HAPPY NEW YEAR. We Wish you a Happy and Prosperous New Year . . . Thanking you for the gen erous patronage of the past year, we will strive to merit a continuance of the same during 1910. CLINTON, Jeweler and Optician. 1 DRS. BROCK & CROOK, DENTISTS. l Over I'lrst National. I'lionn 1(8 JJ Apple Cider 60c per Stone Dnuo Co. Carl ShafTcr roturncd yestcrdav from a brief visit in Omaha. Mott's Pure gallon. Mr. and Mr?. M. C. Cowce, of At wood, Colo., aro visiting friends in town. Miss Ailccn Flynn returned Friday! night from u visit with friends in Den ver. ' ' You will need "Novcr-Slip" Bhocs for this Ice. Get them at Van CIcave'B. Mr, and Mrs. L. I. Tucker and Miss Mablo Ogto aro visiting rclativca in Keith county. Miss Graco Moonoy, of Lexington, is ' tho guest of her brother F. L. Moonoy and family. A big force of Japs is now employed nt tho ico houses taking caro of tho shipments sent up from Gothenburg. Harold Banks, a ten year old roller skater, performed a number of stunts at the rink last evening. Ho will ap pear again this evening. Eight inch ico reported on tho Union Pacific lake cast of town. A few days of snappy w.cathcfr means a nico ico .harvest for tho company. Misses Maymo and Nora Gorham, of Grand Island, will nrrivo tomorrow and remain sovcral days ns tho guests of Misses Evelyn and Mablo Jotters. , Wanted A girl to learn book keep ing. Apply by letter only to North Platto Telephone Co. The second act sceno of "Wildfire," tho comedy that comes to tho Keith .Saturday evening is an exact replica of the famous Belmont strbles. Mr. and Mrs, J. D. Lonorgan, of Davenport, Iowa, are visiting relatives and friends in town, having arrived Friday night. They will remain this week. Tho postofilco department has notified Congressman Kinkald that tho record of Postmastor Thomson, of this city, is clear of complaint, and as civil service rjleB are applied to offices of tho North Ptatto class, Mr. Thompson will bo in lino for re-appointment upon tho expir ation of his present commission, which Is January 81st. This evidently smothers tho nmbition of tho other two appli cants for tho postmastorshlp. Miss Laura Murray will entertain tho young ladles' bridge club this eve ning. The Social Dancing club will hold a danco nt Masonic hall tomorrow even ing, Dec. 29th. About twenty laborers wero shipped down from Denver this morning and will work on a fence gang. MIsb Ethel Doncgan, of Cheyenne, came down. Friday and remained until Sunday night na guest of her parents. Plymouth Rock Cockerels, Barred-to-the-skin. Mrs. J. 0. Anderson, Lexington, Neb. Bratt & Goodman loan 8 per cent money to aid in buying or building a home. Charley Murrin, of Sterling, Col., a former engineer running out of this terminal, has been visiting friend3 in town for several days. Wanted at once, n dining room girl and a cook at tho Enterprise Bakery and cafe. Car Foreman McEvoy received a gift yesterday morning In the form of a genuine buffalo overcoat, n present from his brother-in-law residing in Ft. Robinson. Real estato agents anticipate a rush of prospective land buyers to this sec tion as soon a3 tho snow disappears. With tho earth filled with moisture to an unusual depth, this country ought to "look good" to tho man from tho oast. Mr. Halioway representing the Hall oway Concert Co., an attraction that was presented last spring under the auspices of the Elko, is in town making arrangements to again present hia com pany throngh tho agency of.eomo local lodge or society. Some suggest that the present early winter means nn early spring, and this leads an old-time farmer to sny that an early spring In western Nebraska means a poor crop year. He bases this on observations extending over twenty flvo years. Wanted A young lady to do book keeping, collecting and office Work, Apply at office. G. T. Field. Wo aro all glad to know that nn ap proprlntlon has been ordered for i $70,000 depot for North Platte, for an additional round house, coal chutes and a further improvement in tho yards, but what we aro really anxious to know is when work will begin on these improvements. A decided innovation is introduced in "Wildfiro", the racing comedy that comes to tho Keith Saturday evening. All tho furnituro, ruga, pictures, . chandeliers nnd other effects needed are carried by tho company,, making "Wildfiro" tho most cbmplete Sonic. production ecen in this city. Bratt & Goodman offer today some great bargains in good homes and choice building lots. Seo them. Blaine Kitzmillcr and two companions wero arrested at Grand Junntion, Col., ono day last week and given a thirty day jail sentenco for the illegal giving away or salo of liquor. Two hours after arrest they began serving their sentence. Tho ordinance relating to liquor in Grund Junction is very drastic, and Blaino probably overstepped it without knowing just how much of a drag net it was. W. P. Byron, managorof tho Gothen burg Power Co., was in town yes torday on business pertaining to the shipment of ico. Last week 200 cars wero shipped to tho houses in this city; and with continued cold weather a gi cater number will bo shipped this week. A force of sixtv-fivo men were employed yesterday cutting and load ing nt tho lake, nnd with this number Bixty-fivo or seventy curs per day can bo gotten out. SCHILLER & CO., Prescription Druggists First Door North of First National llan Theatrical Bookings Bookings for tho Keith Theatre for the coming month arc ns follows: January lst-"Wildflro." January 3d "Monte Cristo." January 12th High Scho 1 Course. January 14th "Little Johnny Jones" January 21st-"Time, Plai e and Girl" It is probablo that ono or more addi tional attractions will be booked during the month. Investors with ilde money should see Bratt & Goodman. Comedy Company Performs. The Consolidated Comedy Company, composed of eighteen couples of young people, gave its semi-annual function at Masonic hall last evening, at which pleasure ran riot. The finit net con sisted of the distribution of gifts from a Christmas tree. Tho comoany waH sent into a side room from which thoy later emerged, and with Vic Halligan arrayed as Santa Claus fomcd in a grand march around tho banquet room and then halting at tho tree each one was presented with some trinket, teething ring, baby rattle, tin horn, et cetera. Tho undoing of tho packages and the disclosure of the gifts created much amusement. Fcllnwing this act dancing was in dulged in until midnight, the young ladies furnishing light refreshments luring the evening, Tho affair was very jolly ono throughout. For Sale. Improved farms and unimproved lands at bed rock prices. Bratt & Goodman. 1 mssmmasm UOTflraiBEHntEl Stady Die label nnd buy only baking powder made Fierce Storm in East. A Boston dispatch says: Eighteen persons in and around the city perished in tho Christmas storm nnd accidents caused by it. Six died from exposure and tho rest drowned or killed in acci dents to trains. It is estimated that the damage done in this vkinity as result of yesterday's storm will reach five millions of dollars. Tho tidal wnva which swept lower Chelsea mado 2,500 homeless. Thirty-two cities in this section wero plunged into darkness by the cutting off of electric light service. The storm, was the worst which has visited Now England in many years A -Now York dispatch states thatch J Christmas blizzard, tho wornt in twenty years has tied up cities from Pennsyl vania to Maine nnd has affected tho railroad traffic of six. states. Condition! began to improve this afternoon and it is believed that they will bo normal by Tuesday night. All through trains aro arriving six to twelve hours late. Hundreds of men wore at w ork remov intr the snow from tho down towi streets this morning. Thore was great shortogo of milk tils morning owing to tho failure of milk trains to arrive. You Always Miss It when you don't insure yo lr property with Bratt & Goodman. tmatre Saturday, January 1 FIRST HMD BEST SHOW OF 1910. The Great Racing Comedy WILDFIRE Written by GEORGE BROADHURST, Author of "THE MAN OF THE HOUR" With GEORGE V. HOAART, "THE BOYS Authtr of . Wr AND BETTY" Pauline Hall, The Beauliul " Will Archie, Th0.S!""' Identical Scenic Production Shown' J 100 Nights in New York City . . . START THE NEW YKAK LAUGHING Prices 128 Seats 192 Setits 165 Sects 132 Sea ts $1.50. 1.00. .75. .50. Seats on Sale Wednesday. -vSSSSSSSMi) OF- t Twenty-Seventh Annual Ball t Elkhorn Lodge No. 28, B. of L. F. and E. C 6 9 FRIDAY EVENING, DEC. 31. d - 1 9 LLOYD'S OPERA HOUSE Good Music. Fine Program. Everything the Best. Da.ice Tickets $1,00. Spectators 25c. Contributed. Tho services at the Lutheran church Christmas day and Sunday were all largely attended. The choir presented their cantata early Christmas morning as announced and was a groat success showing tho most thorough prcparatior and drill on the part of choir and elioris tor Tho large audience wero loud in their words of commendation. The cantata was repeated on Sunday ovsning to crowded church nnd though the people hud high expectations nonofurely could go away disappointed. Tho servico by the Sanday school on Saturday night was voll roaderoJ and full of tho Coristm W spirit f joy and good will. The decorations of. the church and CUiUtmns tree- wore flne and tho offering liberal. The church it self hud just tho day before received a new door .covering of Battleship linol eum secured by tho ladles aid society. Besides remembrances to other mem bers of tho family, Rev. C. B. Harman was presented wjth a new robo by the ladies of tho church. Tho robe of the formor pastor, Rev. J. F. Seibort, was presented to him for uso in hia now work. Mastication. "The bedy Is n manufactory." sale1 a doctor recently. "It fans to mnnufnc ture hone iind blood nnd muscle nnC lirnln nut of lirond' nnd butter, eggs beef nnd milk, nnd n wonderful proc ess It Is. Now. the first part of the process takes place In tho mouth,, nnd ns In most factories, the first In llv most Importnnt. If n wrong Rtnrt 1 made, everything tlmt follows Is put wrong. If t ho food Isn't well tuns tinted nnd mixed with the saliva, tlw Htoumch. the liver and the Intestines are thrown out of gear: consequent ly most of the more advanced doctor are paying n great deal of attention tr the condition of their patients' teeth They know, to gnrlile Shakespeare n lilt,. that "good digestion wnlts on inns Mention, nrd health on both." New Vork Tribune. Wm. LaRue, a well known resident of tho Birdwood section came to town today for the purpiso of obtaining logal permission to wed Miss Edna Constable, also a resident of that sec tion. Tho wedding will occur on Now Yoara Day. Congratulations aro ox- tfcoded in advance of tho happy avoat. ,RfcVMe. Gifts Are Poor'. . tiitc thjif'l v. tnt to go cp jeeord as saying that I regard Electa it Bittors ns ono of tho greatest gifts thrt God-has made to woman, writes Mrs O. Rhine vault, of Vestal Center, N. , "I can never forget what it has done for mo." Thia.glunoua medicine give? a woman bjoyunt spirits, vigor of bod nnd jubl- innt neatin. u nuicKiy curej nervous- a he, -Ilackache, Fainting nnd Spoils; soon builds up tho wi nk, and sickly. Try them. BOc nt X . r. - f head' Dizzy ailing a cone How Letters Strlks Our Eyes, noninii letters of vurlmu sizes are comiiH iily called Into repist by ocu lists In testlug vision. Ret-ent experi ments Know great differences In the cumo with which the varloun letters itre re '(Ignited by the same person. T Is espei tally ttllll ult of recognition ntid Is tipt to be mistaken for Y. Ity a sim ilar optical llluslou the angle of f. Is roiimlfil off. making the letter resem ble a 'VvcrKed .1. V Is the easiest of nil letters .to rwogulze. and O presents llttto dlUJeulty. K Is more easily rec ognized tuau H. which rcseiublos It olosely. and both N uud 52 are easily lwogulzed. A la easily guessed nt 11-out Its geuernl fwm. but is. dlOieult of positive 'rwognltlou. Includlug dis tinct H'rceptlu of the horizontal line. 12 uud I' are among the most dlfllcult of ad letters Ho Wat. "0-..cti Flannagaii: Are you Owen flanuaganV" said (he elerk of the court. "Yes. begorro." replied the prisoner, with-a. merry twlnkk' In his eye.- "I'm uwlu ttyOTybuly!7 iJiijduu Mali. Hard Luck. Old Lady-Poor 'Dim; AN'.hnl havo nu done to your hand? Uiieinploya bio Broke my knuckles, mum, knock lu' at people's doors askln' for Work. London S raps. Low Rates Via UNION PACIFIC "The to Safe Road Travel." Electric Block Signals Dining Car Meals and Se vice "F est in the World." mini PICT J To the Wyoming Wool Growers' Con vention, Cheyenne, Wyo., I January 3-4, 1910, ? Frcm Points in Wyoming i To the Annual Mid-Winter Sheep Show and Convention of the National Wool Growers' Assn., Ogd.en, Utah, January 6, 7, 8, 1910, from Points in Colorado, Wyom'g., Utah To, the National Western Live Stock Show, Denver, Col., January 8 to 15, 1910, from points in KANSAS, NEBRASKA, COL ORADO, WYOMING AND UTAH. for information relative to ra.tes, dates of sale, limits, etc., call on your local agent or .address, E. L LOMAX, G. P. A., OMAHA. NEB. A pompous ii'' 'it Into dru: utoro early the oilier, uiuriil'ig to bu,.' n elgar. The only person be fouii.l there was the s.da water dlspeiisei. The boy was Kweeplng out the store. "Sweeping out. ebV said the mat. "Well, that's how I got my start"- The boy looked blui ver uud iv-plli-d. "Aw. what do you want to dh Wjuntco iup like -that for?" Wlfou tho nuiu left h'e wus frown ing. deliver Vmt, Keep Cool. "Why worry nbout the children?" "I enn't help It." "But. my dear, you are hurting your . gniue of bridge." ICmipas City Juiir-M wm" . . . I . Edifying. Genilt'innn (looking for ipouisi Did you say a nrasle teacher occupies th next airiutment? That cannot he vet pleasant.. Landlady (eagerlyi -'Ol. that's nothing.- lie- has eleven dill dren. and they make so much iioIsm you cau't hear the plarc Hnrpcr'u Unwir. "My deir. the hired girl has qnlt" "IVell. that's nil right, .lust drop a line to your mother Inviting her to visit us. she'll do the housework un til we can get another nmld'-New York Journal. " Out -of Mop Reach. Elalo-WUy l pura nlwaya so short of mefn?y? pidn't her father Iwivd nor a lot? Mndge-Tefl; but. ynu net, Up nnt.m.cPt jt tlll.Hbe'H thirty, nud: she'U.never-awn up to thut"-Ittjbton Transcript , Opujehee. , "What la your Idea of happiness?" "To.be able to spend my own money Just ns If I were going to turn In nn xpense account when I got 'home." rihlcago Hccord-Ilernld. ltnnk has Its bores as well bb pleas , WB,-DeacoonfieJd. tit .i.