The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 26, 1909, Image 2

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IttA I.. BAltli, Publliher.
Higher prlcoa for moat also show
that prosperity Ib again on tho Job.
Sotno nutomoblllBts nro sotting tho
football playora n torrlblo example.
Surgeons begin to Hit up and tnko
notice nt tho first call for football
This Is tho tlmo to bring onyour
trlplotn nntl quadruplets. The connus
miter is on ins way.
In moving, a little burlap will cover
u rauiuiuuo or tilings that do not con
com tho now neighbors.
If tho world will only wait about a
dozen years or bo, the polo will bo
uio great Amorlcan Bummer resort.
If reckless chauffeurs cannot b
mndo to slow down tboy should bo
given In Jail n courso of first aid to
mo injured.
Ono Long Island City man, aged 87,
Is tho father of n nowborn son. It
is caBy to guess who Is tho proudeBt
man In tho Unltod Statos.
Thoro has been an extraordinary In
flux of American visitors Into Austria
and Hungary this year; but tho hotol
keepers know what to do about It.
Tho carrying or rovolvorH by boys
or 1C Ih a prnctico which nhould bo
flternly roprenscd. Nobody Is saro with
deadly flronrnia in youthful lrreapon
slblo hands.
Tho county fair Is ono of thoso ,u
tltutlona which nro perennial in tholr
hold on tho popular nrfectlona nnd
which so-called modorn ImprovomonU
will novcr displace
It Is nssorted that tho czar's method
of dealing with Finland la illegal, but
na tho czar Is his own supremo court,
thero does not seem to bo anything
that Finland can do about It.
Tho Spanish troasuro nwlndlo Is still
in successful operation. Tho swlndlo
Is nn old ono, but npparontly halo and
vigorous, and with every prospect of
reaching n green and profltablo old
A Now Jorsoy Justlco has decided
that a man, nt least In that Btato, can.
not legnlly carosa IiIb wlfo against
her will. But, then, what prudent
and far-seeing man In any Btato would
want to?
Trees nro moro a hlndranco than n
holp to tho aviators. Dlorlot collided
with ouo tho othor day. QoirerB aro
nlso known to hnvo serious objections
to trees us blots on tho Iadscape. But
"till tho sclonco of forestry will go
Already tho long-dlstnnco woathor
prophets nro at work on tho coming
winter. One or them predicts that tho
Boason will bo long and sovorely cold.
IJut until tho goosobono man Is heard
from tho country will really know
llttlo about tho muttor.
It may bo that tho unexplored flolda
of tho uppor air will provo as fcrtllo
for scientific resoarch as tho untrnv
crscd landB of tho globe. 'orlot's
aoroplano accident Is nttrlbuU to
tho phenomenon of u boiling bc, of
nlr a condition which BUggosts '
moro strnngo nhonomonn. tn im rn.
vcalcd to tho sclontlflt who will work
from an aeroplane.
Now n modol reformatory In Dola
wnro is under charges of gross cruolty
to tho Inmntos. Tho atory la unploas
antly familiar and far too frequent.
Tho dotnllH in this cnBo aro tho samo
In kind nnd degree nB usually Bhock
tho public, BayB tho Unltimoro Amorl
can. Tho troublo nppoars to bo ovory
whero tho samo old story of a board
of directors who do not dlroct, and or
irrosponslblo nuthorlty which natural
ly Is abuBcd.
Advices rrom Hillings nro to tho of
foct that n.OOO homoBtend entries woro
filed In Montana during tho first six
months of tho prooont year. Most of
thCBo lands- nro In the so-called "dry
farming" section of tho Hlnto. Infor
rnntlon concerning crop solcctlon nnd
cultivation which will bo of Incnlcul
nblo valuo to dry farmors will bo
brought out at tho Dry Farming con
BrcsB to bo hold at Hillings from tho
twcnty-slxth to tho twenty-eighth or
In tho faco of tho unreserved good
will shown by distinguished Jnpnnoso
gentlemen who nro vlBltlng this conn
try with tho purpoBO of oxtendlng bus
lncss relations horo, tho wnrm expres
Btons of regnrd for our pcoplo, tho
honor nccorded to Prcsidont Taft and
tho ovldont doalro to Btrongthon
frlondly fooling botwoon tho nations
tho qulotua should bo put on tho np
prehensions of conflict In which tho
TJnltod Stntos and Jnpnn shall bo In
volved. Tho "yollow porll" oxlats only
In yollow Imagination.
A British anti-slavery society wants
to enlist tho nld of Amorlca In nbol
iBhlng alavory In Europonn colonics In
Africa. Tho gonoral rulo now nppoars
to bo "When In doubt, troublo or
financial stross, turn to tho United
Another unloaded gun has claimed
Its victim. Tho nvorngo housohold
uaB but llttlo use for Urearms, and,
furthermore, statistics will show that
Buch weapons havo dono moro townrd
tho slaughtor of lnnoconts than ia ro
volllng bugaboo burglarH,
m i ii i .iini
Lacked Confidence
WASHINGTON. Thero Ih not yet
that absolute trust In tho weather
bureau that should exist, and If this
woro not true tho loan In tho reeont
West India hurricano, which enmo on
schedulo tlmo, would havo been much
loss. Ports In tho storm district were
warned or tho approaching disturb
ances; nnd vcbbcIs In the extreme
Bouth Atlantic nnd Gulf of Moxlco
ports received advices to romnln In
Tho Btorm apparently had Its incep
tion nonr tho mlddlo Islnnda of tho
Lessor Antilles, nnd moved thence
westward over tho Caribbean sen. In
nccordanco with tho weather bureau
wnrnlng much of tho Bhlpplng wns
placed In saro harbor and not Injured
at all. Tho loss or llfo would havo
been much less in all probability had
not tho pcoplo who woro warned dls
dalncd to hood tho warning.
Thoro aro really a lot or right son
Blblo peoplo who bellovo that tho
wcathor bureau la something to laugh
nt and havo fun ovor. And thoro are
a lot of other people, notably United
States senators, who while in Wash
ington direct nil the operations on
Liquor Men to Reform Their Business
THE world do move. Tho liquor doal
era Of WllHhlnirtnn nrn nni'nmut lii
a reform os la a reform, any what yot.
will or may. They proposo to have
liquor vonded In tho national enpitnl
In a perfectly lndvllkn wnv. nmi If
plonao you tho Kotnll Llnunr DnnlnrH'
association Is nt tho head of tho re
Among tho Imnortnnt featuri-n miir.
gostcd na tho future policy of the. Ho,
rorm Liquor Denlera' naaoclntlon nroy
tho strict obsorvnnce of tho roculn-
tlons now In forco by tho oxclso bonrd,
tho partial elimination or tho "crawl.
or," nothing to bo Bold In this form to
wagon drivers or othor pn8sor8-by;
tho doing uwoy with tho froo lunch.
oxeopt a screened bowl of cIioohq nnd
crnckors, tho free lunch bolng un un
warranted competition to regularly
licensed restaurants and cnlea nml nt
the samo tlmo calculated to bo Insani
tary and a mcniiB of transmitting dls
caso: tho discontinuance of "cut
nrlces" and brazen competition; tho
v Mng away with largo Hlgns, nnd tho
ronovnl or till kegs pllod up In front
or anloona aa an ndvortlsomont of tho
volumo of business being done.
Senators May Keep
WIEN congress convenes in Wash
ington tho first Monday In De
cember begrimed nnd perspiring son
ntora emerging from tho toll and ilunt
of tho Bonnto chamber will no longor
bo forced to hurry homo to "wnah up"
for dinner. Instead thoy will hldo
tholr doshovelcd nppoaranco In dark
corridors nnd slip stenlthlly through
tho dusky subway to tho $1,000,000
office building. Horo bnths, which ri
val thoso of millionaires' homos, nro
ready for tho mombora of tho uppor
lnw-mnklng branch.
In order to oncourngo tho senators
In tho cleanliness which tuuda to pur
ity, tho hatha woro mndo to execod
In elegance anything found In a sena
torial homo.
A largo room wnB sot apart on tl
first floor of the building, mnri.
Football Star Can K
LEE McCLUNQ, who played lmlf
back on tho Invincible Yalo foot
hall team of 1891, has been Boloctcd
by President Taft to succeed Charles
H. Treat as treasurer of tho United
StateB. Mr. McClung, who la treas
urer cf Ynlo university, took up his
work in Washington Novembor 1.
Thiough his work at Yale Mr. Mc
in the Weather Man
their farms and ranches by tho weath
er bureau reports. Early In tho morn
ing senators and representatives be
gin studying tho weather bureau maps.
ir tho roportH or tho weather from tho
section In which they live show that
rain Is impending in harvest time, n
largo force is ordered to work, by
wire, and tho manager told to hustle.
If hay Is to bo cut and tho weather
bureau reporta say "storm," tho hny
Is not cut, but by wlro the manager of
the farm or ranch Is ordered to hold
tho "hands" for an emergency call In
enso the weather Indications are
brighter. Particularly Is tho weather
map Btudlcd In tho winter by western
rnnch ownera.
United States representatives In
congress havo many of them much of
their wealth In cattle, hogs, uhcep or
horsoa. A blizzard moans untold loss
to them. If tho wcathor Indications or
that apoclnl locality aro tor bad wrath
cr, tho herds aro rounded up, whero
thoy mny bo cared for Indefinitely In
ciiho tho storm breaks.
Indeed, although not perfect by any
moans, tho weather bureau prognoa
tlcatlona havo saved the people of tho
country millions of dollars a year, nnd
would Havo them yet other millions If
tho pcoplo would but heed tho wnrn
lng. It la a common thing to Hay:
"What docs tho morning paper any?
Italn? Well, I will put my umbrella
away. No rain todny." Just tho
samo, llvo out of seven times tho
rnln cornea.
No liquor Is to bo sold to a fcmnlo
over tho bnrs, nor In private upatulrs
rooms or hallways; objcctlonablo char
acters or language around saloons will
bo placed under tho bnn. Men known
to bo habitual drinkers or thoso In
any wny under tho Influence of liquor
will bo refused.
Well, now, you know, nil HiIb might
hnvo boon written by tho W. C. T. U.,
and certainly It la a vindication of tho
hnrd work thoy havo been doing for
tho bottonnont of lnrgo cltlca.
To atop tho "rushing of tho growl
er" nnd tho serving of liquor to wom
en will go a long way toward that re
form which nil good, public-spirited
pcoplo have long desired.
There is to be an nbsoluto closing
of nil saloons from Saturday night
until opening tlmo tho next Monday
morning. Mombora of tho nasoclntlon
will nld the authorities In running
down "spenk-easlos" und tho bogus
Tho members of tho association
havo hold soverul conferences with
Maj. Sylvester, superintendent or po
lice, nnd for tho first tlmo In the his
tory of tho capital tho authorities and
liquor dealers aro working hand in
hand to suppress tho evil saloons. As
a rulo tho capital's saloons nro woll
regulated, but In tho lower class dis
tricts thero havo been complaints nnd
It la these that tho nasoclntlon wishes
to wlpo out. The association is
backed by nmplo funds to carry out
tho reform at which it nlniB and MnJ.
Sylvester is glad to got Its aid.
Themselves Clean
floored nnd wainscoted with h" pur
est of whlto stono. into rcctlons of
this room havo been fitted tho bnths,
shower baths, Turkish baths, needle
baths and othor fncllltlcs for cleanli
ness which Invito nnd ovon ontlco.
Marble rooms, bound round with
glided Btcnm pipes, beckon while tho
senatorial waistcoat and modest nook
tlo nro hung up pn solid metal hooks
fastened In marblo walla.
In tho rubbing rooms nro two great
marble slabs, supported upon hand
somely carved bases. Thoso nro wldo
enough to accommodate tho nmplo
form or Senator lloyburn or Idaho,
long onough for tho tall Shlvely of In
dlnnn, nnd bounded nround by a for
bidding ridge, which will keep from
nccidentnl Tall tho smnll nnd rotund
form of Chnniborlnin of Oregon.
It Is not to bo chnrgod because tho
olaborato bathing facilities aro pro
vided In tho nonnto olllco building
that senators havo not bathed before
Two plain tuba off tho room whero
senators nro shaven and trimmed at
tho expense of tho government were
available to senators or guests whom
they desired to entertain, but thoy
woro BoUlom luwd.
ick Money Bags Now
Clung has been obliged to mnke Naw
Haven Ills temporary residence, but
his homo la in Knoxvllle, Tenn. Be
sides doing Important work In connec
tion with the finances or Ynlo. Mr.
McClung has had othor valuable ex
periences In flnnnclnl mutters, having
been connected with the Southern
railway for n tlmo nnd nlso other en
torprlses In his native Btato.
Mr. McClung wns probably ono of
tho greatest half backs In college root
ball, playing on tho Ynlo team at tho
samo tlmo na tho ramoiiB Hoffolllngor.
It wns largely duo to tho work of Mo
Clung nnd Hoffolflugor thnt Yalo wont
through the entire Boason of lSOl
without bolng once scored ngnlnst by
r rival teum.
Psyche Coiffure
My.- - ,
Tho beautiful hair dress shown lioro
has mado a vorltablo Bonsatlon, nnd it
Is n pleasuro to roproduco It for our
roadors. Without tho Btnall pleasing
llttlo skolcton cap shown in tho pic
ture, It retains all tho fascination or
tho Psycho coiffure, nnd is thoroughly
prnctlcal for present millinery modes.
Tho hnlrdressor has taken certain
small liberties with her classic modol
In ordor to accommodnto tho colffuro
to tho hat nnd brow of tho wearer,
and thoy havo turned out to bo an
Improvement, slnco thoy enhance tho
beauty of both tho faco nnd hat. Tho
hoad dress, shown In our photograph,
was adapted specially to this colffuro
and leaves nothing to bo doalred.
It may bo Bald in passing that tho
bond dress shown Is mado of gold rib
bon nnd rhlnostono omnmonta sot In
gold. Tho nlgrctto nt tho sldo Is pure
white. Every ono will sco at n glanco
Its simplicity of construction, nnd np
prcclato tho beauty of this colffuro or
nnmcnL Tho foundation on which It
is fashioned is simply buckram cut in
narrow bands nnd wired before cover
ing with ribbon.
It docs not rcqulro an abundanco
of natural hair to build this stylo of
coiffure. Tho hair, howovcr, must bo
waved beroro it Is dressed. Tho reg
ular ondulatlons of tho Marcel wave
mny bo used, but aro not nbsolutoly
cssontlal. Tho hair Is parted off lu
tho usual mnnnor, and thnt portion
nbout tho faco and neck waved In
looso, irregular curves. All tho re
mainder of tho hair (much or llttlo) Is
tied at tho back of tho head and ar
ranged In a coll. This forms tho foun
dation for tho balanco of tho colffuro.
If tho hair is thick and heavy It
will not bo necessary to uso a roll at
all. Tho hair at oach sldo In this caso
Is simply "ratted," that is, combed
toward tho scalp lnstcnd of rrom it,
nnd then lightly smoothed with tho
comb on tho outaldo. It Is thon
brought bnck to tho coll, pinned to It,
and tho ends fnatoncd under It. A
small portion of tho waved hair on
top of tho head la treated In tho samo
Ohould Be Mado to Fit, with an Open
lug at the Sldo Good Tick
ing Bag.
Tho broom bag may bo mado n
moro satisfactory thing than tho cloth
that slips off In midair If It la made
to fit tho broom, and, furthermore, If
It bo opened nt tho side. Tho thing
I hnvo in mind Is an oblong squaro
bag of outing flnnnol from which tho
two lowor cornora hnvo been cut, Icnv
Ing It Bomowhat octagonnl In shapo.
Tho small remaining bottom or tho
bag Is mndo Into a faced oponlng, nnd
when tho broom handlo Is slipped
through tho long, open sldo of tho bag
and dropped through tho end oponlng
tho broom Btraws will bo hold securely.
A ticking bng for clothes-pins has
fastened to its uppor end two wlro
hooka to hang It to n olothcs-llno. Tho
end Is first stiffened with wlro, nnd
thero la no opening for tho clothes
pins except a round holo cut in tho
center ot ouo sldo. A facing round tho
circular holo forms n casing for an
other wlro to keep tho oponlng In
Countlosa housohold bags nro not to
no scorned, but theso two nro partic
ularly useful shapes.
way and brought back lying loosely
ovor tbe top, with lta end fastened tin
der tho coll. Tho hair across tho fore
head is arranircd in n loose nomna.
dour, tho ends lightly twisted, and
brought back to tho coll It long onough
to roach. II not, they nro concealed
under that portion on top of tho hoad
which has already boon fastened into
Uio coll. This nomnadour is then
pulled forward and down over tho
orow and parted lightly with tho
fingers, a llttlo to ono side. Invlslblo
pins, fasten It to nlace. and It ia worn
moro or less over tho brow to suit
tho Individual tasto in this matter.
A vory full cluster of falso miff
is plnced over and nround tho coll,
wnero thoy nro firmly pinned to
placo. A baretto Is adjusted under
them, supporting tho short locks at
tno napo or tho neck, which usunlly
provo bo refractory. Finishing touchoa
aro given by milllnc tho sldo hair
against tho puffs and pinning It to
tuoni with invlslblo pins and curling
any short locks which may stragglo
about tno nano of tho nock Into llttln
rings. Theso nro hold In placo with
tho fluid which halrdressora uso for
that purpose.
Tho natural hair, unless vory curly,
will not mnko satisfactory curls and
puffs, nnd oven when ono possesses
tho roquislto quantity of naturally
curly hair It Is much moro difficult to
manage than tho falso hair. Moreover,
it will not stny woll drosscd as long
nnd consumes far moro tlmo In doing,
so that It la economy to buy puffs nnd
curls. Of all things, howovor, ono
should got a pcrfoct match In color
and texture to ono'a own hair.
When tho natural hair la very thin
It will bo necessary to uso additional
hair ncross tho front of tho bond, for
tho hair dross just described. Sev
eral styles aro mado In front ploccs
that will fill all tho requirements, and
when combed In with tho nntural hair
aro not to bo detected. In adjusting
tho hat to this colffuro a portion of
tho hair about tho faco should bo
pinned to tho undorbrlm or facing of
tho hat.
Umbrellas Now Made So They Fold
Great Convenience for the
UmbrollaH which can bo folded to
fit Into n 21-Inch dressing caso aro the
only typo which now appeal to the
collego girl who does not like to be
burdoned with moro than ono package
when trnvollng. Theso folding urn
brellns come in black, tan. tnupo, darl
red, blue, brown nnd green twilled
silk, mounted upon stool frnmes nno
usually havo wooden handles. AmonF
tho nowest umbrolla handles Is ono oi
flattened top, shaped somewhat like
a hugo button nnd nbout two nnd one
hnir Inches ncross. Other wooden
hnndlos nro carved to represent tht
heads of cnta, dogs, owla and butter
flios. They aro usually or nntural coi
orcd oak, obony or mahogany, but oc
cnBlonally ono Is stained to match tht
silk covering of its frnmo. Vory smar
umbrellas which particularly anpoal tc
girls or artistic a3 well as oxtrrfvagan
tastes havo satin flnlahed whlto woo
hnndlos, with tops of onyx, Jade o
carved dull red quartz. They nro de
orated with narrow ribbon bowa o
wi.ii tnssolod loopa through which Uu
wrist may b 0rust.
By Lydia E.Pinkkam's
Vegetable Compound
Gardinor, Maine "I havo boon a
great sufferer from organic troubles
anu a sovcro fomalo
weakness. T h o
doctor said I would
havo to go to tho
hospital for an
operation, but I
could not bear to
think of it 1 de
cided to try Lydia
E. Pinkbam'a veg
otablo Compound
and Sanativo Wash
and was entirely
Ctircd after three
months' uso of them." Mr& 8. A.
Wilmams, It. F. D. No. 14, Box SO,
Gardiner, Mo.
No woman should submit to a surd,
oil oporation, which may mean death,
until sho baa given Lydia E. Pinkbam'a
"Vegotablo Compound, mado exclusive
ly from roots and herbs, a fair trial.
This famous mcdiclno for women
baa for thirty years proved to bo tho
most valuablo tonic and rcnowor of
tho fomalo organism. Women resid.
ing in almost ovory city and town in
tho United States bear willing testi
mony to tho wonderful virtuo of Lydia
E. rlnkham's Vogetablo Compound.
It cures fomalo ills, and creates radi
ant, buoyant fomalo health. If you
aro ill, for your own sake as woll as
thoso you lovo, give It a trial.
Mrs. Plllklinm. nt T.vnn. TTnRH
Invites nil side women to writo
liorforadvico. Ilcr advico Is free
and ahvuys helpful.
New Geyser In Yellowstone Park.
For a few days Dast thoro havo boon
Indications of an eruption of somo
kind near tho Fountain hotol In Yol.
lowstono park, sayB n diBpatch rrom
Mammoth Hot Springs, Wyo. Now a
now and mnKniflcent covsor has hro-
ken out in full forco about 100 foot
north or tho regular Fountain geyser
near Fountain hotel. This now goyser,
which does not appear to affect any of
tho others In that vicinity, plnycd to a
height of 150 to 200 feet, throwing off
Imnienso quantities of hot water, mud
and steam. Tho now goysor dooa not
play regularly as dooa Old Fnlthrul,
but nt short Intervals, tho cruptlonB
occurring flvo or six hours apart, and
lasting about ono hour.
Many Were rn the Same Boat.
According to tho Saturday Evonlng
Post, this is a story hoard with much
glee by congress during tho last days
of tho Itoosevolt administration:
During tho recent cold spoil In
Wnshlngton, n man, shivering and
ragged, knocked nt tho door of a If
street house and said to tho lady;
"Please, madam, give me somethln&
to eat. I am Buffering severely from
"You must bo moro specific," tho
lady replied. "Aro you a raombor of
tho senate or of the houso?"
Joke Medicine.
Ho Is n vory practical, serious
mluded mnn of business. Tho other
day ho mot n friend, nnd related to
him nn alleged Joke, and at Its con
clusion lnughed long and heartily.
The friend looked nwkwnrd for a
moment, nnd then said:
"You'll havo to excuse me, old man,
but I don't see tho point."
"Why, to toll you tho truth, I don't
Jiib boo tho point myBolf. Dut I'vo
made It a rulo to laugh at all jokes;
I think It's good for the hoalth."
Editorial Amenities.
Editor Junkln of the Sterling Hullo
tin has red hair. Editor Cretchor of
tho Sedgwick Pantagraph has no hair
at all.
"Mac," asked Junkln, "how did yoa
loso your hair?"
"It was red and l pulled it out,"
growled Cretchor. Everybody's.
Illxon "Did tho operation on your
wile's throat do her good?" Dixon
"It did us both good. Sho hnsn't been
able to talk tor six weeks." Boston
When You're Hoarse Use
Gives immediate relief. The first
dose relieves your aching throat nnd
allays the irritation. Guaranteed to
contain im opiates. Very palatable.
AllDrugffUu, 25c