The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 01, 1909, Image 7

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k. tracer
Rellnlous, Social, Agricultural, Polit
ical and Other Matters Qlvon
Due Consideration.
RIVING out tho beauti
ful nvenuo ot Santa Fe,
that practically begins
at tho piaza Snn Martin,
anil after a duo western
extension of spmo COO
yards, bends to the north
west and follows roughly
tho courso of tho La Plu
tu for a distance, of three
miles (10 squares), the on
franco to tho Botanical
garden of llucnos Aires is
Uoyond this lies tho Zoolog
ical garden, and still farthor on tho
far-famed Park of Palermo. From both
of thoso tho Botanical garden Is dis
tinct in spirit and stylo. It is the em
bodiment of h refined and artistic
taste, n really marvelous blend
ing of tho beautiful and the,
' In 1S92 this land was granted
to tho director general ot tho
public parka, M. Thays, for the
establishment of tho Hotanlcnl
garden and tho garden was
opened to tho public In Sep
tember, 1898. One must know
something of tho soil and tho
seasons hero to understand how, '
even with a masterly hand at
tho helm, such marvels have
been accomplished in so short a
Certain students of medicine and
pharmacy from tho National college,
and other schools of the city, frequent
tho garden and spond hours In inter
esting study. Indeed, they havo a
rich field from which to glean, as
there nrc, In what is called the School
of Botany, over C.000 species, all per
fectly classified according to tho sys
tem of Do Candollo.
Tho garden contains about 20 acroi
of ground, half of which Is lovel, tho
other half very uneven and ending on
tho northern side in steep banks
that overlook tho streot, Las Heras.
This street is named in honor of tho
whoso ashes wcro recently brought homo from
Chile, and received with such pomp and cere
mony by his nppreclatlvo countrymen.
Tho entire urea is triangular In form and Is
divided into 11 different sections, each plainly
marked and devoted to tho flora of a distinct
Tho threo pronounced styles of gardening,
which, in a comparatively small area might
havo produced an inharmonious effect, or nt
least a lack of unity, are so charmingly blend
ed as to give, instoad, tho lino delight of varloty.
The Garden Louis XIV. Is, of course, tho
most pretentious bit; tho "ilnlshed coquetto,"
some ono calls It, with its statues and foun
tains and its well-trimmed borders of box. It
must not bo inferred that tho French garden
is superficial (except as this Is tho usual char
acteristic of gardens), for thero is, both In this
and In tho Itoman garden, a wholo history
written for thoso who know how to road It.
To ono not bent on special study and whoso
knowlcdgo of tho nrt of gardening, past and
present, is limited, and who prefers n quiet
walk to dress parade, tho English garden, as
it is called, appeals most strongly.
Not only aro tho two Amorlcas royally rep
resented, but Europo, Asia, Africa and
Australia as well. Thcso sections aro separat
ed by beautiful walks with exquisite curves
and turns; hero a magnificent tree, there a
flowering shrub, everything In nccordanco with
an artistic taste.
In tho South American section, particularly
of tho Argentine Republic, tho collection Is
wondorfully complete, nnd exceedingly varied
and Interesting, from tho Anthurlum of tho
north to tho FagUB Antarcttcus of tho south.
Tho tipa, a specloB of acacia, is chief of the
ornamental trees; when properly cared for, it
grows into n beautiful, shapoly tree. Tho leaf
is much like that of the locust, and tho blos
soms, though of tho samo form as tho locust,
nro a brilliant yellow Instead of whlto. Tho
famo of this troo has gone nbroad. Ono of Rio
Janeiro's most beautiful avenues is, in part,
adorned by tipas. Franco, too, now boasts
some lino specimens. It grows In any soil,
nnd Its bnrk contains an Insect poison that
renders it lnvulnerablo to thcso enemies.
Tho quebracho (ax-breaker) Is a leguminous
trco also, and is tho most vnluablo and costly
of tho Argentino woods, Its color is a dark,
rich red, and It is so hnrd and heavy that It
scorns like Iron. It is much used for nil kinds
of posts, also in tanning, nnd Is highly prized
by shipbuilders, hh tho wnter does not In
jure It.
Several varieties of tho algarrobo grow hero.
In ono province San Luis not only aro tho
cattlo fed on tho long pods, but tho poorer
pcoplo find them a nourishing food.
Tho Jacaranda Is another ornamontnl treo
much ndmlred for its forn-liko follago and
beautiful purple-bhio flowers.
Tho mahogany tree is n native of tho prov
ince of Iluenos Aires, and there nro several
lino specimens in tho garden, with tho char
acteristic bifurcated loaf. Tho blossoms nppear
in December; they aro white, and in form
something llko a small magnolia bloom,
Tho naracatia, from ono of tho northern
provinces, attains great sizo and is of unusual
service to tho people. The pith la edible and
'hilii ill P I'P H 1 1
is cooked nnd served in
many ways. Tho bark is
made into casks and bar
rels. As tho trco sometimos
has a diameter of moro
than a meter, ono length of
bark serves for a cask.
The paradlso tree and tho
celba aro great favorites;
tho former, on account of
Its rich purple flowers, tho
latter on account of its bril
liant red ones. This Is said
to havo been tho favorite
trco of Rosas.
Thoro is a beautiful largo
treo from MIsloncs, tho eel
tls tala, whose dellcato
leaves aro very llko smllax,
just n shado darker and
thicker. Tho renlly ugly
troo ot tho garden is tho
palo borracho (drunken stick), with a stinpo
less swelled trunk, covered with thorns, and
having small, irregular branches. It is, how
over, very useful, as it furnishes a spocles of
vegotablo silk.
In tho Tlerra del Fuogo section, or subsoc
tlon, thoro is n most lovely nraucarla, a lino
dark green, oxcopt tho tips of tho branches,
which aro of a oofter, lighter color. Tho leaves
really seem a sort of dovoloped thorn.
Of all tho Argentine trees, tho ombu Is tho
most remarkable, with its thick, soft bark, its
spongy wood, its donso foliage, and long clus
ters of whlto blossoms. It is of rapid growth
and attains un enormous slzo. Tho soli hero
Is too rich for it; so, in Bolf-dofonso, Its im
mense roots, after a few years, coek tho sur
face. Tho older trees havo numerous llttlo
tender branches that spring directly from this
surfaco root and grow straight up through tho
thick branches, trying to reach tho light. Thoro
Is ono in tho garden, eight yenrs old, with a
height of RQ feet and a diameter of threo. At
about two feet above tho ground tho trunk di
vides into two smaller trunks, each sending off
long, straight branches. Its roots nro Just be
ginning to appear. It Is an Ideal treo for a
children's playground, with possibilities for
climbing about nnd oven for keeping Iioubo
among Its hospltablo branches.
Tho section of acclimatization Is very Inter
esting. Iloro mny bo seen tho result of assidu
ous efforts to cultlvato varlot's oxotlc as well
Indigenous plants. Ono vory notnblo success
has been that of tho.cultivation of tho yorba
mate of Paraguay. Aftor a nuinbor of fruit
less efforts M. Thays succeeded by the follow
ing mothod; Tho seeds wero plnced In water
almost boiling hot; every six hours tho hot wa
ter was renowed. This was kept up for four
days; then tho seeds, threo In nuinbor, woro
pressed out of their llttlo sheath nnd planted
a special soil, covered to a certain depth
anu Kept constantly moist. Six mouths' time,
nnd even a year In somo Instances, was need
ed for tho sprouting. Whon tho plants grow
to bo 24 Inches high thoy wero plnced In sop
arato pots; when 12 Inches, they woro plantod
in tho garden, where somo or them havo now
reached a height of 12 foot. What Is particular
ly promising Is that tho seed from thoso plants
will grow without any special preparation.
Thero has been eomo discussion as to whether
this mnnncr of
germination In a
modern Idea or a
rodlscovery ot tho
process used by
tho .lesults, tho
Bocrot of which
thoy carried away
with them whon
o x p o 1 1 o d from
their possessions
in Paraguay. Tho
li n J. Arr c I
mate consumed In tho country costs 9-1,000,000
annually, co It is well worth whllo to develop
its cultivation. As, howover, tho Argontlno
Republic becomes Anglicized, It demands tea
Instoad of mate, regardloss of tho advlco of
physicians, who claim that mnto Is tho moro
wholosomo beverage.
Tho collection of ferns Is very largo, from
tho lnnumernblo vnrlotles of tho dainty maldon
hair to tho treo forn.
Tho cactus in number nnd varloty almost
equals tho forn. Ono vory rare variety from
tho region of tho Andes Is always shown to
visitors. It is particularly ugly, with its long,
stiff stalks in spiny rldgos.
Among tho water lilies, tho Victoria rogla,
with Its enormous pads, Is a great curiosity
to foreigners, though it aboundB In tho north
ern provinces of tho ropubllc, and Is callod
Irupo by tho Ouarnul Indians. It Is nlso said
to havo a loaf so thick and Btrong that It will
boar tho weight of a baby soveral months old.
Thoro Is only ono largo plant growing "al alio
libro" in this garden, and It 1b tho pride of tho
Of orchids thero are somo lovely rpoelir.oiw.
Tho representative flora of tho Old World
desorvos extended space, Europo almost sug
gesting a World's fair, with hero a bit of Spain
or Italy, thero of Norway, and still farther on
n gllmpso of Germany. Asia Is not more in
teresting, but moro unusunl than Europe,
Thero 13, of courso, tho bamboo, with its sug
gestion of mnrvolous talcs, nnd from tho north
a bueh covered with lovely whlto (lowers, u
sort of aplrea. Among tho Japanese trees hi
tho ginkgo, with Its small and grncotul fan
shaped lcavos.
Africa is chiefly conspicuous for palms of
tunny kinds, with nn occasional roy
nl cedar towering above. Whoro a
bit ot tho groat Sahara is pointed
out, it requires n strotch ot tho
imagination to sob mora than tho
Australia is exlonslvoly represent
ed. Thoro nro CO different varieties
of eucalyptus In thin section nnd tho
snltbushea aro no longor nllowod In
tho main part of tho garden; though
tho gardenora still seem proud of
tho ugly, scraggy bushoB. They
grow prodigiously In this soil, nnd
thrive in any. Tho Australian variety
has a thicker, moro succulent leaf
than tho others.
Resides tho sections mentioned,
thero Is ono for industrial and mo
dlclnnt plants, tho section of fruit
trees, and still another section de
voted to tho various methods ot re
production, whethor by seed; graft
ing, or budding.
Thoro aro also two conservatories.
Ono of thorn In beautiful nnd almost
now. Tho oldor ono was awarded a
premium in tho Pnrls exposition of
1SSP, both for Ub artistic construc
tion nnd for tho oxcollont arrange
ment for heating nnd ventilating Kb
threo divisions, which nro kept nt a
tompcrnturo of 25 deg., 18 dog., and
12 dog., respectively. Tho substan
itnl building is un inherltnnco from
tho dopnrtmont of ngrlculturo, which
formerly occupied this plot of
ground. It contains tho resldcnco
of tho director, various olllcos, nnd
u small museum.
Agricultural oxplorcra who havo
visited tho most famous botanical
gardens of both tho Old and tho
Nqv Worlds havo written of this
ono In words of highest praise and
Rucuos Aires has reason to bo
proud of its botanical garden, not
only becnuso It Is ono of tho richest
nnd most varied In tho world, but bo
causo ot tho persistent effort made
horo to cultlvato to tho utmost tho
plants and trees Indigenous to tho
The Last Man Ashore.
It was now nearly half a mlnuto
past this big steamboat's sailing
time nnd sho hadn't started yet.
Usually sho got nway on tho ntroko
of tho mlnuto. Tho causo of tho
tronblo was clear.
Up the gangplank which had boon
held that half mlnuto for him enmo
a man, a tolerably big nnd stalwart
sort of man, who had not hoard or
had not hooded tho warning glvon
live minutes before In ovcry pint r. Ibo bimt
for nil to mi ashore that weru going. Cut at
last up tho gangplank ho came, n Kolilnry Ac
ute In tho plank's wltlo, long spnee, nr.d with
nil the passengers lining that sldo of tho boat
looking clown upon him with Interest, whllo
forward, with his hand on u bull pull nt tho
side of tho deck, stood tho captain, ready to
glvo the signal In tho englnn room tho Instant
that man Btopped oft tho gangplank nnd tho
plank wan hauled ashore.
And so that last man to go nahoro passed
up tho gangplank, not looking up, but not
hurrying, walking calmly, while everybody on
tho boat looked down, and whllo at the unnio
time thero stood at either sldo of tho plnnl:
and with tholr hands renting upon tho too
rails six stalwart and tible-bodlrd longflhor
men, rendy to lift the plank and surgo It idioro
waid about as soon ns this gentleman Moppol
off It, which they did. They lut Lira got nbout
u fool clear of It and then they liflc-d it, and
with the first nugo they g:no It brought up
against. .his heels.
Whereupon the last n.nn ns,bor.i turned
with llio In his oyo nnd with an avldont do
stro to lick somebody, nnd ho wau on nblo
looking man. Undoubtedly !,c coal l havo
licked somebody, perhaps two, but tho brUf.
est rolled Ion told him that lio could not get
away with thu 12 loiicnhniorncii that ho r.ow
taw smiling nt him, whereupon egaln It
turned, now nulling himself, and ntaitcd on,
whllo In tho meantime tho iiiaamt tho fans
plunk was oloared tho captain on tho boat had
yanked that boll pull and Uo last lUou had
boon cast off, nnd now tho beat to, though
fully 40 seconds late, wua at latt on h-r wy.
f 'I
rrcsbytorlnns of Poncn nro putting
up n ?7,000 church.
Tho Dawson county fair closed with
a good nttendnnco and was a auccosa
Tho Nntlonnl Convention of tho
Womnn'B Christian Tomc?anoo
Union will bo held in Omnhn Ootobor
22 to 27 incluslvo. Sir hundred dolo
gatcb rill bo In Atlundnnco.
Androw Carnegie will bo asked to
give $2GO,000 for a now public library
building In Omaha and then tho proB
untjmbllc library building will bo
used for a froo museum.
Somo NobrnBka families who n xonr
or two ago wont to Toxns thinking to
bettor thomsolvos, nro gottlng back to
first lovo satisfied thoro is no grander
3tato than this. Stand up for Ne
braska I
Conductor Gallup of train No. C on
tho Northwestern wns sovoroly cut
across tho faco by n passongor west
of Arlington when Gallup asked for
a ticket. Tho Injured mnn was
brought to Arlington and his assailant
was locked up.
Tho 3-yoar-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
HodglnB of Grand Island wnndorod
out on tho track and wns run over.
Ono foot was so badly mangled that
It had to bo nmputntcd lmmodlntoly;
ono arm Is crushed. Thero Is not much
liopo for tho child surviving.
John McGraw, n fnrmor living nbout
a mllo southwest of Goiiovn, hnd four
head or valunblo horsos killed by a
Northwestern passongor train. Tho
horsos hnd boon turned Into n pasture
Hold In tho ovonlng nnd broko out nnd
woro hit whllo crossing tho track.
Tho normal school at Kearney
oponcd for registration on Soptombor
1G. Tho Initial onrollmont Is stronger
than ii year ago and Indications for a
succcssful yonr aro vory flattering.
Tho senior clnsa promises to havo 100"
A mnsB mooting of tho wator usors
undor tho Kolth nnd Lincoln counties
Irrigation district ditch wns hold la
Suthorlnnd for tho purposo of Bolvlng,
If possible somo of tho difficulties
which liavo boon oneountorod in got
tlng wator during tho season Just
Tho Kearney military ncadomy
oponcd up Its twolfth year nnd tho
prospects for tho coming year aro vory
llnttorlng. At tho closo of tho first
wool; nlmoBt ono hundred boya hav&
been enrolled nt tho school nnd many
moro will bo thoro Intor. All cadota
havo beon assigned to tholr work.
As n result of tho rocont flros la
Sutherland thoro Is nn inclination on
tho pnrt of numerous proporty owa
orB to flroproof their buildlngB as
much na possible Tho bnlldlnga now
In courso of construction In tho bnsl
loss portion of town nro to bo flro
proof, and others will likely bo cov
ered with Iron.
.Tudgo Hostollor or tho district court
nt Loxlngton dismissed tho action
brought by Irn Wollvo against tho
Loxlngton school board, tho domurror
or tho dofondunt bolng sustained. Tho
action was brought to compol a re
's count of votes In tho recent school
bonrd oloctlon, which carried by a
small mnjorlty.
Miss Annlo Grlflln, who saya hor
homo is In Chicago and that alio was
on hor wny to Lincoln to "nccopt a
roBitlon," Jabbod Chief of Police Otto
Potornon of Fremont throo times with
a lar;o hatpin In tho uillon pnssongor
1 station, whoro tho chief had takcm hor
to wait for tho arlval or a hack to'
convey her to the county Jail.
"Unci.' Ed" Reynolds-or Tecumsolr
hna born ontortalriing his mint, Mrs.
L. A. F Matthewu, of ICnnsns City, Mo.
'n 185? Mr. Reynolds nccompnnlcd tho-
lady ncroi tLo plains rrom Rod Rock,,
lown, to Stockton, Cal. Tho trip was
mndo by ox team and roqulrcd flvo
months' tlmo, railroads not having"
crossed tho continent nt that tlmo.
Goorgo C, Qundo was found dead at
his homo In tho north pnrt of David
City. Tho family woro absent from
homo nt tho tlmo. Mrs. Qundo had
gono to ono of tho neighbors for a fow
momonts, loavlng Mr. Quado sitting;
In tho houflo. Upon her roturn sho
found him lying on tho floor dead. IRy
had committed sulcldo by shooting:
lilmsoir. Ho had boon In had health',
for Bomo tlmo.
Gov. Shnllonborgor pnld UiIb tribute
:o tho lato Gov. Johnson or Mlnnosotar
"I havo nlways considered Govornor
Johnson ono or tho strongest men oC
tho nntlon. Tho country hns looked
to him ns ono or its futuro lenders.
Democracy mourns tho loss or ono oC
Its greatest chloftalns. Ills death, lit
vlow of bin potontlnl charaetor, Is to
bo mourned not only by tho stnto or
which ho was governor, but by tho na
tion nB woll."
A movement Is woll undor wny for
tho orectlon of a largo monument to
tho" Into Professor Joffroy D. Hrobokr
who was tho first proiosBor of Slav
onic languages in tho Unlvorslty of
Nebraska. Tho monumont Is to bo
orected at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, which
was tho profosBor's former homo and.
tho plnco whoro his romnlns now rost.
Within tho hearing of his brldo ot
ono week, Gcorgo JJrndshaw of Kono
saw, aged 37, shot hlmsolf, presum
ably with suicidal Intont. Tho bullet
passed through his head, loavlng him
unconscious, Uo has n small clmnco
for recovery.