W6t Wxt Mmi httt tmx mwwMrnv-iriirrriT vpati NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, NOVEMBER 12, IU09. NO 84- Wnhmt Long, Lithe Lines that Express Suppleness and Grace HHERE1 We have given you the I story of Fall Corset styles In one brief sentence. You, mndnm, who are posted in fashion matters will real ize its truth at once. You will likewise see that Gossard Model "F" carries out Fashion's dictum with remarkable faithfulness. THE Gossatd Corsets "They Lace in Front." These arc the corsets which nre built according to the tenets of the "Now School" of corset design. Through "Ne( School" methods every scam and goro is placed with scientific precision ovcry bone is located with the ac curacy that obtains in adjusting the balance wheel of a fine watch. Evorv Gossard Corset is bon d with Electrobone, a boning which in resil iency and strength excels whalebone. The bnsis of Electrobone is high carbon clock-spring steel, which is the only quality considered ad equate to mould tho figure to the exquisto Gossard lin s. And the only Suality that can bo rust-proofed without destroying its flexibility, iut in commending the Gossard Corset to you, we particularly call your attention to the fact thnt in the Gossaru we are showing not merely n model for every figure, but a "long model" for women of every height and build. This is an innovation that you will appreciate. The Gossard is tho American modification of the original French front lacing corset. Its constructive principle is; that btauty and hygiene should have their closest unio i in a corset that essays perfection. The beautiful sculptured back and tho adjustable front-lacing features of the Gossard are the product of this principle. It is the only corset that ha3 the unqualified approval of physicians. Instead of injurious pressure, it affords support for tho organs,compols a correct standing position and carriage, and imparts that poise which never fails to elicit the admiration of the beholder. The proof of the corset is in the fitting. We extend a coraial invitation to very lady in this vicinity to visit our store this week and meet Miss Ella McLemoro tho Company's export corsetiere, who has been trained in accordance with the New School of corset design and construction. Sho will bo pleased to show you the corset which is exactly adapted for your figure. Wilcox Department Noth Platte, Nebraska. Store. t. 8 TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS Fred Diener transacted business in Grand Island yesterday. John Grtont went to Lincoln Wed nesday to appear as counFel in a caso in court. Mrs. J. M..Berkey, of Davenport, Iowa, is tho guest of her daughter, Mrs. Mainerd Crosby. Bert Culton left Wednesday for Council BlufTs where he will visit rela tives while recovering from a siege of lagrippe. Rev. Dr. Yarger.of Atchison, and C. 0. Weingand left yesterday for Keystone where they will hunt for a couple of days, returning Saturday evening. Wanted A salesmen who can go business, city work, good salary. Ap ply nt room No. 1,1. 0. 0. F. building Ernest McGrew, with tho Heinzo Pickle Co., made his regular visit to North Platto yesterday. He is "very successful in selling the Heinze pro ducts. x Tho city council will meet in regular session next Tuesday evening. This ,will,be the first meeting for this month, , no session having been held November 2d on account of election. Why wear an ill fitting cloak or suit whTp you can get those that are right ly tailored at Wilcox Department store. Rev. L. J. Powell, former Lutheran pastor at Sutherland, but now stationed at West Point, arrived yesterday apd nccompanied Dr. Yarger and C. 0. Weingand to Keystone. Lost Watch charm with dinmond setting, initial J. P. engraved on back. Finder return to Julius Pizer and re ceive reward. This is November, but the weather furnished by Observer McDownll is of the early September variety. Aud to bo honest, where can you find more pleasant weather tho year around than in western Nebraska. After the Masonic hall been secured for-Novomher 16th for tho Elks done ing party, it was found that tho hall waa emgarred for that date. Tho donco has, therefore-, buon postponed until November 18th. "Tho Sunny Side of Broadway," presented at tho Keith Wednesday evening attracted an audience of 500 people. The play is much the same as last season, tnougn tne ansence or Murry and Mack, tho Irish comedians, is noticeable. Max Bloom, as tho Jaw, U u good port oi Uu uujw Mrs. Chas. E. Matson will return next week from her visit with relatives in Lincoln. Alfred England returned to Seattle Wednesday. He had been called hero by the death of his mother. Smoke "U. P. Specials" made in North riatte. Rev. II. L. Yarger will address the men's meeting at the Y. M. C. A. rooms Sunday afternoon. Mrs. J. T. McGrew, of Kansas City, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Banks, having arrived Wednesday evening. For Sale Six room house on west Ninth street, electric lights, cement walks, fine shade and lawn. For price inquire nt House. Al. HAYES. II. J. Cathroe, of Omaha., who has tne contract lor putting in tho sewer in two districts, is in town gettine ready to begin the work. G. H. Rosentetter, living fouth of Mnxwoll, was in towd yesterday, mak ing final proof on 480 acres of laud. E. S. Rose accompanied him as one of his witnesses. New Moyennge one piece dresses at Wilcox Department store. Arthur Gentzier, manager of the Gothenburg. real estate agency, trans acted business'in town yesterday. Mr. Gentzier was for ten years connected with the Beatrice creamery company and frequently visited North Platte. Tho Y. M. C. A. haB Issued invitations to a banquet to be held nt tho Masonic, hall Monday evening, Nov 15th. Tho object of the banquet is to create closer relationship between members and to boost along the association. The ban quet promises to bo a vory pleasant affair. Douglas Comfort Last Shoes at The Star. The Knights of Columbus will hold a class initiation on Sunday, December 5th. The class now numbers sixty and a number o. others aro expected to put in their applications before tho date of tho initiation. Tho lodge has now 175 members, and with the new class it becomes one of tho strongest orders in the city. Marriages by tolophono aro becoming quito common, railway mamago core monioa aro bo common thnt thoybnvobo como a habit. Tho other day a couplo seeking notoriety wore married in a bal loon whilo an admiring public looked on from far below. These experiences you may have missed, b'ut you can't afford to miss tho striking marriaco in the showin "THE OLD CLOTHES MAN" presented by Gilson & Bradfield at 'tho Kuiik ou Monday, Nov lOtk. "Tho Old Clothes Man" will be the attraction at tho Keith Monday oven ing, followed Friday evening by "Com mencement Days." Mrs. John H. Dny and Miss Stncia Grace will tender Miss Annn Monroe n miscellaneous shower at tho homy of the former this evening. Sale Twenty per cent discount on Ladies' Misses' nnd Children's muslin and outing underwear. Word received in town Tuesday after noon announced tho birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Chas Ilcndy, Jr., of Denver, former North Platto people. Leo Grimes spent a day or two in town this week while enrouto to Kan sas City. He has resigned his position with the Union Pncific engineering corps. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Garlow went to Omaha last night to meot Colonel Cody, who will Bpend n couplo of days in that city whilo enroute to the Big Horn basin, where he goes on his annual hunt. Wanted A cirl for general house work. Inquire of Mrs. C. F. Iddings. Ihe funornl of Frances Dickey, held at the Episcopal church Tuesday afternoon, was largely attended, tho Sixth grade of tho schools nttending in a body. Many floral tributes evidenced the lova in which tho bright little girl girl was held. Sale Shoe Dept. Thousands of pairs of shoes for men, women and children, at a very low price, at The Leader. A pair of hose given free with each pair of shoes costing ono dollar or up. W. V. Hoaglandwent to Lincoln yes terday where he will bring a suit in the county court against Henry Geise, now in the penitentinry. air. itoag- land assisted in defending Geise of the charge of cattle stealing and Gciso has refused to pay the attorney 'o fee. The new upright boiler, weighing twenty-four tons, has been placed in position at the electric power plant nnd connections aro now being ade. Handicapped by tho lacK o proper blocks and tackle getting the boiler in position was no small tisk. A petition will bo presented at the next meeting of the council asking that a small tract of land near the Banks' addition and owned by R. D. Thomson be annexed to the city. This action is taken so thnt a street may be opened and also that a sower lateral may be laid for the benefit of tho people of that section of this city. The Tuesday evening session of the 500 Club at the faecbergcr homo was tho most largely attended of the sea son, nine tables being required. Airs. Seebergcr and Mrs. W. J. Stuart were hostesses of the evening, and were as sisted by Mrs. Albert Schatz and Mrs. Joseph Hayes. The session proved a most delightful ono, everyone thorough' ly enjoying tho evening. Sale Ono hundred men's fur over coats in all sizes and all imules, at a discount of twenty per cent, at The Leader. Residents of the sower district be tween Third and Fourth streets will petition the city to have the sewer pipe laid in conformity with the original plans nnd surveys, which it is alleged the contractor failed to do. Tho pipe is not as deep in the ground ns it should be, nnd does not permit of the drainage of basements, which could be dono had tho engineer's plans been carried out. Manager Stamp, of tho Keith Opera House is very fortunate in being able to secure "Tho Old Clothes Man" for Nov. 15th. This is the same company that is so favorably remembered as being here Inst season in "A Bachelor's Honeymoon," nnd will probably be the best comedy drama that will visit North Platto this season, and the patrons o tho theatre shoulu show their npprecia tion of Mr. Stamp's efforts by turning out next Monday night and giving "The Old Clothes Man" a full house. Mr. Leonhardt, tho piano tuner, desires us to say to his many customers and friends in North Platto that he surprised and sorry to learn that some one has spread an untruo report that ho has cut this city out of his visiting territory. Mr. Leonhardt is as active and accu ate in piano tuning ns ho ever was and will continue to visit this city once each month and with thanks for past favoro by his many cus tomcra ho io still In tho fiold for work along this lino. Any ono who doairoa Mnstor Pinno Tunor may find Mr, Leonhardt by making inquiry nt Rinck or s Book store. Three Teachers Wanted. Three teachers are needed for rural schools in Lincoln county. Two of icso positions pay $45 per month, the other $10. Board can be secured with in half mile of school. These schools have needed teachers for sovoral weeks. Supt Ebright lias mado applications for teachers at the Koarney, Fremont nnd Peru Normal schools, but has not been successful. Local Shooters Best Gothenburg. Members of tho Buffalo Bill Gun Club defeated the members of tho Gothenbu'ir target team on the local grounds Wednesday by n score of 874 to 789, ten men to tho team nnd 100 targets to the man. McDoncll lend tho ocal men by a score of ninety-four, Stnrkey second with ninety-two, Hosier third with inety, and none of tho local shooters fell b61ow eighty. Elect Chautauqua Officers. The board of directors of the Chau tauqua association met Thursday and Icvtell M. Keith Neville president, C. Patterson vice-president, Wilson Tout secretary and F. L. Mooney trcasrrer. A program committee con sisting of Messrs. Neville and Tout and Dr. Quigloy was elected, and they nre meeting today with a representative of one of the lecture bureaus for tho purpose of engaging tnlent for the 1910 assembly. Dining Car Cook Killed. John Wntklns, a white man em ployed as a cook on the Overland limi ted train, fell from tho car about a mile oast of the railroad bridge Wed nesday evening and killcl. How he fell froin the train is nut known, and ho was not missed by the dining enr crew for some time. The body wns I found by tho crew of an west bound freight train, tho county authorities wero notified and latei the body wns brought to town. An examination by piysician8 yestenlny forenoon disclosed tbat Watkin's richt leg ubove the ankle nnd the left below the ankle had been crushed by the wheels, tho left forearm -had been fractured and there were cuts and bruises elsewhere. A coroner's inquest was held yester day afternoon, and an adjournment taken until today when the testimony of the dining car crew will bo taken. . New Store Room to Let. 20x00 feet for Dry goods, Clothing and Shoes. Stcnm heat, elec trie light Modern up to UuUi front. Ready Nov uulror lut. K. N. Lamd. $25.00 Reward. Wo will, pay $25.00 to any ono that will furnish ovidenco thnt will convict tho pnrty or parties who wired our lines together nnd to tho fonco on Sun day afternoon, November 7th, west of tho Birdwood ranch. Any time in tho future we will pny tho amount for parties found destroying our lines or interfering with tho lines. Noiith Platte Tki.kpiione Co. For Sale. A good team of horses. H. L. Grecson's Grocery. Apply at Kills Her Fee Of 2Yew. "Tho most merciless enemy Ijiad for 20 years'," declared Mrs. James Dun can, of Huynesvlllo, Mc., "was Dys pcpsln. I suffered Intensely after eat ing ordrlnkingnnd couldHcarcely sleep. After many remedies had failed and sovoral doctors gavo mo up, I tried Electric Bitters, which cured mo com pletely. Now I can cat anything. I am 70 yenrs old and am overjoyed to got my health and strength back again." For Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, Kldnoy Trouble, Lame Back, Fcmala Complaints, its unequalcd. Only 50c nt Stono Drug Co. The D. of H. social club will meet with Mrs. Will Hupfer next Tuesday afternoon. Tho interior of tho room occupied by Whelan's billiard hull is being en larged and two or thrco additional tables will be installed. Miss McLemoro, on expert cor- seticrei has been at the Wilcox store this week demonstrating the Gossard corset. Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Worrell of Sutherland nnd Mrs. Homo and daugh ter, of Maxwell, attended the theatre Wednesday night. ot Antelope pre yesterday for tho year. He reports section In n pros- Thos. C. Elder, cinct, was in town first time in over a everybody in that porous condition. Those interested in Christian science are invited to attend tho meetingwhich will bo hold at tho residence of W. II Hudnrtt Sunday afternoon. A practi tioner from Grand Island will be pros ent. Ask More Pay. A Chicago dispatch dated Tuesday said: Demands for 12 per cent wngo increase and uniform schedule aro' to be made by conductors and trainmen on every railroad system cast of Chicago, ltW8j'eported here today. Tho wagcjlncroMc movement, it is re ported, tirvolve'flM25,000 men employed on railroads cast of tho Illinois Cen tral's mnin southern line and north of tho Chesapeake & Ohio railroad. Wages of conductors and trainmen on roads east of Chicago are about 12 per cent lower than the oporatives in tho west, and tho movement for tho increase is said to bo entered into jointly by tho Brothorhood of Railroad Trainmen and tho Order of Railway Conductors. lb s w TEST OUR. SHOES 0 E'RE the store for Men's Shoes. So they say and "they" know. We are Specialists in Shoeing Men I You'll realize what that means, if you'll come here, see our display of handsome Shoes and test our splendid Shoe Service. "ButtorrrLace and Blucher styles. Patent Calf, Colt Velour Calf, etc., etc. Shoes for Duty or Dress. Your size, width and ideal last is here! $3, $3.50 up to $5 or $6. Nothing startling about these Shoe prices, but something very surprising about the values we offer at these reasonable prices. THE SHOERY. SOL HODES. a The Hoover Electric Suction Sweeper. Forced Into Exile. Wm. Upchurch of Glen Onk, Okla, was an oxilo from home. Mountain air, he thought, would euro u frightful lung racking cough that had dolled all rem edies for two yearn. Aftor six raontbp ho returned, death dogging his stopo. "Then I began to uso Dr. King'o New Discovery," ho writo3, "and aftor tak ing Bix bottles I um as woll as over." It eaves thousands yearly from despot ate lqng diseases. Infallible for Coughs and Colds, it dispels Hoarseness and Sore Throat. Cures Grip, Bronchitis. IT 1 . A il . . y- i t iiemorrnages, Asinma, uroup, vvnoop Ing Cough. COc and $1.00, trial bottlo fruo, guaruateud by Stumi Drug Co. Sweeping by Electricity. The Hoover Electric Suction S,weeper, as the name implies, is a combined sweeper and vacuum, cleaner, and is designed to supercede both the old--fashtned broom and the new compressed, air or vacuum cleaners, in that it combines the goqd ppjnfc) of both, without their deficiencies. v The best of credentials furnished by people using them in North Platie, and I will givq-a free trial to prospective buyers by calling phone 9. C. G. ABRAHAMSON.