The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 13, 1909, Image 8

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    Semi -Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
nntiRnmpTinN nATKSi
Ono Year, cath In advanco 'j'1-?4
Months, cash In advance 65 cw
Entered at North Platto, Nebraska, Tontofflco
aa Rcconu ciass matter.
FRIDAY. AUGUST 13, 1909.
Innnounco myself oa n republican
candidato for tho office of county clerk,
subject to tho decision of tho primaries.
North Platto. Neb., June 1, 1909,
I nnnnuncc mvself na republican can
didato for tho ofllco of county clerk of
Lincoln countv. Nebraska, subject to
tho primaries to bo held August 17.
William Otten.
I hereby announce myself a candidato
for tho republican nomination for tho
offico of sheriff, subject to tho primary
fo bo he'd August nth.
I. L. Miltonuerqer.
I respectfully nnnounco myself na a
enndidnto fnr tho nomination for n
sheriff, subject to tho republican pri
mary. Anv sunnort given mo will no
nppriciatcd. A. J. Salishury.
I hereby nnnounco myself as a
candidato for tho ollice of County
Treasurer, subject to action of Kcpub
lican primary August 17, 1009.
Ray C. Lanufokd.
county commissioner.
I respectfully announce myself as n
candidato for countv commissioner.
Bubjcct to tho action of tho republican
primary. A. u. kocken.
I hereby nnnounco myself a candidato
for tho ollko of County Commissioner
of District No. 1, subject to tho r.ction
of tho rcnublicnns nt tho primary elec
tion. R. L. Douulab.
COUNTY surveyor.
1 hurobv announce mvself as a
candidato for tho Republican nomina
tion for tho ofllco of countv surveyor.
subject to tho decision of tho primary
election. Paul u. meyer.
Although it is not so recorded, it is
probablo that when President HoiT
master, of tho wuter company, heard
tho North Platto explosion in his
Pittsburg offico ho said something more
forciblo than eloquent.
It is a busy Bcason for farmers but
thoy should toko timo to attend tho
primaries noxt Tuesday and voto their
profcrenco for candidates for county
offlceB. Tho primary law was passed
in ordor to give every voter an oppor
tunity to oxnrcss Ills choice of candi
dates. If, thorcforo, you fail o nt'
tend tho primary and n candidate iu
nominated whom you do not fancy,
you aro not entitled ton "holler".
Tho famous Jones county calf caso
is ended In Iowa. It began in 1874 over
tho possession of four calves. In its
various phases it fed two generations
of lawyers, embittered tho lives of n
half, dozen f amnios, toro np the com
munity whero thoy livod and loft u
trail after It as poisonous as the track
of a cenlincdo upon a baby's fleih It
has been a legal byword nnd joko to
outsiders, but a ghostly tragedy nt
homo. Stnto Journnl.
Civil scrVico examinations will bo
hold in North Plutto as follows: August
28th for clieibles for inspector of iron
bedsteads at $125 por month; Soptonv
bor 8th for physician at Nott Lake,
Minn., and Volcn, Cal., at $1,000 por
nnnum; Soptembcr 15th and lGth for
assistants in tho bureau of chemistry
nt $1,800 per nnnum: August 2Gth and
27th for nssistont on tho naval obsorvn-
tory at $1,400 por nnnum. Further in
formation can bo obtained of Mrs. Gloa-
son, at tho North Platto postofllco.
Now that it is a ton to ono hot that
the wntcr bonds will carry, tho first
movo of tho wator company will ho to
bring injunction proceedings against the
stnto nudltor Booking to restrain him
from registering tho bonds; nnd being
dofcatcd in this move, tho noxt notion
will bo to compel tho city to accept tho
npprnisal mado uovornl years ago,
lnoso suits win tio up tno bonus tor n
time, ns bond buyers will not purchaso
tho bond3 whilo litigation is in pro
gress. But whilo tho waterworks is
obstreperous, thoro nro cortain movos
that tho city can make which will
hamper tho company as badly as tho
company can hinder tho progress of
building now works. Tho voting of tho
bonds means a fiorco and probably
prolonged fight, but in the end the
city will win, ns has other cities that
hnvo had similar experiences.
August 10th, 1909.
Board of county commissioners met
pursuant to adjournment, present
Kocken and -Springer nnd county clerk.
Claim of D. Atkinson, road ovorBoer,
Dist 17, cash to bo used in that district
allowed for 100,00
Frederick Lcnch la horoby appointed
road overseer for District No 8
Claim of John Kilmer for cash to be
used in District 36, allowed on Road
District No 36 for 100.00
Henry Nelson is hereby appointed
road ovcracer for District 35
Claim of A. M. nnd Alfred Johnson,
damages on road No 296, allowed on
Road District No 4 for 2C.00
Chance of Road No 22 petitioned for
by Howard Sims and others, cornea up
before tho board for final action. There
being no reinonstranco filod and tho
board being of the opinion that It is
for tho public good, grants tho petition
ns prayed for and tho county clerk is
directed to refund tho deposit made.
Tho county surveyor Is hereby ordered
to survey tho road according to Inw.
Tho county treasurer is hereby di
rected to transfer tho sum of C0.00
from Road District No 33 to the vil
lage of Brady, that being tho amount
of noil tax collected in tho village of
Brn.dy for the year 1908, tho same hav
ing been credited to District No 33.
Adjourned until tomorrow.
August 11th, 1909.
Hoard of equalization mot pursuant
to recess tnken, present Commissioners
Kocken and Springer, County Assessor
Bacon and county clerk.
No returns from tho stnto board hav-
inir been received, tho board tnkes a
recess until tomorrow, August 12th,
and then reconvenes nsa board of coun
ty commissioners. Present
same as
to view
ycBtorday. Board proceeds
roads north of North Platto.
Adjourned until tomorrow.
Next Tuesday tho voters of Kear
ney will voto on tno proposition to
issue bonds in tho sum of $150,000 for
tho purchase of tho wator plant, which
is owned by tho samo company owning
tho North Platto plant. In an address to
tho voters Mayor John W. Patterson
of that city gives tho revenuo of the
plant for tho laBt yoar ns $21,897, nnd
tho opcrnting expenses nt $14,058,
leaving n net enrning of $10,839. In
cluded In tho revenue in $7,240 which
tho city pays for hydrant rentnl. Tho
bonrd of appraisers set n vnluo of $120,-
000 on tho plant n year or so ago nnd
since then tho company has added $21,-
000 worth of improvements.
A bolt of lightning struck tho ground
iu tho rear of tho Tribune editor's
premises Wedncsdny evening and
considerably jarred members of tho
family. 13. F. Seoborgor and A- B.
Hoagland, who wero sitting on the
formor's porch saw tho bolt descend,
and as it struck mnny balls or lire as
largo ns one's head flew upward nnd
tho air was filled with electric sparks,
making a display of pyrotechnics seldom
"ins who's Honor" win bo pre
sented nt tho Keith Theatre August
20th. After tho presentation tho com
pany will remain in town for ten days
and rehenroo "Tho Girl from Chili",
which tho company will prenent during
tho season. In this company aro three
or four who last season wero members
of tiro Sanford Dodgo company.
"Uncle Josh Perkins" is nn excellent
comedy drama with n strong double
plot. Tho characters nro carefully
drawn, tho situations are realistic and
tho comedy in tho play is in nbundancc.
At tho Koith noxt Tuesday evening.
Perry & Patterson completed their
grading contrnct east Of tho river
bridgo yesterday. Mr. Perry tins in
dividually taken another thrco mile
contrnct near Brady, and Mr. Patter-
son will uso his outfit in tho hay field.
A. F. Bcoler, of Hcrshoy, transacted
business in tho city on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Apploford, of
Mnxwoll, camo up Wedncsdny evening
for a short visit.
Claronco McKay wont to Sutherland
yoBterdny morning nnd will visit friends
fpr a short timo.
j oo MCMicnaoi, ot woiiiicot camo
over Wednesday to attend to somo land
ofllco business.
J. E, Nelson, in tho morcantllo bus!
nos at IToldredge, transacted businoss
In tho city Wednesday.
Doll Gross, of tho Dupont Powdor
Co., transacted business witli the local
morchnnts on Wednesday.
Con Walker went to Ognlalla Wed
uesdny to continue on tho building con
tract ho has nt that plnce.
Guy Coleman and family, of Horshoy,
wero in tho city Wednesday transacting
business and visiting friends.
Chns. Haner and Henry Cohngen
wont up to Poxton Wednesday to 'do
somo work on tho telephone lino.
Miss Lillian Hendy returned to Mnx
woll Tuesday evening, after spending
tho day as tho guest of Miss Alico
Birge, '
J. P. Amber, of Myrtle, transacted
business in tho city for a fow days this
week. IIo rcportB tho crops in fine
shnpo In that section.
Geo. Maxwell, tho ono armed profes
sional shooter and Bert Manning, both
u. m (J. Uo., visited the local gun
club on Wednesday of this week.
Washington's Plague Spots
lio in the low, marshy bottoms of tho
Potomac, tho breeding ground of imp
lnria germs. Those gonna cause chills,
fever nnd nguo, biliousness, jaundlco,
lassitude, weakness and gonernl debility
nnd bring suffering or death to thou
sands yearly. But Electric Bittors nev
or fail to destroy them and cure malnria
troubles, "Thoy aro tho best all-round
tonic and cure for malaria I over used."
writes R, M, James, of Louollcn, S. C,
Thoy euro Stomach, Liver, Kidnoy nnd
11 bod Troublea nnd will prevent Tv-
pnaiu. Try mom, ouc. uunrnuteeii by
btono urug w).
."". It
The Home You Have
Longed For
may bo yours if you uuy ho. V mntters
not on whnt location you hnvo sot your
heart we have tho property and can of
fer you tho terms you can meet.
The Home You Now Occupy
you aro buying for
tho landlord,
wheroby you
us snow you a pinn
buy it for yourself.
Buchanan & Patterson,
Real Estate and Insurance.
A Treat for all
Classes who Smoke.
A Foreitt Kitnr G cent clirnr in his
mouth for his own delectation, a fow in
his pocket for his mends, is to be ac
counted ono of tho bleat. Resort,
therufore, all yo who aro fond of u
good smoke, to tho cigar and tobacco
emporium tho si,?n above whoso door is
harness mndo by Fink will last for
years, lor tho slmplo ronson that in
tho llrst Instance nothing but thorough
ly tanned, stout stock leather oak
tnntiod whenovcr; that's the best to uso
goes ldto it, and because tno ncccs
sary cutting, sowing, riveting and ad
justing aro skillfully dono by experts
at the bunlness. f ink b harness s a -
waya n good investment for uny owner
ot a norso.
It is a Well Known Fact
that our bakerv coods aro not excelled
in Westorn Nobraska, Wo uso tho
best Hour, tho host ingredients of till
kinds. Why allow your wife to over
heat herself bakinj; when you can buy
such excellent goods of us ut such low
prices; Try us.
Mrs. Jennio Armstrong, Prop.
Dlr.ll. llli t cU Mills I It. Isnjuic.t.
tnglljh, German, Spanish, Portuguese and French,
4 n il nn.
. Worm.. Worm I'ever.nrWorm uiwM..!ja
3. Colic. CrjliiK imil uVrtulntv ot IntuuU.35
4. lllnirlien.of .ClilMri'H nu t AilulU, 3
5. Uvlery. tirlrluji, Piilous Collo SS
7. C'ouiiln. Collin, Prnnchlttii... , 25
H. Toollinclie, l'ocoiu'lie, NouralrJa SS
f. Ilemlni'lic, Sick Ilonilachc, Virtlno 25
IU, UciIi. Inillfirstloii, Weak .Stomach 33
1.1. Croup, llonrsu ciin,.u.ryiwii 3.1
II. Hnll lllicuui,Kruptlons,i:rjuliula5 33
III. 1( tirtiniii tlaiit, or lllicum&t lo l'alai.. V!5
IU. l'mcr ami Aoue, Jlnlarla 33
17. 1'ilci, IlIluilorllloodluK, Kxtcrual,Iutcrnat,33
18. OKlillialmla.'Wealcor IntlamiHj Vjt 3
10, Catnrrh, Iutluoiua.Col.l la Load 35
30. WhoophiK fouah.Hra.'tntxIli' CViiuh ...,3
81. Atlliiiin.Opprouwd, plnioult UrealUlnn -J&
87. Kliliiey I)lose, Oravrl, Cnli ull 85
3S. NrMom HeMIIIV. Vital Weaknon .,..1,00
3l. Kuril Slmilli.revcrHorvitort'niikc'r 33
30. Urinary Incontinence, WrltlnK lloil 33
31, Burn Throat, Qiilmy nirl Plphtlicila -J 3
3 f. 4'hrenlo rmmentlen-", llemlnrliui 3a
77. Crlri'Ct Hay I ocr and Summer (,olJs.,..2!
A small tmttlo of Tlca'aiit I'rllctd. fit tlio rent
xkvt. holdbyUrutruliitSiurscutoaicrvtjitofprloe.
Iledlrnl Hook Bent free.
iroMriiuEvu' noauo. itcworar, co., corner
Wlll'n,!, mil Julm Btretit, Nuw Vurk.
'Twas A Glorious Victory.
There's rejoicing In Fedora, Tenn. A
mrni's lifo has been saved, and now Dr.
King's Now Discovery la tho talk of tho
town for curing C. V. Popper of deadly
lung hemorrhages. "I could not work
nor got about, ho writes, "and tho
doctors did mo no good, but, nfter us
ing Dr. King's Now Discovery thrco
weeks, I feel like a new man, and cijn
do good work again." For weak. Bore
or diseased lungs, Coughs and Colds, !!.. ?rt,n T n H.llinn
Asthma or any Bronchial affection it
Btonds unrivaled. Price DUc. and Sl.uu.
Trial Bottlo free. Sold and guaranteed
by Stono Drug Co.
A Spanking Good Team
Is nt your command whenovcr you tell
us you want it. This livery stnblo is
prepared to supply instantly any kind
of n rig you require. Whilo in your
scrvico it is as much youru as if you
owned it. Tho difference Is that you
pay only for the timo you uso it, nnd
not for tho timo it is standing in the
stable. That beats private ownership
all hollow.
A. M. Lock.
Furniture Repairing
Also Woodturning.
.... A Specialty.
Shop 107 EnBt Fifth.
v . Homeopathic Physician
Ofllco: McDonald Bank Ituildintr.
Phono 183.
A. J. Ames, M, I). Mario Ames, ,1. 1).
Physicians and Surgeons.
Offico: Over Stono Drug Co.
Phones: Office 273, Residence 273
U Pliysician and Surgeon.
Ofllco: Over McDonald Bank.
Phono '1 0nica 130
1 hones Re3idcnco 115
Osteopathic Physician,
Rooms 7 nnd 8, McDonnld
Stnto Bank Building,
Phono 148.
over Sella
Phono 8
Ofllco: Tor. Front & Dnvw Q's.
John Baty and Elllo J. Bntv. his wife.
will tnko notice that on tho first dny of
July, 1909, P. II. Sullivan, n Justico of
tho reace in nnd for Lincoln county,
Nebraska, issued an urdor of Attach
ment for tho sum of $20.00 in nn action
now pending before him, wherein
Ames & Ames nro plaintiffs nnd John
Bntv and Elite Baty, hi3 wife, aro do
fondants, that property consisting of
Ono "White" Sewing machine house'
hold troods. cookimr utensils nnd sun
! dries, also money In the hands of Paul
II. Smith, garnishee, has been attached
untler Bald ordor.
' i-llllll UIIUBU WUH CUIlllllUl'll IU II1U OltJl
i it ; i . ...... .. Ll -.1 t 1. in l
i day of August, 1009, nt 1(1 o clock B. m.
Unled North Platte, Nebraska, Aug.
Cth, 1909. AMES & AMES,
By Albro Ames, Plaintiffs,
George L. Benson will notico that
on tho 16th day of July. 1909, P. II.
Sullivan, a Justico of tho Pcaco of
North Platto Precinct No. 1 nnd in and
for Lincoln County, Nebraska, issued
an ordor of attachment for tho sum of
$50.00, in an action pending before him,
wherein Charles Uanor is Plaintiff and
Goorcro L. Benson, Defendant, that
property consisting of money in tho
hands of tho Union Pacific Rail Road
Company, n corporntion, hits boon nt-
tnched tindor said order, bnid cause
was continued to tho Cth dny of Sep
tember, 1909, nt at 10 o'clock A. M.
riiAin na II tkitMi
Dated July 27th, 1909.
Here's a Certainty.
We aro established rischt hero whoro
von Hvo nnd would not dare nromiso
your money back for the mere asking
if Iloxnll Kidnov Itemedv fails to satis
fy you, except wo arc certain it wll
do as wo claim. Try it at our cntiro
risk. Prico 50c.
McDonell & Graves.
Notice for Publication.
Donarttncntof tlio Inturlor.
Land Olllco at North I'lattc. Nob.
Nollcols hereby (riven tbat.Iolin U nnd ram,
of iortli I'lattp, .sol)., who on .inly lutn
1W0I. niftdo Homestead Untry No. aww. Beria
Nn. 0-J15.1. fur north hnlf nnd mmthimst, miar
tor section 10, township !", north, rniipo 'A
westot tho Cth principal meridian. .has (lied
wiiMiiif if. iiuruii riium i
notico oi intention 10 mnuo nnai nvo Jr
proof, to establish claim to the land above
described, boforo the roBlster and rcrdver nt
North l'lntto. Nobraska, on tlio 21th day of
Heptember. IWU,
Clnlmnnt. names an wllnessi-N. Wilson II.
ComM. (inrllcld Ontliorloss. William I'lltman
and .1 ml Coml, nil of North I'laito. Men.
jiKi-o J. b. isvans. Hemstcr.
John T.antz and Frank I.antz. 1'lalntllTs. )
vs. ,
Ilnlln .lacolis nnd I. aura ltnol Defendant. 1
llnlle Jacobs nnd Laura Mood are hereby
noMfled that they have been sued In tho Dis
trict court or Lincoln Countv. Nebraska. Pv
John I.antz and frank I.antz. who hnvo filed
adulv vcrllled netltlnn In said court tlio ob
ject and prayer of whicU' H to neonro tho
nartlt on amomr said main tins and defen
dants, of the west half of the north cast
quarter and tho west half of tho south east
nuartor In section No- twelve, In township
No. thirteen, of rntnro No twonty-niKiit,
real estate Nltuated In said Lincoln County.
Nebraska. Vou tiro roiulred to ati'wer said
iMjtition on or iHjrori'tboiitii day or nptom
iier. A. I)., num.
John I.antz nnd I hank Lantz. I'lnlnllfTH
Ily II. a. their Atty.
In tlio matter of tlio nutate of Frederick
Dlpbl. deceased.
Iu the countv court or Lincoln LtiuiitvO'
tiraskn. July 2itli. 1H.I.
Notico Is hcrubv irlvou. that tlio creditors
of Maid deceased will meet the administrator
of said estate, before tho County .ludco or
Lincoln county. Nebraska, nt tlio county
court room. In said county, on the 25th day of
August, itw. nnd on tiiu &tb (lay or Kobruary.
ivw. at v o'c ock n. in. eacn day. for tno nur
ixiso of iirc.senthiir their claims for e.xamlnn-
tlou, adjustment nml allowance, Hlx months
nro allowed for creditors to tirexint their
claims, nnd ono year for tlio administrator to
settle said e.stnto from moduli ia.v or .mno,
llio. This notice to bo nub shed 111 tho
North I'laito Tribune, n leiral newstianer.
forulKht uuccesslvo Issues prior to Auuust
itti, luw.
J SI -H W. O. Ki.pkii. County Juilce.
Serial No.OlSC.
Notico for Publication.
Denartment of tlio Interior.
V S. Land Olllco at North I'latlo. Neb,
Jttll'L'Ut h. wow.
Notico Is hereby el von that John (Jundrom
of North l'lntto. Nobraska, who, on Aucust
kl. iwz. mado bomcslead entrr iNo. iviui.
Serial No. for southwest miartor soi'tlon
Id. TownsblDl.'). nortli. Hanco 2U west of tlio
Sixth Principal Meridian has filed notico of
intention to mnKo nnai nvo year nroortoes
tabllsh claim to tho land abovo described.
boforo tho Itciflsler and uecolver at North
I'latte. Nob., on tho 24th day of Kontembcr.
Claimant names as witnesses) Wilson 11
Combs, (JarlleldOutherless, William I'lttman
anil. Hid Uomlis. all or North riatto. Nob,
ya-0 J. K, K VANp, ItCKlstor.
Serial No. O-.'IH).
Department of the Interior.
U. 8. Land Olllco at North I'latte. Nel
July IV. 1909.
Notice Is hereby clven thatllennls McKlllln
of North I'latte. Neb., who, on April 10. l!Km.
mado bomcslead entry No. 2iin. serial
No. 037110 fur south half, east half north
east quarter, northwest miartor northeast
ouartor and &outhwest iuarter northwest
miartor of Section tx. Townshlo IS N.. Kancc
ji v.,oriho utn rriucipai .Meridian, nastiieu
notico or intention to mauo final live year
n roof, to establish claim to tlio land above
described, Imforo tho IEorfstcr ami Receiver.
at North riatto. rsob.. on tno ki oar or
September. 1WK.
Claimant names as witnesses: u.rviu w.
Macomber, AVIUlam Doebko, J. A. Toop and
II. Hobke,.ir., nil or North i'latte. Noll.
JSJ-u J. K. Kvass, Iteclstor,
State of Nobraska, I u
Lincoln County. I "
In tho county court.
In tho matter of tho cstatu of Henry
Wlnirart. Deceased.
un readme and I nt; the notition ot nay u.
Lancford. nirent, praylmr that tlio Instrument
tiled on tlio -'Itli day of July. WW, nnd pur-
lortlmr to bo a truo copy ot tho
nxt will and teslnment ot thosnld decensed.
and thuprobato thereof In Stephenson Coun
ty. Ptatoor Illinois, may bo proved, apiiroved
probated, allowed mm recorded ns the last
will and testament of tho said Henry
w ntrart. ( eceasuo. m tuts county ami stato.
Ordered. Tint Seutomlier 'nd. I WW. at a
o'clock i). m.. Is assigned for bearlmr said octl-
tion when ail persons interested in saiu matter
may appear at a county court to bo hold in
and for said county, and show causo why tho
braver ot petitioner should not bo granted :
and that notice or t no nen( ency or said notl-
tloir and the. hoarlni: thereof, bo Kivcu to all
oorsons Interested in said matter by lmlillsli-
inc a copy of this ordor In tho North l'lntto
Trlbuuo. a soml-weekly nowsnaner nrlntcd
In said county, for six successlvo Issues
prior to said day ot hoarlnir
Dated AiiL'iist i. nw.i.
nlO-0 W. O. Er.PKii. County Judco.
Serial No. 02182.
Denartment of tlio Interior.
U. S. Laud Ollice at North I'latte. Nob.
July lit i.nw
Notico Is horoby trivon that William
3. Ed Is. of North Platto. Nob.,
.t iiuriiiiy Kivtjii uiub iiiiuui
North l'lntto, Nob., who on July
mdo Homestead Entry No. S)U2,
ViMi. for enst half, east half
ziith, iwi. mi
Sorlal No.
northwest nuarter anil east half southwest
ouarteror section , townshipii north, ranno
west of the sixth principal morldlnn, lias
tiled notico or intention to mauo nnai live
year proof, to establish claim to tho laud
uoovo (lescrinen. bororo (no ueirister nnu
Hecolvor at North i'latte. Nebrnska.on the
nth day or Sent., liw.
Ctnlmant names ns witnesses: Martin Jpp'
sen, of Donmark. Not).. A lev llnnvn. lledfrv
van roit. Arthur vt too or. an or Nortu
Platte. Neb.
JSU 0 .1 . L. liVANS. ticgistor.
Serial No. 02O2i).
United States Kand Ollice.
At North l'lntto. Nebraska. July 11. WOO.
Notico Is hurobv given that Clinton M . York
of Maxwell, Nebraska, who. 00 Juno 2uth.
1U0I. mado homestead entry No. 2011:.',
serial No. 02Urt. for south half northwost
nuarter, lots a and 4, southwest nuarter and
southeast (manor, r-octlon 4. Towns 1 In 11 N.
uauco z w.. or tno utn i'r ncinai .Meridian,
has tiled notico of Intention to mnku
final II vo yoar proof, to cktabllsh
claim to tho land abovo descrllicd, boforo
tno rcKistor ami receiver, at North i'latte,
Nebraska, on tho ltllhdav ofSebtombor. llHr.i.
t'lalmant names as witnesses: K. M.
iv user, or North I'latte. Neb., will Lonuprp,
ami a. m, Vinson, or Maxwell, Pirn., and
u en I'orirnson.or North riatto. Nou.
J'-'O-O J . K. Kvans. lteulster.
Notice of petition for decrco of court llnd
Ing who tlio lielr.s aro, nml for nsshrnmoiit to
them or tho real estate, described iu tho
pot i lion.
Tho Htnto of Nebraska, Lincoln county, ss.
In tho County Court.
In tho matter ot tho estato ot .Tamos A.
Hulllvan. deceased.
To tho creditor!, holrs and others Inter
i-stiil In tho estato of .lanu's A. .Sullivan,
deceased. Take notico. that Francis .losenli
Sullivan, has tiled In the county court, a pet
ition praviuir ror a ecree. assuming a i
estato to tlio heirs as provided bylaw. And
Ills ordered that tho samo stand for hearhii;
the "Itli day of Autrust, 1UOI), boforo tho court
Il.n I ... - ... . ... .1
ni inw uuiir hi v u i-iuuii, a. in., m muni iniiu
any person interested may appear and except
to and contest tho same. And notico of this
iiroceedhiL' W oidered slvcn In tho North
l'lntto Tribune, a leiral newspaper, for six
successive Issues prior to Aiunit "Ith, twj.
Witness my hand and the seal of tho county
court, at North I'latte, this 3rd day of Aumist.
WJ. , W. C. Ei.m:it,
Isk.u.) County Juduo.
Notice of Water Dond Election.
Notice la hereby iriven that on tho
21th day of August, 1909, n special elec
tion will be held in tho city of North
Platte. Lincoln County, Nobraska, tho
polling places to be as follows:
for tno rim wnra, ai me, nose
house In said ward.
For tho Second Wnrd, at tho hoso
house In said ward.
For the Third Ward nt tho hoso houso
in said wnrd, nt which election, tho fol
lowing proposition will bo submitted to
the voters of said city:
Shall tho city of North t'latto, in tno
County of Lincoln, in the State of Ne
braska, issu' its water bonds in tho
sum of ono hundred thousand dollarB
sum ui uiiv iiuiiuicu tiiuusuuu uuuuiu
fi 00.000. 00). In denominations ono
w ; , e1 nnn nn onM, tnUn
thousand dollars (51.000.00) each, to be
dated October 1, 1909, (1UO in twenty
(20) venrs from their date, but payable
at any timo after fivo years from their
date, at the option ot saiu city; sani
bonds to draw interest at tho rate of
fivo nor cent per annum, interest
payable semi-annually; and ( in
terest pnyablu nt tho Fiscal
Agency of the State of Nebraska in tho
city of New York. Said water bonds
to bo used for tho purpose of obtaining
money with which to erect, establish
and construct a systotn of waterworks
in tho city or North l'lntto: saiu system
of waterworks to bo owned nnd con
trolled, operated nnd maintained by tho
city of North Platte, for the uo nnd
benefit of said city, nnd tho inhabi
tants thereof. And shall tho proper
officers of said city bo authorized to
levy and collect a tax in the snmo man
ner as other municipal taxes may bo
levied and colloctcd, in an amount suffi
cient to pay tho interest nnd principal
of said bonds ns the snmn mature; said
taxes to bo levied upon all of tho prop
erty within said city as shown and
valued upon tho assessment rolls of the
assessors of snid city, in addition to all
other taxes, provided and authorised
by law. Said bonds to be negotiable in
Tho ballots to be used in said election
shall have printed thereon:
"I'UK i8sutnc ono hundred thousand
dollars ($100,000.00) of water bond3 of
tho City of Nortli Platte, in tho County of
Lincoln, in the Stnto of Nebraska, for
tho purpose ot obtaining money with
which to erect, establish and construct
a systenrTtf waterworks in said city, to
uo owned and oporntcd by said city, and
lor levying nnu collecting a tax annual
ly to pay the interest and principal of
said bonds no they mature.''
"AfjAlNbT issuing ono hundred
thousand dollars ($100,000.00) of water
oonus, oi tno uity ot worth i'latte, in
the County of Lincoln, in the State of
Nebraska, for tho purpose of obtaining
monoy with which to erect, establish
and construct a system of waterworks
in snid city, to be owned and operated
oy said city and against lovyingand col
lecting a tax annuallyto pay tho in-
terestand principal of said bond3 as they
Those votinc in fnvor of said proposi
tion, shall mark their, ballots with an
(a) aftor the paragraph, beginning
"1'or issuing ono hundred thousand
dollars (100,000.00) of wat bonds of
tho Uity ot worth riatto; " thoso vot
ing against said proposition, shall mark
their ballots with nn (X) after the
paragraph beginning "Against issuing
ono hundred thousand dollars ($100,000)
of water bonds of tho city of North
Platte." Said election to bo opened
at S o'clock a. m. and continue open
until C o'clock p. m., contra! standard
timo on tho day of election.
Dntcd this 27th day of July, 1909.
Thomas C. Patteuson, Mayor.
CHAKLES F. Temi'le, City Clerk.
Primary Election Notice 1909.
Notice is hereby given that on Tues
day, tho 17th day of August, 190D, ut
the voting plnce in the various precincts
of Lincoln County, Nebraska, tlicro will
bo held a primnry election for tho pur
pose of nominating candidates for tho
lollowing ollices, to bo voted for nt the
November general election.
Three Judges of tho Supremo Court.
Two Regents of University.
Ono County Judgo.
Ono County Sheriff.
One County Coroner.
Ono County Treasurer.
Ono County Clerk.
Ono County Survoyor.
One County Superintendent of Pub
lic Instruction.
One County Commissioner, First Dis
trict. rncciNCT officers:
Two Justico of tho Pence.
Two Constables.
Ono Precinct Assessor.
Ono Overseer for euch Rond District.
Which election will bo oponod at 12
o'clock m. and remain open until 9
o'clock In tho evening.
Dated North Platto, Nebr., this lSth
day of July, A. I)., 1909.
F. It. Elliott, Ointy Clerk.
Estrny Notice.
Taken up on or about April 6th, 1909,
on section 21!, town 12, rango SO, by tho
undorsigried Who there resides, ono
brown mare colt, about two yours old,
small, no brands. Owner can havo
saro by proving property and paying
L. L. CLftlKENliEAnD,
North Platto, P. O
ROAD NO. 318J.
To nil whom it may concern:
Tho commissioner appointed for tho
purpose of locnting n public road as
Commencing nt the southeast corner
of lot fi of "County Clerk's" Subdivi
sion of lot 1 and southeast qunrter
northeast quarter of section 4, town
ship 13, rnnge 30, in Lincoln County,
Nebraska, a"d running thonco north oh
section lino to tho southeast corner of
lot 2 of said County Clerk's subdivision
and running thonco west on tho lino be
tween lots 2 and 3 and. between lots 12
on the north, and 10 and 11 on tho south
of snid Countv Clerk's subdivision, and
torminntinp; nt tho southwest corner of
lot 12 of said County Clerk's subdivi
sion, has reported in fnvor of the loca
tion ot said road, nnd all claims for
l , i i , 7, .
uiwnugo or miiecuonn inercto muse
fllcd in tlio oflico of tho countv clork bv
noon on tho 30lh day of Septombor A.
D., 1909, or such road will bo estab
lished without referenco thereto.
Dated North Platto, Nebraska, July
29-09. F. R. Elliott, County Clerk.