SeniiiWfiekly Tribune Ira- L. Bare, Editor and Publisher. 1 ' dfJhOKIPTIUN KaTKMi Odd Year, cub In advance II. Months, cub In advance ............ 66ct RnUred at North IMatte, Nebraska, PoitoOlc . as second class matter. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1909. Nebraska Banks Unrivaled. The recent bankfullures In Oklahoma and the Bcandals growing out of the back door connection between the state government there and the fulled con cerns, causes the people of Nebraska, where the supreme court recently sot aside a Nebraska bank guaranty law, to consider the conditions of Nebraska banks. Secretary Itoyco of the Nebraska State Banking bord saB: "There has been no bank failure in Nebraska this year and only one failure since 1901." The deposits have increased in tho Nabrnska banks $8,000,000 during tho last jcar, and notwithstanding the strong detvnnd for loans on account of the bad roads that have hindered tho delivery of crops, th. banks now have aboutdoublc the legal reserve on hand. Thirty-four new banks have been started wi&in the last year, and the secretary Congratulates the bankers of the state and the depositors on the good showing of the banking business. Whatever may be said for c against tho bank deposit guaranty proposition, tho Nebraska depositors certainly have no reason to complain of the banking situation in Nebraska. Sioux City Tribune. Big Postal Deficit. Confronted with a deficit of $17,470, 770, the present administration of the post office department began its opcr ations. This was tho largest defi cit in the history of the postal service. So long as the deficit in tho department aggregated only a few millions of dol lars annually, little attention waB paid to it, but when, in the last few years, it leaped to upward of $10,000,000 and fir. ally in 1908 exceeded $17,000,000, "or dinary business prudence suggested that tho cause bo definitely located." These are statements in tho annual report of Postmaster General Frank II. Hitchcock, made public Monday. Con corning tho results of inquiries into the deficit the postmaster general says: "Recent investigations have shown that tho two great sources of loss to tho postal revenues are second-class mail matter and rural delivery. "The loss on second class mail matter has been increasing for many years, until it now amounts to $04,000,000. "The loss from rural delivery, a ser vico Begun hardly a dozen years ago and of unprecedented growth, reached as high as $28,000,000. "In these two items alono tho postal scrvico now suffers an annual loss of more than the entire deficit of the latt fiscal year. Wheat And The World. Mr. James J. Hill continues his warnings nnd exhortations, the latest, uttered at tho National Corn exposition at Omaha, being to tho effect that wi shall beforo long have to import wheat if we do not increnso the productive ness of our farms. Coals to Newcastle would on tho face ofit seems to bo rea- Bonablo trado compared with shipping wheat to the greatest wheat growing land on earth. Yet tho essential facts S are not all on tho surface. To those i1 who look deeply into tho matter there is seen to bo only too much cause for Mr. Hill's warnings, for tho fact is that tho United Stutcs is steadily de dining In its production of wheat in proportion to its own population and is very rapidly declining in proportion to tho product of other countries. Tho United States has the unenvia bio prominenco of being tho only great wheat country excepting Argentina where conditions nro so uitlerent ns not to bo rightly comparable tho pop uiation oi wiiicn is increasing more rapidly than tho production, of wheat In tho twenty-five years from 1881 to 1900 tho thirteen wheat growing coun tries of Europe increased, in popula tion.26 per cent and in production of wheat 28 per cent. As for Canada and Australia, their population increased 61 por cent and their wheat yield 120 per cent. 'But in tho same period the United States and Argentina grow in population 68 per cent, but in wheat production only CO per cent. In Argon Una tho ot, population has been mora largely through immigration than in the. United States, and the difference between it and' thq growth In wheat production is loss-significant. But1' hero it should be qulto obvious that If tho population continues to in crcrtBo considerably faster than tho growth of wheat it is only a question ' of1 time when tho wheat crop will be ..insufficient to feed the people At tho present time the United States produces about one fifth of tho world's wheat crop and is probably stil tiw clilef' whoftt country, though la some years Russia has surpassed it. But Argentina now produces one-fourth as much and Canada one-sixth as much, while Australia's crop is at Wast onc Beventh as large as ours. The propor tionate exports of Homo of these coun tries are far greater than ours. In some years Argcntlnn has actually exported more wheat, not only proportionately, but absolutely, than the United States. As for tho outlook for future growth we have already pointed out that if all tho available and highly fertile wheat and of Canada were cultivated and produced at the samo nvorago rate as the present wheat farms of that coun try they wouiu do ample to supply tno whole world. I Now, the most important point in Mr. Hill's address was the reminder tnat our decline as a wneat growing country is duo to our failure to get as great a yield from the aero as our rivals get. Russia alono ranks below us, with less than 10 bushels; but sure- wo do not wish to bo compared with a land in which agriculture Is in so primitive n state. Our own yield Is less than fourteen bushels, whllo Aus- tra-Hungary's is ne.trly eighteen, Franco's ia nearly twenty, Germany's Is twenty-eight nnd Great Britain's is no less than thirty-two. Mr. Hill con tends, with reason, that wo ought to improvo our methods of farming so as to incrcaso materially our average yield. It ought to be possiblo for us to in crease our . average to, say, twenty bushels, or about the same as that of Canada and Franco. Certninly we should not lag behind either in scientif ic knowlcdgo of soils and tho treat ment of them, and it would be a sad oproach to us to bo their inferior in enterprise and thrift. The vastucss of our western wheat fields has too much blinded us to the need of maintaining and Increasing their virgin fertility. It has been a great thing to measure wheat farms not by the acre, but by tho square mile, but it is tho size of the crop rother than tho size of the field that counts. New York Tribune. Entertainment Tonight. Miss Alton's pupils will givo a double number ar Keith Theatre Tuesday even ng, Jan. 28th. At eight o'clock the curtain will rise for the beautiful little play arranged by Miss Allen, "When Dolls Come Alive." Following this nine young ladies will present "Pyg malion nnd Galatea," by W. S. Gilbert and made famous by Mary Anderson, a mythological play founded on the old Grco story in which Pygmalion, tho sculptur, falls in love with his own creation, the statue of a beautiful wo man. In tho nbsenco of his wife he prnys that the statuo may como to lifo. His prayer is answered, tho wife re turns nnd of courso t oublo ensues. The play is a comedy through-out but dis tinguished by the refined influence. Resorved Boats .15 cents. R. G, Dun & Co'8 weekly roview says trade, on tho whole, has been very satisfactory, , especially in the west, whero some of tho cities report a retail distribution in excess of all provious years. The cooler weather has cont lb- utcd to mora wholesome trade condi tions in several lines. The general business situation thorcforo, presents a somewhat mixed appearance, though there is no fundamental change in con ditions, the outlook being in tho main, exceedingly bright. WHAT THE KIDNEYS DO. Their Unceasing Work Keeps us Strong and Healthy. All the blood in the boay passes through the kidneys onco ovory three minutes, Tho kidneys filter tho blood. They work night nnd day. When healthy they remove about 600 grains of impure matter daily, when un healthy somo part of this impuro mat- tor is loft in tho blood. This brings on many diseases and. symptoms pain in tho back, headache, nervousness, hot. dry skin, rheumatism, gout, gravel, disorders of tho eyesight and hearing, d.zziness, irregular heart, debility, drowsiness, dronsv. ilnnnqlfn In th urino, otc. But if you keop the filters rlohtvm. will hnvn iJw. J.h right you will havo no trouble with your kidnoyB. Mrs. A. G. Wessborg, North Platte, Neb., siys: "During tho past four years I was a torriblo 'sufferer from kidney disoaso and backacho and A 1- ma d)Qtors said I had tt floatlnpr kidnov. I u.iu ouii.u uujrn tuuiuuui, oimm an tnis account, ino Kiunoy Bocreuons wore frequent in passago and containod a heavy sediment, like brick dust. 1 was advised to havo an operation performed but I would not consent. I then learned of Doan'a Kldnoy Pills and got. a box. t ..i .1 t u-' HUB"q u,0,r- XI... ! t 1 . uju ura.imuB uucunjo iobu.'b yqro ana, pqratlon Is at any time to i.ubjcct it tho swelling in my right kldnoy. dUap., self, shall not-excertl the sub of. $200. pearod and within six woek3Lwaa com- pletely cured: Since thao V toil no symptoms of a rttum of tho troublo. I am giad to givo Doan'B Kid- ney Pills my" recommendation." For salo by nil dealors. Prlco 50 , cents. Foster-Milburn Co,, Buffalo, New York, solo agents for tho United States. . Rememboc tho naraor-Dounfa' and. tuko 00 uUion ... For Sale Tho Hall farm of 733 acres, within two miles af North Plnttc. All good alfalfa, farm and hay land, well watered with a spring creek and the Platte river. Good farm improvements. Three nice groves, all fenced and cross - fenced. Will sell half cash, balance on easv terms. For price and terms call on ili. rl. EVANS, Atty., Keith Theatre, North Platte. Neb Hunting Prohibited. Notice is hereby given by tho under- signed land owners nnd lessos of land in nan rrccinct. tnat no minting in hereby prcmittcd on the land owned or jeagcj U8( nru nny p(,r80n fouruj thereon will be prosecuted under the law relating thereto. rLmitemath ' G. W. L'omr & Sons Frank Steel ueo. snanKa Fred Malono Blankenburg Bros, Charlie Robinson Frank Ebele. Geo. T. Patterson Loren Purdy DR. ELMS, General Practice of Medicine, Surgery Together with his Specialty, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Your Glasses Carefully Fitted. Office and residence 413 East Fifth St., on ground noor, no stairs to climb. Phono 559. North Platte, - - Nebraska. W. A. Howard, EXPERT PIANO TUNER AND REPAIRER All work jru.iraiiteed. Bfst of references. Country orderr receive prompt attention. Residence 6j2 west Fifth St.. North Platte. Phone 627 Pletse leave orders at New ton's Book Store, phone 261 GO TO P. M. SORENSON FOR Furniture Repairing AND CABINET WORK. Also Woodturning. WINDOW SCREENS .... A Specialty. Shop 107 East Fifth. ORPRROP 11 RAM NO ON PETITION KOK AiTuiin ur aiiaii.niuua. tor. Htatoof NubrusWa. Lincoln County. us. in inuumiiiiy uourt Ucccmhoi sih, iwm. In 1I10 innlliT of I lie (ml ale of ,'olin U Ilyu fur. thfOaited. On reading unit lllltiiMlm neilt. loiiof .IosciiIiJ Miuifcr iiml Uimrlen Ilun fcr iirut I iik' ihai the nilmlnliirulim of hhIo o.itnto mny i irutmd 10 Henry O. Hunfor u KiiniiiiMirnior. Ord. red. That. January lth IW, at oMoel, i. m . Im)b.sI)iiimI lorlii'urlnKMuiii i ilium, wiit'ii an ivrMiii inteie-i'Ml 111 aaio matter may aiiearui u county court, to b In lil In nnd furaald coii'iiy. 11ml hlnny why 1 ln prayer of iiuilllom-r not b- Kianled. Thl-order 10 Ixi published for kI Niicceti.iivb issues prior to .Inimary I81I1. 1911 mine win 11 111 t rwni-woekiy Tribune, leiral imwtiaier published In nhkI chiiiii.v. li " W n Ft 11.11. IVtumr .InilifM NOTICE. Notice is horeby given that on the I3th day of November. 1900, Thomas Rowley, Frank England, Herman Wendeborn, Fritz L. Weinburtr and Gus F. Meyer, associated themselves together as a body corporate, under the name and style of the "Farmtr's Inde pendent Telephone Company." The principal place of transacting tho busi ness of said company shall be at the Bchool house in School District No. 122, located on the Southeast 1 or Section 8. Township 13, North, of Ranj.e 31, West in Lincoln County, Nebraska. The genera) nature of the business to be transacted shall bo to construct, own, operate and maintain 0 main tele phone lino in Lincoln County, Nebraska, extending from Section 2, in Township 11, Range 33, in Lincoln County, Ne- &urnV 10 U)QitYty, ,01 ?on, PTev! 1 "i.. '. . d ahch linns unu extensions 01 uio main line. nnd for such purposes may own, lease purcnaso, sen ana convey such rea estate as may bo necessary or incident to tho profitable and proper conducting 01 enia dus ness. ana to do nnd nnr. I J.- 1, 1 1 . . I . I lunn bucii umur ucis unu miners ns may be incident apd necessity to the thorized is $2000.00, divided into 40 snares or s&o each, of wh'.ch ennitnl atock, not less than 14 shares shall be TxJiXn paid up at tho timo of subsciibing. Tht data nf tho commencement of snlrl rnr. The poratlon shall bo the 1st day of Decern ber. 1009. The h hr host amount nf In, 6Vtotnoor llnW lty to which tho cor, uuureuiiuonui llliuilliy lu W ..T".0.n''nlrS iMul. corpora tjon.ure to C ffi v dent, secretary and treasurer, together with such other subordidnte agents nnd servants as other ofllcers mty appoint Ullll IIIIU. Signed November 13th, 1903. Thomas Rowley, Frank Enolvno, Herman Weiideuorn, Fritz L. Wienraro. SOLID COMFORT in our fivo cent cigar for those who wish to enjoy a smoke that will give pleasure and gratification at low cost. Our fine brands of cigars arc the acme of fine flavor and quality. J F SCHNALZRIEn. Santa Claus is on the Road, and will arrive in North Platte ''the night before Christmas." What will papa or tho "boys" need as much as a new harness, a handsome driving whip or lap robe, or a blanket for an Xmns gift? Our Christmas stock is ready for your inspection, and you enn choose somo beauties irom it at f ink's. A. F FINK'S Phone 268 FOR ALL KINDS OF Flour, feed, Grain nr Hay Having recently purchased the B. A. Wilson feed store nt the corner of Sixth and Locust Sts. I respectfully invito a share of the patronage of the public. Prompt delivery. J, R. RITNER. You Needn't Mind the Storm even If you have cans to ma e or be done. Call un this livery stable and order a c rriaco to help you fullflll your duty. Then you can call or shop u loner as vou want in both comfort nd yle. You como back un tired and with dry shoes and skirts. W 11 worth our mo ernte charge for ihecarnago isn't it? A. M. Lock. Why not Get a Home Cheap now in the . . . Great Fruit Belt nf Colorado undf-r the Gunni son tunnel irrigation system? No failures, annually $200 upwards. Crops yield per acre and Write us for particulars, Delta Fruit Land Co., 402 Ideal Bldg-., Denver, Col. Notice for Publication. Herlal NaOW'8."" Pepartnient of Uie'Intffrlnr.. U. B. Land Olllcu at Nnrill PUtle. Neh. , 1 Ih fuller. ISlh. Wtf. -Votlcols hereby Iflvni thlil Da Mid W. Kim kel, or North Plane, Neb, who ui Febrtnirr I fi li. IIX). made Homestead Entry No. IUViO, Heilal Nti tilww, for west hair southwest ijunrler, souihwest inuirier nor' iwet uuar iit anil lot 4, M-cih.n t towiish p H. north, range HI. west 01 Hie Hth princlpid meridian, hast tiled uni'i of Intention to make llnal live ear phxif, to establish .'.aim to the land above descrllHid, before Mm resistor and ris-elver M North Platte. Nebraska, on II.elMh day of l ei urary, IHO Claimant names a wline-eest Frank Powurs anil Grant Tibbie, hot 1 of North Piaite, Neb. and John PnlU and P, II. Ilur taooil ItuiUuItiuaiwiaet, Nh. . . . For Sale or Trade. High Grade Pcrchon Stallion 4 years old weight 1800. Address Luccy Bros. ftlerna Neb. N .TICK OKHETtLEMKNT. TI10 Slate of Nelirnskn, Lincoln County, s.s. in me uounty uourt. In tho matter nf tho eit&to of Ktmui Funkliouser. (Ircrtscd. To tliecre(lllor,lilrs and others lntcrcitot In tlntriiuio ot Hatnucl Kunkliou-pr. Tako nutL'c. that William K. Kunkhoiuer administrator, has filed In the county coutt a report of his tlolnirs as administrator cf aald calat and ll Is ordered that, tin namo atanJ fur hearing Hie 13th day vf January. A. I) IVIU, betoro the couit at thoiiourorB o'clock, a. m., at which tlms any tiercon Iniorestcd may apii'ar andrxcrct 10 and content Hie name. And notice nf this firtieecdlnif Is ordered elveii by puhllcallo 1 n I he North l'latie Hi ml-Wi ekley Trlliuna fiirmven aucccaslvu Issues prior to .tanuarr 101 II. IHIU 11 ness my hand and tho seal of the coun- I) rou r 1 ai North Platte ihls I81I1 day cf ucfiuiiier A 11. hot. d-'i- W O. ELDEH County Judge. 1'ltOIIATE MITICK. Ill till mlilll'l til lliri ..Mlfetn nf Mft( England. Jeceasod. in tin- laninu iiourt of Lincoln county. N iraska. Deccmhvr lNth, m. Notice ha herein iflven. that the creditors! f aald demaicd will meet the Executor of said estate. Iniforo the County Judge it llicoin county. INelirn&ka. at Hip couiitr court riHim In said county, on the 17th day 1 1 January. niu, unu on uioi-in uay or juij", MV. at V o'clock a. m. ench dav. for ihe imi- lnwe of presenting tliclrclalrm for ex a mill a ilun. adjUNtmeut and allowance. Six nionlln are allowed for credllorn lo tiresent their 'lalnis and 0110 year for the Executor tt) ettle ald eNtaln frum the fttli iliiv nf Nnveir- lier. IW'. ThlH notice to be tmlillshiKl In the Norlli 1'lalle s mi-week v Tr hunt fnre att -uuueislru Issues prior ui.lnuuar 17th, ivic. . W U r.l.l'r.", ,q-9 County .lu gr. 8orlal No. (mi NOTICE KOK IMIIJL1UATION. Itepartuieiil of the Interior. (J 6. Laud Ulllce at Nnrih I'latte. Nel . ... . Ih'Cfith. nwn Notice Is hernlir itIvhii thni Wllllntn II Tnrnlo of North l'latle. Nob., who 011 .lulr Hi. IUW. made Homestead Entry No. Z03I t. Serial No. (JUKI, for norih half hiiiiiIiwhi t uuu-ier norm nair noruietim quarter am lortliwesl Quarter, section XS. uiwnsh In IS mirth, range ill west of the slxfi prlnclpi.l ineriuian. has nied notice of Intention 10 iiiaKU uuai live year proor. to estahllHli claim 10 lliu laiid above dexcrllx-d. lieforn He Keglster and Kecelver at North IMatte. Ni rtraska. on the 8th dav of Jannarv. IUIO. uiaimani uames as wuiieKN- s; uan liroeoe', Hugh Hotwer. John 8charmann and Curt s iiiuman, an 01 nortu 1'iaiie. tiuD. U " IK. KVANM, HPtTlKlffl LEGAL NOTICE. The unknown heir nf Inl.n llartt.n rl. ceased will taku notice, that on the IB1I1 day 01 oiiue, nw. isauu imiioii. piainmr. Herein til. U his petition In ilin District, court "f Lli -colli County, Nebraska, against the unknown heirs ot .101111 Hainan, deceased, the object mid prayer of which said petition aro tociuh 1 lib title ol the ululutlll In and to Hih north i of the northwest H and the southwest "n of lie nurtiiwesl H 01 section 14, township II, north or range al. west of the 0th P. M.. In Lincoln county. Nebraska, and thai, the de cree rendered In said action, be of the sane lorce riiu eirect auu taKu the pluco of a ce -1 alii deed of conveyance from the said John Hurdun. deceased, to K. 11. Lunirley. of sain lands and which ald deed has been lost and destrojed and has not been placed on rccoid 111 the records of the County Clerk of Lincoln County. Nebraska. You are rea u I red to answer said net It Ion on or ueiore ine win a ay 01 January, iwiu. uaicu uecemueruiu, itv. Isaac Piltx)h. Ry W llcnx Ilallhran. Ill- mi. irony OKI) KOl-'lIEAUING ON PETITION lllf I'ENSINU WITH UKOULAH AUMINIH- THATIOM Hiatoof Nebraska. Lincoln County, ss. In the county court November Sind lew. lu the matter of the estate ot Jamis II. IScckwIlh. deceased Oil reading and tiling tho petition of.IamiH 11. uieirr. praying mat tno regular aumluki trullon of suld estate b dispensed with is i.fivldid In sectloi.s bM. 10 &.U6, Code if ltW7. Uidered. That Docrmlior llth. I8(X1. at 9 o clock a. ra.. Is assigned for hearing said pennon, wnen ail persons interesleU lu salu matter may appear at a county court to te In Id In and for said county, and show came why the prajer ot tho petitioner should ni-t ls irranled. This order to Ihi nnlillslied In he North Platte Tribune for six successive ssues prior to Uecemher nth, ivv, osSKI V. o 1 our.ty Judge. CONTEST NOTICE. Serial No. Wl3 II. E.ZI2IU Dcpartmentof the Interior. United Slates Land Ufflco North Platle, Nebraska, DecemUir II. 1109. A sufllclent contest aflldavll having befti II led In this ollho by .lacob L. llatdeli, eoiilesiaut, auuhiBt houieslcad Emr: , No, SUlu made May 20, im. for SEit, Sec 12. Township li, N ItangeSl V. of tho ttth P. Meridian, by Las Nellsou Coin est ee. In which ll Is alleged that said Las N'ellscn has never established his residence 011 x!d iractt ihuthu has abandoned said tract fi r more 1 hail six mom lis last past and his iniieu to cultivate or improvo said trait paiu parties are hereby noillled to appeal, respond and otTer evidence touchlnu said a - lecatlon at 1U o'clock a. m. on I.Vhriuirr it mm. befoio tho Ueglsler and Kecelver at ll e United States Laud olllcu hi North Piatt 1, ,enrHSKa. Tho said contostautliKvltig. Inanronerafl davn llleil set tori ll facia which show tin i after due diligence persona) service of th h notice cannot Is hereby ordered and directed that such notice he given by dun riio proper puuucaiion . , . W. II. C. WOODHOHBT, n 17-ft Kecelver- Road No 327 To All Whom It May Concern: The special commissioner appointel tor uio purpose 01 locating a publt road, Commencing at the S. W. corner of Section 17, Township 10, Range 33 am running thence cost on section line t tho S. E. comer of Section 17-10-32 al. on section line, has reported in favor of the location of said roan as follows: Commencing at the S. W. corner ot Sec. 17, T 10, R 33 running east si:: m les on section line to tho S. W. corner of Koc. 17 T 10 R 32, thenci south on section line about 100 rods to the railroad right-of-way north of th ) track, thence southeast to Dickens along the right-of-way and connecting thereat with road no 102, and all claim for damego or objections thereto must bo filed In the office of tho count' clerk, on or beforo noon of tho 17th day of Feb., 19101 or such road will bo established without reference thereto, Dated North Platte, Neb., Dec-10-09. F. R. Elliott, County Clork. ROAD NO. 330. To all whom it may concern: Tho commissioner appointed for tlm purpose of locating n public rond ai follows: Commencing at the center of section 17, township 12, range 28 and ninnini' thence north on half mile Unit' to the laid out road on half milo Unu running oast and West across section 8. town8hip-TJ, 'Range 28, said -rond to -be .3J reotwlde, has reported in favor o' ''tho establishment of said road and al' nlntmo lnmn.t u . 1. ! a.1 1 1 1 uuiiim mi uiiiiiHKu ui uujucuons tnero to must be filed in tho office of tin ' county clerk on or before noon on th 12th day of February, 1910, or such roat will bo established without reference thoreto. Dated North Platte, Neb., December 6, 1909, F. R, Elliott, Special Sale I will have a full line of new Harness, 5-A Blankets, Sad dles, Riding Bridles, Robes, Whips, Etc., on which there will be a special sale dur ing the holidays. . . . Premus Forstedt, Blankenburg's old stand. PROFESSIONAL CARDS I S. TWINEM J. Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Office; McDonald Bank HuiHIny. Phono 183. A J. Ames, M. I), Marie Ames, I. !) DOCTORS AMES & AMES. Physicians and Surgeons. Office: Over Stone Drug Co. Phones: Office 273. Renidtnce 273 GEO. B. DENT, Physician and Surpnon. Office: Over McDonald Bank. D R. L. C. DROST. Osteopathic Physician, Rooms 7 and 8. McDonald State Bank Building, Phono U8. WILCOX & HALMflAN, Office over Scha'- Clothin? Store. Phone 8 r r PATTERSON. Atorney-at-Law, Office: Cor. Front & Dew Q Notice, to Bidders. Sealed hid.q will hn rnnolvnrl nf thn office of thn onnntv Mnrlr if I Innnln County, Nebraska, on or before De- tuoiuur 01, ivvj, ior recoras, DianKO and supplies estimated as follows: Class A books. 4-8 qr. plain records. 4-8 qr. printed page records. 4-tax list 1-8 qr., 1-G qr., 1-4 qr. and 1-3 qr. All records to be made of tho best linen ledger paper, patent backs, full bound, extra ends, bands and fronts. 6,000 tax receipts in duplicate or 6.000 tax receipts in triplicate. 1 dozen chattlo files of 200 each 42 assessor's books, ledger paper, cloth bound per book. 8,000 assessor's schedules (linen paper). Poll books for 42 precincts (general election). Poll books for 42 precincts (primary election). Class B. Whole sheet blanks per 100. Half sheet blanks per 100. Quarter sheet blanks per 100. Class C. Sanford's, Carter's or Stafford writing fluid per qyp.rt. Spcncerian. Glucinum or Talla pens per gross. Vanadium or Falcon pens per gross. Perfection pencils or equal, rubber tips, por gross. All of said supplies to be first class and to be furnished as requested by the county officers. Successful bidder to furnish bond to bo approved by tho county board. Each bidder to havo printed on the envelope, "Bids for printing." The commissioners of said county re serve the right to reject any or all bids. Dated North Platte, Neb., Nov. 26, 1909. F. R. Elliott, County Clerk. In the county court of Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska. Order of hearing on probate of for eign will and codicil thereto. The state of Nebraska, Lincoln Coun. ty, ss: To the legatees, devisees, heirs and all pei sons interested. In the matter of the estate of Samuel E. Belcher, de coated. On reading and filing the petition of Louis Belcher praying that the instru ments filed in this court on the 18th day of December, 1909, and purporting to bo full, true and duly authenticated copies of the last will and testament and codicil thereto of the said deceased, aa proved, approved, probated, allow d and ra :orded in the probate court in tho District of Bridgeport; and" Sfa'to of Connecticut, muy be proved, ap proved, probated, allowed and entered of recoid in this county as the last will and testament and codicil thereto of suid deceased, and that the execution of said instruments may bo committed and tho administration of said estate may bo granted to Louis Belcher of N.ewtonville, Mass., and. Maud Belcher qi-deiexT-hat-danuary 13th, 1910, at rK-P m,-la signed, far hearing said petition when all persons interestetl lit wild matter may appear at a session of the county court, to bo held in and for said county, and show caus. why the prayer of tho petitioner should not bo granted. And notico of thisproceedinc Is ordered published in the North Platte Semi-Weekly Tribune, a legal news paper published m said county -for seven successive Issues of said newspaper prior to January 13th, 1910. Witness my hand and seal of said court.