The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 17, 1909, Image 4

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"A Rolling Stone Gathers No Most"
Is nn old adage which can also be
well applied by ub.
The big mistake the average mer
chant makes is to allow the stone to
remain still and gather the moss, or,
ill other words, ho lots the stock got
The reason he gets into this rut
is because ho doesn't know how to
buy. A style comes out, and he
thinks he must supply the whole
town, and buyB a heavy stock of
this one article.
You ladies visit each other and see
this article, and, of course, you do
not want the same thing, and the
result it he carries this stock over.
Thus it is with most of his goods,
and before he knows it ho has ac
cumulated a large stock of old
You will not find any moss on our
goods, as they aro too new.
Jeweler and Optician.
Phone 338.
We want Your Repair Work
j Over First National. Phono 148
Graduate Dentist.
Olilco over tho McDonald
Stato Bank.
To Loan
I'lonty ol eight per cont money,
Long time to help you build or buy.
Boo Bhatt & Goodman.
Mrs. Guy Robinson will entertain the
rCiub No vita tomorrow afternoon.
Charley Austin spent Sunday with
friends in Omaha.
- F. W. Donaldson has sold to Lewis
Cnuflfmnn lot 7, block 41, for a con
sideration of $1,800.
Tho Sidnoy team defeated tho Omaha
AH Sturs by a scoro of six to five in a
twelve Inning gamo Sunday.
W. H. Bailey, of Cozad, spent tho
latter paBt of laat wcok in town visit
ing his sons Lcm and John.
Prof. Garlisch wont up to Ogallala
' Saturday morning to givo instruction
Jn music to his pupils at that place.
0. M. Cudack, of Perkins county,
transacted business in town Saturday.
Ho was on his way home from the Cal
laway fair.
A. D. McDoncll was a visitor in Om
aha Sunday and was grateful thaUj
owing to tho torrid weather, his Btay
there was limited to ono day.
si Weather Forecaster Hicks predicts
Ihat tho next week will bo n period of
--iisboler woathor. Hero's hoping that
Hicks has mudo u correct forecast.
MIbb Laura Murray will cntortain at
curds at ten o'clock tomorrow fore
noon in favor of her guests, Mrs. Ray
Murray, Miss Doylo and Miss Bartlott.
- Lcm Bailey has ordered and will rc
ceivo this week new cases for his con
fectionery and cigars, thus adding
to the nppoaranco of his bowling alloy.
, D, B. Robinson and son, Fred- Rals
ton and rat Laughman, of Mcdicino
precinct, are in town today onrouto to
the Frontior Days celebration at Choy
For Salo Fino Iurgo baso burner,
good rr new; Organ, Retort oak stove,
lot of aMson fruit jars used once.
John F. Skiheht.
Messrs Alden, tho two traveling men
who movotl their headquarters from
Grand Island to this city, have ronted
the Chas. Hcndy houso "on went Third
ntrcet and tho Swan rosidonce on west
Miss Wilhelemina Oleson, of Denver,
is spending n few weeks with Mrs. G.
W. McDowell.
Alphonse Picard has returned from
a visit with friends ut Grand Junction
and other points in Colorado.
For Rent Six room modern cottage
furnished, G02 West Bth street. In
quire at 821 East Fourth St.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Combs returned
this morning from Salt Lake, where
they attended the G. A. R. reunion.
j. B. Sumner, Jr., came down from
his Keith county homestead this morn
ing and will visit friends for n few
Lost A small black memorandum
book between Dick's grovo and city.
Finder please return to this office and
receive reward.
Geo. A. McMiclinel is visiting rel
atives and friends in town, having
arrived a few dayH ngo from the
Seattle exposition.
r or hale A good milk cow, very
gentle. JoilN F. Skiiieht.
lho "Uncle Josh rcrklns' compuny
came from the cast thin morning and
will present that comedy-dramu at the
Keith this evening.
For Rent Two sections of hay land;
HO cents per acre. Sections !) and 5,
town 11, rango 31; six miles north of
Wallace. Llston & Killcn, land agents,
Wallace, Neb.
Mrs, John Bratt, who has been visit
ing in Omaha, and MIbs Nollio Bratt
wno went to urkq UKogojt as a mem
ber of a house party, arc expected
homo in a day Or two.
Buttermilk with all tho butter in it
Ice cold nt tho fountain, 5c.
Stone Dnua Co,
Lowcll'a Cowboy Band received
contract trom tno state fair manage
mentofToring $300 for their services
for two days. Tho contract will bo
signed nnd returned to tho manage
jMsewncro in these columna bids are
asked for tho construction of u two
story frame dwelling house on th
atato experimental farm south of town
Bids will bo received up to four o'clock
Thursduy aftornoon of this week.
For Rent Now sevon room houso ut
1109 enst Second. Inquire of 0. E
You need iomethlnjr to clean up
disinfect and kill parasite.
will do the work.
We hava a special book
let on diseases of Poul
try. 'Call or writ o (or one.
I c r... I
miss Aria iiocxon was hostess at un
informal dinner Saturday evening in
favor of MrB. Ray Murray, of Lin
coin. Covors wore luid for eight, flvQ
of tho guests being members of Miss
Kocken's fraternity, tho Chi Omega
Sheriff Miltonberger returned last
night from Hastings, Ho says that in
that section tho corn crop is prac
tically destroyed on account of tho dry
wenther. No rain fell from July Cth
unil Thursday of last week.
Get your gun at Tho Star Clothing
It is expected that a now time-card
will go into effect Sunday on the Un
ion Pacific. A now local train between
Grand Island and Omaha will bo put on
and it is rumored a Spokane special
leaving Omaha about midnight, will bo
added to tho service. Some changes i
tho time of tho regular trains wil
probably bo made.
Young Man! Do you know that by
investing $6.00 per month with tho
Nehraskn Central Buildlnir & Loan As
Bociation for 112 months, you will hnvo
to your credit $i,uuimhj. Lot us ex
plain their nlan to vou.
Tkmi'i.b Real Estate & Ins. Agency,
i & z Aicuonald Ulock.
Tho waterworks company will pub
lish in these columns Fridav (at regular
advertising rates, of course) an or
(iinunce tnoy win present to tho coun
lit. . .
cu in ino ovont the water bonds aro
defeated. This ordinance provided for
a number of chunges from tho old ordi
nanco undor which tho formor fran
clinso was granted.
Victor doublo faced records and
Edison four minuto records. Wo have
attachments for machines for fou
minuto records.
Rinpkkk's Book Store
Tho past six doya have been scorchers,
and'in Bomo of tho up stairs rooms in
tho .business blocks tho heat hus been
almost unbourablo. According totho
local tveathcr bureau tho maximum
temperaturo last Wednesday was 97,
Thursday 04, Friday 93, Saturday 91
Sunday 91, nnd yestorday 97. It is not
often that wo hve six consocutivo
days that tho temperature ranges so
Your furniture needs varnishinc nnd
repairing boforo houso cleaning. See
r. Al, Soronson. Bhon 107 E. Bth SL
Teachers' examination will be hoi
I . Y". T . . , ...
nu.i f naay ana &aiuraay at tho coun
ty superintendent's office. A letter rc
ceivod by Supt. Ebright yesterday from
btate bunt. Bishop states that it ia tho
dosiro to report on August oxamlna'
tions by September ltit; in othor words
those who tuko the examinations thi
week will know by September 1st tho
grade certificate to which thoy aro en
Miss Dorris O'Brien left this morn-
ng for a visit with friends in Omaha.
Miss O'Connor, of Guthrie, OkI is
tho guest of her sister, Mrs. !E. C.
Ringer. '
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Banks have re
turned from a trip to the Seattle exposition.
Eight or ton couples of young p'eoplo
held an enjoyable picnic atDick's grovo
Sunday. ri
iMra. W. M. Cunningham will enter
tain the married ladies bridge club
hjs evening.
in las Elizabeth Weinberger hus re
turned from an extended visit with
friends in Omaha.
The. homo missionary society will
moct Thursday afternoon with Mrs
Young, 310 E. Third street.
Wonted A good girl for general
housework. Inquire of Mrs. E. N. Ogicr
218 South Devyey,,.
fr'- ... V.s..
Alias iioicomhf.wJtJittcort, Mo., a
cousin of C. W. Edwards, is u guest
of that gentleman nnd his family.
Additional cars nave neon placed on
nearly all the passenger fruins, and
yet tho equipment ia usuaty&insufllcient
to accommodate the nussoltror traffic.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice rawler, who
had been visiting tho Seattle exposition
arc now in Los Angclek.' and nre ho
well pleased with that city that they
dislike to leave it.
Misses Edith WytxTvburn and Ora
Sludcr returned 'T&iturday from a
month's visit at Gr;uJ Junction Colo
rado and Denver, ihoy report a very
pleasant trip.
Some extra gooft bargains in nice
homes, vacant lore, farms and un
improved farm lands. See us before
you buy. Bratt & Goodman.
rorecast for North Platte and
vicinity: Partly cloudy, and cooler to
night; Wednesday fair. Maximum
temperature ycBtora1-y,'iv7; a year ago
90; Minimum temperature this morn
ing 72; a year hgojf2.
Rev. Chaa. j? Clihpman returned Sat
urday from Ma vacation, which he
sncnt in Chtcairo uhd Snurccon Hnv
Wis., spending his timo nt the lntter
place in fishing foe vbnss and perch.
You hnvo a chance to get u good gun
at a low price at tho Star Clothlne
A tyeavy rain foil in the south part of
the county tho latter part of last week
reviving the corrii' which had begun
sudor from tho protracted drouth. In
some sections smith or wellllcet rain
had not fulleu since July 5th.
Money to loan on good real estate so
curity. See 0. E. Elder, Keith theatre
Miss Alice Birgc entertained tho
resident and visiting members of tho'
Chi Omega fraternity ut her home last
evening in favor of Mrs. Ray Murray
of Lincoln. The evening was pleasant
ly passed with music nnd conversations
supplemented with refreshments
Wanted to Buy A good steady
horso for delivery wagon. Inquire- at
Steum laundry.
Yesterday was pay day for the Ne
brnaku division employes and th
stores wore kept open after 0:30,
There waa very littlo trading, however.
after slipper, nn indication that tho
early closing has caused littlo if any
dis.sisfttction among city customers.
Farmers, wo aro testing and paying
highest cash prico for cream.
David Cole Creamery Co.
Corner Gth and Locust Sts.
Attorney Suyrca, of tho Union Pad
flc land department spent several days
in town the latter part of last week
getting from the U. S.
data concerning land along
River branch from O'Fallon
ORDER A "FORD." Sutherland Au
to Co., Sutherland, Neb.
bupt. hbright nt this lime does not
anticipate a scarcity of teachers for tho
county school". There nre not a suili
cient number of touchers within tho
county to supply the demand, but many
applications aro being received from
teachers in other counties. Quito
number of schools hnvo not yot been
supplied witli tcuchors.
Wo liuvo plonty of eight per cent
money to loan.
Temple Real Estate & Ins. Agency,
1 & 2 McDonald Block
Last Sunday, at Choyenno, whil
running nt the rato of soventy miles an
hour Ben Loy of Denver, driving
n f
poweriui oiearna racing, car, nc
compunied by Mechanician Shannon
Lees of Denver, struck a herd of cattl
crossing mo lour-mno one-lap race
truck of tho Cheyonno Auto club
Frontie" park. Loy's skull wns frac
turcd, his neck broken and his chest
crushed, while Lees received a broken
shoulder and interal injuries. Loy and
Leea wero taken to St. John's hospital
whoro Loy died shortly after 8 o'clock
For Sale.
A good 5 H. P: Wober. Gasolinu
I oriyliw. Apply'to J, Hi VanCICavo. '
Will Open Candy Kitchen.
Byo & Harrison, of Alliance, have
eased the store room in the Keith
theatre building nnd a iahdy
kitchen about September "sti The
members of this firm are experienced
manufacturing confectioners, nncj it is
their purpose to manufacture, their
goods in full view of tho public, thus
giving the purchaser nn opportunity Ho
see the cleanliness of tho product '
land ofiine
the North
to North
Notice To Investors.
Wo have somo extra good first mort
gugo loans based on -10 par cent value
on good incomo proporty, netting 8 per
cent semi-nnnunl interest. It you have
any idle monoy, boo
Bhatt & Goodman.
Theatrical Attractions. A '
For tho coming theatrical season
Manager Stamp, of tho Keith Theatre,
has secured n fine line of attractions,
some of tho best on the rond. Among
tho leading attractions arc: "The
Clansman," "The Time, tho Place and
the Girl," "Fifty Miles from Boaton,"
Little Johnnie Jones," "The Man on
the Box" and "The Man of the Houf.'
A full list of the season's offcringa
and the dates on which they will np
pear, will be published lutcr.
Forgets to Return- .
Sunday u man appeared at tho par
man livery stable nnd engaged a single
rig for n short drive. Up to this morn
ing the man nnd the team had failed to
show up and there ia evidence that the
fellow has gone for good. The man is
described us five and a half feet tall.
weight 150, about 35 years of age, light
complexion, smooth shaven, wore light
coat, pants and hat. The horse ia
bright bay, Htnr in forehead, weight
about 1,000 pounds, wire cut under
letiocK on ngnt lore loot, heavy mano
and trail, shod all around. Buggy Ohio
vuney tnaKo, runner tire, red running
gears, quick detachable top. A reward
of fifty dollars is offered for the arrest
and conviction of the fellow and the
roturn of tho property.
Ladies of North
and Vicinity.
Our fall atock of Dress Goods, com
prising tho very latest New Yorl
fushlons, arc now in. If yi u wish to
have your tailored suits made up early,
call und see tho latest for tho fall o
1909. The Leader.
, . ...
The Home You Have
Longed For
may bo yours if you suy so. If mutters
not on what location you have set your
heart we have the property nnd can of'
ter you the terms you can meet.
The Home You Now Occupy
you are buying for
ua show you a plan
buy it for yourself.
tho landlord,
whereby you
Buchanan &- Patterson,
Real Estate and Insurance.
harness made by Fink will last for
years, for tho simple reason that in
tho first instance nothing but thorouch
ly tanned, stout stock leather oak
tanned whenever thnt's tho best to use
eoes idto it, and because the ncces
sary cutting, sewing, riveting and ad
justing nre skillfully done by experts
nt tho business. Fink's harness is al
ways a good investment for any owner
ot a norsc.
,fwKNtifwiiM-'i HBiitsiiwi tuft ng iiim
For Sale.
House kand lot on West Sixth street.
Throo. blocks frum Dowoy. J. F. Clir-
It is a Well Known Fact
that our bakory goods aro not excelled
in Western Nebraska. Wo uao th
best flour, tho best ingredients of all
kinds. Why allow vour wifo to over
heat herself baking when you can buy
such excellent goods of us ut such low
prices Try us.
Mr. Jcttnlc Arm'Btr'o'hfci Prbp
Final Oxford
Price Reduction
All low shoes priced to move them out and promptly,
We prefer a loss to carrying- them until another season.
All are this season's goods correct styles and our
standard of quality.
All Men's Oxfords worth up to $5.00 for
Patents, plain black leathers, tans, green
and Oxbloods.
All Women's Oxfords worth up to $4 for
Patents, black kid and tans.
All Women's Oxfords worth up to 2.50 for
Black, tans and Oxbloods
All Misses' Oxfords go at
Black and tan
All Children's sizes 5 to 8, go at ....... .
Womens' White Canvas Oxfords all go at
Graham & Co
will hereafter take up the
General Practice of Medicine, Surgery and Lying-in Cases,
together with HIS SPECIALTY
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Your Glasses Carefully Filled.
OHice and Residence 413 E Fifth St.,
on ground floor, no stairs to climb.
Phnnn fiSO
lKr, V;'' 30 years actual experience.
of .North Platte, Nebraska.
Capital ...
Surplus Fund
Stockholders' Liability
Guarantee Fund for Depositors $225,000.00
(Not considering quick assets nnd cash resources)
E. F. Seebergcr, C. F. McGrew, J. J. Halligan,
F. L. Mooney, Arthur McNamara.
Spring and Summer Necessities.
Hardware, Lawnmowers,
Garden Tools, Wash Machines,
Grindstones, Grass Catchers, Knives.
Refregerators, Glasses,
Pictures, Furniture,
Picture Frames, (made to order.)
Art Squares, Rugs, Mattings,
Curtains, Draperies,
Couch Covers, Window Shades.
Plumbing and Heating.
Distilled Water Ice.
The Lexington Artificial Ice Works has established
l an agency in North Platte with Joseph Spies as agent,
and are prepared to furnish in unlimited quantities this
Distilled Water Ice. The price is fifty-five cents per
ioo pounds.
. .' f .
- Will also furnish patrons with Distilled Water.
..USte. 5 -Mr"; , ' . i .'Mliiii-'iilii'n'iiiiinA u
ii pUM rti-,f r i