The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 24, 1909, Image 5

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t Our stock of watches
I speaks eloquently of good
things, and there are t
many people whose hap-
py experiences confirm I
t the reliability and worth
5 Our success as watch d
sellers has not been
merely fortuitous, but is 'i
the result of the unwav-
ering integrity and knowl- t
4 edge gained by long t
years of study. Every t
watch we sell is a iruar-
anteed time keeper.
Thus you have more
reason to consider this
store as an obiect wor-
$ thy your seeking.
f DIXON, The Jeweler
Union Pacific Watch Inspector.
Prescription Druggists
KIrst Door North of
First National Hank
v Miss Lizzie Yoimr hns nccepted n
position' as bookkeeper with Graham &
Mr. and Mrs. Will Hoover leave in n
few days for u vNit at the Seattle ex
" position.
The Baptist uid society will meet
Friday afternoon with Mrs. Favoright
at the rectory.
Rev. John F. Seibcrt will he the
guest of honor at a table lodge held by
the Masons this evening.
Miss Lillian McCracken is the guest
of her sister Mrs. II. M. Grimes while
enrouto to Boulder, Colo., where she is
employed as musical instructor in the
public schools. ,
Supt.. Tout, of the city schools, has
returned from his vacation spent at
Colorado Springs, where he enjoyed
every hour. Mrs. Tout and children
will remain at. the Springs for some
time yet. '
Early mixt month Geo. M. Graham
will go on the road for an eastern shoo
house, traveling about three months in
the fall and a like period in the spring,
- and devoting the remainder of the time
to his local business interests which he
will still retain.
Last night was exceedingly lively on
the streets and considerable excitement
was created by the bond boostera and
their opponents. Many heated argu
ments occurred and in one or two in
stancos'tho disputants came to blows.
Three final proofs and ono contest
are being heard at tho local U. S. land
olHce today. This is nearly an average
day's business, and ia evidence that
the lund business has not by any means
gono a-glimmering.
For Sale.
The Clark farm of GiO acres, 480
acres farm land every foot of which
can be cultivated; 225 acres growing
crop, 1G0 acres of hay meadow which
will cut 150 tons. Located ten miles
southwest of North Platte. For partic
ulars call or address,
Silas Clahk,. Hershey, Neb.
Hunters Attention!
"Dents Doggy Hints,"
A booklet that tell you all about
your dogs, their diseases, cure
and care. Come in and get ono
for tho nsking, it vil help you to
place your dog in best shape for
Dents Dog Remedies.
For salo by
Schiller & Co.,
1st door north First Natl. Bank.
Mrs. A. J, Lee, of Koarnpy, is tho
guest of Mrs. H. M. Johnson.
Geo. E. French returned this morn
ing from a business trip to Omnha.
Fred Fryo and Hubert Duke left Sat
day night fo visit at Denver and
H. D. Birge returned Sunday from n
visit at the Cheyenne Frontier Dny
Geo. L. Carter arrived in town today
and will probably remain hero for a
couple of weeks.
Mrs. Ad Coates will entertain tho
members of tho Club Navita Wednes
day afternoon.
Mrs. John McGraw left the latter
part of last week for n visit with
friends in Denver.
C. C. Chambprs, who had been the
guest of friends in town, left last night
for a visit in Denver.
Tho Prosbvterian aid society will
meet with Mrs. Clara Newton Thurs
day afternoon.
II. C. Hecht, of Wallace, one of the
deputy assessors of the county, is a
visitor in town today.
Mrs. Castor, of Lincoln, is n guest ut
the Grimes residence while enrouto to
Spokane, where she will tench school.
Mrs, Arta Kockon has issued in
vitations for a card party tomorrow
nfternoon in favor of Miss McCraken
and Mrs. Castor, who are guests of
Mrs. II. M. Grimes.
For Sale-Organ and Retort oak
stove. Both in good condition. Any
reasonable oirer accepted if taken Wed
nesday. John F. Skiiibut.
Mis3 Etta Colmgen has gono to Den
ver to visit frionbs. Miss Hazel Hunt
ington is filling MissCohagcn's position
at Schriebor's.
Under the terminal lax law the
Union Pacific will pay taxoa on 5111,247
worth of property at this terminal.
This is n very slight increase over last
year. This sum represents tho assessed
value, the real value being five times
that amount.
Tho missionary society of tho Luth
eran church tendered Mrs. John.F.
Seibert a pleasant surprise Friday
afternoon in the way of n jfurowell
party. There was n Inrge attendance
of memberu and the afternoon was
pleasantly passed. Tho members pre
sented Mrs. Seibert with a souvenir
spoon and a badge of the society.
Many improvements are being made
at the North Platte roller mill which
tend to increiifco the output of the
plant and at the same time make a
superior grade of products. Tho (lour
now produced at these mills is tho
equal of any, and yet North Platte
householders are slow to exclusively use
it. Our people do not- seem to catch
on to tho undisputed fact that the wa.
to make a greater and better town is
to patronize home industries.
"His Wife's Honor" Co., which hat'
bon rehearsing at Gollu-nburg for ter
days, arrived here Friday morning and
presented tho play nt The Keith in th
evening. Following the performance
the manager und his wifo left on oru
of the night trains leaving four of the
company two men nnd two women
stranded. Manager Stamp kindly of
fered to share receipts nt a Saturd.ij
evening vaudeville, nnd thereby the.
were enabled to get out of town. In
addition to their share of the receipts
of tho performance, Manager Stami
made a donation of money to each of
tho two ladies.
The proposition to voto ono hundred:
thousand dollar boiuh for a new water
plant is up beforo the voters of thecitj
today and considerable activity is shown
in getting out tho voto. This hustling 1
will no doubt result Jn a heavy vote,
much heavier than at any previous
election in which tho waterworks
question has figured. Those favoring
the bonds are confident that they will
secure the neeemiry two-thirds vote,
while those opposing the bonds seem
to bo equally confident that they will
bo defeated;
Free Lecture.
Mrs. Mary P. Edmunds, of Omahn,
will give a free lecture to tho ladles f
North Platte, under the aunpices of tho
aid society at tho Methodist church
Friday afternoon, August 27, at 3
o'clock. Subject "What Women Ought
to Know." All ladies nro cordially in
vited to attend.
Hershey News.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl DanieUon left
Thursday morning for Cheyenne and
Denver and returned Sundny.
Dell Brownfield and Sidney Clntko
havo returned from their western trip.
Tho Presbyterian ladies mot with
Mrs. Josoph McConuel last Wednesday
Miss Huth Anderson, who has been
visiting at tho Wickstrom residence,
left for Denver Friday, whero sho will
join her sister and mother.
T. Gi'niau, Sr., returned to New
York City last week.
Mrs. Milton Smith, of Paxton, spent
several days in Uershoy last week.
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Mudd nnd
daughter left Thursday morning for
Denver, Colorado Springs nnd otor
western points, liiey win no gone
some time.
Mr. and Mrs. II. W Beam nnd
daughter, Chas Porterfield, Earl White
and Earl Williams went to Cheyenno
for Frontier Da vs.
MWtf Qurmitt RlfdrelsVn visjttA
friends in North Platto Inst week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Miller trans
acted business in North Platto Friday.
Mrs. Will Simmons nnd daughter
Miss Sibyl, returned to their homo in
Solomon, Kansas, Friday.
Mrs. M. U. Eves was shopping in
North Platto Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Show went to
Omaha nnd Montgomery City, Mis
souri, Thursday to bo gono a couple of
Mr. and Mrs, D. M. Loypoldt nnd
children spent Sunday with A. B.
Goodwin in North Platto.
Friends of the parents will be olensod
to know that a baby boy was born to
Mr. nnd Mrs. Loren Fogol of Hastings
last Friday.
A snd event occured last Friday noon
when donth cUimod us its victim Mrs'.
S. S. Frtlk. For tho past two yours
the deceased had sulTorcd with the
dropsy nnd nt tho ago of forty-nine
years death closed its mighty nrms
around thia beloved wife and mother
and drew her from her earthly homo.
Frank Soukup of tho experimental
fnrtn wns tho guest of Miss Myrtle
White last Sunday.
Miss Ethel Stone was down from
Ogallala Sunday to visit with Mr. nnd
Mrs. E. A. Stone.
Liggett's Saturday Candy
For 29c per box
Saturdays and Sundays Only.
McDonell v Graves.
"Texas" Saturday Evening.
Tho coming production of "Toxns"
which will be given n presentation in
this city next Saturday evening is-jiot,
as the nam" might imnly n melodrama,
but a high class comedy. "Texas"
was written by J. Mauldin Feign I a
nativo of tho One Lone Star State, and
tho story shows the knowledge of tin
tubject complete in every respect. Ii
"Texas" the keen edge of interest in
Sustained without lapse: the characteri
zation is accurate, vivid and individual;
tho life of the runcher is powerfully
t forth in scenes and situations and
incidents that smell of the soil, nnd tin
story is told with extraordinary energv
und praiseworthy directness. No per
Kn not u stoic could sit through it
Washington's Plague Spots
iie in the low, marshy bottoms of tin
Potomac, the breeding ground of inH
laria genua. Thesu germs causu chills,
fever nnd ague, biliousness jaundice,
lassitude, weakness and general debility
nnd bring suffering or death to thou
sands yearly. But Electric Biltera nov
er fail to destroy them and cure malaria
'roubles. "They are the bostall-round
tonic and cure for malaria I overused."
writes It. M. James, of Loue'llon, S. C
They euro Stomach, Liver, Kidney and
Blood Troubles and will prevent Ty
phoid. Try them, 50c. Guaranteed bj
Stone Drue Co
I ' '
Get into the best kept houses
in spite of every precaution. It
seems impossible to keep them
out. They are often brought
into the house in tho grocer's
basket or some parcel delivered
by a tradesman.
A remedy exists for this evil
Ant, Bug X Roach Powder
Just dust it in all damp places
and you are safe fof the season.
It never fails.
Four sizes : 1 5c, 25c, 45c.
and 75 c.
McDonell & Graves.
harness made by Fink will last for
years, for tho simple renson that in
tho first instance nothing but thorough
ly tanned, stout stock leather oak
tanned whnnevor that's tho befit to use
goes idto it, and because tho necs
sary cutting, newing, riveting nnd ad
justing are skillfully dona by expetts
at tho business, Fink'ct harness ib ul
wnys a good investment for any owner
of a horse,
The Keith Theatre.
C. H. Stamp, Lessee and Mgr.
Friday, August 27th,
Afternoon and Evening.
Innes Orchestral Band
Afternoon Program 3:30.
1 Overture, The Roman Carnival llerlloi
2 a Funeral March, from Sonata, On X Chopin
b Short Waltz, in D. Flat, Op, 04 Chopin
:t Serenade for 'Cello nnd Fluto Tit'l
Hazel nnd Kilmrz
4 Aits from Tlio Trumpeter of Soeckingen Nesslee
(folding with tlio famous "Farewell"
Song, by Mr. A Jefferson Smith.)
5 a Vliipeiing of tho Flowers Von Hlon
h GluiKi Vis!ihu!tnn, Two-Step Innes
(OMcinl 31 arch of tlio Seattle World's
Ksir. New. liuhlislicd for Piano Solo.)
(t 3ly llimrt nt tho Voice, Aria for Soprano Sain Salens
Virginia Listenmnii.
7 Tlio Kerry Widow Waltz (llumoresque) limes
Showing tins well known melody ns written by its com
poser, IMinr, and lis it might hnvo been written by
a Hnydn
fl In Ung Time. St) In
d Wnjnifr
'Hi: C. (!. Conn llnml Instruments nro Used.
;, Evening Program 8:30.
1 Fourteenth Ilungurinu Rhapsody Liszt
ii a llriilnl Song..' Goldmnrk
b Flirtnti'ui Steck
:i Valse Urillinnto, for Harp Solo Cheshire
4 Celebration of the Love Fenst, from Parsifal Wagner
f Minion' Letter (tlllott
jti Gloria Washington, Two-Step Innes
lOnicial March hf the Seattle Woild's
Fair. New. Published for I'inno Solo.)
.(!.,. Una We poco fa, Aria for Soprano Rossini
Virginia Ijlistenmnn
7,' !" 'Scene from II Trovatoro (folding Verdi
. . with the famous "Tower Scene,"
1 - by Messrs. lhuuhridgo and Pinto.)
' !
J&ttsteftj'-. ir scats
offlNorth Platte, Nebraska.
Capital -Surplus
Stockholders' Liability
Guarantee Fund for
(Not considering quick
E. F. Seebcrger, C. F. McGrew, J. J. Halligan,
F. L. Mooncy, Arthur McNamara.
MWi xrwii tmtmtm iwnw imm n'wum ww iwmw tm i m
Distilled Water Ice.
The Lexington Artificial Ice Works hns established
an agency in North I'latte with Joseph Spies as agent,
and are prepared to furnish in unlimited quantities this
Distilled Water Ice. The price is fifty -jive cents per
ioo pounds.
Will also furnish patrons with Distilled Water-
DR. J.
will hereafter
General Practice of Medicine,
Tho ONLY non-nnrcotic and lawful JMlo Cure, becauso tho U. S. Dispen
satory says every ingredient of E-UU-SA in "Suitable for the purpose for which
it is sold" (Piles) and tho name authority cotidemnn the injurious narcotic
(dops) pilo medicines. Only reliable, up-to-date drugging soli I3-RUSA in
Narfh Platto j Schiller & Co, btvnu Drug Co., and Mcltoinull & GrUWd.
cjttatataKi tana
Depositors $225,000.00
nsscta nnd cash resources)
OOWXmM .tv-u VMI .OMIi i wxwh
take up the
Surgery and ,L,ying-in Cases,
together with HIS SPECIALTY
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat'
Your Glasses Carefully filled.
OOlce and Residence 413 E Fifth St.,
on ground lloor, no stairs to climb.
Phono 559.
30 years actual oxpcricncc.
The Long and Short of It
is that it is impossible to make n hotter
fivo cent ciRnr than tho Forrest Kinp.
It contnina the finest tonacbo nnd tho
most of it that tho prico permits. Try
n Forrest Kinjr today and tells us whnt
you think of it. If you throw it nwav
beforo smoking it down to tho Inst puft
wo miss our guess.
A Spanking Good Team
Is at your command whenever you'toll
us you want it. This livery atublo is
prepnred to supply Instantly any kind
of u rig you require Whllo in your
service it is ns much yours as if you
owned it. Tho difference is that you
pay only for tho time you use it, nnd
not for tho timo it is standing in tho
stnblo. That beats privnto ownership
all hollow. ,
A. M. Lock.
are prettv sure to bo patrons of Arm
strong's llostnurant und show by their
uppenronco that they get tho best food
provided. They got the boat tho mar
ket provides, deliciously nnd daintily
cooked and served. Our bill of fare
contains all the luxuries of tho season.
Mrs. Jennie Armstrong, Prop.
Furniture Repairing
Also Woodturning.
.... A Specialty.
Shop 107 EaBt Fifth.
v. Homeopathic l'hysiciun
nnd Surjreon.
Oilicoi McDonald Hank Muildinp-.
Phono 183.
A . I. Allies. M. I). Mario Ames, I. !)
1J Physicians nnd Surgeons.
Offico: Over Stone Drujr Co.
Phones: Oilico 273, Residence 273
(1EO. B. DENT,
U Physician and Surjreon.
Oilico: Over RlcDonald Dunk.
Phonos lOfflcolGO
l hones RcBidcn 115
Osteopathic Physiciun,
Rooms 7 nri't 8, McDonnld
S,tuto Bank Duildinfr,
Phono 148.
Oilico over t,chaA (Jli thine "
Store. Ph'r.o 8
Offlco: rvr. Ftont & Deww ct