NEW CHIEF OF NAVIGATION T 0 II Rear Admiral William P. Potter, who recently became chief of the bureau of navigation, succeeding Rear Admiral Pillsbury. This post Is considered one of the best In the navy department. Admiral Potter was formerly commander of the fourth division of the Atlantic battleship fleet. He was born In New York and was graduated from Annapolis In the class of 1860. In the war with Spain he was executive officer of the cruiser New York, flanshlp of the fleet. On the World cruise ho was In command of the Vermont until advanced to his present rank, coming homo In charge of the fourth division. DREAM REVEALS GEM Man Who Lost It at Dance Re covers It Months Afterward. Takes Advice of-.Woman Who Be. Ileves In Visions and Recovers Ring In Gutter No One Had Stepped on Jewel. Picturesque Austrian Line from Gastcln to SpHall Finished. Cost Millions to Build and Open New Country to Tourists Also Is an Important Connect Ing Link. . Holden, Mnss. After dreaming ho saw :i dluniond ring, lost six months ago, lying In n gutter In Holden, Georgo .A Moore of No. 721 Main streot, Worcester, Mnss., enmo hero nud picked up the ring In tlio spot whoro ho saw It lying In IiIh dream. As n result the lucky possessor of the $2C0 ring 1ms joined tho ranks of those who firmly bellovo In dreams, Moore, who travels much, told the story of tho recovery of tho Hug while here. It is best told In his own words: "In February last tho dancing school I attended In Worcester luul n barn dance In Holden, and I dressed my self tip in tho costume of a Rouben and went to the dnnce, I decided not to wear my diamond ring, and wore instead one of thoso large carbuncle glass rings sold In any fivo and ten cent store. I put my diamond ring In my pocket, however "During tho evening one of the young women saw the ring i had on and began to Jolly mo about it. I Btood for the Jollying for nwhilo, but when tho "other girls began to kid mo I took out my good ring, and said I had n good one If 1 chose to wear It. "One of tho girls said slio would like to wear It awhile, but I said 'I guess not,' nnd put it back in my pocket. I had on my 'Rube' costume TRADE SLUMPS $550,000,000 Big Decrease for 1908 Shown In the International Union of American Republics. Washington. Economic causes which affected commercial centers throughout the world during 100S had a serious effect on tho countries com posing the international union of American republics, as shown by fig ures compiled by the international bureau of American republics. Tho nggrcgate of trade for tho varl ous countries during 1908 was $1,848,- 010,947, against ?ii,415,798,197 In tho preceding year, a loss of over $"1.10, 000,000. In tho total for tho year tho shnro of tho United States Is repre sented by ?15,809,2i?2,92S, as compared with $3,34G,59fi,025 in 1907, a decrease of $177,313,097 being Indicated, Latin America figured in tho grand total for $1,977,737,019, showing a decline of $89,C47,r)89 in the tindo volume as compared with 190". Imports into all of Latin-America during 1008 showed n decline of $107, 043,854, while on tho other, hand ex ports show a gain of $15,578,701 over 1907. To Seek 3outh Pole. Los Angeles, Cal. Capt. Rowland W. Webster, appointed by tho Royal Geographical society to load an expe dition In search of tho south pole, has left for Now York. Ho will omburk from thero for London to preparo for tho nntartlc trip which will begin noxt August. Notification of tho appointment canio to Capt. Webster as lie reached San Francisco on his twenty-fifth Jour ney across tho world. ilo earned his title in tho Soudan with Lord Kitchener. Ho also served in tho Hoer war. Fall In Naval Test. Washington. Recausn of mental or nhvsical deficiencies naif tne candl dates for commissions in the United Stntes marine corps failed to pass the oxumlnntlons here. Eighteen of 29 who failed wore mentally fit, but were ilpfletcnt physically, seven railed mom niiv. and the four other candidate did not pass the final, or professions. examinations then. I thought nothing more of the Incident until 1 changed my clothes beforo returning to Worcester. Then I missed the ring. A careful search of all my pockets failed to brine the ring back, and even the vt-urch made of the car on which I rode home wrb unsuccessful. "The months wore ou and the ring was all but forgotten. Friends who knew of the incident had helped me search for it, and even advertising for it did no good. The other night, how ever, 1 hud a dream. Now I don't ordinarily dream. I'm not accustomed to It. Hut this was u real dream and I had to staud for it. In my dream I saw that ring, aud there was uo mis taking it. "It wus lying lu a stone cutter, uear n big building, and I had to guess where tho spot was. Then I rocog n I zed the place, for I was sure It was at tho rear end of the town hall, I woke up suddenly, but there was no ring in sight, and then 1 decided it was more sleep I wanted. "That dream worried me some. 1 talked about It to a woman friend of mine, and she being n more firm be Hover in dreams than I, quite Insisted that 1 go to Holden and take a look around the town bull. 1 had somo business In Qreendale and when I finished that I took a transfer for Holden. I went to the place whero I dreamed tho ring was lying, and to my astonishment and Joy,' there It was. The gold was scratched and tho stono covered with dirt. "How many people," Moore asked, holding up tho ring, "do you suppose havo walked on that ring?" Thoso who heard the story wouldn't ovun hazard a guess, hut he was sure there had not been one. Vienna, Austrin. At a cost of $G0, 000,000 tho Austrian ministry of rail wuys has Just completed building the Tauern railway between Gastcln In Salxburg and Splttal In Carlnthla. The line Is only 30 miles In length and Its enormous cost was duo to tho engin eering difficulties, which included the construction of a tunnel uvb miles long, costing $0,000,000. For Austria tho Tauern railway will have great value In opening up a now stretch of country to the homo nnd foreign tourist of surpassing plctur esqtteness. nut It has also great In ternational Importance, as In conjunc tion with thrco other railways built by tho Austrian ministry within tho past few years, the Wochciner, Kara wanltcn and Pyrhn lines, it forms i new connecting link between central Europe and the Adriatic. Tills moans lower freight' rntes between Germany and tho Mediterranean. And It Is not without political significance, too, ns these lines, making a second routo to Trieste, pass through German dls tricts of Austria, whereas the present main lino to the south runs largely through Italian nnd Slay districts. Tho Tauern Is one of tho prettiest bits of mountain railway In tho Alps, running as It does through a magnlfl cent region of mountains and fertile valleys. It is specially interesting from tho engineering standpoint. Tho Tauern tunnel Is the second longest In Austria and took soven years to build. The work was full of trouble and peril. Water ru3hed in frequently and the laborers suffered greatly from tho heat when reaching tho confer. Tho rock was unusually hard and the boring process was necessarily slow. A new kind of explosive rock met with for the first time, gavo the en glncers much trouble. Tho "knallgcs toln," as It is called, detached Itself from the sides of the tunnel without the slightest provlous warning, and with n loud report, In great slabs half an inch thick, causing much alarm among tho workmen and frequently bruising and Injuring them. The building of tho Hue, in fact. was at the cost of many lives. An avalanche suddenly swept down tho mountain sldo one morning In March, 1908, carrying away a workmen's din ing room, where somo 60 men were breakfasting at tho time. Only 11 wero saved. Tho workmen, of whom there were somo 3,000, were a very cosmopolitan lot. ltulians wero the most numer ous, but there were also Macedonians, Croatlans, AlbanlnnH nud Servians. Extends Use of Oil as Fuel. Salt I.ako City. The trial of an oil burning locomotlvo on the Southern Pacific division between Sparks and Cnrlln, Nov., has proved so sotlsfae tory that the company hns decided to retire all tho coal-burning engines on that division. Tho chnngo will be made at once. THINK THEY CAN FOOL HENS Pennsylvania Farmers Will Experi ment by Rapidly Alternating Dark ness and Light to Produce Eggs. Rlngtown, Pa. Can a hen be fooled by a trick of tho imagination. Into laying three eggs inBtend of one every 24 hours? This Is the question which sovcral farmers in this agricultural region propose to test. Hens aro to be kept in absolute darkness for several hours to represent the night, then u brilliant electric light is to be turned on at intervals to represent daylight. Chicken fanciers declare that bens carry largo numbers of embryo eggs which aro never laid because or tho long established habit of laying but ono every day. They theorize that If this habit can be broken up and the hens given additional nutriment the supply of eggs can be greatly increased. Rides Horse Into Hotel. New York. Frank J, Mackey, the well-known California millionaire, who has resided chiefly in England for a number of years, has boon fined $10 and costs In a Loudon police court for riding a horse Into one of the hotels, according to a cablegram re ceived hero. Mr. Muckey is said to have made a wager that he would rldo the horse into the hotel and around the billiard table. Ho did so and was cited to appear In police court. In paying his fine, be said he was satisfied becauue he had won the wager. His 13-year-old daughtor, who was playing near tho well, discovered the sparkler when tho dirt was dumped from tho bucket. Mr. Gontry sent the stono to n St. Louis Jowcler, who pro nounced It genulno nnd offered him $500 for It. SCARES AWAY THE INSECTS Latham to Try Again. Calais. Hubert Latham, the aviator who made two unsuccessful attempts to cross the English channel in his aeroplane, has determined to attempt to win the Deutsch. prize of $6,000 for the first aeroplnnlst to cross the chan nel with a passenger. Spider Painted on a Bald Head Scares Away the Pestiferous Little Mosquito. Wlnsted, Conn. Otis E. Gillette, enterprising porter nt tho Highland Lake hotel, is bald-headed. There have been a number of New Jorsoy peoplo at the hotel this season nnd he thinks they must bo responsible for a con signment of Jersey "Hkeotors" which made his bald domo their lighting place. Gillette, of ingenious turn of mind, had u largo spider painted on bis bald crown and now, ho Bays, tho mosquitoes do not bother tho bald mark. Glllctto is so well ploascd with tho result of his experiment thnt ho is go ing to have a spider tattooed on his hend, ns tho painted ono wears off too quickly. 1 Messenger Finds Gem. Newport. A published notlco that a valuable diamond brooch attached to a black silk bow had been lost near the Newport Casino, started Robert Welsh, messenger boy, out on the search. lie lounci the brooch ou Uellevue avenue in front of the rest dencfl of Frank Work of New York. He returned the gem to tho jowelor who advertised, and received $25 for his honesty. The brooch 1b tho prop crty of Miss Ruth Twombly, daughter of II. MeK. Twombly. It Is worth $9,600. Finds Diamond In Well. East Las Vegas, N. M. T. ,R. Jem try while digging a well ea all claim, stent tW seutk f TusuBMti, In Quay souBty, myU s aule dia mond In a bucket f dirt wklek kt teok frem tht well. Try Water Cure for Pellagra. Hot Springs, Ark. Tho thermal wa tern of Hot Springs aro to bo tonted !n as effort to And a cure for the disease of ptllagra. Two subjects hart besa bruugtit tw this elty from Mississippi for treatment aafl observation ay lo eal Medical rues. What is Castoria. rASTOEIA. la & hornless substituto for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Dfopo and Soothing Syrups. It la pleasant, It oontains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narootio substance Its ago is its guarantoo. It do3troys Worms and allays Povorishnoss, It ouros Diarrhcoa and Wind Oolio. It roliovos Teething Troublos, euros Constipation and Platulenoy. It assimilates the Pood, regulates tho Stomaoli and Bowols, giving hoalthy and natural Bleep. Tho children's Panaooa Tho Mother's Friend, - ,Tho Kind You Have Always Bought,'and wMolx has been in. uso for over 1 30 years, has borno tho signaturo of Ohas. H, Plotohor, and has boon made nndor his personal supervision sinoo its infancy. Allow no ono to docoivo you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " JuBt-as-good" aro but Exporimonts thattriflo with and endangor tho health of Infants and Children Experionoo against Experiments Letters'froni Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas. II. Fletcher. Dr. F. Gerald Blattncr, of Buffalo, N. Y., Bays:' "Your Castoria la good lor children and I froquontly preocrlbo It, nlwayo obtaining tlio desired results." Dr. Gustavo A. Elsengrnobcr, of St. Paul, Minn., says:' "I liavo useJ your Castoria ropoatcdly In my prnc.tlco with good results, and can rccon mend it as an cxcollont, mild and hnrmlcca remedy for children." Dr. E. J. Dcnnln, of GL Louis, Wo., says: "I havo usod and proscribed; your Castoria In ny canltnrlum and outnldo practlco for ft numbor of ycara and find it to bo an excellent remedy for children." Dr. 0. A. Buchanan, of Philadelphia, Tn., Bays: "I havo used your Cos torla in tho caco of ny own babr and find it pleasant to take, and havq obtained excellent results from Its uoo." Dr. J. D. Simpson, of Chicago, 111., says: "I havo used your Castoria in canc3 of colic in children and havo found it tho host mcdlclno of its kind on tho markot" Dr. XL E. Esltlldson, of Omaha, Nob'., caya: "I find your Castoria to 1o standard family remedy. It is tho best thins for infanta and children I havo over known and I recommend it" Dr. L. II. Itoblnson, of Kansan City, Mo., naysr "Your Castoria cortalnly has merit. Is not Its ago, lta continued uso by mothers through all theso years, and tho many nttompto to lmltalo it, Bufllclont rccommondatlonl What can a physician add? Lcavo it to tho mothors." Dr. Edwin F. Pardee, of Now York City, 6aya: "For BovoraT yearn I havo recommended your Castoria nnd tliall always contlnuo to do bo, as it haa invariably produced boncQcIal results." Dr. N. B. SIzcr, of Brooklyn, N. Y., Bays: "I object to what aro called patent medicines, whoro malcor alono knows what Ingredients aro put la AntctRcmedvfoTOoiaflpt- them, but I know, tho formula of your Castoria and adviso lta uso," HnV SnirrStnTavh.Dlarrhoal " a AVni A - ... ncs3aiulLOSSOFOiJyu. ym 0W8 lacSimiU SlgnaftLftof NEW YORK. : C ASTO RIA TO&ll ALCOHOL 3 PERCENT, j KM AVScteblclkpaMlonrcrAs-i BfaS Hi slmllaltoFbodarolRei'iial Bl PromotesDillonCfeeiu mWm ncss and Restontaliundtter fi&j' I OpiuniIorphlrtc narMiocwl; Klfl j Not Narcotic. Pf; pr 1 j mm 1 buiu-anlecdimdcrUt Exact Copy of Wrapper. fn Hlcmninrn nr AT M Ttte Kind Ton Have Always Bought Dn Use For Over 30' Years, TttC Of NTAUH COMPANY. TT MUD RAY ItMCT, HfW YORK COT. THOSE NEW HATS. "Como Into tho garden, Maud," Snld facotlous-mlndcd Fred. "What's tlio ubqT" aaia Maudlo "I htive it on my hend." 13 IN AGONY WITH ECZEMA. Whole Body a Mass of Raw, Bleeding, Torturing Humor nopea ucaw Would End Fearful Sufferlncj. In Despair; Cured by Cutlcura. "Words cannot dcscrlbo tho torrlblo eczema I aufforod with. It broko out ou my head nnd kept spreading until It covered my wholo body. I was almost n solid mass of sores from head to foot. I looked nioro llko a plcco of raw beef than a human be ing. Tlio pain and agony endured r.comed moro than I could bear. Blood and pus oozed from tho great soro on my scalp, from undor my finger nails, nnd nearly all over my body. My enrs wero so crusted and swollen I was afraid thoy would break off. Every hair in my head fell out. I could not sit down, for my clothes would stick to tho raw and bleeding flesh, making mo cry out from th pain, My family doctor did all ha could, but I got worso and worse. My condition was awful. I did not think I could llvo, nnd wanted death to como and end my frightful sufferings. "In this condition my mother-in-law begged mo to try tho Cutlcura Rem edies. I said I would, but had no hope of recovery. But oh, what blessed re lief I experienced after applying Cutl cura Ointment. It cooled tho bleeding nnd itching flesh and brought me the first real sleep I had had in weeks, It was as grateful as lco to a burning tongue. I would batho with warm wator and Cutlcura Soap, then apply tho Ointment freely. I nloo took Cutl cura Resolvent for the blood. In a short tlmo tho sores stopped running, tho flesh began to heal, and I knew I was to got well again. Then the hair on my head began to grow, and In a short time I was eompletely cured I wish I could tell everybody who has eczema to use Cutlcura. Iw. s. Wm. Hunt, 135 Thomas St., Newark, N. J Sept. JS, 1301." Providential. Mother Why should wo ranko Wil lie n doctor when thero nro so many now doctors every year? Fathor Hut think of all tho now ailments! THE IMNKST lMIIHICl a rn&rnA rnmnarcd nltli tlin llnlna of (hfibowolt. Whtn Irrluitud wo havo palnn, illarrhcti, rrampn. WturlOTcr tbocauio, take Painkiller (I'vrrr liarlt'). When n spinster marries u ninn who s already bald sho doesn't got all that sho is entitled to, All a Mattar sf CmDrln. la blind inaa's had a u is a cwebrity. cattiMtr xua, LewiH Shittlo Hinder, tho famous utmiglit Go cigar annual snlo 0,000,000. Tlmo will toll unless tho gossips boat It under tlio wlro. Is Your Health Worth 10c? W. N. U., OMAHA, "Wo. 34-1909. TOILET ANTISEPTIC NOTHING LIKE IT FOR THF TLCCTU ax,'no ezcel an dcnlif nca n& I U I It in clennting. whitening and removing tutu from the icclh, betide deitroying nil cermi of decay and diieue which ordinary tooth preparation! cannot do. Paxtine tiled at a mouth wash diiintecU the mouth and throat, purifiei tho breath, and Icillt tho cermi Which collect in the moulh, causing lore throat, Lad teeth, bad breath, grippe, and much ticknest. THF ETYFQ w'ien i'lnet' echo Iflta bIC) and burn, may bo instantly lelieved and strengthened by Paxtine. Paxtine will destroy the cermi that cause catarrh, heal the in. fjammntion and atop the discharge. It it a sure lemedy (oruterino catarrh. Paxtine it a harmless yet powerful ftermicide.ditinfedant and deodorizer. Used in bathing it destroys odor and leave the body antiieptically clean. FOR SALE AT DRUG STOHES.OOc. OR POSTPAID BY MAIL. LARGE SAMPLE FREE! pit PAXTON TOILET QO.. D08TON. MASS, DAISY FLY KILLER Sft&uWSB llll 111!. IIBkl. clMii.ornauiciiUl, C0iui'nlmt,l-le. not spill or tip over, wilt notion orlnjureanvtlilnir. OuarAuteci eftce. live. orIIJ.ilr, of $tti t jtrfpn litor Me. IUrMlvnrt, 1S0D Kill. ,., UroebljH,Hw f rfc. That's what it eoste to Ret a week's treatment of CASCAUKTS. They do more for you titan any medicine en Earth. Sickness generally allow and starts first in the Dowels and JJrar; CASCAUKTS cure these ill. It' o easy to try why not atart t aright and liavo help in tho uiorului;? CAMAfcltTft toe a box for a wek' J 35 Vatont, all drujQdit. Wwril f lit r la Ika war Id. Ufnien boxca a msatu. Shave Yourself NO STROPPING NO HONING KKOWW TIIU WORLD OVER "iSWaTiai Thompson' Eye Water i