Call 338 to Have Your Clock Repaired. We will upon receiving your mes sage, have our messenger call for your clock, examine it nnd determine what's wrong; telephone you the cost of tho repairs, and If you wish sumo done, see that it Is carefully attended to, nnd delivered to your home again. Thus you will bo saved the troublo of carrying n Inrge, heavy package nnd wo will see thnt the clock is in good shape beforo it Icnvcs our ahop. Wo expect to have you call up when you need us. Our work is oil guaranteed and executed by skillful workmen. CLINTON, Jeweler and Optician. Phono 338. Wc wanl Your Repair Work Engine Mileage and Time. Tho following statement of mileage and timo made by a freight engine on the Third district is tnken from nn engineer's timo book for tho months of August nnd September: Total mileage 7,850, hours worked, counting from timo cngino crew was called to leave terminal until relieved at destination, 480 hours nnd fifteen minutes; over timo mndo during tho two months, three hours; average timo over district Ight hours. The enclno which mnuo this mllcac'' was in the chain gang, first in first out, nnd cuiuht all kinds of trains locals, rags nnd expedite, nnd is a lair com parison for tho twenty freight engines n service on tho Third district. Taking into consideration that the Third district of tho Union Pacific is h single track, thnt fourtcon nassenger trains nro handled each twenty-fou' hours, and thnt tho freight trafiit during tho two months was ur to thi maximum, tho showing is cortalnly a fine one, and speaks very highly mi tho train dispatchers in the North Platto office, the motive power ns wel s for tho general management of th road. DR. 0. II. CRCSSLER, Graduate Dcnlisf. Oillco over tho McDonald Stato Bank. Sunday Dinner at Enterprise Bakery. Oyster Soup Roast Chicken Dressing Itonst Leg of Pork Annie Sauce Mashed Potatoes Baked Sweet Potatoes Olives Pickles Celerv Lemon Apple Peach pie Tea ColTeo Ice Cream. LOCAL MENTION. W. V. Hoagland transacted business in Omaha yesterday. C. R. Lawrence, of Hershey, is trans acting business in town today. Mrs. E, J. VnnDerhoof is entertain Ing tho Indian Card Club this afternoon. Miss Vera Scharmann returned this week from a visit at Sheridan, Wyo. Seo tho "rcial bargains in Millinery at tho Wilcox Dept. Storo from Oct. 76th to Nov. 1st. Miss Mavmo Andrews, who had been a guest at tho Guilliaumo home, loft yosterdny for Iowa. Merchants say tho cool wcathor has resulted in a porccptiblo increnso in tho volume of business. MIsb Margaret McFadden. of Koy- stono, was tho gucBt this week of Miss Mary Mcuovern. Tho high school foot ball wont to Kenrnoy this morning to piny-' tho Military Academy team. Mr. and MrB. F. II. Garlow enter tained tho nvmbcrs of tho Billiard and Walker fumllles last evening. Dr. KruHO. of Sutherland has sold his prnctico to Dr. Siberts nnd will re move to the east part of tho Btnte. Will Ilnwlcy recently sold slxty-threo acres of land adjoining Sutherland for ono hundred and ten dollars per aero. A "Trio Around tho World" is scheduled for Friday evening, tho 22d This will bo something new and some thing good. Harry Wnlrath has been spending this week ut Kenrncv nnd Gothenburg on business connected with the Postal telegraph lino. Dr. Pritchnrd nrrivod from South Omaha recently and will succeed Dr Rhon as ono of tho stock inspectors in this section. Tho McDonald Stato Bank haa just added over ono hundred safety deposit boxes. Those desiring to rent a box should apply early. Don't miBR it. Miss whnt? That "Trip around tho World'' next Friday night. Don't pass it up. Tho Frco Lance claims thnt no othor town of its sizo in western Nebraska is making ub good progress nnd forging to tho front na rapidly ns sutnorinnu. John Crnwloy, tho big good naturcd farmer, stockman and mulo buyer of Modicinti precinct, has been trans acting business in town for several days. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jos. L. Murphy nnd nloco Miss Brognn, Chin. Ell and Chun Pass woro nt Ovorton yeBtorday at tending tho dedicatory aorviccs of th now Catholic church. Tho ladies guild held a missionary tea nt tho Garllsch residence last even ing and served very nlco menu for" fifteen cents. The receipts of tho oven ing wero about sixteen dollars. In falllnir to seo ' Tho Mnn of th Hour'- atUho Keith tomorrow evening you triiss dno of the best attractions of this season; a play (hat every whoro has rocelved unstinted praise. Tho Indios of tho Christian aid society will hold nn exchange ut IIowo & Moloney's Snturday and will havo on snlo salad, baked beans, enko, pin. cookicB, doughnuts nnd homo made bread. Thero will bo a sncclnl sale on millin ery at tho Wilcox Dept. Storo from Oct, 16th to Nov. 1st. "McFnddcn's Flats" with its yaller kids, bevy of chorus girls and a pair of very good comedians, nmusou n fair sized audionco at tho Keith Inst nvonlncr. Thero is considerable hilar lousness connected with tha play which growB a littlo wearisomo boforo tho end. Georgo ParriBh, gonornl sales agent of tho Ec Iidso Pn nt Co.. of Cleveland Ohio, and n cousin of F.; R. Glnn, spent vesterdnv in town. Jt had boon thir teen vrars nlnco tho two men had met hut that did not nrovo unlucky to nhhor. in fact tho day wns decidedly ntrreeablo to both. Mr. Purrish left for western points last night but will roturn to Bpend Sunday with Mr. Ginn Strayed or Stolen. From mv pasture, ono mile wost of Unrnhnv. Nob., ono iron grey Holding two vnnrs old naet. weight n bout 1250 nounds. nrominont eyeballs; no othor. mark or brnnd. Will giyo fifty dollars nfnrmurinn Innrilllir to nr- rost of thiof if stolen and return of animal M 0, J, MoAlIiAbtbh. Hunters Apples Ruined. A dispatch from Sutherland to the Omnha Beo says: Reports from tho or chards of this vicinity aro to the effect that n heavy Iobb of mitt win result from tho effects of tho hard freeze of Mondny night. Hero tho mercury went down to about 1G nbovo zero, and ns thero wero rnnny hundreds of bushels of apples on tho trees and in piles in tha orchards the loss is important. At Glnnburnio fruit farm, two milos north of Sutherland, it is estimated that 7,000 bushels of cholco apples wero ruined. Othor orchards suffered to a less do- grco. The annio crop of this neighbor hood was tho best on record and the trees wero fairly loaded with fruit. Potatoes will bo $l.C0 per bushel boforo thoy grow ngain. Our first car "as over sold; second car will bo hero in a couplo days. Seventv-fivo cents nor bushel. 70 cents per bushel in fivo bushel lots ana over, uot busy. R. N. Lamh, North Platte's Cheapest Grocery. S . a . ---- scene trom the great American play I he Man of the Hour," which will be presented at cne iveun ineatre Saturday eventn, Uctober ioth. A. N. Jotters, moro familiarly known as "Tony, a formor North 1'lntto boy, was married at Hagerman, Idaho, on Wednesday of Inst week to Miss Jean Dnnkowski. Mr. JefTcra Is night round houso foremnn nt Green River, and tho couplo following u wedding trip to Oregon nnd Cnlifornm will tnako Green Klvor thnlr homo. "Tony s" friends n North Platte wish him and his bride a prosperous and happy life. Ladles, Havo you tried "Sempio Giovino" for tho skin. Wo carry this elegant toilet preparation. 50 cents per packago. Stone Dnua Co. Tho Episcopal guild will hold its nnnual fair and supper'on tho evening of November 16th. Tho place will be announced later. Romembor tho Mnccabco Puro Food Exhibit nt tho opera houso Wednesday, October 20th. For Rent six room houso 513 West Second Btreot. Inquire at 222 E. Fifth street. Mrs. Moses McFnrlnnd left Inst nltrht for a visit with friends in Omnha. v For Rent Two furnished rooms. 221 East 4th Btreot. Inauiro nt Mrs. Arm strong's. Republican Ticket. STATE For Justice of tho Supremo Court: John B. Barnes Jacob Fnwcett Samuel II. Sedgwick For Regents University: Cha. S. Allen W. G. Whitmore For Regent to fill vacancy: Frank L. Huller COUNTY For Treasurer: Ray C, Langford For Clerk: P. R. Elliott For S'hcrifT: I. L. Miltonbcrgcr For Judge: Wm. C. Elder. For County Supt: Wm. Ebright For Surveyor: Paul G. Moyer For Coroner F. II. Longloy For County Commissioner: R. L. Douglas. For Rent A three room houso nnd barn. Phono 23 or call at '021 W. 6th St. It's A Top Notch Doer. Great deeds compel regard. Tho world crowns its doers. That's why tho American people havo crowned Dr. King's New Discovery tho King of Throat nnd Lung remedies. Every at om is a health force. It kills germs and colds and la grippe vanish. It heals cough-racked membranes nnd coughing stops. Sore, inflamed bronchial tubes and lungs aro cured and hemorrages ccuso. Dr. Geo. Moore, Black Jack, N. C. writes: "it cured mo of lung trouble, pronounced hopeless by all doc tors." GOc and $1.00. Trial bottlo frco. Guaranteed by tho Stono Drug Co. ROAD NO. 322. To nil whom it may concern: Tho commissioner appointed for tho purpose ol locating a public rond as follows: Commencing about 20 rods east of the northwest quarter of section 20, township 14, range 29, where Road No 64 lenvoB tho section line, running thence directly cast on the section line between sections 17 nnd 20, 16 nnd 21 15 nnd 22, to tho east lino of said sec ti'in 15 and 22 thence in a northeaster! v direction ncross sections 14 nnd 13 nil in town 14, range 29. and across sec tions 18 nnd 17 following tho old rond as nenr as practical to a point about fortv rods cast of tho northeast corner Of the northwest quarter of section 17, thence directly cast to the section lino between sections 8 nnd 17 to the east line of said sections in township 14. rangs 28. and terminating thereat. Has reported in favor of the establishment of said rona and an claims tor damaga or obicctions thereto must be filed in the ofiico of tho county clerk on or before noon on tho 14th dnv of December. 1909. or such rond will bo established without reference thereto. Dated North Platte, Neb., October, ii, liiuy. F. R. Elliott. ol2-4 County Clerk. I hnve eight per cent money for farm loans. Como and seo mo when wanting n loan. O. E. Eldei?. $ Seven Special Guarantees to Users of J For Sale. Largo posts suitable for honoring henvy gates nnd for corners. Also smallor posts. J. K. Ottenstein For Sale. New fivo room house on west 10th street with electric lights, city water and bnth room; nil large and lately papered Nlco lawn and trees. SHOO enph will buy it. Templo Rool Estnto As Insurance Agency. Does He Kick? Wo mean your horse. Docs his hnr nesa fit him or docs it chnfo his back, his breast or any tender part thnt makes him uncomfortable' Then bring him to this store when you buy him u now harness and wo will fit your horse perfectly with light driving, conch, cart or dray harness, Wo havo ovorythlng in the line of horso goods at A. F. FINK'S Fall Announcement! This House of Good Shoes takes pleasure in Announcing its readiness to furnish its Patrons with the Best I IB. W tu: u c nA cu mM k 1 11151 1 luuj U1 VJUUU OUUUJi Lctia AttWlrW MVJllirXS III ' f mi i ii 11 I tf 1 V. WX! I vImm of Footwear the World produces I WWllliil The Choice 'Productions of the pP 111 W mQst noted Makers of Shoes for.Men, Bmf tIP Women and Children have been M chosen with the greatest care. P H)liI Every price named will be a pleas- WM ing one, and with the best of Shoe Imw 'TOjlB Service your satisfaction is assured! Your consideration is solicited. Wml t8L sol HOPES, Wm v The Home of Good Shoes. Jw tit tii tii tii Cole's Hot Blast Stoves The manufacturers of the Original Cole's Hot Blast Heater instructs us to sell these stoves on the following guarantees: til ib 0 til tii til tii it tii tii tii vt ii' ih tii tii tii t viy tii tii tit First, A saving of one-third in fuel over any lowor draft stove of tho snmo size, with soft coal, black or lignite. Second, That Cole's Hot Blast will use less hard coal for heating a given space than any baso burner made with snmo size fire pot. Third, That tho rooms can be heated from one to two hours each morning with Xhe soft conl or hard coal put in tho stove the evening before. Fourth, Thnt the stove will hold firo with soft coal from Saturday night until Monday morning. Fifth, A uniform heat day and night with soft coal, hard coal or lignite. Sixlh, That every stove will remain absolutely air-tight as long as used. Seventh, That tho feed door is nnd will remain smoke and dust-proof. For Sale by Workman & Derryberry. 9) i i 9) (t) m ( THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, of North Platte, Nebraska. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Capital -Surplus Fund Stockholders' Liability $100,000.00 25,000.00 100,000.00 Guarantee Fund for Depositors $225,000.00 (Not considering quick assets and cash resources) DIRECTORS i E. F. Seeberger, C. F. McGrew, J. J. Mulligan, F. L. Mooney, Arthur McNamara. Dwelling For Sale. Wo nro offering tho A. J. Scntor ice new two storv residence on West Fifth Street at a bargain prico, nnd. nsy terms. UUCIIANAN Ot fAOBliaUN. A Spanking Good Team is ut your command whenever you tell us you want it. This livery stable is proDHi t il to supply tnstantly any kind of a rig you require. Whilo In your service it is ns-much yours as if you nvnod it. Tho difference is that you pay only for tho timo you use it, nnd not for tho time it is standing in tho stable. That beats private ownership all hollow. A. M. Lock. That Dream of a Home of your own can bo made to como true if you want It to. What Is needed is not cash so much as determination. We'll Sell You a House that you can move right into upon tho payment of a small sum down. Then whnt you would Dav for rent vou nav off the balance of tho purchase price. Think it over, Thon come and sec. Buchanan & Patterson, Real Estate & Insurance. PROFESSIONAL CARDS T S. TWINEM v Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Office: McDonald Bank Huildlnp. Phone 183. A. J. Amos, M. D. Mario Ames, I. D- DOCTORS AMES & AMES. Physicians nnd Surgeons. Office: Over Stono Drug Co. Phones: Office 273, Residence 273 pEO. B. DENT, U Physician and Surgeon. Office: Over McDonald Bank. Phonos I Office 130 rhonos Rc8!denco 115 D R. L. C. DROST. Osteopathic Physicinn, Rooms 7 nn'' 8. McDonald State Bank Building, Phone 148. WILCOX & HAITOAN, AttorneyH-nt-T,nw. Office over Scha- Clothlne Store. Phone 8 rp C PATTERSON. a Horney-at-Law, Ofiico: Tor. Front & Dew b. O.RU.SA CURES PILES OK S50 00 PAID The ONLY non-narcotic and lawful Pile Cure, because the U. S. DUiu". satory Bays fvery ingredient uf E-RU-SA is "Suitable for the purpura for which it is Bold" (Piles) and the pame authority condemns tht- injurinus oHrcoile idops) pile medicines. Only reliable, up-to-date druggists ell E RU-BA in (wth Plntxwi Bvtilllur & Cu, Btuiiu Drug Ct., untl MuDtmmril A Qrurw. Notice To Non-Hesidbnt Defendants. , To Adam II, FUhor and lots ono and two In block ultfhiynmr of tho original Oltr of Norili I'latif, Nebraska, dofondantst Yon urohorulir n illdfd that on tho 8tli day of OcioImt. 1WW S V. (Milan, plaintiff In said ciuisf. filed bin peililon In the District Court or Lincoln County, Nobrnska, against I'ou atnl fneb of ion, I ho objret and prayer of vlilcli lit id fori'doM! acTiu'ii ta)( un upon Hit) property ui'hcrlht'd as follows, sliuatt'd Iri tho County of Lincoln anil Hum or Nobraska, to-wlt: lotN opt! and two In block eighty-four of tlioorltilnal City of North I'latto. Nebras ka, bald tn; Men Is based utx n tax HalncerttU ente No. 2SJ1 Issued by the County Treanuror of Lincoln County, Nebraska, on Noverubor7, ll'Ol totbo plaintiff horeln for taxes lovled and asessed airalust said premises for tho year IMW to IWKJ Incluslvu with Interest and penal ties addi d. tocretlierwlth the Mil'stqumi taxes paid tber-'on for the years 1(H)J to IW18 In clusive, npjrreiratliiff tbo sum nf $110.00 to 1,'t'thor with Interest thereon at tbo ruto of 10 per cent por annum from the. date or Mllnirsald petition. Plaintiff prays for electee of foreclosuro of hald tax lien and an attorney fon of ten por cent of the arnount recovored and costs of suit, and that defendants Ihi recjulrud to pay sfthl sunt, and In default of snob payment hold premlMH be MUd to pay the amount found due vii Interest and penalties and at torney fees and eos's and that each and All of bahl defendants U) foreclosed o all equity or redoniptlon In and to said premies and for such oilier rellur as may bo cijultablo and Jim, You aro required to aimwor said petition on lieforuthe v'.'nd dayof November, 1WW Doted this 8th day of October, at North Platto Nobraska. P. Y-Giun. puintlff. Ily Uoacland & Iloaeland, UU Attorneys. NOTIOFFOIl PIJllLICATION. Serial No. WX. Popart nn lit or tho Interior. U. 8. Land Olllcu at North Platte. Nob. .. , , , , Amr HI. lU!i. Nolleo Is hereby elven that William II. Turpleof Ninth Platte, Neb., who, on July I', 1IOI niMilf hoiiDkti'hd hi try No. iftll I, serial No o:. for NHSVk. NVfPKMand N WM, teoilon sr. town-hip ii. N runKi' :it. W. oftho Dili I'lliii'lpni Mi'Miliui, bus lilt d nolh'nor u tenilon lo make llnul live year prool. o esiHblisb eluini lo lht hied ulmveilt'serllicd, It'foie. the l!t slir antl Itt-ei lvt r at Norih' PlHltt', Neb, on the I6lh dxy of Ocl, WW. CUIniHiil iiHtnew as wliiissoesi Julio Keliar man. UtiriK K IIIiiiiihii, Curl lliotuler, IIu,tl Conner, all ol AvrVU J'Unu, Neb.