The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 15, 1909, Image 10

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IIIA U BARE, TubllBlior
Terms: 1.25 In Advance.
A Boiling Down of llio More Impor
tant Crcnts Hero and There
! rnrrw
Tla-Hung-Tso, prosldont of tho
board of Justice, baa boon appointed
grand counsollor of tho omplro In
buccosb to Chang-Chlch-Tung, do
coanod. An imporlal edict Issued
eulogizes Chnng-Chich-Tung, gives
him poathumouu honors and promotes
his throa sons.
Tho Spanish camp, undor Com
tnandor Gonornl Sotamayer, was tho
object of a surprlso attack at C
o'clock In tho morning by tho Moors.
Tho ouomy vras ropulsed and shollcd
until 0 o'clock. Tho Spaniards lost
two men vroundod.
Honry White, tho American ambas
sador to Franco, has boon given a
learo of nbsonco, and accompanlod by
Mm, Whlto will Ball on Novombor 3
for tho United States, not to rottirn.
Tho propnratlons for tho oxtonslon
of Spain's oporntlons In Morocco, In
.tolvlng tho Bonding of hoavy rein
forcements, aro croatlng Increasing
uneasiness In Paris,
Mohammed All Mints, tho dopoaod
shah of Persia, sallod from Anzall, on
tho Caspian sea, on bin way to oxllo
in Russia. .o Is oxpoctod to land
at Potrorsk, on tho west nhoro of
the Caspian. He will bo takon dlroct
to Odessa on a special train. His
moTomonts aro bolng kopt as secret
as possible as tho Caucasus Is nwnrm
Ing with Porslan revolutionists and at
tempts at assassination aro feared.
The English government has com
pleted arrangomonts to tako over all
tho coast stations of tho Marconi
Wireless Tologrnph company stations,
except tho Poldhu and Clifton, wulch
the company retains for Its projoctod
trans-Atlantic sorvlco. Tho govorn-
tnont pays 375,000 for thoso stations
and gats also tho right to use all ex
isting pntonts and all Improvements
made during tho next fourteon yoars,
Hog-growera In central Now York
aro obtaining unhoard of prlcos for
this yoar'u crop
Sovonty thousand acres of land un
der tho Caroy act woro opened for
entry In Montana. Number' ono was
drawn by It. A. Carpontor of Oak
Parle. Ill
Goorgo f. Bowers, acting general
managor of tho South Omaha plant
oi mo Armour racing company, who
disappeared n month ago, wan located
at Fort Francis, Ont., by a roproson
tntlva of tho company.
Cofamandor Peary has formally no
tified tho National Qoographla socloty
of his accoptanco of its offor to ox
amino and pass upon tho rocords of
bis polar explorations. Notice to this
effoct camo to Prof. Willis L. Mooro,
prosldont of tho socloty, in a telegram
from Commander Ponry In Now York,
Aftor bolng In Jail flvo months
charged with counterfeiting, John
Preston has boen rolcaBcd on tho dls
covory that tho alleged bad monoy is
nil genulno. Nows roached Bristol,
Tonn., from Abingdon, Va., whoro ho
was In jail. A graud jury ordored his
Governor Hughes of Now York ro
nowed his activity against raco track
batting In his stato. Sovoral Indict
monts will soon bo returned against
prominent jockey clubs
Tho governors of tho Dank of Eng
land ralsod tho minimum discount
rato from 2 1-2 por cent, to 3 per cunt
This Ib tho first chango since April 1
last, when It was reduced from 3 por
Tho health of Count Loo Tolstoi In
again exciting appfohonslon. Ho faint
od twlco aftor his roturn to Yasnaya'
Polyana from his trip to Moscow. Ono
fainting spell lasted tun mluulos. Tho
aged author, aftor aovornl hours' rost,
was ablo to undortako a short
Henry White, ambassador to Franco,
Is coming homo not to roturn
Commandor Ponry has formally
notified tho National Geographical bo
cloty of his compliance with tho reso
lutton of tho Bocloty urging Peary and
Dr. Cook speedily to submit all tholr
observations, notes and datn to a com
potent scientific commission in tho
United States,
Miss Clara h. ClomonB, daughter of
Samuel L. Clomons (Mark Twain),
was married to Osslp Gabrllowltsch,
tho Russian pianist, 'mo wedding
took placo In tho drawing room at
"Storm Flold," Conn,, Mr. Clomons'
country homo, with Rov. Dr. Jos. H.
Twltcholl of Hartford ofllclntlng.
John Van Nortwlck, mllllonalro pa
nor and miln manufacturer and owner
. - - - . . .
of oxtonalvo wntor powor rights in
Wisconsin, died nt his homo In Applo
ton of heart failure
T. P. O'Connor Is coming to tho
United Statos to sook aid for tho Irish
A monument to tho madnoss of
"Mad Anthony" Wnyno, tho rovolu
tlonnry general who led n successful
attack against apparently hopolosB
odds on 'Grout Britnln's Stony Point
Glbrnltur 130 years nno. was dodlcated
nt Rfnnv Pnint n y. nn ono of tho
opening events of tho uu-atato Hudson-
Fulton colobratlon.
Mrs. Edith Rockefeller McCormlck
has offored $1,000,000 toward tho Im
provement of Lnko Michigan In tho
neighborhood of Lako Forest, 111.
Members of tho cabinet aro getting
back to Washington to tako up rou
tlno work.
Falling from ono of tho upper floors
of-a skyacrnpor offlco building In Phil
adelphia, Ilobort Drodbury, aged CG
yoars, mot doath In sight of hundreds
of spectators.
Lucius H. Blgolow, head of tho mu
sic publishing firm of Dlgelow & Main,
Now York city, died at his summer
homo at Rldgovlllo, Conn., aged 72.
Tho fishing schooner Cnldwoll IL
Colt of Ponsacola port has boon selzod
by a Moxlcnn gunboat off Prograsso
and hor crow of eight men hava boon
thrown In prison.
Tho department of justtco Is prepar
ing to fight tho cases against thoso
porsons who by various moans ob
tained from members of tho flvo civ
ilized trlbos of Indians lands that un
dor tho fodornl government's conten
tion could not bo alienated.
Albort Pulltzor, a brothor of Joseph
Pulltzor, publisher of tho Now York
World, committed sulcldo in vlonna.
It was ovldont that ho mado doublo
auro of death, for ho had first swal
lowed poison, and then, standing In
front of a mirror, had sent n bullot
from a rovolvor through his right
Qovornor Hughos wns tho central
figure In tho Hudson, N. Y., colobra-
Socrotnry of War Dickinson will
soon nrguo a caso on bohalf of tho
Illinois Central road.
Tho Omaha strcot ear troublo Is
ovor and striico-urcaKora navo noon
sont away.
Revolutionists aro active In Para-
quay, according to auvicos rocoivea
at tho stato department from MlnlBtor
On tho stops to tho Hall of Famo
at Now York unlvorslty an unknown
man shot hlmsolf In tho head. Tho
body was removed to tho morgue.
Germans of Chicago eolobrated tho
annlvorsary of tho landing of tho Gor
man pilgrim fathers and tho founding
of Gormantown on Octobor C, 1C83.
Horbort Parsons, chairman of tho
Now York county ropubllcan commit-
ttoo, announced that all cheating In
tho coming mayoralty contost In tho
motropolln would bo guardod against.
Tho picture of Martha Washington
may bo placed upon ono of tho post-
ago stamps of tho prosont sorics. A
numbor of womon promlnont In tho
Socloty of tho Dnughtorfl of tho Ameri
can Revolution have rcquostcd tho
postoluco department to tako such ac
tion. It Is suggested that tho pro
posed Issuo of tho 12-cont stamp odors
an opportunity to do this.
Aftor having pleaded guilty to
burglary of a atoro at Woodblno, la.,
Mrs. Anna Llnd, ngod 25, mother of
a 14-inonths-old baby, was given an
lndotormlnnto sentence of ten yoars
In tho ponltenttary
A now counterfeit flvo dollnr allvor
certificate has appeared in Michigan
and other plncos, and tho sccrot sew
tnn laniinfl n wrnilnf In tho nnhllc.
Tho COUntorfolt boarB tho Indian "head,
nni, , nf .., horinB f ioro. has tho
signatures of Unltod States Treas
urer Treat and Roglstor Vornon nnd
la doscrlbed as having chock letter
"2D" faco plato numbor 1242 and back
plato number 802.
Continued lmprovomont in tho In
dustrial situation In tho United States
Is indicated by tho reports of leading
industrial commercial movomontB ro-
eolved during August by tho bureau
of statistics of tho dopartmont of
commorco and labor. Unusually largo
movements of soft coal, coak and Iron
oro nnd largo shipments of lumber
aro Indicated.
Census Director E. Dana Durand an
nounces Novombor 3 noxt as tho date
for making n practical tost of tho
qualifications of applicants for ap
pointment nn spoclnl agents for tho
collection of tho thlrtoonth census
Btatlstlca of manufacturers and mlnos
nnd quarries. Ulnnk applications
may bo obtained now by writing tho
bureau of tho census.
Socrotnry of War Dickinson loft tho
city for Dollomendo, Tonn., tho ,homo
of his son, immediately upon rocoipt
of a tologram to tho effect that tho
young mnn was Buffering from a sorl'
ous attack of heart failure
Ropresontntlvoa of olovon govorn
monts will attend tho tenth annual
mooting of tho Association of Mill
tary Surgeons of tho Unltod States,
to bo hold horo. From the Unltod
Statos will bo medical officers of tho
army, nnvy nnd marine hospital sor
vico nnd nntlonnl guard organizations
It Is bellovod tho convention will bo
tho most tmoprtant to this branch of
medical profession hold In years.
Harvard unlvorslty formally oponcd
by installation of President Lowell,
Tho Duchess of Aostn Is about to
loavo Naplos for tho Congo and will
spend tho wlntor In Africa for tho
bonoflt of hor health.
Street car strikers In Omaha have
dotormlned to go on with tho fight
Congressman Parsons of Now York
hns thrown down tho gauntlet to Can
non fnrcos.
David Hill, who Buccoeded Charlo
mango Tower as ambassador to Ger
j i i . i,
mnny, uruvuu on uio nncr ueorgQ
arrived on tho
Washington for his first vIbU to this
country nlnco his appointment to tho
post at Borlln,
William Randolph Hearst again In
tho raco for mayor of Now York.
Prosldont Tnft ended a Btronuous
period of dlnnors nnd spoochea by
slooplng in tho mountains.
Mrs. Josoph Sullivan Is tho first
pollcowoman of Chicago. Sho was
Bwom In the othor dny and Invested
with all tho authority and privileges
I given to spoclnl policomon of that city
Occasioned by Developments Involv
ing tho Question of His Fitness
For tho Position.
Washington. Charles R. Crane's
suddom, unoxpoctod nnd hlthorto mys-
torlous recall to Washington by Boo
rocatary of Stato Knox, as ho was at
tho point of sailing from San Fran
cIbco to assumo his duties as minister
of tho United States to China, was
occasslonod by developments Involving
the question of Mr. Crano's fitness for
that post This much Is known In
well-informed quartora in Washing
ton. Unlosn Mr. Crane la ablp to clear
himself in tho eyes of Socrotary Kuox
of nn accusation of a serious breach
of what tho otato department regards
as tho first prlnclplo of diplomatic
discretion tho conforonco with his of
ficial chief may result in tho abrupt
termination of Mr. Crano'B connection
with tho diplomatic scrvlco.
Minister Crano arrived in Washing'
ton Sunday aftornoon from his hur-
rtod Joumoy across tho continent, re
iterating his declaration of lgnoranco
ns to tho occasion for his rather dra
matic call from tho wntors' edge of
the Pacillo, and dcollned to discuss
tho matter in any of its aspects, be
yond saying that while ho expected
to bo hero sororal days, ho had re-
Borved now accommodations for the
transpacific voyago on tho steamer
sailing from Snn Francisco on Octobor
20, a wook from noxt Wodnosdny.
Tho otato department has in hand,
It Is said, what it rogards as moro or
less convincing' ovldcnco that Minister
Crano, on tho ovo of his dopnrturo for
tho far oast, became responsible for
tho publication in a Chicago nows-
paper of what tho department views
as a most lndlscret discussion of tho
nttltudo of tho United States toward
tho two treaties recently negotiated
botween China and Japan. This, tho
dopartmont holds to havo boon tho
moro serious bocauso that attitude is
Btill undor confidential consideration,
no decision having been arrived at
Whilo tho speeches dollvored by Mr.
Crano boforo tho Amorlcan Asiatic
association nnd at n dlnnor given In
his honor at Chicago, aro vlowcd at
tho stato department as having been
at best, unwlso and undiplomatic
they had boen carefully considered
aftor their dolivory nnd beforo Mr,
Crano started for San Francisco, and
although doproeatrcd wero not regard
ed as justifying any change in bis
Tho Chicago publication falls, how
cvor, in tho oyea of tho dopartmont,
into a category very different and
for moro serious,
China nnd Japan early last month
ontored Into treatios which contained
provisions regarded by tho Btato do-
nartmont no very Burnrlslnc nnd bob
siuiy objoctionaulo to this govern
merit. By thoso trontles Japan would
socuro rights In Manchuria which aro
hold by Bomo diplomats to be in dlroct
violation of both tho lottor and spirit
of tho Portsmouth treaty. China haa
agreed in tho treaties now undor con
sideration, that beforo extending tho
prosont railway system In Manchuria,
It shall consult Japan, nnd, prcsum
ably, obtain its consent thereto. This
provision Is rogarded as inharmonl
ous with tho declaration of Jnpan In
tho treaty of Portsmouth that it will
not obstruct any measures taken by
China for tho development of its cm
Royal Reception Planned
Washington. As a trlbuto to tho
homo-coming from nbrond, Presldont
Snmuol Gompors of tho Amorlcan Fed-
oration of Labor, ono of tho most rep
rosontatlvo gatherings of organized
labor ovor assembled In this country,
will wolcomo him. To slgnallzo his
roturn arrangements woro comploted
for n mammoth parade of organized
labor and a reception in his honor.
In tho parado, which Mr. Gompora
will head, will be more than 30,000
laboring mon,
Des Moines Wins Lower Rates.
Soattlo Chairman Martin A. Knnpp
announced a decision of tho Interstnto
Commorco commission in tho suit
brought by Greater Des Moines
against tho Chicago, Rock Island &
Pacific railroad and othor lines. Tho
commission donled n petition of tho
railroads for a rehearing and ordered
tho reduction of rates from tho At
lantic seaboard to Dos Moines to go
Into effect.
K. C. Dry Goods Firm Falls.
Kansas City. Tho largo wholosalo
firm of Swofford Bros. Dry Goods Co.
of this city was placed In tho hnndu
of rocolvors as a result of disagree
ments among stockholders, Tho as-
sots and Unbllitlos aro not given.
Magoon Back In Washington.
Washington. Governor Chnrloa E.
Magoon of Lincoln Ib In Washington
nftor an extended tour of Europo, ho
having taken tho baths at Nnuholm
for heart affoction. Governor Magoon
has glvon hlmsolf a year In which to
got back to his old form after years of
Btronuous work ho put In In tho trop
ics. Mr, Mngoon oxpects to go to
Moxlco shortly to seo his old frlond
D. E. Thompson, Unltod States am
bnssador to that country. From Moxl
co Governor Mngoon will go to Call
fornla for a short stay,
in-i It
Items of Interest Taken From Htrfl
and There Over tho state.
N. Z. Snell nrcsiaem
Dr. B. B. Davis, Omaha, .. .vlco-Pres.
A. J. Sawyor secretary
H. S. Frocmnn.... Trcasuror
Dr. M. H. Evorctt... Medical Director
C. R. Eastorday Actuary
J. H. Mockett Jr....Supt of Agents
Insurance In Force.
Dccombor 31, 190C $ 659,000
Doccmbcr 31, 1907.. 1,152,250
Decomber 31, 1908. 1,453,218
September 30, 1909 l,815,3So
Local Agents Wanted
In every town In Nebraska. Liberal
commissions aro paid. Wrlto tho
Tho Box Butto county fair thin year
wan a great buccosb.
Richard Sncath, aged 18 years, son
of Robert Sneath, n prosperous far
mer living west of Ponder, was acci
dentally killed by tho dlschargo of
a shotgun. Th top of his hend was
blown off.
Tho grading for tho Unlori Pacific's
doublo trnck from Kearney to North
Platto la nearly comploted. Tics aro
being laid from North Platto and tho
brldgo worlcJa being pushed aa hard
an possible.
Governor Shallenbcrger haa ap
pointed an delegates to a good roads
convention at Columbus, O., Octobor
20 to 29, Dan Stephens of Fremont
Mr. Longworthy of Seward and J. J.
Dcrlght of Omaha.
If you want to sell llfo insuranco
for an active old lino Nebraska com
pany wrlto to tho Midwest Llfo at
A. E. Fisher, traveling salesman
for lir J. Kinney & Co., cigar manu
facturers of Hastings, dropped dead
In front of nn undertaker's establish
ment on the main street Apoplexy
was the cause Mr. Fisher was 45
years old and lived here.
Samuel Spies, a young farmer, com
mitted suicide In Dodge county undor
dramatic circumstances. Spies bo
lleved his wifo had drowned herself
In tho Elkhorn river, which flown a
fow rods from tho houso occupied by
the couple, nnd In a fit of remorso
blow out his brains with n 38-callbcr
President Crnbtrco delivered tho
opening address of tho Peru Normal
school year. In closing ho spoke
especially on tho "school policy." Ho
Bpoko in part as follows: "As I seo
it our school policy In not to tear
down, but to build up. It In not to
dlscourago any worthy student enter
prlso, but to encourage nnd develop."
N. P. Miller, n prominent farmer
living seven miles west of Adams,
has mysteriously disappeared and
searching parties which havo been
looking for him havo failed to llnd
any trace oi mm. Mr. Miner was a
woll known political leader In that lo
cality and his friends aro unable to
explain his absence. Foul play Is
David E. Allen of Otoo county eolo
brated his 80th birth anniversary by
presenting each of his threo daugh
tors with 1500 in gold. Mr. Allen
camo to Nebraska City in 1857 nnd
has slnco mndo it his homo. Ho
owns eighty acres of land, which Ib
nearly In tho heart of tho city and
which ho has alwayB fought to pre
vent It bolng mndo a part of the city
nnd has succeeded bo far.
Charles Johnson of Greeley was
killed whilo returning homo from
Spnuldlng. Ho fell from a load of
woll tubing under tho team ho was
driving. Ono of tho horses becamo
frightened and kicked him in tho
hend. Tho team then ran into a wlro
fonco nnd became entangled in tho
wlro. Tho body of tho doad man was
found thoro a fow hours later by
Tho stato railway commission has
Issued an order that tho Missouri Pa
clflc Railway company bo directed to
maintain an ngent nt the station of
Glon Rock until January 1, 1910, at
which time. In tho nbsonco of any
material lncrcaso in business, and on
proper showing being mndo, tho rail
way company will bo given nuthorlty
to discontinue tho service of tho said
agent at Glen Rock. Tho company
i i . .
nnu iihkch icnvo m cioso tuo station.
At Dnlton, eighteen miles north of
Sidney, about dark an extra freight
train going north on tho Burlington
railroad ran Into tho rear end of tho
regular freight train. A traveling
salosman was fortunately notified in
tlmo and proceeded to jump from
tho trnin just In tlmo to nvold being
hit Ills grip, upon which his head
had boon resting, was literally torn to
Bhrcds. The caboose and two freight
cars of tho rogular freight wer"o
smashed to kindling.
In tho district court of Dodge conn
ly juugo uouenuecK nnnueu down n
decision suBtnlnlng tho judgment of
tho county court in tho matter of tho
Inheritance tax on tho DaVonport
estate. Tho prlnclpnl question In
volved was whothor contracts for tho
salo of lands In Nobrnska which wore
In tho possession of tho decendent
nt his homo in Now York Btato woro
taxablo In Nobrnska. Tho county
court hold they wero not nnd Judgo
Hollonbeck nfllrmed tho judgment
Louis Brommolr, tho farmer of Sy.
racuso who was kicked in tho atom
ach by ono of his horses nnd who
was takon to an Omaha hospital, died
thoro from his Injuries.
J, M. Proctor, doputy United States
marshal, of Arlington, sorved n Bub
poonn on II. J. Crapcnhoft to appeal
as a witness In tho caso of tho United
States against tho tramp who rifled
Mr. Crnpenhofts' mailbox a fow
weeks ago and abstracted a check
thorofrom and was arrested whilo at
tempting to cash It nt Blair. Thn
caso will bo tried In tho United Btato
district court at Omaha.
Required to Be In the Hands
County Clerks Twenty Days
Before Election.
For the first tlmo slnco Juno 24 tho
stato of Nebraska has an outstanding
debt Last wook a dobt of 81,000 in
tho form of registered Btato warrants
nppearcd on Treasurer Brian's books.
Thoro not bolng enough money In tho
general fund or tho fund for tho re
demption of outstanding warrants, tho
treasurer had to buy tho warrants pre
sented to htm by using trust funds,
tho samo ns was dono for years prior
to Juno 24, whon thero woro no war
rants registered. Tho stato board of
nssessinentjnade no levy for tho re
demption fund when It mot during tho
last summer becauco there was then
no apparent ncod of It If county
treasurers remit all that is duo tho
Btato Treasurer "Brian belloves tho
Btato dobt can bo wiped out by Do
comber 1, whon taxes on tho now lovy
will begin to como In. Tho Btato dobt
was ovor $2,000,000 n few yoars ago.
Election Proclamation.
Governor Shnllonborgor has Issued
nn election proclamation. If tho non
partisan judiciary law had boen up
hold by tho supremo court this duty
would not havo been nocossary, but
undor tho law as It exists tho gover
nor Is required to Issuo a proclama
tion and get it into tho hands of
county clerks twenty days bcofro tho
genorai election. Tho governors
proclamation Is dated October 1, but
pending tho receipt of printed copies
it was not announcod. Tho proclama
tlon is very brief ns follows:
Undor and by vlrtuo of the author
Ity vested in mo by tho provisions of
Bcctlon elovon (11) of chapter twenty-
six (2G) of tho complied statutes of
Nebraska for the year 1909, entitled
'clectlono," I, Ashton C. Shnllenbor
ger, governor of tho stato of Nebraska,
do hereby Issuo my proclamation do
claring that on Tuosday, tho 2d day
of Novombor, A. D. 1909, there! will bo
an election hold at tho usual places of
voting In said Btato for the election of
tho following officers, towit: Threo
judges of the supremo court; two
regonts of the statu university; ono
regent of tho state university to fill
May Investigate Railroads.
Tho Btato railway commission may
bo forced to investigate tho books
and records of eomo of tho railroads
that aro in federal court objecting to
tho enforcement of tho 2-cont faro law,
tho Aldrlch commodity rate law and
tho anti-pass law and other rogula
tory acts passed by tho legislature of
1907. If this step la necessary tho
commission will employ an expert ac
countant and empower him to employ
a largo forco of nccountants to in'
vostigate records and accounts for tho
purpose of gathoring ovldcnco to moot
tho testimony introduced by tho rail
way companion.
C. W. Hlllman of Louisville Ky..
who did Bimllar work in Minnesota,
held a conferenco with the state rail
way commission In regard to such pro
posed work In Nebraska. Tho com.
mission mayomploy Mr. Hlllman as
its chief nccountant in chargo of tho
proposed Investigation of railroad ac
Wreck in Burlington Yards
C. E. Snfford, fireman on a Burling
ton switch cnglno, died as n result
of injuries received in n wrock In
tho Burlington yards. Burlington pas
Bongor train No. 9, heavily loaded with
Ak-Sar-Bon passengers, crashed Into
tho switch ongino, which was on tho
main lino whon tho pnssongor train
entered tho yards. Hundreds of poo-
plo woro jarred, thrown to tho floor
of tho cars or hurled brafc Into tholr
I . .
Beats. Tno excursionists wore nrenar-
jug io icavo me conencs ana wero
crowded in tho nisles when tho crash
came. Tho crew of tho switch engine,
with tho exception of tho fireman
Jumped. Stafford was pinned botwoen
tho engines and was terribly bruised
and scalded,
The "Nebraska" Figurehead.
Secretary C. S. Paine of tho Stato
Historical society has rocolved word
that tho figurehead from tho battleship
Nebraska has boon shipped from tho
Now York navy yard and will nrrlvo
in Lincoln within a fow days. This
figurehead was Bocurod for tho hlstor
leal society through tho efforts of Con
gressman Klnkald and It will bo held
by tho socloty as a permanent loan
from tho fcdernl govornmont Tho
figurehead is no longer used on somo
of tho battleships of tho navy. Tho
ono from tho Nebraska wolghB 4,050
pounds. It was shipped from tho navy
yard last week.
Complaint Against Express Company,
taiiuro to provide sufficient fnclll
tics for tho prompt transportation of
shipments delivered to It Is tho basis
of a complaint to tho Btato railway
commission lllcd against tho Adams
Express company by tho Lincoln Com
merclnl club, acting for tho Appol Mor
cnntllo company. Tho chargo Is mado
that while tho business of the express
corporation has Increased 20 por cent
within a year or bo no moro wagons
havo been put on to tako care of It
nnd no nttompt Is being mndo to boo
that shippers rccelvo proper attention
Nebraska Crop Estimated at 00,000,000
RlMUMrn romnlled by tho fltnto la
bor bureau show that tho total pro
duction of wheat In Nebraska this
year was 50,370,000 bushols. This Is
almost oqual to tho banner yenr, 1902,
whon 50,500,000 bushols woro pro
duct!, nnd n little In excess of tho
yield of 1901, when tho total was
50,200,000. Tho labor bureau roport
shows n production of 46,500,000 bush
els nf winter wheat this year aud tho
yield averaged 20.13 bushols to tho
acre. Tho government report gives
thn nvnrntrn vlnld at 14.9 bushels. A
total of 3,870,'000 bushols of spring
wheat was raised, tho averago yioia
being 14.99 bushels to tho aero. Tho
total yield of wheat In Nebraska last
year wan 43,840,000, according to tho
Btato labor bureau. Thoro woro 41,
000,000 bushols of winter wheat and.
tho averago yield per aero was 10.99.
Tho total ylold of nprlng wheat was
2,840,000 and the averago yield per
8ocro was 13.98 bushels.
New Station for Madison.
Tho good offices of tho ntato rail
way commission havo been used to
got tho Union Pacific Railroad com
pany to build a now station at tho
town of Madloon and now ox-Sonator
W. V. Allen, who started tho agita
tion, desires tho board to do what It
can to got ns largo a stition ns pos
sible ono that will bo adequate for
twenty-five years. In compllanco with
a recommendation Blgncd by Railway
Commissioner Cowles recommending
a now station tho road has promised
to build, but somo elevator firms who
aro occupying tho right-of-way by auf-
foranco of tho road aro slow In re
moving tholr buildings to now loca
tions bo that tho road can havo room
for tho proposed improvements.
To Dissolve Merger.
County Attornoy Tyrrell began pro
ceedings beforo the stato railway com
mission, tho object and purpose being
to dissolve tho mergor of tho Lin
coln Traction company and tho Citi
zens' Railway company, which wn3
consummated February 3, last; tho
cancellation of all stocks and bonds
Issued subsequent to such mergor; to
compel tho company to render better
service and treat tho public and its
omploycs with moro consideration nnd
to bar It from transacting any other
business than that provided for in Its
Commercial Clubs Has Surplus.
A Burplus of nearly $5,000 In the
treasury of tho Lincoln Commercial
club was shown by tho annual cash
statement of Secretary Whlttcn laid
boforo tho directors. Threo years
ago tho organization was struggling
along under serious handicap for lack
of funds. At ono time It was neces
sary for some of the loading mombera
to glvo their personal notos at a bank
for $1,500 to pay tho curreqt oxpenses
of tho club. During tho last year tho
genorai fund has been swelled about
$2,760. Contributions to tho conven
tion fund mado during tho last year
aggregated In tho neighborhood of
$7,000. Somo firms which derlvo dl
roct benefit from conventions held
hero havo not so far subscribed to
this fund, but it Is hoped to sccuro
them, ns well as others which indi
rectly profit from tho gatherings hold
In Lincoln.
Charges Against the Police.
With Mayor Lovo, Exciseman Harp
ham and Exciseman Powell as judges
County Attorney Tyrrell attempted to
drlvo homo charges of graft and ex
tortion filed soveral weeks ago
ngainst Chief Rlckard of tho Lincoln
police forco nnd City Dotectlvo Ma
lono. Tho county attorney alleged
that several weeks ago officers from
tho sheriffs department attempted to
mnko nrrestsin tho lowlands and that
tho polico interfered. W. A. Bontloy,
supposed to bo a county dotectlve,
was thrown Into the city Jail and In
tho excitement somo of tho alleged
roundcrB escaped. Tyrroll filed
charges with tho excisemen ngainst
tho officers.
Appointment by Governor.
Miss Mattlo Allen of tho Whittlor
public school wns appointed a mom
bor or tho stato board of Inspectors
which has in chargo tho enforcement
of tho child labor law an It relates
to compulsory attendance at school.
The appointment was mado by Gov
ernor Shallenbcrger.
Millers Want Transfer Switch.
Tho railroad commission bognn tak
ing testimony In tho complaint of
Wells, Abbott & Nloman, a milling
company of 8chuylor, which wants a
transfer Bwltch put In thoro botween
tho Burlington and tho Union Pacific.
Landls Will Not Contest.
Harry Landls of Seward, who was
In tho city, Bald that ho would ac
copt tho refusal of tho Bccrotary of
stato to placo his namo on tho official
ballot this fall as a candidate for
stato university rogont and will not
start a mandamus proceeding. This
loaves Frank Hallor of Omaha without
an opponent
New Rule In Effect.
Financial relations between mom.
hers of tho faculty and students of the
University of Nebraska woro" cut off
by a rulo that wont into effect last
week. From now on all monoy paid
for Instruction, books or supplies by
tho studontB must go through tha
handB of tho treasurer of tho univer
sity. This rule wns adopted last
spring by tho board' of regonts In or
der to ByBtomatlzo tho finances of th
unlvorslty and protect professors from
accusations of mlsuso of funds
overcharging students for .books