The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 26, 1909, Image 4

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will soon bo here. Now Is the time
to do your Christmas shopping while
the stocks are complete. We have
n larger line than ever and would be
pleased to have you drop in and
look around.
Open evenings after Dec. 1st.
Jeweler and Optician.
Phono 338.
Wc won! Your Repair Work
Riches of Independence Mountain Lo
cated by Geologist Thos. M. Akcrs,
Who With Prominent Associates,
Have Organized a Big Company
to Develop the Same.
Graduate Dentist.
Ofllcc over the McDonald
State Dank.
. I ll . 1 i III .. . . 1 1 11 . M
P. P. Dlckcrson, of
guests of friends in
Mr. and Mrs.
Hershey, were
town yesterday-.
Lost A bunch of keys on a ring.
Finder please return to Model Clothing
Houso and receive rownrd.
The Haskell Indian foot ball team
scalped tho Nebraska University team
yesterday by a score of sixteen to five.
For Sale A coming two-year-old
Coach colt. Inquire at 1011 W. Sixth.
Tom Green went to Grand Island to
see his wife nnd daughtor, who have
thoro for a week or two.
Shoes at The
been visiting
Buy Douglas Cushion
In a wrestling match at tho opera
houso last night Fred Kubik took two
straight falls out of n Dane from the
Your furniture needs varnishing and
ronalrine boforo houso cleaning. See
P. M. Soronson, shop 07 E. 5th street.
Five nassenKor trains wore in tho
y.irds at tho same tlmo last evening
Four were belated trains from the west
and tho other No. 1. 1 This congested
t ic yards and delayB resulted.
Smoko "U. P. Specials" made in
North Platte.
Josenh Horshov has received a draft
from tho Woodman Accident As
soclation, of Lincoln, Neb., in payment
of claim for partial disability on nc
count of tho accident which befell'' him
October 7th.
Salo One lot-of 27-inch Silks, worth
$1.25. at 79 cents per yard at Tho
Wo wish to thank tho many friends
for the many ncta of sympathy shown
us in our lato beroavmcnt and to the
B. of L. F. nnd 0. R. C. for the kind
ness shown, also for tho beautiful flor
al timblems sent by tho different orders.
Mns. Thos. Hughes, family and
New ftloyenngc one piece dresses it
Wilcox Department store.
Every time a Dig theatrical company
comes to town the femnlo members
spe'nd tho first hour tramping from ono
lodging house to another in an attempt
to secure rooms. Sometimes they fail
to secure them and hang around tho
restaurants or hotel offices. All of
which remind ub that the crying need
of t)io town is a hotel.
Leave your Thanksgiving onler fcr
fresh ovstcra nt Greeson's Grocery.
At the Presbyterian church Sunday
morning the pastor will delivur u series
of Continental studies under tho gen
eral title of "Conquests of tho Cross."
Awng the topics to bo presented nro
th? following: Tho Mission of the
Klh;dom, Asia; A Study in Yellow Af
rica; A Study in Black. Theso aro
great subjects and Bhould command tho
interest of men. At tho evening hour
th3 pastor will speak on "Liberty nnd
Lovo". Good music and a cordhl wel
come. Lojt Saturday night, a while satin
lined Electric seal skin fur. Return to
tills office and receive reward.
Conductor Foy was killed and Engi
neer Noah and Brakoman Spray In-
jurcd in n renr end collision at Wolcott
early Wednesday morning. Both trains
had a meeting ordor at .Wolcott nnd as
the first soctlon wns pulling into tho
Bwltch tho train broke in two. Tho
second section which had "closed up"
on tho first section, supposing that it
would bo in tho clear, could not stop in
time to avoid tho collision, Conductor
Foy and Brakeman Spray wore in tho
caboose Aftor tho track hod been
cloarod of thlB wreck, two engines
wore derailed in tho Laramlo ynnls,
thus further delaying traffic. Trnins
No. 4 and 0, duo Wednesday night did
not reach here till last evening.
Salo Dr. Denton Sleeping Gowna
will be found at Tho Leader.
For" Rent Nine room houso and bnrn
on west.Front street. Will place tho
same in good ropair. Apply to W. V.
Success is Asssured the New Enterprise
Mr. Thos. M. Akers, a prominent
mining man of Colorado, arrived in the
city Wednesday from Denver, to re
main for some time. Ho is secretary
nnd superintendent of the Northern
Colorado Mining and Milling company,
owning valuable gold property in the
njw county of Jnckson, northwest of
Fort Collins. Mr. Akors has sjent
years of diligent prospecting in the vi
clnity of tho mining camp at Pcail and
has been successful in locntlng the
source of much of tho high grade placir
gold found on and nenr Independence
mountain. This mountain stnnds almost
alone In the north edge of North Pnrk
and has been noted for a half century
for Its place, gold. For fifty years
n.inars have been placorinK on nnd
around this famous mountain with prof
itnblo results. They wcro contented
with tho returns of
foiled to trace the gold to its original
About thirteen years ago Mr. Akcrs,
a student at Cornell college and a suc
cessful geologist, after having spent
several years In tho various Colorado
mining camps, decided to undertake
the location of the mother vein nt Inde
pendence mountain which gnve off such
great quantities of the precious yellow
metal. A systematic Bearch was in
auguratcn. For years ho prospected
and studied the geological condition of
tho Pearl district. His determination,
grit and endurance, backed up by his
thorough knowledge of mining, brought
bjcccbs to his efforts nnd he is confident
thnt he has tho key which unlocks the
vnults of tho golden trensury of In
dependence mountain. No one can
doubt tho honesty nnd conscientiousnePB
of Mr. Akers as he Is a man of
integrity and is known as such by his
many friends in this city nnd other
towns of Nebraska. To substantiate
this he has associated with him in his
enterprise some of tho most prominent
citizens and business men of North
Platte. His endorsement from such
men who have carefully gone Into the
merits of tho Interprise arguo In an
indlsDutablo way for its success, Be
sides this Mr. Akers also has the en
dorsoment of Bomo of Colorado's lead
ing mining men who have given his
mining property a thorough inspection.
In piesenting this proposition to his
friends Mr. Akers does so believing
thnt It hi tho best to bo found nnd he
substantiates his claim by good sound
reasoning nnd facts. Ho knows many
of tho mining men of Colorado who
l.avo labored incessantly for tho results
of successful mining which havo made
them millionaires. His determination
and knowledgo of tho industry has
won for him results that never could
have been obtained otherwise.
That tho Northern Colorado mining
and Milling company has a big mine,
goes without Baying and tho stock
holders hero can feel sure of big re
turns on the money invested.
Among tho ownors of stock in the
Northern ColorndoMining& Milling Co.
are such well known men as: Judge It.
S. Morrison, compiler of tho mining
laws of tho western stites, Morrison on
mining is authority. Hon. H. M. GrimcF,
Judgo of thit. judicial district; Ray C.
Langford, treasurer or Lincoln County;
Ed .1. Van Derhoof, merchant of North
Platte; P. E, Sltton, U. P. Hotel; F.
W- Geutsh, Asst. Supt. U. P. Hotel
and dining car department, E. II.
Springer, Commissioner of Lincoln
county; E. G. West, investor and capi
talist, Gothenburg; C. A. Morel!, rcul
isinto and loans; Dr. J, W. Birko.or,
Gothenburg; J. M. Alexander, mer
chant and investor Gothenburg; M. G.
Aken, merchant, Gothenburg; Walter
Dalo, merchant, Gothenbrug; H. M.
Bainer, Prof. Agricultural College, Ft.
C -Dins, Colo; Clius, Bouvier, Chief
Clerk Northern hotel, Ft. Collins, Colo;
Dr. T. C. McCleary, Exter, Neb.; F.
C. Avery, Pres. First Natl. Bank, Ft.
Collins, Colorado; Hon. James G. Garr
Igucs, judgo 8th judicial district of
Colorado; J. B. Jeter, conductor U. P;
0. E. Thoelccke, real estate, North
Platte; R. A. Carmine, Presiding Elder
M. E. church, Greeley, Colo; W. C.
May, Gothenburg; Henry Rebhnuscn,
North Platto; Geo. W. Bailey, justice
supremo court of Colorado; Captain T.
H. Davey, Ex. P. M Ft. Collins, Colo;
T. C. Ralney, ex-county treasurer of
Laramlo County, Colo; Robert Lnw,
ox-auditor Colorado Midland Ry.; G. 0.
Wiodorandoro, Gothenburg; W. J. 111!
Report Says New Train.
A report is current in railroad circles
that an additional train will bo put on
in the near future. It will be known
as the Wabash-Portland special and
will run from Kansas City to the north
west city.
Millinery Sale.
Extraordinary Sale of Millinery nt
Wilcox Department Store.
Every trimmed hat in the dcpnrt
ment will be sold nt just half price. shapes will be sold at i
diccount of 25 per cent.
Also n splendid assortment of fancy
ribbons suitable for Xmas gifts at a
discount of 25 per cent.
Ed Park Made Foreman. 1
A circular received from Denver an
nounces the nppointment by the super
intendent of the Colorado division of E.
A. Park, a son of General Manager W.
L. Park, as district foreman at Pull
man, Colo., with jurisdiction over the
northern district and branched, the
Jdlesburg district from Julesburg to
Sterling, nnd the district between Den
ver and Hugo, Colo.
The Revival Services.
Meetings still continue. Splendid
nnd attentive audiences last night.
Theme tonight: "A Generation of Bible
Students", tomorrow night. "Where
Art Thou". Sunday being temperance
Sunday at ten a. m. a special program
for the bible school; very interesting
and instructive. Y. P. S. C. E. six
forty-five nnd nt seven thirty theme
"Facts, Fads and Fancies of Temper
ance". Evangelistic service close with
this meeting.
Bolivia la fiimnin for Ut silver, but
also posnesfi-M cnnsldi'tiilili1 uuuiitllli'S
of gold, which, however, iiiiinot be
extracted without jjreiit xjm'Iim'. In
the RfviMitecntlt century tin Indian
near the low n of I.n Vir. found it iiimhs
of native pnld, supposed to have been
detached from the tiolgliborlnj: moun
tain by llu'litnliif;. Bolivia In. on the
whole. In a backward condition, polit
ical chiiiiKPX and Internal eoiilllets
liavliiR hindered the development of
Its natural wealth.
There Is no prettier patterns of sil
ver made than thu Wild-Wood. See one
of our $12 chests in the show window.
Teaspoons 90 cents per set. Table
spoons $2 per set. Sugar Spoon and,
Butter Knife, 90 cents per pair, about
half tho usual price.
DixoN, The Jeweler.
Net So Vory Clever.
"BllUlns' wife found some
chlpx In his pocket."
"Well. Bllklns told her tliey wero
cough lozenges."
"Clever of IHUtlns. wamrt It I
"Very. She swallowed two and very
nearly died."
Y. M. C. A. Notes.
The two teams will close their friend
ly contest next Monday evening at n
banquet to be given by tho defeated
team. The banquet to be at seven P.
M. cast time. Every person who has
contributed to the success of the cam
paign Is invited to the feast. We
placcring and would appreciate it very much if every
person who anticipates going would
notify us by phono or card.
Geo. F. Williams, whom all delight
to hear, will Bpeak to men Sunday at
four P. M. Miss Sorscnson will sing
for us.
Dr. Quigloy will speak to men this
evening in the association rooms. His
mcssngc is one that shonld challenge
tho attention of all men.
Ernest Casey and David Ryan aro
Ryan are representing tho local associ
ation at fho Convention which is being
held at Columbus this week.
North Platte 8, Lexington 0.
In the game of foot ball at Lexing
ton yesterday the North Platte high
school team won by a score of eight to
nothing. This score came in the last
ten minutes of the game, when the
visitors made a touch down and a place
kick. A large crowd witnessed tho
game, and prior to the kick off the
Lexingtonlans felt confident that they
would win. The result caused them
much disapolntment, North Platte won
from Lexington early in the season by
a Bcore of seventeen to nothing.
He Was.
"0-..PH Flaiinagan: Are you Owen
Flnmingnn?" said the clerk of tho
"Yes, begorra." replied the prisoner.
with a merry twinkle In his eye. "I'm
owln' everybody:" London Mall.
Hard Luck.
Old Lady-Poor man: What havo
you done to your nana unemploya
ble Broke my knuckles, mum. knock
In' nt people's door nskin' for work.
London Scraps.
Keep Cool.
"Why worry about the children?"
"I can't help It."
"But. my dear, you are hurting your
game or nruige. wansns .;uy jour
Hi mi
We call attention to the difference in
our candies. Not tho sickening kind of
sweets that one generally buys when a
low price is paid, but pure healthful
confectionery that IS home made only
in the cleanest of candy kitchens by
' Let us show you what it means to
develop candy making into an art.
Get a pound of our Home-Made for
proof. A fresh stock of Lowney'B nnd
Chases' fancy box candies just received
at popular prices.
Makers of
Home Made Candy.
Dinner at Enterprise Bakery.
Oyster Soup
Roast Turkey Cranberry Jelly
Roast Chicken Dressing
Roast Pork Apple Sauce
Mashed Potatoes Cream Gravy
Sliced Tomatoes Lima Beans
Apple Lemon Mince Pie
Fruit Salad Whipped Cream
35 cents
The trustees of tho First Presbyter
ian church will receive applications for
janitorshlp of tho new church building
up to December 1, 1909. All applica
tions must be scut in writing to Mrs.
Mattio Prosscr, secretary and tr,easur
er of First Presbyterian church, North
Platte, Nebraska.
Forced Into Exile.
Wm. Upchurch of Glen Oak, Okla, was
an exile from home. Mountain air, he
thought, would cure a frightful lung
racking cough that had defied all rem
edies tor two years. After six months
ho returned, death dogging his steps
"Then I began to use Dr. King's New
Discovery, he writes, "and alter tak
ing six bottles I am as well as ever. '
It saves thousands yenrly trom desper
ate lung diseases. Infallible for Coughs
and Colds, it dispels Hoarseness and
Sore Throat. Cures Grip, Bronchitis
HemorrhnKes. Asthma, Croup, Whoop
Ing Cough. 50c nnd $1.00, trial bottle
free, guaranteed by Stnnn Ping Cn,
Notice to Bidders
Scaled bids will be received at the
office of the county clerk of Lincoln
County. Nebraska, on or before De
cember 31. 1909. for records, blanks
and supplies estimated as follows:
Class A books.
4-8 qr. plain records.
4-8 qr. printed page records.
4-tax list 1-8 nr.. 1-6 nr., 1-4 or. and
1-3 qr.
All records to bo made of tho best
linen ledger paper, patent backs, full
bound, extra ends, bands and fronts
6.000 tax receipts in duplicate or
6,000 tax receipts in triplicate.
dozen chattlo files of 200 each
42 assessor s books, ledger paper.
cloth bound per book.
8,000 assessor's schedules
paper) .
Poll books for 42 precincts
Poll books for 42 precincts
Class B.
Whole sheet blanks per 100.
Half sheet blanks per 100.
Quarter sheet blanks per 100
Class C.
Sanford's. Carter's or Stafford
writing fluid per quart.
Spencerian. Glucinum or Talla pens
per gross.
Vanadium or Falcon pens per gross.
Perfection pencils or
tips, per gross.
All of said supplies to be first class
and to be furnished as requested by
tho county officers. Successful bidder
to furnish bond to be approved by the
county board. Each bidder to have
printed on the envelope, "Bids for
The commissioners of said county re
serve the right to reject any or all
Dated North Platte, Neb., Nov. 26,
F. R. Elliott, County Clerk.
A Word with You.
You will buy a Christmas Gift for some friend
or relative this year. It's time you began to look
around. We have the largest floor space in town
$ nnrl n lni-rrMr ctnrL- frnm which to make SeleCtlOtlS.
jf Some article for the
Kitchen Convenience
ijfi Dining Room Splendor
$ Library Comfort
Parlor Delight
f Chamber Restfulness
a. Such as Kitchen Utensils, Table Cutlery,
bets, bectionai hook ases,
Mattrasses and Springs
Parlor Suits,
All articles registered, cared for and delivered
as requested by our patrons.
our stock. Look it
We are here to show you
equal, rubber over whether you buy or not.
I Ginn Sd White,
rctn, .postmaster, motor, Neb.; J. Guy
Swope, Star Clothing House, North
Platto: Now.ton w. Grose, Atty. for
First Nntl. Bank, Ft. Collins, Colo, H.
u uanoy, prop, xsortnern Hotel, rt.
Ft. Collins; Colo; Judge E. A. Ballard,
Atty. Ft. Collins, Colo.: Dr. W. K.
Foot, Omaha, Neb.; Dr. Geo. L. Hoe!,
Ft. Collins, i;oio., ami others
Men. wo sell thu best$1.00 shirt made
in this county, ut Wilcox DcpurUuout
5f WALK-OVER. fj
You Can Tell
by merely looking at it whether a shoe
is stylish or not but you have to try it
for yourself to discover whether it feels
comfortable, retains its shape or rend
ers good service. WALK-OVER
Shoes not only look well but are
qually satisfactory in every particular.
It isn't simply what they see but what
WALK-OVER wearers find out for
themselves that makes them come
Prices $3.50, $4.00, $5.00.
Wilcox Department Store,
North Platte, Nebraska.
First National Bank,
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Capital and Surplus $130,000.
E. f . SEEDERGER, Vicc-Presidcnl,
F. L. M00NEY, Cashier.
Why go out Into tho country to buy residenco lota when you can
buy tho following choice residence lots in the West End where they
will increase in value and always be in demand.
Three nice lots In block 17, Town Lot Co's Addition, $350.00 for
all three.
Two handsome lots on Block 12, Town Lot Co'a Addition. $350.00
for both lota.
Throe handsome lots on west Fourth street, sower in and peid
for, $1200,00 for tho three
Four choico lota on west Sixth street closo in for $400.00, $450.00,
$500.00 and $G50.00 each.
These lots aro all closo in, high and dry, do not require any filling
nnd ench of them is worth more money than we are asking for them.
Buchanan and Patterson.