The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 28, 1909, Image 1

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NO 97
R. L. Douglas; the- hone, and mule
buyer, is building an addition to his
already large barn in the Third ward.
Mr. and ;Mra H. 'N. Hart came down
from Paxton to spend Christmas and a
day or two following with North Platte
Judge and Mrs. Coates, of Suther
land, were the guests of their son A.
S. Coates and family the latter part of
last week.
With twenty-six numbers on the fire
men's dance program the most ardent
devotee of terpsichoro will have his
or her desires gratified.
The Bowcn building on north Locust
street is being renovated preparatory
to being occupied by a drug storo with
Messrs Bowcn and -McCarthy as
Roy Loudon, formerly clerk
Donell & Graves -drug store,
present teaching school in
county, is spending the
at Mc -
but at
vacation at home.
E. E. VanNattn and H. H. Rodgers,
residents of the south part of the
county, were in town the latter part of
last week on business pertaining to
roads in their respective 1 .callties.
Judge Elder was called to his office
at two o'clock Christmas afternoon to
unite in marriage Robt. L. Richardson
and Miss Lila V. Shaner, well known
young people residing at Maxwell.
Mrs. P. A. Dunbar, wife of the well
known passenger conductor, had the
misfortune to fall down a cellar way at
her homo in Council Bluff Friday and
8U8tai icd very severe bruises.
The Postal Telegraph company's,
gang of wire stringers, comprising
twenty men, are now at work in the
east partof this county. Two additional
wires aro being strung between Chi
cago and the Pacific coast.
Mr. and Mrs. Mcdrthy came up
from Wood River Friday to spend
Chtistmas with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry
Bowcn. Mr. McCarthy returned yes
terday, but his wife will remain until
the latter part of the week.
C. B. Wood, whose hardware store
at Sutherland was burned a few months
ago, has completed a new brick building
and moved thereto. We "are glad to
notice this evidence of push on the
part of a former North Platte resident..
Indications point to considerable
activity in the building line during
1910. One or two business buildings
are promised and a greater number of
residences, than were erected during
A congregation that filled the seating
capacity of the Lutheran church at
tended the cantata rendered by the
choir at seven o'clock Christmas morn
ing. The work of the choir in produc
ing this musical composition was highly
For Rent On west 6th street, an
eight room house, newly papered, with
range in kitchen. Inquire at this of
Lest some of our citizens might for
getthe annual ball of the local lodge
of locomativo firemen will bo held at
the Lloyd opera house next Friday
evening. A good time for all. Speed
the old vear out and. welcome, the ad
vent of 1910.
It will be several weeks before Con
tractor Basta will be able to turn over
the Third ward school building, and
work on the Second ward building -is
not as far advanced as tne Third ward.
This condition exists notwithstanding
a large force of men are employed on
the buildings.
A case of diphtheria developed Fri
day in thu family of Mr. Millett, living
o.i east Twelfth street. The family
wa3 at once placed under quarantine,
and as they are in needy circumstances
Poormaster Walker 'is 'looking after
their needs in tho provender line,
With .tho favorite stage- beauty,
Pauline Hall, and Will Archie, the
original "Bud." and one of the best
acting companies over seen on the
road, "Wildfire," tho successful play
of the race course, will bo 6een at tho
Keith Thontrc Saturday. New- Year's,
night A scenic, production, complete
in every, dotallj portraying scones, at
and about a ramoua raw sorts trace:
track, will bo ono of tho manyt at
tractive features.
Lost Dog.
Lost in North Platte December 13th
a yellow co lie dog, with dark stripe
on back, black nose, brown eyes
drooping ears; named Coyote, which ho
would recognize. Had on leather strap
with Iron ring. Liberal reward wil bo
paid for return of animal to tho brick
I wry Btobk NrtUi PtotW.
Mrs, W. H. McDonald is entertain
ing tho Tuesday afternoon, bridge club
i today.
Mrs q g dnton entertained the
Monday afternoon bridge club yester
An election for county officers will be
held in Garden county January 10th.
Tho democrats as well as the rcpubli
cans have a ticket in the field.
Tho day preceding Christmas was an
exceptionally busy one for North Platte
merchants, several reporting tho
heaviest sales in tho history of their
business career in this city.
Sena Franscn, of Sutherland, who is
soon to wed a North Platte young man,
was tendered a linen shower at the
homo of Mrs. H. E. Worrell In Suther
land a few days ago.
Tho final survey for tho double track
has been completed as far west as
Ogalalla, and the woik is being pushed
forward as rapidly as possible. Grnd-
will begin as soon as the weather
The Episcopal Sunday school gave a
pretty entertainment at tho Masonic
hall Saturday ovening, in which a large
numbers' children in costume took
part. Following the cantata gifts were
distributed from a tree.
Henry Waltemath has completed his
ice harvest, and Otto Well has filled
his houso. Harry Lamplugh is filling
his houses this week. There is not
likely to bo a scarcity of ice next sum
mer. J. D. W. Lincoln has begun tho con
struction of a 40x80 foot ice house at
his lake near the old fair grounds,
which he hopes to fill this winter.
The houso will have a capacity of
about 3,000 tons.
Dr. and Mrs. D. E. Morrill expected
to visit Mrs. Morrill's sister at Wheat
land, Wyo., Christmas, but word was
received Thursday that tho sister's
house and contents had burned.
Christmas was a quiet day in North
Platte, there being very little stir on
the street. At several of tho churches
services were held in the forenoon and
these were well attended. The weather
was pleasant.
The Jong continued demoralization of
passenger traffic is becoming a little
jarring on the nerves of the engine
and train crewB, and they are naturally
anxious to know when matters will
right themselves. Possibly not until
there is a betterment of tho motive
Lewcllen has raised $6000 at this time
fJr the new county seat provided it is
located at Lewellen permanently aud
to show that It is tho straight article
the people of that city have placed that
amount on deposit in the Lewellen bank
which they ask the voters of the new
county to investigate should they doubt
this statement.
Tho Christian Scientists will here
after hold their service at the K. P.
hall Sunday morning instead of after
noon. At the meeting last Sunday ar
rangements were made to have ono of
the noted speakers of the church come
here and deliver a lecture on Christian
Science. This lecture will bo free, the
local members donating $100 to met
the expenses.
Frod D. Wright, an attorney of
Scotts Bluff, t-pent yesterday in town
'while enroute to Omaha. Mr. Wright
says tho Union Pacific is showing much
activity in the Scotts Bluff section in
the way of obtaining right-of-way and
there seems to be no doubt but the com-
pany will at once duuu enrougn 10
. f i . i i i
Med cine Bow in the near futuro. He
thinks they havo a wonderful countiy,
and when tho road reaches his tow n,
thev will visit North riatte moio
Lost A white greyhound with yel
low ears; about one year old. Will puy
a liberal reward for any information
leading to his recovery.
. . Maxwell, Neb.
"The Fighting Parson" undor the
management of W. F. Mann, with
William 'Wlntbihoff in the title role,
will be .it the Keith theatre Thursday
night. The play Is a beautiful story of
a young minister's fight for love, honor
and truth In which villany is thwarted
and virtue triumphs. The play is
positively guaranteed to please or
money refunded, High clasB special
tics aro introduced between tho acta
making an evoning'a entertainment far
abovo tho averago.
Looking One's Best.
It's a women's delight to look her
best but j imples, skin eruptions, sores
and boils rob life of joy. Listen! Buck
len'8 Arnica Salve cures them; makes
the skin soft and velvety. It glorifies
the face. Cures Pimples, Sore Eyes.
Hold Sores. Cracked Lips. Chapped
Hands. Try it. Infallible tor Piles. 25c
yw QtMM Drutf CO,
Ralph Smith loft Sunday night for
Tom Soden spent Christmas with
friends in Lexington.
Attorney Albert Muldqon loft last
night on a business trip to Omaha.
Guy Gahagen returned Sunday from
a visit with his parents at Gibbon.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, of tho John
son Cash store, went to Polk, Neb.,
Frank McGovorn returned yesterday
from a brief visit with his parents in
Arthur Dullard came up from Omnha
Friday to eat Christmas turkey with
his parents.
Frank Murray came dbwn from Colo
rado to remain over Christmas with
his parents.
Sam Gavin,
of St. Paul,
friends in
Minn., has
town for
been visiting
several days.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Yost will return
today from a visit with friends in
Grand Island.
Miss Hazel Strykcr and Miss Alice
Ottcn left Sunday for a visit with
friends In York.
Horton Munger returned yesterday
from, Omaha, where ho spent Christmas
with his parents.
Chas. R. Osgood left yesterday for
Denver whore ho will visit relatives
and transact business.
Mrs. John Drake, of Kimball, who
had been visiting friends hero, went to
Maxwell yesterday.
W. A. Tanner returned to Lexing
ton yesterday after visiting relatives
for several days.
S. H. Grace and wife, of Omaha,
were the guests of relatives in town
Saturday and Sunday.
C. O. Weingand and family left Sat
urday afternoon for a two weekB visit
with relatives in Illinois.
Arthur McNamara returned yester
day from Oakley, Kan., where ho spent
Christmas with his daughter.
Miss Helen Lundgren, of Denver, is
tho guest of Mr. andMrs.Thos Healey,
having arrived Saturday.
Frank Stroup, who had been visiting
relatives in town for several weeks, re
turned to Chicago last night.
Miss Clara Drake, employed as a
stenographer In Omaha, has been visit
ing her parents for several days.
Miss Lillian Sturges, who is filling
a position as stenographer in Hastings,
came home to spend Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. Drew and Miss Anna
Von Goctz, who were here to spend
Christmas at the Von Goetz home, re
turned to Omaha Sunduy night.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Robinson came
up from Lexington Friday evening to
spend Christmas with relatives.
Frank Smith, of Columbus, spent
Saturday with his parents In this city,
returning to the former place Sunday.
Claudo Selby, who is attending a
medical school in Chicago, arrived home
the latter part of last week to spend
the holiday vacation.
Mrs. J. C. Niemann and son of Stan
berry, Mo., mother and brother of
assistant secretary Niemann, of tho Y.
M. C. A., spent Christmas with the
latter, leaving for homo yesterday.
Julius Pizor will leave for Chicago
in a few days to purchase additional
stock for tho store he Is opening in tho
Third ward. Part of the stock has been
received and is now being shelved.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Kelker and
children, of Pueblo, Col., are the guests
of Mh and Mrs. C. A. Weir, having
arrived the latter part of last week.
Mr. Kelker is a brother of Mis. Weir.
Carl Uonnr, for three years living at
Pacific coast points, is in town visiting
his oarents. At present ho is employed
as engineer on a pipe line 240 miles
long through which tho city of Los
Angeles will receive: it3 supply of "water
The family of N. E, Workrnan leave
in.a day or two for Julesburg, where
Mr. Workman has purchased a ha.d-
ware store, and taken possession of
the same. Mr. Workman was ono of
our most successful business men, and
it ia regretted that he has madu in
vestments elsewhere and that we thus
loso him and his esteniablo family,
Notice to Customers.
All parties knowing thciriEelvos in
debtcd to mo will pleaso call on or be
fore January 1, 1910, and settle their
accounts. Wo have accommodated you,
friends, accommodate us. as wo
need the money
A. F. Beelek.
Hershey, Neb.
For Sale.
NE 18-9-32, Lincoln County. $10.00
per acre. Reasonable terms. W. L.
Selby, 430 Board of Trade Bldg., Oma-
j Keith Theatre,
$ A Youncr Minister's Fieht
. r c J i
Real Estate Transfers.
Ella B. Frnnk t- C. D. Sweeny south
half section 5-12-31, $6,400.
Danl Fleisher to B. A. Wilson lots 4,
5 and 6, block 19, town lot company's
ndd'n, $760. ,
Luclnda Clarke to Po ly A. Martin,
lot 7, block 20, North Platte, $700.
Maude Johnson to Cornelia Dow lot
4, block 8, Miller's add'n, $1,800.
J. W. McNeel to Geo. J. Long, Iota
and 2, block 21, North Platto, $700
"Wildfire", Saturday Night-
Forceful, novel and possessing the
quality of genuine appeal which is nec
essary to tho success ot nil plays,
'Wildfire", tho celobrared racing com
edy which will bo seen at tho Keith
theatre on Saturday, Now Year's Day,
with Pauline Hall and Will Archie, tho
original Bud, has won the approval of
the public Btrictly on its meriti as the
best racing play evor staged. The hf
larious playgoer will find plenty of
laughs, and the sentimental auditor
will enjoy many minutes of tense heart
interest. In fact "Wildfire" possesses
all the elements calculated to please
all tempornments. "Her crowning
success" is the general tribute to Paul
ine Hall, the famouB beauty, who is
appearing in the central role, that of
tho handsome widow, Mrs. Bnrrington.
Ono of tho features of tho production
is the remarkable display tif magnifi.
cent gowns worn by Miss Hall, It is
sure to say that Miss Hall is one of
tho most perfectly proportioned women
on the stage, and her first appearance
at a performance invariably brines
forth a flutter of excited "Isn't she
beautiful" remarks from tho audience.
Stung For IS Years
by Indigestion's pangs trying many
doctors and $200.00 worth of medicine
in vain, B. F. Ayscue, of Inglcside,
N. C, at lastused Dr. King's New Life
Pills, and writes they wholly cured
him. They cure Constipation, Bilious
ness, Sick Headache, Stomach, Liver,
Kidney and Bowel troubles. 25c at
Stone Drug Co.
Wintcrhoff as "The Fighting Parion."
In speaking of "The FighHng Pnr
son," which is booked for Tho Keith
Thursday evening, the Des Moines
Register of October 8th said:
Mr. Wm. VVinterhofT, as tho Fghtlng
Parson, fa" all that could be asked for
In the part of a young, earnest, coun-
try parson, broad minded beyond his
years, gifted by nature with a fine
physique, a handsome fuce, an eye that
window of the soul, indicating pure
thoughts and n heart full of sympathy
for bis unfortunate fellow man.
Educated for'tho ministry, the pulpit
has lost one of its Bhining lights and
Mr. W. F. Mann has secured for the
puolfc, through the medium of the
stage, u bettor sermon on "Faith,
Hope and Charity" than in many in
stan cs is delivered from the pulpit.
"Trie Fighting Parstn" should be seen
by eveiyone, and the loa&on it teaches
is sure to make a bad man good, and a
good man better."
Alone in Saw Mill at Midnight
unmindful of dampness, drafts, storms
or cold, W. J. Atkins worked as Night
Watchman, at Bannbr Springs, tenn.
Such exposure ' gaVo him tt'tavro etojd
tho,t Bbttlb ori his lungs. Xt last be
had to glvo up work. Ho tried many re
medies but an lulled till no used Ur.
King's Now Discovery. "After using
one bottle" ho writes, "I went back to
work as well as ever." Severe Colds,
stubborn Coughs, inflamed throats and
sore lungs, Hemorrhages, Croup and
Whooping Cough get quick relief and
prompt cure from this(glorious medicine.
50j and $1.00. Trial bottle free, Guar-
caimui oe rouna in inevnoie worta or urama.
Thunday Evening,
Fighting Parson."
for Love Honor and Truth.
i. i n e r-v x
-PRICES: 25, 50, 75 and $1.00
Mr. and Mrs. A. B, Yntcs were
guests of friends in town Saturday and
About 100 cars of ico per day am
being shipped.up from Gothenburg and
stored in the company's honses. The
ico js about fourteen inches thick.
A Kcmmerer, Wyo., dispatch duted
Dec. 26th says: Petor McDormott, ono
of tho oldest engineers on tho Oregon
Short Line, died at Pocatollo last night
from injuries received by being struck
by a mail crane nt Pocatollo station
sovoral days ago. About a year ago
Engineer Torn Matthawa was killed.
Mcpermott and Engineers Layng and
Wiliam Roberta attended the funeral
andiMcDcrmott accompanied the body
to the old homo In the east. A few
months later Layng was killed at
at draingcr. McDormott and Roberts
wore two of the pallbearers. Two
months' ago Roberts met death by
being hit in thethead by a mail crane.
McDormott attended tho funeral and
accompanied tho body cast, and now
McDormott meets death in tho samo
Customers whoso accounts havo run
ovon thirty days aro requested to pay
in full before January 1st, 1910, if they
desire credit for the ensuing year.
E. T. TliAMP.
Why go out into tho country to
1 1 buy tho following choice residence lots in the West End whoro they
i J will increase in value and always bo in demand.
I Three nice lots in block 17, Town Lot Co's Addition,' S350.00 for
! I all threo. '
I Two handsome lots on Block 12, Town Lot Co's Addition. $350.00
for both lots.
It Three handsome lots on west Fourth street, sower in and paid
If for, $1200.00 for tho threo.
t ; Four choice lots on west Sixth street close in for $400.00, $450.00,
$500.00 and $650.00 each.
I ( These lots aro all close in, high
and, each pf them is worth moro
g! Buchanan
Buchanan and Patterson.
WILL ARCHIE as "Bud" in "Wildfiro" wh' wa thoiprofessor puts it, "be.
t, .,, . . o ..Atlon greater than can be provided for.
j llxpeueoa qdn. How can they enjoy life when thI
dldren? '
December 30th.
A Challenec Its caual &
P&y or unusual worm.
i r l .l
Good Starting. Point
You mny bo doing business
with this Bank already. If eo,
very good. If not, wouldn't it
be well for you to start in with
tho New Year? With abund
ant Capital, Surplus and Un
divided Profits, and with the ,
best of facilities, we aro pre-.'
pared to give you superior .
Your business, when en-,
trusted to this bank, will re
ceive our prompt personal,
attention.- " -
McDonald Slide Bank,
buy residence lots when you can
and dry, do not require any filling
monoy than wo aro usking for them.,
' ' " yell VEUMl - . . . ..i.iJtel.M.'
eat up all thu
nnd creato a
gh cost ot food to
os, and evidently ban
vast quantities of
prevent the overloading
ground that woman Rhould
iu a nronor mannnr mtlmi.
f to overcrowd the schools and
;Ild tho
of tho
UK is in.
rpne of the
wintry tho
jne thing-
doctrine cl
large families