$ t I WATCHES. Our stock of watches 1 1 speaks eloquently of good 5 things, and there are many people -whose hap- py experiences confirm the reliability and worth a of them K Our success as watch sellers has not been merely fortuitous, but is the result of the unwav- ering integrity and knowl- edge gained by long t years of study. Every watch we sell is a guar- anteed time keeper. St Thus you have more t reason to consider this store as an obiect wor- thy your seeking. ! DIXON, The Jeweler f Union Pacific Watch Inspector. i fr.Jt 3Ji ft SCHILLER & CO., Prescription Druggists Tlrst Door North of Klrst National Dank im- Mrs. M. N. Ilolcombe, of Maxwell, was In the city yesterday visiting friends and relatives Mrs. James Dorram went to Cozad Wednesday morning and will visit relatives for a few days. Deputy revenue inspector George Humphrey made hia periodic visit to North Platto yesterday. Schiller & Co. have installed on their cigar counter ono of the latest proved Edtoon cigar lighters. It 'new feature jhst turned out and is the only one in the- city. Buttermilk during hot weather. Ask your doctor, 5c at Uie fountain. . Stone Drug Co. Miss Gene Maloney loft last night for a month's vacation in tho cast. She will ho joined nt Omaha by Miss Erma Dyo and from there they will go to Chicago, Milwaukee and other points Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Drown arrived Wednesday morning from Pennsylvania to visit Mrs. Brown's sister, Mrs. A Schwerdt. They have "not seen each other for thirty-two years. For Rent Now G room houso five blocks from Central school. Inquire at Steam Laundry. Ernest Rincker is confined to the houso by un attack of typhoid fever, A trained nurse has arrived from Omaha to take care of him, as Mrs. Rincker has not recovered sufficient strength following her operation. Tho next attraction and ono of the very best of the season at the Keith will bo Lem B. Parker's play "Uncle Josh Perkins." This funny New Eng land comedy-drama will ho presented next Tuesday evening. Farmers, wo are testing and paying highest cash price for cream. David Cole Creamery Co. Corner Cth nnd Locust Sts. Chas. P. Ross nnd wife passed through yesterday morning on their way to Colorado, where Mr. Rosb will do some work connected with tho Un ion Pacific engineering department A. B. Hoagland returned Wednesday evening from an automobile trip seventy-five miles northwest of the city where ho conveyed a party of three who wanted to look at land. The trip through tho sand hills was strenuous one. For Rent Two sections of hay land; CO cents per aero. Sections 9 and 5, town 11. ranco 31; six miles north of Wallace. Liston & Killen, land agents, Wallace, Nob. Mrs. James M. Ray had a houring before tho iiiBano board yesterday afternoon nnd was taken to tho nsylum Inst night by Sheriff Miltonberger and Mrs. Miltonberger. Mrs. Ray's mat ady, which is of many yenrs standing, has been gradually growing worse, and her removal to tho nuove lustuution is certainly n wiso move, though Mr. Ray was loth to talto such action, nnd only consented on the advice of friends. The Crime Of Idleness. Idleness means trouble lor nny one, Its tho same with a lazy liver. It caus es constipation, headache, jaundice snllow complexion, pimples and blotches loss of appetite, nniisen, but Dr. King's Now Life Pills soon bnnish liver trou bles and build up your health. 25c. nt Stono Drug Co. RAILROAD NEWS. Viitor VonGootz, Is spending tho week visiting friends nt Garfield, Theodore Lowe returned Wednesday morning from his trip to Dcnvor nnd other Colorado points. Hnrvoy Van Doran has entered tho services of tho company in tho capacity of freight brakeman. Mike Norris, an engineer on tho First district, arrived this morning and will visit his brother Pat Norris. M. H. Honsolt loft Wednesday morn ing on his vacation trip to St. Louis, Kansas City and other cities. Ass't Sup't Likcrt enmo up from Omaha yesterday morning to trans acted somo railroad business. A now record for tho common stock of the Union Pacific was made Wed nesday when 127,000 shares sold nt 207. Asst. Supt. Roth and Master Mechan ic Nilnnd wore in town last evening, having returned from a trip over tho North River branch. May Butlor and her famous lady band passed through on No. G yesterday morning to Lexington whoro they will furnish music for tho Chautauqua. Conductor Honry Gilfoylo expects- to leavo Sunday night for Long Beach, Cul., to visit his family who hnvo been sojourning thnro for a couplo of months. The Union Pacific building gang has been putting in new platforms and stops and making other improvements at tho Pacific hotel during the past week. Engine 1G51 has just returned from the Omaha shops and is tho first of this class of engine to be changed from compound to a simplo engine and to bo supplied with n Wnlschnerts vnlvo gear. Society Notes. Mrs. W. M. Cunningham was hostess at a delightful kensington Wednesday afternoon, given in favor of her irucst, Mrs. walker, or nttsuurg. A score or more Indies enjoyed tho hospitality of Mrs. Cunningham. Refreshments wero qorved at tho closo of tho nftornoonf The B. of R. T. lodge and tho ladies nuxiliary tendered a reception last ovening at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Herman LoDioyt to Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Finney, who will soon leave for their new home in Missouri. Tho even ing was spent in social conversation and music. The lodges presented Mr. Finney with a locket and Mrs. Finney with a souvenir spoon. At the closo of tho evening light refreshments were served. Tho nlFair proved very enjoy ablo to nil present. Mr. and Mrs. A-F. Streitz enter taincd the members of tho COO club Tuesday evening in favor of Mrs. J. H. Horshey, a former member of tho club, In nuuition to ths members tnero wore present as guests the Misses Butter field, of Omaha, Mrs. Donald Goodwill, Mrs. Frederick Warren, Miss Helen Hershey, Miss Maudo Dillon and L. W. Walker. Tho rooms wero decorated with garden flowers, and several clcc trie fans kept tho temperature at a pleasant degree. Tho games were contested with considerable vim, con vivial spirit was displayed by tho guests, and the evening could not have been more plensnntly Bpent. Season able refreshment wero served at tho close, Mrs. Streltz being assisted by her daughter Miss Ruth and Miss Alice Wilcox. Omaha Team Wins First. In tho first of a scries of two games of ball, the All Stars of Omaha won from tho locals yesterday afternoon by a score of four to two. Tho visitors mado ono scoro in tho first inning through an error, and three runs in the sixth by touching up Paul for five hits North Platte made their two runB in tho sixth. Tho gnmo was fairly well played, but not spicy, tho locals not putting up as strong a gamo as usunl. Tho same teams will play thin after noon nt a:au. li ii an a ft to ii) to to to to to to ISY With Bayonet: 3i rTno n. '$9 ft U.O.oPRlfiUhlcLUnirLt -- - raw Guaranteed free from rust and in good order. Cost U. ridge 45-70. Will shoot shot equally as well as bullet. S government 18.. 00, retails at $25.00. The above will be Carries cart- Given Away Free with any Purchase of $25.00, THE ST A or will be sold for a short time $2.50 each. Now is your time; get busy. CLOTHING HOUSE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. MS m m Mr. nnd Mrs. C. O. Weingnnd and ! Mr. and Mrs. Tnnger returned last ovening from nn automobile trip to Lodgo Pole and Sidnoy, having loft for tho former place Sunday. Although school is not in -session Willnrd Hansen tho custodian of tho Central School Building is ono of tho busiest men in town. Besides keeping tho lawn cut and wntored, ho has dur ing tho past week rellnishcd all tho desks in tho high school nnd so reno vated the third lloor that when Bchool begins in Sept. the pupils will practi cally go into now rooms. Among other littlo things wjiich n few property owners in the city have fnilcd to do is to trim tho branches of their trees, which over hang the side walks. Whilo this is a small matter, yel a littlo forethought and ten y min utes worK on tiiu part. 01 tno occupants of several residents would bo very much appreciated by the pcoplo who lrcuuotuiy run tueir ncnua ami um brellas into tho low ovorhunuinc branches. In connection with this might be mentioned tho common prnc tlco of niacimr sprinklers so time pe destrians have to leave tho sidewalk to nuss. csnccia v nf tor dark. Thoso are things that can bo prevented nnd while not done intentionally ore very bother some and inconvenient. Seared With A Hot Iron, or scalded uy overturned ueitio cut with 11 knife bruised by slammed door miureu by cun or in nny other way tho thing needed at once is Bucklcn'n Arnica Salvo to subdue inllammation and kill tho pain. It s earth s supremo Jieuler. intalliulo for noils, Ulcers, Fever Sores, Eczema and riles. 20c. at Stono Drug Co. AN ORDIW KCE Providing for the d ft jelion of n lat eral sewer distrlc lu bo known as tho lateral sower district fi, to consist of blocks 1, 8 nd 9 ot f. illcr's addition to tho City of Norv'i Platto, Nobrns ka; said lateral ti..r commencing where tho center lino of tho alloy running through Li vie 1 intersects the main sower t. i . it of said block, running thencu in it .uthorlv direc tion on tho centi't l.nu of tho alley KEITH THEKTRE Tuesday, Aug 1 7, EVERLASTING SUCCESS along Bald blocks 1. i .mil 0 of Miller's Addition to tho Ci Lincoln county, Ni. tho center lino of i tho south line of uf North Platte, '.. kn, nnd whore .: I land intersects l i. !. 9 in Miller's Addition nforcsaid, m lie constructed of sower pipes ten i i-hos in diameter with proper Hush l nnd propor nppll. for nn estimuto thereof and for hid contract for said In: providing for lev abutting lots, nceor i Uf, mntwiolcs, .cvrt; providing .f tho cost i ml for mnklng i.i I sewer; nlso it r against tho i. or to tho front footage, nlong the li e or said sewer special assessment t p.iy tho cost of constructing tho sain . Bo it ordained by th mayor and city council of tho city of North Platte, Nebraska. Section 1. That a h trict to be known as li. ril rul For Sale. Houso and lot on West Sixth street. Three blocks from Dewey. J. F. Cla-baugh. Shooting Scrape at Grant. Tuesday, a ranchman living over south of Grant was shot through the kneo by a fellow who had beeri"work- ing for him. It seems that Edwards had not paid tho man his wages, and he had gono to Edwards place for a set tlement. Edwards refused to puy him and ho picked up n neckyoke nnd struck tho fellow on the nrm, where upon the ex-employo reached under tho buggy teat and pulled a gun nnd fired nt Edwards, ono bullet .going through his knee nnd another grazing tho back of his neck. Edwards is said to bo disagreeable man to get along with and has trouble with mo3t everyone ho has businoss with. No urrosts have as yet been made. Ogalalla News. NOTICE TO CONTItAOTOUS. IlliU will im rcrolvi'd until four o'clock, n in., on Thursday, A tttfiMt l. llXJit, nt tho olllco of fHuiorlntundent Y. 1. Snydor. on tho Kx pnrlmenttil Bub-stntlcm farm, at North 1 lotto, for tho construction of a two-story f rnmo dwelling houso lilioii said farm, accord- lint to plans and uncclllcatloiiB on lllo In tho olllco of ilia said Suncrlutondcnt invder: Hidden, must oxamlno cure-fully thl.t notlco mul tho form of contract accomtinurlni; tho Nnoclllcations. UUls must conform strictly to tho ulans and suoclllcatlous and to tho rc iiulromonts of this notlco. Each hid ;mist hu accomimntcd by a cortlllcd check on somo North I'lattnor Lincoln hiuilc imynbtc to tho University of Nebraska unconditionally for thohlim of rifty Dollars tXMW. Tim chock of tho!succo.;sful bidder. In case of an award. will ho hold us a intninuleo for furnlshlim to the siuiorlnteiidont. of construction sched ules of materials with iiunnlHIes and prices, slcnlutr tho hulldlnc contract In form as pro posed mill fumlMitiur security company or other satisfactory bond In a rum edal loono thlrd of tho contract uilco of tho Inillillmr. Iloth tho security ottered und tho form ot tho bond must bo satisfactory to tho Hoard of Ho cents or Its bulldlnc committee. In caso thu suecns.slul blddcrfalls within two weeks from tho dato of tho award to lllo said schedule, falls to furnish and lllo bond as wiulrod or to enter Into contract at tho amount of his bid. tho check deposited by him will bo for feited to tho University as Hauadatcd dam- ...111...... tii.tl.n ...iiimnilltmu ..ot .wit l.it All bids must boar tho resldeuco or business address ot tho bidder, must bo slKiied, soalcil up, addressed to "Superintendent W. 1. Sny dor. North I'latte, Nebraska." and bo plainly I marked on thu outside with tho bidder's name ' and thu words "llulldlnir bid." Tho bids will 1 Ih) opened and Inspected us soon attor thu date above, sot for llllin; tluv same as thu Hoard of lienents or Its bulldliti? committee can bo conveniently assembled. Tho rluhlls reserved to reject any or all bills. V. I. BNVDKU. Hupeilntendent- J, ri. IfAliliS. secretory. Low Round-Trip Rates VIA Union Pacific For Sale. A good D H, I. Weber Gasolino engine. Apply to J. H.sVanClcnvo. Ottollink, of Swift &. Co., transacted business in town yesterday. Flo went up tho North Platte branch this morning to visit the merchnntB nlong thut lino. sewer dis 8cwcr dis trict E to bo formed i rjin blocks 1, 8 and 0 of Millor's ndditi n to tho city of North Platte, Lincoln c unty, Nebras ka. Section 2. That n l.t'oral sower bo constructed of ten h.ch . ewer pipes nt tho nroivu- depth nnd i n grndiv re- iniircd by tho present s '.vir system of satu city, commencing ncro tno cen- ter line ot too aney in iuock i inter sects the main sower north of said block, running thencu in a southerly direction along tho eeirer line ot tno alloy in blocks 1, 8 and 0, or Miller'B nddition to tho city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebuulta, to whoro tho renter linu of said a'ley intersects tho south lino of block U !n 6iid Miller's addition to tho city of North Platto, Nebraska, together with tho necessary man-holes, flush tanks nnd necessary appliances nlong tho lino of said pro posed lateral sower. Section 3. That that the onginoor of snid city nt once prepnro and fllo with tho clerk thereof nn estimate of tho to tal cost of said proposed lateral sower. Section 4. That after suid estimato is mrtde nnd filed as herein provided that tho clerk of said city proceed to advertise in manner nnd form required by law for bids for the construction of said lateral sewer and appliances, re serving to said city the right to reject anv and all bids therefor. Section G. If an approved bid bo mndo for said work that a contract therefor bo entered into by tho mnyor of said city attested by tho clerk with tho necessary provisions protecting tho interest of snicl city upon tho contractor furnishing n bond in n sufficient nmount-for tho faithful performance of said contract. Section G. To pay tho costs of con struction of said lateral sewer, llusn tanks, man-holes nnd appliances, n snecial nssesamentBhnll bo levied accor ding to law against the lots abutting on tho lino of said lateral sower according to the foot frontago thereol. Section 7. This ordinandi sliall taK.o effect and bo inforced from and after ts passage, approval and publlcal Ion. Passed and approved this liril tluy of July. 1909. (Sgd) .THUS. U. l'ATTWKSUN, ftinyor. Attest: Chas. V. Temple, City Clerk. 1 THE Uncle Josh I The Great New York Subway Scene. I Positively the J Watch for the Big L Sec Uncle Josh at the County Fair Perkins. Presented by a Company of Singers, Dancers and Comedians largest and best production ever given this famous play. Parade of the Hayseed Band.N Prices 25, 50 and 75 cents. DR. J. K. ELMS will hereafter take up the General Practice of Medicine, Surgery and Lying-in Cases, together with HIS SPECIALTY Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Your Glasses Carefully Filled. Office and Residence 413 E Fifth St., on ground lloor, no stairs to climb. Phone 559. 30 years actual experience. 'The Safe Road to Travel" TO Cheyenne, Wyo., ACCOUNT Frontier Days Celebration AUGUST 18th to 21st, 1909 The program this year is better than ever. "Something Doing Every Minute." Tickets on sale August 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21, igog Por literature and information relative to rates, routes, lim limits, etc., call on you local agent. AN ORDINANCE rTi rti rji rfh rj) rji rfo rji rj rji rji rforrtflrf((ri(r1(if$? I Business Education rays. I El' When You are Prepared there is a Good Situation Ready for You . . : . . Every student who completed our Combined Course the past year is now in a good situation and we have had calls for many more young people than we could furnish. rroviding for tho constrnction ot n lateral sewer district to Do known as lateral sewer district G 1, to consist of blocks numbered, 4 5, 12 and 13 of M or's Addition to tho'Citv of North Platte, Nebraska, said lateral sewer commoncintr where tho contor lino of tho alley in block 4 intersects the main sewer in snid block running t henco in a southerly direction on the center line of tho alley in unit! blocks 4, G, 12 and 18, of Miller's Addition to tho City of North I'latte, Lincoln countv. Nobrnska. to whoro tho centor lino of said alley intersects with tho south lino of block 13 in Mil lcr's Addition aforesaid, to be con structed of sower pipes ten inches ip tlinmotor, with proper flush tanks manholes nnd propor appliances pro vlding for an cBtlmnto of tho ct s 1 thereof and for hi'ls nnd for maki 1 contract for said laterol sewer; nlr-. providing for tho levying against the nbutting lots according to tho fron fqotngo thereof along tho lino of said sower, special assessments to pay tho cost of constructing tho snme. IJo it ordained by tho mayor and city council of the eity of North Platte, Nebraska. Section 1, That a lateral sewer dis trict to bo known as interal sewer district G 1, bo formed from blocks 4, 5, 12 and 13 of Miller's Addit'on to the city of North Platto, Lincoln county, Nebrnskn. Section 2. That a latornl sower bo constructed of ten inch sewer pipes at tno proper depth anil mi n grndo re quired by tho present sewor system of said city, commencing where tho center We let you complete our course and then pay your tuition. There are NO EXTRA FEES. You mav enter at anv time after September 7th, when the fall term begins. i Strong Faculty. Reasonable Rates. Well Equipped lj School. Fourteen Years Since Established. H3 f 45 If interested, write to HASTINGS BUSINESS COLLEGE, f HASTINGS, NEB. it 1 ij 1 1 uvj i 1 1 line of tho alloy In block 4 intersects tho main Bower in snid block, ruuninj "1 'tico in a southerly direction on tho tor lino of tho nlley lu blocks 4, B, ind 13 of Miller's Addition to the my or North I'latte, Lincoln county, Net raska. to where tho centor lino of e.iid alley intersects with the south lino of block 13, in snid Miller's Addition to tho city of Nortli Platto, Nebraska, to gether with the necessary manholes, Ilush tanks and necessary appliances nlong tho lino of said proposed lateral sower. Section 3. Thai, tho engineer of said city at onco nrenure and lllo with tho clerk thereof an estimato of tho total cost of said nronoBcd hit oral sower. Section 4. Thnt after said estimate is mndo and (lied nn heroin provided, that tho clork of said city proceed nt onco to advertise in manner and lorm required by lnw for bids for tho con RlrnoMnn nf Riilil lateral sewer nnd nil- pliaiices, reserving to said city tho right to reject any and all bids therefor. Section B. If an approved bid bo mndo for Baid work that n contrnct therefor bo entered into by the mayor of said city, attestod by tno clork with tho necessary provisions, protecting tho interests of said city upon the contrac tor furnishing a bond in a sulllciont amount for the faithful porformanco of said contrnct. Section 0 To pay tho costs of con struction of snid latornl sower, flush tanks, maii'holeri and appliances, a special asseBsmcnt shall bo levied ac cording to law agxinst tho lots abut ting on the lino'of said lateral mwer, accordining to tho foot frontago there of. Sec, 7 -This ordinnnco sliall take ef fect and ho enforced from nnd nf tor its passage, npprovnl nnd publication. Passed and approved this third day of July, 1909. Sgd) Taos. C. Pattkkbon. Mayor. Attest: Chas. F. Temple, City Clerk,