The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 24, 1909, Image 4

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    "There is Something about a Wed
ding Gown Prettier than any
other Gown in the World."
reason a wedding
than any other to
For tho samo
ring is prottior
tho future bride.
If you nro contoKiplating matri
mony and havo secured your licenso,
it is timo for you to buy tho Ring,
and wo havo them in such largo
quantities that it will not bo nec
essary for you to wait.
Wo carry a full lino of sizes and
shapes in 14k and 18k.
Jeweler and Optician.
Phono 338.
Wc want Your Repair Work
Graduate Dentist.
Ofllco over tho McDonald
Stato Bank.
Tho bulk of hogs at South Omaha
yesterday sold at $7.62.
Mrs. Geo. L. Erhard left last night
for a visit at Portland and Seattle.
Miss Lorotta Erhard loft last night
for u visit with friends at Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wasson of Indian
apolis aro visiting Mrs. Goo. Finn.
Tho now residonco being build by
Mainard Crosby in tho Banks' addition
is nearing completion.
Mrs. James Babbitt left Sunday
night for a visit with relatives and
friends in California.
Tho Elks held initiatory ceremonies
last evening and placed tho antlers on
Will Hoover and a Mr. Nelson.
County Clerk Elliott and family havo
boon guests at tho Fred Tetrow place
bduUi of Brady for several days past.
A. W. Greer has Bold to W. F. Moo
berry 640 acres in sections III and 2-1,
town 9, rango 27, for a consideration of
Sevonty-fivo now Pacific, type passen
ger engines hnvo been ordered by the
Northwostorn for delivery during the
next two or three months for use on all
its through passenger trains. Theso
largo engines will bo nblo to handle a
loaded train of fourtcon standard Pull
man sleeping cars.
Tho Misses Harriet nnd Mario Von
Gootz entertained about thirty young
ladies at a very ploasnat garden party
on thoir pretty lawn Friday afternoon.
In a flower making contest Miss N11
Hartmnn was awarded tho prizo, a
pretty cut glass dish, and in the
second contest which was tho supply
ing of words in tho "Farmer's Lovo
Letter" Mrs. Ed. Vandorhoof was the
most successful and was given a cut
glass vaso. During tho afternoon,
punch was served in the pretty
decorated summor house and at tho
closo of tho aftornoon refreshments
woro sorved.
Miss Mary Jensen, of Boclus, is a
guest of Mr. and Mrs, Neils Rasmus-
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Muldoon leave
tonight for a visit at the Seattle ex
Ten thousand vards of laces at Ave
cents n yard at The Leader.
Tho Indian Card Club will be enter
tained tomorrow evoning by Mrs. Geo,
II. Dent.
Tho Episcopal guild will meet with
Mrs. Welch on west Front street
Thursday afternoon.
Buttermilk with all the butter in it.
Ice cold at tho fountain, Gc.
Engineer Will Morris is building a
two-story residenco on tho west side of
tho Banks' addition.
Mrs. Anthony JcfTers and daughter
Miss Nora left Sunday night for a visit
with relatives at Independence, Mo.
Ladies, Misses and children's gowns,
skirts, combination suits and corset
covers now on sale at Tho Leader,
Mrs. David Minshall and daughters
Helen and Gertie, left Sunday night
for a visit with friends at Bclolt, Mich.
Mrs. B. L. Robinson, Miss Bertha
Banks and Miss Antonidcs left Sunday
night for a two weckB' stay at Choro'
keo Park.
Long silk coats at low prices at The
M. Koith Novillo is making a num
bcr of alterations to his residence, the
rooms beinir rearranged, hard wood
floors put in and Are place built.
Fivo hundred black petticoats at 75
cents each at The Leader.
F. A. Stroup returned Sunduy
a six weeks' trip to Pacific
points, nnd left yestorday for Oinahn
to conduct an excursion of land Beckers
to Scotts Bluffs.
A deed has been filed conveying from
P. S. Hamilton to Harry Parkor tho
north half section 25-12-30, containing
320 acres, for a consideration of $11,
Got your gun at Tho Star Clothing
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Lock and son
Ieavo Wednesday or 'lhursday for a
visit at tho Soattlo exposition. Thoy
will nlHo stop enrouto homo ut Los
Angeles, and will be absent about
thirty days.
Just received ladies' tailored waists,
at populur prices, at lho Leaner.
D. A. Baker, of Denver, who is in
thn secret sorvico of tho Union Pacific
for the Colorado division, camo down
Sunday night and returned lust night.
Ho had a pleasant visit with old time
Paul, tho three months old Bon of
Mr. and Mrs. John Koontz, died Sat
urday evening from stomach troublt
after an illness of nix weeks. The fun
erai was noiu aunciay evening in uu
loss of their little one, tho parents
havo tho sympathy of many friend?.
Younrr Man I Do you know that by
investing $6.00 per month with the
Nobraska Central Buildinc; & Loan As
Bociation for 112 months, you will hnvo
to your credit $1,000.00. Let us ex
nlain their nlnn to vou.
Temi-lk Rkai. Estate & Ins. Aqencv,
1 & J jVlcUonalU mocK.
Ovist First National, i'liono US
Frank McGovcrn has taken a brief
lay-off and left Friday night for a visit
with his parents in Denver.
Conductor Dontler, of tho Denver-
North Platte run, has taken a lay-ofT
and C. A. Weir takes the run.
300 dozen Towels, from the cheapest
to tho finest made, now on sale at Tho
Boars for Sale.
Thero aro still somo choice young
Duroc Jersoy hotrs for salo at $16.00
each at tho Experimental Substation.
The Crime Of Idleness.
idleness moans trouble tor any one.
Its tho same with a lazy liver. It caus
es constipation, headache, jaundice
sallow complexion, pimplos and blotches
loss of appetite, nausea, but Dr. King's
Now Life Pills hooii banish liver trou
bleu and build up your health. 25c. at
Stone Drug Co.
Final Oxford
Price Reduction
All low shoes priced to move them out and promptly.
Wc prefer a loss to carrying1 them until another season.
All are this season's goods correct styles and our
standard of quality.
All Men's Oxfords worth up to $5.00 for
Patents, plain black leathers, tans, green
and Oxbloods,
All Women's Oxfords worth up to $4 for
Patents, black kid and tans.
All Women's Oxfords worth up to 2.50 for
Black, tans and Oxbloods
All Misses' Oxfords go at
Black and tan
Graham & Co.,
All Children's sires 5 to 8, go ut
Wosaena White Caxvaa Oxfords all go at
The construction train on the North
River branch has been taken out of
service for two weeks, awaiting tho
arrival of a Btcam shovel.
Material yards havo been established
at Northport Junction on tho Nortli
River branch nnd considorablo material
hus nlroady been stored there.
iu.iwii yards ot tnc Handsomest em
broideries ever seen now on sale at tho
Tho Leader.
Wo stated that tho now house on tho
oxpcrimental farm would havo thirteen
rooms It should have read thirteen
bpd rooms; counting tho closots and
hath rooms, there will bo fifty-four
pompartmontfl in tho house.
New shades of ribbons nro shown at
Tho Leader.
Sam Richards nnd family will move t"
Eustis next week, where Mr. Richards
his opened a store. Thoy oxpect to
remain in Eustis temp irarily, however,
mrl will eventually make their homo
in Kansas City.
Money to lonn on irood roal estnto so
tirltv. Soo O. E. Eldor. Koith theatre
Tho work ordora on tho extension
t tno iNortn itivur Drnncn only cover
distance of nine miles, which will
carry the track to a point where it will
cross the river. It is understood that
tho track will bo laid that far this fall
nnd then work discontinued until spring,
it is prouuhlo that tho bridge across
the river will bo built this winter whilo
tho river is low.
Buttermilk during hot weather. Ask
your doctor, Gc at the fountnin.
L. A. Timmerman has been in Oma
ha for several daya making arrnngc
monts for lotting tho contract for his
now building. The estimated cost
tho bufldi.ig is greater thnn.ho figured
but ho will not decrease the size of the
building or make any re-arrangement
in other words he is willing to put in
moro money in order to secure the
building ho desires.
Your furniture needs varnishing and
repairing neloro house cleaning, see
i'. m. sorenson, Hiiopuu is. oth at.
II. N. Smith who purchased tho Sam
Rlchnrds houso on oust Third street
A'ill tako possession next week. II
has rented tho house in which he how
lives to E. A. Boyd, nnd eventunlly ho
will move that house to the inside lot
i . i til.
inu put up a inrgor unci natter ono on
tho corner lot. In taking possession of
tho Richards residonco, Mr. and Mrs
amun necomo tno possessors or ono
of tho finest homos in tno city.
Couch Covers, all shades, at Tho
Brim full of humor nnd delightfully
natural in plot nnd characterization
"Texas" thn comedy.drnma of south
western lifo is sure to ploase tho pa
tronB of The Keith when it is prosent
od next Saturday evoning. Harlan Fox
who is well known as a young romantic
actor is cast for tho leading character
of "Freshwater Jack." Mr. Fox has
scored a great hit in tho role, lending
to tho part an unmlstnkablo talent
combined with dash, virility nnd man
llness. An excellent company has been
selected to support u young star whic
combined with ImmUonio scenery wl
add greatly to tho enjoyment of tho
populnr play which is now in tho sixth
I year of unbroken success.
The Innc's Band.
Inne's Orchestral Band of Now York
accompanied by several soloists who
were engaged for the dedication of tho
Exposition at Soattlo, will appear i
festival program at lho Keith on Frl
day aftornoon and oventng of this week
Tho Inno's Band has a unique ropu
tation throughout tho whole country
No organization has a higher reputa
tion for tho rendition of tho great
standards in music, and tho name
Inno's bus como to be synonymous with
tho best thero is in tho domain of higli
Tho Inuos Band is tho result
many years ot cuort, 01 unceasing
watchfulness to secure tho best musi
clans in tho wnrid, of constant and
tedious rehearsing, of tireless effort on
tho part of In ica himself and by tho
determination of each individual mem
bar of tliu organization to give tho
best that is in him. '
Each player is selected with aa much
caro aim consideration as aro tno
Buveral soloists who accompany the
B"nd. and every man must pass a
rigid examination before ho is ac
cepted as a member.
Scared Vilh A Hot Iron,
or scalded by overturned kottle cut
with a knifebruised by dammed door
injured by gun or in any other way
tho thing needed nt onco is uucKien b
Arnica Halve to suliduo inllummatinn
and kill the pain. It's earth's supremo
healer, infaltililo for Boils, Ulcers,
Fever Soros. Eczema and Tiles. 20c, at
, StVnu Druir Co.
Our Semi-Annual
Clear in
4? 4,4,4.4. 4i4i4i4,44lj,,,ji4
The Big Clearing Sale which .' started Thursday is certainly
well attended, the goods speak for themselves. Just think
of buying Miller-Watt Clothes in all the new shades and
patterns at one-half price. We have a few left so you bet
ter hurry in and grab one. Remember everything else is
on sale to make room for our new fall stock (except Finck's
Detroit Special Overalls). We haven't got time to quote
prices again but just make our store a visit and you will be
convinced that we are holding the sale of sales, don't forget
that the New Clothes Shop has only been open nine months
so you will get no shelf worn goods.
North Platte's Leading Clothiers.
II. C. Christiansen has sold to D. M.
Lcypoldt lots G and 6, 1G und 17, block
10, Hershey for the sum of $2,000.
Thirteen trainmen at Wymoro were
discharged yesterday on tho charge of
rifling freight cars oh the Burlington,
and ovidence has been secured that will
result in tho discharge of twelvo or fif
teen moro.
'Twas A Glorious Victory.
There's rejoicing in Fedora, Tenn. A
man's lifo has been saved, und now Dr.
King's New Discovery is tho talk of the
town for curing C. V. Pepper of deadly
lung hemorrhages. "I could not work
nor got about," ho writes, "nnd the
doctors did mo no good, but, after us
inir Dr. King's Now Discovery three
weeks, I feel liko a now man, and can
do good work again." For weak, soro
or diseased lungs, Coughs and Colds,
Hemorrhages, Hay Fever, La Gtippe,
Asthma or any Bronchial affection it
stands unrivaled, Price 60c. and SI .00.
Trial Bottlo freo. Sold and guaranteed
by Stone Drug Co.
i You need something to clean up S3
E disinfect and kill parasites. jj
will do the work.
Wo bare a special book
let on diseases of I'ouN
try. Call or write for one.
Stone Drug
opriiig and bummer Necessities.
Hardware, Lawnmowers,
Garden Tools, Wash Machines,
Grindstones, Grass Catchers, Knives.
Refregerators, Glasses,
Pictures, Furniture,
Picture Frames, (made to order.)
Art Squares, Rugs, Mattings,
Curtains, Draperies,
Couch Covers, Window Shades.
Plumbing and Heating.
I Business Education Pays. :
W ,13
When You are Prepared there is a
Good Situation Ready for You . . : . .
irrnfu of t il.i 4- ... 1. - 1 . t ss
& -i otuuu.iL wiiu compicceu our combined ,5
-wu.Di. me h,i&l year is now in a good situation and A
we have had calls for many more young .people than ,.1
w v.uum till 1 1 1 o 1 1 ty
c' We lei you complete our course and then pay &
y your tuition. IhereareNO EXTRA FEES. You
rf mjl; ontoi- if .!-.. t-I.,. ..r. t 1 ..i . .1?.
......v.... iih.iv. inu i i in r Jico, YOU 1
f may enter at any time after September 7th, when
S-.l Mm foil t l. : ' .i
wiv. inn iciiu ucyuih
Strong Faculty. Reasonable Rates. Well Equipped S
4 School. Fourteen Years Since Established. 4
t'' Tr . . , . .12
u interested,- write lo S
Innes Orchestral Band at The Keith
next Friday afternoon and evening.