The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 28, 1909, Image 5

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    j WATCHES.
Our stock of watches
speaks eloquently of good
things, and there are
many people whose hap-
py experiences confirm
I the reliability and worth
t of them
Diet of Paralytic Stroke.
Wm. Roberta, for many years a rest-
dont of tho Dirdwood section and
whose home is about a mile from tho
mouth of tho creek, died Sunday oven-
ng about nino o'clock from the rosult
of a paralytic stroke which he suffered
Friday morning. Thursday Mr. Roberts
drove over to D. E. Martin's piaco in
eis nutomobile and told how well he
felt: tho next morning while getting
out of bed ho fell to tho floor, tho victim
of paralysis.
Tho deceased leaves n wife and two
children, tho latter being Mrs. Gus Mc
Necl and T. A. Roberts. Tho funeral
was held this forenoon, interment
taking place in the cemetery near
but is
? Our success as
sellers has not
merely fortuitous,
3 the result of the unwav
ering integrity and knowl-
v,vi f" j o
years of study. Every
watch we sell is a guar-
anteed time keeper.
Thus you have more
reason to consider this
store as an object wor-
thy your seeking.
DIXON, The Jeweler
UnionTacific Watch Inspector. ;
Prescription Druggists
Klrst Poor North of
I'lrat National Hank
Status of Omaha Strike.
Today's Bee says: Failure on tho part
of tho btriking car men to accept the
proposition of the street railway com
pany left tho status of tho striko in
practically the condition it was in be
fore negotiations for pcaco were begun
through tho five mayors. Instead of
giving serious consideration to the
overtures for a settlement the men
ridiculed tho proposals of Mr. WattW
and scored the five mayors and the
members of tho city council for attach
ing their names to the document.
Tho next Btep, say the strikers, is
tho appeal to Governor Shallcnborger
to tako a hand in his capacity as stute
labor commissioner and a telegram re
questing him to mako an investigation
was sent to him yesterday afternoon.
Tho city council at a meeting of the
committee of tho whole at the earnest
request of a committoo from tho Cen
tral Labor union recommended to pass
n resolution asking tho company to nr.
bitrate and put a speedy end to tho
trouble. This rceolution will como up
at tho meeting of the council tonight
Get your window glass put in.
& Dcats. Phono 534.
Mrs. Will Landgraf nnd Miss Kate
Clark returned Sunday evening from a
visit in Grand Island.
C. M Hayden.tho Wallace merchant
transacted business in town the latter
part of ast week.
Fred Weingand came up from Oma
hn vPBtpuflnv mornintr. having bcon
called here by the death of his sister
in-law, Mrs, King,
Chas. Shaffer, charged with drawing
a gun on Thomas Belcher, appeared in
court Friday and hi3 hearing was con
tlnued for thirty days.
Lost A weasel skin purse containing
Finder will nlcaso return to
this office and receive suitable reward
The county commissioners will meet
in session next Monday and consider
road matters, allow claims on file and
transact, such other business aB may
come beforo them.
Your furniture needs varnishing and
repairing beforo houso clean ng.
P. M. Sorenson, shop 07 E. 5th St,
John R. Johnson, the millionaire
manufacturer of New Hartford, Ind.
will make his annual pilgrlmago
Wallnco this year and spend a week or
two hunting chickens as tho guest of
C. M. Haydon.
Republican candidates who have been
out in the country precincts tind con
ditiono favorable, and there is nppar
cntly no reason to expect a lighter ma
jority for the ticket than has been giv
en it for several years past.
T hnvo oiL'ht nor cent money for
farm loans. Como and seo mo when
anting a loan. Qf E. Elder.
Sheriff Miltonberger wil go to Wei
fleet tomorrow to pjaco under arrest
Abner Butler who in chargeq vm qis
turbing a religious gathering. The jn
formation was filed by Rev. Edmund
Clark, pastor of the Baptist church.
Mrs. T. A. Stoarns and children ex
tend their slncero thanks to neighbors
and friends and to mombera of tho G.
A. R., and W. R. C, for tho kindness
and assistance shown them during the
illness and at tho funeral of the latoT.
A. Stearns, and for floral tributes.
Get your window glass put in. puko
& Deats. Phone 53-1.
C. I. Hill, formerly of Spannuth,
this county, but now Hying at Gothen
burg, where ho has just completed a
njee home, was in tqwn yesterday. Mr,
IJill has retired frpm farming and. cat
tic growing, but in order tp have t
little spico in life, has engaged in real
pstato business, and his ipissjon hefe
waB to ploso up a deal,
Prajrie phickeps are reported morp
plentiful than last fall, which means
fine shooting for local sportsmen. Tho
only section in which the chickens are
- . 1 1 t !!
reported scarco is in mo uurneu uib
trict north of tho river, 'there aro
quite a few ducks on tho Bloughs and
hunters, are bringing in bunches of six
to twenty.
Lieut. White and his party, who have
been mapping this section of tho coun
try for several weeks, have moved their
camp from tho experimental farm to
ho Codv ranch. This party is en
gaged In getting a lay of tho land, tho
streams and other information which
would bo valuable should at any time a
march of soldiery be ordered through
this section.
t'i DENTISTS. jj
i Over First National. Phono 148
Will Offer Five Flat for Beets.
BcetgrowerH of Lincoln county will quality than some previous years.
Cottonwood and Vicinity.
Rosso nnd Hartman havo been busy
nearly two weeks hauling Mrs. Burko's
hay to cars.
James Rose took n little spin over in
tho neighborhood of Curtis and" Moorc-fleld.
S. S. Reynolds needed more help bo n
little boy made application a week ago
Monday night and got tho position. Ho
was only nino pounds in weight but ho
expects to grow.
C. A. Discoe went with Ernest Rose
to tho Platto Thursday of last week as
u witness to tho latter's claim in prov
ing up.
Kerr Bros, took in North Phuto Sun
day evening and returned on the mid
night train.
Mr. Kelly, of Maxwell, was over in
Moorcfield vicinity lust week and
bought a load of shotcs. Ho sold tho
same to Alvin C. Feather.
Tho Catholic preist was in Maxwell
last Saturday ranking arrangement for
tho building of n church at that place.
J. A. Moore has moved his house to
tho now slto near to his now barn
which he built sometime ago.
Maxwell still continue to increnso:
Wm. Gregg has tho laid foundation for
his now implement honse.
Rev. A. M. Horan will movo this
week into tho now house put up by
Chas. Eveily.
Mr. RoBcntetter is tho now man who
measures cloth bv his nrm instead of
tho yard stick at Merrick & Co. Btoro.
Tho Maxwell hotel has a good run
now. Tho boarders aro so numerous
that Mr. Bebco has no time for shop
work nt present.
Mr. Hendy thinks they put up GOO
tons of hav this fall, and itisbuttor
What tho Professor Wanted.
Tho professor stops Into tho barber
chair nnd assumes tin attitude of pre
"Ilalr cut, Mr?"
"Plcasel" The burlier cuts Ills hair.
"Like a shampoo?''
"Um-plei!ol" Ho gets the Bhnuipoo
"Sunve you, sir?"
"Urn-ycsl" One shave.
"Massage?" He nods assent nnd
consequently Is massaged. Tho linrbcr
removes tho towel; tho professor arise
and mechanically takes the proffered
"What's this?"
"Your chock, sir."
"My check?"
"Certainly, sir unlr cnt, Minmpoo.
shnvo and mnssngc."
The professor rubs- tils unud over
faco mid head.
"Did I get all that?"
"Surely, sir."
"It's quei r very queer most ex
traordinarily quccrl A most wonder
ful oxnmplo of philosophical phenom
"What's queer?" asks tho barber In
"Why, the working of the human
mind. What I cnuio In for wns to get
my razor honed." Puck.
be interested in tho following from the
G and Island Independent:
Late Saturday President Oxnard of
tho American Beet Sugar Company,
passed through Grand Island and wns
met at Kearney by Manager Rose of
tho local factory. As a result of tho
interview enrouto, it isnnnounced today
that for tho coming season tho Ameri
can Beet Sugar Company will pay tho
Will Lee has pulled stakes and moved
to Giltner where he will farm in tho
Earl Havdesty has begun threshing
alfalfa. Ho anticipates a good run
this fnll.
Paul Arnold took a load of pntatoos
to the Plntto Monday, Vesper Arnold
went up Sunday evening.
Tho new school building up Cotton
wood canyon is in process of erection
What Constitutes Baseball?
Tho oxM'iitlnl apparatus of baseball
Is simple mid Inexpensive. All that Is
required Is a field, a Mick, the Imll It
self nnd police protection for the um
pire. One ml vantage of the game as
played professionally Is that thoso Hit
ting In the grand Mnnd rnn play the
gnrao n groat deal bettor than the
eighteen men on the diamond It Is
also true that any one of tho specta
tors, even though perched on a tele-
phono pole iutoxh the Mroot or looking
through n knothole In tho fence he'
yond right Held, enn Judge of the pitch-
er'B skill or the runner's llcctness
much more Intelligently than tho ar
biter who stands behind the battery.
Tho great merit of the giinie Is that
tho people can participate hi It. It Is
not like bridge whist. Its science Is
not synonymous with silence. The
thing to do Is to take off your coat
nnd root us long mm as loudly as you
con. even If you don't know wlint la
happening.-Phlhidelplila Ledger.
P. W. Jorgonson may bo seen every
morning with nno m nana watcning
sor that coyote that steals his henB uud
For Sale.
posts suitable
farmers 5 flat per ton for beets, in- nnd will soon bo completed.
stead of the sliding Bcale of $150 per
ton 'or 15 per cent beets, $4.25 for M
per cent, $-1 for 13 per cent, and, going
up, 4.75 for 10 per cent and 25 cents
for each additional per cent. Whether
the farmers beets test 12 er cent next
yenr or 18, they will
$5 per ton.
Furthermore tho locol officials have
been authorised to begin taking con
tracts nt once. Usually this work is
not begun until tho first of the year
Janunry or February. However, in re
cent years, it seems, many formers
have, in the fall of the year, set out
more of their boot lands to spring
wheat and it is in competition with
his, partly, and likewise to give the
farmer a better chance to look into
T.nrrrA nnata nnltnlilc fnr hnnmntr
bo purchased at hcay gates and for cornora. Also
I II" r y-x
smaller posts. J. rv. uttbnstkin.
Hershey News.
Mrs. M. Mickclson, Miss Mnttio Olson
and Mrs. Margaret Eves attended tho
Eastern Star banquet In North Platto
Thursday evening.
Paul Luwlor visited friends In Paxton
John Paul and family arrived in Her-
shey the latter part of lust week. They
wore former Hershey residents but for
the past year have resided in Ohio.
Taking. It Out in Trade.
The proprietor of n certain Turkish
bath ostnblh hinent, seeing n Mrong
looking young mnn working In a
butcher's Mmp and being Impressed by
his magnificent muscles, told him to
resign nnd tako n rubber's position
with him.
"I'll give you more thnn you are get
ting now." he Raid.
The young butcher, resigning In good
faith, turned up the next morning nt
tho bath house.
"Well," said tho proprietor to him,
"I'll put you on nt once. What did
you get nt the butcher's?"
"Six dollars and my week's meat."
roturned the young man.
"What did that nmount to?"
"About $3."
"Well," said the proprietor, "I of-
feretl you more to como here, didn't I?
I'll glv you $0 In money ond.$l worth
of balliH weekly That Is n dollar more
than you got at your old place."
onrl Mra Ci Mmlil Inf f fnr- flmn hn
. . ... 1 , f . . I II IIU HII Ul mWU IVI tut w.
too matter, imuino oooks ,or contracts .j mafaA ,ntB,n Mls80Urif Friday.
are thrown ODen tnis year. M, M..bei.Q Rshelman and Ivndell
This year tho factory will probably Mmor were shopping in North Platto
run not over sixty days. It is believed
that with this better price of S5 fiat,
making it a matter of no risk for tho
beet raiser, a much larger acroago will
bo secured in this vicinity and that
next year's run will be comparatively
Mrs. Earl Comstock returned, to her
homo in Eddyville, Neb.i yesterday
after visiting with her brother, John
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Abbott returned
to her home Monday morning from a
All other provisions in tho contract weeks vinit wi friends in Qm,aha nnd
urnnu laianu.
Mrs. nnd Mrs. Hungerfonl aro visiting
with relatives in Horshey,
Mr. and Mrs. 0. II. Eyorly returned
except that of the pripe mentioned re
main practically the same
The bulk hog price at South Omaha
yesterday was $8. If).
Mrs. L,estr Walker Is entertaining
the bridge club this afternoon.
Tho Keith County fair nnd corn fes
tival will bo held at Ogalalla tomorrow
nnd Thursday.
A report was current this morning
that tho Pnx'on hotel nt Omaha was
badly damaged by firo late last night
I have two newcottnges for rent: one
four room, and one olght room.
Tho plato glass in the Foley and Ot
tenstein buildings were scratched and
tparked lat night by Bopio person,
from their western trip lust Friday
Tho Presbyterian ladies will mot
with Mrs. Carl Wickstrom Wednesday
afternoon, September 29th.
Loy Eyerly transacted business in
North Platte last week.
Mrs. J. R. Young spent Sunday with
Mrs. J. F. Ganspn eproqto from Over
ton to her homo i" Lodgepolc.
For Sale.
Tho Worthly dairy ranch containing
5G0 acres, with house, barn, windmill,
granery, linn house, etc. Thrco miles
north of town. Part caM, remainder
1 IT
Walk-Over Shoes
Never Mind the Size-Get Fitted.
When WALK-OVER Shoes are fitted in the
"WALK-OVER WAY", that is to exact foot meas
urements, the "bend" in the shoe come just where it
was intended to come, thus insuring perfect comfort
and the full limit of service. No fallen arches, corns,
bunions, etc., trouble the wearer of a perfectly fitted
pair of WALK-OVER Shoes, so
Never Mind the Size
Get Fitted.
This cut shows a
Patent Vamp
Glove Kid Top
Fancy Bluchci Boot
Fan Model
Price $4.00.
Others at $3.50, $4.00, $5.00.
Wilcox Department Store.
Fall Specialties.
Dutch Engagements.
A custom among the Dutch Is the
exchanging of engagement rings, which
are narrow bn'jda of plain gold, with
the Initial of the betrothed and the
day of the betrothal engraved on the
Inside. They aro worn on the left
hnnd beforo and on the right ufter
marrlngo. Dutch ongngoinonts extend
over n period of from two to five yoars.
During tills tlnie the young woman
gives up nil nmusomoutfl In which her
flnucp does not participate. If lie Is
not of the dnnclng swrt bIio refrains
from that recreation, however much
she may desire to engnge In It. She
never goe In company nnywhero If ho
Is not present, and when they go to
gether to a ball no gentleman will ever
ask her to danco without formally
gaining his permission. London
The Sura Thing.
A theatrical manager once offered
a famous actress si.uuu a wecu to
make a tour of the world. She Insist
ed on $l,r00. Lttit tho nuiuuser said
?1,000 Was all he could give, and he
reminded her of the fabulous jewels
thnt South American millionaires,
rtu,nsln,n grand dukp and Indian ra
jahs nro wont to lavish on tho Indies
of the sta.go when tlioy are touring.
MQo homo," nald tho mannger; "think
tho matter over and let mo know your
decision In the morning,"
In tho morning tho actress sent the
manager this message;
"Qlvo 1110 my terwa "d you enn hnvo
the Jevelar
Furniture, Hardware, Stoves, Paints,
We have just received a car of up-to-date Furn- 7a
We carry a full line of Moulding1 and make a
specialty of framing1 pictures.
We arc headquarters for Rugs, Linoleum and
We have the largest, most complete and up-to-date
Hardware Stock in the city and can fill all
orders on short notice.
Our Fall stock of stoves are here ready for your
inspection- We carry the Jewel and Cole's Hot
Blast Steel and Cast Ranges also Cook Stoves.
We handle the JEWEL and ROUND OAK
hard Coal Base Burners. For appearance and effic-
15L iency of work they are second to none.
yjl For soft coal stoves we carry the Retort Oak
Magazine Burner, the Original Cole's Hot Blast, the
Round Oak and Marion Oak. These Stoves have a
world wide reputation and are the best stoves on the
market for the money.
We carry a complete line of LINCOLN PAINT
consisting of outside and inside paints, oorch and
floor paints, linseed oil, varnishes, oilstain, tintolac, S5
vcj japalac, glasses and brushes. Viz
C We ask VOU to visit our stnrps nnrl sprifwf
can t supply your wants.
Workman & Derryberry.
whoso identity would lend tp arrest and 'W Pents. Un give possession
IM., fnr .ltr.iPltnn .f nrm.firlv. April 10, 1910. IHlUiro of or UlklreSS
' I f l W.rll.l.r A in Willnuf f KWtli
J'latte, Neh.
Alfalfa Seed,
Press Prills,
Ono Horso Disc prills,
Hay Presses,
Detroit Vapor Stoves
Iocu3t and 5th Streets.
Mrs. Fred. Martj has presented thiu
writer with samples of Alberta peaches
grown on threo year old trees In tho
Marti yard. They aro exceptionally
fine In flavor and size, and show that
peaches of fino quality can bo grown In nesdav: nrobnbly frost tonight. Max-
this Bcetion. Tho trees are hoavlly imum tomperuiuro yesterday, 80; a
i,o..n,i ,.,i.i. i, r-Mtf yoarago, 55. Minimum temperaturo
.uuu.u " " I,la mnrnlmr Jflf .1 upnr lion tV.
A blind man who had taken on nn
For I(ont Five room house, 003 East
Fifth street, Innuiro nt 817 EaBt
Fourth stroot,
Contractor Htevona has erected thlr
teen new houses In the Hunks' addition
since tho spring of 1908, which is cer
tainly a very good record.
Weather forecast for North Platto
and vicinity: Fair tonight and Wed
Little Barbara' Complaint.
Foiir-yt'iu-old It.uliara went uu-liurch
with her two uUtoi's and ciiiue home
"What Is tho nrtittor, dear?" Inquired
her mot Iter.
"Ho preached n whole s-Bormon-
nbout MMary and Martini," Bobbed
IJorbara, "and- never said a w-wortf
about me."- Uiplneott'B.
overload of oh bo joyful, was taken In
tow by Chiof Lowell yesterday and
giyon a chance to sober up. Tho fel
low is making his way through tho
world soliciting alms, and evidently tho
Qat struln,
For Sale.
Uiiatt & Goodman.
A Carload of Fords
will nrrivo Sontomber 27th. Will have
groater part of tho money (s expended TWO thnt aro not sold.
for .strong drink. Sutiierjjvnu Auto Co.
Work Flnatlno.
There Is u indescribable- fascination
Hbout work. Tlu! laziest man In town
will stund watching with evident oil'
Joymont the labors of a Htreet gang
laying pavement. Fort Worth Hecord,
Suits the Case.
"That prisoner over yonder, wnrden,
lias, rather i mischievous look."
"W m think for
"Yea. quite a roguish cxpresslon."-
flalllniore American.
'The Safe Road to Travel."
This low one-way rate
is in effect daily from
September 15th October 15th, 1909
To points in these states. Tickets good in comfortable
through tourist sleepers, on payment of berth rate.
Llectnc block signal protection. Dining car meals and
service "Best service in the World."
For tickets and information call on or address
F. E. BULLARD, North Platte, Nebraska.
The ONLY non-nnrcotic nnd lawful Pile Cure, because tho U. S. Dlanon.
i i ! l i; hit oa I V
To mo the mennest flower thnt blow- "'ory ,B",r yjIFW"? B....ou"" V,u Ior iff8 PP0,80 I0.r'Wmcn
rtnn Ma tna I 19 Hl"u l liuni aim inu duiiiu uuuiuuiy uuiiuuiIIIIB II1U injurious nurCOllO
ccn give thoughts that do often He too
flccB for teapj. Wordsworth.
(dons nllo medicines. Only reliable, un-to-duto dructrists sell E-RU-SA In
North Platte: Schiller & Co, Stone Drug Co., and McDonnell & Graves.