The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 14, 1909, Image 5

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Extend Call to Rev. Harmon.
Sunday extended n unnmimous call to
Rov. Hnrnvn, of Oregon, III., to bo
become tho pnstor of tho church In this
Fall Millinery
Fall Specialties.
city, ucv unrmon, wno ictt ror hi
home in Illinois Sunday niht, has
tnknll thr rnll iinilnr nrtuf antm Ant nnrl
will communicato by tho end of this
weeK nis acceptance or decimation. It
ia hoped that ho will accept, as his
"trvout" lmrn wnn ihn trnniX nntntnn tit
Furniture, Hardware, Stoves, Paints,
We have just received a car of up-to-date Furn
iture. We have manv nice articles at a barcrain.
Such a display has never been . shown be
fore at any one time in this city, ,
Hats large and flaring, Hats that fit close
to the head, Hats rolled high on one side.
After a visit to our store you will readily
understand why we are known as leaders for
stylish millinery.
" M( )( 4
Our stock of watches
speaks eloquently of good
things, and there are
many people whose hap- jj
py experiences confirm
the reliability and worth
of thorn
j Our success as watch
sellers has not been
merely fortuitous, but is jf
tj the result of the unwav-
4 ering integrity and know,l-
t edge gained by long
? years of study. Every
watch we sell is a guar-
anteed time keeper.
ijl Thus you have more
jt reason to consider this
store as an object wor-
thy your seeking.
DIXON, The Jeweler
Union Pacific Watch Inspector.
Prescription Druggists
Hint Door North of
l'irttt National Hunk
A. D. McDonclf returned this morn
inn from business trip to Omnha.
W. T. Banks has returned from St.
Joe. Mo., where ho went to purchase
goods for Tho Hub.
The latest Pumps ut Tho Leader.
Mrs. Fred Stoddard,
visiting her father A. R.
other relatives in town.
of Lena, is
Adamson and
Parties with idle money should see
Bit att & Goodman.
Mrs. C, M. Dav"t8, of Portland, ar
rived last night and is n guest at the '
home of hor father, A. R. Adamson.
Jamos Belton left yesterday for New
Albany, Ind., where ho will visit rela
tives and look after property interests.
Mrs, Kato Yant, of Nampa. Idaho,
Mrs. Hannah Temple, of Minerva,
Ohio, nnd Byron Temple, of Puoblo,
nro guests atitho Clabaugh residonco
Men's, ladies' and children's sweat
ers, in all tho latest designs, are shown
at Tho Leader.
Mis Beatrico Murphy, who had been
visiting hor siBtor, left yesterday for
Glendive, Mont., where she has beon
engaged to teach school.
W. D. Waldo has returned from
Colorado, where he completed a grad
ing contract. Ho sold nil his horses,
but will buy up another bunch.
Mrs. Miranda Doolittle, of Onargn,
III., will visit friends in town this
week while onrouto to Long Beach,
Cal., to visit her Bon Milton.
Mrs. Edward Park, who had beon
visiting her parent's Mr. and Mrs.
Franklin Pealo, left yostorday for
Ogdon. to which point Mr. Park has
been transferred as traveling engineor.
For Sale.
400 choice brood owes. Want to close
out within next 30 days. Terms easy.
Sutherland, Neb.
All who are interested take notice.
We invite every lady to visit our store and see
the latest styles from the largest and best millin
ery houses.
Ctrtil mi
Saturday, September 18th,
Ml. M all t
acnatz 6c uabaugh will have open
for your inspection the finest line of
ready-to-wear suits and overcoats for
men ever shown in the city. They are
the tailor's art, fabric and patterns of
the latest and most up-to-date. Every
suit guaranteed. We want you to come
in and look them over, whether you
purchase or not.
Remember the date, Saturday, Sep
tember 18th.
520 Dewey Street.
Tho bulk .of hogs in South Omaha
yesterday sold at $7.93.
Tho Episcopal guild will meet Thurs
day afternoon with Mrs. P. J. Gilnian.
The Christian Aid Society will meet
Thursday afternoon with Mrs. W. T.
Jas. R. Minshall returned this morn
ing from a two weeks' visit in Donver,
Pueblo and Kansas City.
Tho Misses Turnie. who have been'
visiting friends in town, will return to
Denver tomorrow to re-enter uchgol.
Weather forcenst: Fair tonip,ht and
Wednesday. Maximum temperature
yesterday G(J, a year ago 93; minimum
this morning 47, a year ngo 57.
The hii'li school foot ball team has
begun practice work. Tho personnel of
the team this season insures ono ot tlic
strongest lino ups the school has had of
recent years.
Thirty-one additional pupils were
enrolled in the city schools yesterday
morning. In tho high school every
seat is occupied and additional chairs
have been called into uso to accom
modate tho students.
Blankets nnd quilts by tho wagon
load from tho cheapest to tho best nro
shown at The Leader.
Yesterday J. R. White sold to Martin
Wyman Blocks 47 and CO of Plattviow
Subdivision for $700 cash. Mr. Whito
purchased these two blocks from Roy
B. Tabor, Trustee, for $550 and had
mado no improvements whatover. This
property seems to bo advancing in
Elocutionary Entertainment.
Miss Mattie Tiller, elocutionist from
the Nebraska Wesleyan University
school of expression will give an
elocutionary entertainment nt the
Methodist church Thursday evening,
Sept. lf)th under the auspices of the
church. Miss Tiller will givo humo
rous nnd dramatic readings ami the
beautiful monologue "Christmas Star"
in costume, in two scenes. Tho nd-
1 mission will bo 15c nnd 25c. If tho
interest justiiies mibh Tiller win re
main in town and organize n class in
Judge Lovctt is Chairman:
A New York dispatch dated yester
day Hays: Tho continuance of tho
Harriman policies in the
n Pacific and
of Union Pacific. Southern
the chaim of allied railroads was mado
certain today, temporarily at least.
when Robert S. Lovell. E. S. Harri
man's personal counsel and close friend
was elected to succeed Mr. Harriman
nt the head of tho cxecutivo committee
of tho Union Pacific railroad.
To strengthen further this dominance
of tlvj "Harriman Idea", Jacob II
Schiir and William Rockefeller, both
heavily interested in tho Hnrriman en
terprise, were elected directors in
place of Mr. Harriman and the late
H. H. Rogers, mid, also were chosen to
places on the executive committee,
The Road to Success
has many obstructions, but none so
desperate as poor health. Succoss to
day demands health, but Electric Bit
tcrs is the greatest health builder the
world has evor known. It compolB
perfect action of stomach, liver, kid
neys, bowels, purifies and enrichos tho
blood, and tones nnd invigorates tho
whole system. Vigorous body nnd
keen brain follow their use. You can't
afford to slight Electric Bitters, If
weak, run down or sickly. Only 50c.
Guaranteed by Stone Drug Co.
"a-.a ajri
Ovor Klrst Natloual. Phono U8
Hnving removed my office to pleas
ant nnd commodious quarters in the
Keith building diroctly opposito the
depot I shall bo pl -nsod to hnvo my
patrons call on mo there,
All business pertaining to real estate
or insurance will recoivo tho same
prompt and conservative attention as
heretofore. O. II. TllOELECKE.
Phone 277.
Real Estate Sales
Last week O. II. Thoelocko sold to
G. Fisher of Iowa section 12-13-31:
section 23-16-33 to Frank Tav'or. of
Belgrade, Neb; and Section 5-14-38,
Keith county, to Dr. M. B. Snyder, of
Council Bluffs, a brother of Sunt.
Snyder, of tho experimental farm.
School children, both bovs and erirls.
can bo fitted out from head to foot nt
The Leader.
Hcrshey News.
Tho Presbyterian ladios will meet
Wednesday afternoon. Sent 15th. with
Mrs. John Show.
Mrs. J. W. Prickitt nnd Mrs. Tom
Curley are on the sick list.
b. W. Brown 18 crectinir a now
frame building in tho east nart of
Miss May Munirer oft for Stroms.
burg last Wednesday evening where
she will resumo her position in tho city
schools at that placo.
John Show is transactincr business in
in North Platte today.
Mrs. M. Mickelsen returned from
Denver Saturday night.
L.ov lYVerlv mado n fow business
calls at the county scat Saturday.
D. M. Levnoldt is in Omaha this
Hershev is receivinir a much needed
improvement by the addition of now
cement walks across tho public cross
Among those who attended tho
stnto fair last week were: Mr. nnd
Mrs. D. B. White, Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas
McClnin. Mr. and Mrs. Will Funk
housor, Mr. nnd Mrs. Will Brooks.
Mrs. J. W. Abbott loft Snturday for
Omaha to bo gone ii couplo of weeks.
Mrs. A. B. Goodwin and children, of
North Platte, are visiting with Mrs.
D. SI. Leypoldt.
Boars for Sale.
'There are still some choico young
Duroc Jersey boara for sale at $15.00
uch at tho Experimental Substation.
For Sale.
Tho Clark farm of G10 acres, 480
acres farm land every foot of which
can bo cultivated; 225 acres growing
crop, 1G0 ncrea of hay meadow which
will cut 150 tons. Located ten miles
southwest of North Platte. For partic
ulars call or address,
Silas Ci.akk, Horshoy, Nob.
Wo mean your horse. Does his har
ness fit him or does it chafe his back.
his breast or any torder part that
makes him uncomfortable? Then bring
him to this store when you buy him a
new haruesH and wo will fit your horse
perfectly with lightdriving, coach, cart
or dray harness. Wo havo everything
in ine line oi norsogooua nt
Does He
For Sale.
Wo havo good fivo room houso with
bath within ono block of Hicrh School
ouuuing. if you havo $1,000.00 you
H II .a ... T
can uuy ic.
Buchanan & Patteuson.
Classy Bill at Crystal Theatre
Murray's Dogs
For this week's olTerincr wa Imvn
Tho Murray's Cnnlno wonders. Thcso
dogB havo been fentured all over tho
Pantages circuit. Tho New York
Pllnnnr rinimiilL nautam V.Jntu
i ll" 1...H...V. i.u.iani TUlluijf
Billboard nnd newspapers throughout
mo unueu stnies upeaK highly of
them. Among tho tricks that Murray's
Dogs perform which no other doer hnB
accompusncu nro n lorwaru somcr-
. If I 1 A "
sault, hand balance actually mussling
on a honzontnl bar, their ragtimo
dancing, keeping timo with tho music
and many other stunts which merits
For Sale.
Lnrire POfits suitnhlt- for hnnrr'ntr
l " v . . . n"r
nuavy gaics anu lor comors. Also
Hmaller posts. J, K. Ottsnstein.
Cottonwood and Vicinity.
C. 0. Hutchinson and fnmilv went to
Chndron last Saturday on a visit to his
F. E. Rosso and family nrrlvod homo
Saturday from tholr trip to tho fair.
C. C. Clark wns elected superintend
ent nt I'ort McPhorsorf Sunday School
nst bunuay to till tho unexpired term
E. M. Arnold Is renresentintr t)m
Harrison Nursery Co.. of York, nnd
will bo clad to wnlt uoon vou In that
Mrs. Hellen Alilholland and two
dnughters, who wore visiting M. Ar
nold's for tho pnst two weeks, departed
Saturday morning (fir Sterling, Colo.
Ed Canfield has a colt supposed to bo
locoed. nd is nearly dead. Thorn in
plenty of tho weed in the pasture whero
the colt was running.
Mrs. Stevens sister from Western,
Mrs. Paul Stcven3. is visitinc at H. P.
Mrs. Adams and family from Vnllov.
Nebr., woro visitinc his cousins tho
Hutchinson family last week.
Kerr Bros, attended tho fair laBt
week nnd visited nt Fairfield nnd Sut
ton on their route.
Ed. Ilostotter has been Inthinor tho
nowly built houses nt Bigneli Inst week.
Earl Hardesty nnd Ben Johnson took
in the sights nt tho stnto fair last week.
John Discoo, nenr Bigneli, is making
tho beo business a very nrofitnbla oc
Rev. A. M. Horan. Mr. Fnrris nnd
Miss Leo attended the Sunday School
Convention in North Plutto Saturday
and Sunday.
J. W. 1' otter has been in Omaha dur-
nir tho past week and Dr. Kennon is
pharmacist during his nbsonce.
Harry Clark wns at homo on n visit
Sunday. Ho is located nt Paxton.
Lillian Hendv went on a visit to hor
mother in Denver Saturday morning.
it you want a itno suit or clothes call
on Merrick te Co. and thoy will givo
you n neat fit.
Alfalfa Seed,
Press Drills,
Ono Ilorso Disc Drills,
Hay Presses,
Detroit Vapor Stoves
Locust and 5th Streets.
High School Students
Should be Supplied With n
A new idea in u self
filling pen allows the use of
any ink and will not blot.
Guaranteed to give entire sat
isfaction. The price is lower thnn
others of equal grade
$1.25 and' $1.50.
For salo by
Schiller & Co.,
1st door north First Natl. Bank.
Notice for Bids.
Notice ia hereby givon that sealed
bids will bo received ut tho olllco of
tho city clork of NorMi Platte, Ne
braska, up to fivoVclock n. m.. Octo
ber 5th, l'JOD, for thu construction of a
lateral sewer in Sower District R In
said city according to plana and speci
fications now on tile in tho ofllco of tho
city clork or said city.
Approximate cost of sower latoral
as por report of city engineor is
Local labor to bo omployed na far ub
Certified check on local bank of two
por cent of amount of bid will bo ro-
nulrcd to nsuro ontorincr into contrnct.
batifnetory bond to bo givon when, con
tract in signed,
I ho mayor and council raservo tho
right to roject any and nil bids.
By order of tho city council.
Chas. T. Temi-lk, City Clork.
We carry a full line of Moulding- and make n
specialty of framing; pictures. $5
&v We arc headquarters
J Mattings.
5Z We have the largest,
f n 1-T.i ..... Cf.r.1 Jr.
Ck V-I.ll.l lllUUWllli; wJlUW.IV 111 IIIU V. Ill 11.1 1.1111 1111 fill
T orders on short notice.
T) Our Fall stock of stoves are here ready for your
inspection We car
lit Blast Steel and Cast
We handle
' Klfrl (rr HnpH 1 !.-. n r
Vl t? rt i
vt; 1'Ul hUIL UUill blUVKb U Uiirry tllC i.CLUri UilK.
fiv Magazine Burner, the Original Cole's Hot Blast, the ja
T) Round Oak and Marion Oak. These Stoves have a (T
world wide reputation and are the best stoves on the
fc market for the money. $5
We carry a complete line of LINCOLN PAINT Jg
F) consisting of outside and inside paints, porch and
5 floor paints, linseed oil, varnishes, oilstain, tintolac,
vyi japalac, glasses and brushes. fyj
vve asK you to visit our scores ana see u we xi
can't supply your wants. fF
m ita o
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Capital ...
Surplus Fund
Stockholders' Liability
Guarantee Fund for
(Not considering quick
E. F. Scebcrgcr, C. F. McGrcw, J. J. Halligan,
F. L. Mooncy, Arthur McNamara.
XXXX Best Flour $1.45 per sack
St. Louis Flour 1.35 per sack
Purity Flour ...if . 1 .35 per sack
Gold Crown Flour . 1.35 per sack
Cream Flour .-. ;. .. , 1.15 per sack
Extra Fancy Flour : 1.00 per sack
Graham Flour, 24 lb. sack ........... 65 per sack
Corn meal, 24 lb. sack 55 per sack
Shorts, 100 lb. sack 1.10 per sack
Bran, 100 lb. sack 1.00 per sack
General Practice of Medicine, Surgery and Lying-in Cases,
Tho ONLY non-narcotic and lawful Pile Cure, hecauso tho U. S. Dlspon
satory sayB every ingredient of E-ttU-SA is "Suitahlo for tho purpose for which
It is sold'1 (Piles) and tho Hamo authority condomnu the injurious narcotic
(dops) pile medlcineB. Only roliablo, up-to-dato druf-giata sell E-RU-SA. In
North Platto: Rchillor & Co, Stono Drii(f Co., apd McDonnell & Graves.
to last
DR. E. R. TARRY, 224
for Rugs, Linoleum and 75
. fj
most complete and up-to- S5
-K r r. A w
carry the Jewel and Cole's Hot SS
ast Ranges also Cook Stoves. $3
l?rt n.AnAHnnni. r t A MClir '
1 Ul tlJvlll UI1UU IlllU vuiv
..1. t" .. l.
n.. i ?H
Depositors $225,000.00
ussota and cash resources)
North Side,
together with HIS SPECIALTY
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Your Glasses Carefully Filled.
Office and Residence 413 E Fifth St.,
on ground floor, no stairs to climb.
Phone 559.
aii ueciai uiseases curca vriinout a surgical
operation. No Chloroform. Ether or other Ren-
aneasthetic used. CURE GUARANTEED
a LIFE-TIME. rjTiiXAMWATioN pkee.
Boo Bulldlnar, Omaha, Nobratka