The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 04, 1910, Image 7

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: i
President Taft has decided to send
t.AVAVAWvVf V' k jar
cago, to Peking, to represent this country. Mr. Calhoun takes tho place left
vacant when Charles R. Crane was ousted. The new minister has filled sev
era I diplomatic posts satisfactorily to this government.
Those in Santo Domingo Said to
Rival King Solomon's.
Nearly Every Known. Mineral Is to Be
Found In Dominican Republic,
According to Consul's
Washington. Having received nu
merous Inquiries regarding mining and
minerals in tho Dominican republic,
Consul Rnlph J. Totten of Puerto
Piatt has pr.oparqd.n penernloutllno
or uio information outainauie.
Tho most Important of tho usoful
modern mlneB aro gold, Bilvor, iron
bro, copper ore, lignite, Bait and po
troluem. Gold Is tho only mineral that hau
been woriteu to any exienu iu my.
.tlmo of Columbus tho. Indians pild
trlbuto In gold and in tho year 1U05
tho records show tho following nilhea
or placer workings: La Vega, tut
Cibao, the San Cristobal ai)d tuo Hu
onaventura. A considerable quantity
of gold is at the present tlmo washed
from tho sands of tho Yaque, Verdo,
Dao, Jaina and Moa rivers and their
tributaries by tho country peoplo with
tho ino3t primitive apparatus. It Is
claimed that women often obtain two
or thrco ounces of gold per week in
this mnnnor. Lodes and gold-benrltiE
quartz aro mentioned in soino of tho
old reports, but no record can bo
found of any attempt to work those
mines scientifically. In fact, none of
tho mining men now in this country
claim to have located quartz veins
that would pay for tho working.
There aro no doubt somo gold de
posits, not only in tho river beds, but
also on tho hills, that havo never been
worked, and there Is probably consid
erable gold remulnlng in tho old work
ings that could bo saved by modern
machinery and dredges. Tho condi
tions for working aro good, thoro be
ing abundant wator and sufficient fall
for drainage In most parts of tho gold
country. A great drawback Is tho ex
tromo difficulty oncountered in get
ting machinery to the Interior, on nc
count of tho entire lack of wagon
This offlco has record of four com
panies or individuals now in this
country, in tho central or northern
portions, engaged In prospecting for
minerals or In developing prospects
previously located. Ono company Is
installing up-to-dato machinery and
dredges for thorough exploitation of
Its property. It has been compelled
to transport all machinery, tools and
supplies 3G miles on pack horses and
over roads that seem at first glance
to bo practically Impassable.
As to tho valuo of tho mineral do
posits, experts who havo looked Into
tho matter show considerable differ
ence of opinion. Don Juan Nieto y
Darlcarcel, was sent by tho Span
ish government in 1793 to study tho
mines and lodes of gold, silver, cop
por, Iron, alabaster and emeralds.
Somo of tho old partially worked
mines, ho asserts, wero of extraordi
nary richness. Ho finished his report
by saying; "I can compare this Isle
to that of Tarnish, from which Solo
mon drew tho gold which ho employed
In tho ornamentation of his tomplo,"
Mr. W. P. niako, geologist and miner
alogist, sent by tho American govern
ment in 1871, also reports tho exist
ence of considerable mineral wealth
In paying quantities. On tho other
hand, Si' A. 13. Gelko, tho well-known
English mineralogist, after making an
18 months' investigation of tho min
eral resources of tho island, report
William J. Calhoun, a lawyer of Chi
ed tliat this country, in his opinion,
wasin geological curiosity shop, con
taining scattered samples of nearly
overy- .mineral, but none in sufficient
quantities, to bo of commercial valuo.
Tho fact regains thnt no mining
proposition In th Dominican republic
of late years hps proved successful, al
though nothliig has been attemntod
with abundant capital and with mod
ern methods and machinery.
WOFWS 79 Ybfl&t0N A FARM
.Employe Believed to Hold the Reefa
lor Long Service on Hampshire,
England, Estate.
London. A presentation has been
made to Kobert Waterman, foreman
on tho ho;no farm of tho Hursloy es
tate (air, ueorgo Cooper's), Hamp
shire', on his retirement at tho age
of 70.
Ho serTCd on the Hursloy estate
ifor C2 years, hnd walked to and from
wjprk 32,000 miles and was always
Ills rJrd has been beaten by Cor
nelius M.odley, oinplpjr.ed by Wilfrid
Ashley, Rf;vP..vs, tno fyoadlands es
tate, llomsey, where he has been In
service 79 yenrs. Six others have
been on the estate for 53, 52, 50, 47
and 44 years, while thrco others havo
records extending over 43, 43 and 41
Returns After
Story Like That of the Prodigal Son
Is Revealed by Chance In New
Jersey City.
T'enton, N. J. Capt. Edward A.
Waldi bf tho mcdlcnl corps has been
re-united with ilr fnmily hero after
an absenco of 20 years, and the acci
dental meeting with his mother In a
prominent thoroughfare in Trenton
rovcnls a story llko that of tho prodi
gal son of old. It was followed by
a ro-unlon with his childhood sweet
heart, tho culmination of which will
be marriage.
Mrs. Charles P. Waldt, tho mother,
and, Miss Alma L. Alexander, the
nro to- day tho happiest
Trenton, nccordlng to tho
only 13 years old Waldt ran
away from homo. Heforo leaving ho
confided to his playmato that ho
would return somo day and marry hor.
At that tlmo Mrs, Waldt and her fam
ily resided in Erie, Pa., as did Miss
Alexander, who was adopted when a
child by Capt, Wnldt's parents.
Tho runaway boy was moro success
ful than is usual with prodigals. He
reached Chicago and got a job with
a doctor, who took n great interest in
tho hoy, sent him to a medical col
lego and paid his expenses for four
When tho Spanlsh-Amer.Ican war
broke out tho young doctor quit hos
pital work to accept an appointment
ns assistant surgeon In the United
States army and fought tho fever In
When success crowned his efforts
nnd when ho wns permitted to return
to tho states ho visited his formor
homo in Erie. He found ho know
only a few inhabitants, and also dis
covered to his dismay that his rela
tives had left the city. Deforo ho dis
covered their whoreubouts ho was or
dered to Fort. Leavenworth, Kan. '
Last week he was scut to thisS city
to examine a desertor, He was walk
B si
"V. Vaaaaw IV f
vfosen In '
which welglr
glowing with tl
lahcd in imitation jrmi
To outward annearadco
la nn nrrllnnrv 2U-BtorV resl
tho better typo on an ordinal
In nn ordinary but nreity
Tho first thin ir to attrac?
tlon is tho ynrd, which, except for a
thin strip for roses and a strip of
lawn somo ton feet wide on tho other
side, Is plastered over with cement.
In this ccmont ynrd there aro two
largo circular openings to tho soil,
which will bo utilized by shrubbery,
otherwlso tho exterior is harsh and
Onco within, however, tho eyes aro
dazzled with tho elcganco which, oven
In tho unfinished state, is everywhere
apparent. Tho doors aro of raro par
quetry design, with tho elegant "rug
finish." This design runB through llv
Ing room, dining room, hall and par
lor, though no two rooms aro floored
in tho same design.
The baseboards, door facings, etc.,
nro of curly fir, with tho grain brought
out clearly In deep red mnhogany
stain. Fino pressed beadwork adorns
all tho corners, giving a senso of rlq
ous richness. Tho walls aro
will to plaster, their sli
trastlng sharply wll
of tho wood finish
Tho sliding do;
dining room are tl
of the finest grim
this scheme has U
all the important do.
and down. Between
kitchen tho door Is n
glass, nnd transparent.
even in tho back kttchj
mously heavy Frond
so clear that ono
of their presence.
At overy tun
met by his o
retreating, or
jilan angt
Cparlrrr-rf persi
tho persons am
room nnd even ii
Upstairs sevoral
lshed in tho parquet
stained imitation of mahoi
A Manonlo design on a til
place'd in the front gablo will
peep down at tho passerby from
high nest. Thoro is a special swii
In tho attic for turning on and off tin
gablo light.
In tho basement heavy glass doors)
separate me apartments, which aro'
well finished In cement floors and
white, hard-plastered walls. Through
out the basement tho hinges, door
knobs, etc., aro of brass as good as is
usually found on front doors of or
dinary houses. Spokano Spokesman
Revlow. Many Years
ing through Stato street when ho
came fnco to faco with his mother.
Ho Instantly recognized her, and a
street sceno tho llko of which has
nover been witnessed hero followed
his greeting of "Mother, don't you
know me?"
It wasn't forty-eight hours after
ward when Miss Alexander, who was
still living with his parents, consented
to becomo his bride. Waldt Intends
to continuo in Undo Sam's Bcrvlce.
Four Specimens Standing 5 Feet 4
Inches at Shoulder Are Found
After Great Difficulty.
Liverpool. Tho four largest cowb Jin
Great Britain havo left Liverpool for
Calcutta In tho Bteamshlp Historian,
consigned to nn Indian maharajah.
who ordered them moro than a year
ago from Messrs. Koymor, his London
When tho order was given It was
directed that tho cowb must stand 5
feet 4 InchoB at the shouldor and
mensuro 14 foot from tho tip or tho
noso to tho end of tho bony part of
tho tall. Animals of this great sizo
aro not easily found, nnd it has taken
tho agents) just 10 months to get to
gether four cows of tho requisite
A campaign of advertisements lnBt
lng several months was first tried, but
without muccobs, many farmers declar
ing that it would ho Impossible to ful
fill tho order. Inquiries mado In Italy
ntiil Rwff vnrlntifl wnrn fpiilMnn rm.
cows wero ovcnutally obtained In tho
Midlands and Yorkshire They nro all
Bhorthoruii. "Ono of them Is exactly
tue b;?o roqulred and tho others np
proach It within an inch.
' They loft for It-din stalled in spoclal
ly mado boxes. The ldontlty of tho
mnharajah who has ordered thom has
, not been mado known,
"A hi
then in J
with thl
over hq
she ro
pert oi
ho's cl
,1-by is
id tha
Ing doing.
both cases
peoplo prayed
who wore acT
to that form of weapon. According
thoro Is a strong suggestion that
prayor, llko tho tariff, is a local Issuo.
Wtxvn or Ohio ctrr or Totsoo, t
Fiunk 1. Cukniy mikea oath that tw M xatM
partner ot tha firm ot 1". J. Cui.iit St CO.. doing
builnu In tha City ot Toldo. County and BUM
atornald. and that aatd Drm will pay the aum o!
ONE HUNDItED DOLLA'KS for rach and tvery
eaaa ot Catarrh that cannot ! cuted by tha um ol
fttrorn to before me and lubicrlbtd In my nranne.
this Mb day of Decembtr, A. D.. IBM.
i i A. W. OXEASON.
I 1 1 NOTAM rcSUC.'n oiarrh Cura la taken Internally and acta
Urrctly upon the blood and mueoua aurfacaa ot Um
cyitcm. Head tor teitlmonlata. free.
Sold by all IlrutitUti. 75c.
Tako llall'a family l'Ula for coDJtlpaUon.
A Remnant of tho Dark.
A colored man died without modi
leal nttendnnco, and tho coroner wont
to Investigate.
"Did Samuel Williams llvo here?"
ho asked tho weeping woman who
opened the door.
"Yassuh," she rcpliod between Bobs.
"I want to boo tho remains."
"I is do remains," sho answered,
proudly. Everybody's Magazine.
Just Like Him.
Howell Do you think that Dr. How
ell will mako much of a record In tho
Powoll Suro; tho first thing ho
will try to do will bo to perform an
operation on tho foot of tho calendar.
Dr.rieres'aripaKint Pellets rrsralato and Inilir
orato aUininch. liver nnd bowcla. Hugar-coatod,
tloy granules, easy to take at candy,
A godd guosser always boasts of
his Intuition.
aiaiaiam il I I I I I IN I I HI SSMSiaaM
No fuss no flurry no smell and, abovo all, no smoke. The
Automatic Smokeless Device
which automatically locks absolutely prevents smoke. Removed in an instant.
Solid brass font holds 4 quarts of oil sufficient to give out a glowing heat
for 9 hours solid brass wick carriers damper top cool handle oil indicator.
Heater beautifully finished in nickel or Japan in a variety of styles. : 5
Hvtry Dealer Everywhere. If Not At Yotir, Write for Descriptive Circular
to the Nearest Agency ol the
Gas Roasted Coffee
The most popular coffee in the West comes
from the biggest wholesale grocery in the West.
Twenty-five years of coffee roasting and blending insures
you that Paxton's Gas Roasted Coffee is always going to
give you the same flavor and delight that the first cup docs.
2 lb. air-tight scaled cans at 25c per pound.
Your Grocer Has It
Brought To You
When your bed-room, bath-room
or dining room is chilly, you may
have heat brought to you in just the
degree you desire. It is easy when
you have a
Oil Heater
(Equipped with Smokeless Device))
available. Place the heater where tho
cold is most annoying, strike a match.