The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 27, 1909, Image 4

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    "There is Something about a Wed
ding Gown Prettier than any
other Gown in the World."
For tho samo reason a wedding
ring ia prettier than any other to
tho futuro bride.
If you are contemplating matri
mony and have secured your licenso,
it ia timo for you to buy the Ring,
and wo havo them in such largo
quantitlca that it will not bo nec
essary for you to wait.
Wo carry a full line of bIzch and
shapes in 14k and 18k.
Jeweler and Optician.
Phone 338.
Wc wanf Your Repair Work
Graduate Dcnlisl.
Office over tho McDonald
Stato Dank.
Mrs. Fred Weingand is tbo guest of
North Platto friends.
M. B. Cryderman, of Denver, is vis
iting friends in town.
Hoys' suits at very low prices at the
Mrs. W. T. Ilerry has boon in Choy
enno this week visiting friends.
Julius Krutclinltt, director of tho
Ilarrirnan lines, passed cast Tuesday.
Mrs. George A. Beecher, and children
of Omuha, is a guest at tho V. M.
Cinnlngham residence.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crydorman
will arrivo from Denver tomorrow and
will remain in town until Monday.
Fall lino Walk-ovor Shoos just in nt
Wilcox Department Storo.
A dozen couples of tho younger bo
fllety sot will indulgo in a picnic at tho
Halllgan grovo tomorrow ovening.
Train No. 13 lust night run into a
bunch of sheep west of tho railroad
bridge, killing sixty-seven of tho
Lcavo your orders at Wilcox Depart
ment Storo for Peaches for canning.
Delivery about Sept. 2nd or Ctli. Pricu
$1.00 per caso.
Miss Edith Sclbert will remain in
town until next week as the guest of
Miss Margaret Jonos, when sho will
lcavo for Chieago.
Arthur Cryderman, who holds n
clerkship in tho Commercial National
Bank in Denver, has boon visiting
friends in town for a fow days.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wilcox and two
daughtoro returned last night from a
ilvo week's trip In tho cast, which ex
tended as far db ButTalo, N. Y.
Now Fall Dress Goods. Full lino
now in at Wilcox Departmont Storo.
Information was filed ngnitiBt E. 0,
Garrison and Floyd Passmoro yesterday
afternoon charging them with nBBault
ing Owen McNcal. They appeared in
court nnd tho hearing sot for Septem
ber 9th. McNeal was a former foro
man of tho coal chutes but now livos in
McPherBon county.
Mrs. John Bonner has returned from
a two weeks visit with friends in Oma
New shades of ribbons are shown nt
The Leader.
Gonl. Sunt. Park spent Monday and
Tuesday in town and left Tuesday
night for tho west.
The stork visited tho home -of Mr.
nnd Mrs. Will Lowls Wednesday and
deposited a ten pound boy.
Tho city council held a special meet
ing laBtcvening nnd canvassed the vote
cast In tho bond election Tuesday.
John Wilson, of Kearney, returned
homo this morrlng after transacting
business in town for several days.
Buttermilk during hot weather. At k
your doctor, Gc at tho fountain.
Stonk Dkuo Co.
J. E. Weeks is filling the position of
passenger director nt tho depot in the
absence of B. L. Jtobinson at Cherokee
Miss Vaunotn Hayes loft yesterday
fur n visit with friends in Iowa. She
was accompanied as far ns Omaha by
Representatives of the Wild West
show aro in town today distributing ad
vertising matter. Tho show will be at
Kearney next Thurdny.
Mr. and Mra. George Prcscott, of
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, havo been the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Mat
son for several days.
300 dozen Towels, from tho cheapest
to the finest made, now on sale at The
Chas. E. Barber has been visiting
friends in town for several days while
onrouto to Los Angeles. Ho will tor
mlnatc his visit' hero Monday,
If business men of North Platto in
tend running a "got acquainted'
npoclal up to tho branch to Bridgeport
next month, isn t it timo that the pre
llminary arrangements aro stnrted7
Out of tho 270 votes cast at the
primary election In Sidney Tuesday
only twenty-four were republican. Evi
dently our good democratic friend Bob
Obcrfcldcr has succeeded in converting
tho town.
Monov to loan on good roal cstoto so
curltv. See 0. E. Elder, Keith theatre
Mr. nnd Mrs. II. R. Wnssom, of In
dlnnoplis, Ind, undo nnd aunt of Mrs
Geo. W. Finn, havo been guests at the
homo of tho latter for n couple of days
They aro enrouto homo from a visit to
Colorado points.
C. Georgo Nunn, who put on th
Elks' minstrels last November, has
written tho Elks lodgo asking for th
snmo privilego tills season. It is prob
able that ho will bo engaged, nnd that
it will bo given soma timo in Novcm
bor. Mr. Nunn writes that ho has now
stunts which ho thinks nro superior to
thoHO of last year.
10.000 vards of tho handsomest em
broideries over seen now on sale nt tho
Tho Leader.
Tho chango of running timo in sov
oral Union Pa.illc trains has made it
necessary to also chango 'tho equip
mont of several trains and to Issuo
new set of regulations in regard to
carrying tho United Stotes mails. Or
ders havo been issued to tho effect
that train No. 4 will hereafter carry
no mail between Rawlina and North
Platto. Between theso points mail
will now bo carried by train No. C
Train No. 3 will handle mail betwee
North Platto and Rawlins, westbound
and train No. 5 between North Platto
and Choycnno.
Final Oxford
Price Reduction
All low shoes priced to move them out and promptly,
We prefer a loss to carrying1 them until another season.
All are this season's goods correct styles and our
standard of quality.
All Men's Oxfords worth up to $5.00 for
Patents, plain black leathers, tans, green
and Oxbloods.
All Women's Oxfords worth up to $4 for
Patents, black kid and tans.
All Women's Oxfords worth up to 2.50 for
Black, tans and Oxbloods
All Misses' Oxfords go at
Black and tan
Graham & Co.,
All Children's sizes 5 to 8, go at
Womens' White Canvas Oxfords all go at
. ............. .......
Ovur First National. Phono 118 V.
George E. French went to Omaha
Wednesday night.
Miss Dora Magnusen is tho guest of
Mrs. Fred Fredrickson.
Miss Zulaboll Ilibner loft Wednesday
Ight for a visit with friends in Omaha.
Couch Covers, all shades, at The
Mrs. O. W. Brandt left yesterday
for n visit with friends in Kansas City.
Tom Green is a visitor in Denver,
lenving for that city Wednesday night.
James Redmond is visiting friends in
Denver, lenving for that city yester
Mrs. J. I. Smith and son returned
Wednesday from a visit in Kansas City
and other points.
Buttermilk with all the butter in it.
Ico cold nt the fountain, Gc.
Misses AMcc Birgo and Ailcen Gantt
returned yostorday from n visit at the
Barber ranch at Lowellen.
Mrs. Geo M. Graham and children
returned Tuesday evening from n visit
with friends in Grand Island.
Mrs. Edward Snyferth left yesterday
morning for a vIbH. wi'h her daughter,
Mrs. Wm McGlom in Denver.
Two grading outtlib .vhich hnd been
nt work on tho North River branch
were brought down yesterday.
John LvMuster went to Wallace this
morning to open a safe upon which the
combination lock had gone wrong.
Carl Tonk and wife, who had been
visiting at tho OttensHn residence,
left for tho east yesterday morning.
Mrs. Geo. L. Carter returned to Lin
coin this morning after n Ihrro wcekh
visit with her sinter Mrs. L. E. Roach
Long silk coats nt low prices at The
Rob Cary left last night for Seattle
and other towns in tho northwest, the
object of the trip being to look up a
Mrs. W. II. Broach, of Denver, is
a guest at tho F. T. Redmond residence
while enrouto homo from a visit at
Battle Creek, Mich.
Mrs. John Shanor, Mrs. Wright nnd
Miss Wilmn Uutchens, of Maxwell
spent Wednesday in town as tho gueots
of Mrs. C. J. Perkins.
Mr. and Mr". T. J. Foley and
daughter Helen, of Kansas City, are
visiting friends' in town while enrouto
homo from a trip to Pacific const
Fivo hundred black petticoats at 75
cents each at liio Leader.
Mrs. Nora West, who had been visit
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Fcnwiek for about two months, re
turned to her homo in Basin, Wyo.
tho early part of tho week.
Mrs. S. II. Donehower, of Peoria
III., has been spending sevoral days in
town with relatives and friends. Sho
will bo joined hero tomorrow by hor
mother nnd tho two will nviko a trip to
Pueblo and Salt Lake City.
Just received ladies' tailored wnista
at popular prices, at Iho Lender.
Tho cry that tho corn crop has "gone
to the bow-wows" on nrccuntof n rain
h nil right to a certain degree but th
calamity man h-s cried too-loud at d
thero is still plenty of good corn in Bu
(alo county, many fields that aro com
ing right along and which will yield
handsomely. Kearney Hub.
R. A. Garman went to Callaway
Wednesday ovening to get a liors
which is supposed to have been tho ouo
driven nway by n stranger about tw
weeks ngo. A telegram received from
Callnwny giving a description of tho
animal tallied with tho one stolen.
Your furnituro needs varnishing nnd
repniring beforo liouao donning. Seo
i'. IU. tjorenson, nnop iui rj. Din at.
Tho Episcopal Sunday school held its
annunl picnic at Dick ts grovo Whines
dny. Thero was a largo attcnd.inco o
tho membership nnd tha dny was
pleasantly spnn in playing games, foot
races and wading and bathing in tho
river. An oxcol'ent picnic dinner was
Got your gun nt Tho Star Clothing
J. B. McDonald, P. A. White, Mr,
and Mrs. J. E. Pillion, Mtw Friend nnd
Davo Dny returned Wednesday nigh
from their autombilo trip to Cheyenne
and Donver nftor nn absence of ten
days. They took in Frontier Days a
Choyonno nnd spent four or live days
in Denvor. Including side trips, they
covered 900 miles.
Lndies tnilored suits for tho fal
season aro now on sale at 1 ho Lender
Tho Los Angolo3 Times of last Sat
urday contained this item relative to
formor North Platto resident: Milton
Doolittle, did an ucrobatic stunt this
morning, which won tho ndmlrntion o
spectators, but was not enjoyed by
Doolittle, who will bo laid up for n few
days with a lamo back and aching
sides. He was riding along ruth street
nnd in attempting to dodgo a woman
pedestrian collided with nn nuto driven
by P. M. Peterson. Doolittle took
spin through the air and landed square
Iv in tho auto, cscnpiiur with pninfu
, cruises. u.
Our Semi-Annual
ear in
The Big Clearing Sale which started Thursday is certainly
well attended, the goods speak for themselves. Just think
of buying Miller-Watt Clothes in all the new shades and
patterns at one-half price. We have a few left so you bet
ter hurry in and grab one. Remember everything else is
on sale to make room for our new fall stock (except Finck's
Detroit Special Overalls). We haven't got time to quote
prices again but just make our store a visit and you will be
convinced that we are holding the sale of sales, don't forget
that the New Clothes Shop has only been open nine months
so you will get no shelf worn goods.
f O C II B. t Z
North Platte's Leading Clothiers.
Sunday School Convention.
A Lincoln County Sundny School
convention will bo held in the Baptist
Church in thin city Sept. 11th and 12th.
The program will bo ns follows:
9:90 Song service.
10:30 Call to order by President.
Appointment of Committees.
Reports from Sundny Schools.
Discussion of Reports.
11:00 Temperance Department,
Conducted by Mr. VanClevo.
1:U0 Song Service.
2:00-Toachers Training.
Conducted by Rov. Hornn.
2:15 Home Department,
Conducted by E. M. Arnold.
:i:30-Election of Officers.
General Business.
7:!t0 Song Sorvicc.
SiOO-Address, Rev. R. B. Fnvoright.
8:15 Address, Rev. Porter.
2:00-Song Service.
2:30 Elementary Work,
Conducted by
Miss Mnrgnrat E. Brown.
3:30 Pastor's Department,
Conducted by Rov. Williams.
7:30 Song Service.
8:00 Address, Rov. Lowis.
Spring and Summer Necessities.
Hardware, Lawnmowers,
Garden Tools, Wash Machines,
Grindstones, (jrass Catchers, Knives.
Refregerators, Glasses,
Pictures, Furniture,
Picture Frames, (made to order.)
Art Squares, Rugs. Mattings,
Curtains. Dranfirips. '
7 r 1
Couch Covers, Window Shades.
Plumbing and Heating.
Alfalfa Seed,
Press Drills,
Ono Horso Disc Drills,
Hay Presses,
Detroit Vapor Stoves
Locust and 5th Streets.
Myrtle News.
A. J. Nenlo marketed wheat in North
Plntto Monday.
Mrs. Geo. Codnor returned to her
homo at Gibbon F.-idny. Mrs. Mitchell
accompanied hor to North Platte, re
turning Saturday.
Miss Kate Allen Is visiting friends
for a few days, having .arrived Satur
day. Rov. Hill will hold services nt the
Maguson school house Sunday at 11 a,
Mr. Smith of Georgetown is canvass
ing this neighborhood this week.
Geo. Bay and wife aro the proud par
ents of a babv uirl born August 24th.
For Sale.
Tho Clark farm of G10 acres, 480
acres farm land every foot of which
enn bo cultivated; 225 acres growing
crop, 1G0 ncres of hay meadow which
will cut 150 tons. Located ten miles
southwest of North Platte. For partic
ulars call or address,
SlUASJ ClabK, Iluruhuy, Neb.
I Business Education Pavs. :t
When You are Prepared there is a
Good Situation Ready for You . . : . .
Every student who completed our Combined X
Course the past year is now in a good situation and
we have had calls for many more young people than A
we could furnish. ,jf
fcl1 r 1.... 1 .ri.
vv c icl v u Li lui 1 1 jirM rr inn I'linrKf-. :inn nw.n rn,
J1' your tuition. There are NO EXTRA FEES. You
Jj may enter at any time after September 7th, when
'the fall term begins,
Strong Faculty. Reasonable Rates. Well Equipped
School. Fourteen Years Since Establ-'sed,
4i If interested, write to X
Innes Orchestral Band at The Keith
this Friday afternoon and evening.