THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE I IltA. L. BAIlE. Publisher Termi: $1.26 In Advance. NORTH PLATTB NEBRASKA NEWS NOTE CONDENSED A Boilfag Down of (be More Irnpor tait EtchIs Here and There . Foreign. The houso of commons passed tho third reading of tho flnanco bill by a vote of 370 to 149. Tho scene In tho Iioubo wns a momornblo one. Snldom Jiaa thoro been a larger attendanco of motnbers and poor a and the diplo matic gallorles woro crowded to ca pacity. It Is roportcd thai Ardabll, In Azor bajan province, about ninety miles from Tabriz; haa been captured by the ehasovan and Karadaghl tribesmen, who lwv taken' tho field in bohalf of the deponed shah, Both tho Porslan and Kusfilan governments nro hurry Jng troops to tho point, as it is feared tho small Iluuslan forces and many Russians ,Uist in Ardabll nro In danger. A general election was held throughout tho I'hlllpplno islands for members of tho assembly and pro vincial and municipal oniccs. Little intorest teas shown and it Is doubtful if tho total voto will equal that of two years ago, whon only about ono In thirty of tho Filipinos registered. A now ferry boat launched ft', Gray- qui, U'cuador. Eighteen of tho twenty-two pussongers aboard woro drowned. hTo boat had been in ser vice about ono hour. A scoro of miners woro killed by an explosion in tho Rhymnoy Iron company's colliery In Glamorganshire, Wales. Manager Ilowon and two com panions' who attempted a rcscuo wero thomsnlvos overcomo by tho atfor damp and porlshed. Sir Edmund John Monson, former ly Drlilsh ambassador to Franco, died a few days ago. ' Hans Grade, tho German aviator, won (ho Lanso prlzo of $10,000. by flying two and one-halt kllomotros (a little moro than a mllo and n hnlf) in two minutes and forty-thrco seconds. Tho competition was restricted to aeroplanes constructed in Germany by German builders propelled by, Ger man mado motors. General. Tho election in Nebraska is vory closo, but it Is believed from reports so far received all of tho republicans Bupromo Judges havo pulled through by small majorities. President Taft Is unlikely to fill tho .vacancy In tho supremo court boford congress meets. Tho department of stnto does not propose to mix up in tho north pole controversy. Tatom Parsons, tho first engineer of tho famous locomotive , "John Bull," died in Camden, N. J. years old. Ho was 004 General John J. Copplngor died nt his rcsldonce in Washington. Ho was in tho army forty years. Nicaragua troops dofeated tho revolutionists. In a sharp engagement, many of General Estrada's followora being killed. Seventy Nebraska counties com ploto, with incomplete returns from uomo of tho remaining counties, Indl cate tho republican judicial tickot .will bo elected. Dr. Frederick A. Cook'B Arotio clothing, worn whon ho discovered tho north polo, is coming to Omaha for public exhibition. Secretary of stnto Junkin has re ceived an Invitation for tho pooplo of Nebraska to attend u big colobratlon in Italy in 1011, tho occasion being the fiftieth anniversary of tho king dom of Italy. Buffalo, N. Y BUfferod a $250,000 tiro loss a fow days ago. Porters, cabmen nnd waiters are not desirable for JurorB, according to Jury Commissioner William A. Am berg, who testified In Chicago boforo tho Judges who are Investigating al leged Irregularities In tho drawing of .venire, Elections held on Tuosday rolloctcd llttlo general political interest. Officials of tho Plttoburg & Lake Brio railroad havo Issued circulars to their 3,000 laborers announcing that whon they draw tholr pay Novomberl for October work they will rocolvu pay on a baslB of $1,00 a day Instead of $1.50. A party of Ave Alaskans, all fami liar with Mount McKlnloy, has boon organized to climb tho peak this win ter and put an end to tho controversy as to whethor Dr. Cook reached tho summit Tho party will atnrt Novom ber 15, Tho expedition Is bolng financed at FalrbnjnkB, Alaska. Ten now cases of cholora in Gor many aro ropnrtod to tho state do partment by the United States con- uular agent In Berlin. Smallpox cases numbering 24.G50 In the United States during thu fiscal year ending July 1 laBt woro roportcd by the public health service. This is a docrcase of 7,000 from tho proccd lng year. Tho local treasurer of tho Big Four railroad ut Cincinnati says ms short age is duo to blackmail. John Blgolow of Now York, former United States mlnUter to Franco, who within less than a month will colebrato his nlnety-socond birthday, has pre sented Mount, A'ry, his dairy farm of 400 fccros, to tho villago of Highland FalU, Now York. Republicans substantial gains In cities of Indiana. Union labor scored a victory In the San Francisco election. President Taft's reception In tho south was enthusiastic and whole hearted. Now York Is to have another "hun dred million dollar bank," to bo known ns tho Mechanics and Motuln National. Secretary Wilson says tho day of wheat famine In tho United States is exceedingly remote. John Steward Kennedy, who re cently died In Now York, mado be quests of $25,000,000, largely to re ligious and educational institutions, Mrs. Anna Wheeler, "mining wom an and promoter," said to havo swin dled hundreds in fako Nevada mining schomcs, was convicted of fraud on thrco counts In Denver. Honduras is bcliov-i to bo taking the sldo of President Aolaya in Nica ragua. A colored organization of Alabama is contributing Its mlto toward build ing tho canal. Tho district court of appeals affirm ed the decrco of tho supremo court of tho District of Columbia adjudging Prcsldont Samuel Gompors, Sccrotnry Frank Morrison and Vlco President John Mitchell of tho Amorlcau Fed eration of Labor guilty of contempt of court in tho Duck Stovo and Hango company case. Tho anneal court at Washington af firms the prison sentences of Gompors unu uincrH, t .i When sho learned that sho wnB bo- Ing taken to tho stnto hospital for tho Insane nt Independence. Iowa, Mamie Champion, aged 20 yoars, of Cedar Falls, escaped from her mother and, Hcrcamlng, sho throw horsolt in front of nn Illinois Contrnl freight train and was Instantly kilted. Prosperity has arrlvod, acoordlng to tho figures furnished by tho depart ment of commerce and labor. Iiolleying that prohibition in tho south in uenoucinl, congressman vy- att F. Alkoa of South Carolina, de clared ho would Introduce a bill for prohibition In tho District of Colum bia at tho noxt sosslon of congress. Tho lato Senator Patrick II. McCar- ron, In his will leaves ull his property, real cstnte and personal, to his aged mother, Mrs. Mary McCarron. Tho ostato Is estimated at $50,000. A dinner attended by about COO per sons was tendered nt Philadelphia by tho Manufacturers' club, undor whoso auspices tho vIsitoriKcamo to Phila delphia. Resolutions eulogizing Professor Forror and condemning tho officials re sponsible for his execution In Spain wero adopted nt n ulass mooting lu Detroit. Ex-Presldont Roosevelt has sent. a story of his exploits In killing wild beasts of East Africa. I ' Washington. Refusing to bo drawn Into tho Cook-Peary north polo controversy, tho stato" ''dopartnioni declined a re- quest that it cablo Amerlcnn Min ister Egnn to Copenhagen to request of tho University of Copenhagen per mission to oxnmino tho records of Dr. Frederick A. Cook whon they aro sub mitted to that Institution. Tho re quest was mado by n delegation from tho National Geographic society. Lieutenant Frank P. Lnhm, who gained International famo by winning tl)0 Jnmos Gordon Bonnott cup In Europe Inst yoar for tho longest liguts in a dirigible balloon, has been ro- Moved from dotnll In tho signal corps and ordorcd to report to his cavalry roglmoht. Break up tho Importers' graft" Is tho slogan of tho treasury department and its customs collectors Just now. With tho school of noronautlcs at Omaha, Nob., closed for tho winter, threo of tho officers who woro In at tendance havo been ordorod back to tholr commands in other brunohos of tho army. Frank Walloy Perkins, noting bu- pcrlntondent of tho United States coast aud geodetic survoy, was sus pended without pay nnd John J. Gil bert, inspector of hydrography and topography, reduced from $3,000 to 2.1000 n year us tho' result of chargos of administrative irregularities. Socrotary Balllnger designated, as bolng Bubjoct to disposition undor tho enlarged homo bin, approximately 170,- 440 acres of land In Sun Danco dis trict, Wyoming. This makes ft total of 12,145,280 acres, thus designated In this Btate. Undor tho cnlnrgod homo- stead bill, settlors ura glvon thu right to 320 lnstoad of 100 ncros. Personal. By tho decision of tho court of ap peals In tho contompt case prosecutod by tho Buck Stovo company threo lendors of tho labor organizations Uro condomuod to prison, possibly with out recourse Massachusetts ro-olcctcd Governor Drnpor, but by n greatly reduced ma jority. Tom Johnson, dofontod for mayor, donlos that ho intends to loave Cloveland. Tho trial of Wyoming cattlemen) accused of killing Bheepmon, is now in progress. At New Orleans Spoaker Cannon uttered dollnnco to his enomlos, the InBurgouts, nnd declared tho recent attacks upon him to ba "peanut poll tlca" and "tommy rot" Colonel J. E. Houston of tho Nino- toonth Infantry at Fort Bliss did not finish tho endurance rldo of nlnoty miles required by the war department Ho fell out at tho halt way station and will now probably go beforo the retiring bonrd. Judgo Lurton Is regarded as tho most likely man to succeed Justice Poekham on tho supromo bcnch Tho Minnesota congressman who succooded J. Adam Bodo iu accused of going oVer to tho Cannon crowd, Judge Gaynor was clocted mayor of Now York, with Banunrd second and Hearst bringing In the rear. THREE REPUBLICANS ARE CH08EN SUPREME JUDGES IN NEBRASKA. FAWCETT HAS A STRONG LEAD Few Counties Yet to be Heard From, But the Outcome Seems to be Republican. Lincoln. Official returns from a number of counties from which only partial or unofficial counts had pre viously boon mado increased Fnw- cott's lead over Sullivan no far Satur day as to put him out of all danger. HetuniH from olghty-four counties, complete, and partial retnrnB from ono other, glvo Fawcott 00,580 and Sullivan 89,441, ft plurality for Faw cott of 1,142 votes. The six counties still to hear from Judge S. H. Sedgwick all gave ropubllcnn majorities last year, when tho state wont democratic, and nro expected to lncreaso Faw cott's plurality. Tho nrrival of tho re- turns from Adams, Saline nnd Holt counties, all of which gavo democratic majorities, cut down Fawcott's lend, but as tho democratic counties uro all Included in tho count, further returns will not cut down this plurality. Statement of Hayward. "At noon Saturday all tho counties wero In ana compicto oxcopt unaao, Chorry, Koyn Paha, Loup, McPherson, mm mm pppPMnanm Judge Jacob Fawcett Rock, Shoridan and Sioux," said Chairman Hnyward. "Taft carried all of thesa counties oxcopt Sheridan by majorities totaling 431. Tho ono coun ty which went for Brynn gavo him a majority of twenty-four. In tho olghty throo counties which we havo in Judgo Fnwcott, our low man, has r lead of 1,233 over Judgo Sullivan their high man. Juugo unrnes, our high man, has n lend ovor Judge Good, their low man, of 2.0C9, show lng how romarkably closo tho cnndl Judgo J, B. Barnes datos ran on their rospoctlvc tickets To these majorities may bo snfely ad ded 400 moro In tho eight counties unheard from. This would mnko our smallest majority about 1,700 and our largest majority on Judgcu about 3,000. Clerks and Postal Reforms. wnsiunKtou. sovorni reforms aro sought by tho postolllco clorka through out tho country, Tho Poatofllco de pnrtmont received memorial adopted nt tho last annual convention of the National Association of Postoffice Clerks,, preuontod by ft dologatioti headed by Prcsldont Frank Rogers What is chiefly sought Is n strict en forcqmont of sanitary regulations aud the fumigation of mall bags to proven! tho spread of disease. A request also is made for the elimination of all pppK LpppJ PPPHP! iPK PJPJPM&S: - PPPPPSP - iJElVfrtfoiriSi PPPH fc pH pjpjpjHWX- t"Mp PJH pjpjpHSKm ppBk: ' .jsLH - rLUpnpjplpl PPPPPHPAkL .PJPJPJsfiPPPH MS pJpJpJpJpIpIpIjjPJI r avJP1p1p1p1p1p1p1p1p1p1beiI transparent onvelopcs. EXPLAINS HIO ACTS. Secretary Balllnger Sayc Something of Power Sites. Washington. Secretary Bollinger's widely discussed revocation of tho fa mous "Garfield order," withdrawing from settlement 1,500,000 ncres of public lands, nnd tho substitution thereof of n withdrawal order, with holding from settlement 300,000 acres, Sundny wob declared by Mr. Balllnger to have been wholly promotive not subversive of tho conservation po licy. A lengthy explanation of his cancel lation of tho Garfield withdrawal was given to the press by Mr. Balllnger, who asserted that It was a logical step in tho preparation of tho policy of conserving tho watorpowor on tho fed eral domain, nnd one which Mr, Gar field must havo taken himself had ho remained in office "The first ordor was a blanket with drawal issued to meet an emergency and without taking timo to ascertain Just who'ro tho power sites wero located," Secretary Balllnger said. "In telligent prosecution of the policy de manded that as soon as possible there after theso sites bo located and tho lands not needed to protect them bo restored to entry. It would be an un warranted reflection on Secretary Gar flold to assumo that ho would not havo dono precisely what I did ascer tain ns soon as practicable whore tho powor bHcb wero actually located and issue a new order withdrawing them f i om settlement nnd restoring to entry nil lands not needed for that purpose "I found that by utilizing the geo logical survey instead of tho reclama tion service, which had been employed by my predecessor, I would sccuro nc curate Information ns to the location of tho power sites. On consultation with tho legal officers of my depart ment, I found that I could mnko with drawal ordor rotroactlve; that Is, that could Issuo withdrawal orders later which would effectually protect any powor Bites within nny entries which might have been mado in tho Interim. The rotronctlvo provision of tho sub sequent withdrawals operated com pletely to conserve tho sites. "Not n singlo powor Blto has passed out of tho possession of the govern ment during this administration," con tinned tho secretary. "Ab a mattor of fact, tho withdraw als order by mo protected 50 per cent moro power sites than were con served by tho Garfield order. This im plies no criticism of tho Garfield or dor and merely bIiowb that tho Gar field ordorcd was tentative." Secretary Balllnger stated that his orders of withdrawal do not protect power sites within forest reservations, nnd ndded In explanation that provl Dusly ho had offered to Include powor sites on forc3t reservations, but that tho offer waB declined on tho ground that tho forest servlco could tako enro of bucIi sites. Tho secretary assorted that a number of factors caused his course to bo misunderstood nnd mis ropro3onted, but some of theso ho was pot at llborty to discuss. MASKED BANDIT MAKES HAUL Blows Open Safe In Private Home Securing $10,000. Burlington, N. J. Cash and bonds amounting to nearly $10,000 wero stolen from tho homo of Schuyler Ranlor, aged 72 years, by a masked bandit Into Saturday. Although tho Ranter homo is less than half a mllo from tho Floronco poatofllco, tho rob ber, after locking tho aged farmer's housekeeper lu her room, blow tho Bnfo with dynamite, hastily gathered tho contents and departed without leaving a trnco of his whereabouts. Naval Program of Twkey. Washington. Tho Turkish ministry will urge upon tho Ottomnn Parlia ment soon nftor it reconvenes Novem ber 15, tho adoption of a naval pro gram providing for tho expondlturo within the next sovon yonrs of $100, 000,000. According to this program, U. Is learned hero, sovon battleships of tho North Knkota typo will bo con Btructed, together with ft numbor ot torpedo destroyers and ono hospital ship. For tho notx fiscal year an ap plication of $12,000,000 to begin tho construction ot two warships. . AUTO PLUNGES INTO RIVER. Car With Four Persons Runs Off Jack son Street Bridge. Chicago. An automobllo containing sovcrnl persons, believed to havo been four, whoso Identity had not boon lenrncd at a lato hour, plunged into tho Chicago river Sunday night nt Jackson boulovard. Tho occupants ol tho automobllo woro drowned. No bodleB havo boon recovorod. A wit ncss reported that tho brldgo nt Jack son bouvelard had been opened for n stoamer. Gift Will Reach $3,500,000. Now York. Tho Columbia unlvers Uy Alumni News announces that addition to tha specific bequest of $ 250,000, mado by tho lato John Konnedy, Columbia will rocolvo ono- fifth of tho residuary ostate, which It ts estimated, will net tho university another $1,250,000, making tho total gift $3,600,000. Alleged Kidnapers Caught. Now York. Two alleged kldnnpers Antonio Troforlo and Glvnnnl Gang! aeught aftor a year's chaso to the west nnd back, wero hold for trial In ft police court lu $10,000 ball. Roslc Gardauo, 7 yoars old, who wub kid nuped In 1007, identified the prlsonors and her mother, Mrs, Plotro Gardano declared that sho had paid Gang! $800 whon ho threatened to "cut tho girl up lu Binnll ploces and return her by mall." If n ransom was not paid. Eight days after tho kidnaping the girt was found. SAVE THE CHEN PURPOSES OF STATE SCHOOL FOR DEPENDENTS. MAIN LAW THAT GOVERNS Children Will Be Placed In Good Homes from Whence Come Many Applications. Home for Dependent Children. For the bonrd of control of the Stnto School for Dependent Children, the secretary, Arthur L. Wentherly, makes public n lengthy composition explain ing In detail the origin of tho now law governing that institution. Tho pur- poso of tho school and Its manage ment Is set forth ns follows: "It is tho purpose of tho board to receive into its enro the children that are legally determinqd to be, either from the voluntnry relinquishment of their parents or through the notion of tho courts, state children. After they have received such children, It Is tho purpose of tho board to place them immediately in good homes, which are carefully selected. In tho state of Nebraska at the present time there nro mnny homes awaiting every child which needs one. But tho board docs not propose to bo a party to, or assist In nny wny, the desertion of children by those who, by every moral and legal law, ougnt to care for them. Tho board of control recognlzos tho fact that the children may bo permanently or temporarily committed to Its core whon they come from tho propor nu thorlties, but it does not proposo to permit nny ono .o thrust upoa the state tho responsibilities they ought to bear themselves, Furthermore, when llttlo bnblos are taken from tholr mothers, tho chances of their living aro greatly decreased and the so-doing becomes to a certain cxtont child murder. So long as tho- state of Ne braska makes the magnificent provis ion that It does for mo caro of young girls and their babies at the homo for girls at'Mllford, there is no need for any institution condoning in any wny child desertion. "During the first two months and n, half of tho existence of tho State School for Dependent Children it was necessary to conduct it very much on tho old lines. During that time Mrs. Clnra Marks acted as temporary sup erlntendent. At tho end of that time It was found that the school was In a position to bo thoroughly reorganized on tho now baslB because of Iho reduc tion of the number of children in tho Immediate caro of tho school, by tho returning of some to their parents and by tho placing out of a much larger numbor. "After this oxporlence of two and one-half months wo know that tho School for Dependent Children can be como virtually a clearing house scarce ly moro than nn office because of the fact that as soon as a child comes into its euro it can bo immediately placed out, in a prlvnto homo. There Is no need of a nursery because there aro more applicants tor babies than there nro babies legitimately coming to tho school. Thore nre many, mnny more applicants for llttlo girls thnn there nre girls for adoption, and wo will bo nblo to find homes for all the boys that aro placed In our care. Data on Railroad Laws. U. G. Powell and L. E. Wottlintr ronresontlnc tho Stnto Rnllwnv mm mission nnd tho legal department of state, havo returned from Chlcnco whero they wont to tako evidence nnd do somo Investigating preparatory to tho taking or evldonce In tho railroad caso this week In Omnha. Messrs. Powell nnd Mr. Wettllnir havn (leurnH how they can turn tho statistics of mo rnnroau companies to tho advan tage of tho state, and their visit to Chicago moro than over Impressed them with tho correctness of Ideas, The Divorce Record. Thero wero twonty-olght divorces grnntcd In tho district court of Lnn caster county during tho month of October, twenty of them being upon tho potltlons of women and eight to husbands. Tho grounds upon which they wero granted wero as follows: For cruelty and non-Bupport, olght; for non-support, bIx; for curolty, six; tor abandonment, eight. Decision Renardlna Securities. A decision will soon bo rendered by State Auditor Bnrton on tho nnlnlnn of tho attorney general as to whether or not he will register tho securities from David City. Bonds for $20,000 were voted for nn, electric lightning plant thoro. Tho roc strntlon of the bonds Is opposed by somo on tho ground that tho advortlsomont was not correct, ns thoro Is a class of llcht Ing that docs not fall under tho head or either public or domost c Iirhtlnir nnd theso wero tho only kinds men tioned in tho advertisement. Tho Bounced Bookkeeper. Felix Nowton, tho ox-bookkeeper nt tho asylum, who waB discharged by superintendent Woodward of that In stltutton, has now In his possession a numDor or lotters or sympathy re ceived from many friends throughout tho stnto and from many who oxpress tho feeling that ho wa3 wronged In tho matter. Mr. Nowton Is Btlll opt! mlstts about tho dlschargo nnd says that ns soon as tho govornor gets back and ho can got an intorvlew with him ho will bo all right. Ho rocoived the position through an appointment from tho govornor, and ho contends thnt this being tho ense tho power of dls chnrgo must He v'-u the governor nlono. CXPLATN8 HIS ACTS. Secretary Balllnger Says Something of Power Sites. Washington. Secretary Balllngor's widely discussed revocation of tho fa mous "Garfield order," withdrawing from settlement 1,500,000 acres of public lands, and the substitution thereof of a withdrawal order, wltu- holding from settlement 300,000 acres, Sundny was declared by Mr. Balllnger to havo been wholly promotive not subversive of tho conservation po licy. A lengthy explanation of his cancol- Intlon of the Garfield withdrawal was given to tho press by Mr. Balllnger, who asserted that it was a logical stop n tho preparation of the policy of conserving tho watorpowor on tho fed eral domain, nnd ono which Mr. Gar field must have taken himself had ho remained In office "Tho first order was a blanket with drawal Issued to meet an emergency nnd without taking timo to ascertain Just whero tho power sites wero located," Secretary Balllnger said. "In telligent prosecution ot the policy de manded that as soon as possible there after these sites be located and tho lands not needed to protect them bo restored to entry. It would bo an un warranted reflection on Secretary Gar field to assume that he would not havo dono precisely what I did ascer tain as Boon as practicable whero tho power sltos wero actually located and Issue a new order withdrawing them from settlement nnd restoring to entry all lands not needed for that purpose. "I found that by utilizing the geo logical Burvcy Instead of tho reclama tion service, which had'been employed by my predecessor, I would sccuro ac- curato Information as to tho location of the power sites. On consultation with tho legnl officers of my depart ment, I found thnt I could make with drawal order retroactive ; that is, that I could issuo withdrawal orders later which would effectually protect any power sites within any entries which might have been mado in the interim, The retroactive provision of tho sub sequent withdrawals operated com pletely to conserve tho sites. "Not a single power site has passed out of tho possession of the govern ment during this administration," con tinued tho secretary. "As a matter of fact, tho withdraw als order by mo protected 50 per cent moro power sites thnn were con served by the Garfield order. This im plies no criticism of tho Garfield or der and merely shows that tho Gar (lold ordered was tentative" Secretary Balllnger stated that his orderB of withdrawal do not protect power sites within forest reservations, and added In explanation thnt previ ously ho had offered to include power sites on fore3t reservations, but that tho offer was declined on tho ground that the forest service could take care of such sites. Tho secretary asserted that a number of factors caused his course to bo misunderstood and mis represented, but some of theso he wns not at liberty to discuss. MASKED BANDIT MAKES (HAUL. Blows Open Safe In Private Home, Securing $10,000. Burlington, N. J. Cash nnd bonds amounting to nearly $10,000 wero stolen from tho homo of Schuyler Ranter, aged 72 years, by a masked bandit lato Saturday. Although tho flanler homo is less than half a mllo from tho Florence postoffice, the rob ber, after locking tho aged farmer's housekeeper in her room, blew tho safe with dynamite, hastily gathered the contents and departed without leaving a trace of his whereabouts. Naval Program of Turkey. Washington. Tho Turkish ministry will urgo upon tho Ottoman Parlia ment soon after It reconvenes Novem ber 15, tho adoption of a naval pro gram providing for tho expondlturo within tho next seven years of $100, 000,000. According to this program, It is learned here, seven battleships of tho North Kakota type will bo con structed, together with a number of torpedo destroyers and one hospital ship. For the netx fiscal year an ap plication of $12,000,000 to begin the construction ot two warships. AUTO PLUNGE8 INTO RIVER. Car With Four Persons Runt Off Jack son Street Bridge. Chicago. An automobile containing sovoral persons, believed to have been four, whoso ldontity had not been learned at a lato hour, plunged into tho Chicago river Sunday night at Jackson boulovard. The occupants of tho automobllo wore drowned. No bodleB have been recovered. A wit ness reported that tho brldgo at Jack son bouvelard had been opened for a steamer. Gift Will Reach $3,500,000. Now York. Tho Columbia univers ity Alumni Nows announces that in addition to tha specific bequest ot $2, 250,000, made by the late John S. Kennedy, Columbia will receive one fifth of tho residuary estato, which it is estimated, will not the university another $1,250,000, making tho total gift $3,500,000. Alleged Kidnapers Caught. Now York. Two alleged kidnapers, Antonio Treferio and Glvannl Gangl aeught after a year's chase to the west and back, wore held for trial in a pollco court in $10,000 ball. Roslo Gardano, 7 years old, who was. kid naped in 1907, Identified the prisoners and her mother, Mrs. Pletro Gardano, declared that she had paid Gangi $800 when ho threatened to "cut the girls up In small pieces and return her by mall." If a ransom was not paid. Eight days after tho kidnaping thu girl was found.