucfflsto, 2Sc- Bample mailed FltEB. Address, Allen B. Olmsted, Lo Roy, N. Y. Exactly In tho degrco In which you can find creatures greater than your self to look up to, in that degree are you ennobling yourself and in that de gree happy. Ruskiu. There is no use going Into n politi cal campaign with any reputation, be cause you won't have any when you come out. Quick as Wink. If your eyes echo with n. smarting, burn ing sensation use PETTIT'S EYE SALVE. All drucistsorIIovardBros.,llu(Talo,N. Y. Seneca: Vices aro coutagious and there is no trusting tho well and sick together. L FH.KS CDItKI) IN O TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OIM'MKNTIsguaranteei) to euro anr eta nt Itching, llllnd, llleedlDK or Protruding l')U In 0 to It Caj or luuuer refunded. (On. Don't bo common. It's tho uncom mon man who causes tho world to sit up and take notice. IIAimiNO, HAOIC1NO, KABl'INO COUOII can be broken up quickly br Allen's Luna Malum. Vbls old, tellable remedr bas beon sold for orsr tQ rears. Ask your druggfit abont It. Romember that a sound argument doesn't mean loud talk. ssWMinTnrraitTCTiB PUTNAM ttor start stole krlahUr and ktUr colors than an aUtor jsM BVtxesf ejiasnal lloslM umi WjtU Ui he isrte- UNPROFESSIONAL piner Have you seou that a doctor Intonds to inoculate himself with the cholera virus bo that tho ho may have tho results of tho experiment. Isn't that flno? Proprietor No', perfectly mad, I call It. Supposing I ate the same meals as my clients. A Pessimistic View. Among the patients in a ctrtala hos pital of Ilarrlsburg there was recently one disposed to take a dark view of his chances for recovery. "Cheer up, old man! " admonished tho youthful medico attached to the ward wherein the patient lay. "Your symptoms aro Identical with those of my own case four years ago. I was just as pick as you are. Look at rrta nowl" Tho patient ran his eyes over the physician's stalwart frame. "What doctor did you havo?" he finally asked, feobly. Illustrated Sunday Magazine. Her Mistake. A lady overtook a llttlo girl of her acquaintance on her way to school. "Do you llko decimals, my dear?" she asked. Now the llttlo girl had not gono very far In her arithmetic and sho was unfamiliar with the word deci mals. Sho shrank from acknowledg ing her Ignornnco, so, after a minute, she stammered: "Yes'm, I like- them protty Well, but not as well as pcachos." Restrained by Politeness. "Prisoner, havo you any reasons to present why tho sentence of tho court should not bo pronounced upon you?" "No, your honor. I fcol as It I should llko to say a few words about tho dofense my lawyer put up for me, but there nro ladles present; you can go ahead with the sentence, your honor." 1IKAD. HACK AND I.HOS AClinT . AehoollpTorT Throat luro.wlth chills? ThullslA llrliipo. rerrr DaYla' I'alnklllorwlll break It unit taken promptly. All dealers.S&cXo and too bottles. During tho first six months of his married life a man pities old bachel lors. After that ho envies them. ONLY ONI? "I1ROMO OUININE." That Is I.AXATIVH HUOMO QU1NINU, Look for the signature of K. W. UUOVK. Used the World oTcrtoUureaColrt lnOnollnr. 36c. Tho peoplo who have tho greatest opinions of themselves aro frequently the poorest judges of human naturo. Rmnlrrrn also liks Lewis' Sinnle Binder elpnr for its purity. It is never doped,- only tobacco in Its natural state. Thoro's u diffcronco betweon dignity and pomposity, but some people don't seom to bo able to rcalizo It. Mrs. Winston's Hootulnor Myron. For children teotbtng, lof tcn lbs rturoi, roduces In OammiUon, alls ji pain, cum wind eollu J4o a botUo. A man can't help feeling restless when oven his bills aro unsettled. Welcome Words to Women 'Women who suffer with disorders peculiar to their sex should write to Dr. Pierce and receive free the advice of a physician of over 40 years' experience a skilled and successful specialist in the diseases of women. Every letter ot this sort bat the most careful consideration and is regarded as sacredly confidential. Many sensitively modest women write fully to Dr. Pierce what they would shrink from telling to their local physician. Tiie local physician Is pretty sure to say that ho cannot do anything without "an examination," Dr. Pierce) holds that these distasteful examinations are generally need less, amd that no woman, except in rare cases, should submit to theam. . Dr. Pierce's treatment vriltcure yoa right In the privacy of your own borne. His "Favorite Prescription" bat cured hundreds of thousands, some of them the worst of cases. It is the only medicine of Its kind that is the product of a regularly graduated! physician. The only one good enough that its makers dare to print its every ingredient on its outside wrapper. There's no secreoy. It will bear examina tion. No alcohol und no habit-forming drugs are found in it, Some unocrop tilouj medicine dealers may otter you a substitute. Don't tuke it. Don't triOe with your health. Write to World's Dispensary Medioal Association, Dr. R. V, Pierce, President, Buffalo, N. Y.t take tho advice received and bo well. Look at tho' Clutch of anr cream separator ron think ot baring. Hee bow It Is thrown Into gear. Then com. pare It with the 'National' A simple little spring near tbo clutch on the sbatt where you uuitKot at Itdoes tbo work on the National Cream Separator Theclutchalnarsgrlps with the start ot the crank no ell piling and It doesn't breaU onco In tan rears. It It did tou could retilace It for 6 cents. This spring Is an oicluelra 'National'' patent. The hidden friction JPA Siasple ?ZX litlifl muobanlsm need brothers i.i io repiaco. .million jouraeajer on rour traung the tit vnu. llinktrntw lllDstroUid Catalogue a the National wltluiut ezDense to tats free on request. nil hilar MiCHiii coariar OwS.b, la. Bay and Know Pax ton's Roasted Coffee Positively tho best you can get for the price in tlio world. The "Favorite of the West" for 25 year with tales of over One Million Pounds year. Mesas entlreiithfactlon to you In quality and price. A heavy, yet sniootlie, mellow drhtk wiih , all the natural flavor tad aroma. IN 2 LU. RED CANS. 25c PER LB. Ash your rjroccr for it. and rjive it a trial FADELESS DYES r if. One 10 peksa eelors sll fibers. Ttisr drain cold water ktdor than snrelher die. 4m lUaaab east lbs OabtM, VP ffffinr naiff rrr T -ire i '(-.- t -4uw tests. TRIED REMEDY FOR THE GRIP. WESTERN CANADA Whet Says 1. 1. HW, tfcaOraat RaHreaeJ Msn About Ito Whaat-Prettoetaa; Power Ths.jrrto,t need of tltli conatrr luauft states i in ancwer rner. IHmyr two win uo too pry- Tiding- 01 nonn tor iiji popl and rrod acini uOioienl for them. The dj of our prominence at a whoat eiportlng country aro son. Can ada io to be the mtl wheeteou&trr.' This greetftllroad stag. netale taking dntg ot the eltatuen by tvtielrn railway liutld ns tlio wlient rielde of Western Canada, Upwards f 125 Millie Bushels f Wheat wero harvested In 1000. Arena ot tho tbrra prorlnree of Alberta. Haskatehowira anil Menltoba will be npwardeot sit tmslicb) per acre. rrcolinmrstc-nile of 100 acre, nml ndjolnlnir tiro-einptlena of lOOnrrmlnt V3 ier nirfl, nro to bo lmd In tlio choicest districts. Srlioole conYcntcnt. rllmnto excellent, soil tlio Terr beet, rnllivnrs cloio nt hnnil, bnllil lnir lumber clir-np, fuel eair to act ami rraeonnul In price, vrnter oaetlr procure! rolled rnrmlnff n euttxoi. Write a fc lowrniiwajr reiee. or CTipii tmtod "JwH iieet vet" ( (unt free a at- on sppllostton), mt other Inform tlon, to Hup t ot linmlmtlon, Ottawa, Can., or to the UoaaiUaa iweraaiesi Agent. W. V. BENNETT RtM 4 Sil BWf, G&ttll, (ft, (TJra attdreee nearnt too). Ml lb. No Matter what Liver or Bowel medicine you re uitntf, itop It now. Get a llta box week's treatment of CAS CARETS today from your druiglst end learn how easily, naturally and delightfully your liver can be mads to work, and your bowelt move every day, There'a nta Uf la every box. CASCARBTS are nature's helaer. You will ae the diffevneet 0$ CUT THIS OUT, mall tt with your address ta Btrrlluir neracdy Co., Chlcneo, 111., and reeeWsi a haudsotno souvenir cold Uon Don FKKB. A Clean Face Will be a Habit NO STROPPING NO HONING KNOWNjTliB WORLD OVER nrn.ur.r startii eHMtto work with ant ttarcbee cloths nice.. W, N, U.,. OMAHA,. NO. 2-1910. No Hud LUtlai Lightest Running Esskit Cleaned eons as high as dealer demon- of fuUparUeu- Cfoiert Skhaasr Caliiie, nt. 1 1 1 1 I TSBBBBa. nri III