The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 24, 1909, Image 1

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    "His r
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NO 70.
km JfinKMKMM
Miss Mabel Day has resigned her po
sition at Hoaglnnd's nnd Tuesday ac
ccptcd a position at Rinckor's book
Furqished rooms for rent, strictly
modern. Inquire at 320 South Dewey
street. v
A foot ball team composed of mem
bers of tho boys band played a fivo to
five tie game Saturday with a team
known as tho West Ends.
a uozen or moro young pcoplo wore
tha guests of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Gar-
low Tuesday evening and were enter
tained in a delightful manner.
Miss Emma Osborne, a Lincoln Co.
teacher was married Sept 20th at
Des Moines, Iowa, to Georgo H. Botho
a wealthy farmer of Plum City, Wis.
Charley Herrod, lato with A. B.
Hoagland, has accepted a position with
the Hub Clothing Dept., succeeding
Claude Selby, who has gono to Chicago
to attend school .
Claudo Selby was host at a farewell
dinner given ut his home Tuesday ova-'
ning at which n half dozen of his more
intimate young men friends ' were the
guests. Tho affair proved u very
pleasant ono.
About thirty couples attended tho
dancing party at the opera house Tues
day evening, an affair that proved
very pleasant. Mr. Kubic will give
dances at stated intervals during tho
fall and winter.
Mrs. McDowall and Miss Olsen will
havo a Bale of decorated china Friday
afternoon and all day Saturday at
Howe and Maloney's store. Articles
suitable for Christmas gifts will bo on
sale from fifty cents up.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bunnell express
their sincero thanks to friends and
neighbors for , tho many acts of kind
ness shown them during the illness and
at the funeral of their beloved daughter,
and for the many floral tributes.
For RentModorn six room cottage
furnished, at 602 W. 5th St. Inquire
at 821 E. 4th St. Phono 321.
The remains of Mrs. Farrell, who
died at the Pulvcr hospital Monday
afternoon, were buried in the local
cemotery Wednesday afternoon, a short
service being conducted by Rev. Chap
man. No word could be obtained from
the husband, who is supposed to be in
Sioux City.
"In Dreamland", tho dramatic fan
tasy by Emmet Devoy, tho author
actor, bristles with unique situations.
Tho conventional has been successfully
avoided throughout and the play is re
freshingly novel in consequence. The
illusions, pantomine and electrical de
ceptions are startling from tho rise un
til the fall of the curtain.
During the past wek marringo
licenses were issued to two girls under
age, ono fifteen, the other sixteen and
one-half years old. In bo h cases tho
parents accompanied them before
Judge Elder and gave their consent.
Tho marrying of mero children should
bo prohibited by tho enactment of a
law. Think of a girl of fifteen or six
teen assuming the responsibilities of
married life when her conception of
things in general amounts to nothing.
Copyright 19C9, br C. r.
tOr anybody with you when
you come to our store ....
3l To buy shoes, in fact we are fond of criticism.
i It ' always brings out proof of our excellent price 3
i value and of our splendid new styles, our wide range 3
of leathers and the fit we
c .. t r i ...l
4. ju wc uic uui iuiiiiu
you shoes you buy them
seem important at first,
ki.:i. ui.
Prices range from $2.00 to $4.00.
SMALL, The Big Shoe Man
Miss Ethel McWilliams succeeds Miss
Mabel Day as saleslady at Hoagland's
Mrs. M. Hayes and son left Wednes
day for a fortnight's visit at Excelsior
Springs, Mo.
J. E. Fillion has Bold his garago on
east Fifth street to Frank Corponning
of Coznd, who will tako possession
October 1st.
A light frost was visible yesterday
morning, tho first of tho Bcason. It
was so light that little damago to
vegetation resulted.
Maurico Fowler says he mot about
forty former North Platte pooplo in
Los Angeles, and they all seotn to bo
doing well. Jako Wolf is now located
there, as is also Louie Nauman and
"Shorty" Davis.
Judge Elder united in marriage Wed
nesday evening at his office Michael
Kyne, of Sheridan, Wyo., and Miss
Edith Canning, of RIngold. Tho cou
pie loft on a night train for Sheridan,
whero they will reside
A marriage license was issued Wed
nesduy evening to John' W. Schwerdt
and Miss Esthor Boightcl, both of this
city. Tho couple wore, married Wed
nesday night by Rev. Williams at tho
Presbytorian manso and will go to
housekeeping in the Third ward. v
Lincoln county ships out annually
about fifteen thousand head of cattlo,
which are worth in tho neighborhood
ot a half million dollars. Tho value of
tho hogs shipped is probably as large,
The stock interests of Lincoln countv
are worth considering.
Wanted Ono dozen good pulletp,
four or five months old. Advise price
nnd breed. Address C. E. Hoffhine,
312 E. 25th St., Cheyenne, Wyo.
The eight Japs arrested Monday night
on the charge of shooting craps wore
arraigned beforo Police Judgo Elder
Wedr.ssday forenoon. Three of tho
eight plead guilty nnd were fined
twenty-five dollars each and costB, tho
other fivo. pleaded not guilty, and as
there was some question as to their
indentification, they were discharged
on tho payment .of ,Jthe. costs- 1 Tho
total amount collected from the eight
was $115.
With lots in tho Trustco's and BankB
addition still on the marko, with the
new Taylor addition in the south going
on tho market, and the promiso of a
new addition next year, those looking
for cheap and good building lota should
have no trouble in securing just what
they want. This writer is confident
that tho futuro growth of North Platte
justifies the laying nut of all these ad
ditions tno town is destined to be n
city of ton thousand within the next
ten years.
Tho card party given by tho Knights
of Columbus at tho Odd Fellows
hall Wednesday proved a very enjoy-
ablo affair. Tho evening was spent
in playing progressive high five,
fourteen tables being used. The lady's
prize was carried off by Misa Hannah
Kolihor whllo tho gentleman's was
awarded to John DeKolfe. Punch,
waffcrs and confections wcro served
during tho evening by Misses Loretto
Murphy and Bessio Smith. Tho com
mittee, who had charge of tho affair,
aro deserving of credit for their efforts
which made this ovent a decided suc
Zimmerman Co. --No.52
i i i..
wucu yuu umig suiuuuuuy
. May be this doesn't
b.ut it is a whole lot, and if X
i. r .u i i. Vp
NeWjCigar Factory.
W. A. Caufman and 'W. C. Hahn
have associated themselves together
for tho purpose of manufacturing
cigars and next wcok will opon a
factory in Iho room south of tho Porter
bottling works on Locust street. Tho
concern will bo known as tho North
Platto Cigar Co., and will aim to put a
superior quality of goods on tho market.
New Addition Next Year.
A non-resident who owns '20 acres
of land adjoining the city limits, writes
a friend that tho Burlington will bo
throwing dirt in North Platto within
tho next year, nnd that in viow of this
ho will lay out an addition to tho city.
Ho proposes to grade the streets, put in
permanent Bidc-wnlks and curbing, lay
water and sower mains nnd plant troes
on the out-side of the walks, fact the
lots will bp put in tho best of shape,
anu no uoueves tnoy win meet wiui a
ready sale.
Brings Serious Charge.
A special to the Stnto Journal from
York dated September 21st, says: C.
A. Kcefc has filed complaint in tho
county court against Geo'go M. Stry
kor nnd Samual C. Nelson charging
them with securing money by fraud
while acting an ngents for tho York
Alfalfa Milling company. Kcefo charges
that tho defendants havo appropriated
$5,000 worth of tho company's prop
erty to their own uso. Tho case will
come up for trial September 29. Tho
defendants gave bond for ?5.000. Tho
York Alfalfa Milling company is the
name uso by tha promoters who have
been attempting to establish an alfalfa
mill at this place.
Missionary Scott Retired.
W. Scott, who for fifteen or
moro years has been a Presbytorian
Sunday school missionary in Western
Nebraska with headquarters at North
Platte, has been retired, probably bo-
causo ho hup outlived his usefulness,
at least a younger man has been ap
pointed to succeed him. Wo havo been
intimately acquainted with Missionary
Scott for a long term of years, and
havo found him a man willing to deny
himself in order to help others, a most
conscientious man and a willing worker.
To hi retired at his age after so long
service and not provide him with some
other work is certainly an uncharitable
act on the part of tho Sunday Bchool
missionary board.
Foot Ball Schedule.
Tho high school foot ball team has
dates for seven games, tho full number
for tho soason. Tho .teams against
which thny will play are the Loxington,
Kearney, Grand Island and Sterling
high schools and tho Kearney Military
Academy. Two games will bo played
with Lexington and Kearney nnd one
with each of tho other thrco teams,
and of the seven games, five will bo
played on tho local field. The first
gamo will be with Lexington on Octo
ber 8th on the North Platte field and
the Thanksgiving game will bo played
with tho samo teamat Lexington.
J no team is tnKlng daily practlco
under tho coaching of M. K. Neville
and Mr. Stone, both of whom aro well
up in foot ball.
The Selfish Husband.
Tho selfish husband is effectually
cured of a tendency to flirt by tho np
pearanco of daughtor of Venus with a
magic wand "In Dreamland". The
wand brings out so many startling
changes ns to mystify tho audience and
drivo the erring husband to tho verge
of distraction. Tho power of Venus,
to tho theatregoer, ppeara to bo om
nipotent. Sho launches thunderbolts,
destroys and builds up as tho whim
seizes her. This delightful fantasy
with Emmot Dovoy, tho author, in tho
rolo of the husband, and tho beautiful
Hermino Stono ns a daughter of Venus
supported by n enst of unusual excell
enco will bo the attraction at tho Keith
thoatro Saturday evening, September
Ten Thousand Bushels of Apples.
David Hunter, of tho Glenburnio
fruit farm north of Sutherland, was in
town Wednesday and projentod The
Tribune and others with baskets of
peaches grown in his orchard. Tho
peach crop this year is light, tho old
trees having passed their usefulness,
whllo tho othors aro yet too young for
heavy bearing, and his crop will bo
imited to sovonty-fivo bushels. Those
presented to this office wero as fine,
both in size and flavor, aa any wo havo
seen shipped in this season.
It is in apples that tho Glenburnio
orchard takes a stellur position this
season, Mr. Hunter feeling confident
that tho crop will total ten thousand
bushels. Already over 1.000 bushels of
fall varieties have been marketed, and
tnoy rorm but a small part of the crop.
Mr. Hunter nnticipatos no trouble in
finding a good market, as the annlo
crop is way short
Mrs. E. T. Tramp went to Omaha
Wednesday night to visit frlonds for
fow days.
Gono Comb, tha stock buyor nnd roa
estate boomer, has boon spending this
week In town.
"Shorty" Roborson returned Wed
nosdny from a trip to Omaha, stopping
onrouta homo at Kenrnoy.
Mrs. P. II. Adams wont to Koarnoy
Tuesday and will loavo there tomorrow
for her homo In L03 Angolcs.
air. ana mrs. tester w. walKor ro
turnod Tuesday evening from their
wedding trip to Chicago.
Mrs. Jennlo Dye, of Clevoland, Ohio,
Is tho guest of her sister Mrs. D. E
Morrill, having arrived Wednesday
County Supt. Ebrlght has been visit
ing schools in the Hershey section for
two days past, but will be In his office
Rov. Geo. T. Williams went to Lox
ington Tuesday to assist in installing
Rev. E. D. Clark pastor of the Prcsby
terlan church at that plnco;
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tool and (laugh.
tor, of Hayes county, and Mrs. Frank
ieoi, or ftict'neraon county, woro
guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. Klein Wed
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Elliott, who had
been visiting relatives in town for a
fow days, loft Wednesday for Madison,
whero Mr. Elliott Is nn Instructor in
tho Univorsity of Wisconsin.
Frank Smith, who has boon employed
for a year past in ono of tho lnrgo
stores in Columbus, has been visiting
his parents for several days. Ho will
return to Columbus tonight.
Mr. and Mrs, Will Owens havo re
turned from their wedding trip to Salt
Lako and other western points. They
aro qt homo to thoir friends nt tho
Vroman rcsldcnco on West Fourth
Mrs. Ed. Fisher, of Green Rlvor,
Wyoij is visiting her slsterain town,
Mrs. Dunn and tho Misses Jeffors, hav
Ing arrived yesterday. Mrs. Fishor has
boon in ill health for soveral months
and during tho greater part of tho timo
has been in the hospital at Ogden,
Don't forgot that Mr. Howard, the
oxpert piano tunor nnd piano builder
of long experience is permanently
located here. Ho has already tuned
and repaired about ono hundred pianos
In town nnd numbered with his satis
fled customers nre some of tho best
teachers and musician, pooplo who
know. They say that his work is
superior to any dono hero previously
Ask any of thpm. All work Is guaraiv
teed and tho guarantee means some
thing when tho man is always hore to
make good. Lcnvo or phono you order
now, today, to Newton's Book store.
How Many
uttons g
in the 8
A pair of Dulchess
Trousers FREE ij the
Best Gucsser.
Taylor Addition to be Sold at Auction.
ThU valuablo property has been ripe
for improvement for a number of years
but the owner being a non-resident has
dono nothing with It till tho present,
Now It hns been decided to let tho
pooplo -of North Platto nnd vicinity
havo an opportunity to purchaso lots in
this valuablo addition nt a fraction of
what thoy aro really worth, nnd upon a
plan available to overybody. Tho dato
of this sale will bo announced later by
this paper.
Tho lota in this addition are almost
nil flrst-claBS rcsldcnco lots, boing with
very fow exceptions high nnd level.
Tho property is located on the main
thoroughfaro of tho city, only six
blocks from the court houso nnd city
high school nnd will bo but four blocks
from tho proposed slto of tho now
Burlington passenger depot.
There is now pcrmnncntcemont walks
to within 1C0 foot of this addition. Tho
main street is also graded tho entire
distanco past this property. Tho soil
s tho best in town, being simply pnr
feet for growing rich gardens and mak-
ng splendid lawns being free from alkali.
Hio perpetual water r irht from tho
Suburban Irrigation Ditch, goes with
all this pronorty. This will add vorv
much to tho easo nnd rapidity at which
shade and fruit trees and ornamental
shrubs can bo matured.
ino hinie, county, ana city nro now
planning to benutify n boulevard past
this entire addition to tho Experimental
It can bo cosily seen that this Is the
most favored part of the cntlro city
and tho place whero tho greatest ad
vnnco in prico will occur.
Thcso aro only a fow of the many
attractions which nro availablo to pur
chasers of lots in tho Taylor Addition.
High Class Dairy Products.
Phono D75 for high, class dairy prod
ucts: milk, cream, butter and etras.
Wo make dollvory every morning. Give
us a trial. Doomttle Pkoduce Co.
local Mention.
Mrs. Will Hupfor was called to
Grand Island Wednesday by tho illness
of her mother.
The local lodgo of Boilermakers will
givo thoir annual ball on tho evening
preceding Thanksgiving November
Misses AHco Birgo nnd Mario Von
Gootz have roturned to Lincoln to re
sumo their studies at tho stato uni
vorsity. Receiver Woodhurat, of tho U. S.
land offico, has taken a vacation , and
went to Oshkosh Wednesday to nttend
tho horse races.
Julius Kruttschnitt, of tho operating
department of tho Harriman HncB,
passed through to tho Pacific coast
Tuesday night.
Julius Pizcr went .to Omaha Wed-
noeduy night to transact business for
couple of days and to nttond Jowjsh
Atonoment Day services tomorrow.
Dennis McKlllIp, living northwest of
town, mado final proof on his homestead
yesterday. Mr. McKillipp says his corn
---Ml l-.llfl M
win maKo ininy or lorty bushels per
Joo Tridlo, democratic candidate for
sheriff, was in town yesterday onrouto
homo from a campaign trip to tho enst
part of tho county.. Joo says things
ook roseate for him, but of course he
may bo whistling to keep up his cour
Practically all corn In Lincoln county
now out of tho way of frost. Tho
crop throughout tho county is practi
cally up to tho average. In Bomo sec
tions corn is unusally good whilo in
other sections it is not up to tho aver
age, and putting tho good with the.
bad tho result is about tho uverago for
soveral years past.
Services as usual at tho Presbyterian
church on Sunday. Tho paator Rov.
Williams will be in his pulpit both
morning and evening. Thoro will be
good muBic at each service. Tho
public is cordially invited. Tho church
is on tho corner of Fourth and Willow.
It Is expected that tho now church will
bo rendy for uso boforo tho cold
A Sutherland special to tho Beo t ays:
At a meeting of tho water usors undor
tho Keith and Lincoln countios Irriga
tion district ditch an attempt was mau
to arrive at somo decision rocnrilintr
tho Improvement and betterment of
the ditch nnd water service. Tho prob
lem of tunneling tho bill west of Suth
erland for tho purposo of bottor.gottlng
wator onto tho land In that section
was discussed at somo longth. It was
voted to employ a compotent engineer
to go over tho long canal and size up
tho opportunity of (straightening It and
getting a hotter full wherever practi
To the Public.
As tomorrow (Saturday) is the Jew
ish Atonement Day, Tho Leader will b
closed until 5:30 p. m.
A Wyoming diaoatch states that the
Burlington will havo its Worlnnd lino
completed by January 1st, which is
much oarlier than anticipated, That
fills up ono of tha gnps on tho Mis
souri Rlver-Blllings short line; tho
.next gap to be filled will probably be
tho lino from Kearney to Bridgeport.
The early construction of tho Platte
valloy lino seems to grow brighter.
For Sale.
Nine room modern houso with bath
and lavatory, electric lights, city wat
er, completo with cement walks, lawn
and good outbuildings. Fine location
on west Fourth street. Inquire of
owner at 1008 wost Fourth.
Boys! Girlsl Columbia Bicvclo Freol
Greatest offer out.' Get your friends
to subscribe to our magazine and we
will mnko you a present of a 540.00
Columbia Bicycle tho best made. Ask
for particulars, freo outfit, and circular
telling "How to Start" Address, "Tho
Blcyclo Man." 29-31 East 22d street
Now York City, Now York.
t For "Shoes of Quality"
Madam, turn your feet
this vavv
We go to the".. -Best
Makers of Women's.
Shoes and select the best
Shoes they know how to
We offer our trade a,ll
the new creations, as fasjt
as they are manufactured;
Street, Storm and
Dress Boots $3. 50, $4.00,
$5.00 or 56.oo.
Same prices you have
heard before but not the
same Shoes or Shoe
Quality you have met
with before.
For Dress 'Functions,
we have Ties, Pumps,
Strap Sandals, Slippers,
etc. 2.50, S3. 00, $3.50
to 54.00. . 1
The handsomest and
daintiest models, that
ever dressed a Woman's
foot. ! '
But come, see, Madam,
Come, see!
Sol Modes.
Save your Stove Pipes
and make them look-like
new by using
. . . Stove Pipe .
Prevents rust and easily
applied. ' .
Window Glass.
A large stock always on
hand and we' can make
you a low price. Glass
cut to any shape free of
Schiller & Co.,
1st dojr north Firat Natl. Bank.
ii ft