Jt Thank You . . For your kind patronage during the past year, and we assure you our best efforts to merit a continu ance of your valued favors in the future. We wish you a Happy New Year. DIXON. The Jeweler. DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist. Offic over the McDonald State Bunk. Miss Ejthor Anton!do3j a teacher it) the Lexington schools, is visiting her parents in town. Mrs. Bert Kelly, of Rawlins, Wyo is a guest at tho Lowe residence whila enroute home from Hudson, wis. John Russell, who had been workinz as switchman in the local yards, lei t this morning for Denver, wnoro as will aooept ewploywoat. Special price c SA rebefe sad blanketa from now until jan 1st. m mus Forstedt, Blankenburg's old stanc The Catholic ladies will serve a ten cjnt lunch at tho Hahler residence tu marrow afternoon, and from six 1o eight will servo a twenty-five cent sup per. Tho public is cordially invited. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Hoffhine cnire dawn from Cheyenne Friday to spend Christmas with relatives. Mr, Hoffhir.e returned Sunday night while Mia. HoC' hta Hl tornhi tmtn Tuuw'. From December 27th to January 9th we will give you a discount of one-fifth from the regular price of every article carried in our Dry Goods, Cloaks, Suits, Notions, Gents' Furnishing and Shoe Stocks. These goods will be sold to you at regular price and one-fifth deducted from your bill. During this sale we will not open any new goods in these departments, so it will pay you to come early before the assortments are broken. Wilcox Department Store. NORTH PLATTE. NEB. B. P. Parker, of Rawlins, Wyo., has been visiting friends in town for sev eral days. Engineer Morris, who had hia leg in jured at Kearney, has reported for ser vice. Tho Methodist aid socioty will meet Thursday afternoon with Mrs. D. W. Bcsack on east Fifth street. Manager Baker, of the C. F. Iddings Co., has returned from his visit under the parental roof at Omaha. Asst. Supt. Cahill, of the NebrasVn division, came up from Omnha la3t evening and is spending today in town. Mrs. Lilly Jackson left Sunday for her home in LaGrande, Oregon. She nub accompanied by her sister, Miss Hazel Huntington. The Baptist aid society will meet Fhursday afternoon with Mrs. Norman Louden, 820 South Chestnut street. As chore will be an election officers, all members aro urged to be present. The attraction at the Keith this even ing will be tne entertainment by tho pupils of Miss Allen. Two plays will be presented, for each of which tho children have been well trained. Geo. H. Hughes, if Garfield, brought lis daughter Irma to this city last week .0 receivo treatment for a threatened ittack of appendicitis. The patient cems to be improving under treatment by Dr. Drost. For Sale or Trade A bankrupt stock jf clothing. For particulars inquiie ol P. Dorjjin, at Ritncr boarding house. A midnight service will bo held at the Episcopal chnrch Friday night. The attendants will gather at tho rectony for a social hour and then pro ceed to the church where tho custo mary service will be held, Members of the Harmony card club were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Juliu3 I'jzor last evening ana tney were royal ly entertained. Tho customary game of high five was tho entertaining feat ure and pleasantly did tho evening pass. Adefhsito move is being wadoby Owaha par tie to open a wholesale grocery bouse la North Flatto, two men having agreed to put $50,000 into tho concern. It is probable that a wholesale grocery house will bo fol- bwed by a wholesale hardware house. Ed Robinson, brakeman on the branch, had tho misfortune yesterday to fall from an engine at O'Fallon and klip a knee cap. He was on tho engine and in attempting to get off to throw a a a itch missed hia footing and fell about five feet, landing on his Twees. Ho was brought to town last evening and placed unwr ora cud ox lm. mcuw. One-Fifth Sheriffs Will Come Tomorrow. Those conservators of peace and all around good fellows, the sheriffs of the Btate of Nebraska or at least a num ber of them will be tho guests of the city of North Platte tomorrow, that being the date of the state convention. These gentlemen will arrive tonight and tomorrow morning and during the forenoon a social session will bo held at the court house with an address of wol come by Mayor Patterson and a re sponse by tho president of tho state sheriffs' association. The visitors will then bo given if tho weather permits a drive around the city and to the Cody ranch. In the afternoon a business will be held at tho court room, the evening a banquet will be the dining room of the Vienna session nnd in held in restau- rant. During the day the Commercial Club rooms will be open to the visitors and they wiil be made welcome to those quarters. Whether the sheriffs will remain over Thursday depends npon the amount of business on hand to transact. Chrittmas at the Nichols School. Christmas was celebrated in the Nichols schools Friday afternoon, Dei . 24th. In the primary and intermedial. department tho walls were decorated with many pretty Christmas ornaments, the busy work of littlo hands. A wil low from the brook blossomed forth with sweets and presents for eager young Americans. Tho children gave appropriate recita tions, In tho Grammer and high school department the usual mottoes retold the glad tidings, landscapo drawings and a fine collection of original colored paintings by Miss Ethel Clemens beau tified tho walls. A most protcntlous cottonwood with long slender branches, suggestive of breeze and bird nnd summer song, be decked with rose and green from paper land, peeping throueh meshes of pop corn, bearing gifts for all, gladdened the hoart and cheered tho wintry day. The program consisted of original outlincn by tho pupils, portraying tho advent and Ufo of Christ, and Btorios based oo events coramomdrating tho holy time interspersed with songs nnd notations, A rousing dialogue, "The Cow Boys' Christmas" was rendered in a manner very creditable to the youthful actors. An original song 'Christmas Bell3" composed by the tjachor, was sung by tho pupils. After which Mr. Sullivan, one of tho school officers, gave a very hnIpful and interesting talk which was mo3t encouraging to. the toachoru and in Upknsp; to tki puptta. Mrs. M. E. Crosby left Sunday for n visit with her parents at Davenport, Neb. Tho Episcopal Guild will hold a social nt tho homo of Mrs. F. W. Rinckor Thursday afternoon. For Sale Cheap Horse, buggy and harness. Inquire at the Ritner board ing house. Engineer Wood White has been con fined to the houso for a week past with a very severe attack of quinsy. Ho is now reported to bo improving. Weather forecast: Partly cloudy to night and tomorrow. Colder. Maximum temperature yesterday 35, a year ago 48; minimum this morning 26, a year ago 24. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Murphy returned this morning from Ashland, Neb., where they Bpent Christmas with Mrs. i Murphy's brother. They also spent a J day in Omaha. Tho board of directors of tho Her shcy alfalfa meal mill met in this city last night and put up tho necessary funds to meet all the obligations. In jrder to do this they wore compelled to also nssumo part of the indebtedness of the Mitchell mill and will finance and complete the latter concern. The machinery for tho mill at Hershey is now on track at tnat place, will be unloaded tomorrow and the work of installing it will begin nt once. The machinery for the Mitchell mill is en- routo nnd will reach Mitchell in a week or so. Cottonwood and Vicinity. Another Christmas hajgone and wish you a Happy Noj$3tear. A step Bister of Miooiinaon is wo Vi8- iting nt F. E. Rosse's." H. P. Si evens Bays it 1b a good thing for tho cooks to absent themselves once in a whilo and let the men take tho kitchen, they have more Bympathy for the women folks. Mr. and Mrs. Hern, of Chadron aro visiting their relatives, tho Hutchison families. tiorio Arnold was visiting at botno a week and loft Sunday ovcnlag to at tend tho international Y, M, C A. t Detroit, N. Y., as ho is u dclegato to that covention. Mr. and Mrs, McCord and Henry Shook and Charley Brittingham, of Curtis, spent Christmas day at the Kerr residence. C. E. Oldfather must be snowed un der or froze in, we do not hear from him much theso wintry days. A brother of L. R. Sommer is visit' ing at Sommer'B and Hartman's. Puul Arnold la in North PtoMu tixfi THE First National Bank, of North Platte, Nebraska. UNITED STATE!) Capital and Surplus $130,000. ARTHUR McNAMARA, President, E. F. SEEBERGEI!, Vice-President, ' f. L. M00NEY, Cashier. week attending an alumni social and a wedding. Tho following persons' were elected officers of the Fort McPherson Sunday Bchool last Sabbath: Supt., C. C. Clark; Asst. Supt., Herman Kerr; Sec. and Treas., James Rose; Oreanist, Esthor R ynolds; Asst. Organist, Mrs. C. C. Clark. E. M. Arnold, Mrs. Kerr, Mrs, Hartman and Herman Kerr were elected teachers. Lane Chappell, Venion Kuhns nnd Paul Roberta are at home during the holidays. ' A good time was enjoyed nt tho Christmas three in Mnxwcll on Christ mas eve. Uno or tne features was tho maiden effort of the orchestra which was a pronounced success. I Did you ever indulge your appetite a little too much at Christmas with all the good things nround you and then have to stop short on your feed and lay around and look out doors and rathor wish you bad been more careful No doubt this writer has & good many sytpptthteora a thla time. Jutwowil cat ik? (JpJy little sbort 'for a day or two and perhape we may win out ollright. Wo had a fino ovoning Saturday night for our Christmas doings at tho Fort McPherson school house. Tho houso was crowded. Wo had a tree, a Santa Cluus, a short program and a treat for everybody. 100 sacks wore giveu out. !j E. M. Arnold has sold some of his stock and will dispose of ncii.ly all his iarmlng implements as nu will uw furmluK fuV u iJhort-pvrtol. DEPOSITARY. I think we all agreo that this haa been a solid December. It soems to bq healthful but it takes, fuel. Y. M.C.A. Notes. The association rooms aro becoming very pjpular aa social head qurrtcrs. Tho interest in chess and checkers is itcadily growing. Often tho evening hours are beguiled by voice and piano. Books and periodicals are no less In demand and many otherwise deary hours are spent with these friends. ThoEO interested in the study of Mathematics or English Composition or business corrspondenco aro requested . to talk tho matter over with the secretary. Fill your lives and hours with thoso things that give good returns. Tho Y. M. C. A. will give a complL mentary mush and milk social soma time noxt week. Those w-o enjoy this delicious dish are cordially invited to be present. There will be just enough of music and speech making to add jingor to the co eeaion. Men who ore interested in building character, will often find in the Sunday afternoon meeting thoso influences that pill lend dignity nnd coloring to the structure. Rev. Johnson's address Su:t; day was fuli of good things. Como to the mooting noxt Sunday. Notice. Customers whose accounts have run over thirty days are requested to nay In full lntnro Jnniinro lot. 1010 If thou l&siirc credit for tho ensuing year.