The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 26, 1909, Image 4

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    ! We do not give worthy
! descriptions of our new
j Fall Jewelry. Many new
C and novel pieces in art
goods have just arrived.
jj Monogram Collar Pins,
J Monogram Cuff Pins,
C Monoorram Scarf Pins.
Monogram Bracelets,
j Monogram Sash Pins.
are a few of the many
new and catchy pieces we
are novy offering for your g
inspection. Let us show
you some of our choice
leather hand bags, new
up-to-date shapes. The
best of quality.
DIXON, The Jeweler I
We Close our Store at 6:30 Ex
cept Saturdays and Paydays.
Prescription Druggists
First TJoor North of
First National Hank
Arthur McNamara returned last night
from his busines trip to San Francisco
and Reno, Nov.
Miss Colin Quirk, of Green Itiver
Wvo.. Is tho guest of rolntlvoB and
friends in town.
W. A. Cnuffman loft last evening on
n business trip to Holdrego, expecting
to bo absent sovornl days.
If your feet hurt, wear Douglas
Comfort Last Shoes, sold at Tho btar.
Ynrdmastcr Vernon had nino twins
fcr tho west nt eight o'clock this morii'
ing nnd not nn uvnllnblo crow on hand.
Bratt & Goodman havo 8 per cent
money to help you buy or build n homo.
Last night n switch cngino turned
over n enr of beets on tho mnin lino
cast of tho freight house causing trains
to uso sidetracks.
Frank Enirlnnd loft last nicrht for
Fort Collins, Col., in responso to n tele-
gram stating that Ills mother was very
sick nnd chances wero against her re
Fino breakfast sots of china in Cobalt
bluo for n mero song at Buchanan &
Co's. special salo Friday and Saturday.
Mrs. W. T. Wilcox entertained at a
kenslngton Friday and tho sixty ladloB
present had n very enjoyable afternoon.
Houso decorations woro carnations. A
delectablo two courso luncheon was
sorved at small tables.
Thero aro fourteen of tho buyers in
the Taylor Addition that aro going to
build in tho spring. Something doing
thoro. Got a lot before building starts
and prices doublo. They aro dirt cheap
now. Busiest terms. Phone 52 for n
frco carriage to sea this addition, the
best in town.
Lndies. "Poroxlda Cold Croam" con
tains Peroxide Hydrogen and diaap
pears in the skin, leaving tho skin non-
greasy. 25 cents at tho Stone Drug Co.
Claronco Redmond, formerly of this
city, has been moved up n notch. Effcc
tivo Oct. 20th ho was promoted to
travoling passaugcr agent for tho Sun
Pedro road nnd will handle all offices
and men in Southern California under
tho general agent in way of detail
work. Ills headquarters will remnin In
Los Angeles.
I mako a specialty of looking up non
resident owners and buying land for
Lincoln County neonlo. If there Is nnv
thing joining you or in your vicinity
mat you want, write me.
O. E. Eldkr, North Platto,
in speaking ot "iho uouso 01 a
Thousund Candles" tho Boston "Trans
crlpt" Buys: "Tho nudlencos Bur-ly
demonstrated that they liko this kind
of a play, at tho end of tho third net
tho playcrB wero called beforo the
curtain until ono lost tho count of
recalled." Tho play was ono of last
Huaeons biggest buccuiisob in tho staid
old New Englund City. "Tho Houso
of a Thousand Candles" will be tho
offering at the Kullh Tuesday evening,
Nov. 2d.
Because A. G. Wolfenbnrger and R.
T ..t.ll .7 ,
U. aiUUIC, urOHIUlUOn ClUlUlUHU.-0 llr
supremo judge, did not mako up their
minds to get oft of the ticket until the
I.Mnr rmrt nMmit wtk. A number nf
counties have already printed tho bttllota
Ith their nameB thereon. Theso
counties were informed by Secretary
of 8tHte Juukln, with tho sanction of
tho attorney general, that they could
blot out theno names on thn ballots or I
iustruct thu uluctlun judgui to do thu i
A Request.
To tho Ladles of North Platto:
Wo wish to call your nttention to
th? Vclvotine Toilet Specialties.
The whole secret of n perfect com
plexion will be explained to you by
Mrs. Lillian Dessauer, by practical
demonstration in your own homo
of massaging, manicuring nnd
hairdresslng. Kindly give her your
best attention, when calling on you
as sho has much information that
will bo of benefit to you.
Yours truly,
Schiller & Co.,
Family Druggist.
Miss May Walker was hostess last
evening nt tho meeting of the young
ladies' bridge club.
Mrs. Chos Llcrk will entertain tho
Lutheran nid Thursday afternoon. A
largo attendance is desired.
A splendid chorus is being prepared
churcht SpccUl music each evening"
If you need dishes you can save
money by attending tho special sale at
Uuchnnan & Co's storo Friday nnd Sat
Tho A. B. Bridge club was enter
tained in a very delightful manner yes
terday nftcrnoon by Mrs. M. Keith
Go: Whore? To tho Masonic hall to
meet tho witch of Hallowe'en. Charms
begin to work at 9 p.m. Ghosts walk
at 10:30 p. in. Thursday, Oct. 28.
Weather forecast: Generally fair to
night and Wednesday. Maximum
temperature yesterday 01, n year ago
48; minimum this morning 40, a year
year ago 28.
Wanted to buy Stock Hogs.
Br att & Goodman.
In tho police court this morning
Thos. Davis, of Curtis, was fined one
dollar and costs on tho charco of being
drunk. Davis had $1,600 or $1,7C0
on his person when arrested.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Happ and Mrs.
Andrew Smith, who had been visiting
A. W. Arnett, returned to Gencsseo,
III., this morning. Tho two ladles aro
sisters of Mrs. Arnett.
The Hallow E'en dancing party
Thursday evening nt Masonic hall
under tho nustiicos of Tho Hustlers
promises to ho held well attended by
those receiving invitations.
Pntronizo homo industry by smoking
'I! P SnnnlnU" -rindo In MnrMi
Ono hundred pumpkin pies hnv been
provided for tho Hallow E'en lunch
that will bo held at tho Y. M. C. A.
rooms Friday evening. All men of tho
town arc invited.
Alf. Gr.intham, president of Iho
North Platto Tolephono Co., came up
from Lexington last evening nnd con
ferred with Manager Warner relative
to telophono matters.
Insurance against fire, lightning,
cyclono nnd windstorm written in
strongest companies nt lowest rates by
Bratt & Goodman,
A shirtwaist pattern will bo drafted
to measurements and given freo to
every lady who visits tho dressmaking
school on tho oponinc day, Nov. 1st, at
tho Keith Thentro building.
Douglas Cushion Shoes at Tho Star,
Services as usual nt tho Presbyterian
church noxt Sunday except tho ovening
survico of public worship, which gives
way to tho union tempornnco mooting
at tho Methodist church.
If you have idle money why not let it
earn you 8 per cent semi-annual inter
est in flrst mortgage loans on good in
como proporty based on not to exceed
10 per cent value? Sco Brntt & Good
Wanted By a travoling mnn and
wife, no children, two or three furnish
ed rooms in u modern homo for light
housekeeping. References exchanged.
Address postoffico box 401.
Mr. Lconhardt, tho piano tuner,
whoso ability is unquestioned hero or
elsowhoro by tho citizens of North
Platte, i horo and will remain until his
list has been attended too. Leave or
ders nt Rlnckor's Book storo soon.
Notice Is horoby given of n congro-
gationnl meeting of tho Presbyterian
church to meet nt tho church on Sun
day, Nov. 7th, immediately following
tho morning service, to transact such
business ns may como before it.
Geo. F. Williams, Pastor.
A man named Rogers, whoso homo
U in Cleveland, Ohio, died at tho
Pulver hospital early yesterday morn
ing from asthma. Tho deceased who
was enrouto west ubout three weeks
ngo, la-camo so hck when no reuchvu
North Platto that ho was forced to stop
over and entur tho Pulver hospital for
treatment. Ho continued to grow
woreo until death ended his Buffering.
Kugors was n married mnn nnd about
I "lljr-U JBIUOUl "bU IVUItllYCa III
r...... n .. r t.. i. i fm.ln.lrili.tlnn.
Lr to tho disposition of the remnlns
but no word nt this writing
had been
ft'CflVfd. 110 CnmeU
Email lira in-
BUr"cu I10
For Sale.
180 acre furm. 80 acres heovy hay,
OU acres hay and nltnlfu unu 4U acres
cultivated. 40 aero water right, fivo
room houso, barn, all fenced, Small
cat-h payment, balance time, 6 pur aunt
Buu Brutt & Guudtuun.
Call 338 to Have Your Clock
Wu will upon receiving your mes
sage, have our messenger call for
your clock, examine it and determine
what's wrong; telephono you tho
cost of tho repairs, and if you wish
samo done, see that it is carefully
attended to, and delivered to your
homo again. Thus you will ho saved
tho troublo of carrying a largo,
heavy package and wo will sea that
the clock is in good shape beforo it
leaves our shop.
Wo expect to havo you call up
when you need us.
Our work is nil guaranteed nnd
executed by skillful workmen.
Jeweler and Optician.
Phono 338.
Wc wanl Your Repair Work
Graduate Dcnlisl.
Office ovor tho McDonald
Stuto Hank.
Smoko "U. P. Specials" mado in
North Platto.
Miss May mo Randolph went to Kim
ball yesterday to visit friendj.
The Rcbekah3 will bo given a benefit
nt the Keith theatro Saturday night.
P. P. McGovern nnd Charley Clinton
wero visitors in Lexington Sunday.
Permission to wed was granted Sat
urduy to Clifton Naalo of Myrtlo and
Miss Ada Stearns of this city.
Rev. Geo. F. Williams loft last night
on a trip to Lincoln and Omaha. Ho
will bo absont several days.
W. II. Van Luo and Miss Clara Cool:
wero unitod in marriage at the mansi
by Rov. Williams Sunday morning.
Wanted A girl for general house
work. Permanent position to right
party. Inquire of Mrs. W. V. Hoag
land. Mrs. C. S. Clinton and Mrs. W. J.
Stuart will entertain tho Mothers' Club
at tho homo of tho former tomorrow
Hogs in the South Omaha market
havo udvanced twenty cents during thu
p:ist week, tho bulk selling yesterday
at $7. CO.
A score of boys and girls passed
several hours very enjoyably Friday
ovening as the guests of Miss Hilde-
gatdo Clinton.
Arthur Tramu returned yesterday
from Omaha, whore ho had been visit
ing his brother Herbert, who is attend
ing n business college.
Tho Wednesday Musicalc will meet,
this week with Mrs. Crook, 302 Wesi.
Third St. Nevins, tho composer, wil
bo tho subject for study,
Thf North Platto cigar factory i:
now in operation in tho room south o!
tho Star bottling works. Yesterday the
delivered 10,000 cigars to local dealers
Lost A black and whito Englisl
setter. Any information leading t
its recovery will bo liberally rewarded
J. G. Bcelor will deliver nn address
at tfi O'Pallnns school houso next Sat
unlay ovening on the political issues of
the day from nn independent standpoint
For Sale Good lawn manure in un
limited quantities. Will bo delivered.
Phono 143.
Tho county commissioners convened
in cession yesterday, ull members belt p
present. Tho day was devoted to roao
and bridge mnttera and to tho allow-
ancu uf claims.
For Salt.
Modern 0 room home except furnace,
near 2nd ward school $3100.00
Pretty ,D room houso, bnth, lnwn,
simile, cement wnlk, barn, etc., West
0th $2750.00.
Other nice homes. These properties
lean no iiouunt tor oneniuru cubo,
balance monthly. Seo
As Produced for one year at Daly's and Hackett Theatres New York,
and the Garrack Theatre, Chicago.
"The audience at the Garrick liked the play, and many,
many, many, audiences will go wild over it. "
Amy Leslie in Chicago Daily News.
Ovor Klrst National. I'lione 148
Special Salo of chinn at Buchanan
and Co. Friday and Saturdny.
This evening the ladies' nuxiliary of
tho B. of L. F. nnd E. will entcrtnin
tho members of tho hitter organization
at n Hallow E'en social nt tho K. P.
G. G. Schick, of Deer Creek, was
in town yesterday on business beforo
tho county commissioners, nnd made
this office a call. Ho says that early
sown winter wheat in his precinct looks
Girl wants to work in private family
for board while attending school.
Phone 265.
Don't be in n hurry to buy your win
ter apples. I will bo in North Platto
with a car of fino winter varieties on
Saturday of this week and they will bo
cheap. T. JENKINS.
The American Rnilroad Employer and
Investors Association will givo a lunch
nt tho Y. M. C. A. rooms Wednesday
evenine, October 27th. All employes
nro cordially invited. Como and havo
a good time.
Lost Between my residence nnd
depot n pair of gold rimmed spectacles.
Finder please return to Fred Elliott,
U. P. blacksmith shop, or to 421 east
Second street nnd receive reward.
Perry Sawyer, Chas. Johnston and
Leo Johnston were nrrested on tho
chnrgo of assaulting J. L. Stingley last
Friday, nnd these defendants fild n
complaint against Stingley and his son
Charles for assault. Tho parties wero
arrainged boforo Polico Judge Elder
yesterday, the hearing on account of
tho number of witnesses, being held in
tho district court room. Tho evidence
was taken during tho afternoon and
after taking tho caso under advise
ment, Judge Eldor this morning fined
Perry Sawyer and Lee Johnston $25
and costs, discharged Chas. Johnson ns
not guilty, fined J. L, Stingley $15 and
costs nnd discharged Chns. Stingley.
Mrs. Ed. Puthoff nnd dnughter, of
Sidney, nro tho guests of friends in
town whiio onrouto enst.
Hershey News.
Miss Blanch Ganson was shopping in
North Platto last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Berry left last
week for Southern Illinois to visit with
Mr. Berry's parents.
Mrs. Geo. Smith left Wednesday
night for Council Bluffs, Iowa, to visit
with her daughter Mrs. David Carson.
James Pell was up from Maxwell
last week.
Mrs. J. I. Show wns n North Plntto
visitor Thursday and Friday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. H. M. Appleford, of
Maxwell, nro visiting friends in town.
O. H. Eyorly is making several im
provements on his barn.
Miss Dorn Jepsen is visiting with her
brother nt present.
Dr. nnd Mrs. Kruso woro down from
Suthcrlnnd on business SaturJny.
Tho Presbyterian ladies will givo n
Hallowe'en social in tho Hershey hall
Friday evening, Oct. 20th. Lunch, 15
cents, oysters 25 cents. Sorved at six.
J. W. Abbott, Carl Wickstrom, Pro
fessor Mclntyro and II. M. Apploford
were up in tho hills on a hunting trip'
Hallow E'en Sale of
In order to close out our stock of
Chinawurc, wo announce a Hallow
E'en Bulo for Friday nnd Saturday of
this wuek. This China will bo arranged
in rets nnd Bold at prices regardless of
cost; In fact the prices at which the
stock is offered is bo ridiculously low that
all will bo amazed. Your inspection
of this stock is invited, you will nevei
again havo an opportunity to purchase
at audi low prices.
Buchanan Co.
W. T. GASKELL offers George Middleton's Dramatization of
Meredith Nicholson's Novel
'The House of a Thousand Candles"
on Sale at I3ox Office Saturday,
The House of a Thousand Candles
There is no fault to find with tho
management of tho Keith for having
secured "Tho Houso of n Thousand
CanJles" for an nngngement on Tues
day, November 2d. In fact they are
to bo congratulated. In this day of
decadent drama, it is good to know
that plays that nro eminently moral
and respectable still win the public's
favor, and it is probably duo to this
fact that when "Tho House of a
Thousand Candles" finished its en
gagements at Daly's theatro in New
York, that Mr. Hackett found the de
mand for the play was so great it was
moved into his own theatro. "The
Hackett", instead of being sent on tho
road. This play has the unique dis
tiction of being the first book play to
run an entire season in Nw York City.
Choice Lots for Sale.
I have ten choice lots in Penniston's
Addition for sale for less money than
nny other lots being offered, consider
ing location and size.
Also three lota on West Fifth St.
that I can sell at $750 for the three, or
will sell separate. Phono 250.
O. E. Elder.
Mrs. Rice, of Cozad, who came hero
two weeks ngo, entered the Pulver
hospital nnd submitted to nn operation
hns so fnr recovered that she expects
to return home tomorrow. Sho speaks
highly of tho treatment received at tho
Lost, between 410 W. 8th St. and the
Episcopal church, a pair of glusses.
Finder return to Trump giocery and
receive reward.
J. H. Olson arrived yesterday with n
carload of winter apples which ho is
offering from tho car at tho freight
depot at $1 25 per bushel.
New Store Room to Let.
20x60 feet for Dry goods, Clothing
nnd Shoes. Steam heat, electric light
Modern up to date front. Ready Nov
ember 1st. R. N. Lamr.
For Sale..
New fivo room houso on west 10th
street with electric lights, city water
and bath room; nil largo and lately
papered. Nice lawn and trees. $1100
cash will buy it. Temple Renl Estute
& Insuinnce Agency.
E are experts
at fitting
Misses' Feet
should be fitted.
We have Shoes correctly
proportioned, and with
experience at luting',
young miss is fitted with
Just the Shoe She
Ought to Wear . .
MisBeB Shoes for Dress and Street.
Tho best of leathers und tho most
skillful Shoe Msklng.
Button, Laco or Blucher Models.
Tho new slant top is a great fuvorito
this Beuson.
8omo now creation, also In Craven
otto Cloth Tops.
$2.50, $3, $3.50 to $4.
It will be a singular Shoe re
quirement, we cannot fill sat
isfactory. THE SHOERY,
75c, $1.00 and $1.50.
October 30th.
Which is Always the Cheap
est in the Long- Run.
No mutter what jou pay for a Suit or
Overcoat, unless it has tho style, fit
.nd finish, it does not satisfy
Princeton Clothes
nro mndo right
They sntisfy.
and finished
Underclothing is not mndo right un
less made to fit tho form. Seo our
Munsing Union Suits $1.50 to $5.0Q.
They ore better finished nnd hnve no
Tho snmo apply to Ida Shirts. You
will find them hero only. Better get
yours now nnd get tho pick.
Drebert Clothing Co.,
(Successors to Schatz & Clabaugh.)
Everything for Men and Nothing Else.
One Night Only
October 27,
Fight Pictures.
Shewing- Twenty Rounds of
Fierce Fighting and Training
Quarters of Both Men. Only
Opportunity for Ladies to
Witness a
Real Prize Fight
Prions 25 and 50 Cents
Notice of the Hearing of the Probate of
Foreign Will
In thn County Court ot Lincoln County.
To all nursons tntorrsted In tho osUto of
Clinrlcs Cimii-ulnian. (Ii'i'I'OsimI.
W lit'trns. .H'linlti K. Counsiltnnn and Soy
mour Mi'trls. of Cook County. Itllnolx. Imvo
(llril In my ollU'u a tuiltlon tiraylni; to Imvo a
duly uutlu'iitlcutt'd copy ot what oiiriwrls
t ho thi' will and tt'stnmmit of Ono
Charles UoiiiiM'Imiwi, who dial In Oool coun
ty. III., on or uhoiti thu I'Uth day of March,
IH)I, lulii'ltU'l to iiruhato iih u forulitn Mill,
uhii'h lll imri'orln to hnvu Ir'imi admitted
lo inohuti hy thu iiroliHtu court of Cook
county. Illinois on or about thu I'd day of
.May. whliMi will relate to bothruol and
liermjrial extaioaml t'MHT.Ially to tho aouth
eadt (Hurler of Het'tluiu'7 iuwuhIiIii 13 north,
ramru 31, west of thu Hutu 1 M, la Llucoln
conn'y. N hrakR.
I barn thururoro appointed Monday, too lath
day of November. IW. at Oo'clocU In tho fore
noon, at thu I'nuttty court room In nald
county, am the ttmu und placu for the huarlnif
ufoald potlilun, at which tlmo and place you
and all roru'ertied may appear and content
the ai.rottllnvof said will to uruuatd as a tor
olen will,
It li further ordered that said petitioners
glvetiutlreto all uvtaoni Inlereated In ORld
entate, of thu pendency of this petition and
the I lino and plocu of the lieurlnir of tho
satut. by I'iiuslni; copy of this order to Iki
published lu thu Aorth Platto Bumi-Wuukly
Irlbuiiu, k newspaper printed and published
In sulil o "iinty, for three weeks nucces.ilvely,
ana thu date net for heurtiiir.
In wltneis whereof, I Imvo hereunto sot my
hum! and oillulal seal, tliUkli day of Octob
er, UVU.
W. U. Eudbii. Uouuty JutltfU.
Get the Best