The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 15, 1909, Image 1

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Large, Level, High Lots. Where the Best Residences will be Built in the
Future. It is the most desirable Addition in the City and the closest to business
.Easy Terms.
Mrs. P. W. Rincker will entertain
the bridge club Monday afternoon.
The family of Contractor Basta ur
rivod in town this 'ei k and will be
come permanent residents.
Judge Grimes returned Wednesday
from Grant, where he held a brief term
of court. Next wek the Judge will
hold court ut Kimball.
C. E. Shaffer goes to Omaha tonight
to visit friends and attend the Nebraska-Minnesota
foot ball game.
Mrs. J. H. Stone and son have been
visiting relatives in Des Moines for u
week past and will remain there for
Bcveral weeks.
VV. H. Gould, who had been at the
soldiers' home in Grand Island, re
turned to town yesterday and will prob
ably spend the winter here.
W. H. Turpto shipped four cars of
cattle to South Uman.i last week and
three this weeK. The greater part of
them were ows und calves.
Rev. Geo. F. Williams and J. E.
Baker are at Minden attending the
Presbvterian synod of NebrusKd. They
will be absent over next Sunday.
Geo. E. French has sold to Deeta E.
McCunneil the west half of the north
west quarter and south half southwest
quarter section 15-10-31 for $3,200.
Attend the Pure Food Exhibit by tho
Ladies of the Maccabee at the opera
huuse Wednesday, October 20 in.
Chief Engineer Switzer, who has
charge of the engineera that are re-surveying
McPherson county, has been
spending tho past two weeks in the
Tho Kinkaid homesteaders in Mc
Pherson county claim they have the
best corn in the state. Many fields they
claim will average forty to fifty bush
els per acre.
Miss Whittaker will have a largo as
sortment of hats woith $7 00 and $8 00
for $2.50 and $5.00 during the sale at
the Wilcox Uept. Store, Oct 10th to
Nov. 1st.
Minor Ilinman arrived from Omaha
last night with a new automobile which
ho purchased in that' city. Everett
Eaim went to Grand Inland Weduus.
tfoy nltfm itml ivtfe tavuua in vlw cur.
Only Six Blocks South of the Court House
on the Main Street of The City . . . .
Leo Tobin went to Denver tho early
part of tho week where he will spend
the winter and perhaps permamtnently
locate. This is a move Mr. Tobin has
had in contemplation for a year p,ist.
The sugar beet crop in tho Ilorshey
nnd Sutherland sections is now being
harvested. Returns already made in
dicate a good percentage in sacarhine
.matter and the yield per aero is very
Btled hay has taken a downward
shoot of two dollars u ton during the
past two weeks, and is new selling
at six dollars. The Denver market,
where most of the Lincoln county hay
is shipped, is badly glutted.
Business at the United States land
office continues heavy and wilt prnb
nbly continue so for the next year.
Many contests nre being filed against
Kinkaid homesteaders who are not
complying strictly with the law,
' Lidies, "Peroxide Cold Cream" con
tains Peroxide Hydrogen and disap
pears in the skin, leaving the skin non
greasy. 25 cents at the Stone Drug Co.
The Coterie Club was entertained
Wednesday afternoon at tho homo nl
Mrs. G-o. Trexlur. The first prize wa
won by Mrs. George LoDioyt and the
second prize by Mrs. Ha rry Barra-
I U A .1.. -I ........ I
wero served.
Prof. Garlisch is selecting his cast
for "The Captnin of the Plymouth," ii
light opera which lie will put on th
boards. Includ d in tha cait ure Misses
Irene Neville, Nellie H.trttnan, Arthur
Boyd and Mr. Mann; Miss Novillt
taking the leading rule.
We have some good loans that will
net eight per cent, uall and see us il
vou have money to invest. Temple
Keal restate & insurance Agency.
Attorney Tracy, of Kimball, was in
town yesterday conducting n contest
at the U. b. land oitice. Tracy has in
curred the displeasure of Kinxaid home
steaders in Kimball county by reason
or taxing contest cases against them,
and they have burned his barn, and
have threatened tn run him out of the
country. Mr. Tracy, howover, is game
and retuses to uu run out.
Alfalfa Seed,
Press Drills.
One Horse Disc Drills,
Hay Presses,
i Detroit Vapor Stoves
Lwutfl Mini OVh tftewtt.
Big Cash.
Office in
The Knights of Columbus will enter
tain their ladies at a card party at Odd
Fellows' hall on tho evening of October
A number of Maxwell and Brndy
people are expected up on the local to
morrow evening to attend "The Man
of the Hour."
The sooner Contractor Hultman gets
in thoso crosswalks on Dewey street,
the more quickly will tho people riHe
up nnd bless the city administration.
Will Woodhurst is beginning to think
himself unlucky. One day ho would
bet on Pittsburg and lose, the next da
on Detroit and lose; nnd at the end of
six days ho was a six timo loser.
Tho Union Pacific hns just let a con
tract for the construction of a doub'e
track from Green Riyor to Rock
SprlngH. This stretch is sixteen miles
long and will tie heavy and expensive
work. It will cunneet with thirty milt'
of double track on tho west and twentv
on tho cast.
Poor or indilToront piano tuning is
(ear at any price. Be on the safe sid-
mil r&t till hi'Mf. hv ti'lptilifinlnir 'Jfil
- "j .
Nwton's Book store for Mr. IIiward.
he resident export tuner. Ho will J
Miaranteo you a hotter class of work i
han you have been getting StventJo.i I
ciirs exprienco us a tuner and piano
miildor; he iRnlso a thorough musician
i ml knows his bm.iuw.
In the world's chanpionship bah
eries, Detroit won yesterdiy by a
i'ore of five to four, thus giving thru
james to each team. The final gum
A'ill be played at Detroit Saturday, mi l
Hundreds of thousand! of dollars win
oe wagered on the result. Even h to
in North Platte hundreds of dollar. 1
were bet on the result, in addition to '
sever" I hundred dollars placed on th
final result prior to the cornmoncom tit
of the series.
The board of directors of the Com
mercial Club met Tuesday evening nnd
considered a number of matters con-,
corning the welfare of 'tho city. Among
the matters discussed was the prob
ability of securing a packing house,
and a committee was appointed to
thoroughly investigate the subject Some
time ugo u party looking for a site for a
packing plant had North Platte under
consideration, and this party or othera
will be looked up. Tho proposed ex
cursion to Biidgeport was also dis
cussed and such a trip will be made as
tsoun us regular truiuw iru run Ibrvuxh
tu NvrvbyvrU
Goo L. Mudd came down from Her
shey last evening to meet Mrs Mudd.
who returned from a visit wit i rel
tives in Missouri.
Officials say there is no falling off o
freight traffic, although soma day
business is heavier than other da.
and during .these spurt it is some
what difficult to avoid con .estion.
An extra largo amount of advertising
mutter has necessarily cut down on
local pages, but as tho publisher re
ceives his revenue from ndvt'rMlri
rather than from subscriptions, readers
will probably not strenuously object t
tho advertising.
A scene in the famous
Theatru, Suturday, Oetobtir
Per Lot.
Perfect Title.
Fellow's Block.
Let's Bee, wasn't North Platto to
have a gas plant prior to October 1st,
or was it hot air?
Tho D. of II. will meet next Tuesday
afternoon with Mrs. Tiieo. Lowe, at
hor home in tho Third ward.
W. A Howard, tho resident piano
tuner, has applied for a patent, on a
radical improvemunt to a mechanical
piano player.
Colonel Cody says tho Burlington will
build into North Platto next year. As
tho Colonel is pretty close to tho Burl
ington throne, his assertion may bo ac
cepted with considerable coloring of
American play "THE MAN OF
Elizabeth Woods has purchased lota
18 and 19 in Plattview ub-division for
Mrs. Karl Gerlo is critically ill with
typhoid fever. There nro soveral other
cases of tho samo disease
Weather forecast: Fair tonight and
Saturday. Maximum temperature 70, a
year ago 37; minimum this morning 82,
u year ago 33.
Wo aro requested to ngnin announce
that the ladies of tho PreBbytoriun
church will servo a Thanksgiving
dinner in the parlor of tho church be
ginning at one o'clock. Tho price will
bo thirty-flvo conta per plato,
THE HOUR", atthfc Ktefth,