Thread 3 cents A Spool. 20 Per Cent Discount At THE LEADER Sale 100 Bed Spreads Full Size Regular price $1.50 79 Cents. Commencing Wednesday, November 3rd, and ending Saturday November 27th. We find we have too many goods and have decided to hold a sale on the goods enumerated below to reduce the stock just at the time you are ready to lay in your winter supplies. You will have an opportunity to purchase goods at wholesale prices These offers are not made on old out-of-date goods, but on the very best which The Leader has the reputation of carrying, is this liberal discount offered. Ladies' Coats. Ladies' Coats, all styles, all sizes, fur lined, fur collars, fine broadcloth, with skinner's satin lined, guaranteed for two seasons, at 20 per cent discount on ev ery dollar. QUILTS AND BLANKETS. Keep warm for a small price. Cali fornia all-wool, half wool, quarter wool, and cotton Blankets at a discount of twenty per cent. Suits. Ladies', Misses and Childrens' tailored Suits at twenty per cent discount. Dresses. Misses and Chil dren's Dresses, all sizes, at twenty per cent discount. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. Our line of Men's Youths' and Chil dren's Clothing is of the best tailored made. Twenty per cent discount on all suits, overcoats, fur coats and sheep-skin coats. Ladies' Skirts All sizes, all style and all shades, at 20 per cent dis count on the dollar. DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT Twenty per cent discount on all Woolen Dress Goods. 1,000 yards 27 inch Silks, regular price $1 .25 per yard, at this sale 79 cents. Coats. Ladies', Misses and childrens ready to wear department. Children's Bear Skin Coats in all shades $1.98. MUSLIN AND OUTING GOWNS For ladies and children, and they all go at a discount of twenty per cent. Underwear for men, women and children, including the Mentor and Lu zerne makes. All go at twenty per cent discount. Embroideries at a discount of twenty per cent. LINENS. You will want a nice table spread for your Thanksgiving dinner. We carry Linen from 50c to S2 50 per yard. Twenty pe- cent discount on these goods. SHIRT WAISTS. Silk, Linen and Net Waists, at a dis count of twenty per cent. PETTICOATS. Silk, Mercerized, and Sateen Petti coats at a discount of twentv per cent. FURS DIRECT FROM THE FURRIER Fur Sets, Sepante Collars, Separate Muffs, all at twenty per cent discount. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. Twenty per cent discount on all our Ladies', Misses and Children's Hats. BOYS' CAPS, Worth up to 75 cents, at 19 Cents. SPECIAL. One case of men's fine worsted ribbed Underwear which sells all over the country at $2.50 a garment, at this sale $1.48. Men's Jacket Sweaters for 65c and up. SHOE DEPT. 5,000 pairs of Shoes of the best makes will be found in our stock which are sold at a low price, quality considered. During this sale a pair of hose will be given free with each pair of shoes costing $1 and up. These prices are for cash only. You don't need to pick out a few articles, but you have the choice of the largest stock in western Nebraska. THE LEADER, J. PIZER, Prop. $ f & One Lot of 7 and 8c Prints at 5 Cts. Call 338 to Have Yoar Clock Repaired. Wo will upon receiving your mes stiRo, have our messenger call for your clock, examine it and doterminu what's wrong; telephone you the cost of tho reptiira, and if you wish name done, see that it is carefully attended to, and delivered to your homo again. Thus you will be saved tho trouble of enrrying n large, heavv package und we will ace that the clock is in good ahupe before it lenvcB our shop. Wo expect to huvo you call up when you need us Our work is nil jjunrnnteod nnd executed by skillful workmen. CLINTON, Jeweler and Optician. Phono 338. Wc want Your Repair Work DRS. BROCK & CROOK, f, rvr'Ufirnpc Ti Si Over First National. Phono MR Station Agent Rullard returned yes terday from a brief business visit in Omaha, Mrs. Cluus Myluntlor loft Wednesday for Mcsscx, Col., to visit her son G. M. Daily nnd family. If your feet hurt, wea rDouglns Com fort Last Shoes, sold at Tho Stur. Mrs. Echelborry, who had been visit ing her nephew Chas. Echelberry re turned to her homo in Znncsvillc, Ohio, Wednesday night. Patronize homo industry by smoking "U. P. SpeciuP'-mado in North Platte. A young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Zuuler, living southwest of tho city was brought in Tuesday and oporatcd upon for nppondicitis by Dr. Quigley, Tho groat question that is puzzling tho intelligent peoploof today who havo not hud tho pleasure of reading tho book, is who and whut is "Tho Man on tho Box." It will bo presented at tho Keith on Thursday evening of next Supt. McKeown spent Wednesday in town while enrouto to Omahn. Blnino KitZmillcr arrived from Grand Junction, Col., Wednesday and will re main in town for an indefinite period. For Sale Cheap Piano and several articles of furniture. Inquire nt 412 cast Third street. In honor of the Mikado's birthday Wednesday, a special dinner was served n . the Jap restaurant, a couple hundred pjrsons being served. Not all tho cus tomers could be accommodated. Rev. and Mrs. C. B. Harmon arrived Wednesday from Oregon, 111., and the reverend gentleman" will assume the pastorate of tho Lutheran church next Sunday. Douglas Comfort Last Shoes at Tho btur. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Zeibeit and Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Wilson enmo down from Sidney Wednesday and will visit relatives nnd friends for a couple of weeks. They have disposed of their business at Sidnoy. John McConncll, of Somerset, was in town Wednesday soliciting prizes for the agricultural and stock exhibit which will bo given in connection with tho farmers' institute that will be held at Somerset December Gth. nnd 7th. 400 bushel ull metal Corn Crib3 $4.00 at Wilcox Department Store. Mr. Lconlmrdt, the piano tuner, leaves today for his homo in Gibbon, Neb., returning on Sunday or Monday. Ho has yet more than two weeks ahead in North Platte. All porsons desiring his assistance will please leave their order at Hincker's book store. A party of Union Pacific civil engi neers arrived in town Tuesday night and tho following day began surveying for tho doublo track between this city Julesburg. Supt. McKeown stated Wed nesday that it was tho intention to push this stretch of double tracking with all possiblo speed. In tho county court yesterdny argu ments wero mado in tho case of Mrs. Jessie Fredericksen against tho estate of Frederick George. In 1900 Mr. George deeded certain tracts of land to his soverul children. This was principal- ly hay land and Georgo cut tho huy thorofrom and kept tho proceeds for several years. When George died Mrs. Fredericksen, ono of the children, brought in n claim of $2,100 against tho estato for the revenue claimed to havo been derived from tho land. Judge Elclor has not yet rendered u uWukm. Mrs. W. H. Turpie is hostess at a card party this afternoon. Miss Alice Wilcox left this morning for a two weeks' visit with friends in Omaha and Lincoln. Miss Jennie Sdnnncll, of St. Louis, is expected to arrive tc night for a visit with her sister Mrs. A. B. Hoagland. Wanted A salesmen who can get business, city work, good salary. Ap ply at room No. 1, I. O. O. F. building. At this writing arrangements for the funeral of Edward Inman have not been completed, but it is thought it will bo h.'ld tomorrow. Weather fotecast; Fair tonight and batuiuay. Maximum temperature yes tcidny 80, a year ago 7G, minimum this morning 3J, a year ago 27. Your furniture needs varnishing nnd repairing before house cleaning. See P. M. Sotcnson, shop 07 E. 5th street, j Miss Sarah Coe returned from Den I ver lust night and will visit Mr. and i Mrs. M. Keith Neville until tho latter of tho month and then return to her eastern home. Dr. Schlch, of Omnhn, will present Dr. Jeckell nnd Mr. Hyde at the Y. M. C. A. rooms Sunday at 4 p. in. Special music. All men welcome. Everett Evans returned this morn ing from Omaha where he went to purchase supplies for an office which he is opening in the Keith theattc building. "The Mnn on tho Box," which np penrs at tho Keith next Thursday even ing is a play that is certain to please the audience. It is a strong plot with clean comedy interspersed. Wanted A competent girl for general house work. Apply to Mrs. W. II. McDonald, Fred Elliott, of Omaha, has been visiting his parents for several days. Fred now has charge of tho coach de partment of tho McKeen Motor Co., with forty mon under him. Pnckors at South Omaha complain of scarcity of hogs nnd buy all tho supply which will moke any kind of pork with alacrity. Tho bulk of tho offerings yesterday sold for $7.73. Mrs. L. Moulton, manager of tho Keister dressmaking school, of Omaha, loft Wednesday, being horo to assist MissGertrudo Minshull in tho opening of hor. echool, which wub very success-, full. Strictly Pure Dottle Milk. We can supply milk to n lew more regular customers. Also have n limited amount of fancy dairy butter. Phono D 70. DoOUTTUJ.PHOUtKJB.Co. Mrs. C. M. Congdon has been visit ing her son Guy in Omahn for several days. She is expected home Saturday or Sunday. It required considerable scouting on the part of Deputy Sheriff Lowell yes terday to secure a sufficient number of men for jurors for the Inman inquest. Everybody seems rushed with work these days. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Turpie gave a four course dinner Wednesday evening in honor of their tenth wedding anniver sary. Plates were laid for twenty-four. Following dinner the guests entertained at cards. Tim guests presented the couple witn a number of handsome presents. Rnlph H. WyckofT, of Denver, Colo rado, is in North Platte and stopping at the offico of O. II. Thocleckc, opposite depot. Mr. WyckoiF has just returned from a trip to Routt County, Colo where the State of Colorado is selling a large tract of land under the Carey Act for CO cents an acre. Water rights in tho Little Snake River Canal Sys tern, which is being built under con tract with the state, are sold for $35.00 per acre on ten yenis time. Mr. Wye koff says that the district is ono of the most fertile sections that he has ever seen and that big profits are now being made there on the land under cultiva tion. Ho will endeavor to organize a colony of Nebraska farmers to take up land in that section nnd would be pleased to talk with any one interested. Several local people are already interested. Ed Walker left last night for Chey enne where ho will transact business for a couple of days. Miss Sarah Crcssler returned last night from a visit with friends at Bayard. The Vote on Judge. Today's Bee gives the following sum mnry on the voto for surprcme judges: Complete returns from sixty-seven coun ties of Nebraska, including a number of western sections which were ex pected to aid the republican ticket, and incomplete returns from a few other counties, show Judge Fnwcott still ah .'ad of Judge Sullivan, though the mn-gin is not Inrge. Tho figures for these counties are; Denn, 7C.C83; Good, 7G.559; Sullivan, 76,959; Barnes, 80,573; Fnwcett, 79,6-10; Sedgwick, 80,039. Two years ago these same counties gave: Reese, 89,061; Loomis, 68,361, a plurality of 21,330, while Fawcett's lead over Sullivun in tho Bamo territory is 2.6S1. To Let at Once. New roomimr hntlRP. sivtfin rnnmn nil improvements, including steam heat owl ufcetric lightu. R, N. Lamo. KEITH THEATRE Special Attraction Thursday, November 11 Harry E. Dixey's Greatest Success 46 The Man on the Box" Big Metropolitan Company Car Load of Scenery and Effects. The Event of the Season Prices 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50. SACRIFICE SALE OF TOWN LOTS. Why go out into the country to buy residence lots when you can buy tho following choice residence lots in tho West End where they will inwease in value and always be in demand. Three nice lots in block 17, Town Lot Co's Addition, $350.00 for all three. Two handsome lots on Block 12, Town Lot Co's Addition. 350.00 for both lots. Three handsomo lots on west Fourth street, sewer in and paid for, $1200.00 for tho Mrcc. Four choice lots ku west Sixth street close in for $400.00, $450.00, $500.00 and $050.00 ech. These lota are all close in, high and dry, do not require any filling and each of them is worth more money than wc are asking for them. Buchanan and Patterson. 5 HUB