The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 21, 1909, Image 1

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Tho ladies of the Presbyterian aid
society will meet with Mra. E. A.
Cary Thursday afternoon.
Tho special demonstration of Majes
tic ranges nt Ginn & Whito's last week
proved satisfactory in the way of sales,
oloven of these stoves having been sold.
Miss Wilhclmine Oleson and Mrs. G.
W. McDowall will hold a salo of hand
painted china at Howe & Maloney's on
Friday and Saturday, September 24th
and 25th.
Deputy Sheriff Lowell returned Fri
day night from Casper with II. T. Love
who will stand trial for stealing two
hundred dollars worth of goods from Si
Tho Lutheran council extended a
formal call to lie v. Harmon last Satur
day. If ho accepts ho will assume his
duties between the first and fifteenth
of November.
The Rebeknh kensington will meet
with Mrs. C. J. Bowen on wo3t Sixth
street Thursday afternoon. A largo
attendance is desired .13 business of
importance Ib to bo transacted.
Tho Knights of Columbus will enter
tain their ladies at a card party at Odd
Fellows' hall Wednesday evening. There
promisca to be u large attendance and
a pleasant evening will no doubt ro-
Frank Ebele, of tho north side, has
been awarded the contract for building
a school house in the Hall district to
roplaco tho one destroyed by fire
several months ago. Ho has the build
ing well under way.
Next Monday evening tho A. 0. U.
W. will initiate n class of about one
hundred new members who have been
oecured by Deputy Grand Workman
Pickering. This will bring tho mem
bership of the local lodgo up to 41G.
Ikuii lli hj. i uibi.; IU.U1111.U Jo;i
f T.T ............ l. . ...!. 1
tho Methodist conference. In accord
ance with the request of tho congrega
tion and tho dosire of himself, Rev.
Porter was returned to the church in
thi3 city.
During his recent visit to Hershey,
Mr. Gilman, of Now York, suggested
that ho would present tho Prosbyter
iun church of that place with a boll, n
gift that was thankfully accepted by
tho congregation. It is expected that
tho bell will arrive about October 1st.
Tho two-year-old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Bunnoll died at eleven
o'clock Sunday night of pneumonia.
Sunday morning tho littlo one seemed
much improved, tho danger lino seemed
passed, and Mr. Bunnell went out on
his run. While on tho road ho was
notified of the death, und came homo
on the first train.
Eighty-seven dollars and fifty cents
per acre seems a pretty good price for
Lincoln county land, but a salo was re
cently made at that price und as it is
valley land under irrigation it is prob
ably worth as much if not more. With
the present drift of real estato prices,
land under irrigation in Lincoln county
will be soiling in a year or two for one
hundred dollars an acre.
Cprrlght Iiy C l Z
With the approach of Fall the necessity for heavier
Shoes is apparent.
At the same time Fall Shoes must possess a distinct
Style in harmony with the season. Our new Fall
Shoes not only possess these merits, and add to your
general appearance, but will give you n high degree
of comfort. Come in now, select your Fall Shoes,
and he ready for the change in the weather.
$3.50 to $5.
Ray Langford shipped a car of cattle
to the South Omaha market yesterdny.
Mrs. Henry Null roturned to Sidney
Sunday after spending soveral days
with North Platto friends.
B. D. Baker, of Dickens, camo in
Sunday to visit his parents Mr. and
Mrs. B. P. Baker for a day or two.
J. W. Abbott and others have sold
to Swan J. Faulk tho cast half of the
southeast quarter of section 1844-32,
for $7,000.
Tho injunction case of Woodhurst
against the city of North Platto came
up for hearing Saturday and was
continued for two weeks.
Wm E. Martin hai sold to M. L.
Frios thu southwest quarter of section
34-10-31, and the northwest quarter of
section 3-9-3.4 for $6,500.
For Sale Horse and buggy and light
spring wagon. Inquiro of C. M. New
ton. Seventeen mechanics and laborers
were at work yesterday on Hurry
Dixon's new house. Under tho con
tract, Mr. Basta was to have turned
tho houso complete over to Mr. Dixon
Wanted Party to balo 175 tons of
wild hay and alfalfa. Phono E 504 or
Address Fremont Watts, North Platte.
A carload of Paonia (Col.) peaches
weie shipped to tho local grocers Fri
day by the Dolan Fruit Co., of Grand
Island. They nro of tho Alberta varioty
nice and firm, and retail for $1.20 per
Mrs. Miranda Doolittle, of Onargu.
III., is visiting her son Tom and family
at the ranch south of town, and with
friends in tho city. Sho is enrouto to
Long Beach, Cat., where she will make
her futuro homo with her son Milton
and family.
"Polly, of the Circus," ono of the
best theatrical plays on tho road will
bo presonted at Tho Keith on tho
evening of October 9th. Manager
Stamp's bookings this season arcs not
as many as in some previous seasons,
but the greater part of them are top
"In Dreamland," which will bu pre
sented at Tho Keith Saturday evening,
jump3 from Omaha to North Platte,
from this city to Denver, thenco to
Salt Lake and thenco to San Francisco.
Only strong companies can afford to
make so long a route with so few
Supt. Burnett, of the agricultural
school at Lincoln, nccompanied by Mr.
Chowins, tho superintendent of con
struction employed by tho board of
regents, were visitors nt tho experi
mental sub-station Saturday and Sun
day. Th?y camo hero to seo about tho
construction of tho new farm house at
the station.
"In Dreamland" comes to the Keith
theatre Saturday, Septcmbor 25th,
heralded as ono of the real and lasting
successes of tho season. The play is
of tho "Message from Mara" type,
with tho comedy emphasized. The
messenger in this instance is tho beau
tiful und tnlented Hermino Stone. The
play is superbly staged and the effects
are mystifying throughout. Emmet
Devoy, tho autor, enacts tho leading
m-w-isn Ce.Va. 2i
The Big
Shoe Man
Sells Feed Store to Rilncr.
Ben Wilson, who for n year or so
Iiub conducted a feed store nt tho cor
ner of Sixth and Locust streets, has
sold his business to John R. Rttnor,
who took possession yesterday. Tho
purchaser will aim to increase tho
business and may ndd additional lines.
Look After Children.
President Bullard, of tho Board of
Education, has sent notico to school
patrons in the Second and Third wards
notifying them that it is dangerous for
small children to play around tho new
school buildings in those wards. Parents
arc requested that they sec tho children
do not go to school sooner than neces
Fary and that they return homo prompt
ly when school is dismissed.
Fifteen Miles of Permanent Walks.
Statistician Yost, of tho city council,
says there ure now over fifteen miles
of pet mnnont sidewalks in North Platto
whereas four years ago there wcro but
a few blocks. In talking with Street
Commissioner Salisbury it is learned
that fh the First ward not a wooden
sidewalk remains; in the Second ward
there is less than a block which is not
under contract to bo replaced with co
ment walks, and in tho Third ward
there is about a block and a half of
wooden walks. Certainly during tho
past fo'ur years tho city has forged
ahead in the wny of permuncnt walks.
Relay Race Called Off.
Tho Philadelphia Press relay race,
from Philadelphia to Seattle, which had
been referred to in theso columns, was
declared ofT Saturday afternoon tyhen
tho first car to start was wrecked at
Robinson, ubout ono hundred miles from
Philadelphia, and one of tho occupants
killed, another so badly injured that he
will die, and threo others more or le3s
injured. Tho Press, following the ac
cident, called tho race off. Tho car
was going at a twenty-five milo gait,
when something went wrong with the
rear tire and the car turned turtle.
Agent Plays A Joke.
Finding it dull in his office, Tom Bur
ggis, assistant agent at tho Minneap
olis & St. Louis stntion nt Cr&bard, S.
D., sent in a call for help declaring his
office had been attacked by robbers and
his leg broken. Tho chief dispatcher
caused a special train, carrying an
armed posse, to be made up at Conde
and it made the run of fifty-five miles
in record time. Approaching tho sta
tion with leveled guns, tho members of
the relay party were disgusted to find
Burgois sleeping soundly, with no sign
of robbors or a frncturcd leg Tho
crowd dumped him in a dry goods box,
nailed tho cover down and went home.
Sunday School Convention. , 'V
Sunday school workers of NJorl'h
Platto and those representing four
schools located south and west of tqw'n
met in convention at tho Presbytorian
church Friday evening nnd listened' to
addresses by Miss Brown and Mr.
Levvis, both of whom aro statu workers.
At the close of the addresses, officers
wero elected as follows: President, R.
B. Fuvoright; vice president Butler
Buchanan; secretary and treasurer,
Andrew Yost; Supt. teachers train
ing, W. S. Porter; elementary, Miss
Then Hansen; intermediate, Miss Anna
Krumph; adult, James Mason; homo
Dept., Mrs. Allen Chamberlain; mis
sionary Dept., Mrs. V. C. Ritnor;
temperance, J. H. VanCleavc; pastor
Dept., G. F. Williams; visitation, W.
W. Scott.
For Sale.
Pure bred Duroc Jersey hocrs. both
sexes, eligible to registry. Also our
registered herd boar. All at reason
able prices. Inquire of or address
North Platte, Neb.
To Bible School Superintendents.
Beginning with next Sunday, Sep
tember 2Gth, (Tempurunce Sunday for
tho world) and once a qnarter through
out tin year, wo have planned that a
special and vigorous teaching of tem-
oeranco shall bo conducted. This means
direct attention will bo given to tho
mighty liquor topic in nil its phases.
Collect ttlt the information possible:
teaching the statistics from the gov
ernment reports; the effect on health
of manhood and womanhood of tho coun
try; teach it from a moral standpoint;
teach t from a public good stand point,
From tho cold figures docs it pay? Lino
up your teachers nnu tonch that all
may know the effect the traffic lias in
the community. J. II. Van Cleave,
Supt. of Temperance Dopt. Lincoln
County S. S. Association.
For Sale.
Nine room modem house with bath
and lavatory, electric lights, city wat
er, complete witn comont walks, awn
and good outbuildings. Fine location
on west Fourth street. Inquiro of
owner at iuua west rourui.
TMra V 11 Jo tA mlnel- nf
friends in Laramie, Wyo.
Mrs. T. A. Duko went to Grand Is
land Sunday to visit friends.
A. B. Hoagland roturned Saturday
from his trip to Kansas City.
E. R. Smith, tho Gandy banker,
transacted business in town yesterday.
Miss Blnnche Mylandor loft Sunday
for Lincoln, where sho will attend
J. B. McDonald and Frank McGovern
and their ladies mado an auto trip to
Gothenburg Sunday.
Joe Fredericl has reitigned his position
at the Viennn. Yesterday ho went to
Oshkosh to spend n week.
John Burke, of Denver, has been in
town for a couple of days looking up
possible purchases of cattle.
Mra. Kate Daly loft yesterday for .'
n visit with friunds in Denver, expect-:
ing to bo absent about two week.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Rinckor went to
Omnjia Sunday night whoro thoy will
purchase goods for their store.
Misses Mablo Jo (Tor 3 und Lucy Dunn,
who hud been visiting friends in Oma
ha for five weeks, have returned home.
Arthur McNamara returned Saturday
afternoon from Chicago whero ho at
tended the national bankers' ' conven
tion. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Weinrand und
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Peterson mado an
auto trip to Hcrahcy and to Brady Sun
Mrs. M. E. Watts and Mrs. Surah
Bangs are visiting friends at Plcasant
ville, Iowa, having left for that place
Loo Tobin nnd Frank Murray will tro
to Oxhkosh tomorrow to look after hay
and cuttle and while there will attend
the races.
E. T. Tramp returned Saturday from
ncoln where he attended tho state
convention, of the Amoricah Older of
N. A. Davis arrived from Willow
Springs, Mo., tho latter part of luBt
week and will remain for a few days
settling up business affairs.
Judge Grimes, Reportor Cary nnd
Attorneys Hoagland, Halligan, Muldoon
and Ronche went to Ognlalla yesterday
whoro a term of court is being hold.
F. A. Stroup leaves tomorrow for
Groat Falls, Mont., whoro ho will in
vestigate n land proposition, which if
it "looks good" to Mr. Stroup will bo
handled by the Payne Investment.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Muurice Fowler ro
turned Saturday from an extended
western trip, having visited Seattle,
Portland nnd other cities of the north
west und San Francisco nnd Los An
Mrs. J. Q. Wilcox nnd four children
eft today for a visit with relatives at
Enid, Okl. Thoy were accompanied ns
far as St. Joq, Mo., by Mr. Wilcox,
who will trnusact business in that city
nnd in Omaha for soveral days.
Dr. A. J. Ames roturned Saturday
from Omaha, whore ho spent the week
attending tho nationnl convention of
Eagles. Tho doctor says the dolcgates
in attendance wore a fine body of rop
resentativo business men, und not tin
aggregation of "high rollers" as somo
people nro inclined to designate tho
McGeer Grocery Sold.
P. T. McGeor hao sold his grocory on
oast Sixth atroot formerly tho II. &
T. store -to II. L. Greeson, of Elm-
wood, Neb., who took chargo yesterday
morning. Mr. Greeson is an exper
ienced business mun, having been en
gaged in morcantilo pursuits for tho
pnst fourteen years, and is therefore in
n position to capably conduct tho busi
ness ho haB purchased, which in volume
is ono of tho leaders in the locnl trado.
Tho Tribune extends a welcome to Mr.
Greoson to tho commercial circles of
tho city.
Mr. Mcuuor will remain In town
about a month closing up bin business
affairs. 1 hough not long residents,
Mr. und Mrs. McGeer have won many
friends, nnd their doparturo will bo re
Night On" Bald" Mountain.
On a lonely night Alex Benton of
Fort Edward, N. Y., climbed Bald
Mountnin to tho homo of a neighbor,
tortured by Asthma, bent on curing
him with Dr. King's Now Discovery,
that had cured himself of asthma. This
wonderful medicino Boon relieved ant
quickly cured his neighbor. Later it
cured his son's wifo of n sovcro lung
trouble. Millions bolievo its tho great
est Thront and Lung cure on Earth.
Coughs, Colds, Croui), Hemorrhages
una &oro lungs nro surely cured by it
Best for Huy Fever. Grin and Whoor..
ing Cough. 50c and $1.00 Trial bootlo
free. Guaranteed by Stone Drug Co.
Made with Patent Adjustable Band from
Good Quality Sill. '
fyalet PRICES $5.00,:ro: $7.50.'
Freight Brnkoman Vernon Mann
left yesterday for n visit with friends
ut Kearney.
Tho Union Pacific is receiving tho
first installment of tho 1500 refrigera
tor cars ordered last upring.
Beginning last Fridny tho employes
in tho shops went on a nine-hour day.
Previously thoy had been working eight
F. F. Murray shipped u car of cattlo
to South Omaha Sunday. Mr. Murray
has 'been shipping from two to four
cars por week for several wneks past.
Six men wero added to tho car" re
pair gong a few days ago. Tho heavy
traffic on tho road creates additional
work in this dopnrtmuut and a larger
force became necessary.
About thirty thousand dollars wore
put into local circulation yestorday
through tha chocks recolvod for Wy
oming division employs, and business
which had boon a littlo quiet for a week
took a spurt. 1
Engineer Dennis O'Brien will leavo
tomorrow for Excelsior Springs, Mo.,
whero ho will recupcrato for sovernl
weeks. Dennis snys ho has been plug
ging niong for four years without n
vacation, and thinks ho is justly on
titled to ono.
Last Friday three passengers en
routo to LaGrande Oregon, got on .No.
3 nt Grand Island, and found the
conches so crowded that thoy wero
compelled to stand until they reached
this city, who.i thoy got oil nnd con
tinued their journey on train No. 5 tho
following morning. On train No. 12
Sunday night several persons coming
from Julesburg to this city wore com
pelled to stand. Such are not infre
quent instances and thoy go to show
tho enormous passenger traffic on tho
Union Pacific, notwithstanding each
train has more than tho ordinary num
ber of cars. Passenger trains of ten,
twelvo and fifteen cars aro not un
usual. Wanted at Once.
A second hand iiotuto digger. Ad
dress E. S. Brown, Dickens, Neb.
Tuesday, October
Wednesday, October
Thursday, Gciob&r
Friday, Ootobor
Oaiurdsy, Ootobor
Frank W(oodgato, of Fnrnum and
John GeisM,oi;Ljfncon, were in town
Sr.turduy. settling up tho estate of Fred
Geu, deceased. Mr. Woodgnto vaa
ono of tins carfy. settlors in tho Furnutn
Tho brick wqrjf, on tho Timmormnn
block begun yterday and with tho
force nt worl the, walla will'bo rulscd
rapidly. The pressod brck are tho
same color qa tfi'osbjUsod in tho Masonic
tomplc. . i.
Are You Sure Your Kidneys Are Wall?
Many rheumatic attacks aro du" to
uric acid in tho blood. But tho duty of
tho kidneys is to-romovo nil uric acid
from tho blood. Its presenco there
shows the kidneys u,ro innctivo.
Don't dully with "uric acid solvents"
You might go on ti.ll doomsday - ith
them, but until yu cure tho kidi.oya
you will never got well. Doan's Kid
noy Pills not'oniy removo uric acid, but
cure tho kidneys orjiij'then nil dai irer
from uric acid is' ended. Iloro is rth
Platto testimony to'provo it.
Mrs. C. J. Boiven.'Wcst Sixth Mt.,
North Platto, NobjM' Bays: "Du-ing
tho past six yoftrV.''BUirrC(l torobly
from backacho, rheumatism and lls
ordered kidneys. A constant, dull ucho
through my back und Joins cuused mo
untold misery and nnyHUddon move or
misHtnp would bring .6K( sharp, shooling
pains thut radiated 'from my kidneys
to all parts of my body. I was ri at
ly annoyed by headacheu and to got up
quickly from ti sitting br stoopinr po
sition would bring on n dizzy spoil. A
few months ago a frjcmljtold mo oi cho
bonefit sho had obtained! from the Uco
of Doan's Kidnoy Pills. 'I followeu her
udvico and procured the Remedy at A.
F. Streitz'a drug .'store. In a short
timo af tor beginning Its uso I felt oot
tor und tho backaches and other symp
toms of piy trouble Boon disappeared
; entirely."
I For Salo by all dealers. Price fifty
cents. Foster Milburn Co., Buft'wlo,
Nuw York, boIo agents for tho United
States. '
; Remember tho name '-Donn's md
i tnko no other;' ,,
5, Fireworks
6; Electrical ParMto
7, htilUtary Porad
S, Coronstlon " Ball
9, Children's Ball