The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 18, 1909, Image 1

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NO 94.
Christmas this year finds the people of our city and surrounding country more prosperous than ever before in their
history, To meet this condition we have used every endeavor to gather together a class of merchandise suitable for the
wants of all the people of this community. In our stock you will find something suitable for every member of the fam
ily from baby to grandparent. Below we offer a few suggestions.
Silver Knives and Forks
Silver Table Spoons
Silver Dessert Spoons
Silver Tea Spoons
Silver Berry Ladles
Silver Meat Forks
Silver Ladles
Nickle Baking Dishes
Nickle Pie Servers
Chafing Dishes
Aluminim Ware
Granite Ware
Carving Sets 1
Shot Guns
Target Rifles
Wash Boilers
Washing Machines
Boys' Wagons
Irish Mails
Flour Bins
Crumb Trays
Safety Razors
Pocket Knives
Carpenter Tools ' '
Serving Trays
Roasting Pana
Base Burners
Ranges '
Silk Waists "
Net Waists
Silk Petticoats
Fur Sets '
Fur Neck Pieces
Skirts -
Dresses ;
Silk Spun Scarfs
Silk Spun Auto .Veils
Automobile Scarfs j
Woolen Scarfs .
Silk Mufflers
Suit Cases
Baby Shoes
jGirl' Shoes
Boys' Shoes
Ladies'. Shoes
Ladies' Oxfords
Men's Shoes
Overshoes sCi
High Cut Shoes
n.. i:.
Dress Goods ' , .
Table Linens
Toweling , .
Heavy Skirtings J
Handkerchiefs Linens
Curtain Nets
Cotton Blankets , ,v -
Wool Blankets ".. -
Bed Spreads
Lace Curtains
Couch Covers
Table Spreads
Bath Robo Blankets
Crib Blankets
Madras Curtains
Table Cloths
Dresser Scarfs
Lunch Cloths .
Tray Cloths ; .
Linen Towels
Turkish Towels
Napkins . fc''.
Turkish Jowelry
Back Combs
Side Combs
Hand Bags
Ladies' Collars
Fancy Ties
Infant's Hoods
Infant's Saques
Kid Gloves
Golf Gloves ,
Embroidered Hose
Silk Hose
Lisle Hose
Holly Ribbona
Ribbons for Kensington Bags
Shirts t
Underwear - .
Fancy Socks
Toilet Cases
Manicuro Sets
Handkerchief Boxes
Glovo Boxes
Collar and Cuff Boxes
Shaving Sets
Hat Pin Holders
Baby Sets
Post Card Albuns
Picture Frames
Smoking Sets
Jewel Boxes
Teddy Dolls
Taft Possums
Toy Dishes
Doll Buggies
Tool Chests
Grocery Stores
Air Ships
Drawing Slates
We open evenings until after Christmas. Try and do your shopping early. Come in the mornings. If you try this
you will make it much easier tor yourself and the clerks will be able to give you more attention. Yours for a Merry
The Episcopal Sunday school is pre
paring a cantata under the direction of
Miss Elizabeth Bonner.
The Christian Endeavorers of tho
Presbyterian church will hold an ex
change at Howe & Maloney's tomorrow.
Special prices on BA robes and
blankets from now until Jan 1st. Pre
mus Foratedt, Blankenburg's old stand.
Express Agent Hensolt returned the
early part of the week from Omaha,
whore he transacted business for sever
al days.
Mrs. Frank Bacon came up from
Gothenburg Monday evening and left
tho following day for Chicago, where
she will npend tho winter.
Nick Mayhew, who returned from tho
cast part of the state a few days ago,
has accepted a position at tho Bailey
bowling alley and pool hall.
C. L. Patterson camo down from
Denver Wednesday morning and re
mained until last night, dividing tho
time between business and visiting old
Umo friends.
Xmas packages of perfumo Tho
Best of Odors. At Schiller & Co's.
Messrs. Derryberry and Forbes re
turned yesterday from Omaha where
they attended tho meeting of tho state
imjliment dealers' association and
took a look at tho corn show.
"Wednesday was tho first pleasant af
temoon wo hnvo had for a eouplo of
weeks, and tho streets prosonted quito
a HvBly appoaranco. Christmas uhop
are woro out in goodly numbers and
tho morchants had a good trade.
Gcnl. Supt. Park and Bupt of Motivo
Power Fuller camo up -from Omaha
Wednosday evening nnd remained until
last night. Other Union Pacific offic
ials in town at -tho Bamo time wero
Supt. Ware, of Omaha, Sup. Mc
Keown of Cheyenne nnd Master
Mechanic Niland of ChoyonmJ.
P. H. Ruddy succeeds John Baggott
a3 custodian of tho Odd Fellows building.
Mr. and Mrs. John Russell have re
turned from n visit with Iowa friends.
Mrs. J. J. Halligan entertained twenty-eight
ladies at high five Wednesday
Julius Pizer is having shelving placed
in the south room of tho Lamb building
in tho Third ward preparatory to plac
ing therein an .eight or ten thousand
dollar stock of dry goods, clothing and
Do not wait till the last week before
Christmas to have your pictures fram
ed. Bring them in now. Wo have a
beautiful assortment of moulding in
lit, silver, brown, black, white, etc.
C. M. Newton.
The jurycasos in tho district court
were completed Wednesday nnd one
panel of jurors discharged that evening
and tho other panel yesterday morning
after being out part of th'q night on
the James vs. Steel case. While tho
jury cases progressed rather slowly, a
large amount of business was cleaned
For Sale My household goods; must
bo sold at once. Mrs. Bertha yotaw,
1110 W. 4th St.
A man enrouto from Grand Island to
Sidney disappeared from train No. 3
Tuesday east of Alda. He was con
siderably undor the influenco of liquor
at tho timo. A search has been made,
but tho man has not been located. The
train was moving at full speed when
ho disapoarod.
Tho best Vind of nn umbrolla la tho
kind that have soparnblo tops so they
may be put in 11 suit cnoo or trunk, thu
kind wo soil. Dixon, Tho Jowolor.
North Locust streot Is certainly be
coming n business soetion, two grocery
stores, moat markot, confectioner, hos
pital with two physicians, coal yard,
and with a dry goods store and drug
stora soon to ba opened. Tho hog
buyers are ulso located there, and ar
rangements nro being made to cash all
hog chocks so that tho farmers need
wot como uouth of tho traok,
A Chinese official attended by a
retinue of forty servants passed through
Tuesday afternoon onroute to Wash
ington. Chas. Ottenhcimer, a wholesnle
clothier of Salt Lake City, was tho
guest Weduesday of his brother-in-law
Julius Pizer while enrouto to Germany.
Mufflers and Reefers in wool and silk
materials at The Hub.
Twelve members of tho young ladies'
bridge club were delightfully enter
tained ntthat popular game Wednesday
evening by Miss Nell Bratt.
The water bonds have been signed
and turned over to the city treasuoor
preparatory to delivery to tho state
treasurer, who was the successful bid
der. Kling Bros, & Co's fancy waistcoats
and smoking jackets in silk, mixed iud
nice woolen materials at tho Hub
Clothing Dept.
Contractor Cathroe failed to get
started on the Third ward sower later
als before tho advent of the cold
weather. Whether he will bo ablo to
do any work this winter is problemat
ical. The local hive of Ladies of tho Mac
cabees elected tho following officers ut
tho Inst meeting; Ida Groves, com
mander; Lulu Trout, lioutoinnt-com-mindor;
Mary Elder, record keeper;
Addie Bretornitz finance auditor;
BlanchoCrano, sergeant; Clara Aldrich,; Mary Scharmann,
chaplain; Phoobo Emerson, ecntiao!)
Emory Wolback. picket.
Mott'a Pure Apple Cidor 60c pur
A. F. Fink, tho Dowey Btreot har
ness dcnlor, has recently enlarged his
quarters, occupying tho rear part of
his room formerly under" loaso to tho
Wilcox store. Ho haa removed his re
pair ohop to that endof tho room, using
tho front part exclusively to display
his Btock, which makes it much better
and convenient all around. Mr. Fink,
and his assistant, Max VonGootz, aro
about thy burnout followu in town.
Tho traveling passenger agent of tho
Illinois Central was in town Wednes
day looking after business and distrib
uting advertising matter for tho Now
Orleans Mardi Gras, which will bo hold
February 1st to 8th.
You will need "Nevor-Slip" shoes for
this ice. Get thorn at Van Cleavo's.
In talking with a Hershey beet
grower yesterday ho predicted that
tho flvo dollar Hat rate would provo
popular in his section and ho was of
tha opinion that a largo acreage would
bo contracted.
Xmas packages of porfume. Tho Best
of Odors. At Schiller & Co's.
In tho case of Jnmes against Stool, in
which tho plaintiff sued to recover
damages for loss of hay by a prairie
fire claimed to have been set out by tho
defendant, tho jury found for tho de
fendant.. This was tho final jury caso
of tho present session of court.
Young men's suits, a nifty lino, at
tho Hub Clothing Dopt.
There Is some talk that in tho near
future a daily exclusive passenger sor
vlco will bo inaugurated on tho North
River branch, und that tho motor cars
will be used. No official confirmation
of tho report could be obtained.
A gift for a man, a Gillette safoty
r.izor. Dixon, Tho Jeweler.
Engineer Jas. Morrow was struck on
tho left leg by a slipping roverso ltivor
at Koarnoy Wednesday ovoning which
bo cripplod him that ho was forced to
return homo. Tho leg israthor bad
ly bruised and crutches nvu ndcfcswtry
for locomotion,
To appreciate Brandegco. Kincsld &.
Co. clothea you must aeo them. Tho
Hub Clothing DepU baa thora.
Christmas packngoa consigned to
postofllcea in Great Britain must bo
frco from Christmas starap3 or decora
tions. If ouch aro uaod, tho packages
will bo returned to tho aondor or to tho
doad lottor ofllco. Packages nddressed
to parties in Gcnnnny may have Christ
mas atatnp3 attachod to tho bottom, of ;
tho paokago,
Mrs. David Minshall had tho mlsfor
tuno to fall on a rear porch Tuesday
and sustain a compound frncturo of a
Frank Ebole, the north side breeder
of Angus cattle, sold two fine yearling
bulls this week to L. A. Fairchild, of
Tho telephono company haa com
pleted stringing a new cablo from the
east .end of tho first ward to tho cen
tral office.
Miss Laura Dowd, of Ponder, Neb.,
is tho guest of her undo Frank Doran.
It is the first time Mr. Doran .has seen
his nieco in twenty-one years, aho thon
then being but an infant,
Tramn. the orrocer. invites voii to in
spect his lino of decorated chfna, which
is wormy mo attention 01 those look
ing for gifts.
Water was turned Into tho Union
Pacific ice lake at 2:30 Wednesday af
ternoon and by Thursday morning it
was filled, Icq making weather is of
course desired by tho fruit express
Wo aro showing special bargains in
every department this year. Many
have already taken advantage of this.
You will profit by doing tho same
Dixon, Tho Jeweler.
Part of tho machinery for tho Her
shey alfalfa meal mill has been received
and tho remainder is enrouto, It a
hoped to havo tho mill in operation
some time between January 1st and
15tb. A mill was rocfntly Installed at
Gothenburg and wo understand Is prov
Ing a suevjoctf, and thorb in apparently
nowatfon wuu tno Hcrimoy Venture
should not w Successful.
Rlnckor'o btfok atoro la headquarters
far dolls, toys and games.
Robert G, Rocs, of Loxlngton, haa
filed bis namo with the secretary of. tho
otato ao Jho populist cqndldato for con
jrosamnn in this district. Grant Shuni
way, of Scptta Bluff, has also filed as
tho democratic candidate; Theso can
didates nro getting into the gamo early
nnd others, who nro hankering for the
tattoo VHduId aWodlfy Ifut Into tlrutfamu
Supt. Cunningham, of tho water
works, is suffering from a felon on his
right thumb.
A number of Bocinl functions are
boing planned for tho young people who
will bo home to spend tho holiday vaca
Miss Edith Patterson, who is teach
ing school at Adams, will be homo'the
latter part of noxt week to spend the
holiday vacation.
Xmas packages of nerfume. Tho Best
of Odors. At Schiller & Co's,
Officials seem to agrco that the Sec
ond district is handicapped by lack of
motivo power, and that those engines
in service would do more officiont work
wero tho North Platte shops better
equipped with machinery and a larger
force of mechanics employed. Tho of
ficials seem to feel favorable toward
increasing tho forco nfid getting addi
tional machinery, but their hands aoem
to bo tied.
Modern Clothes. Let the College
Chap, Tho Avon and Tho Normandie
toll ita own story. It's a strong Btory,
and a convincing ono tho story of fine
material, good tailoring and modest
prices, See for yourself.
Tub hub Clothing Dept.
A numbor of Second district engU
neers wero called before tho U. P.
officials yesterday and questioned what,
If anything, was wrong on tho Second
district. Soma of tho mon had no
complaint or suggestions to make,
while others related their 'personal ox
porionccs in matters which thoy thought
might in soma manner bo . romodiod.
Thn confgronco woo only for tho pur
posd of olocltlng Information .'"that
might bo for tho good of thu aorvfeu
and tho mon,
For Sale.
Ab.out 450 bushols. corn in fiold on
Birdwood Table 9 miles North of Hor
ahoy. Will tako $150 If Bold soon. .
D. E. Morrill.
For Sale oc .Trade... , .
High Grado Perchon Stallion 4 years
old wdght 1600. Addross Lucey Uroy.