GROW SUGAR BEETS , Amount of Water Required to Raise a Maximum Crop. Depend Entirely Upon the Climatic Conditions, the Time of Plant- Ing the Land, and Crop Pre I vlously Grown on Soli. For several years wo have been trying to determine the minimum amount of water that would bo re quired to grow n maximum crop of beets, From a thereotlcal point of view this work appears to bo very Im portant, but after working along this line for some tlmo, and also studying the results obtained by the various experiment stnlions that have carried on similar work, ve find that nslde from a scientific standpoint the work is of no particular value, snys Prof. F. Knorr in Kanch and Range. The amount of water thnt a Held re quires to prodtico n maximum crop dependB entirely upon the cllmntlc condition, the time of plowing . the land, nnd the crop previously grown on that soil. - Even if we should be able to say Just how much water Ib required for n certain yield of beets a farmer can not measure out the water and then apply this amount to bis acreage. All that we can do at the best Is to use our own Judgment und apply water accordingly. Irrigation water may bo applied either by flooding or by ditching tho rows. FarmorB that have followed row irrigation nro as persistent in their argumonts that this is the best method of applying tho water as are those that flood the beets and think they are right. Experiments that wo have conducted on a rather heavy soil have shown no difference so far as yield Is concerned, but we have found that It requires less water for tho same amount of land whore we Irri gate by thq row system. This past year we came across a new feature so far as this irrigation Is concerned. Wo handled u piece of rather sandy soil, tho beets were fur rowed and the water run along each row In one case and every other row upon nnothor part of thp Hold. After two days of a rather high wind wo found that tho beets were badly cut down by tho blowing sand. The beetB recovered very quickly, wo cultivated the field and at once flooded a portion of It In order to wet down tho sur face. Anqther wind-storm that came up soon after this irrigation again damaged that portion of tho Held that was row irrigated but 'did not affect the Hooded part of tho field. The wa ter had settled the sand and held It and in this manner saved the plants from bolng cut. So, after all the work that has been done to determine ,Just how much water to annly we only know that to get Iho best results we, must as in all other operations, use our best Judgment, bearing in mind that too much water drowns tho plants and tho lack of It drys them out. All Indications are -that the beet seed next year will bo much higher In nrico than In tho past years. This Is due to the cold, wet spring that pre vailed in Germany throughout tho beet seed growing sections. Reports are coming from Germany that fully 80 per cont. of tho beets planted for seed have rotted in the ground. ' From tho- fertilizer s experiments conductod nt Fort Collins several years, ago, we And that by the URe of 100 pounds of sulphate of potash and 199 pounds of nitrate of soda tho net Incroased profit per acre was $19.43, or in other words, tho cost of tho fer tlllzer was J9.12, the total Income from the fertilized beets was $S9.45, thoso without fertilizer $60.90. There are upon the markets great number of so-called "complete" fertilizers. We would not advise tho use of these to tho farmer, but pro for tho purchasing of (hose elements that he desires and mixing them In such proportions as are required by the soil. So far all of the fertilizer experl ments that wo havo conducted have shown that the present tlmo our soil nnncars to contain suHlclcnt phos photo and therefore does not require the, niinlicatton of this element; one wishes to apply phosphate, It Is beat and more cheaply used as "raw nhosnhatc." In Europe no beets aro grown with out tho use of commercial fertilizer Tho growers thero And it proHtablo to ubo tho various elements that tho beets require. If thoso farmers can grow boots at a. profit by using fer tilizer there Is no reason why wo Hhould not be ablo to do so. The Soil Mulch. Tho soil mulch Is for three pur posesto more readily admit tho rain when It comes, to admit or a tree cir dilation of tho nlr into tho soil nnd to prevent tho loss of moisture by evaporation. Sometimes tho cultivation is not deop enough or sufficiently frequent and a crust forms at tno top or tno Him soil underneath the mulch. Thl crust shuts out tho air to a degree and it matters little then how per feet may bo tho supply of molHturo nt tho rootB, for tho growth will certain ly bo checked. Nitrification. That nttrlflcatlon Is u necessity In tho soil during tho crop growing sea son Is unquestionably true. If the process of nitrification is going on sufficiently to moot the requirements of tho crop this is always evidenced by the dark green nnd healthy np puarance of the"plr.nt. ' infection in well water. ne of the Principal Causes of Human Ailments, Many Causes of Which Overlooked. In many places out In the semi-arid country water Is found only nt consid erably depths and In theso section pcoplo aro accustomed to sink deep wells for domestic use. becauso nature compels them to do so, but In other places It is possible to obtain water In shallow wells. Most tforaona fall to rcallzo that shallow wells arc almost Invariably supplied by seopngo water from surface washings nnd no matter how carefully tho well may bo con structed, Its wnters nrc likely to bo come polluted with the first hoavy rainfall. It Is a well known fact that Impure water Is ono of tho principal causes of human ailments, but many of tho causes of water contamination aro generally overlooked. Shnllow wells not only receive thq sewage from the -surface but science has proved thnt many kinds of plant life will extend their roots SO feot deep to reach water. Since no kind of land plnntB will live If their roots aro Immersed In water for oven a comparatively short time, nfter every heavy rain a shallow well Is not only filled with surface Icachlngs, but thorc Is usually a considerable amount of decaying vegetable mnttor directly In the well. In cities whore thoro Is nn epidemic tho health department Imme diately Investigates tho wntor supply and almost Invariably finds the trou ble In that direction. The average former and resident of rurnl districts on tho other hand manifest surprising negllgenco in thin respect. The usunl well Is ono only deop nough to furnish a water supply and no thought Is given to Its source. It Is not considered that n sub-stratum might carry the filth, teeming with germs, of an outbuilding ten rods away directly into tho well and tho drinking of such water Is one of the principal causos of disease In rural places. Nature has provided an nbun dnnt supply of pure, wholesomo water. tutored nnd free from germs, down deep In every part of tho world. Those great beds can bo mndo readily acces sible by tapping thorn with bore-holes and casing to bed rock to excludo pos sible pollution from surfneo Icach lngs. When ono considers the Im provement which hns been made In well drilling machinery during tho lost half century, It Is Inexcusable for any man to longer shirk his duty to his family and hlmsolf by not obtnlnlng tho pure wnter supply that nature so wisely provides. TURKEY RED IS BEST WHEAT. Outylelds Other Kinds and Seldom Tests Below No. 1 Flour of Ex cellent Strength. It Is tho opinion of experienced wheat growers that tho Turkey Reil outylelds tho Jones Fife variety from four to eight bushels to tho acre. I Is very heavy and seldom tests below No. 1. In milling qualities It stands next to tho Illuestem variety. Tho bran Is .thin, nnd somo millers say It produces moro Hour per bushel than tho Illuestem wheat. When mndo from wheat of good quality tho Hour Is of excellent strengtlj, and many of tho mills nre now grinding It for tho bakers trndc. Tho Turkey Red sold for one cent less than tho Illuestem variety during tho season of 190G. There Is quite n tendency In this .wheat for the kernels to become starchy. Perfect kernels are hard, horny and flinty. When they become yellow they contain less protein nnd more starch. Tho cause of this re trogression Is not well understood nnd presents an Interesting subject for In vestigation. For seed It Is probably safest to plant wheat containing as fow yellow, stnrchy kernels ns pos sible. WINTER FORAGE FOR STOCK. Abundance of Feed Guarantees Best of Results In Production of Cream and Butter. An abundance of feed, and as cheaply grown feed ns possible, Is the ono thing to which the farmer-stock' man should bend every energy. With tho exception of porhnps a fow very dry rpots, there Is not a farm In our territory that cannot be made to provide an abundanco of forago for dairy cows, particularly winter fornge. Nor Is this all. Tho more forago there Is provided nnd consumed, tho greater will tho producing capacity of the land so devoted bo. It is the ono kind of farming that builds up Itself and tho farm at the samo time. Fodder corn and silnge, oat hny and millot, rape, mangels, turnips and, whore pos sible, clover and alfalfa, should bo grown on the strongest lnnd and fed out on tho samo; nnd moro forage crops grown where tho resulting en rlchmont goes, until every cow, calf, sheep, hen, horse and hog shall not know what short feed or pasture means tho year round. Then tho but ter nnd crenm will come tho year round Instead of for a fow weeks only; the egg basket will bo a con stant surprise, nnd tho pigs, calves, lambs and eoltB will weigh as they nevor weighed before Care of Garden, The garden will do -well manured with barnyard manure applied In tho fall nnd disked Into tho soil if not plowed under deep. Uoth barnyard and green iiinnuro work well on land for any crop nnd produce nstonlohlng results In tho growth of gardoiutruck. Green mnnuro will tond to make heavy soil light and easier handled and will make enndy eoII heavier and not co apt to blow with strong winds HUMORIST IN OLD LAFAYETTE Amutlng Letter Written by Prisoner, Qlvjrip peculiar Condition of Af- -fairs In Fortress. Fort Lafayette, situated on thp little islnud just off Fort Hamilton In the Narrows, nnd now used as a ponder station, was u prison during thu civil war. In it were confined many per saps arrested for treason by tho Unit ed States mnrshal In this city. Horp Is whnt one prisoner wrote In 1803 In a letter that a Drooklyn man. then a boy. picked up In a bottle whjch was washed ashore on the Dy ker meadows just after the war nnd which he hns In nn old scrap book: April 4, 18C3. Hotel do La Fayette. In. consequence of many prisoners being exchanged from-'Fort -Lafayette und not mentioned In tho papers, and, for tho benefit of tho World, Her ald, Sun or any other public and dally Joqrunl 1 send this small notice In this frajl but buoyant vessel. 1 beg to stnto that we nro all right here. Nothing to do nnd plenty of time to do It In, Henutlful view down here. I don't think, especially at night be tween tho door cracks nnd window bars. There are foiuo curiosities down here for Iinrnum. Outside sen tinel "Haiti Who comes here?" Prisoner "A friend. Can I have n bucket of water?" Sergeant "Yes." Fine living. Uread and pork for breakfast, pork and bread for dinner; what's left for supper, Coffee boiled In hogsheads full every year. Hogs heads never empty. Consequonca plenty of water. No trouble to read your letters. Thoy aie nil read for you. Also your money aud watches aro well cared for. See another pris oner. "How nre you?" Sentinel -"Stop that noise." Exit prisoner. Card playing Is understood down here high, low, jack, whist and loo. Smoking? I don't think. Tobacco Is a sight good for soro eyes. Wo see n piece every new prisoner. Wonder Burke doesn't send these good look ing soldiers up to town to parade on the fourth of July. They are all kinds and shapes. They keep a goat down here to cat what the rebels leave. Tho poor crea ture has to be helped up. Two cats aro In the-sumo fix. Thero Is nlso an attentive doctor down here. One med icine only. If It don't cure you're sor ry. for then you havo to die. That's all I. know about it. Guess that's also a military necessity. Wo expect Honest Abo down hero in '0?i, soon after the next election. Hope ho'll hrhig his rail splitting ma chine. Might bo nmuslng. Thero Is a good deal of fun down here. Very busy for us. Pretty busy for tho sol 'dlcrs. Our clothes arc all torn. I will mend them as soon as I find thread and needles. Looked for somo Reading Your Letters. ever "since l vo been here. You can find somo real bloods down hero. If jou'vo got money you can get a fow extras. Them that ain't got any stick to tho old thing. If nny good Intontloned person or persons should pick this up please hand to whero directed In care of any person but those connected with this prison und If n tobncconlst ho will oblige by sending a small piece tc S. S. Ft. Lafayetto. Taps. Out gc lights. Good-by. The letter was written In pencil nnd in haste, Judging from Its tone. Per haps the writer of It Is alive today and will recognize It. Chances for Soldier's Promotion Although tho enlisted man In tho American army has always been bet ler irenieo in every way than any other soldier In the world, his com pensntlon Is very small compared wth the wages paid In civil llfo and tho attractiveness of tho service was an preclably enhanced by tho Increase for which the recent nmendment of the law has provided. Kvcn moro lin portunt than this consideration In pop ularizing tho service, howevor, Is the fact that it has been made easier than formerly for tho private to rjso from tho ranKs nnd to become a com missioned officer. This has long beep posstble, as was shown in tho brilliant career of tho lnte Gen. Lawtou, but formerly tho obstacles to bo overcome were so serious that It could only bo accomplished by u nuji of exceptional abilities and attnurn'ate. LUCKY MAN. She Two men whom I refused to marry, sir, havo hoenrnp millionaires! lit Is that tho reason why? Valuable Knowledge Spreading. Every day sees hunqroda of new re cruits In tho wnr agan.8t tuberculosis, .4 i .t i r uiKi every uuy urings uow muiuouu wx the lighting of (ho plnguo. Tho Na tional association prod eta thnt It tho present degree of Interest is main tained, within five yours everybody In tho United States will Jinve been In formed on tho wny to prevent nnd cure tuberculosis., .nnd concerning tho Infectious naturo of tho disease. Two things In particular arc needed, and for theso thu National atmoolntlon Is working in every way. Thoy nre, n moro complete registration of tuber culosis cases, and tho further Isola tion of dangerous advanced casus of consumption. A Sunday Sermon. Ono must accopt life an If Is. It gives us great happiness If wo nro wise enqugh tp see It, and It bnlnncoB tho scales by sending grunt sorrows, too. But that Is life. If you wou,ld make Jbp wprld bright er try to forget yoir hiifts, try yolir wyes and turn to help tbOMO who need tho pressurp of a friendly hand, the encouragement of n smlllDB look. Sorrows and troubles of all kinds should tench ono a grout loscon the lesson of universal kindness. Now York Ttmep. OP POOD The Right Foundation of Health. Proper food is tho foundation ol health. People can oat improper food for a time until thoro is n sudden col Inpso of fho digestive organs, then all kinds of trouble follows. The proper wny out of tho difficulty is to shift to tho pure, scientific food, Ornpc-NutB, for it rebuilds from tho foundntjon up. A New Hampshlro womnn says: "Last- summer I was suddenly taken with indigestion nnd severe stomach trouble and could not oat .food with out great pain, my stomnch was so soro I could hnrdly movo about. This kept up until I wan so ralsernblo llfo wub not worth Jiving. "Then a friend finally, after much nrgumpnt, Induced mo to quit my for mer diet and try Grnpe-Nuts. "Although, I had but lltttlo faith 1 commenced to use it, and' groat wns my Biirprlso to find that I could eat It without t usunl pain and distress in my siomncn. "So I kept on using Grape-Nuts nnd soon a marked improvement was shown, for my stomnch wns perform Ing ite regular work in a normal wny wjujoui pain or uisiress. "Very soon tho yellow coating disap peared from my tonguo, tho dull, heavy feeling In my bend disappeared, and my mind felt light and clear; tho languid, tired feeling left, and alto gether I felt ns If I had been rebuilt. Strength and weight came back rapid ly nnd I went back to my work with renewed nmbltlon. "To day I am a new womnn In mind ns well as body, and I owe It all to this natural food, Grape-Nuts." "There's a Reason." Look In pkgB. for tho famous llttlo booi-, "Tho Itond to Wollvlllo." Kvrr rend Hie above letter A nrn our' npprnrM from Hum- lo llrjip. They urr Krnulnr, true, nnd full- f hainan Interval. . . r Graham Crackers at their Best There arc no better Grahams than "Sunshines" none half so good. Sunshine Grahams arc made of the best whole wheat graham flour, at the "Sunshine" bakeries the finest in the world. The ovens are of white tile and arc on the top floor sunshine and pure air all around them. Sunshine Grahams Each package is protected by the triple seal. So you can be sure they are clean pure and wholesome. The "Sunshine Seal" on the end h proof of the genuine. 13c sure it's there. You miss the best in Grahams 'til you try"Sun- shines." At your gro cer's in 10c scal ed packages. ij joOSE - Like an Earthquake. Former High Sheriff Chesterlleld C. Mlddlebrooks, whoso bungalow at Highland laku stands partly over Uio lake on stone and cement foundations, wns awakened at four o'clock tho other morning by loud noises which do snys shook his, bungalow like nn earth tremor. Ho says that after tho household had been shaken out of a sound sloop, ho. not waiting to dress, went outside to ascertain the canto of tho noise, Ho found, ho says, that n monBtcr frog had Its hud directly under the bungalow. Tho frog weighed fully six pounds, he snys, and overy tlmo It roaked, tho bungalow cracked and shook. Mr. Mlddlebrooks bought n anchor, strong rope nnd enough red llnnnol to bait 100 hooks, nnd will try tq snvo his property by capturing tho bull frog. Wlnstc'tl (Conn.) dispatch to New York World. A Trying Time. Why did you strlko .ludge this man? Prisoner What would you do, Judge, If you kupt a grocery store and a man came Jn iuuu asked u lie could tako a moving picture of your cheese? Harper's Weekly. Important to Mothors. T?nmlnr rnrofnllv pvnrv hottlo OI CASTOHIA a safe and euro remedy for Infants and children, and soe mat u Bnaturo oZxfJ In Uco For Over HO YcarB. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Reprehensible to Allovy It. HiiHbnnd (rending from bs pnpur) Here, they eny, Is a comet coming towards the earth, traveling at thp rata of a million miles n minute. Wlfo (awaking from a dnito) Why, don't they enforco tho speed Jaws better? I'lCltKV PAVIK' I'AINKII. I.Kit rvllc anil UlurrtK-u. Ao lliilini-nl,fur wounOkund tpiuinmiib unrquuuru. ,iou unu iw. Occasionally women try to reform a man by roasting him. Mn, Ylinlow' HoothlDK Hjrnp. For vlillrtreo teetblnK, soften the Runt, rdure Id. QuaiutUon, all) pla. curei Ind collu. U5c Ixiltle. A malicious truth may do more hn'rm than an innocent Ho. Lewi' Silicic Hinder utralght So Many smoker prefer them to 10c cigara. An easy beginning doesn't always justify the finish. SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by these Llttlo Pills. Tliey nlftn reliero Din trrnufrom I)ynpepHla,In rtlRfntlonnmlToolIenrty Bating-, A tierfrct rrm- fdjr for Dliilm-HH, Nn li nen, DrowHlnitftH, llnil Tnle Initio lloulli, Cont ikI ToQirtie, I'nln In tlis Hide. TOItni) I.IVEU. Thcr regulate the Ikiwel. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear Fac-SimileSlgnaturo CARTERS MlTTLE jilVER H PILLS. kdi ! I CARTERS I WlTTLE 1 IVER REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. ILES BISCUIT CO. W. N. U., OMAKA, NO. 33-1909. ORLD WBAR3 $300 SHOES 35S tt.oo M.00 tkMi fl.OO fl 00 thMI Ohon fl.OO -to s.oo w. L. BOUOIAB SHOES nre Better Viuno for the 1'rlco Than Ever Bcforo. tm nn lira. A tnnl U oil tit ! rmt. to nnTlno. (inynn thnt W. I DoutUi iluki Imlil th'lr timiM, ft IxMtcr bihI wtu loucvr thin Mlirr innkifl. . W. I- iii-l rrpnlnllAn forllhrt timet llmt cn ! rrorinird tor f lie Mlid I noil I wldr. It ninrul Imrk ot ntit pair utl (!Uin'fr full vsliio 'o II wraier. CAUTION, rlhi XT, lfcnrW iunn4 t!f-H !!. Il HfcuM iw flu. knlKiih. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. 1mu for Every Momlwr of tlm Ptittilly, Mfii. Ilnva. lVnninn. MIrn Ami ClillMran l3rt jur. sfc Wlirrrrrr jnn llr. W. I. DoiiuIjm tlioni nro within Irwir rfni-ii. If your illrr mmiot fit yon, wrl' tunt. lUlOnlerCMaW. W.L.U0UULAS, llroctfnn. MlMg This Zsi , h racr- imm jn i r s ra. iff I Mgsp Fistula And Rectal Qisnaans Til book l Wf II worth tmmAlna. IlltolU thm ljln fruLh tmuilnu.l land Ilertul tiloBe&. It ronwi K1 1 ... i 1. 'l..t 1 IaninvM ivr jmm him ruwivtiiNirr mtir cm I hopt !. II polnl out Oo ur ou4 to ixrnu I irttm rtiiti ior who uav iriu uv!l , it lull mitory oimv tpitnc and uij l tonvinr juu inn my nifinou tw in anrf j Lino inrrPi way touDiain pinaiXR fe klici irmu jour bijuciiod. Pay When TliH th. filrclt oiler I on pnulbly mik. Tli.t'. Ill wr toprovo to you Ihtt I do a. I ay. You rliW noitilnt. you fny notlilnu unlit Ih cur. In. .e-ainDlthcd. 'I lion I viva von a wilittn lu.r.nlv (good long m you llvr) that the cur will b permanent. Should tho iroiibl ever return or any of lh ayinpttima appear again Iter I pronounce you rurnl, I will treat you and lilve you Hie beat .llentloii at my command, Ir.a of uiirri, uom every aympinm n aiuppcoreu. 1 hat fair nd aquare. ll'a the moat llbrral olfer ever made. Why not accept tt and ltd youraclf of iruucie lorcrcrr Coma and teo me about your eate, If youcannol come Juit nqw, write for ny Iren. 'jock. Addreaa DR. E. R. TARRY, Boo llulldlnR, Omaha, Nebraska. Constipation Tor over nine years I lutTerttl with chronic con.llpatlon ami during tills time I Imd to take n Injection of wiirra wter once every 34 hoitrt before I could have an cUon. on my bowels. Happily I tried Cascnrcts, and today I am a well man. DurinK the nine year before I used. Cascarcts I iuflered untold misery with internal piles. Thanks to you, I am free from oil that thl. morning. You can ue thla hi beluilf of suffering- humanity. B. r. l'lsher, Koanoke, lit. rieasant. Palatable, Potent, Taste Rood. Do tiood. Mover iiicken.Wcaken or (irloo. 10c, 2Jc, 50c. Never sold In bulk. Tho ten ulno tablet stamped CC C. Guarontcod to euro or your money back. 030 NONE BETTER Tho next bill of rihin&es yon buy look to see what inurlilson thuin, Tuirticuhirly what thu numu of tho mimufuctnrcr.lH. If you noo DAY LUM1IKU COMPANY ami this marl: you can bo sure of Uio quality. c n r r rr.x t HvriUK. m rii. (wrjrinuinr, pilous, IIICC fnnni, rnnrhrk, nilonWulloii trrioUi. Jluy fruui on nor'- Hnrv rouinilMloiu. l,iow,ii rV. quultty. I ppn llJ'll'hASK'YOUtf DEAlRf),'IH ' DEFIANCE STARCH 1 euleat to vork with aod tarcbot clotbea nlctst.