"Don't Forget to Mail the Letter" or bring home the jewelry your wife gave you to have repaired, otherwise you will get yourself into trouble. Wo wish to remind you of both as they are very Important matters. You know you have the quickest and best work done at Clinton's and you may just as well take tho work home witli you, which we usually manage to get out within a day. Our repair department will set Btones or solder your broken brooch, hatpin, etc., within a very short time. You do the damage, we do tho rest. CLINTON,, Jeweler and Optician. Phone 338. Wc wanl Your Repair- Work 5i i: ft' 5? DRS. BROCK & CROOK, DENTISTS. Over First National. Phono 148 I I Mrs. Thart, who had been visiting Mrs. Mary A. Baker, and acquaintances at Hcrshcy and Sutherland returned to her homo in Indiana today. Alarm Clocks that aro guaranteed for one year. Price $1.00 at Dixon's, Tho Jeweler. In Omaha yesterday tho livo men convicted of robbing tho Union Pacific Overland Limited, wero sentenced to hard labor in tho Leavenworth pen Itcntlary for life. Eat a palatable and sumptuous sup nor Tuesday nlitht In tho Masonic hall for twenty-flvo cents. Tho Brown ranch of 1,329 acres, near Bicanrlncs. was sold last week for nearly $30,000. The ranch is located in the wostorn part of Keith county and is to bo used axclusivoly by tho put- chasors for a horso ranch. Salo Two hundred Men's Dress fJvnrcontfl. with or without military col lare. also cravonottcs. at a discount of twenty per cent at Tho Lcador. Fred Bent, of Paxton, has been ap pointed superintendent of pumping stations on tho U. P. from Sidney to North Platte on tho main lino and from O'Fallona to Northnort on tho north river Branch. Do not wait till tho last week boforo Christmas to have your pictures fram cd. Bring them in now. Wo have i beautiful assortment of moulding in cilt. Bilver. brown, black, white, etc. C. M. Newton. Tho Bnowfall of last week and Tues day of this week totaled seventeen and four-tenth inchea bb recorded by Weather Observer McDowall. This is tho heaviest fall of snow wo have had In sovoral years, and Is certainly great thing for tho country. Prior to tho recent snow storm seven bushels of walnut3, fiftoon pounds of wild cherry seed, fifteen pounds of coflfco troo seed and a half bushel of butternuts wore planted on n Union Pacific treo plantation oast of tho city. As soon as possiblo a quantity of hick orv nuts and other treo soeds will bo planted, and next spring 125 acres wil bo set out to young trees. Thanksgiving Linen Sale Twenty pi r cent discount on huthuio Ninons, uancn Cloths nnd Towels at 'the Loader. Tho season for turning cattle m coin Btalks is at hand, and our friend and subscriber. It. S. Colllster, has n rcn edy which ho has tested and says will seldom fall to save animals nffected with the Btalk disonso. Ho says to give as soon as possible a quart of hot wator, and after this is down to throw a handful of salt in tho animal's mouth. In fifteen minutes repeat this treat ment. He has novor had to givo tho third dose, and nays it Is a sure rom cdy. It is surely worth trying. Borl rand Herald. DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Denlisl. Office over the McDonald State Bank. Mrs. P. W. O'Brien returned this morning from a visit with friends in Omaha. Lost A bunch of keys on n ring. Finder please return to Model Clothing House and receive reward. Weather forecast: Generally fair to night and Saturday. The maximum temperature yesterday was 42, oneyeai ago 78; minimum this morning 24, t year ago 31. Beautiful line of Ladles' Hand Bags at Newton's. "Commencement DayB" carries e fine lot of scenic effects and a choruc of girls that will pleaso you. Seo the production at tho Keith this evening. Two physicians and two trained nurses of Grand Island were In town the early part of this week examining the new Lamb building on north Lo cust street, with a view of opening a hospital. The second floor of this building would prove excellent quarters. for such an institution. Tho interested parties have tha matter under advise ment. Sale The sale at Tho Lender is still in progress. Twenty cent discount on Cloaks, Suits, Skirts and Shirt Waists. A great opportunity to purchase these goods cheaper than you ever bought tnem ueiore. Tho campaign by tho two Y. M. C. A. committees is warming up to fever heat, and funds aro being subscribed very liberally. Each committee takes moro or less time from business each day to canvass, and it Is the intention to solicit every man In town not one will escape, The names of the donors but not tho amount they give, are posted daily at tho Y. M. C. A. rooms and will also bo published daily. Colorado Jonnthan annles $1.75 nei box nt Wilcox Department store. Tho High School Lecture Course opens at Tho Keith Saturday evening with the Houstons. The course is a broad ono covering six numbers and no one is to make any money out of it. Tho seats aro a dollar and a half re served. If you buy a season ticket from some school pupil you help that person get a scat free. Wo have tho names of every ono who buys a season ticket. These people will be given a freo ticket to any extra numbers that may bo given and will have their Beats reserved now for tho whole course. If you buy n season ticket ypu becomo ono of tho people who stand back of this great Lyceum movement. You put a dollar and a half into this move ment to givo tho peoplo of this city n chance to get the same culture that is to bo had in the moro closely settled pa'-ts of tho country. Odd Fellows' Celebrate Anniversary. The local lodge of Odd Fellows celt bratcd the thirty-fourth anniversary of the institution of the lodge last evening. The pecasion brought out a large atten dance of locol members and there were nlso a number of visitors, eight or ten of the latter .being from Big Springs, the total attendanco being a few less than 100. D. C. Cline, of Lincoln, who was the grand secretary of tho order when tho lodge was instituted, was present, and though eighty years of age made an interesting address of a half hour's duration. The first degree was conferred on two candidates, and at the close refreshments were served by Caterer Weil. Pleads Guilty to Burglary. Joseph Martin, who claims to bo six cccn years of years of age and gives Asland, Pa., as his home, was brought ver from Ingham yesterday charged with burglarizing the store of F. II. Woodgate nnd taking therefrom a pair of shoes, a hat, duck coat, two sweaters and other articles of clothing; also taking from the till of tho post office, which is located in the store, 240 pennies. Ho was arraigned in the county court this morning and pleaded guilty to the charge. While ho claims to be but sixteen, ho looks older, and pending investigation as to his age he was sent to jail. If he is but sixteen ho will be sent to the reform school. Whether tho govcrnm nt will begin action against him for burglary of the pennies is not known. Wo aro after your trado harder then ever this year and if good good3 and low prices will get it wo will have the pleasure of many sales to ybu. Our holiday goods arc fast arriving and we can promise some genuine surprises as to values. Seeing is convincing call and bo convinced. Dixon, The Jeweler. For Maxwell Reader. Wy havo tho Abcrcrombio property in Maxwell for Bale, consisting of a 5 room house with pantry, closet and bath. Stablo for 4 hoad of horses and cow shed. Also good blacksmith shop, best location in the town. Price $2,000. Easy terms. Well equipment, tools and etc., will sold with shop if wanted. See or writo Temple Heal Estate & Johnson Cashes Forged Check. Latoyesterday afternoon itdevcloped that the lellow who attempted to pass a forged check on W. J. Landgraf, Was more successful at tho Johnson cash store. He entered that storo Wedncs day evening and purchasing a couple of dollars worth of goods, tendering a fif teen dollar check drawn on McDonald's Bank, made payable to Arthur Gill and purporting to be signed by A. E. Hunt ington. Me told Mr. Johnson such an apparently straight story and seemed so innocent that the check was accepted and tho change given him. When the check was taken to the bank yesterday afternoon to bo deposited it was pro nounccd a forgeryr The officers wero notified of tho forgerv and a search Is being made for tho forger, but It Is probable that ho got out of town Wdd- nesday night. Sunday Dinner at Enterprise Bakery. Cream of Tomato Soup Roast Chicken Oyster Dressing Roust Pork Applo Sauce Mashed Potatoes Brown Gravy Escallopcd Corn Rainbow Salad Olives Pickles Celery Pie3 Applo Minco Chocolate Orange Shcrbert Tea Coffee Milk Baptist Church. The morning topic next Sunday will bo "Tho Influence of Christianity in Industry nnd Commerce." This will be specially adapted to the workingmen Insnrnnro Acronev C P Tomnlr. fcrr I The evening service will bo ovangelis Insuranco Agency, U b. lemple. Mgr. I Uc n, tho ,ines oflnst winter.8great 1 & 2 McDonald Blk., North Platte. work, Como and receive a hearty wel Neb. I como. fcjfl WALK-OVER. ffi 8 You should purchoao OUR candy. Made from tho purcot and boat Ingrcd lonta only. Wo make a specialty of colling only tho purost and most delicious contain ing the puroat flavoring. Mado In n clean candy kltchon-a big difference. You should try our vanilla and nut caramels 30cta per pound. DICKEY: BROS., i You Can Tell by merely looking at it whether a shoe is stylish or not but you have to try it for yourself to discover whether it feels comfortable, retains its shape or rend ers good service. WALK-OVER Shoes not only look well but are qually satisfactory in every particular. It isn't simply what they see but what WALK-OVER wearers find out for themselves that makes them come again. . Prices $3.50, $4.00, $5.00. Wilcox Department Store, North Platte, Nebraska. 5JJi mgmrm.mmmra hem a. 1 With a Monarch Ranire in the Kitchen there will be true Thankuiving in the hearts of cook nnd guests alike. A woman's pleasure in lining this perfect range quite equals her pride in serving he family and guests with the delicious food it prepares. Why not make this a Genuine Thanksgiving in your home? Whatever your cooking arrangements may be, you c n improve them and you ought to do it. It' not as though it were an extravagance to buv the "best range possible" as a matter of fact you can't afford to use anything else! The Monarch actually does its work with so little fuel that it soon pays back its cost in real money. The things that a man with a Monarch Range in his kitchen has to be thankful for Some features of the Monarch Range that makes the Woman who uses one truly thankful It Pleases His Wife Thoroughly A woman who uses a Monarch Range is more than merely satisfied. She is pleased enthusiastic about it. She appreciates that sho has a range far superior In every respect to the so-called "steel ranges" that her friends aro using. It Cooks his Meals Promptly and Perfectly No unexpected delays hecause "the oven wouldn't heat." No spoiled meals that are usually blamed mi tho cook when the range is really at fault. Uses so Little Fuel it Pays for Itself Here's the important thing. This makes the Monarch the range for rich and poor alike. It saves its own cost in a short time and continues to save year after year. It's an investment that yields big returns regularly, long nftcr the principal has been paid back. The Polished Top Nevar requires any stove blackening yet is always In perfect condition clean and shiny. Wellsville Stt cl Body Always retains its splendid finish without the use of stove blacking or paint. Most lasting material known for range bodies. The Duplex Draft A device found on tho Monarch alone which does away with the sifting ashes and keeps tho oven uniformly heated An Air-Tight Oven With patent non-warping bottom. Seams can never open up to admit drafts, asncs and dust as in a so-called steel range. Assures perfect baking which can be done only in an air-tight oven. Lower Warming Closet A convonicnt storage compartment underneath tho oven. With tho door open it heats the kitchen liko a base burner and can't Interfere at all with the baking oven. SOLD BY JOS. HERSHEY, Locust and Fifth Streets. Phone 15. Bargains in City Real Estate. 6 room houso on north side with two lots, only 4 blocks rom business sec tion. Nice trees, cement sidewalk and lawn. Price $2,000.00 7 room house on north sido with two lots. Houso new and modern. Cement walk and nice lawn. 8 blocks from busi ness section. Price $2,700,00 Buildings with only ono lot, $2,600.00 2 Btory, 7 room house, just being completed on East 0th St., with bath, electric lights, basement under whole house with furnace and equipment for hot air heat installed. Only 6 blocks from First National Bank corner. Prico $3,000.00. Be quick. 1 story, 6 room house in south part of town with bath. 2 nice high lots, with wash house, good chicken house and chicken yard. Only 7 blocks out. Pri:e$2,C00. Buildings with only one lot $2,300.00. For a business investment, we have the "Star Hotel" on East Front street. This property pays $30.00 per month rent nnd can be bought for $2,800. Sao us about this, it won't last long. Wo can make easy terms on all of tho above property, so see us right away as the same will not be on the market long at the prices named. Tcmplo Real Estate & Ins. Agency, C. F. Temple, Mgr., 1&2 McDonald Blk. Baptist Supper. The ladies of the Baptist Aid society will serve their annual supper next Tuesday evening in the Masonic hall. The menu will bo as follows: Chicken Hot biscuits Mashed potatoes and gravy Baked beans Cabbage salad Pickles, Applo sauce, Jelly Coffee and Cake Served from 6 to 7. Price 25 cents. Notice to the Public Notice is hereby given that bids will be received in tho offico of tho County Clerk of Lincoln County, Nebraska, for cash rental for the year 1910 for the use of tho following real estate, south cast quarter section 14-13-31. All oids to be filed in tho office of the Connty Clerk on or before noon on tho 3d day of December, 1909. Dated North Platte, Neb., November 2d, 1909. F. R. Elliott, County Clerk. Mr. and Mrs. Premus Forstedt left yesterday morning for a week's visit in Lexington, Kearney and Grand Island. 400 bushel all metal Corn Cribs $4.00 at Wilcox Department Store. No. SIM UEl'ORT OP THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, braika. at 10. Sale-One lot of 27-inch Silks, worth $1.25, nt 79 cones per yard at The Leader. Smoke "U. P." Specials-made in North Platte. We Desire to call the attention of the public to our line of Hardware and Harness. In hardware we carrY a full line needed for. general use and nil classes of har ness hardware. Wo carry everything in the harness line. Wo do repairing of all kinds and guarantee all work. We respectfully ask a share of your patronage. PREMUS FORSTEDT, Blankcnburg's Old Stand. KEITH THEATRE c. h. stamp, Mgr. The Event of the Season Monday, November 22nd First Time in this Citv Messrs. Win, A. Bnidy and Joseph R. Grismer announce A Gentleman MIS I I I I 513S1DD1 Prom A Comedy by Messrs Harrison Rhodes and Thomas A.. Wise. The Best Comedy Since "The Senatator " N. Y. Evening Mail. Colonel Roosevelt says "I'ts a Corker. One Year in N. Y. City, Six Months in Chicago. Prices $1.50, $1, and 75c, 50 Cents. Seats go on Sale Saturday, Nov. 20th. at North Platte. In tho Statu of Nn thu close of biiMino4, November Loans and discounts... Uverdrafls becured add unsecured U. 8. bonds to secure circulation U. S. Umds to secure U. 8 deposits Premlumson U.S. bonds lloinls. securities, elc... Uunklnif house, furnl- tur and ll.x lures .... Oilier reul est mo owned Duo from approved re serve aiienis Clucks Htid oilier cash Items.... . Notes of other national bunks........ Fractional papcrcttrren cy. nickels and cunts.. Lawful Money ttetorvo in iiauk, vir; Fpeclo I.etal-tender notes Koduroptlon fund with (J. a. treasurer (& pur cent of clrculuttun).... Total MAMLITIES. Capital Mock paid In... Mirpltm fund Undivided profits, less expenses mid tuxes paid National bank notoj, ouibiuiidlnir Dim to.Htuto anil private l.utikHHiid bunkers Dividends unpaid Individual deposits sub ject lo check Demand certificates of deposit Time certificates of do- iKttlt , CerilUid checks Cashier's checks out standing United rilatesdepoalts.. tns.oos.2o 6.803.00- 208.07 50.1 00.00 1.000.00 1.000.00 69.612.90 22.800 00 1 .850.00 49.S02.89 231.68 625.00 180.01 - 44,618,20 2.SPQ.00 .(W1.S58.S0 tit 0.0(0 00 ao.oio.oo ,068.47 60.000.00 tt.P91.5rt 100.00 31S.718.U7 54,207.63 97,760.00 75.00 453.03 1.000.00 Total , f66I.S.'.8.83 State of Nebraska, County of Lincoln, ssj I, I". L. Mooney, tJasfiler of tin- aliovo named bank. do solemnly swear that tho above statement Is true to tho best of my knowl edeo and belief, .. , , F. L. Mooney. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to boforo me thisl8.li day of Nuveiiilh r, tw, Wr.Hi.EY T, Wilcox. Notary Public. Correct Attest: AltTIIUIl MoNamaiu i John .1. Hali.ioan V Directors. K. 1', Hblbehukk 1 Does He Kick? Wo mean your horse. Does his har ncHB fit him or does it chafe Jrf back, his brenBt or any terd' Mtft that makes him unonmfnrtnliUf i tsTTn bt-inr jiim .to this store when, Jj'f.uy him a new nariii'ss una wo wiwut your horao nnrfcctlv with liirtil ilrlulmT V.,mh ... or dray harness, Wu have.' everything ! .1... II f I i JO iii mic iiiiooi nurtJU koous ut fill