The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 01, 1909, Image 2

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IIlA I BAIII3, Publisher
Terms: $1-25 In Advance.
A Boiling Down of (he More Impor
tant Events Here and There
Senator Nelson W. Aldrlch or Ithodo
Island nnd Prof. A. P. Andrew, mom
ber8 of the- United Stntea monetary
commission, nro in Paris conferring
with M. Pnllnln, governor of tho Hank
of Frnncc, and other distinguished
financiers nnd economists.
Captain Fcrbcr nn officer of tho
French nrmy, was killed near Bou
logno whllo testing an ncroplano.
While In tho air tho machine turned
over and then dashed to tho ground.
Captain Forber was crushed to death
by tho motor.
Tho members of tho American wa
terways commlttco arrived in Paris
from Brussels and nro planning to
npond llvo of tho nlno days they will
remain In Franco In examining tho
river Selno and othor typical French
wntcrways from tho standpoint of
Orvlllo Wright mado a new record
at tho Tomplchof club, norlln, for
sustained noroplano lllght with a pas
senger. Ho reamlncd In tho air for
one hour and thlrty-llvo minutes, car
rying Captain Englohnrdt. Ho broke
lilo own record mado July 27, when ho
iitaycd up with n passenger for ono
hour nnd twclvo minutes.
LouIb Pnulhnn, tho French aviator,
flying In a Volsln blplnno nt Ospond,
won n prlzo of $5,000. Ho covered
novonty-threo kllomotors (forty-llvo
nnd ono-thlrd inllcs) in ono hour nt
nn altltudo ranging from 210 to 300
Tho Insular govornmont nt Manila
booh will ship to tho bureau of In
nular affairs at Washington nearly
half n ton of opium tho procoods of
many custom solzuros. Tho govern
ment pinna to dlsposo of tho opium
for medlclnnl purposes among drug
President Tnft mado an address of
forty minutes In tho groat Mormon
tnbornnclo at Snlt Lako, Utah.
A. L. Mohlor, gonornl manager of
tho Union Pacific, now has under his
Huporvlslon tho construction of COO
miles of railroad which that lino Is
now building In Nebraska, Kansas
and Colorado.
Gcorgo Caldwell, an official of tho
Canadian mnrlno department, who
Rtnrtcd thrco years ago to mako a
trip from Chestorflold Inlet to tho
Arctic circle, has boon glvon up for
Twonty-ono Htatcs havo contracted
for spaco nt tho National Corn Show
to bo held In Omaha.
Tho National Womon'B ChrlBtlon
Tompornnco Union moots In Omaha
Octobor 22-27. It Ib oxpoctod that
COO delegates will attend.
Ponry and Dr. Cook, tho explorers,
will both Btibmlt reports In duo tlmo,
leaving tho public to decldo uu to
their rospcctlvo claims.
Figures glvon out at tho pension
ofllco show that Iowa pensions for tho
llscnl year ending Juno 30 last ran
about tho samo as tho year procedlug.
On Juno 30 Inst thero wcro 33,GG8
pensioners In Iowa.
Tho burlel of Gov. Johnson of Min
nesota, who died from a surgical oper
ation took plnco at St. Potor. Many
distinguished people woro present ,
Tho feature of tho week's sosslon of
tho sovorolgn grand lodgo of tho Indo-
Mopondont Ordor of Odd Follows In
Senttlo was tho parado when 10,000
Odd Follows and Daughters of Ro
bokah marched through tho down
town Btroots.
Tho colored pcoplo of Douglas conn
ty, Nob., obsorved emancipation day
by holding n muss mooting In tho
auditorium, where 1,G00 or moro of
thorn gathered.
Senator Nelson W. Aldrlch of Ithodo
Islnnd, nnd Prof. A. P. Androw, mom
bors of tho United States monetary
commission, nro In Pnrlu conferring
Willi M. Pnllnln, governor of tho bank
of Franco and other distinguished
flnanclorH and economists.
Moro than ton lives were lost nnd
property worth over $2,000,000 wub
destroyed u tho cyclone which re
contly Bwopt over tho province of
Plnnr Del Rio, Cuba.
Tho thirty-sixth nnnunl convention
of tho National Womon's Christian
Tompornnco Union meets In Omaha
Octobor 22 to 27.
Pncky McFnrlaTtd and Ray Branson
fought twenty rounds to a draw at tho
West Sldo Atholotle club In McDo-
jioughvlllo, Just ncroBS tho rlvor from
Now Orlenns.
Tho rosldcnco of ChnrlOH I. Gibson
general manngor of tho St. Huthom
plant of tho American Sheot nnd Tin
nlnto company, was dynamited at
iVoungstown, Ohio.
llobort lloo, aged Boventy, head of
It. Hoo & Co., printing press mnnu
fncturers of Now York and London
died In London after n short Illness.
Dr. Cook, tho oxploror, arrived in
Now York ami snya ho brings along
prpof of his discovory of tho north
O. E. Eborhnrt bocoraos govornor of
Minnesota by tho denth of Gov. John
eon. Ho is qulto a young man.
Forty newspaper reporters wcro
glvon audlonco by Dr. Cook, tho ex
plorer, to whom ho told his story.
Oovornor Johnson of Minnesota
undorwent operations nt thrco differ
ent times. It was tho third that
proved fatal.
That former Governor Folk of Mis
souri will bo Induced to stay out of
tho sonntorlnl fight next year, under
promlso that ho will bo given tho
support of tho Missouri delegntlon
for tho Democratic nomination for
president In 1911, Is tho latest "tip"
from tho Inner circles of tho Demo
cratic stato committee
A terrific tropical storm visited Now
Orleans nnd other sections along tho
gulf const.
Opposition to postal savings and
guaranty of deposits was declared by
bankers at Chicago.
Senntor Theodore E. Burton, chair
man of tho National Waterways com
mission of tho United Stntos, accom
panied by Boveral of tho other commis
sioners, spent n day Inspecting tho
Wlllebroock canal, which runs from
Brussels to tho Itlvcr Ilupel.
Tho condition of Bishop U. C. Lcno-
hnn of Fort Dodgo, who Is critically
111, hns becomo alarming nnd It Ib
feared tho end Is near. A fow days
ago ho undorwent an operation for a
carbuncle on his neck.
An agreement hno been signed
which assures thrco yonra of pcaco
with street car operators In Chicago.
L. n. flavls, Into chlof of tho Seat
tle field divisions of tho United Stntos
fTand ofllco, has wrlttou n letter to
President Tnft, In which ho Bays ho
will publish tho ovldenco In tho Cun
nlnghnm coal land cases shortly.
Tho comptroller of tho currency ap
proved tho conversion of tho tort
Plerro bank of Fort Plorrc, S. D., Into
tho Fort Plorro National bank, with
$25,000 capital.
William Buckley, convicted of tho
murdor of Georgo W. Rico In San
Frnnclsco during tho machinists'
Btrlko In Octobor, 1901, wna sontonccd
by Judgo Lnwlcr to bo hanged nt San
Qucntln on November 19.
Governor Hnrmon of Ohio has Invit
ed tho govomors of nil tho Btatos and
territories of tho United States to at
tend with delegations thn national
good roads congress to bo held Octo
ber 2G to 29 In Columbus.
A very iimnll Increnso In tho num
ber of pensioners In tho woBtom
stntcs, accompanied by n slight In
crenso In tho amount paid In pensions,
Is nhown by tho ponslon commission
or'B report for tho year ouded Juno
30 Inst. Tho figures for tho state of
NobraBka aro said to bo typical. They
show: Numbor ponslonu 1908, 15,105;
1909, 1G.G78. Amount paid: 1908,
$2,322,820; 1909, $2,050,151.
Assistant Commissioner of Indian
Affairs Fred II. Abbott is duo in
Nebraska In n fow days for a session
at tho Omaha reservation on tho prop
erty troubles of tho trlbo. Commis
sioner Valentino hns decided to loavo
Washington In tlmo to meet Mr. Ab
bott at tho Omaha reservation. They
will together nttend tho llrst meeting
of tho board which hns boon appoint
ed to ndmlnlstor tho ton-year trust re'
contly created to cover tho unnlloted
lands of this roHorvntlon.
Protesting against tho trentmont
thoy received nt tho hnnds of tho stnto
and county officials of Oklahoma, 1G,
000 Oklahoma Indians, comprising
tho Crooks, Chorokoos, ChlckasawB
and Choctaws, havo caused a petition
to ho sent to 'Washington seeking re
Tho days of tho 13-cont postage
stamp aro numbered. Instead of this
donornlnntlon, by bouio supposed to he
unlucky, tho postofllco department will
Issue a 12-cent stamp. Acting Post
mnstcr Gcnornl Stownrd requested
tho soorctary of tho treasury to havo
tho now stamp printed nt tho bureau
of engraving nnd printing.
President Tnft's appointment of tho
now tariff commission or board, which
wan aunouncod from Bovorly, Is looked
on In Washington ns tho most Import
nut development In tariff mattcra
slnco tho ennctmont of tho nowAl
drlch-Puyno measure Tho mnko-up
of thu commission Is such ns to leave
no doubt that Prcsldont Tnft has con
cluded tho tariff quostlon Is not sot
tied for nn Indefinite period.
No BuccoBPor to Edward II. HarrI
man on tho bonrd of directors of tho
Now York Central railroad was clcc
ted at tho meottug of tho bonrd Frl
Dr. Cook In New York finds htmsolf
overwhelmed with business and pleas
Wilbur Wright and Glonn Curtlss
aro preparing for flights nt tho Hud
son-Fulton exposition.
Maurlco Farm.ui, brother of Henry
Farmnn, nt St. Ayoro, Franco, Thurs
day mndo n remarkablo (If toon mlnuto
cross country flight In a machine of
hla own Invention.
Tho cabin boy aboard tho Hoosovolt
was told In confldonco by Dr. Cook
that ho had discovered tho polo.
Unless signs fall tho provident and
congross will hnvo a brust whon tho
next session begins.
Pncky MoFarland and Hay Bronson
fought twenty rounds to a draw In
Now Orleans.
Moro than 50,000 people, It Is es
tlmatod, vlowed tho body of tho Into
Governor John A. Johnson, vhlii lay
In stnto In tho rotunda of tho stnto
capital nearly all day.
Mourning for Governor Johnson Is
not confined to Minnesota, but Is nn
Cecil P. Drnko, John D. Strong nnd
Harold M. Lowls, thrco young hank
clorks of Victoria, B. C, woro arrest
od at tho Waldorf Astoria In Now
York nt tho roquost of tho chief of
pollco of Victoria.
Nobraska hns 15,105 porsons on tno
government pension list.
Text Taken from the Book of Prov
erbs Relative to Soft Words and
Grlevouo Utterances.
Snlt Lako City. In tho pulpit of tho
famous Mormon tnbornnclo In this
city, whoro four years ago Theodore
Hoosovolt, then prosldent, prenched n
long sermon on right living nnd tho
duties of good citizenship, President
Tnft faced an nudlenco which ho said
Inspired him to try to follow In the
footsteps of his predecessor nnd de
liver n preachment.
Mr. Tnft did preach n sermon text
nnd nil. Tho Immcnso nudlenco In
tho ilng-drnpcd edifice, tho splendid
niUBlcnl program of operatic and pa
triotic selections, the enthusiastic
cheering ns President Tnft appeared
nnd tho quick responso of tho nudl
enco to points which ho endeavored
to Impress upon his hearers, Inspired
him, tho president dcclnrcd, with
higher thoughts of country nnd pa
triotism. Tho president's eormon wna nn np-
peal for nmlty between people, for at
tributing tho best rather tho worst
motives to tho notion of others whon
possiblo to do bo nnd not to harbor
haterd nnd animosity.
"A Boft nnswer turnoth nwny
wrath, but grlevouB words stir up an
gor," was tho toxt Mr. Taft selected
from the book of Proverbs. Tho Bor
mon wns a homoly utterance, largely
mndo up of n relation of stories to
give emphasis to tho points.
From tho tnbernnclo tha president
waB driven to rovlow ubout 20,000
school children. At ono point along
tho lino 1,000 or moro children had
beon nrranged In n living flag, red,
white and blue caps and capes serv
ing to outline tho nntlonnl emblem.
Thonco tho president proceeded to
tho Young Men's Christian nssocln-
tlon, whero ho mndo n brief address
to aa nudlenco composed entirely of
Lnstly, tho president attended ser
vices especially arranged for him nt
tho Unltnrlnn church. After this un
usually busy Sundny morning ho left
Snlt Lako at noon for Ogden, whero
ho enjoyed nn clghtoon-mllo rldo
through Ogden canyon nnd mado his
third nddress of tho day nt Lester
park thero.
In his nddress nt Snlt Lako ho was
Introduced by Senntor Smoot.
Riverside Drive, Overlooking the
River, Crowded All Day.
Now York. Tho sailors of olght na
tions England, Gormnny, France, Ita
ly, Holland, Mexico, Argentiun and tho
United Stntos thronged tho Btroots
of Now York Sundny, mingling with
visitors from north, south, east nud
Beginning nt noon, Rlvorsldo drive,
which nffords n mngnlllcont vlow of
tho anchored armada, began to fill up
rapidly and at 3 o'clock wns again uu
comfortably crowded.
Tho Half Moon nnd tho Clormont
lay quietly at their anchorages, whoro
thoy will remnlu until tho nnval
parado of Friday, Octobor 1, when
both little pioneers, escurtcd by tho
light draft Bhlps and followed by tho
merchant licet, ngnin will nail up
Btroam to Nowburgh, whoro thoy will
bo turned over to tho Albany up-stnto
division of tho celebration.
The Omaha Indian Problem.
Washington. Declaring that tho
Omnha Indian problom In Nebraska
has reached Its critical period, when
tho Indian hns to bo transferred from
a dependent ward of tho government
to nn indopendont citizen of tho Btnto,
officials of tho Bureau of Indian affairs
announced that steps would bo taken
Immediately to plnco !ll tho com
potent Omnhns In complete posses
slou of their lands and moneys to
which they nro ontltlcd.
To plnco nil tho non-c6mpotont Omn
has In such condition, It is declared,
would lcavo Nebraska with an Indian
pnupor problem on Its bands nud
would simply transfer tho wholo Indl
nn problem from the nation to tho
Omaha Street Car Strike.
Omahn. Tho luroot rallwny com
pany baa offered terms upon which
It Is willing to settlo tho ntrlke, tho
snuio being recommended for nccept
nnco by a commlttco of ninyora from
llvo cities nnd towns nud that of tho
city council of Omahn. It Is probable
tho differences will booh bo ndjusted
Many Refused Citizenship.
Washington. Nnturnllzntlon wns
refused to 2,007 aliens during tho last
llscnl year, a material increnso ovei
tho rejection of would-ho United
States citizens during tho procedlng
Plenty of Money, but Starved,
Cincinnati, O. When tho body ol
Christopher Kuhn. nged G8, n cabinet
mnkor, was discovered on Saturday
evening In his squalid room, invostlgn
tlon showed that tho man had been
dead slnco Soptombor G, whon, nc
cording to neighbors, ho apparently
died of starvation. Secreted In tho
room woro many thousands of dollnre
worth of socurltlcs nnd deeds to prop
orty. Thero woro koys to a snfot;
doposlt box In tho City Hall bank nnd
a bauk book showing ho had on de
posit ovor n thousand dollars.
Minnesota's Beloved Chief Executive
Passes Away.
Itochoster, Minn. Govornor John A.
Johnson, throe times olected governor
of Minnesota, a candldato for the dem
ocratic nomination for president of
tho United Statos In 1908, and looked
pon by mnny throughout tho country
ns tho proliaulo national stanunru
bearer In 1912, died at St. Mary's
hospital hero at 3:2C o'clock Tuesday
morning, following an operation the
provlous Wednesday.
After battling against death foe al
most n week tho governor's Hfo had
peaceful ending. Ho had hovored
between llfo nnd death for several
days, and about an hour beforo dis
solution came, recognizing that his end
wns near, took his wlfo's hand and
weakly whlspored to her, "Nora, I
mndo n good light, hut 1 guess I've got
to go." Then ns tho last gleam of in
telligence began to lllckor ho pressed
her hand gently to his cheek In a
parting caress.
Governor Johnson had been oper
ated on twice before, first for removal
of on ulcer nnd afterwards for an ab
scess of tho bowels. Both woro ncuto,
prolonged enscs nud ho wns In a sorl
us condition each tlmo. Thero had
been obstruction of the bowels In each
nstanco and during tho second oper
ation tho nppendlx was removed. Af
ter tho second operation Governor
lohnson enjoyed fairly good health,
but later developed Into serious at
Govornor Johnson was born In
Nicollet county at St. Peter In 18G2.
His father was a blacksmith who etnl-
The late Gov. Johnson.
grated from Sweden In 1853. Ho wns
?arly n republican, but lator becamo
a democrat. Ho established tho So.
Peter Herald In 1885. Ho was elected
to tho stato senate in 1898 in a re
publican district.
In 1902 Johnson wns renominated
for tho souate, but was beaten by two
votes. Two years later ho was nom
inated by tho democrats for govornor
and was elected after a bitter light.
JIo was re-elected twice and was ser
ving his third consecutive term when
ho died.
Tho governor's body was romoved
to tho Stnto Capitol building nt St.
Paul and lay In stnto until tho day of
burial, which took place at St. Peter.
Beforo romoval thousands of tho poo
'plo who had learned to love him nl-
most ns n brother, looked for tho last
tlmo upon his friendly faco.
Thursday tho hands of loving
frlonds carried tho body to Its last
resting plnco and sorrowing hundreds
followed tho enskot to tho boyhood
At St. Poter tho burlnl took place
In tho family lot In Green Hills com
otery in n grave adjoining that of his
mothor. Tho funeral cortogo, escorted
by stnto mllltla and representatives of
stato and civic organizations pro
ceeded to tho Presbyterlnn church
whoro tho body lny In stnto nnd wns
vlowed by hundreds of citizens of St.
Potor for nn hour and n half beforo
tho religious services wero hold.
Tho funorul was attended by hun
dreds of distinguished men from Min
nesota and othor stntos.
Brief services woro held at tho
oomotory nnd tho local compnny of
National guard Ilred a salute as tho
casket was lowered into tho grnvo.
Warning to Strikers.
Omnha Sheriff Urailoy of Douglas
county, in a proclamation, has celled
tho attention of street car nnd other
rtlsturbors to tho "Riot Act."
Hawaiian Volcano Active.
Honolulu. Reports received hero
by wireless tologrnph stato that 'tho
volcano Klnlues 13 extraordinarily net
Ivo. Lava Is rising fnst and Is now
only 100 feet from tho rim of tho
Edwin Fulton, Formerly of Nebraska
City, Commits Suicide.
KauBas City. Edwin Fulton, a woll
known Insurance man, committed
sulcldo nt hla homo hero Friday by
ihootlns. Ho was ovorconio by bent
vhllo playing golf last July and his
nlnd boenmo affected. Mr. Fulton
vas for many years stato agent In
llssourl for a Massachusetts lnaur
nco company. Ho was -15 yoars of
re and came horo from Nebrnskn
City, Neb.
Maybray Had Vlctlmo' In Eighteen
States and Territories, Many
of Them Very Prominent.
Council Bluffs, In. .Tnmcs C. May
bray and eight four alleged associates
wero Indicted by tho United States
grand Jury for tho southern district
of Iown, chnrged with conspiring to
defraud by Illegal use of tho United
Stntos malls. With tho exception of
Maybray and thrco or four othors,
nono of thoso indicted aro 'In custody
and for that reason the namos of tho
other dofendnuts nro not mado public.
It Is stated, however, that tho list in
cludes many persons known in crimi
nal nnnnls In nil parts of tho coun
try, nnd that nearly ovory nnmo Is
followed 'by aliases, Each of these
nllcged confederates had a number,
which Is given ns ono of tho aliases
accredited to tho defendant. Although
specific amounts nro not mentioned In
tho Indictments, It In authoritatively
stntcd that tho amounts lost by the
nllcged victims of Maybray and others
named, will exceed half a million dol
lars. Tho sums lost run from $1,500
to $30,000, tho latter sum having been
placed on a fake horse race, according
to tho ovldenco nt hand, by a Missouri
Tho list of namos of victims given
in tho Indictments includes men of
promlnenco in nil parts of tho coun
try, nnd thero Is sot forth In the
specific charges n numbor of Icttors
of nn Incriminating character which
gives n touch of sensationalism to tho
Victims In eighteen states, tho ter
ritory of Alaska and tho dominion of
Canada, aro named, indicating tho
wldo rango of territory over which
Maybray and his nssoc!ato3 nro al
leged to havo plied their vocation.
As n basis of operation thoy used, ac
cording to the indictment, the cities
of Council Bluffs, Davenport nnd Burl
ington, In., St. Louis, Llttlo Rock
Senttlo, Donver nnd Now Orleans, to
which places, It Is alleged, victims
woro taken by tho numerous "steers."
In setting out tho specific Instances
In which violation of tho postnl laws
nro changed, tho indictment Includes
copies of many sensational letters al
leged to havo been exchanged be
tween 'Mnybray and his nssoclato,
which rofor to alleged "deals," and
nnmo various sums of money ns hav
ing changed hnnds ns the result of tho
operations of thoso mentioned In tho
Ono of thoso letters Is dntcd from a
Now York hotel, and Invites "Friend
John," who it lo nllogcd, Is Mnybray
himself, to go to Now York City, de
claring. "I havo a town across tho
rlvor from Now York In Jcrsoy, n
swell track nnd nbsoluto protection.
i Tho sheriff and progocutor nnd pollco
they will bo nbsolutely right."
Another letter cited Is from Polk
City, la., nnd signed F. R. Marts, en
closing $1,000, "to apply as forfeit
money on our deal pending."
Relief For Stranded Men.
Wnshlngton. Stranded nt Nomo,
Alaska, 100 American citizens will bo
brought back to Soattle, Wash., on n
rovcuuo cutter, Telegraphic orders
went forward from Assistant Secre
tary of tho Treasury Hill directing ti.o
deputy collector to customs at Seward,
Alaska to havo a revenue cutter pro
ceed nt onco from Seward to Nome,
thero to take on bonrd tho 100 men
nnd women who aro In destitute con
dition. Officials In Conflict.
Atlantn, Gn. The clash between tho
stnto and federal nulhoritics growing
out of tho troublo over tho collection
of Intomal rovenuo taxes in Dado
county, camo to a cllmnx Friday In
tho arrest of H. A. Rucker, collector
of Internal rovenuo nt Atlnntn. Rucker
was served with n warrant of arrest
for contempt of tho superior court
of Georgia, but was lator liberated on
a bond of $1,000.
Trouble for Spain.
Madrid. It Is generally believed
hero that tho complications which
havo nrlson between Spain and Mulal
Halld, tho sultan of Morocco, aro like
ly to result in a Spanish-Moroccan
Epidemic of Paralysis.
La Crosse, Wis. Country schools
in thrco districts woro closed nnd It
Is expected othor district schools In
La Crosse county will tnko tho snmo
action on nccount of an epidemic of
lufantllo paralysis.
Sanatorium for Odd Fellows.
Seattle, Wash. Tho sovereign grand
lodgo of Odd Follows mot to consider
tho Biibjoct of providing n sanatorium
for victims of tho order nffllcted with
Sued for $2C0,0C0.
Now York. Thcodoro P. Shonts,
formor chairman of tho Isthmlnn
cannl commission nnd now prcsldont
of tho IntorboroUgh-MotropolItnn com
pany of this city, hns beon sued fot
?200,000 damages, according to the
World, by Fredorlck F. Hipsch. Now
York manager for a Kentucky distil'
lery. Mr. Shonts Is charged with
having allonatud Mrs. Hlpsch's nffec
Hons. Through Bolancy NIccol), hit
nttornoy, Shonts doclaros that tho suit
Is preposterous and Is (hie to n case
of mistaken Identity.
Items of interest Taken From Hero
and There Over the State.
Stromsburg is about to put In a
complete sowerago systom.
A movement Is on foot In Hebron
for beautifying tho town by a park
and other improvements.
Wm. Ramsey of Johnson county was
badly hurt In a runaway, Btarted by
bumblo bees nttacklng his horses.
TocumBoh Is in great need of moro
school room nnd somo provision rauBt
bo mado to caro for tho Increase.
Plowing and sowing wheat is now
tho ordor among farmers. Tho land
Is In lino condition for tho work.
Tho cltizons of Falrbury havo taken
a hand in tho rtght against n rcnownl
of tho franchlso of tho local electric
At Crawford eight men wont down
twonty feet by n scaffolding giving
wny. Ono of tho mon will probably
dlo from his Injuries.
Mrs. Joues of Tnblo Rock last week
celebrated her ninetieth birthday,
thero being n largo attendance of
relatives nnd friends.
Goorgo Brewer of Gordon was ar
rested by Sheriff Rossotor and
brought to Valentino and landed in
Jail on n chnrgo of horse stealing.
A gattllug section is to be organized
at Beatrice. Adjutant General Harlln
has assigned two gatllnc guns of tho
Nebraska National guarrt to that city.
Tho county commissioners of Jof
fcrson county hnvo just paid tho bills
Incidental to holding Jefferson's prim
ary election and In round numbers
tho expenso was $900.
J. B. Smith, a dairyman of Beatrice,
took ten llrst, llvo second and four
championship prizes ou his herd of
Jersey cattle at tho Kansas stato fair
nt Topok.a.
Los Angeles (Cal.) dispatch: Tho
body of James T. Cleary of Grand Is
land, Nob., who wns drowned hero re
cently, was recovered by tho llfo sav
ing crow.
Tho peach and grapo crop In tho
section about Dorchester is plentiful.
Tho farmers will havo thousands of
bushels of peaches for sale. Tho np
plo crop thero Is also largo.
In tho land drawing at Lako Vlow,
Ore., W. R. Stewart of Dorchestor
drow an olghty-acro tract and a town
lot. Tho land lays about sovonty-ftvo
or eighty miles from tho town.
U. G. Chapman purchased tho J. W.
Roberts quarter section farm four
miles south of Wymoro for $130 per
ncre. Tins Is tno top prlco paid for
farm land In that section.
Rlchnrd H. Burritt of 2720 Norman
dlo avenue, Los Angeles, Cal., aged
about 27 years, died on tho overland
limited, west bound, Just ns tho train
was pulling Into Sidney.
A lnrgo shipment of sheep from
tvestern ranges wero quarantined In
North Platto and nro being held In tho
old stock ynrds. Tho Inspector found
them affected with mouth and hoof
Ray Martin, who was arrested In
Belgrado n short tlmo ago, charged
with crlmlnnl nssault on his 1-1-year-old
nleco, had his preliminary trial
and was bound over to tho district
Tho homo of Gono Edwards of
Hastings was burglarized and then set
on flro at 3 o'clock In tho morning.
Tho family woro not nt homo during
tho night. Every door In tho houso
was open and everything had tho ap
pearanco of being ransacked at tho
timo of tho arrival of tho flromon.
Deputy Grand Master J. Robinson
of tho A. O. U. W. was nt Yonc for
two weeks nnd with tho nsslstanco of
mcmbera secured nearly fifty nppllcn
Hons for membership In tho locnl
lodgo. Arrangements will bo mado to
tako In a largo class and at the tlmo
Grand Muster A. M. Walling will bo
Miss Ada Cantor, a Lincoln soprano,
who Is well known throughout tho
stato, has been mnrrled to Gregory
Pnssovor, a nephew of a dean of neld
elburg university. Tho marrlago was
secret and wa3 discovered through ac
cldont, while tho nowly married couplo
wcro spending a part of their honey
moon In Denver.
Tho fifth year of tho Kearney Nor
mal opened with about 300 students
enrolled for tho work of tho coming
year. Tho main building bus been re
decorated and thoroughly ronovnted
and tho dormitory has been carefully
gono over and Improvements In tho
way of paper and vnrnlsh applied, so
that tho quarters of tho students will
bo most coinfortablo.
Tho county of Richardson has ap
pealed to tho Bupromo court from a
Judgment for $18,500 obtnlned by
drainage district No. 1, RIcharddon
county. Tho judgment was given ou
tho theory that public highways wero
subject to tax within the dralnago
district. Tho county ulleges that tho
roads aro not owned or controlled by
tho county, but by townships.
Rolatlvos of Will C. Phillips, former
district clork of Lancaster county,
who killed himself In Knusns City ro
contly, havo started a fight to seo who
shall be tho oxocutor of tho estate.
.Mrs. Phillips had recently secured n
divorce from her husband nnd Bho Is
nn applicant for tho position, holdlug
thnt undor tho new law tho dlvorco
Is not nbsoluto for six months,
In York county thero would hnvo
beon thousands of bushels of penchos
of tho best varieties, bi.l owing to tho
dry weather In August nnd tho wet
weuthor In Soptombor penchos did not
Ipen ns thoy should and most of the
rop Is not mnrkotablo by reason of
ho poach breaking open, exposing tho
tono and rotting bororo getting rlpo.
Tho stato Christian Endeavor con
vention will bo hold In Fnlrbury Oc
tober 29, 30 nnd 31. Tho local com
nltteo held a mooting and appointed
uibeommltlcos to arrange tho pro
gram and entertainment for tho dele
gates whllo In tho city.