The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 07, 1909, Image 5

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Our stock of watches
speaks eloquently of good
things, and there
3 111 ILL tinned by falling from a hay loft.
- manv oeoole whose hao- FT ... b
jt ' '
py experiences confirm
the reliability and worth
of thorn
Our success as watch
sellers has not been
merely fortuitous, but is
5 the result of the tinwav
I ering integrity and knowl-
edge gained by long
years of study. Every
watch we sell is a guar
$ anteed time keeper.
Thus you have more
reason to consider this
store as an object wor-
thy your seeking.
! DIXON, The Jeweler
Union Pacific Watch Inspector.
fr Jt fr!?t M M1' -1 f1
Prescription Druggists
Klrst Door North of
l'irst National Hank
Miss Ruth Streitz will attend Brown-
nnll Hull at Omaha the coming school
Sidney Dillon came down from
ranch yesterday and will remain
after the wedding of his sister.
Tho Modern Brotherhood of America
will bo '(riven a benefit at tho Keith
Theatre picturo show on tho evening of
September 30th.
Bratt and Goodman represent ten
strong, fire insurance companies; a
policy written by this firm moans that
you are safe. Try them.
Judge Grimes will begin tho rounds
of his judicial district next wek,
starting in at Gandy. He will be kept
-busy up to the close of the year.
Your furniture needs varnishing and
repairing before house cleaning. See
P. M. Sqrenson, Bhop 107 E. 5th St.
Tho cinder wnlkB leading to the court
house are being replaced with flag
Btones, an Improvement both useful
and ornamental, and ot.e that should
have been made years ago.
Wanted-A good girl for general
Mrs. A. B. Hoagland.
Tho acreage of wheat sown in Lin
coln county this fall will exceed tho
acreage of any previous year. The
yield of wheat this year-running from
twenty to thirty five bushols per acre
has induced farmers to put out a
heavy acreage this fall.
No clew has been obtained of tho
follow who, drove away two or three
weeks ago with a horse and buggy be
longing to Ralph Garman. It was
thought that the horse had been lo
cated at Callaway but investigation
proved that it was not German's
Attention Mothers.
The Viking School Suits.
You will like the Viking idea.
You will appreciate tho Makeup.
You will find them at
The Huh Clothing Department.
High School Students
Should bo Supplied With a
, . FOJIi'A i iJcA . .
A new idea in. a self
filling pen -allows the use of
any ink and will not blot.
Guaranteed to give entire sat
isfaction. Tho price is lower thou
others of equal grade
$1.25 and $1.50.
For sale by
Schiller & Co.,
1st door north First Natl. Bank.
Over First National. Phono 118
W. V. Hoagland left laat night for
Broken Bow to conduct a rase in the
district court.
SI Russell, tho blacksmith, is Buffer
ing from a badly sprained wrist, bus-
Uanic' L. Carey, of Gothenburg.
Miss JosRie P. Carston, of Farnam,
came to town Saturday and were
united in marriage by Judge Elder.
Ben Elliott leaves Thursday for
Terro Haute, Ind., to resume . his
studies in the Rose Polytechnic Insti
tute. Ben will graduato next June.
The latest novelties in men's and
boys' fall suits aro shown at The
Mrs. C. A. Weir and daughter Eliza
beth returned Sunday from a wo-
tractcd trip in Colorado, visiting at the
Sterling, IlilT, Denver and Colorado
Those who pin their faith to christian
science of whom there aro twenty
or thirty in town will organize a local
soctety. Mrs. Alden, who lately moved
from Grand Island, will probably act as
A well known North Platte mechan
ician has ordered a light weight gaso
line engine and will proceed to build a
flying machine according to his own
ideas, which nre quite different from
any of the plans so far attempted.
Leave your orders at Wilcox Depart
ment Store fo Peaches for canning.
Delivery about Sept. 2nd or 5th. Price
$1.00 per case.
John C. Butner, of St. Louis, resi
dent manager of the American Naval
Stores Co., and a classmate of L. W.
Walker, arrived in town yesterday and
will be "best man" at the Walker
Dillon wrdding Thursday evening.
For Sale Good second hand piano
$10 if taken at 'once. Inquire at 821
west Fifth.
Rev. Harmon, of Oregon City,
occupied the pulpit at the Lutheran
church Sunday and pleased tho congre
gation with his atronn sermons and
pulpit oratory. Mr. Harmon will re
main over next Sunday and it is prob
able that a call will bo extended him.
Men's, Indies' and children b sweat
ees, in all thn latest designs, aro shown
at The Leader.
General Manngor Mohler reiterated
tho statement a few days ago that
North Platte is to havo a now depot
probably next year. This may serve
to dispel tho belief held by some that
when the general manager first made
tho statement he was giving us heated
Exchange; Fine standard bred pac
ing stallion, record i'.vi, tor grazing
land. Snap. G A. Hobsnn, Fairfield,
Phelps county and Dawson county
will soon voto on $100,000 bonds for
new court nouses. Lincoln county,
which has a greater assessed value than
either of the above counties, will build
a now court house when tho present
inadequato structure tumbles down,
which it ts liable to do during some
strong wind, as tho foundation is badly
eaten by alkali.
School children, both boys and girls,
can be fitted out from head to foot nt
The Leader.
PlatiB for tho North Platto federal
building aro now being drawn in tho
architect's office in Washington. It is
expected that proposals for its con
struction will be asked this winter and
work begin next spring or summer.
It has been hinted that tho appropria
tion of $100,000 will not bo sufficient to
erect tho building needed, and an addi
tional appropriation will bo made
Alfalfa Seed,
Press Drills,
One Horse Disc Drills,
Hay Presses,
Detroit Vapor Stoves
Locust and 5th Streets.
The first marriage recorded to have
taken place in what is now Lincoln
connty occurred June 10th, 18G1, and
tho parties were Camillo Pettier and
Mulinda Hall. This county was then
Shm-tpr county and hanker Charles
i I . i i ' n '
. . fillip Ill lOllWlXJII
Springs, then tin county scat. The
second cep'mony did not occur until
May 2lst, 186fl, and tho third couple to ,
h' married worn Robert Rowland and
l).iii (J i tin . Si ily thi- v d-
tli'ig oecorri'il t hi in irri igi of ah-
Jngt'n lli'iinm mid Virginia Hill, Mr,
MeDonuld tjing ilu- nuptial knot.
Matz C. Skade, of Cozad, Neb., is
ottering his Haiublutonlan Stallion,
Lyle, 11871, for sale if disposed of
soon. Send for copy of pedigree and
deecription. Or, would trado for a
Standard bred inure.
For Sale.
The Clark farm of 610 acres, 480
acres farm land overy foot of which
can ho cultivated; 225 acros growing
crop, 160 acres of hay meadow which
will cut 150 tons. Located ten miles
southwest of North Platte. For partic
ulars call or address, .
BiL'A CimkKI, IitfrsWy, Neb.
Final Oxford
Price Reduction
All low shoes priced to move
We prefer a loss to carrying
All are this season's goods
standard of qunlity.
All Men's Oxfords worth up to $5.00 for
Patents, plain black leathers, tans, ereen
and Oxbloods.
All Women's Oxfords worth up to $4 for
Patents, black kid and tans.
All Women's Oxfords worth up to 2.50 for
Black, tans and Oxbloods
All Misses Oxfords go
Hlack and tan
All Children's sizes 5 to 8,
Womens' White Canvas Oxfords all go at
The Los Angeles limited due at noon
yesterday was annulled and run as
second No. G. last night. Delay was
duo to a washout.
Engine 1669 broke an engine truck at
Piano Sunday. Machinist DoRolf was
sent up to get tho engine in shape to
bring back to tho shops.
Firemen James Gulden, Thos. Axtcll,
J. J. Weaver and Geoogo Mang will
take tho mechanical examination for
engineers next Friday.
Forty engines of tho 300 class will
soon bo received for service on tno
First, Second and Third districts.
Compound engines now in use out of
this terminal will be sont to the west
end of the Wyoming division or tho
Utah division.
Car Movement.
During tho month of August 40,682
cars passed througli tho local yards,
exclusive of passenger cars, as com-
parod with -16,985 in August 1908, on
increase of 2,697 cars. This is cortain
ly a very respectablo showing, and ov
idunco of the resumption of freight
trallic on the overland route, "Jio safe
road to travel."
Drops Dead While at Work.
William Harris, employed in the
laborer's gang ot tho Union Pacific
shops, dropped dead about ten o'clock
this morning while at work. Ho was
engaged in Hushing a sewer in the rear
of the shops with a rubber hose. Ho
had crawled out of tho manhole, and
was immediately taken with n slight
convulsion. A fellow laborer caught
hold of him to give him support, and at
that instant ho gave a last gasp.
Harris was an unmarried man about
fifty years of ago and lived with his
mother on west Seventh street. Prior
to taking employment with tho com
pany ho worked with the street gang.
He is a brother of "Teeter" Harris.
Tho latest Pumps at The Leader.
Get inlo the best kept houses
h sjit of every precaution. It
teems impossible to keep them
out. They arc often brought
into the house in tho grocer's
basket or some parcel delivered
by a tradesman.
A remedy exists for this evil
Ant, Bug & Roach Powder
Just dust it in all damp places
and you are safe for the season.
It never fails.
Four sizes: 1 5c, 25c, 45c.
and 75c.
McDonel! & Graves.
them out and promptly,
them until another season.
correct styles and our
go at,
Co. 9
Fine Ranch For Sale.
3,680 acres of land 10 miles north
west from North Platte; 1,200 acres
under tho Birdwood ditch, 2,480 upland
abovo the ditch. This lauch is known
as tho Augusta Schapp ranch. There
Is n good house and barn; main road
running through land. Can be diyided
into three farms. Party owning this
land lives in Ohio and will sell at a bar
gain. Liberal terms for part of pur
chase price. Address
Joseph W. Adkins, Circhiville, Ohio.
Cottonwood and Vicinity.
Mrs. Clapp nnd three children, of
Chadron nro visiting her brother C. C.
Ed Porterfield will run the ranch in
tho nbsence of F. E, Roils.
Miss Albec, of North Platte, began
school at tho Fort McPherson school
house Monday.
Irl Sowlo started for Lincoln Mon
day to attend school.
Mrs. Clark and daughter Amy ro
turned last Tuesday from their trip to
the coast.
J. W. Fottcr's now house is well
under construction; tho frumo work is
all up.
Wm. Dolan has tho cement blocks
made for his house in Maxwell.
Alvm feather .moved ins family in
their new houso at Maxwell Monday
morning in timo to begin school.
Vernon Kuhns and Lano Chappcll
started Saturday morning for Lincoln
to attond business college.
Mr. Sago was on hand ready to begin
school Monday morning. His assist
ants are Misses Louden, Moore and
Sunday-school at McPherson school
house voted to elect a superintendent
to fill rest of term in Merlo Arnold's
place, who will shortly leave for Lin
coln to attend the usivcrsity.
Quite a number of whiskey bottleB
were found in possession of a resident
near Maxwell Saturday night.
Miss Towers is clerking at Merrick's.
Ask Chester Cohen how ho canio to
run oil' tho bridge near Maxwell Sun
day night. If he can't explain maybe
Bob Richardson can give you some ex
planation. Charley Wood, of Sutherland, whoso
hardware store was burned out a week
ago, is in town today getting figures on
the cost of a cement bujldlng suitable
to his needs. .
Boars for Sale.
There aro still somo choice
Duroc Jersey boars for sale at
cud) at tho Lxprimental
The Long and Short of It
b that it is impossible to make a better
five cent cigar than tho Forrest King.
It contains tho finest tohacbo and the
most of it thnt the nrico nermits. Trv
a Forrest King today and tells us what
ou think of it. If you throw it away
before smoking it down to the last puff
we miss our guess.
XXXX Best Flour $1.2$ per sack
St. Louis Flour ...Y.'.,-.'.. .. -..1.35 per sack
Purity Flour . . ". .'.V. 1.35 per sack
Gold Crown Flour p. . 1.15 per sack
Cream Flour .V. v. 1.00 per sack
Extra Fancy Flour 90 per sack
Graham Flour, 24 lb. sack 65 per sack
Corn meal, 21 lb. sack
Shorts, 100 lb. sack
Bran, 100 lb. sack
Lamb's North Side,
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Capital -Surplus
Stockholders' Liability
Guarantee Fund for
(Not considering quick
E. F. Scebergcr, C. F. McGrew, J. J. Halligan,
F. L. Mooney, Arthur McNamara.
Distilled Water lee.
The Lexington Artificial Ice Works has established
an agency in North Platte with Joseph Spies as agent,
and are prepared to furnish in unlimited quantities this
Distilled Water Ice. The price is fifty-five cents per
ioo pounds.
Will also furnish patrons with Distilled Water
will hereafter take up the
General Practice of Medicine,
Tho ONLY non-narcotic nnd lawful Pilo Cure, hocause tho U. S. Dispen
satory sayH uvery ingredicntof I2-RU-SA is "Suitahlo for tho purpose for wliich
it is sold" (l'iles) and tho tunno authority condemns tho injurious narcotic
(dops) pile medicines. Only reliable, up-to-date druggists sell F.-HU-SA in
North IMatte. Schillor & Co, Stono Drug Co., nnd McDonnell & Graves.
are pretty euro to bo patrons of Arm
strong's Restaurant and show by their
appnaroncc that thoy get the best food
provided, Thoy get the best tho mar
ket provides, deltclously and daintily
cooked und served, Our bill of faro
contains all tho luxuries of tho season.
Mrs. Jdn'nlo AVrrlBtttfng, Prdp.
45 per sack
1.00 per sack
90 per sack
Depositors $225,000.00
assets nnd cash resources)
ater. i
Surgery and Lying-in Cases,
together with HIS SPECIALTY
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Your Glasses Carefully Filled.
Office and Residence 413 E Fifth St.,
on ground floor, no stairs to climb.
Phone 559.
30 years actual experience.
A Drive in tho Country
is marred in pleasure if there's the
loast fear of tha harness in caso the
horse is startled. Trustworthy leather
and workmanship make the harncw
going out under our Bign more desir
able than our soiling figures would in
dicate. Wo rcquost a trial order.