tl Call 338 to Haye Your Clock Repaired. We will upon receiving your mes sage, have our messenger cull for your clock, examine it and determine what's wrong; telephone you tho cost of the repairs, And if you wish Biune done, see that it is carefully attended to, nnd delivered to your homo ngain. Thus you will be saved the trouble of carrying a large, heavv package nnd we will see that the clock itt in good shape before it leaven our shop. We expect to havo you call up whn you need us. Our work is all guaranteed and oxecuted by skillful workmen. CLINTON, Jeweler and Optician. Phono 338. Wc want Your Repair Work DRS. BROCK & CROOK, 8 H DENTISTS. Over First National. Phono 148 District Supt. Chumberlaln went west this morning to mukc official visitntions to Methodist churches. Ray H. Conger, of Loup City, nnd Miss Hilga Lindhal, of Hcrshcy. were united in marriage by Judge Elder yes terday. The local high school foot ball team will piny the Kearney Military Academy team on tho local gridiron next Friday afternoon. Rev. and Mrs. Young, of Hastings, nro the guests of Miss Anna Kramp to day. Rev. Young is rector of tho Episcopal church at Hustings nnd lie accompanied Mrs. Young this fur on n trip to tyew Mexico. Rev. H. L. Yarger, of Atchison, Kan., field secretary of tho Lutheran church board of extension, will arrive tonight and remain until after Sunday. While hero ho will devote a couple of days to hunting. Tho Union Pacific railroad company has azroed to tako all exhibits for tho National Corn Exposition to Omaha free of charcre from Isorth Platto and vicin ity, but nil exhibits must bo sent to Mrs. E. W. Crane will entertain the members of the Wednesday muslcale tomorrow afternoon, Nov. 19th. Weather forecast; Generally fair to night and Wednesday, warmer tonight. Maximum temperature yesterday 54; one year ago 58. Minimum temperature this morning 34, one year ago 23. Your furniture needs varnishing nnd repairing before house cleaning. See P. M. Sorenson, shop 07 E. 5th street. Mr. nnd Mrs. I. B. Bostwick extend their sincere thanks to the friends nnd neighbors and members of the A. 0. U. W. for the kindness shown them uuring the illness nnd nt the funeral of their son. 400 bushel all metal Corn Cribs $4.00 at Wilcox Department Store. I The daily train service on the North Rivor branch is greatly appreciated by tno iieonio oi tnat section, anu irom the traffic both passenger and freight it is evident that tho dally service is paying the company. Wanted A competent girl for general house worK. Apply to Mrs. w. tl. McDonald. Tho Methodist aid society will hold an exchange at Howc& Maloney's Novem ber zu and will otter lor sale bakery and cooked foods suitablo for Thanks giving dinner. Any special food or bakery goods will be supplied if orders arc telephoned in advance to Mrs. Bcclcr or Mrs. Crook. For Solo Cheap Piano and several articles of furniture. Inquire at 412 cast xniru street. Millard Hosier and Claude Dclanev returned last evening from Oshkosh, whore they accompanied W. R. McKeen on n hunting trip. They drove out to tho lake country thirty miles north of Orthkoah nnd had fine shooting, One of the lakes has been sounded to the depth of 180 feet without reaching bottom. Shoes nt The No orth Platto that thov may lenvo here in. tne regular baggage car on iNo. 14, at 6 a. m. November 24th. Mrs. P. H. Sullivan and Mrs. Joseph Roddy tendored a prenuptial shower to Miss Anna Monroo last evening at the home of tho former. About thirty young lady friends of tho bride-to-be wore present, each gowned in juvenile dross, nnd each took with them a baby picture, which wore displayed and th KJiHti askod to idontlt'y them, Iho rootru ware tnstofully decorated with hearts und bells, nnd the evening was delightfully passed in gucEsing contests, Tho "Shower" was a most liberal one, many very nice articles being included. Tho ovoning closed with tho serving of onjoynblo refreshments. Bargains in Retidences $1400.00 will buy good five room cot ttigc, full lot 60x132, new cement walk nnu sower in anu paiu lor. $2000.00 will buy nice six room cot tage,' two lots, barn and outbuildings and cement walk, electric lights and city water, in a desirable part of city. $3500.00 will buy tho new 8 room Sentor rcsidenco on West Fifth street, with two full lots, nico barn and out buildings, cement walks, electric lights, shade trees and bluo grass. Theso properties are worth more monoy ami will provo good investments for tho purchase, Buchanan & Patterson. There will be a special meeting of tho Presbyterian aid society at the church Wednesday evening at seven o'clock. The Rebckah kensington which was announced to meet at tne hall Novem ber 12th, has been postponed until No vember 19th. For Rent-A barn, M. V. Mitchell, 412 East Third. "Tho Sunny Side of Broadway" has appeared in North Plattte in the past and all know of its worth as a nifty song play. The songs this season are new, the scenery is of greater Bplcndor, and of course the chorus girls arc there with the goods. I make a specialty of looking up non resident owners and buying land for Lincoln County people. If there is any thing joining you or in your vicinity that you want, write mo. O. is. liiLDEU, nortn i'latte. As will be seen by an advertisement elsewhere, tho Reuben Lisco ranch on tho North Platto valley line at Lisco has been placed in the hands of the Payne Investment Co. for sale, and that comtmnv will run an excursion to Lisco on November 17th. This tract of land is said to be one of the best in tho North Piatto valley. See those new Glove Silk JeJseX Waists. The latest craze. At Wilcox Department Store. The North Platto high school foot ball team defeated the Sterling. Colo.. team Friday at Sterling by a score of twenty-four to five. The North Platto bovs nlnved a fast frame, and won on forward passes, fako formations and long end runs. iNoitn natto mnue one touchdown in the first half and three in the second! Stcrllne made ono in the first. The Sterling people backed their team by offering betting odds of two to one, nnd considerable money changed hands. Buy Douglas Cushion Star. Thero will boa mass meeting Su dav evening, Nov. 14th in the Keith theatre. Tho use of tho seats aro free and every body welcome. J. P. Bailey, State becrctary ot tno Young Man's Chris tian Association will bo the chief speaker. There is a rich treat in store lor nil lovers ot tne voice and violin. Don't forget tho time. 8 n. m. Sundnv. don't forget the place, Keith. Theatre, don't forgot tho speaker, J. P. Bailey. There is nothing which so effectually destroys all robust individuality as the continual asking of the question "Whnt will pay." Strictly Pure Bottle Milk. We can supply milk to a few more regular customers. Also have a limited amount of fancy dairy butter. Phono D 75. Doolittle Produce Co. "The Old Clothes Man." One of the most successful plays that will be seen hero this season is James Kyrlo Mac Curdy's Great Comedy Drama "The Old Clothes Man" which will be presented on Nov. 15th at the Keith Theatre. Herbert De Guerre. comedian of unusunl ability, plays tho part of Solomon Levi, the old clothes man and is supported by Miss Florence Thompson and a capablo company. Notice. Notico is hereby given, that on the 30th day of November, 1909, tho Mayor and City Council of tho city of North Plntto will receive bids for $100,000.00 of water bonds of tho city of North Plntto. Nebraskn, dnted October 1st, 1909, duo twenty years from their date but payjiblo after five years from date, at tho option of the city, nnd bearing in terest nt tho rate ot fivo per cent per annum, said bonds In demoninntions ot $1,000.00 each. Said bids must bo filed on or before 12:00 o'clock noon of the 30th day of November, 1909, nnd bidders are required to accompany their bids with a certified check of $1,000.00 to insure tho good faith of said bidder. Tho Mayor and City Council reserve tho light tj reject any and nil bids, 'llios. C. Patteuson, Muyor. Attett; Chas. T. Temple, Clerk. To Catch Your Eye. ' Wo want to-eaten your eyo and bring ,v your notico tho fact that to uccuro . tho purest, most oxquMUily flavored cjnfectioncry you ohould purchoeo OURS. Wo use only pure cono sugar, pure flavoring, extracts, etc. nnd manufac ture in ono of tho cleanest establish mentB imaginable. Don't purchnso an inferior product- buy ours and secure tho llncst nt no higher price, DICKEY BROS., Confectionery and Bakery. to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to i to i to to to to to to to 't $ S -3 -5 "5 $ -2 -2 -5 -3 3 -5 - S & 3 9 3'' to 1 r'lK to " yTl-i" t If to yfP slwl to to to to to to to to to to to to to to TEST OUR. SHOES E'RE the store for Men's Shoes. Si) they say and "they" know. We are Specialists in Shoeing Men! You'll realize what that means, if you'll come here, see our display of handsome Shoes and test our splendid Shoe Service. Button, Lace and Blucher styles. Patent Calf, Colt Velour Calf, etc., etc. Shoes for Duty or Dress. You size, width and ideal last is here! $3, $3.50 up to $5 or $6. Nothing- startling about these Shoe prices, but something very surprising- about the values we offer at these reasonable prices. THE SHOERY. ' SOL HODES. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, of North Platte, Nebraska. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Capital Surplus Fund Stockholders' Liability $100,000.00 25,000.00 100,000.00 Guarantee Fund for Depositors $225,000.00 (Not conslderinc quick ncets nnd ench resource) DIRECTORS i E. F. Seeberger, C. F. McGrew, J. J. Halligan, F. L. Mooney, Arthur McNamara. '''.Ys.' . aL- test i fa With a Monarch Range in the Kitchen there will be true Thanksgiving- in the hearts of cook and guests alike. A woman's pleasure in using- this perfect range quite equals her pride in serving the family and guests with the delicious food it prepares. Why not make this a Genuine Thanksgiving-in your home? Whatever your cooking arrangements may be, you can improve them and you ought to do it. It's not as though it were an extravagance to buy the 'best range possible" as a matter of fact you can't afford to use anything else! The Monarch actually does its work with so little fuel that it soon pays back its cost in real money. The things that a man with a Monarch Range in his kitchen has to be thankful for Some features of the Monarch Range that makes the Woman who uses one truly thankful It Pleases His Wife Thoroughly A woman who uses a Monarch Range is more than merely satisfied. She is pleased enthusiastic about it. She appreciates that she has a range, far superior in every respect-to tho so-called "steel ranges" that her friends nrc using. It Cooks his Meals Promptly and Perfectly No unexpected delays hecausc "the oven wouldn't heat." No spoiled meals that are usually blamed on the cook when the range is really at fault. Uses so Little Fuel it Pays for Itself Here's the important thing. This makes the Monarch the range for rich and poor alike. It saves its own cost in a short time and continues to save year after year. It's an investment that yields big returns regularly, long after the principal has been paid back. The Polished Top Nevar requires any stove blackening yet is always in perfect condition clean and shiny. Wellsville St.elDody Always retains its splendid finish without the use of stove blacking or paint. Most lasting material known for range bodies. The Duplex Draft A device found on the Monarch alone which does away with the sifting ashes and keeps the oven uniformly heated An Air-Tight Oven With patent non-warping bottom. Seams can never open up to admit drafts, ashes and dust as in a so-called Bteel range. Assures perfect baking which can be done only in an air-tight oven. Lower Warming Closet A convenient storage compartment underneath tho oven. With tho door open it heats tho kitchen like a base burner and can't interfere at all with tho baking oven. SOLD BY JTOS. HERSHEY, Locust and Fifth Streets. Phone 15. For Sale Cheat) A few acres chose in; house, bam and windmill. Inquire of J. W. McCauley at Buchanan & Patterson. Wanted Cattle to Winter. Sixty head of cattle to winter, cood sheds, plenty feed and water. Inquire of or address D. G. Tibbies. North Platte, Nebr. Millinery Store at Maxwell. Mesdomes Shaner and Beniamin have opened a millinery store at Maxwell anu invito tne indies or that section of the county to call and inspect their up-to-date stock. Will also do dressmaking. To Let at Once. New rooming house, sixteen rooms, all improvements, including steam heat and electric lights. R. N. Lamb. Notice to the Public Notice is hereby given that bids will be received in the office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Nebraska, for cash rental for the year 1910 for the use of the following real estate, south east quarter section 14-13-31. All oids to be filed in the office of the Connty Clerk on or before noon on the 3d day of December, 1909. Dated North Platte, Neb., November 2d, 1909. F. R. Elliott, County Clerk. DR. ELMS, General Practice of Medicine, Surgery i I Together with his Specialty, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Your Glasses Carefully Fitted. Office and residence 413 East Fifth St., on ground floor, no stairs to climb. Phone 659. North Platte, Nebraska. GO TO P. ffl. SORENSON FOR Furniture Repairing AND CABINET WORK. Also Woodturning. WINDOW SCREENS .... A Specialty. Fhop 107 East Fifth. Scene from "The Old C'tihes Man" which comes to the Keith Theatre Mon day Evening of next week with a strong company. SACRIFICE SALE OF TOWN LOTS. Why go out into the country to buy residonco lots when you can buy the following choice residence lots in tho West End where they will incJease in value and always be in demand. Three nico lota In block 17, Town Lot Co'b Addition, $350.00 for all throe. Two handsomo lota on Block 12, Town Lot Co'b Addition. $350.00 for both lots. Throo handsomo lota on west Fourth atiwit, sower in and paid for, $1200,00 for tho thrro. Four choico I0I3 on west Sixth street close in for $400.00, $450.00, $500,00 and $050.00 each. Theso lots aro all close in, high and dry, do not require any filling nnd each of them is worth more money than we are asking for them. Buchanan and Patterson. CONTEST notice. Doiiarl mentor tliu Interior, united Siati-N Luml Olllco. North 1'Ialie. .Neliruska. . , , Ociotxir tilth. 1109. A Kiiniclent .content atliuuvlt Imvliur been , filed lu this Olllcu liy Alliert Dreen contestant, 1 nunliiM homestead einn No SHICI Serial tB0. mudMiicioloriiih. urns lor northeast quarter southwest iniarter. suuih half nonhwest (luarii r. M'cilon H. township H, ranKO 87, by heirs of Kloliurd G Edwards contes'co. In which It Is uMeKeil thai: I. Ihoulmvu numed claimant In his llfo 1I1110 never cull vuied any nortlon of tho uljove described land. i. Said claimant never In his llfo time es tablished resldeiico upon said lund or resided theieini, 'A riutrl itUlm.Mt 1 . .. ... 1 . . 1 1 .. 11 . 1 . i. . wimiu.ii iias wiiuii- latieu 10 live or reside, upon said land nnd has been absent I . Iln t.t- ...a. .1. . ....1 . . ... ...UUi mi ia iiiunius nun ono nay jasv past. 4 Sllltl alwimiin 1 .1 . . uuo to elulmauiH employment In tno army. I t Him iiiu corps ui uiu united piaies, (lurlinr any war 11 which tho United SiaUs has been entfut'eil 5 The said claimant died about two years 1111 and conies tun has been unable 10 find !!!4i.iw,,iJ""'.r,1" !uH an '-' 8lri-- th luaih of said claimant no ono has resldtd upon suld land or cultivated any portion tr used any porilon whatever for any purtosH. M'Hher has I he land been Improved In any why sluco the death of xald claimant. J.aeh and all of said di feels now exist. fiild pari hs am herty nolllled to appear, respond and oiler evidence louehlmt said ?i .tr.a,fl'."IMlU I'lctook a. m on Dteember , ..' 1 "iff"'.'" the Hevlsleranil Hecelver at ' !!!. l,i,d V011--14 OHlco in North Ha le. .Nebraska m 1 1 5 a 1 f. contestant havlne tn a proper afllilavli, Hied October ill, im set forth facts which show that arter dui'dlllifonce personal oervlceof this notice can not Ihj madu It Is no oby ordered and directed that such notion bo Klven by duo and proper publication. .1 E. Kvanh II -n-Mer. OltDKUOK IIEAHIMl ON PETITION FOR .AIM'OIN PMBNT OK AHMINIHTUATOR PlaloQf Nebraska, Lincoln County, s. In 1 hu County Court Ntivttntr lm. 11W). In the, mailer of thoetlaleof iBaao Lamp laiiKh, deceased, tin reading- atid ullnir tfio petition jif Mary M. Ilartltnrtoii. prajlmcthat tin administration ot aatd estam amy bo milled 10 John Ib riod as admlnlniraior. ,Ord red, That November tti.d. . at 0 oi'loclta. m , Ik asslwiied for heurlnir said t It ton. when all iktsoiis Interesied 111 sJETJ matinr mar apiK'arat a county court to Im held In and for said county, and show cuuse why I lie prayer of puitiloner should not be granted. This ortler 10 bo published for six biii'cesslvo issues In iho North I'lallo Trlbuno prior 10 Nov, SKnd.lw.i u 3U ttu. Oouuly JuUbo-