n I1T I 1 'T1 L oemi - W eekly-r 1 nbune f i in pj. j D.u:.k.r Ira L. Bare, tditor and nmiiiner. sUHsOKII'TIum ttATKai Ono Yoar, cash In advanre :!'. Month, cash In adrance.. ct Entered at North Platte. NobraaWa, Postofflc fecond claaa manor. . FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1910. Kclly-Franzcn Wedding. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Franzen in Sutherland on Wednesday evening occurred tho marringo of their daughter Sna to Mr. S. Wurrcn Kel ly, of North Platte. About thirty friends and relatives had assembled to witness the ceremony. Promptly at 8:15 to tho strains of tho wedding march, "Star of the Sea", played by Miss Lea Burklund, the gioom, atten ded by W. F. Vosclpka as .best man, app ured, followed by the bridesmaids, Misses Mary Crosby and Aneita Hun ter each carrying a bouquet of whitt roseB; after whlth came tho bride with her brother, D. A. Franzen, nnd tie betrothed couple stood together in tie parlor under an artistic arch of cistern laurels. While the wedding march continued softly, in a simple Irn prcSslvo ring service, Rev. C. B. Har mon r renounced them husband and wife. The bride carried a beautiful bunch ol white r ses and wore n gown of white crepe de chine trimmed it. lace and tho biidal veil. The groon. wojo the conventional black. Tho house was elaborately decorated with laurel wreaths, potted plants, cut flowers and ferns. After tho cercmonj n two course supper was servcti, to which every one present paid their highest tribute of respect. The esteemed couple were the recip ients of many useful gifts of cut glass, hund painted china und silverware. Mr. nnd Mrs. Kelly, with baggage carelully labelled by kind fi lends and in the midst of a severe local rice storm, left Sutherland next morning on No. 1G for North Platte where Mr, Kolly owns a new modern house in the Bunks addition, furnished ready to re ceive his happy bride. Mr. Kelly is well and fuvoiabiv known to the n onle of our city being for some time in the em ploy ot tho U. P. as engineer and all who know him extend tiim the glad hand at he now comes with his com panion to abide nmone us. Mis. Kelly enjoys the pleasure of a host of friendi in and around her home town and our city und is an accomplished und charm ing young ludy. All indications givo promiso ot a most happy and prosperous voyage in th3 new relationship. ' Annual Meeting and Roll Call. WdUusday night the annual meeting of tho Buptistcharch occured. Perfect harmony nnd good cheer prevailed throughout. Eight reports were pie sented from as many different depart ments. These all showed progress and development in every phase of tho work. The past year has seen con- tinnud advancement all along tho line until tho severo winter weather set in. And this has effected the nttendunco at tho pleaching services mutonally. But it hiH not seemed to injure tho work in any other particular. Tho now year op na hopefully. Thero is prjinise of hotter things in tho fu ture. Every person present seemed de termined that there shall bo greater progress in the year to come. A move ment wus set on foot to have an Evan gelistiu campaign eurly next f nil. witn Chaplain Wnitoin chnriro. Dr. E. W. nacle Baptist Church in Milwaukee hav ing aUo nutd other largo pastorates, is a miin of wide experiance and maiked njwur. All the work in the months to com u will look to these in eat meetinKS. The lollowing olllceia were elected with iibul.icj uummcy: Tompmiry Deacon. E. M. Miuaun: Trustees for two veins. J. D. W. Lincoln, Win. Rec tor. llowaid MiMuhi ol: Tieiituur. D. B. London; Ass'c, Troas., Fred Loudon; Cleik, W. M Hounshcll; Sunday school Sunt. J. u. Luuuon; Asst. XMina hoc tor: Orirnnist. Mrs. W. S. Leon; Cnoi ister. Glen Mann; Committee on Bene tbjncoi Mm. E. W. Mann, Mrs, Stella DjaU, Mr-, Roje Loud-in, Allen Nei mm und E nest Cuov: Viirilanco Com miccm. line w rd, Mm. H im njf und Mrs. Luim: tetond wuid. Mrs. Andoi Hon and Mrs. Hansen; third wurd, Mia. Lincoln und Mn, A. Howard. BaptUt Churcli. Wo hopo to greet a largo audlcnco Sunday at nil lliu services, In tho morning tho pastor will discuss "Our Assets" with thoso picfent, "Mixed Motives" will be up for consideration nt night. This evening mooting will ho Svungellstic in all ol its purts. Non church utto 1 Junta should noc mis this meeting. S.'i viccs at 11 n. m. and 7:30 p. m. H B. Favouight, Pastor. COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS. January G, 1010. Board mot pursuant to adjournment, present cummiaslonoi b Kockcn, Springer and Wultur und county clerk. Bond ol Hunt. a. Mtmiignt, jubuco of thu pouco apptoved. Cluimof O. A. Kockon, snlnry aa commisBBlonei , allowed lor $64.20. I Board checked county judgo'e ppokal for year und approved them. Bond of Paul Meyer, county pur( vcyor, npprovod. i Tho boa id then takes an adjournment until 4 p. m. , At 4 p, m. tho now board convened m follows: Waltor, Springer and Streitz, commlsstonetB, und county Clu'im of Arthur Loop3, rood district 20. allowed for 80.0G. , , , m Bonrd chocked county clork'a oflko for six montha nnd for tho year and found balance duo county, counting salary due as cloik of board for $400, tho sum of $1,118. 05, A Claim of F. R. Elliott, clerk cf board und Issuing eortilieutua of oloctlon S540.55. Bond of First National Bank na do posltory for Lincoln county funds ap proved. .... Adjourned until tomorrow. For Sale. j Fivo Jacks, from two to seven yenra old. nnd from MJ to 10 hands high. Will price them low, quality considered, , Inntilre of or address, R. L. DoughyA y07&UU)8U, WoiUi FJtttUj, Nub-. Cottonwood and Vic Ed crneid has bought and is using it every day, Cottonwood and Vicinity. corn shcllcr Jerry Bockus was up on the flat last week huskintr corn lor his brother Ed. weeK nusKtng corn lor nis Dromer cm. Mrfl q ciark and sons returned from the Platte Sunday morning from a visit with relatives. Mrs. Hurtman's father and mother are visiting at her home. These elderly people will live in Maxwell. II. P. and Mrs. Stevens nnd children rarurned Inst week from a visit to Hairy 's folks in tho eastern part of tho state. Garfield and Rossc shelled corn for Hnrry Shaner Monday. School resumed again Monday morn ing with a fair attendance. On Wednesday of last week Hcv. A. M. and Mrs, Horan of Maxwell burled their little baby boy. Rev. J. W Campbell preached tho funernl. It was laid to test in the Plninvlcw ccmotciy. If you want n good wagon, good set of Harness, a disc, sprintr wagon, one 2 year old colt, ono 1 year old colt and other things, call on E. M. Arnold. He is closing these out nrivattly. Mrs. limilv ClnrK and nephew Dono van spent the holiday week in Wyom ing. Jjert llouscr has moved ma iomilv to Bignell nnd will improve and wait for the railroad to pass through. Miss (Jurrio uoberts is Dcine in itructcd in the Maxwell Bank; Miller Precinct News Tho winter is not looking much like jummcr as yet. i'. Johnson hnu to can a doctor for his littlo boy last Sunday, but he is jomo bettcr.nt this writmir. School will start in Miller district next Monday alter a two weeks' vuca c on. Mr. and Mrs. Ebricht took dinner with Mr. nnd Mrs. A. K. Christiansen last Tuesday, that being Mrs. Ebiight's birthday. Louis Refior sold n horso to P. W. Olson last week nnd it keeps him busy trv nir to ro ow tho road now. ueorce smith has installed n pnonc on his laim which ho never win tegrci after he finds what a great convenience there is in having ono ot those boxes on the wall. There will bo lots of opportunities for corn shuckcrs to get a joa shucking corn this bpi ntr There will ba lltorarv at tho Miner school house the 14th of this month. Everybody come out and listen to the young ladies debato on tho question: Resolved, That it is bettor to marry for lovo than lor money. Uicnr Ulson has gono to rneips county for a visit through the vacation,' bat ii expected homo somo time this weeK. Tho gr ope seems to hnvo tho grip on some ol the people in this neighbor hood. It docs not take a prophet to tell that iiOy Eonght does not intend to "uatcn next summer. Bert Carrigan is working for Mr. Sund, helping to feed the cattle. Saved at Death's Door. The door of death seemed ready to open for Murray W. Ayers, of Tiansit iJrldgc, IM. x., when his nto was won derfully 8iiV2d. "I was in a dreadful condition," he writes, "my skin was almost yellow: eyes sunken: tongue coated; . emaciated from losing 40 pounds, growing weaker daily. VIru lent liver trouble pulling mo down to death in spite of doctors. Then that matchless medicine, Electric Hitters cured mo. I regained tho 40 pounds lost and now am well und strong." For all stomach, liver und kidney troubles they'ro supreme. 5l)c nt atone a Drug Store. Homo Helps. Wlit'ii one lias mi oltl burn roof to 'oinnvv tin mil try l lie iini'Iuiit. Inbnrt- us wny of iiilllti nut ilic niillrt. Tnke i iim.'.'iit'l iii'd hold over the lioml of i lie mill llll the null conies out. To l.ecp the bunds: perfectly clean n il while while the stove N IHiu: pol Islictl lei HOlito one else pull"'. II. There tile oilier ulU'Si'il melliml.-. but this will prove surest. The host way to ituiik mi umbrella is to I'lntimltler the iiuiiie of the owner mi tht little strap for fuMenlm; It wlit'ii It Is rolled, Then the person who -wlH's It tun destroy ilu murk with "lit unit l!ul lug any vttnl part nf the umbrella. To dlSRiilse the taste of cantor oil put In three drops nf littler almonds, a bit of tisiifcdltit. n touch of roeholln salts nnd two drops of sulphuretted hydrogen. To keep red or pink or mnronn or ferine ants out of n refrlperutor build : trouuh entirely around It and till the (rough with sorghum innlnsscH or ma ple sirup or some other form of mucl 'ngp.-Clilr-ilga News. A Long Titno Dying. Mr. Fretl Terry told this nupedoto of the death Bcene lu "The Ileol of Achillea:" "One tiny," ue says, "we were ro- i heiU'sltiK this play, mid a member of . tuy cuuipany came hi from :thr -street nud usUcil the call boy how fur the re hearsal hail got. '"Mr. Terry's Just 4ying roplled the boy. "Good. 'I've time to BUiotsp'fTclgu rotle before my piitruurp.' "rresontly the nctor ri'timicU nnd re peated the tiuestlnu. " 'Still tlyUig. niiswcrod the boy. "'Ob. I'll go nud have another clga retle. then.' "Buck he cnnie and only got tlin nnimi reply from the call 'Wry". "Finally, after Rmoklng Uve clpn reltrs, lie nskwl, a littlo wparlly, how1 fur the rehearsal Inul gnnc. "Still dying. misw4r1 the mil boy. "(Ireiit Si till V L'lisped the nr tor. 'Ut tniist bo linimtvlnl ' " London AU- weiu. 8lmpllfled Debate. "Are you bohik to attempt, to nn wer all thn charges made against four "Certainly," replied Senator Sor Khuin. "AhHwcrlng charges these day Is easy. All you've got to tlo Is to say, You'ro another,"' Washington Star. Making Life Safer. Everywhere lite is being made more safe through the work ot E'r. King's New Life Pills in Conatinntioi, Bilious- ness. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Liver nesa, jjvbiiciisiii, inuiguauon, uivui troubles. Kidney Discuses tnd Bowel Disoideis. '1 hey 'ie easy, bu . sure, and perfectly build up. tho heultt . 25c at Stone's Drug Store. Public Sale. Chas. McAllaster. living one mile west nnd threo quarters milo north of Ilershey will have n sale ol personal property on Saturday, Jan. 15th. Tho property to' bo sold will inckde 3-1 head of high bred horses, 40 tons Of alfalfa hay, tarms implements nnd housenoiu goods. Sale will begin as 10 n. m. Your Sweetheart- will not ob ject to the mell of cigar smoke If itemanntcs fnm n 5 cents, worth 10c. Eleven Stylen STONE DRUG CO., Distributers. PROFESSIONAL CARDS I. S. TWINEM H imeopalhic Physfcinn nnd burgeon. Oflicei McDonald Bank HuMim'. Pn-.n 183 A. .1. Ames, M. I), Marie. Am us, I. II- DOCTORS AMES & AMES. Physicians and Surgeons. Office: Over Stone Drug Co. Phone Office 273. R-Hdence 273 GEO. B. DENT, Physician nnd 'Surgeon. Office: Over McDonald Bank. Ph..,.a tOfflcel30 ,,,,!9 f Residence 115 D R. L. C. DROST, UsteopHthic Pnysicinn, Rooms 7 uri'i 8. McDonald Stule Bank Buili.'ing, Phone UK. 1L uX & ki L Ador ejt t- .i Ollice Store. over S-c'u Ph.ne H 'P ' PA.'URSON. 1. aio nej-at Law. In tho county court of Lir coin Coun- ty, Nebraska. Older ot hearing on probite of for- elcn will and codicil theieto. The statu of Nebraska, Lincoln Coun ty, ss: i'o tho legatees, deviscct , heirs and all pctsons interested. In thu matter of the estato ot bumuel b. iielcher, de ceiued. On readme: nnd filintr the petition of Louis Belcher praying that tho instru ments tiled in this court on the 18th day ot December, l'JUD, und purporting to be lull, true and duly at thenticuted opies of the last will and testament and codicil thereto of the sa d deceased, as proved, approved, probated, allowed and recoided in thu probatu court in thu District ot Bridgeport, and State of Connecticut, muy be proved, ap proved, probated, allowed tnd entcied ol lecoid in this county as .he last will und testament and codicil thereto ot said deceased, and that thn execution of said instruments muy be committed and uiu uuministiation ol said estate muy bo grunted to Louis Belcher ot Nuwtonvillc, Mass., und Maud Belcher of Nntick, Mass., as executors with will nnd codicil annexed. Oidored. That January 13th. 1910. at 2 o'clock p. m. is assigned lor henring said petition when nil persons interested in saiu matter muy uppeur nt n session of the county court, to be held In and tor Baid county, und show cause why tho prayer of the petitioner should not ha granted. And notice of this proceeding is ordered published in tho North Platte bemi-WeuKry Tribune, a legal news paper published insaidcoun.y tor seven succesaivu issues of said newspaper prior to January 13th, 1010. Witness my hand and ecu! of said court. w. c Kl.nRn, County Judge. HUMPHREYS Jpoolflen onro by acting dlnctly on tha itch pnrta without dibturbiuij tho test of bo cyutuin. No. 1 inr X' overs. No. 1,0. Ni. No. No. No. a 3 4 7 8 0 Worms. Teething. Dl.irihco. Cougha. Ncurnlgln, Ilcndnchoa. Dyttpopsiiv. UipproHtodrcrloda, WiilUu. Croup. Tho Sklr. ItUouuuiliBia. Miliaria. Cutnrih, Wliooph g Cough. Tho KM. leys. No. 10 1 N.. 11 No. ia No. 13 No. II No. 15 No. 10 No. 19 No. 'JO No. 27 No. U0 Tho Winkler. Li Qrltviu. No, 77 In small bo! lien of pcilets tl utntthovott nOckot. At DruuulstH or initli.. il. Oo. cacn. ' f.,.ll,.nl rinl.ln tiinlhul flen. j 'yjiiVAlwl. i.iOu WUUtujftJoiuCtrwrti. For Sale. The Hall farm of 733 acres, within two miles nf North Platte. All good alfalfa, farm and hny hnd, well watered with a spring cieek nnd tho Platte river. Good farm improvements. Three nice groves, all fenced and closs-fencod. Will sell half cash, balance on easy terms. For price and terms call on E. II. EVANS, Atty., Keith Thentre. North P;ntto. Neb Hunting Prohibited. , Notice is hercbv civen bv tho under signed land owners nnd lesses of Innd in linn I'rccinct, tnat no hunting is hereby prcmlttcd on the land owned or leased oy us, and nny porson found thereon win be prosccutcu unuer tnc law re ntinir thereto. Schrever & Marlett Geo Kopf H. Wnltemnth G. W. Lng & Hons Frank Steel Geo. Shsnka FredMnlone Blanketdiurg Bros. Geo. T. Patterson Charlie Kobinson Loren Purdy Frnnk Ilbele. DR. ELMS, Gcnernl Practice of Medicine, Surgery Together with his Specialty, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Your Glasses Carefully Fitted. Office and residence 413 East Fifth St., on ground noor, no stairs to climb. Phone 559. North Pintle, - - Nebraska. W. A. Howard, EXPERT PIANO TUNER AND REPAIRER All work guaranteed. Best ot reterences. country orders receive prompt attention. Residence 602 west Fifth St., North Platte. Phone 627. Ple tse leave orders at New ton s book btore. phone 261 GO TO P. M. SORENSON FOR Furniture R e p ai ri n g AND CABINET WORK. Also Woodturning. WINDOW SCREENS .... A Specialty. Shop 107 East Fifth. OUDF.Itor IlKAUlNO ON PETITION FOIt Al'l'UlN lM KM Ol' AI.MlM iTICATOIt. Hiuluof Nubruska, Lincoln Count, ss. In IliuUomnv Court tecetnlM'i 21II1. llM In I lie mutter of I ho estate of .fobii U Hun ter, (let-Cusfd. On madlnir und lll'nutlni p-itlt lull 01. lose in .1 uniiter unit untiles Hun ter- in aj lutr thai tbu niltnlnNiri.iioti of said estate 111 .y ne urunud to lluniy O. lluptol as adiiilnlsiriHor. Old. ted. That January 18t't Wld, at oiluekn.m . Is assboii d for bearlncsuld im" 1 It Ion. wbun all iKirsotis Intomnd in sulo mutter muy aniiearal a county court to b- lield In und fursutd eoit'iiy. und show cutis' why Hie 111 aver ot iiuillliiller sn )u;d not b- L'tuiiled. Tbls order to bu nublldied tor sl slice, ssivo issues ininr to .luniii ry isib, mil 111 tnu .Noriii ri.i.t'Soiiii-weeki.' Triiiune, t Itk'al iiewstiais r published lu su d county. U S-s W It, Ri.niiii. (Vtnniy .1 11.lv NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that on the I3th day of November. 1909, Thomat Rowley, Frank England, Hermar wendeborn, rntz u. welnburg anc Gus F. Meyer, associated themselvef together as a body corporate, under tht numennd stylo ot the "farmer s Inde pendent Telephono Company." Tht principal placo of transactincr the busi ness of said company shall bo nt the school house in bchool District No. 122, located on the southeast t or section 0. Township 13, North, of Range 31, Wesi in Lincoln uounty, Nebraska, the general nature of the business to be tiansacted shall be to construct. own. onerate and maintain n main tele phone fino in Lincoln County, Nebraska. extending from Section 2, in Townshij 11, uange an. in Lincoln uounty, rso braska, to tlio City of North Platte xseurahKs, with latotnl and brahct lines nnd extensions of tho main lino. and for such purposes may own, lease, purcnaso, sell and convey such 10a estate us may be necessary or inciden' to the protitublc and proper conductinj 01 suiu business, unu 10 tio nno per. 101m Bucn oiner acts anil things at may bo incident und necessary to the main powers of tho corporation. 1 ne amount 01 me capital stock nu thorized is $2000.00, divided into 41 BhareB of S50 ouch, of which can ta stock, not It'bs than 14 shines shall bi subscribed at the 01 ganizntjon of salt comany, all of which shall be fulh paid tip at tho tlmo of subscribing. Tin dnto nr tho commencement of said cor poration shnll be tho 1st day of Decern her, 1009. Tho highest amount of in- debtednessor llublllty to which the cor poration Is at nny time to subject it- Eoir, 6hnll not. exceed the sum of $200 , iiit uiiuiin ui euiii coriioruiion nre t. managed by n boaul or threo di lectors together with a president, vice-presi dent, secretary and treasurer, too-otlm with such other subordidate agents ant servants as oilier othcers lrny appoin unu nire. Signed November 13th, 1009. thom.as uowley, Frank Enc.uno. Heiiman W :;nof.iiohn, , rlUTZ L. W IENIIAIUj, SOLID COMFORT in our fivo cent cigar for those wh wish to enjoy a smoko that will givo pleasure nnd gratification at low cost. Our fine brands of cigars arc the nemi' of fino flavor and quality. J F SCHMALZRIEH, A PRINCELY NEW YEAR'S GIFT, of which your horse -will bo juatl;' proud, and yourself well pleased, is u new set of harness from Fink's. Th reputation of our harness for general excellence steadily increases as th) years roll on, and the coming of 191 ) will show marked Improvements in style, finish and workmanship over year past. A. F FINK'S Phone 268 FOR ALL KINDS OF flour, Feed, drain or lid! Having recently purchased tho B. A. Wilson feed store at the corner of Sixth and Locust Sts. I respectfully invite a share of the patronage of tha public. Prompt delivery. J. R. RITNEF . You Needn't Mind the Storm even if you hwe calls to ma 0 or shopping that must be done. Call ip this livery stable and order a c rnaf e to help you fullfill your duty. Then vou can call or shop hi lone as ycu want ' in both comfort -nd i yle. xcu come back untired and with diy shoos and skirts. WH1 worth our mo era' e charge for i he carriage isn't it? A. M. Lock. Why not Get a Home Cheap now in the . . . Great Fruit Belt 01 ojornao uncjer tno Lriinnv son tunnel irrigation system? No failures. CrQps yield annuniiv $200 per acre and up ards. Write us for particulars, Delta Fruit Land Co., 402 Ideal Bldy., Denver, Col. Notice for Publication. Perlal No.OlrtM. Prprtnent nf the interior. D. 8. I.auil Ollli-e at Vonb I'lalte. Nob. Id v mlier. 1Mb. Vit). Nulleeli. hereby lilven lliui IHinlel W. ICu . kel. of N. trlb I'lulle. Neb. who on Kebrtia i lllb. ItO', mib-llotiiesteiid Kulry No. IIWU, silliil .Mi eiNH, ror west liriir soillliwt.l ilittirier, souiliwesi iiuarier uoriliwi-si ipiar- er and lot 4, c'l bm 4, lown-hln -I. uorl'i, ramie M. west ro the Dili tin ih'I im I merldtan. bus Died HOI I 'e of ieion III tnuke llll ll live er inxir, in estiihllsh I'liiltu In tin ImiiiI nlsive i!e-i'red. U fore Hie reiflst .1 and reei leer at Nonb I'lulte Nehraska, i.n it. i riii uiu ot in limn, nin Clnlninnl iiniihs s- wlmesses I'm' k I'uweis and Itruiil 'I Ibhles. Iioib of N'nr Ii I'luiie. Ni b und , loi n I'ulU iii.il 1 11 Hu Uicssl l.oiutsl U-UA)l.-el .Nili UdlAl V. U. lUtflyWr. For Sale or Trade. High Grade Perchon Stallion 4 years old weight 1800. Address Lucey Bros. Merna weo. iTICF. Ol'PKTTLKMKXT. Tim Flati- of Nebraska, Lincoln l ouniy. s.s. in 1 im uoumy uoiin. In Hie mnltiT of the eMato of Simuo FnnlilioiiKir. lrcrscil. Th tlii'i'MMlliorx. Iifln nnd iillicrslntcrt'stcd In Hii'eHlBieol Sntnui'l I'iiiiUIuhimt. Take noti.'f. thai wi 11 am . i uiik lonwr adinliiNiraior, Iihm flled In tin' coimty court a rt-uort of liN doinint n ailmlnlsiraiiir ot I Mn Id i'M at" and It Ih ordcrnl that llm tnn Kland Tor inar Itiir Mm i;itli (lar ur Jiuuary. A. I) ll'lti. ln-foro tin' court at llio hour or R o'ciim-k, a. m.. at vrnii'ii lltno any h"oii Itupn-atcd may niH-ar andfXi'i'Dt 10 aniii'ottii'!i 1110 narni1. Aim notion ur nils procci'dlnir Is onli'rwl kUtii liy iiuhlli-allon In 1 lit Nurth IMatleFi tnl-WVi kli'Y Trlluino inrhuvi-n ruitc-smIvu Ismii'm tirlur to January M1I1. IIM0 witness my iinnu ami inn xrni or tin coun ty court at .Noril' I'lultc tins I81I1 day of I)cci nilr A n. ww. di'i- w u. i.LDi.it. county .ittflBo. I'KOIIATE NOI IUR. In tin- matlft in Hit uNtato of Mary England. li'Ci'awPd. In tin- tVinniv t'oitrt of Lincoln county, Nu lirasUa. lii ccmlKT IHili. IWU Nollre l n'M'liy Klvcn. thai tho crod Mora or laid dcci-asicd will mcot tlio F.xfcutor ofHald est an-, before Hid (.'utility Judve ot Lincoln county. rt'irnska, at 1 lit cnunly ouri riHim in nbK coitnti. on llm 17th llm- of limitary, lint), and on llicrtli day of Julr. Ildu. at 0 o'l'Iih'U b m, fiicli duv. tor tin- imr- tHisf of nrcsi'iitlnc tlii'lrt'lalm-. for ex am In a- 1011, anjtiHimL'iii anil aiiownnce. hix tuontha an allowitl tor cn'dllom 10 present lliulr lalms and one year for tin Rxirttior 10 cttlc said I'Ntatu from tin- Ath day of Novom- Ixt, ll1. Thl notice to be published Itttho Mirt 1 r atte aim -weeu r 1 rioune ror e lirlit mccosslvo lssuos prior to.lanuarr 17tb. IV1U. w u. ELIIK1. I1-B County .1u'ire. Hurlal No iW3 NOTICK I OU IMII1LIOATION. Itetiartment of the Interior. U.S. Land Ufllce at North I'lalte. Nob. Dec. Bth. I100 Notice In hereby riven that William II Titrnlo of North I'latle. Neb., who on July th. 1UU4. made llotnualead Kntrr No. 2031 1. Serial No. 01133. for north half soul h weft iua'ter north half nortlu-aL quarter and northwest quarter, section xa. township Is north, raiw 31 west of the slxti principal meridian, has II led mitleo ot Intention to iiake unal live year proof, to establish claim o lliu land alsive described. Iiefoni thn Iteirlstor and Itecelver at North Platte. No iiraska. on the 28th day of January. H'10. Claimant names as wltnew si Carl llroeder. IIiikIi Sender. John 8cliarmann and Curtis lllnman. all ot North l'latiu, Nub. Qi K. KVAN, WPfflntPr LEGAL NOTICE. The unknown liulrs of John ITardan. dn ceased will take notluu, that on the IBtii day 11 juno. in.', inaac union, luainiirr, herein tiltd bis Dollllon In tbu District court or Lin coln County, Nehratika. airalnst the unknown heirs or John Hainan, deceased, tho ohject nd prayer 01 which said iM'llllun are to quiet ihb title of tho ulalntlir In and to the north K of tho northwest H and thu southwest t of hu northwest m or section 14. tnwnslilo M. north of raniH! HI. west of thu (Hit 1. M. In Lincoln county. .Xetiranka. and that thu du- reu rendered 111 said action, lie or thu samo lorce and etfect and lake lliu placo of a d r ain deed or conveyance irom the said .101111 Hardan. deceased, to t . 11 Umirley. or said lands and which -aid deed has In-eti lost and destroyed and lias not Ix-en placed on record 111 tnu records or tho County Clutk ol Lincoln County. Nebraska. " You are required to answer nam pennon on beforo thu i nn day or .tanukry. luiu. Dated December'Ulh. IDOli. ISAAC IMUXIN. Ur Wllrox flallliran. Ids aiionieys. OUD It OF IIEAU1NQ t)N PETITION 018- L'KNSIMU WITH It KG U I. A K AUMIN1S- THATIUK Slatoof Nebraska. Llncolt) County, ss. In the county court NuvemlH-riKuu nut. in Lliu multur of lliu esLalu ol James 11. Heck Willi, deceased On reMUlnif mill tllinir tin-neilllon of .lomei II, Kn-irr, oraytiiK that lliu regular adiiduls- rallon ui salu estate Ii ulsiietistu with as eiv did In secllui.s to K.10. Code Of 1007. uidend. That Decmlior Uib. Wv, at o 'clock a. in., In asslKiied for bearlue said iietlllou, when all inisolis InleresleU In said matter may aiin.-Hr at a county court lo be Id In anil tor sum counl v. anil show chiiso why tbu uraier ol lliu ot-lltloner should not is-(.'runted. Tills older to lie published in he iVnrl i r attuTt liunu for a x successive -sues prior lo UtCeniU r lllb, UCiti, iiii-a . u h.i.ii u. niii.ty .iiiiiito. CONTEST NOTICE. Burial No. ult:i II. K. JU'lu Department of the Interior. Unlied lules i. und Olllco Noltb I'lulle. Nebrsska. Din tnls r 11. HW. A suniclenl contest alllduvli haliur Is'en Hied lu this ollh'u by lacob I.. Ilaidut, t'onleHiunt. UKulnst bouiesiead r.mry. .No. xi:iu made Alay zu, ins. ror h'4, Sec 12. Township N ItuhKe i . of the at Ii I'. Merulluii. In Las Nellson Conleslee. In vvhlch It Ik ulleued ibai said Las Vellson bus never eslabllshed Ids lesldeiu'e on s 'ld rct; iliatbu has abaudnueii s.ilil tract tor mole than nix uiuinhs lust past anil una lulled to cultivate or Improve, auld tract -uld narlli'H aru hereby noi tiled lo umiear. lesixjild and oiler evlibnt-e lonehlUK suhl ul- leirailonat Wo clock a. ni. mi leliruary u. luiu, ixfoto thu Itettlster and Itecelver at lie United .Slates Laud otllcu In Notth I'lalte. lirsskH. Tnu said conlo-staul havlne In n proixTatll- duvn uniisei Inrili lueis wlilcl. bliow that. alter dliu llllli; lice IkTsOIiuI service or IIIM nollce Culiliol beiuiide.lt U beieby ordetud und dlrn-ted I but Mich nut h'e lie utven lit dun mil pnii..r publication w. 11. u, OODIIDIIBT, d 17-S Keeelver. Road No 327 To All Whom It Mny Concern: Tho special commissioner appointed for tho purpose of locating a public road, Commencinc nt the t. w. corner oi Section 17, Township 10, Range 33 and running thence east on section line to the S. E. corner of Section 17-10-32 al. on sect!- n line, has reported in lnvor of the location of said road as follows: Commencing at the S. W. corner of Sec. 17, T 10, R 33 running east six m les on section line to the S. W. corner "of Sec. 17 T 10 R 32, thenco south on section line ubuut 100 tods to thu railroad righUot-wuy north of tho rack, thence southeast to Ditkens along tlio right-pf-wny and connecting thereat witn loaa no ivz, ana nu claims tor damego or objections thereto muse bo filed in tho olllco of the county clerk,' on or boforc'Tiooh of the 17th day of Feb., 1010. or such road will bo established without reference tho eto. Dated North Plutte, Neb., Det-10-09. F. H. Elliott, County Cloik. ROAD NO. 330. To nil whom it mny concern: The commissioner appointed for tho purpose of locating a public road as follow8:i Commencing at the center of section 17, township 12, range 28 and running thenco north on half mile lino to the lnid out road on half milo lino running east and west across section 8, township IX, Rnnge 28, said totid to bo 33 feet wide, has repoi ted in favor of the establishment ol said road and all claims for damage or objections there to must bo filed in the office of tho county clerk on or before noon on tho 12th day of Februatv, 1910, or such mad will he established without reference thereto. Dated North Platte, Neb., December 6, 1909. F. R. Elliott,