The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 03, 1909, Image 8

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    Semi - Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
sunsoniPTioN hatesi
One Year, cash In adrance , .... 11.25
Months, cash In advance 65 ctn
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Postofflcn
as second class matter.
Somi: fellow haa figured that tho
Amcricnn pcoplo gulped down five
billion fewer drinks of liquor Inst yenr
thnn tho year before. Thin is figured
from tho decrease in the production,
whisky having fallen oil thirty-seven
million gallons and beer 351,000,000
The South Omaha market reached
tho record prico for hogs again Tues
day, when many loads sold at $8 and an
extrcmo top of $8.05 was paid for a lot
of soventy-six head, Tho record price
for tho year wns reached in July,
when $8.05 was paid. Tho bulk of tho
oircrings went at about $7.85, which in
a pretty high average. Poor hogs
sold less than this, but hogs of good
quality were in great demand.
Tables of tho values of the farm
products for tho present year contain
some surprising information, For in
stanco: Tho poultry products are
worth much moro than tho baled cotton
crop; worth more than tho wheat,
sugar, rico and buckwheat crops com
bined, tho totnl valuo being placed at
$750,000,000. At this rate tho hens
could pay an annual dividend of about
5 per cent on tho entire capital stock of
all tho railroads of this country.
Back cast tho saloon men claim that
tho fivo cent plcturo shows have dono
much toward putting them out of busi
ness. Tho man who formerly squan
dered two bits each evening in tho sa
loon now uses tho two bits in taking
his wifo and thrco children to tho plc
turo show. Tho picturo show thore
foro seems to havo its placo in making
tho world hotter.
THE Amo.lcun National Red Cross
has issued nn appeal to tho American
pcoplo for contributions for tho rolicf
of tho Mexican flood sufferers. Con
tributions may bo sent in care of tho
War department. A telegram from
tho American coiibuI nt Mon.orey
states that thousands are homoloss and
practically tho entiro population of
100,00 Hiiirerors from tho flood. It is
bollovcd that $100,000 will bo needed to
meet tho emergency,
Some now" aspirants for honors in
tho gubernatorial raco next year nro
J)oing strongly talked, says tho Lin
"coin Journal. Thoy exist in both
parties. In tho republican ranks they
nro Lieutenant Governor Hopowoll,
and J. L. McBrion, and in the demo
cratic ranks J, E. Millor and Charloy
Pool havo boon mentioned. Somi of
theso will probably mntcrlulizo into
bona fido candidates but if thoy do it
is recognized that thoy will compltcato
n situation already rather complex.
to Scattlo with his military stuff and
whllo thoro was entertained with con
siderable pomp, has filed a claim upon
tho stato for $185 for expenses of tho
trip. Heretofore when, governors of
Nebraska made pleasuro trips, thoy
paid their own oxponsos, but not so
with tho present incumbent; ho evi
dently believes that tho governor's life
should be ono continual round of pleas
uro and that tho stato should foot tho
bill. If this woro tho first bill tho gov
drirr had filed for such purposes, it
might go Unnoticed, but scvoral wore
previously filed. This is un instance
of "democratic simplicity,"
Mit. GoMi'Ens finds himself in hot
water nt tho International trados union
congress in Paris. American labor la
nccused of iukowarmnoss toward tho
international labor movement. That
such a rift should Bhow itsolf was in
evitable. Labor unionism in Eui opo is
sjrflonymoua with socialism. In France
It, is the 'socialism that refuses to talk
compromise or reform and adheres to
ftnythiijg but "public ownership of nil
4tho implements of production." In
' Teutonic countries, Germany and Eng
land, for instance, it is Fabian, willing
to tako half a loaf today and fight for
tho rest tomorrow. But tho aim is tho
enmo; Ab yot union labor in Amoricu
frowns upon socialism. Debs and his
followers nro a lively faction, but far
from dominant. That American labor
Bupporting capitalism and European
labor fighting it should not mingle har
moniously 1b no moro wonderful thun
say, n raco confi'ct. State Journal.
Lexington this week voted $50,000
bonds for two now school buildings nnd
on October 1st a proposition will bo
submitted to tho votora of that county
to voto $100,000 for a now court house.
Lexington and Dawson county aro up
and a-coming all tho time.
A farmer living near Kearney lost
run of tho dntca and drovo into Kear
ney Sunday with a load of produce,
He quickly discovered hla mistake and
took Ma jtfotiut'e hbmu. I
Lincoln county ought to "look good"
to prospective land buyers, especially
when they learn that this year aomo
farmers have raised a small grain crop
worth moro than the land is valued.
Certainly better conditions than those
arc not to be found everywhere.
Alfalfa Seed,
Press Drills,
Ono Horse Disc Drills,
Hay Presses,
Detroit Vapor Stoves
Locust and iith Streets.
With two exceptions, last month waB
the warmest August this section has
had sine.! the establishment of tho local
wen thcr bureau in 1875, tho mean for
tho month having been seventy-seven
degrees. Tho two exceptions were
1900, with a mean of seventy-seven,
nnd 1881 with an average of eighty de
green. Tho warmest day last month
was tho 11th, when tho tcmpornturc
reached ninoty-Ecvcn. Not only was
tho month a hot one, but it was un
usually dry, tho precipitation for the
month amounting to but 1.24 Inches,
which is 1.13 inches less than the av
orago for tho month, nnd lesB.than dur
ing nny August since 1895.
Mntz C. Skade, of Cozad, Neb., is
oflerfrng his Hambletonian Stallion,
Lyle, 11871, for sale if disposed of
soon. Send for copy of pedigree and
description. Or, would trado for a
Standard bred marc. '
Sugar Factory Goes to Scotts Bluffs.
The sugar factory nt Leovltt is beinj.'
dismantled and will bo removed to
Scotts BlufTs. This is tho factory that
a yoar or two ago Lincoln county
hopod to secure, but through n falling
off in tho number of acres of beets
grown tho prospects of securing the
removal of tho factory pinched out.
Tho romovnl of tho factory to Scotts
Bluffy meatiB quito a boom for that
section of tho North Plat to valloy."
Arrested for Stealing Mail Pouch.
Frank Montrn, charged with robbing
a mail Back at Lodgo Pole, was arrest
ed at Choyonne Saturday and has been
brought to jail In this city to await tho
action of tho federal grand jury. When
Montrn wna searched a draft on an
Omaha bank for $285 wns found In his
pockets. It is Baid that two men wero
implicated in the robbery of a mail
pouch which was taken from n grab
hook nt Lodgo Polo, a small station
whoro tho mail train does not stop, but
picks up tho mail on tho fly. Thoy took
tho pouch nway from tho station and
ripped It open, obtaining whatever of
valuo thoro was in tho pouch. Tho
other man haa not yot been caught.
For Sale.
400 choice brood ewca. Want to close
out within noxt 30 days. Terms easy.
Thos. E. IlESKETT,
, Sutherland, Neb.
Cut to One Dollar.
Tho Lincoln Daily Stato Journal
wants a few thousand now trial sub
scribers and has cut itn prlco from now
to Jnn 1, 1910, to only $1, or daily and
Sunday both for $1.25. This is n spec
ially low prico for such n newspapor
and will result in big buisnesg. Tho
Journal stops when the time is out so
that peoplo need not bo afraid to tako
ono of theso special oirera. It's not a
trick to got you started. The Journal
haa greatly enlarged and improved each
year und haa been having a wonderful
growth in ita renders, being tho paper
of our stato capital it ia especially the
paper for Nobraakans to read, and it
has an especially clean lot of roudora
because tho papor itself la clean, having
cut out all liquor nnd objectionable
medical advertising. Tho Journnl is
thoroughly independent, and has been
making a determined fight to havo our
representatives at Washington do
Bomthing to lower tho cost of living.
Ifyouwantto read not only all of
tho nowB of tho world, but a practical
helpful nowspapor, working in tho In
terc8ta of tho masses of Nebrnskans,
try The Lincoln Journal until Jan. 1,
1910 at tliis cut prlco.
Land For Sale.
Eighty ncroa land, all cultivated and
suitablo for alfalfa, consisting of tho
west half of southwest quarter section
18-M-H2, Lincoln Co. , Nob., nbout two
miles northwest of Hershey. Address
G. S. Larson, 320 Campboll St., Wil
liumsport, Pa.
The Long and Short of It
is that it is impossible to mako n hotter '
five cent cigar than tho Forroat King.
It eniltillllH tlln llnnuf tnhnnlm n...l tw.
most of it that tho prico permits. Try
a Forrest King today and tells us what
you think of It. If you throw It nwav
before smoking It down to tho laBt pull'
wo miss our guess.
i i
The Modest Liltlc Home That
Was Happy, Though Poor.
Copyright, lMfl, by Aiwoclnted Lltornry
Mrs. I.owls Ailelbert SlinniH paused
a moment uh the automobile deposited
her on the walk before a Mat building
thnt, to say tile least, was battered,
thouh pathetically respectable look
ing. "I)enr mo!" she said faintly. Then
she turned sharply on the Imperturb
able driver. "Do you mean to Bny,"
she nuked rather fretfully, "that thla
Im UU." ltosomore court?"
'The wiiuv," said the hired driver.
"Two twenty-live, please."
Ah Mi'N. Slmms opened the elaborate
gold mesh puree she carried hIio wns
conscious of a bewildered surprise. Of
courno nlie had known Carrie had not
married wealth, but Carrie's letters In
the years during which they had not
seen each oilier had been so cheerful 1
How nny woman eould bo cheerful liv
ing on thla little Hide Htrcct wns beyond
Hetty Slmms.
Still bewlldere I ami holding her
trailing sklrta daintily, she entered the
building, null another mit-prlse met her.
There was no elevator, and .Mrs. Lewis
Adelbert Slmms was used to having
elevators when kIio needed them. Ap
parently (here wan nothing to do but
to ellmli, anil to the fourth floor too!
IJnch Htep added to her amazement.
It was InipoHHlblo to picture Carrie
a haniHHed by poverty. In their
kcIiooI days nho Iind been one of the
regal creatures the mere night of
whom railed up visions of ermine and
old hu e, of jnekeys and gold coin.
They had nil been mire .Carrie would
marry a millionaire. When Hhc did
marry she wrote Hetty Slmms, who
had Indeed married a millionaire, much
to every one's, being a Hinall,
quiet, demure little creature of no ap
parent brilliance, one of her charae
lerlHlle letterw.
"Mother Is furious," Carrie wrote
cheerfully, "because Tom Isn't rich, 1
cant make her nee we shall be far too
busy Just being happy to have the
mere matter of money count. As for
that, some day Tom wilt be rich. He
Iiuh the hraliiHl"
And this was all Toiu'h brains had
done for Carrie In six years! When
she had written Carrie hIio would pass
through her town and wanted to look
her up the prompt reply and Invitation
to luncheon had not mentioned those
three lllghtw of stairs. Perhaps Carrie
was ho used to them she had not
thought. Mrs. Slmms pressed the but
ton beside the door.
There was a clatter of feet down In
the Inside hall and a Woman's voice In
laughing protest, and the door opened
to precipitate a Hinall sized avalanche
of small boy and barking, woolly dog
almost Into tho astonished arms of the
caller,' Behind the avalanche Htood
"Hetty at last!" she cried. "Anthony,
let the lady In! Tako Sub away. We
call the dog Substitute because he's
Hiieh a ridiculous Imitation of a real
hearty dog."
Mrs. Slmms found herself drawn by
her friend across tho tiny hall Into the
living room, and there the two took a
good look at each other. Carrie, the
regal Carrie, stood clad In a blue and
white wash shirt waist suit that would
not bo Injured by eutry Into tho
kitchen. Above It the old brilliant,
eager face, thinner, with hints of lines
and with Its Interested, searchlug
brown eyes, looked down as of old on
lictty Slmms In her Paris wrap and
her trading gown. There was a com
passion In Uotly'ueyiM that shone forth
unknown lo her,' and Carrlu laughed
her old ny laugh.
"You paid at least !?K) for that love
of a hat, Hetty," she tnld, ."but per
haps you won't mind taking It off and
laylng-lt on my $10.fi0 bed."
"It's a bird of pnrndl-e," said Belly
mechanically as she struggled with
tho hatpins. The dresser silver was the
same Carrie had had at school, with
no additions. The dresser scarf was
only hemstitched scrim, and the bed
spread, though dainty, was of a dow
ered sllkollne that Hetty knew In her
soul had 'been picked up for a few
cents a yard.
Still dazed, she followed her hostess
back Into the little parlor. In spite
of Its Hinallness It looked bare. N'ol
a siipcrlluous article, adorned Its walls
The mantel boasted a islnule ornament
a Jar of qunlnt pottery. Tho books
on the table, howovor, were plentiful.
The single small rug on the waxed
tloor was an oriental. Through tho
arch the dining room t'iblo showed,
weathered oak, artistic, but tho cheap
est of woods.
"Tell lue all about yourself, Hetty,"
her hostess wna bogglms.
For an Instant Mrs. Lewis Adelbert
Slmms groped or words. "Why." she
laughed, n trllle ruefully, "there Isn't
anything to tell! 1 Just got married,
und life goes on, und there, aro lots of
parties and dinners and things, and
1 always seem to bo In a terrible rush,
or clso T.owls Is, and wo never have
time for anything!"
"I see," snld her hostess, u little
quietly, her great eyes taking In tu
somewhat expressionless face of tho
other "Will you excqso mo whllo 1
put lunnh on tho table unless you
waut fo come Into tho kitchen with
She smiled as If giving an Invitation
to conn Into the conservatory, and
Hetty ytinms followed and, sitting on
a woeden chair, watched Carrie's deft
Business Education Pays, t
When You are Prepared there is a
Good Situation Ready for You . . : . .
Every student who
Course the nast is now in n o-nrul sittmtirm mn-1
we have had calls for many more young1 people than X
we could furnish.
We let you complete our course and then pay ft
itrmt- fnMnn Tlw. Mf T?V'rn A 1717 17 C .. ..
niay enter at any time after September 7th, when ft
J the fall term begins. ft
1' Strong Faculty. Reasonable Rates. Well Equipped A
l. C 1 1 T7 . V OV I- . 1 1. 1 i
School. Fourteen Years Since Established.
If interested, write to
movement from cupboard to refrigera
tor and to the stove.
"Why," hhe said Involuntarily, "yu
wef as If you like doing this, Carrie
Carrie paused on her way to tho
table. "I don't mind." she said. "It's
only a means to an end. He wants
you to lake him. Hetty."
Mrs. Slmms looked Into the face of
small Anthony clutching her gown
and, lilting him up, was surprised to
have him cuddle down contentedly as
one used to being held and made much
Sub, (he woolly dog, followed, and
many emotions chased themselves
through the head of Mrs. Slmms. To
her credit, not once did she think of
the possible wrinkling and spoiling of
her gown. When before In her life
had hr arms been full of woolly dog
and llnle boy? It wns n new sensation.
None of her friends seemed as Inti
mately acquainted with their own chil
dren as Carrie wns with hers. Never
before at luncheon had Mrs. Slninu so
much as seen a child, let alone touch
ed one. Yet somehow Anthony did
not seem out of place here nor in tho
way. lie seemrd part of the house
hold and to take his place naturally.
It was a very simple luncheon,
though n dainty one. nnd It tasted
amazingly good to the visitor, who
was rather silent. She was trying to
reconcile the cheerful face of Carrie
I'eahody with the account Carrlo was
giving of her life.
"It lias been hard on Tom," she was
saying. "The company ho was with
when we married failed, and that end
ed putting his Invention through. And
when he did get nnother place typhoid
took him, you know, and It was
months well, wo got through some
how. I hnd a few hundreds of my
own saved for some emergeuey, and I
concluded the emergency had arrived.
And things havo kept coming up
Tom's brother's trouble nnd then this
small boy of ours, nnd with It nil wo've
been, as I wrote you, Hetty, poor very
"But," said the woman, listening,
struggling to adjust the facts before
her "but you seem so happy, Carrie."
There was a hint of envy in her tone.
"Why shouldn't I be?" asked the
woman In the blue wash gown, An
thony on her knee. "Some time It
will bo better, when Tom gets a firm
hold 011 things. And I have hliu and
Anthony, and we nil care truly about
each other, and because we aren't rich
enough to go outside llnd distraction
nnd amusement wo've learned to de
pend ou each other, and we're very
contented doing It, Hetty. We'ro very
happy in this little cheap flat. Why,
I suppose we're Just as happy as you
and Lewis, with all your money and
what It brings Into your lives."
Across the face of the listening wom
an there was a faraway expression
that was tinged with n llttlo bitter
ness. It was as If she wero looking
Into her past and seeing many things.
"Carrie." she spoke suddorly, envi
ously, "Vi give all It has brought me
and ever bids fair to bring me for
ono minute of the perfect companion
ship poverty has brought you and
Tom. And for Anthony yes. nnd for
the woolly dog thai loves you all."
"I'm sorry nbout the stairs," Carrie
told her wuest as she watched her de
part a little later to the pulling auto
mobile below.
"Oh," said Hetty. "I never thought
of them! I I'm thinking nbout some
thing elue. Stairs really don't mntter
much, after all."
And tho curve of the descent swal
lowed up tho bird or parndlso as Mrs.
Lewis Adelbert Slmms went back
with n strange reluctance to tho world
of elevators nud unlimited credit.
Furniture Repairing
Also Woodturning.
.... A Specialty.
Shbp 107 Eatt Fifth,
completed our
Combined ft
A Spanking Good Team
Is at your command whenever you tell
us you want it. This livery stable is
prepared to supply instantly any kind
of a rig you require. While in your
service it is as much yours aa if you
owned it. The difference is that you
pay only for the time vou use it. and
not for tho time it is standing in tho
stable. Thnt beats private ownership
uit ijuiiuw.
A. M. Loch.
0 . Homeopathic Physician
nnd Surgeon.
Office: McDonald Bank Huilding.
Phono 183.
A. ,T. Ames, M. I). Mario Ames. . 1).
Physicians nnd Surgeons.
Oflice: Over Stono Drug Co.
Phones: Oflico 273, Residence 273
pEO. 13. DENT,
U Physician nnd Surgeon.
Oflico: Over McDonald Bank.
It. L. C. DROST.
Osteopathic Physician,
Rooms 7 and 8. McDonnld
Stato Bank Building,
Phono 148.
OfUco over Scha1- Clothintr
Store. Phono 8
Oflico: Cor. Front & Dowe' aa.
KKNHANT8. Julia I.aiitz and Kranlc l.antz. I'lalnttirs. I
Vs. )
Hollo Jni'obsnml I.nura Hood DofciulantN. I
Hollo Jacobs ntul Laura Cluod nro lie ruby
no'.lllcd tliat tlu-y liavo boon surd In tho Dis
trict court of Lincoln County. NobrnsUa. by
John Lantz ami Frank Lantz. who havo tiled
a duly vorlllod notltlou In said court tho ob
ject and nrayer of which It to secuio tho
partition ainont.' said iilnliitlirs and defen
dants, of tho west halt of tho north east
quarter and tho west half ot tho south east
ininrtor In section No. twolve, In township
No. thirteen, or ranee No tweniy-eluht,
real estate tittuated lu said Lincoln County,
ISeliraHka. Vou urn required to uiiMvor said
petition on or boforo tho Uth day 0f Saiiteui
bor, A. D.. 1MH.
J,'JU2 I,A.MZ aml 1'"nk Lantz, Plaintiffs,
liy It. O. ai-.NVii.t.i:, tholr Atty,
ROAD NO. 3181.
To nil whom it may concern:
The commissioner nppointod for the
purpono of location; a public road as
Commencing at tho southeast comor
of lot 5 of "County Clerk's" Subdivi
sion of lot 1 nnd southeast qurter
northeast quarter of section -I, town
ship 13, ratiKo 30, in Lincoln County,
Nehraskn, a"d running thence north on
section lino to tho southeast corner of
lot 2 of said County Clerk's subdivision
ami runnine; thenco west on tho lino be
tween lota 2 and 3 and between lots 12
on tho north, nnd 10 and 11 on tho south
of said County Clork's subdivision, rnd
terminating at tho southwest corner of
lot 12 of said County Clerk's subdivi
sion, has reported in favor of tho loca
tion of said road, and all claims for
damage or objections thereto must bo
filed In the oflico of the county clerk by
noon on the 30th day of September A.
D. , 1909, or such road will bo estab
lished without referenco thereto.
Dated Nortli Plntto, Nebraska, July
29-OU. p. k. Elliott, 'Cclirity Clerk. '
Notice for Publication.
Serial No. (KI58.
Dnpartmont of tho Interior.
U. S- Land Oflico ot North Platte. Nob.
Julr 20th, 1909.
Notleo Is lioroby irlvrn that John Oiindratn,
of North Plat to. Nei who on July 10th,
UUI, mndo Homostood Kntry No. 20HM), Sorlai
No-oalM. for nortli hall and southeast quar
ter fiectlon 10. towimhii) ir, north, rainro 29,
west ot tho ith i)rlm,lnol meridian, has filed
notice of Intention to malio final live yoar
oroof, to establish claim to tho land above
Ooserlbed, before tho register and reculvor at
North I lattf, Nebraska, on tho 2Uh day of
Soptember. 11W,
Claimant names as witnesses: Wilson IL
Combs. Garfield Outhcrloss, William I'ltttnan
and Jnd Combs, all of North Platto, Nob.
Jf- J. E. Evans. Resistor.
Serial No. 02(0.
Department of tho Interior.
D. S. Land Olllco at North Platto. Noli.
Notice Is hereby nlvcn that Dennis Mclf 1 1 1 1 1
of North Platte. Nob., who, on April 10. 1IO0.
m1d0fJ."1r,Ptul ,cntr". Na 'l778' serial
No- Oaaio for south half, east half north
east quarter, northwest qnartor northeast
quarter nnd southwest quarter northwest
i,l?v,crtftHeSt "".r6' Tow,,sll" ':' N.. Uaneo
i. )h' of li'V ' th "K'liml .Meridian, has ulod
notice or Intention to mako final live yoar
r,!.,0it',,,u,,'"sl,, tho land above
described, Ix-foro tho Iteelstcr and Uccolver.
SSwimtarK0' 'Nb- on 11,0 Skl of
t5in.!"i!"lt ,,.'.?.,.'lcs aH witnesses: David W.
Macomher. William Doobko, J. A. Toops and
ll. K pobke.Jr.. all of Nortfi Platte. Nob.
J1'1' J. K. Evans. Heclstor.
Serial No. U3350.
,. Department of tho Interior.
I . S. Land Olllco at North Platto. Nob.
v berebj-ulveiitliat Walter K. Cov
ollof North Platte. Neb., whe. ou Oct. 10. liw.
Mi.0,l'o,.'!!,,,eart, 0,ltr -"Wl. sorlai No.
28s:. for. I;- section, township H. N. ranifo
7?',V c f"i ,lh ,rl,lfl'al Meridian, has "lied
notice of Intuition to mako final llvo vear
&fii ,0. Ttabllsl1. cIa.1'" 10 land abivo
n FS iH'.'i.'r.'V"5'? KVr "'! Receiver
Sttr.'lW.' Nubrask0' " 11,0 m ,,ay
Claimant names as witnesses: (Jeoro
s l'vK"' ,),u""Is l rcen. Ilarrr Lamplaunh.
L. 8. Ma.'omber. all of North Platto. Nob.
J- E.Evans, lleulstor.
n c. .NO'i'l9E K SKTTLEMFNT.
'I ho State of Nebraska. I tu
Lincoln County. f ss
In the County Court.
In tho matter of tho estato of Fred Gols
deceased. I o thocredltors. heirs, legatees and
others Interested In tho cstatoof ld Oei".
.nlak, .,notlt;e' that John Dels lias
filed In tho county court a report of Ids
lolntrH as administrator of said estate and
h , VH.hViH'a.t Jllo.Bamo "land for hearlne
tho 18th day of September. A- D. KW. bc-
S'SmW c.ourl nt 11,0 ,,0llr of a o'clock p. in.,
at which tlmo any person Interested may ap
pear and oxcopt to and contest tlio same. And
notleo of this procecdlnc Is ordered Klven
a tho North Platto Tribune for six successlvo
Issues prior to September 18. 11KAI
V ltness my hand and tho seal of tho county
A. T) llw 'att0 ,1,ls y0th day of AuKUSt
a so-0 vv. o. Emikii. County Judeo.
Serial No. 02IS2.
,t It1'artmunt of the Interior.
u. S. Land Olllco at North Platte. Nob.
M .. , July llth.liieii
n r,!6.',1 ? ".?rV.Vy. clr.on lhat William
?,ui 'Ai0t No,rtl ,l atto, Nob., who on July
20th. Ml made Homestead Entry No. SOU-.
Mortal No. UilM. for cast half, east half
northwest quarter and oast half southwest
quarterof section 8. township 11 north, ranco
j o' "'O slxtn principal meridian, has
Hied notleo of Intention to mako final llvo
year proof, to establish claim to tho land
abovp described, boforo tho Reclstor and
ia'yroriU,latt0 Nubraska''
Claimant names as witnesses! Martin Jen
Vn',',ofi. mrlf.YNoU!.,Alo.x Drown. Rediry
Platte. Neb Wheoler. all of North
i'-0 'j ' J. E. Evasb. Rcelstor.
Serial No. 01832.
Notice for Publication.
u I'opartmontof tho Interior.
U. 8. Land Olllco at North Platto, Nob.
vS? 1,s,10.robJ Klven that John Gundram.
"UNuli' "aft0 Nfbraskp. who. on Aueust
kl. 1 Wi, mado homestead ontry No. 1VUU0.
Serial No. 01KK. for southwest quartor section
10. Township 15. north. Ranco 20 west of tho
Sixth Principal ilorldlan has filed uotlcoof
Intention tp mako Unal llvo year proof lo es
tablish claim to tho land above described,
boforo tho RcKistor and Receiver at North
1WJ " tlayotSoptembor.
Claimant names as witnesses: Wilson II.
Combs. Oarlloldtlutherless, William Plttman
and Jud Combs, all of North Platto. Nob.
J--fl J. E. EVANH. Reclster.
Serial No. 0.'02ll.
, IJnlted States iiand Olllco.
At Nortli Platte. Nohraska July 14. lliOfl.
Notice Is horpby given that Clinton .M. Vork
.'.fn.Maxw","' Nebraska, who. on Juno 2ntb.
1W)I, mado homestead entry No. 20HX'.
serial No. 0ZOM. for south half northwest
quarter, lots !l and I, southwest quartor and
southeast quarter. S'eetlon 4, Township II N..
Ratiiro 28 W., of tho Dili, Principal Meridian,
has filed notice of Intention to mako
I. . ".v. ycaV . I'roof, to establish
claim to tho laud alnivo described, boforo
tho register and receiver, at North Platto.
Nebraska, ou tho Kith day otSoptembor. IIWU.
Claimant names as witnesses: i M.
Kuser. of North Platte. Neb . Will Lomrpre,
and A. M. Wilson, of Maxwell. Nob., and
Olen l ercusou. of North Platte. Nob.
J-- J - E. Evans. Register.
Serial No. (AIM.
, Department of tho Interior.
lT. fc. Land Olllco at North I'latte. Neb.
V.I.,.. . AllK' 1U! IWJ.
Notice Is hereby ulvon that William II.
t urploof North Platte. Nob., who. on July U,
mil, mado homeslead entry No. SOill, serial
section 28. township 12. N. ranco SI, W. of tho
ilth Principal Morldan. has filed notleo of In
tent on to mako final llvo year ptoof. to
establish claim to tho land above described,
boforo tho Refilster and Receiver at North
Platte, Neb, on tho 15th day of Oct. 1WJ.
Claimant names as wltnssses: JohnSchar
man, Curtis E. Illuman, Carl Hrocdor, IluEli
Songer, all ot Nortli Platto. Nub.
a'20-0 J. E. Evans. Register.
John Uaty and Ellie J. Bnty, his wife,
will tako notice that on the first dny of
July, 1909, P. H. Sullivan, a Justice of
tho Peace in and for Lincoln county,
Nebraska, issued an Order of Attach
ment for the sum of $20.00 in an action
now pending boforo him, wherein
Ames & Ames uro plaintiffs and John
Uaty and Elllo Baty, his wife, aro de-
Ono "Whito" Sewinu; machine, house
hold Roods, cooking utensils nnd sun
dries, nlso money in the hands of Paul
II. Smith, eimiislinp lina lumn
under said order.
Said call so wna rnntiminrl tr ihn fit of
day of AtiRUst, 1909, at 10 o'clock a. in.
Dated North Plntto. Midi
Bth, 1909. Ames & Ames.
y Albro Ames, PlaintilFa.
Ceoriro I.. Itrnsnu will ni.i
on the 16th dny of July, 19097 P. H.
Sullivan, a Justice of tho Peace of
i-sorin riaiio tTccinct No. l and in and
for Lincoln L'ount.v. Nohi-nnL-n - lcmi.i
t i.augu
an order of attachment for tho sum of
irou.uo, m nn notion pendlnpr before him,
wherein Charles Hanor is Plaintiir and
George L. Benson, Defendant, that
property consisune; of money in tho
lands of the Ilninn V,ufn i)nii n...i
- - w
Company, a corporation, has been nt-
uiuiiuu uuuer saia oruer. bald causo
was continued tn tlm r.n. rl..,. p c..
tembor, 1909, nt at 10 o'clock A. Mr
Date-d July 2, 1909. FIainU,f'