The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 09, 1909, Image 2

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Gossip o People and Events Told
in Interesting Manner.
Liquor at $4.00 a
NEW YORK Whllo fow men would
bo willing to chnngo placoa with
camels because of tlio known propen
Hlty of thnt nnlinal to go eight daya
without a drink, there aro mnny who
might willingly chnngo Into horses,
with Jobs In tho park department.
Comptroller Motz aotno tlmo ngo
reached tho conclusion thnt tho city
should pay horsou' whisky bills, which
lmd boon hold tip for months pending
nn Investigation. Tho comprollor so
Informed tho dcnlers who supply tho
department, and stated:
"It scorns to mo thnt whisky at
four dollnrs n gallon Ih pretty high
for horses. Wo havo not questioned
tho quality, and I havo ordorod tho
bill paid. I will tnko up with the
park commissioner tho question 0f
what kind of whisky is to bo kept for
tho horses,
"Horses must hnvo whisky thosamo
nfl men, sometimes, nnd It has to bo
Just as good," declared Park Cotmnls
Hlonor Smith, who failed to boo any
thing funny about tho comptroller's
Novelties in Gotham's Street Music
STREET MUSIC in Now York city
is raroly plcturosquo. Tho Italian
girls who plttycd tho tambourines just
hh naturally as thoy used to on tho
old-fashioned wall-paper havo disap
peared, and possibly tho tnsto of tho
day has inclined their successors to
bo noisy rather than . Interesting to
look at.
Cortalnly tho quartet that has
recently appoared in tho residential
Btroots up town Is tho noisiest group
that over conspired ngainBt tho ear
drums of hnrmlosd humanity. It
glvos forth such n torront of sound that
Its loader Is prompt to observo tho
law. Tho first sign of protost from
tho householder in whoso neighbor
hood it begins operations quiots tho
qunrtot and starts lt off for nnothor
Thoy aro four as husky spocimonri
ns Italy ovor sent horo, Two carry
tambourlnos, nnd two small organs
Which thoy hold on tholr knues as
rbn fir-;1 V4i4r.
. vupu
NY girl who wlnhoa her chnncos of
marrlngo immcnsurably enhanced
enn go to Ilonlyn, h, I., nnd npply to
William McCnrthy, publisher of tho
Itoslyn Nowb, for n Job ns compositor.
Tho Nowb is printed In n llttlo nhop In
tho vlllngo, down below Hnrbor Hill,
tho catnto of Mrs. Clnrunco II. Mnkny.
Sho is said to havo oxhlbitod an inter
est In tho outcomo of sovcrnl affairs
of tho heart that originated thoro.
For years past tho Nowa olllco has
borno tho reputation of bolng a plncc
whoro Cupid is kopt busy. Girl after
girl hns boon led from tho Ink-omcarcd
-walla to tho nltnr und couplo nfter
couplo hnvo blessed tho llttlo country
weekly for mnklng thorn hnppy by
bringing thorn together.
Tho recont marrlngo of Miss MRU
cent West nnd William Mnguo at Ros-
Hospital Maid Victim of Odd Accident
CAUGHT botweon tho floor of tho
electric elevator nnd a Btool beam,
with, llio. cpctulnty of bolng crushed to
doath If hor reaeucru' moved tho enr
up or down by tho slightest inndvert-
onco, MIbb Mnrgnret umy, a "green
horn" doormald, had a thrilling half
hour'B exporlenco In tho Dnby'n hos
pltal, nt' Lexington nvonuo ami Fifty
llftU Btroot, Nqw York. city. It wns
necessary to cIUboI tho henda oft tho
bolts Jn the steel beam and tako tho
beam out of tho olovntor nhnft before
tho young woman's llfo could bo aaved.
Miss Daly, who is 18 years old, has
boon In tlilB country but u fow wooks,
and got her position in tho hospital
only recently, owed hor perilous pro
dlcumout to her Irroprosslblo curiosity
Gallon for Horses
"How Is It seroved?"
"With or without nnd
punches," answered the
in milk
"Do you over servo horsos' necks?"
"That's what wo do servo," re-
sponded the comomlBsloner, refusing ,
up clgh months, and they aro good I
U ntllllUi 1 11 (7 ! Jit (J V V. 1
enough judges of whisky In tho comp-
trollcr's otllco to decido in less time
than that whether it Is good."
When tho comptroller was In
formed of thin ho docolnrcd ho had
never heard of whisky that was not
The commissioner mny havo boon
excited, but his stato was pcacorul
as compared with that of tho horses
in tho pnrk stable. Thcro wns much
worry over wnoinor mo iour gnnons
rcforrod to by tho comptroller was
for each horso or all the horses.
Ono horso wns bolng manicured nnd
wns plainly Irritated. Ho wished to
register n kick against thoso who
had held up the bills. Ho is ono of
tho bluo ribbon horses of tho park de
partment force.
"By tho groat Pegasus, novah havo
I heard such a fuss mndo ovor a lit-
tlo rum!" ho explained. "Tho park
horso's Inalienable right is ten quarts
of oatB n day, with a Saturday night
bran mash and a nip or two when it's
hot or cold to glvo ono a llttlo spirit."
thoy turn them, Each of thoso men
has ovor his Bhouldor a wicker chair
which ho doposlts In tho strcot as near
as possible to tho curb beforo tho
music begins. Tho two mon on tho
end with tholr tambourines nro riot
satisfied with tho rackot created by
tho impact of tholr hoavy knuckles
on tho nkln.
Thoy havo n spocles of drumstick
with a ball at ono end which Is In
turn covered with skin. This thoy
pound with fearful ferocity against
tho tambourines which thoy hold up in
tho loft hand on a lovol with their
shouldora. Tholr suddon start con-
vorts n qulot Btroot Into a holl of ca-
cophony. They find profit In
stroots further to tho cast ami
or town, whoro tho spirit of tholr
Ihn P I
music In otilnvml hurl lt ffiiinn
tmf fnii nnoii fn0n,ii,. v..
.iiohuiuuo V1IIO. lull I
raroly boo mon so young as theso or
so won ablo to do their work.
Another novolty of tho streot bands
is ii comploto contrast to thla ston-
torinn qunrtot. Sho Is a Fronch
woman woll pnst mlddlo ago, whoso
nppoarnnco. carries with it ovory do-
tall her yoara suggest. Sho is moro
than plump, nnd her white hair Is
drawn into n ticht hunt nt ii
of her head. Sho hns a clear, bronzo
BKin, not uniiko a wintor npplo in lta
lOOK Of CrlSl) llOnltll.
M fl-TL "T i
ill uic 1VUC VaSeS
lyn whb proor, it bucIi woro needed,
thnt tho Nowb Is nn excoptlonnlly flno
mntrlmoulul bureau.
Within tho last four venrs tlmrn
huvo boon bIx weddings nil trncenblo
to tho Nowb otllce. Harvey A. Urown
wedded Miss Ilronzon of Wnrwlnic
N. Y and tho couplo nro now living
at Sllngorlands, N. Y. D. Nelson ltay-
nor, formerly mnnngor of tho Nows
nnd now aasoclato editor of tho Lnnc
Island Democrat of Jamaica, followed
mown s oxnmplo by mnrrylnc Miss
Ethel Vnn SIbo of Huntincton. Minn
Maud Tilly resigned her place two
ycara ngo to become tho brldo of El-
bert White of Jamaica. Miss lllancho
Latourotto succeeded hor ami wna
soon engaged to mnrry Ilonrv Wnllnrn
of Port Washington, L. I. Within n
fow months Bho loft tho Nowa to koop
nouso. wiuiam F. Lynch recently 01 1,10 prcsiuoui nnu mo iniriy-sov-took
ns a brldo Miss Loulso Jaeger of ontl congress for tholr timely prcB-
iianuiiiB, N. v., who taught tho school
In Glenwood for two years.
Anothor compositor on tho Btnff Is
now snld to blush violently when tho
word mnrrlngo 18 in cony, nnd tho
publlshor In looking for somo ono to
All hor plnco whon tho oxpoctcd roslg-
nation 1b handed to him.
to find out how tho olovntor worked.
CI... 1 . .1
Inn ono nitaln.
Mrs. Frank, tho hospital housokoop-
or, nnd tho ten nurscB In tho Instltu
tlon wero nt dinner whon Miss Daly,
who hnd been nsalcnmi
front door boll, tnnlf n.nnnn r
dull senson to tako a forbidden peon
nt tho fnscinntlng olovntor, tho doot
or which wns invitingly opon.
Miss Daly unexpectedly moved tho
lover fnr onouKh to Btnrt tho enr Hinw.
ly upwnrd. RenlUIng thnt sho hnd
brokon tho ruloB ngnlnst hor meddling
with tho olovntor tho young woman
tried to Jump into tho car to atop it
Sho 'slipped nnd fell with her leer
oxtondlHg boyond tho body or tlu
car. Uoforo oho could got to her foot
tho top of tho olovntor had renched
tho ontranco door on tho ground floor,
Just abovo tho door there was a steol
girder extending across tho olovntor
shaft, with ubout itvo Inches spaco
uoiwoon tno tioor or uio car and tho
glrdor. Miss Dnly wns crushod in this
nlaco and hold ubout tho waist,
Oavld Jacobs Tells of Thrilling March
In City of Baltimore on
April 18, 1861.
David Jacobs of North Hothlohom,
l'n has n unique distinction. Ills war
record shown him to havo boon a gal-
hint soldier, nnd It nlso indicates that
)0SRCSa the proud, If somewhat
painful honor of having been tho first
,(llor woundc(1 or ,nJured ,n tho Wttr
ot tho rebellion, ovon If it wnH only
with a stone instead of a bullet, Lator
Mr. Jacobs had all tho experience
with tho latter ho wanted; but his
first wound as a soldier and the first
soldier wounded camo from a stono
hurled in his face, which placed him
lors ,i combnt for sovcrnl hours.
Mr jnc0b8 enlisted on April 17,
isGl. from Allentown. Ia.. to servo
t,rco months, and was mustered Into
Jacobs Felled By Stone.
tho United States service at Camp
Curtis. Harrisburg. April, 18. 1801, as
a prlvato of Capt. Thomas Yorgcr's
n tho Company O, fwenty-fifth regiment, fecting a military acroplnno at Hako
d west Pennsylvania volunteers, Col. Henry ?ato which is said to bo a world-
L. Coko commanding. Company G wns
T. rirlf mttvtnillni PAinnntlV 12 Wild I
AZiRi.niiv Aiin irnw..v n wnii.' i
commanded by Cnpt. Thomas Yongor,
nnd among tho first defenders or ono
of tho first of flvo compnnios of volun
tecrs to arrlvo In Washington
Its services woro offered to nnd nc-
ceptcd by tho government at tho open
ing of hostilities. It arrived in Hnr-
rlaburg April 17, 1801, wiib mustered
in with tho othor four companies nnd
riving nt Raltlmoro nt 1 p. m. It was
while marching two miles through tho
nltv Ir. rnm,1mi In Min clnln hnf Mr
t..i. i mi .i.,.,i
camo n shower of missiles, und tho
flrst person to fnll wns- Mr. Jncobs.
ll" KUl 11 U,K wjuuiu i m.
mouth, four tcoth went down hit
thront or somowhoro, and ho went
down on tho cobblestones, uncon
Bc,0,in- I" fnHI"B ho hurt IiIb left arm
fcrlously. Ho wns picked up uncon
scloim by his comrndes and carried to
tho train umldst n shower of stones,
nnd lt waB 1101 ,mtl1 WnBhlngton wat
reached thnt ho rocovorcd his senses
Ir- Jncobs Bays that that march
through tho mob in llnltlmoro wns
ono 01 1,10 n'081 "r"'l opisoucs in
his ontiro wnr enreor, nnd boforc
thoy got to tho depot and wero on
trained for Washington plenty of oth-
ora woro wounded; but Jacobs wna
tho first.
'y arrived at Washington at 7 p
m- tho vanguard of 2,000 voluntoors.
Tllcy nftorwa'rd received tho thanks
Mr. Jncobn' oxporlonco nt DuH'b
K,m not dlscourago him, for nftor
"la throo montns' oniistmont wna ov
or, ho Immcdintely roonllstcd nnd
served until tho closo of tho wnr, pnr
ticiputlng in aomo of tho biggest on
gngomeuts in tho wnr nnd marching
with Shormun to tho sen. Ho loft the
nrmy with tho rank of corporal tc
which ho hnd been promoted for gnl
Innt Rorvicc.
Gunners Can See Enemy While Re
malnlng Invisible Themselves
After vears of nntlent oxnnrinmnt
S. Dana Dudley, or Wakefield, Mnas.
1ms JubI had tho sntlBructlon of hnv
Ing bin "pnn nnglo" tolescopo ndopterf
y tho wnr dopnrtmont or tho United
States.. Tho Invention is almnlo In
Its construction, yet, lt Is snld, mnS
rovolutlonlzo modern wnrfnro. Ii
consists ot roflectlng louses so nr
ranged at angles in n tubo that per
sons or objecta nbovo or below nno
on nil sldos mny bo vtowed from n
nlaco of conconlment,
Tho dovico an constructed for use
in wnriaro Is arranged so that ovon
on dlsannearlng guns or cuna usor
In trenches nnd flrod from any polm
invisible from tho exterior tho. opor
ntor may ascertnln tho locntlon or tlu
oncmy. tnrKot or other objective noinl
without exposing hlmsoir.
i 1! '
According to a recent roport Edward H. Harrlman left to his widow
fortuno of $300,000,000. This easily makes Mrs. Harrlman the richest woman
In the world) a title formerly given to Mrs. Hotty Green, who has $75,000,000,
Mrs'. Russell Sage and Mrs. Frederick
Military Aeroplane at Hakodate
Said to Be World-beater.
Files Sixty-eight Miles an Hour
Secret Experiments, Whllo Cor
don of Troops Surrounded
the Flying Field.
Washington. With characteristic
secrecy, tho Japaneso havo boon por
u x it .... .... .
developed a blrdllko craft that at-
tamed a speed of G8 miles an nour,
- .
;nlH 18 tno record in nenai naviga
Thero wns no publicity in tho Jnp-
aneso trials. A cordon of troops sur
rounded tho flying field, but they wore
not thero to prcservo decorum on tho
part of a throng of spectators. They
wore to ollmlnato spectators alto
Hakodato 1b In the northern part of
tho 3ttmncsa archipelago. Tho flying
"-- illliHh ""V.I. mil-
rounoeu uy nign nuis. un ineso inns
wero crocted block houses and troops
woro Btntloned in an lmponetrnblo clr
do nround tho field, which wns Inrge
enough to provide n lG-mllc course
Secretnry Massnnno Hannhara of
tho JnpnncBO embassy said that ho
was not flufllclently versed In nero
nnutlcs to describe tho new acroplnno,
but ndded
I know only thnt n commission wna
appointed some time ago to study tho
cubject. I wns under tho impression
thnt tho experiments had not pro
duced much yet. nut it la n matter
that is outside of my line."
Tho Japaneso monoplnno Is snld to
' opf" hn 0, hor the Latham
bl f " 0 Jr JoJf
a drive
benr a closer rcsemblanco to tho
develops 80 horsopo
tho multlple-blndcd propellers nt 2,000
revolutions a mlnuto, or nearly six
times faster that tho driving power of
a Wright mnohlno.
Control of tho mnchino In flight 1b
effected through a flattened tnil which
can be distorted nt tho will ot tho
aviator to meet dlvorso currents of
nlr. Tho mnchino hns never been giv
en n Butllclcntly nenr-nt-hnnd flight to
afford outsiders a chnnco to observo
lt in detail.
Thoro Is a question ns to tho steer
ing gear by meatiB of tho dlstortnblo
tall being nn Infringement of tho
Wright American patentB nnd tho
Dlckonson pntcntB In Grent Britain.
ey Conslnts of More Than an Acre
ln Exte'it and Made Up of
Toklo. Land is so Bcnrco in Japnn
nml tho "eonl nr, 80 nmrD that a
fum rnroly colial8ts of "loro than nn
ncro or tV!0' Th.e8 uJl0 rnnn8 nro
divided " !nl tiny Acids,
During tho Benson of tho yenr in
which wo mndo our Journey, ono ot
thoso flolda wna filled with sprouting
bnrley, light green m color; nnothor
Hold perhaps the next with vetch, a
lavender-colored, clovor-llko foddor.
A neighboring Held was covored
with n dark greon grnss, from tho
seed of which a .lamp oil Is mnnufac
tured; anothor with tho pnlo yellow
llowors or tho mustard, nnd scnttercd
ro nnd thero fields filled with what
looked llko n varioty or lily somo
wnuo, aomo rcu, aomu yeiiow, uw. nu
equally brllllnut-
Then ti' got tho comploto plcturo
C. Pcnficld, who have $80,000,000 each.
you must lmnglno patches of flowering
azaleas dotting tho roadside; towering
round-topped cnmellla trees breaking
the skyllno with frequent splashes of
bright green, usually In tho shndo of
theso trees houses with whlto pins-
tcrcd walls and red tiled roofs; about
tho mpro pretentious of theso houses
whlto plastered wnlls, abovo which ap
peared a profusion of palms, roses
and strnngo native flowers; and in tho
doorways or tho garden walls kimono
clad Jnpaneso girls tho kimonos ns
many and hb gayly colored aa tho
gardens that framed them.
Servant Girl Tells Board of Commis
sioners of Patrolman's Attempt
to Carcs3 Her.
St. Louis, Mo. His deslro to kiss
Lottlo Uucher, a servant girl, employ
ed in Lewis plnce, ngalnst her will
caused Policeman Philip J. Reiss of
tho Deer street station to loso his star
at tho board of poltco commissioners'
meeting tho othor day.
Relss, slnco his romantic marriage
threo months ngo In tho pagoda In
Forest park, has been somewhat In
tho limelight, nnd tho chargo is tho
second registered against him beforo
tho board Blnco ho becamo a benedict,
Miss Huchcr testified that Relss at
tempted to klsa her, but that sho mnn
nged to break nway from him. Hor
employer snld thnt tho girl had been
In Ills employ for tho past eight years
nnd wns porfectly rolinblo nnd trust
worthy and a good girl.
Relss In his own bohalf denied that
ho had attempted to kiss the girl, but
said that whllo walking his beat ho
had merely nodded at hor.
After discussing tho case tho mem
bers of tho board decided that Rolss
waB persona non grata and ho was
dismissed from tho force
Man Cured of
Cardiac Stitching Proves Complete
Success Man Leaves Hospital
In Good Condition.
St. Louis. Mlchncl Lnwlcsa, in
whoso henrt 12 stitches woro takon at
tho City hospital a month ago, has
been discharged rrom thnt institution
cured. Lnwlcsa wnlked awny unas
sisted, boarded a car and waved a
farowoll to tho physicians.
Lawless declared ho felt no ill ef
Tcct, but on tho contrary wns In much
hotter physical condition than beforo
ho received tho wound. Photographic
tracings ot tho action nt his heart
Bhowod his pulso wna ovon moro regu
lar than thnt of sovornl of tho physl
clans who nttended him. Tho doctors
attrlbuto his romnrknblo rally partly
to his youth nnd good condition, but
glvo full credit to Dr. W. C. G. Kirch
nor and his assistants, who per
formed tho operation.
Lawless wns takon to tho hospital
from Woll3ton, whero ho was stabbed
during n saloon brawl. Ho wnndorud
out of tho placo and wns walking
around tho stroota whon found by tho
pollco. Although tho knlfo nlmoat bov
crcd his heart ho wna conscious and
rofusod to toll how ho ennui by tho
Immcdintely upon bis recoptlon nt
tho hospltnl Dr. Klrchnor probed tho
wound with his finger nnd found tho
vital organ had boon allcod.
Lawless wn3 placed on the operat
ing tnblo and a trap door opening
uiado ovor tho wouuded organ. Two
Cornell University Professor En
joys Rare Privilege.
Eastern Scientist Depicts Color Sceno
at Shooting Off of Parts of Gla
ciers During His Exploration
of Yakutat Bay.
Washington. Prof. Ralph S. Tarr ot
Cornell university has enjoyed a prlvl.
lego raroly conferred on man. Ho ban
been prcsont nt tho birth of icebergs.
He has watched tho glaciers dlschargo
This romakablo exporlenco wan ac
corded him during his exploration of
Yakutat bay forelnnd, tho largest gla
cier on tho Amcrlcnn mainland, under
taken In 190G in tho Interest of tho
United Stntcs geological Burvcy.
Tho glaclcrB that reach tho fihoro
discharge iccborgs of various colors,
ho says whlto bergs from tho lco
walls-abovo tho sea; blue, often a
beautiful Antworp bluo, from below
tho water, and blnck from tho baso of
the glacier. In tho wnrm aummor air
tho bluo bergs quickly whiten, some
times in less than 21 hours.
A typical discharge of Icebergs la
described by, tho profesaor aB follows:
"First, a small piece fell from tho
fnco; then a plnnaclo nt tho lco front
roso 50 to 100 foot, reaching well
abovo tho surface of tho glaclor; It
then turned slowly ovor into tho fiord,
sending a largo fountain of water to a
height of 75 or 100 feet.
"immediately anothor lco mass, clear
and blue, aroso from beneath tho wa
ter's 8iirfacc, throwing it into re
newed and still greater commotion,
which InBtcd fully flvo mlnutea as tho
berg rocked to and fro.
"A great scries of ring waves spread
out for nearly ten minutes, causing a
heavy surf on tho coast to a dlstanco
of at least ono and one-half miles from
(ho glacier.
"Prior to this fall thero was almost
no floating Ice In front of tho glacier.
Flvo minutes nfter the dlschargo of
tho Iceberg thcro wns a ring of very
muddy water in which floated several
thousand Icebergs of small slzo and
bIx good-sized ones, all clean and frco
from dirt.
"Tho ring of tho lcoborgs kopt
spreading until lt reached both shores,
advancing half a milo In each direc
tion In about 20 minutes. Tho largest
bergs, ono of which was moro than
100 feet long, roso at least 30 feet
abovo tho water."
Yakutat bay lies at tho baso of tho
St. Ellas range, about 30 miles south
east of Mount St. Ellas, where tho In
ternational boundary strikes duo
north. It 1b tho only harbor on tho
300-mIlo stretch of comparatively
straight cpastllno between Crosa
sound, opposlto Juneau, and Controller
Along tho coast tho Falrweathcr
nnd St. Ellas mountains rlso nbruptly
to grent nltltudes. At tholr feet, bor
dering tho sea, is a lowland fringe or
foreland of glacial debris.
Prof. Tarr says thnt tho present gla
ciers aro mero romnantB of former lco
floods which extended to tho mouth ot
tho Yakutat bay. Many of- them aro
still actively moving and somo de
scend to tho shore. Theso contlnuo
to dlschargo Icebergs at Irregular in
tervals. Fined for Profanity.
Durand, Wis. Tho city council re
cently passed an ordlnnnco mnklng lt
n misdomennor to swenr. Tho Judgo
of tho city court is n rndlcnl "antl
cuss" ngitntor, and is punishing tho
offenders to tho limit.
On tho first dny tho law wns In
effect threo residents used profnnlty
nnd wero fined $25. Tho trio sworo
somo moro then, but did It on tho
quiet. Tho court lined tho parents
of a boy who sworo $5 becauso thoy
hnd not properly cducnted tho young
ster. Sliced Heart
ribs wero cut and tho flesh laid back,
baring tho heart.
With this accomplished tho opera
tion Itself wns only Just begun. Blood
which constnntly wolled up In tho
wound was stopped up by ono physi
cian between stitches.
ConBtnut nttontlon und qulot gavo
Lawless strength dny by day, nnd
although ho practically wub ablo to
lenvo tho hospital ton dnyB beforo ho
did tho physicians had htm remain
until nil danger of a rolapso lind van
ished. LnwlosB Is 21 yenrs old.
Big Georgia Crop.
Amorlcus, Ga. Ono million and
olghty thousand dollars was distribut
ed nmong tho formers of Sumter and
neighboring counties marketing cot
ton,In Amorlcus during Soptomber and
tho two Inst weeks of August. Wnre
hnuso receipts of wngon cotton to dnto
will exceed 18,000 bales, all sold hero
and proceeds spent hero. Local bank
ers report collections oxcollont ns tho
result of honvy cotton recolpts nnd
satisfactory prices.
Mexican Pepper Crop Falls.
Mexico City. Nowb of tho nbsoluto
loss of tho chill popper crop of Moxl
co rccolved by tho Cumnra Agrlcula of
this city, as tho Inst nnd ono of tho
most significant disastrous blows
doalt tho fanning Industry of tho
country by tho recont gonornl cold
wavo. Not a shoot of chill is left In
tho big producing stntoa of tho repub
lic. Tho loss in dollars la as' yet not