The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 19, 1909, Image 8

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    Semi -Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
Odo Year.caab in advanco II.2&
Months, cub In advance 66 eta
Entered at North PI tit to, Nebraska, PoatofDce
as second claaa matter.
mwM a wn rniiNTV mcwc 5?
- fct
F. J. Powell, who had been visiting
friends in and near the city, left Wed
ncsday for Scattlo, Wash.
Trains from the east yesterday morr.
Ing were four or Ave hours late. Delays
were reported on both the Iowa roads
and the Union Pacific.
iM &WCH, or tnc uranu island sugar
factory, was in town on business yes
terday, going from hero to Hcrshey to
look after tho shipment of beets.
For RentNine room house and barn
on west Front Btrcet. Will place the
same in good repair. Apply to W. V.
Chas. F. Horner, representing the
Ridpath Lyceum Bureau, was in town
yesterday conferring with tho Chau
tauqua officers relative to attractions
for the 1910 assembly.
An offer of S47.C0 per aero for 120
acres adjoing tho Catholic cemetery
south of tho river, was refused by the
owners Wednesday. Fifty dollars per
aero is asked for tract.
bale Twenty per cent discount on
Men's, Women's and Children's Under
wear at Tho Loader.
Tho little touch of winter weather
this week has mndo a pcrceptiblo im
provement in tho clothing and dry
goods trade. An early winter invaria
bly makes good business for theso lines.
Tho "Commecomcnt Days" company
arrived this morning and will pfosont
that musical comedy at tho Keith this
evening. There nro ubout fifty in tin
company, and of course the girls nro all
chic and protty.
uo to vvyman 6i joiirics for your
horse shoeing. Plenty of help and
horses promptly attended to. Gaunt's
old stand.
Tho Union Pacific sent out from Om
aha this week a pay car from which
tho employes i lceivcd their checks. This
was dono partly on account of tho num
ber of men employed In double tracking,
Ujunlly tho checks aro sent to tho sta
tlon ngenta.
AH tho nowly elected county and
precinct ofilcors aro required to flit
their bondo with tho county clerk be
fore January 6th, 1910. It will bo
well to havo theso bonds filed as early
ns possible in order that tho commls
doners may act upon thorn.
Not in many yearB havo wo had such
good sleighing as during tho past three
days; in fact it is unusual for tho
streets of North Platto to bo packed bo
evenly and solidly with Bnow. Sleighs
and sleds havo been in demand, and
sledding parties aro being much on
joyed by tlio younger people.
1 ho rush of land scekorB to this sec
tion started in last week, but tho heavy
Bnow Tuesday caused a falling off in
tho number nrriving. As soon ns tho
unow disappears these homo Beckers whl
appear in greater numbers and real cs
tato agents anticipate n good busincL
this fall and winter.
Sco those now Glovo Silk Jersey
Waists.. Tho latest craze. At Wilcox
Department Store
The Now York World pronounccu
"A Gentleman from Mississippi" as
great a piny as "Tho Man of tho Hour"
As our pcoplo recently witnessed tho
latter play, they nro in a position to
judge tho morits of "A Gentleman
from Mississippi" which will bo pre
sontcd at Tho Keith next Monday ovo
uwing to n lack or n quorum no
meeting of the city council could be
held Tuesday night. With Tobln out of
tho city permanently and Tracy out
ovcry other ilght, it is Bomowhat
difficult to secure u quorum. It has
been over n month since tho council
succeeded in getting tho requisite num
bcr of members.
I mnko a specialty of lookinc up non
resident owners and buying land for
Lincoln County people. If thero is any
thing joining you or in your vicinity
mat you wunt, wnio mo.
1 O. E. Elder, North Platto.
At no timo havo tho peoplo of Norl
Platto had bo much faith in tho futui
prospects or tuo city, and all seem
satisfied that it is only n question of
few yearB until wo havo a population of
ten thousand. Ono satisfying condl
tioiV is that tho business men nro pull
ing together bettor than for years
pasl. When this condition pruvoi
gobd results follow.
fyJtbtilwfcftl- harbor of tho American
Order of Protection was honored Wed
nesday evening by tho presence of Su
premo Commander Price and Supremo
Secretary Gnylord. To moot theso grand
officers a largo attendance of members
was present and the evening proved
pleasant and profitable one. Enjoyable
refreshments were served at tho close
of tho evening.
First National Bank,
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Capita) and Surplus $130,000.
E. F. SCEDERGER, Vice-President,
F. L. M00NEY, Cashier.
Why go out into tho country to buy residence lots when you can
buy the following choice residenco lots in tho West End where they
will incJcaso in vaiuo and nlwoys be in demand.
Three nice lota in block 17, Town Lot Co's Addition, $350.00 for
nil three.
Two handsome lots on Block 12, Town Lot Co's Addition. $350.00
for both lots.
Thrco handsome lots on west Fourth street, sewer in and paid
for, $1200.00 for the three.
Four choice lota on west Sixth street closo in for $400.00, $450.00,
$500.00 and $650.00 each.
These lots aro all closo In, high and dry, do not require any filling
nnd each of them is worth moro money than wo arc asking for them.
Buchanan and Patterson.
The Big New York Success Coming.
"A Gentleman from Mississippi" tho
most successful comedy produced in
Now York City in tho past twenty
years, with a record or ono year more
nnd six months Chicago, comes to the
opera House Monday mgnt, xsov u.
Nothing is moro significant of dramatic
success In Now York than out of town
comment. In hotels nnd upon rnilway
trains thoro is n tense nnd gripping
moment of auspenso toward tho closo
of ono of tho acts. Tho genial old
Southern Senator, roused to indignation
by tho corrupt, naval base scheme,
rounds upon tho legislative plotters and
roars forth that "noxt day ho will call
them to account at 12:30." "What aro
you going to do to-morrow at usssur
asks his secretary, as tho others with
draw. "Damned if I know." replies
tho Bcnator truthfully, and tho curtnlns
falls amid shouts of laughtor and is
raised for a dozen sccno calls.
Christian Church Notes.
Tho revival services continue. Last
Lord's Day proved a very encouraging
day. Four services wero hold and all
were intensely interesting. At the
morning Borvico two enmo forward and
ono young man at tho afternoon sor-
vice. A good nndienco gathered at tho
evening servico notwlthstnnring the
union servico at tho opera house. "Tho
Greatest Living Quostion" was iIIb
ciiHsed by Evangelist Johnson in a mas
terly way. Monday ovonlng "White
Washed nnd Washed White",. Tuesday
evening "Tho Threefold Gospel". At
the invitation n beautiful sight met our
eyes, two Btepped forward without any
personal solicitation, nn old man nnd u
boy. Youth and old ago mot showing
tho slmplo gospol appeals to both alike.
This evening ' 'Tho Weeping Saviour". If
you como once you will want to como
again and you will find n cordial wel
come, "It was fino" is the verdict of
all ovory evening. Twenty-fivo havo
boon added to tho congregation to dato
and many moro thinking seriously of
tuklng tho stop into Uio kingdom. It
is a groat thing to bo able to rally pco
plo around the Cross of Christ.
Will Ask For Something in 1911.
Wlillo not taking active" part in the
political affairs of tho county, tho
Winner is well pleased with tho result
of tho rocent election. So far as the
south sido Is concerned, we think it is
well that no opposition wan mado to
tho candidates who wero up for a
third torm, Bosldes being good man,
their rotiromont at Uio ond of their
third torm will cloar tho slato up nicoly
for a now deal two years from now,
when at loast threo of tho leading offi
cers, treasurer, clerk and Bherifr, will
bo contested for by now men, and tho
south sido will and should como up for
somothing worth whilo. For a half
dozen years past, or for a dozen, eo far
as wo kpow, no county office has been
given to any man south of tho Platto
river, oxwpt''that.qfcoramls6lori6r, and
that was glvnnasamattccju&ioosslty.
Whon tho noxt county election comes
around the peoplo of tho south part of
Lincoln county will bo in position to
ask ror and get tno uest thoro is going.
Wallace Winner.
bnie Twenty per cent discount , on
Tho Leader's fino lino of Millinery.
I dailies cannoi tuioru 10 pass up una
Commenting on Governor Shallcn
bergor's announced opposition to coun
ty option and his apparent determin
ation to stand nlono on tho enforcement
of tho daylight bill and tho Slocumb
law, tho Hastings Tribune says: "This
move may be looked upon by Governor
Shnllonbergor ns being politic, but it is
plain that tho governor forgets that
little maxim of Abraham Lincoln's
about fooling tho people part of the
timo but not nil tho time." Ab a mat
ter of fact thero has not been n time
since Govornor Shnllenberger went into
office that he has himself known whnt
ho would do noxt with regard to the
liquor question, and oven now no one
can make a safe guess, because ho wil
do whatever ho thinks will best help
tho political game. Kearney Hub.
Only ono candidate nt tho recent
state election received a majority of
tho votes cast, according to tho official
returns. Tho total number of ballots
waa 207,002, which requires 103,602 for
n majority. Judgo Barnes, who re
ceived tho highest vote for judge, had
but 93, 502, exactly ten thousand short
of n majority. C. S. Allen, republican
candidate for regent, received 10-1,188,
being slightly moro than a majority
Tho prohibitionists,
with seven thou
snnd votes, nnd the
littlo less than five
socialists with
thousand, would
evidently havo held the
balance of
their hnbit
powor in tho state but for
of wasting their votes on hopeless
miner pnrtles. Lincoln Journal.
Choice Lots for Sale.
I hnve ton cholco lots in Pennistona
Addition for sale for less money than
any other lota being offered, consider
ing location nnd sizo.
Also thrco lots on West Fifth St.
thnt I can sell at $750 for tho three, or
will soil separate. Phono 250.
O. E. Elder.'
Strictly Pure Bottle Milk.
Wo can supply milk to n few moro
regular customers. Also have a limited
amount of fancy dairy butter. Phono
General Practice of
Medicine, Surgery
Together with his
Specialty, Eye, Ear, Nose
and Throat.
Your Glasses Carefully Fitted.
Offico and residence 413 East Fifth St,
on ground floor, no stairs to climb..
Phono 659.
North Platte,
Furniture Repairing
Also Woodturning.
.... A Specialty.
Bliop 107 Eat FUtii,
Fer, Sale
New Five Room House on west 10th
street, with electric lights, city water
and bath room; all rooms largo and
lately papered. Nice lawn and trees.
$1100.00 cash will buy it. Temple Real
Estato & Insurance Agency.
is our cigar. Tho moro you smoko the
moro you'll praise it, because n veteran
votnry of tho weed knows a good thing
when ho lights it. uniy smokers of
these c rrnrs have a match for them.
Our five-centers can't be duplicated for
n nickel anywhere else in North Platte.
with a wealthy acquaintance will cause
you no embarrassment if you arc riding
or driving a horse from our livery
stable. We mako It a point to keep
our servico as nearly as possible up to
tho, standard of a private stable. The
result is that on tho road you'll meet
no ono you need take off your hat to
A. M. Lock.
Hunting Prohibited.
Notice is hereby given by the under
signed land owners and losses or land
in 11 nil i'recinct, that no hunting is
hereby premittca on tho land owned or
leased, oy us, and any person found
thorcon will be prosecuted under the
law relating thereto.
Schrever & Mnrlett Geo Konf
H. Waltemath G. W. Long & Sons
rrank Steel ueo. Shanks
FrcdMnlono Blankcnburg Bros.
Geo. T. Patterson Charlie Robinson
Loren Purdy
Frank Ebelc.
tl. Homeopathic Physician
nnd Surgeon.
Office: McDonald Bank ituiMinf.
Phono 183.
A, J. Ames. M. I). Mario Amos, I. I)-
Physicians nnd Surgeons.
Office: Over Stono Drug Co.
Phones: Office 273. Residence 273
Physician nnd Surgeon.
Ofilco: Over McDonuld Bank.
Phonofl 1 0fllce 180
f hones V Re8idence n5
Osteopathic Physician,
Rooms 7 nn' 8. McDonald
Stato Bank Building,
Phono 148.
over Scha1
Phono 8
Ofilco: for. Front & Dew" b.
Notice is hereby given, that on tho
30th day of November, 1909, tho Mayor
and City Council of tho city of North
Platto will receive bids for $100,000.00
of water bonds of tho city of North
Platto, Nebraska, dated October 1st,
1909, duo twenty years from their dato
but payable after five years from date,
at tho option of the city, nnd bearing in
terest nt tho rato of five per cent per
annum, said bonds In demoninations of
$1,000.00 each. Said bids must bo filed
on or boforo 12:00 o'clock noon of tho
30th day of November, 1909, and
blddors nro required to accompany their
bids with a certified check of $1,000.00
to Insuro tho good faith of said bidder.
Tho Mayor and City Council reserve
the right to reject nny and all bids.
Tiios. C. Patteuson, Mayor.
Attest: CifAS. T. Temple, Clerk.
Change and Vacation of Part of
Road No. 309.
To All Whom It may concern i
The fommUkloni r appointed tn locntr a
chance and vacate a part of Koad No. 801". has
reioried In favor of bald rh tinge, lievtnnlnir
at section 20 of said, read No. S'O, runntntr
i hence In a southeasterly directum to Hit
flat between secilous II and 12 of old road
No 3W. thence. In a norl h asterly direction
to connect with station II of Koad No.imi;
he has also reported In favor of vacation of
that part of road No. SO1.). Ilnir Is-twecn the
terminal isilnts o' the chat'tre and all ob
jection then In or claims fordamutro must be
tiled In the otllce of the county clerk on or
IWoru noon on Hie I'tSih day of Decemlier,
IM', or-ucli toatl Milt be ihtabllsht'd with
on i reference thereto.
Dulud. North I'lalio, Nvbr., net 2S. lrcj.
Thomas Snbo'd, do 'endant. will take notice
tliatontlioZOtli day o' October, 1100. Wellman
II. Paddock. plaintiff herein, filed lilt peti
tion In ilia District Court or Lincoln
County. Nebraska, ntralnsl Thomas Habold
and tin' South I'laile Lumi & Trust Co. the
nl. led mid Dialer of which aro to obtain a
dicrcc iirimnir mat a certain montairo j
x cent I'd hi Freeman V Slddous on tho
Southeast H of Section 8. Township!1. Nature
82 In Lincoln county. Nebraska, to tho
South I'lalto l-oan ft Trust Co.. and by tho
South Platte Loan & Trust Co. assigned to
tho defendant Thomas Habold which mort
gage Is for tho sum or tlW uo, dated ev
tnitMT ntn ltw, and recorded in nooKHor
Mortpatscs. at raw "4, haslieen fully paid
and satisfied, and for a decree cancelling
the name of record and fora further decree
finding that a certain mnrieaKe executed by
tree man v Sltldous on the land aforesaid.
o the Couth ' alio Liinii ft Trust, Co.. for
f'lT.Mi on September 6ih., 1M0. and recorded
in iKxik or Miirliraiies, nt rave 047, lias lieeti
fully paid and satisfied and ror a decree
ance 11 tiir ami sat ry ntr sain mor travu cr
n curd, and nlalutltT oral h that his tlllo to
said land Ik-(ltileled as avnlrs nil claims of
iho defendants, Thomas Saliold anil Freeman
V' Slddous. and thai tin y ho excluded from
any Inter-M In and to the land arorvsalri.
You are reoulred to anwer said tieMiloiion
or before the lSlh day of llccetnber. 100V.
uaieu oct. y, ivim
Wkixman II. Paddock.
tty Wurnx UN Attorneys
.Tames II. Knurr. I'lnltnlir. vh Ilnmlltnn
Loan and Trust Company and llurnion K
Kninioiia, lc fendMiiN. Summons.
The defendants Hamilton Loan and Trust
Company, and Herman V. Emmons, will lake
noiicu that uo tlio iW'tli day ui Octotior,
WJ. the ulalntirr II led is net It on In tlie dis
trict court o Lincoln County. Nehrnkn.
Hitalnst you, tlio said named defendants.
the otiject and nrnrer or which an, that a
! creu of court Irenlen d adjudtilntr plain
I IT io b i lie owner of Hie west half ofsouili
est quarter, and east Imlf of south wet
quaru r. of secllon llilrtv-four, township six-
li en, rantre tweniy-slx. Lincoln County, !Su-
rasKa. ana tur'hr as ni'Biust (!efen(ini
Hamilton Loan & Trust Comoanv. that a
eerlalti morttracu i txm said luiid mado by
one Hubert II Kilmer, Jr and vlfe. for
win lavoror said loan ana trust com
pany and duly recorded In the olllceof the
t( ceivcr or needs .nine win, ititn. in Hook 7.
at oaire tSOO. Ik' adjudged lo havo been fullv
paid, that said moriirRW h" canceled of
record, and that plalullirn tlllo to ald land
betiuleled as airulnst mortirairc lien of said
letenilaut. That as airnlnsi th) derondnni
lle'man I' Emmons, the further pi aver of
piainiiir-s petuiun aK that ins title in said
leulfstale lie established as or or and sntu r
lor as airalnst any adveree claim of said tie
'endant thereto by reason of lielnif the bus
tin nd or one. Harriet J. hmnions. a stilne-
ntieiit owner of an Interest In said land In
luberllancuas HioduuRhierofonu James II.
iiecKwitn. who cued hi irt u or said Ihihi on or
aiKittt. theztsi day of August, lew. and halt)
Harriet J. Emmons eonveyliiK her Inter st In
said land to plaintiffs eranlor. the defendant
not Joining In said conveyance, and further
asklnt necreo thai defendant Is' barred and
estopi'td ttom hhvlhtr or clnlinlnir any In
terest adverse lo piaintllT's title thetelti, or
those clalnilnit or holding by or throueh him
In and to said leal estate. You the said
hiiovo named dereiniants and each or jou are
required to answer said petition on or before
Hecemher '3ih. IWii.
Dated this Mill day of Ocmlter. 1W.
.Iamro II. Kmhiii, I'lalntirr.
dS-trty.T It DnNN Hl Attorney.
Stalnof Nebraska. Lincoln county, ss.
In the county court November 'si. WH.
In the mailer of tho estatuof Mary Latn-
i itiL'ti. deceased.
On readlntr and flllntr tlio pell Ion of Mary
m iiarrniKion. praline lliat tlie admltil-i ra
Ion of said estate maybe granted to John
llerroo as Aitmln straior
Ordered. That November 22d. 1P00, at 10
i 'clock a, m.. Is aliened for hearlnc saltl
liellllim whon all persons Interested in saltl
matter may appear at. a county court lo oi
held tn and for said county, and show causi
why the urajcrof petitioner should not Ih
trranted. This order to Im piibll-hi d for six
siiceo-sivp issin s In Uio North I'latte Tribune
prior to wovemiier zm iiiuv.
W O. Ei.dkm. County .Tudsro.
Notice for Publication.
Perlol No. 0221.1
Department of the Inferior.
U. S. Land Otllce at North I'latte. Nob.
OcioImt. iStli. IW0.
Notice Is hereby clvrn that Charles V Wll
klnson.of North I'latte. Neb., whoon Octolier.
lain, ivut, mane Homestead I'.ntry No. ukv.
serial No WKfvs. for north east quarter and
souiu nan or soutliwesl quarter, section W,
townsiup iv, north, rantre 31, west
oi the uth principal meridian, has tiled
notice or Intention to moke filial 11 vo J eat
proof, to establish claim to the land alsive
ilecrlhed, before the rcttlsierand receiver at
North I'latte. Nebraska, on tho !ud day of
liecemis'r. iws.
Claimant names as witnesses: O. F.
Meier. Art luir Conner. Carl ltrneder. nnd
Thomas Zimmerman, all of Norl h Plane, Neb.
OZV-" .1 K r.VA ns. Keirlster
State of Nebraska. I
Lincoln County,
In the County Court.
Tlio stato of Nebraska, to delsces, leca-
tees aim netrs anu to any others interested
In said matter:
You am hereby notified that an Instrumct.t
of Mary Ennlun-, deceased, Is on fllelUhHid
puriHiriinir to do the ast will and leslamen
couri mm also a pe'lllon praylnc for the
PMl at Of said Instrument, nnd for tin. no.
lMilinuicnt of Frank II. Kntrland as executor.
l ha' on iiiesuin day or Novemter, ivw, at
o'cloi'k a in., said pel ll Ion and tlio proof o
the extcutlon of saltl Instrument will be
heard, anil that If you do not then aneea
and. contest, said court mav orobain mwl
record the same, and m am administration of
urn state lo e ratiK it. Km: and
This notice shall be published for six sue
cesslvo Issues In the North I'latto Trllmne,
print tusald hourlnir
Vltnessmy hantl and ofllclal seal Ihls 8H
aay or Novcmtiur. kkv. w. o.
n V-a County .IihIbo,
Donarlment of tho Interior.
Ited Stales Laud Olllco,
North I'latte, iNehruska.
October HUh.ltCfl.
A Hlllllclent contest aflldHVlt. IihvIih.' lunn
filed In l his ofilco by Allmrt ilreen conlestaul.
atrallist homestead einri No iUWl Serial ittfUo.
made tic.tol or (lib, uma lor noriheast quarter
souinwcst quarter, south hair norhwcsl
quarter, section H. township 14. rantru 27, by
heirs of ltlchartl Q Edwards contea'ee. In
which It Is a Peited tbatt
I. The ulsivu named claimant In his life
timo never cultlvuted any portion of the
above described land,
'i. Said claimant never In his llfo time es
tablished residence uiion said land or resided
3. cald claimant has wholly failed lo live
or reside upon said land and has been absent
therotrom for six months and one day la-t
Fald nbsenco fmm said land was not
due to claimants employment In tlie army,
navy or marine corps of Ihe United Siaies.
durliiir any war n which Ihe United 8tates
has lieen eiiirutred .
5 The said claimant died about two years
ao anil conies ant has Iven unable to find
tjut whether ho loft any heirs. Blnie the
death of said claimant no ono has resided
upon said land or cultivated any portion or
used any iKirtlun whatever for any niirion'.
.either has Die land Is-eit Impnived In any
wsy since the death of said clulmanl.
Kaeh and all of saltl defects now exist.
Suld parth s aro hereby nntllled to appear,
respond and otter evidence touchlm said
alleiratious at ten o'cloi'k a. m on lliccmber
II, lltKi lc foro Ihe lieulsier and Hecelver al
bo Unltid States Land Olllco In North
I latte. Nebraska
The said contestant liavlne In a proper
aflhlavli, tiled OcioImt 111. W set forth tacts
which show that after clue dllltrence personal
service of this notice can not ho made It Is
litiehy ordered and directed tliat such notice
beiilvoii by due and proin-r publication,
.1 K. Evans
It 'tfNter
AlTUlN riUEiH T OK AHMliNlfl fltATOlt.
isiatoor NoiirosKa, Lincoln uounty, ss.
in iiieuiiuniy uourt Ntivemner ihi, nvj.
In iho mailer of the estate of Iiano Lamp
lauuh. deceased. On reaillinr alul mini.' tin.
.petlilonof Mary M lUtilnttlon, i rajliik' that
too auinini-iraiinn or saltl esiaie may bo
Kraniitl lo.lohn llertod as adinlnlsiraior.
Old red. Thai Novt ml er 22i d, HWi. at 0
o'i'liM'l; a. m . Is asshntd for heur.iiL' said w
llllon. when all persons Inleres'ed in suld
matter may appearal a county court, to lie
lntl In untl forsald eoipiiy. and show csuse
why the prayer of petitioner sho i.d nut 1h
Krantttl. This order to lu published for six
successive IsMles III the Norib Plaltn Trllnmn
Pllor in NOT, fctmlJ IW
FENDANTS. To Samuol Hnoll. Kate J. Snoll, Sarah
Urauph Guardian, nnd lots one tno, three,
four. Ave. tlx, seven and eight In block six
teen, of llio original cltr of North I'latte,
Lincoln County, Nubraska, non resident defendants.
You and racu or you are n ere or noiuiea
that on tho 2.1th day of OctolsT. 1WW. S. Y.
Olllan. plalntilT tn said cause tiled Ids petit Ion
In Hit) District Court of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, against you and each of you, tho ob
ject and prayer of which Is lo foreclose a
certain tax lien upon tho property described
a9 follows, situated In thoCouuiy of Lincoln
ailU OIBIU ui iluuruiHa, iu-niii lajibuiiu, mu,
three, lour. five. six. seven and eleht In block
sixteen, of tho orlKlnal city of North Platte,
in Lincoln uouniy. NetirasKn. taiu tax ncn
Is based upon a tax salo certificate numtior
2aiu issuetl by the County Treasurer of Lin
coln Count Nebraska, on November 7, 1901,
to Ihe plHlntirr herein ror taxes levied ana.
asse-sed airahist said premises for the years
IRl'l to una Inclusive, wiiii interest and ponai
tlesatldtd, lordlier with subsequent taxes
imltl iheteon for Ihoyoars llWl to 1V0S Inclu
sive aimreKalliiir thesutn of fMfi.U) tonelher
wini in erest tiierern at the tatt or iu per
cent tier annum Horn Oct' Is'r I. lt0
riaintiir prays ror decree or roreciosuro or
sslil tax lieu and attorney fees of 10 percent
of the amount recovered, and costs of suit.
and thai defendants be reoulred lo nay Bald
sums, and In default of such tiaj moni said
premises is sold lopayMic amount round ouo
with Interest an t penalties and attorn y fees
anil costs, and that each and all of said de
fendants be foreclosed of all equity or re
demption In and to said premises and for
such other relief as may be Just and cqult-
You aro rent! red to answer sad rot It Ion on
orb-fore tho6lhday of Decemlier. 11)09.
Dated tins 1111 day or October, nw, at
North I'latte. Nebraska
ozn-i h. v UH.I.AN. riaintirr
lly lloAtit.ANn & IIOAniiANP, Ills Attys.
Uerlrnnd Fcllier. Melvlllo Felber. Arthur
Fellier. Isaac Kilber. Tllllo Fellier. Corrlno
rellier Shaffer. B. Uult.lieit. SchaeiTer,
all hi Irs of Aucust Feltier. de
ceased. Oliver Crlssey, Marearet Crls
HMiy. Oklahoma Klbln & Hook Concern, a
corporation. Thomas II Ward and Ilernard
li er. delcnoains, will take notico mat on
i he 21st day of October. It 0i. Union Hcalty&
Trust Co., a cotporallon. plalntilT herein, tiled
Its petition In the District Court or Lincoln
County, Nebraska, asalnst said defendants,
tneotiject and prayer or winch are to quiet
the tlllo of the plaintiff tn and lo the north
east quarter of section 27. township 13 N..
i ance at west, or the (Sin p. m , in Lincoln
tunty. Nebraika. In tho sahl nit In Iff as
sRitnsl each and all of the defendHt. b ereln.
and lo exclude each and all of the suld d-
leiidanls from am Interest, title, claim or
demand tn and to said lands.
You ate n nulred to answer said net I tlon on
or iM'fori'thetlili' December, 19W.
listed Oct. zist umi.
n JD-4 lly Wnox tt II Al T.tnAN. Its Attys.
In the uiaitel ui the estato of Herman
Ottun. Jeceasod.
Hi the iTountv onurt or Lincoln countr. Ne
braska. October 18th. KjO.
Notice Is hereby iMven. that tho creditors of
said deceased will meet tho Executrix
jf said estate, before tho Countr .Indue nf
Lincoln county. Nebraska, at tho county
ourt riHim In said countr. on the 13th dav of
Novemlter. llW.and on ibol3ih day of Mar.
mill, at 0 o'clock a m. each day. for the uur-
pose of prescntluir Hielrelalms for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance Six months
are allowed for creditors to present their
claims and ono year for the Executrix to
ett osa tl estate from the 7t hdar of SePtem-
1st. llin. This notico to be published for eight
-uccesslve Issues In the North Platto Trlbuno
prior to Novemliert Hiou.
w . a. Er.nrcn.
H,-S rvnmtr .Tiidtro.
To Adam 11. Fisher and Ioim one and two
In block eluhty-four of the original City ot
Norm i'latte, Nebraska, defendants:
You are hereby nntllled that on tho 8th dar
of October. 1100 S Y.lllllati. plaintiff In said
cause, filed his petition In the District Court
of Lincoln County, Nobraska. niralnst you
hiiiI each of you, tho object and prayer of
which Is to foreclose a certa'n lax lion upon
the property descrlla-d as follows, situated In
ihe County or Lincoln and Statu of Nobraska,
to-wll: lots oro and two hi block eluhty-four
of Iboorlulnal Cltr of North I'lnttH Niiru.
ka.'sald tax-luh Is based ujs-n tax sale. certifi
cate rvo. aH issued ny me uounty Treasurer
or Lincoln County. Nebraska, on Novemler7,
1104 loihe plaintiff herein for taxes luvled and
asessed niralnst said premises fo the year
IsWJ to 1003 Inclusive with Interest and penal
ties adrti d. toiret her wit It the subsequent taxes
paltl t her on for tho years IP0I to llU8 In
clusive, agereiratlntr tlio sum nf Slid 00 to
gether with Interest thereon at tho
rato of 10 per cent per annum
rrom the dale of ttllnirsald petition.
Plaintiff prays Tor dectee of (on closure of
sahl tax lluu and an attorney fee of ten por
cent of Ihe amount recovered and costs of
suit, and that defendants Iki required to pay
suld sum, and In default of such payment
said- premises Is so'd lo pay ihe amount
round due with Interest and is nalltes and al
lot ney fees and costs, anil that each and all
of said defendants bo foreclosed o all equity
of redemption lit and to said premises and
ror such other relief as may bo equitable; and
You am required to anwer said petition on
tierore l he 'ilw dayof November, 11KW
Dated this Bib. day of October, at North
Plaito Nobraska.
., , P- V, Oitxan, Plaintiff.
lly Huaeland & Hoaeland, Ills Attorneys.
Road No. 328
To all whom It may concern:
Tho comnd-sloner appointed to locate a
public road, comment-liic about 2.1 rods east
of Hie S. iV. cornerof section 31-0-20 and run
Inu thence norlh about HI rods, thenco north
east about to mds atotind head of canyon,
thence north about 3d rods, thenco noriheast
alioutSU rods, thence north 180 rods, tboneo
northeast io Durham, Nebr.. on section 2U-9-'.'0:
this road to connect with road No. 218
south ot railroad and to bo 40 feet wide, has
rejHtrted In favor of tho location of said
rond.and all claims for damatro or object Ions
thereto must bo tiled In Ihe olllco of tho
county clerk on or beroro noon on the aatb
day of December. 1WW or such road will bo
established wit bout reference thereto.
Dated Norib Platto. Nebr.. Oct. 24. 1008.
F. II. Elliott.
Coitntv Clerk.
Department of ihe Interior.
U. S. Laud Olllco at North Platte Neb ,
, , October I8tb. I0W.
Serial No (Uuuu.
Notico U hereby ulven that Alpheus M.
llsoii. of Maxwell. Nebraska, who on Juno.
iHih, l Wl, made II. E. No. 2UIU2. Serial No.
U200U, for northeast quarter and southwest
quarter, sect ton 20. township It N ranite. iS
West of the Uth Principal Meridian, has tiled
notice of Intention to mako Dual five year
proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo
deseriU'd, before tho ltt-Klsterand deceiver,
at North Platte. Nebraska, on tho Uth day of
Decemlier. IfWi.
Claimant name as witnesses! Fred M.
huser. of North I'latte, 'Neb., Ernest. E.
Sukraw. Oltnton M York, oi Maxwell. Neb.,
and Peler F.Rnkraw.or Wlllard. Neb.
n 22-H .1. V.. Kvans. Ililtr.
Notice of the Hearing of the Probate of
Foreign Will
In tlio County Court of Lincoln County,
To all persons Interested In tho estate of
Charles Ootin-elmau, deceased.
her, ns. .letuilo E. Counsi Iman and Sey
mour Miirls. of Cook County. Illinois, have
Hied In mi olllco a trillion prayhn; to havo a
duly authenticated copy of what purports
t;; 1st the last will and testament of ono
t harlesCouuselmau, who died In Cook coun
ty. III., on or about Iho 2eih day of March,
lliul, admltteU to prubatu as a forelirn will!
which will purports to have been admitted
lo probate by the ptobale court or .Cook
county. Illinois, on or about thu Sd dayof
May, llJI, which will Mates to both teafand
personal estateand especially lo the south
east quarter of sectloii27 township IS north,
raniru .11, west of the Sixth P M., in Lincoln
county, Nebtaska.
I havo ihen'foio appointed Monday, the Uth
day of November. Mow, at Uo'clock In tho fore
noon, at tho county, court room In said
county, a thu time ami place for the lioarlnff
of said petition, at which timo and placuyou
fina" V.n.Vcwrilotl .P,,lM3r. anu conicst
I be atimlttlncof said will to probata us a for
ohm will,
It Is lurther ordered that said petitioners
Blve notice lo all peisons Interested In said
estate, of iho pendency of this pulltlqn, and
thu time and place of tho hearlnc of "Iho
same.hy causlntt a copy of this order lo be
published In tho North Plallo Semi-Weekly
Irlbutio. u newspaper printed and published
liibaiilcuiiiy. for throe weeks successively,
aim the dato set for hearbnr.
In wlliiess whereof, I have hereunto set my
hand and olllclal sua). ibU 2Uih day of Octob-
I iuuL'