Semi -Weekly Tribune V Ira L. Bare, Editor aad Publisher. pniinnittPTinN iiATKHt One Year, cash In advance "J1-?6 Months, cash In advance 65 cu I Entered at North rUtte, Nebraska. Postofflce M soconu ciua maiver. TUESDAY. AUGUST 24, 1909. COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS. August 18th, 1909. Hoard of equalization met pursuant to recess, present full board. Board not being quito ready to mako levy takes a recess until tomorrow. Board convenes as a board of county commissioners and continue computing school district values. Adjourned until tomorrow August 19, 1909. Board of equalization mot same as ynstcrday, present Commissioners Koc- Kcn, Springer and Walter, county Assessor Bacon and County Clerk Elliott. Tho board proceods to and did make tho lew for tho year 1909. as follows: County general fund 7 mills County road fund 3 mills' Bridgo fund 2 mills Soldier's relief fund ono-tcnth mill North I'lntto bridgo three- tenth mil Total county levy 12.1 mills PRECINCT IIONDS. Brudy Island bridge, no lovy Euroka bridgo bond and interest six tenth mill Ho9twlck bridzo bond and interest ono-tonth mill Herahov bridcrc bond and interest live-tenth mill Blrdwood bridge, no lovy. SCHOOL. DISTRICT IIOND8. Dist 29, flvo-tenth mills. Dlst CO, no lovy. Dist 1, old bond and interest two tonth mills. Dist 1. now bond and interest two- tenth mills. Dlst 98, seven-tenth mills. Dist 45, no levy. Dist 2, bond and interest seven-tenth mills. lllst 92. bond and interest one and six-tenths mills. Dlst G5, throo mills. Dist 118, twclvo mills. Dist 86, thrco mills., Dlst 105, eleven mills. SPECIAL SCHOOL. LEVIES. Dlst 8, three mills. Dlst 10, two mills. Dist. 16, two mills. Dist 20, five mills. Dist 22, ono mill. Dist 27, four mills. Dist.28. 2 mills. . Dlst 30, two mills. Dlst 35, ono mill. Dist 40, two mills. Dist 41, two mlllB. Dlst 46, flvo mills. Dist 47, flvo mills. Dist 60, two mills. Dlst 54 two mills. Dlst 57, two mills. Dlst 68, flvo mills. Dist 43, throo millu. Dlst 25, throo milts. Dist 51, flvo mills. Lovlos woro mado for all school districts. Tho board having complotod making tho lovy for the cnBulngyear, tho board adjourned. August 20th, 1909. Board of county commissioners mot nursuant to adjournment, present full hnnrrl nnd countv dork. Road petition presontod to tho board by Mrs. W. P. Cody and othoro asking that a public road bo established on Bcction lino or follows: Commencing nt a point being tho end of road No. 120 south of tho U. P. right-of-way on acction lino betweon sections 31 and 32, town 14, range 30, thenco north about 85 rods, more or leas, nnd terminating at nnd connecting thorowith with road No. 308, said road to bo 66 feet wide, tho board being of tho opinion that tho public good requires it, the same is hereby granted as a consent road. The countv survoyor is instructed to sur vey said road according to law. Petition filed with county clerk for road botween Lincoln and Logan counticH. Tho putittonoru having fuilcd to tilo their petition ulso with Logan countv. the board takes no action at tho present time. Tho following claim wero allowed on tho general fund: Columbus Printing and Specialty Co, supplies $12 00 .Statu Journal Co., supplies 276.82 Kiapp, Bartlott & Co., auppllos 747. 05 Hammond & Stephens, supplies, C0.E0 Kearney Hub, supplies 102.60 Fred Peckhara, doputy aeeoesor, U1.75 Murphy & Johnson, focino 99.30 Rox Gilman. facino work 60.60 Geo E. Prosdor, office expenses 0,65 W. E. Elder, Servian 6.42 V. B. Salisbury, labor 14.50 P. II. Sullivan, 8.95 Sundry persons, inquest Kegan, 25.10 J. Seoley, indso, 14.17 Smith-Premior Co., supplies 2.60 Jimcu Owans,.rmtoe, 27.i0 Geo I3'."PVoVsor,"8orvlco fiJ.OO r Chas McDonald, rent 36.00 Paul Moyor, oflico expenses 1.35 G. G. McKay, mdso 19.35 A. M. Lock, livery hlro 27.00 Waltor & Knox, mdso 7.50 C. P. Iddings coal 1G1.45 II. A, Johnson, mdsc, 4.G5. Glnn & White, mdso, 46.80. Wm Gregg, services, 3.00. C. G. Fletcher, mdso, 1.60. G. T. Field, mdso, 242.20. F. R. Elliott, expenses, 82.10. II. S. Fox, sorvices, 15.00. V. M. Dymond, sorvices, 3.00. Geo. B. Dent, services, 88.70. Brady Vindicator, printing, 1.60. G. W. Brown, mdse, 17.80. Workman & Dorryborry, mdse, 1.30. Graham & Co., mdso,, 7.40. Sophia Anderson, caro of Emmu An derson, 27.00. Sundry persons registration of births, 17.05. N. P. Elec. Light Co., sorviccB, 125.62. Mi W. Welsh Mfg. Co., supplies, 45.00. J. II. VanCleave, mdo, 7.75. May McWilIlam8, services, 1,85. II. D. Martin Co., sorvices, 25.00. Maxwell & Brady Tel. Co., 12.00. Sundry pursonB Burvoy and platting land nt Maxwell, 61.40. D. B. White, rent, 60.00. M. K. Neville, rent, 48.00. Wilson Wilson, sorvices, 115.50. Buchanan & Co., mdso, 4.25. F. W. Kuser, dellveriug ballots 18.00. Wm Garman, delivering ballots 20.00 E. T. Tramp, mdso 45,90 J. M. Wilson, servico 183.40 Gep E, Prosscr, Ruy insane caso 57.25 Sundry persons, insane caso 59 25 Road petition for B. R. Merrill road being lost, it is tho opinion of the board that It is for the public good, road known as H. R. Merrill road is allowed us u consent road, said road to commence at center of section 34, town 9j. range 29, running west about thirty- six rods or until across the draw, run south and east on wost side ot canyon and to connect with Frontior Co rond on county lino. Damages to be al lowed to John Connunt $107.00 Chns. Cook J25.00, E. Chamberlain $20.00. Paul G. Meyer, county surveyor, you aro hereby instructed to survoy said roud. Bills wore allowed us follows. Sundry persons, measuring grade Road Dist No 4, 12.00 Sundry person, measuring grade RoadDiBtNo 4, 10.00 Sundry parsons, measuring grado, Road Dist 30, 6.60 Louis Rofior rond work Dist No 10, 50.00 Sundry persons, road work Dist 51, 25.00 Sundry persons, damageB B. R, Mer rill roud 162.00 Geo T Field, culvorta Road D'st No 1. 30.94 I L. MiUonborgor, mileage, board of prisoners, etc, 288.35 The following claims of deputy as sessor woro nllowed on tho general fund: Wm Simants $114.00 T L O'Rourko 120.76 A J Salisbury 126.01) II II Rogers 132.95 J S Robbins 120.90 Carl G Nelson 115.00 . J W Nugent 155.00 A. K Mclntyro 84.00; Joseph McGoo 129.60 Walter Middleton 127.30 Wm Hoyso 141.00 II. C. Hecht 78.52 W. W. Graves 57.00 Ed Gentry 48.00 Sam Filbert 90.00 Henry Cokor 132.37 S. C. Bowman 69.00 A. W. Arnett 141.00 W. W. Hunter 117.00 Kutherino Clark 210.00 C. II. Waiter saluiy as commissioner 100.00 E. II. Springer service us commis sioner 70.50 O. A. Kockcn, sorvice us commis sioner 76.50 Tho county clerk Is hereby directed to order ono King grader from J. D. Adams & Co., Indianapolis, lnd., to be dclivored to II. II. Rodgers nt May wood Nob., nndhdd freight to price of machine, for the use of rond districts 26, 46. nnd 51. Adjourned until Oct 4, 1909. ALL UNSTRUNG. Many North Platte People Suffer from Nervous Troubles and Don't Know Why. Thousands of enses of kldnoytroublo show few outwnrd symptoms, excopt nervousness, depression, languor, irri tability nnd an inclination to worry ov er trilles. It is generally duo to tho poisonous action of uric acid on blood and nerves, and can't bo cured except by curing the kidnoys. Doan's Kidnoy Pills cure these ills by curing the kid neys. North Platto women uro learn ing It. Horo'a n local case. Mrs. Curolino Smith, Eighth & Pino Sts., North Platto, Neb., says; "I can recommend Donn's Kidney Pills as a most effective remedy for Kidnoy com plaint. During the past six years I suffered terribly from this trouble At timoa my feet and limbs swelled to twice their natural sizo und on this ac count it wus impossible to woar my shoos. My back ached constantly, I whr nervous, rested poorly and usually got up in tho morning feeling tired nnd completely worn out. About a year ago my general henUh was greatly run down and nothing I took seemed to do mo tho least bit of good. When Doan's Kidney Pills wero brought to my atten tion, I procured u box at A. F. Streita's tlrtn: tftWo unti In a short tlmb uft'or TO introduce fine materials, clean methods, scientific equipment into the making of soda crackers was one triumph To actually bake into them a subtle goodness, a real individuality, never before known, was another triumph But to effectually protect them so that the fullest benefit of these fine materials, this careful, cleanly baking, this unique goodness comes to you unaltered, was the crowning triumph that gave the world Uneeda Biscuit 0 NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY commencing their use, tho backncho nnd weakness through my loins was re moved. Now since using five boxes of tho remedy I nm completely cured." For Snlo by 'nil Dealers. Prico 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Now York. Solo Agents for tho United States. Remember tho name JJonns and take no other. Children's nnd Misses' suits for full 1909 nre now shown at Tho Lender. LEGAL NOTICE. Notlco ut petition (or decree of court find ing who tho holrH are, and for assignment to them ot tho real estate, described In tho petition. Tho Statu ot Nebraska, Lincoln county, ss. in tho County Court, In tho mnttur ot tho estate of James A. Sullivan, deceased, To tho creditor!, holrs nnd others Inter ested In 1 1 hi estate of James A. Sullivan, deceased. Take nol Ice, that Francis Joseph Sullivan, has llli'd in tho county court, a pot Itlou praying for a decree, asslgnlug .said estate to tho heirs as provided hy law. And It Is ordered that tho same stand for hearing tho 21th day ot August, IIHJ0, heforotho court at tho hour of 0 o'clock, a.m., at which tlmo any person Interested rnay appear und except to and context tho same. And notlco of this proceeding is ordered tuven in the North Platto Tribune, a local newspaper, for six successive Issues prior to AuguBt 21th, tOOD. Witness my hand and tho seal of the county court, at North l'latle, this 3rd day nf August, UKW. V. O. Eliikh. tsr.Ai.1 County Judge NOTICE. John Baty nnd Efllo J. Bnty, his wife, will tnko notice that on tho first day of July, 1909, P. II. Sullivan, n Justico of tho Pence in and for Lincoln county, Nebraska, issued an Order of Attach ment for tho sum of $20.00 in an action now pending beforo him, wherein Ames & Ames are plaintilTs and John Baty nnd Eflio Baty, his wife, aro de fendants, thnt property consisting of Ono "White" Sowing machine, house hold goods,' cooking utensils and sun dries, nlso money in the hands of Paul H. Smith, garnishee, has been attached under said order. Said causo was continued to the 31st dav of August, 1909, nt 10 o'clock a. in. Dated North Platte, Nebrnskn, Aug. 5th, 1909. Ames & Ames, Hy Albro Ames, Plaintiffs. Notice. Geurgu L. Benson will uotico that on the 16th day of July, 1909, P. H. Sullivan, a Justice of the Peace of North Platte Precinct No. 1 and In nnd far Lincoln County, Nebraska, issued nn order of attachment for tho sum of $50.00, in an action pendintr before him, whoroin Charles Huner is Plaintiff nd George L. Benson, Defendant, that Kroporty consisting of money in tho ands of the Union Pacific Rail Roud Company, n corporation, has been at tached under said order. Said cause was continued to the 6th day of Sep tember, 1909, at nt 10 o'clock A. M. Charles Haner, Plaintiff. Dated July 27th, 1909. Notion for PUBLICATION, ferial No. U3S.VI. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land OMco at North Platto. Nob. Atnr. It). !'.9. Notice Is hereby gh en that Walter K. Gov ollof North Platto, Neb..wh. on Oct. 10. 1W. made homestead entry No. 21171. serial No. 0.1550 for KH section I, township It, N. ratine itO. W of tho iMi Principal Meridian, has llled notlco of tnti nt lun to mako Una! live rear proof, to establish claim to tho land above des'rilied. before the Register ond Receiver at North Pintle, Nebraska, on the tilth day of Ocmhor. IWJ. Claimant names as witnesses! George PnM.ivt.jin Tln'mitti llrrwin. Ilnrre T.nmiilniiL'li. UB. Mal-o'mWr. aU pf North KottHNcp. J t. fcVAs. ttcuihter. Serial No. 0202H. NOTICE FOR IMIIILIOATION I1EPA11TMKNT OF TttK INTftllOlt. United States l)and Otllce. . At North I'lattc, Nebraska July 1I.UW0. Notice Is hereby elven that Clinton M. York of Maxwell, Nebraska, who. on Juno 2vth. IMI. mado homestead entry No. 20U-. Hortal No. 020JH. for south half northwest quarter. Io(h a and 4. southwest quarter and Miutheasttiunrtor. Hectlon 4, Township 11 N., Itancn 23 W.. of tho 0th Principal Meridian, has filed notlco of Intention to mako llnal live year proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, hoforo tho rcclstcr and receiver, at North l'latto. Nebraska, on tho 10th day ot September. llKT.). Claimant names as witnesses: F. M. Kuser, of North l'latto. Neb , Will Lonuprr, unil ... .11. ii II3UII. ij 4 .iin.i,uil. .1 u L. , UIIU Glen I'o rial so ii, of North l'latto. Neb. j-tj-b j. k r.VANB. tcegistor. Notice for Publication. Serial No. 02153. Departmentof tho Interior. U. S. Land Oflico at North Platte. Nob. .1 uly 20th, WOO. Notlco Is hereby (riven that.Ioliu (iundram. of North Platte. Neb., who on .Inly lUth, mi. mado Homestead Knlry No. 203so, Seilal No. 021t3, for north half and southeast iunr tor section 10. township in, north, raiiico V9, west oi tho nth principal meridian, has llled notice of Intention to mako final five year proof, to establish claim to the laud aitovo described, beforo tho resistor and receiver at North Platte. Nebraska, on tho 21th day or Septomlx-r. ITO, Claimant names as witnesses: Wilson It. Combs. Oarllold Gutherless. William Plttman ami .Tud Combs, all ot North Platte. Neb. J23-B J. K. Kvans. IteBister. Serial No. 01832. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Olllco at North l'latto, Neb. July SOU). 1000. Notlco Is hereby elven that .I'din tlundram, of North Platte, Nebraska, who, on August aid. IWi, mado homestead entry No. UMuo. Serial No. 0lf:i2. tor southwest quarter section 10, Township K, north. laui;o 2ii west of tho Sixth Principal Meildlan has filed notlco of Intention to mako final live year proof to es tablish claim to the land abovo described. iHiforo the Register and Receiver at North Platte, Neb., on tho 21th day of .September, 1TOU. Claimant names as witnesses! Wilson II Combs. Oarllold Outhrrloss. WllHam i'lttraan and .hid Combs, allot North Platte, Nub. J22-H .7 K RVANP. Ki-kIsUt. NOTICE V Oil PUBLICATION. Serial No. era. Department of tho Interior. V. 8. Land Otlico at North Platte. Nob. Aug It). 100(1. Notlco Is horeby clven that William II. Turploof North Platte, Nob., who. on July I', 1101, mado homestead entry No 20311. serial No. 0U3:i. for NMSWU, N4 HE'S ond section 2H, township 12. N. ranKeUI, W. ot thu tlth Principal IMurldan, has tiled notice of In tention to mako final live year piool, to establish claim to tho land abovo described, lief ore the Register and Receiver at North Platte, Nob. on tho ISth day of Oct. UW, Claimant names as wltnsssesi John Schar man. Curtis E. lllnmnn. Carl Uroeder. Hugh Poncer, allot North Platte. Neb. aao-o J. E. Evs. Rcelster. ROAD NO. 3181. To all whom it may concern: The commissioner appointed for tho purpoHc of locating a public road as follows: Commencincr at tho southonst cornor of lot 5 of "County Clerk's" Subdivi sion of lot 1 und southeast quarter northeast quarter of section 1, town ship IS, rango 30, in Lincoln County, Nebraska, a"d running thence north on section lino to the southeast cornor of lot 2 of Bnid County Clerk's subdivision and running thenco wost on tho lino be tween lots 2 nnd 3 and between lots 12 on 'ho north, and 10 nnd 11 on tho south of said Countv Clork's subdivision, and terminating at tho southwest corner of Iotl2of8aid County Clerk's subdivi sion, has reported in favor of tho loca tion of said road, nnd nil clnims for dtunugo or objections thereto must be filed in the oflico of tho county clerk by noon on the 30th dny of September A. D., 1909, or such rond will bo estab lished without referenco theroto. . Dated North Platte, Nobraska, July EMK). P. R. Elliott, CoUhty Clerkv 4 Hcrlal No. 02IS2. notice korpijulication. Department of tho Interior. U. 8. Laud Oflico at North Platte. Nob. JulyUth.liW Notlco Is hereby clvcn that William 0. Edln. of North Platto. Nob., who on July 2tllb. 1WI. mado Homestead Entry No. 20142. Serial No. u:wi. tor east hair, oast halt northwest quarter and cast half southwest quarterof section 8, township 11 north, raniru 20 west of the slxtn principal meridian, has tiled notlco ot intention to maxo iinai live year proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo descrllcd, beforo the Register and Receiver at North Platto, tho tlth day of Sept.. IW. Claimant names as witnesses: Martin Jep sen.of Denmark, Nob.. Alox Urown. Iledcy Van Pelt. Arthur Whcolor. all of North Plaite, Neb. J20 0 J. E. Evans. Iteelster. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In tho matter of thu ostato ot Frederick Dlelil. deceased. In tho county court of Lincoln County, No braska. Julv2?th. 1WJ. Notice Is herohy clven, that tho creditors of said deceased will meet tho administrator of said estate, before tho County .hi (life of Lincoln county. Nebraska, at tho county court room. In snld count y. on the 25th day of August. UW. and on tho 25th day of February. WW, at I) o'clock a. m, each day. for tho pur pose of prosontlntr their claims for examina tion, adjustment and allowance Six months aro allowed for creditors to prcsuit tholr claims, nnd 0110 yeur for tho administrator to settle said estate from tho 24th day of June, tlKXl, This notlco to bo published In tho North Platto Tribune, a lecal newspaper, foreluht successive Issues prior to August 25th. IIW9. VI -4 W O. Et,PK,u. County Judge NOTICE FOR PUHLIOATION. Serial No. 02IW. Department of tho Interior. IT S. Land Oflico at North Platto. Neb. July 20. ltw, Notlco Is hereby given that Dennis McKllllp of North Platte, Neb., who, on April 10. lutti, mado homestead entry No. 21778. serial No. 027K) for soutli half, east half north east quarter, northwest quarter northeast quarter and southwest quarter northwest quarter of Section 26, Township 13 N.. Range al W .of the fltli Principal Meridian, has filed notlco of Intention to mako final five year proof, to ostabllsh claim to tho land aliovo described, iiefore the Register and Receiver, at North Platto. Neb., on tho 23d day of Septembor, WW. Claimant names as witnesses: David W. Macomber. William Doebko. .1. A. Toops and II. F. Dobko. Jr.. all of North Platto. Nob. J2" J. E. Evans. Register. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT PENDANTS. DE- John Lantz and Frank Lantz. PlalntKTs. vs. Itelle Jacobs and Laura Hood Defendants. Hello Jacobs and Laura tlood are horeby noMfled that they have been sued In tho Dis trict court of Lincoln County. Nobraska. by John Lanu und Frank Lantz. who havo llled aduly eillli d petition In said court tho ob ject and prayer of which It to serum the partition among said plaintiffs and defen dants, of the wost half ot the north east quarter and tho west half ot the south east quarter in section NO twelve. In township No. thirteen, of range No twenty-eight, real estate sltuatod In .said Lincoln County. Nebraska. You are required to anwer said petition on or beforo the 0th day of Septem ber. A. I.. IW9. ,. Jo" k.5 ftml ''hank Lantz. Plaintiffs. Hy R. O. Gi.anvili,k, their Atty. ORDER OF HEARING ON ORIGINAL , PRORATE O WILL. vl""lAlJ State of Nebraska. IQ Lincoln County. 1 8S In tho county court. In tho matter of tho estato ot Henry Wlnsart. Deceased- On reading and filing the petition of Ray C. Langtord. agent, praying that the Instrument filed 00. tho 20tb day of July. 1009, and pur porting to bo a true copy of the last will and testament of tho hnld deceased, and thu prohato thereof In Stephenson Coun ty. State of Illinois, may lie proved, opproved probated, allowed and recorded aw the. last will and testament of the bald Henry Wlnsart, deceased, In this county and state. Ordered, That Septemlier 2nd, IWU. at 3 o'clock p mls assigned tor hearing said peti tion when all persons interested In said matter may appear at a county court to bo hold In and for said county, and show causo why tho prayer of petitioner should not bo granted: anil that notice of the pendency of Mild peti tion and the hearing thereof, bo given to all persons Interested In said matter by publish ing a copy of this order In tho North l'latto tribune, u semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county, for six successlro Issues pr!pr to said day ot liearloi; Dalcd.Auirust 7th, ISOO, aiu-d W. O. EldVic. C'ctmiy Juttst.