TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR. NOltTII PLATTE, NEBMSKA, AUGUST 18, 1909. NO 58. Wat w . Seasonable at REDUCED You can afford to have an extra pair of Ox- fords perhaps when you can buy them at such re- duced prices as we are offering. It is real economy P and real comfort to have a chancre of shoes during1 $ hot weather. Ladies' Kid Oxfords, regular price $1.75, salo price Ladies' Kid Oxfords.low heel, regular price $2.00 sale price Ladies' Tan Button Ox fords, regular price 2.25 sale price Ladies' Tan Laco Ox fords, regular price 2. CO sala price Ladies' Kid Oxfords, regular price $3.00, salo price Ladies' Patent Ankle Strap Pumps, Patent Lace and Button Oxfords Tnn Ankle Strap Pumpa Bronze Oxfords,Tan and Green Oxfords, regular price $3.50, salo price... $1.50 $1.75 $1.95 $2.00 $2.50 $2.85 and Girls' Oxfords and Barefoot Sandals. j $ Small, The Big Shoe Man. $ ar ahtL"t J" i TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS ,, Dr. D. T. Quigloy returned 'yester day from Lincoln where he attended n meeting of the state association of boards of health, of which he is presl dent. The Sunday school of the Christian church held a picnic Tuesday afternoon at the Doolittlc grove. There was a largo attendance and the outing proved a very pleasant one. P. .A. White and J.. E. Fillion leave. Sunday in the former's car for Chey enne, whore they will attend tho Fron tier Day Bports fortwo or threo days. They may concludo to return homo via Denver. With one exception Wednesday was the hottest day of the season, tho temperature reaching ninety-seven. The ono exception was last month when the temperature reached tho same degree. .Fire Tuesday partly burned outbuild ings on the premises occupied by E. C. Ripgcr, the hose companies extinguish ing tho flames. Tho firo is supposed to havo been tho work of n tramp who was seen loitering around tho build ings. Tho ballots for tho primary election next Tuesday are now being sent out to tho various precincts by county clerk Elliott. Tho ballots are about 20x 28 inches in size, with five columns, each column representing a political party. Tho building committee of the Pres byterian church lot the contract Wed nesday for pows for tho now church to tho Fon du Luc Church Furnituro Co. Tho pews aro quarter sawed fumed oak of Gothic style and are the finest made by the factory. W. E. Shuman sold to Charles Ilirsch this week a block of land on Fourth street in the Trusteo'a addition. This tract of two and ono-half acres will be used by Mr. Ilirsch as a poultry farm, he having in tho past devoted consider ablo of his leisuro timo to raising chickens. Tho colony of commercial traveling men in this city was nugumented this week by the arrival of W. A. Alden and family. Mr. Aldon travels for the Do lan Fruit Co., of Grand Island, and comes hero because the location of the town is a grentor convenience to him, Chns. Aldon, who travels for the Ne braska Mercantile Co., Jibb also decided to make North Platto his headquarters. Wo aro glad to have these peoplo bo come citizons of North Platto. Footwear - : PRICES. tl4 , 0 Ladies' Patent Colt 3- button Oxfords. Russia Calf Oxfords with suede top and BiOir.e Ankle Strap Pumps, regular o-j ( price $4.00, Bale price.. $0, ID Men's Patent Colt and Green Calf Oxfords, regular price $1.50, salo -j ijj; price pJ.D Men's Velour Calf, Tan Russia Calf Oxfords, Russia Calf und Vici Kid Oxfords, regular .-j jn price $-1, sale price )). t)U Men's Tan Russia Calf Oxfords regular price $3.50 salo price $2.85 Men's Tnn Oxfords, "reg fr ulnr prico $3, saleprico. pZ.0U A five pound baby girl was born yes terday to Mr. and Mrs. Ollio Rasmus sen.' Robort Lannin lias been in Omaha for several days past having his eyes treated. Tin state tax charged up to Lincoln county this year by tho state board is $25,730.24, as compared with $28,794.73 last year. Sup't Snyder, of the experimental station, went west Wednesday morn ing to look over conditions in that section. Word has been received in town of tho marriago of Ora Workman, former ly of this city, to a young lady of Clin ton, Ind. Fred Calonder and 'wife, of Tryon, were in tho city Tuesday, having brought their littlo girl down to receive treatmnt from Dr. Amen. A heavy thunder storm visited this section Wednesday ovening, tho light ning being very severe. During tho storm fifty-eight ono hundredths of an inch of rain fell. Sheriff Miltonbcrger returned yester day morning from his trip to post elec tion notices. Ho was gono nearly two weeks and in that timo traveled between 400 and 500' miles. Keith Neville, Geo. M. Grnham and son Ralph, J. E. Nelson, of Holdrdge and Mr. Sadler left Wednesday for tho Liston ranch south of ""Dickons whero tlioy will fish for bass in a lako on tho ranch, Howe & Moloney are building a large store room in tho rear of their store building. When this is completed tho present store room will bo turned into nn undertaking parlor and tho prcs ont undertaking room will bo used as a display room for new furnituro. Jonathan Welch, who was up from tho Medicino country Wednesday, said corn in that immediate section was right up to that time, but south of thero in tho country surrounding CurtiH und Maywood the crop had been ruined by the dry weather. Tho samo disas trous condition exists throughout Fron tier and Hayes county. Tho stato fair management has of fered to pay tho expenses of Lowell's Cowboy Band of this city to go to Lin coin and play at tho fair on Sep tember 8th and 9th. Tho offer will bo accepted if local citizens wll donate $125 with which to buy simps, which are needed to complete tho cow boy uniform. Tho fair management writes that ample bands havo been so cured, but thoy nro willing to pay tho expenses of the Lowoll band in order to uso it as a fealuro for two days. The Timmcrraan Building. Yesterday workmen begun tearing down the roar portion of tho building on the corner of Front nnd Pino streets preparatory to tho eroction of the Timmorman brick bloc!;. The plans for tho building, which woro prepared Uy Architect Shaffer, of this city, call for n thrca-story build ing 33x132 feet, tho front to bo pressed brick with Bedford stono trimmings. Tho basement, tho floor of which will bo four feot below tho sidewalk line, will bo ten feet in height, with a bowl ing alloy on tho west sido, billiard hall and wino vault on tho cast sido and heating plant and kitchen storage in tho rear. On the cast s'de of tho first floor will be Jthe saloon room 15x15, with tilo lloo-ing and whito enamel brick wains coating extending 4J feet from tho floor, while on tho west sido there will bo u vestibule with entrances to tho basement and to n lobby running to n dining room, the latter being 30x05 feot in dimensions, with u. comploto and modern kitchen in tho rear. On tho west sido of tho lobby is placed the lavatory. On tho second floor aro hotel olllco, cloven chambers and threo bath rooms, each chamber being supplied with lav atory, steam heat and electric lights, and in tho roar of these is a lodgo room 25x30 feot and four small ante rooms. Tho third floor has twenty- five chambers, supplied with lavatories, heat and light, and witli ample bath accommodations. Tho plans and specifications havo been submitted to contractors, and it is. expected that the contract will be et in a few days, this building will be ono of tho most modern in the city, and will bo u cred it to tho town. Endorse R. L. Douglas. We, tho undersigned voters of Lin coln County uro well acquainted with and endurso Mr, R. L. Douglas for County Commissioner subject to tho action of tho Republican Primary. We know Mr. Douglas well. Ho, is nn-oldirestdent of-tho' northern part of Lincoln county whero ho made a suc cess of farming. A short time ago ho purchased property n North Platto whero ho now resides. Mr. Douglas is a large tax payer, a good straight, competent, level headed business man; honest, knows the need of good roads, rigid economy in expenditure of the people's monoy, and will, if elected county commissioner, do his part in tho faithful administration of county af fairs. Win R Sluimnn A V KlnU S K Dorryborry A M Look N 13 Workman A 1' Wlilto .T W Henderson J llnlilor AV .1 Korlies O O Voliiijaiii V K Htiycs .1 E Vormllllou It N Lamb Tin Ilanllln II V Doiibkc.Jr .las W l)ucan N l Ireland -13 It Goodman II A Wilson . Jos llorshoy 13 It Kaslon llutlor lluclianan SI 9 Koblmuson Hamuol Gozco W T Hanks V VonGoutz Jr Isaac Hoi by Earl Htamu Harry Dixon Frank 13 llullard Edmund Dlokoy. Earl W Davis Frank Dowliowor I' V Kodmond .1 a Leonard W H Vornon ,Tamis Nolson U Williams J 13 l-'ullor 13 It York Q A Waldon A W Iluirlios W W Hlrco Ezra lvoono 0 .1 llowen W C Hltnor O K Ilrotornltz O II Thoolocko WSKoss LOPlnros J Q AVlleox .lolin ICoontz .lolm Unilt E IllMumimir lolm It Witt Ij II Plok II M Porter "We sell three 8-oz bars of Cocoa Castile Soap for 25 cents. It is the best Soap for this Hard Water lathers freely, removes dirt and grease quickly and is henlieg to the skin. Call and see our large assortment of toiletsoaps. Schiller & Co., 1st door north First Natl. Hank. Toilet Soap Value. A Heroic Act Rewarded. From Fremont comes tho announce ment that tho wedding bans of Frank Lnrson, of that city, and Mrs. Winifred Delnnoy, for tho past two yoor'B resi dent of North Platte, will bo published next Sunday in St. Patrick's church nt Fremont. Mr. "Larson is u fireman on the North western railroad, who two years ago saved tho livo of Earl, tho four year old son of Mrs. Delnncy. It was near Exeter that this act of heroism oc- cured. Tho child had strayed on truck, when tho train Larson was tho lr- ing enmo along at a thirty-fivo mile an hour gait. Tho train could not bo Btopped in timo to snvo the child, nnd Lnrsori climbing out of tho cab nnd down on tho pilot brushed the child from the track nnd out of way of hnrm. Larson later was given n hero medal by congress ami tho nownpnpers over the country published his picture. As might bo expected, Mrs. Delnnoy wns sincorely gratoful for this horoism on the part of Larson, nnd tho latter accoptqd nn invitation to visit Mrs. Do laney. This visit wns tho beginning of a mutual admiration that will, accord ing to tho Fremont announcement, soon havo n h.ppy termination. This also clears up some speculation as to why Mrs. Dplar.oy, nfter being ro-olected n teacher in tho North Platto schools, sent in her resignation. Mrs. Dclnnqy is a women of charming personality, refined and well educated, and during her residence in North Platto ms won tho highest cBtccm of every acquaintance. Tho sequel to Larson's act of heroism is indeed as fitting and happy as it is romantic. In any city you will find the best residence district adjoining the city paries. The same will be true in North Plalte in a few years. The city park purchased from Roy B. Tabor, trustee, is to be improved with trees, etc., next spring. It will probably be the only public park North Platte will have iff- many years. lt will' Contain- eleven acres. Now the opportunity exists to buy residence lots adjoining the city park site. These lots arc im proved with five-foot cement side walks, graded streets and sewer, and the prices and terms arc right. The Trustee still has for sale a number of corner lots adjoining the park site. These are for sale by WM. E. SHUMAN. Sunday School Convention. Tho Lincoln county Sunday school convention will convono at North Platto on September 1.1th and 12th. Thero will also be a district Sunday school convention for tho southern districts at Wellfleet, Neb., on September Cth nnd 7th. It is desired that all Sunday schools in tho county send dolegntes to tho county convention at North Platto and that nil Sunday schools in tho southern district send delegates to tho to the convention at Wellfleet. E. S. Lbb, County Secretary. Place your order now for HUNTER'S CRAB APPLES. $1.25 per Bushel at Wilcox Department Store. Special Council Meeting. At the special meeting of tho council held Tuesday evening, all members wore present except Tobin and Tracy. Tho petitions for the two sower later als "E"nnd "G"-l on tho north sido woro brought up and were grnnted. Tho city engineer mado a report as to tho fall of tho muin sovcron tho north sido nnd said that tho fall was sufficient to allow the construction of tho proposed laterals. , Tho next regular meeting will be on Tuesday ovening, August 17th. Notice. All persons knowing themselves in debted to mo will please call at my resi dence nnd settle. S. PvICHAItDS. Clerks Give Thanks. Wo tho Retail Clerks of North Platte, Neb., wish to extend our sin cero thnnka to tho merchants who havo unanimously adopted tho 6:30 closing movement, excepting payday nights,; Saturdays and during tho month of December. Hoping tho pub lie, will sanction this movement and assiBt us with theirfull co-oporntion, to make it a success. Very Respectfully. AWMIKW'YOHT IlAmtY Samklhon ft r f i HT fintr 1 lAiiMi.' f vOm. UWIMUIIlUi'lH C. M. Austin Tom Sodkn 11 iw in iiimiii ii 11 iiiiiiiniiiiHiiM'iiMm iniimiin 11 win Good Byel-Tans-Good Bye! Every sort of Tan Oxtord we have in stock must go. When we say "Tans" we mean all our colored low cut shoes Tans, Chocolates, Wines, Oxblood, Greys, London Smoke, Bronze, etc. 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT. We want to start the season with new Shoes, hence this great sacrifice to close out, a'tonce, the Tan Footwear we have for boys, for misses and out of the house. They must go at once. OL NODES THE SHOER. jMBWB WW I IIIIIMI Will IIIMIMHllllllllll'lltl PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ross hnvo re turned from a visit in Donvor. , W. C. Patterson rctumod Tuesday night from n business trip to Denver. Everott EvniiB returned Wednesday morning from a professional trip to Omaha. MVb. Forn Vinson, of . Denver, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Ed Sorcnson, of Omaha, is visiting relatives and friends in this city for a a few days. Miss Beth Cunningham returned Tuesday ovening from a short visit with friends at Brady. Misses Dessio and Nulllo O'Shuu, of Lincoln, nro visiting at tho homo of their undo P. T. McGcer. Miss Ada Mercer, of Keamoy, is at tending tho houBO pnrty which is being told nt tho Banks' residence. Miss Molllo Burko, of Lexington, is nttending tho house party at tho Banks' home this week. Georgo Lannin Jr. returned yesterday from a threo weeks' visit with rel atives nt Ogdcn and Salt Lake. Misses Syblo and Helen Talum re-' turned Wednesday from a visit with relatives in Kearney. Miss Garnet Micklcscn, who has been tho guest of Miss Alum Wullcmalh, returned to her homo In llorshoy yes terday morning. Mrs. J. J. Kelihcr roturncd to her homo in Council Blulfs Wednesday morning nfter spending sovcrnl weeks in the city. Philip Pizer, of Fairbury, is visiting at tho homo of his undo Julius Pizor. Ho is on his way to Donvor and othor Colorado points. A. A. Rinckec and wifo, of Ogdon, visited their brother F. W. Rlncker yesterday enrouto homo from Omnha nnd other eastern points. Miss Ester Antonides left Wednos day morning for Loxington whero she spnnt u few days visiting friends and attending tho Chautauqua. Mrs. C. J. Perkins returned thin week from a sovoral days visit in Den vcr nnd looking after soma property which Mr. PorkinB bought thero. Mrs. J. I. Smith nnd son Jay loft Wedncsdny morning for n two weeks' visit with Oscar Smith in Kansas City. They inndo tho trip via Denver. Mrs. Fred Elliott nnd threo children of Omuhn, arrived yesterday morning and will visit with Mrs. Elliott's par ents, Mr. and MrB. Ssmuol Goozeo. Mr. and Mrs, N. A. Davis nnd Mr. and Mrs. Robert Finney will lenve in a weok or two for their future homo in Missouri, Mr. Davis having purchased a farm in that state. Misses Winifred Quigloy and Jose phino Goffory, who havo boon visiting nt tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. D. T Quigloy, returned to their homo in Sioux City Tucsdny morning. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kndo expect to lonvo about tho 25th inst, for southorn California, where thoy will spend tho fall and winter, and perhaps may con elude to mako their futuro homo. on hand. Tans for men, children, all are ordered Notice to Democrats. I am n candidate for tho ofllcn of County Commissioner, 1st District, sub ject to tho decision of tho democratic electors at tho Primary Election, Aug1 ust 17th. Tho nov law provides that voters nt 11 primary election may WWTB IN tho nntno of n candidate. If tho democrats will write in under tho col umn marked Democrat: Iur.(.'min(y (i(iMinhSiloiiur lHt.-l)lntv- ik votu for uno El A. F. STREITX Democrat my nnmo will bu printed on tho official ballot. . : A. F. StnEiTZ. "Uncle Josh Perkins.". In presenting tho celebrated com edy drama, "Undo Josh PerkinB" to tho amusement loving public, it in un necessary to mnko nn elaborate intro duction. Freo from offensive horso play and vulgnrity, -masquerading as wit, yot full of wholcsomo fun nnd dollcnto touches of pathos, the whole pointing a lenlthy moral that makes one fcol the better for haying scon it. "Undo Josh Perkins" is a play of pastoral purity and inlonso interest introducing four teen distinct and truthful types of char actor interpreted by a subcrb compnny who unfold with artistic skill ail Amer- can story of absorbing charm and com plication, Tho engagement in this city is for ono night only at tho Koitli next Tuesday evening, August 17th. For Sale. ITnilRitluilft iriuwln (if nil ilnRPllllUniiw Inquire at -il l west Sixth street. milS. . IJ. Ul'.L,AMliT. NATURECAUSESV H NATURE CURO lurn to iNaturc ana .11 1 1 . you win always oe on 1 the safe side. Wo havo a Natuio Remedy (01 CONSTIPATION that wo wantyoulotioni nmvn llmt Nature can al ways supply a cute. It is Fruit Laxative fL. Ami rnmnmeJ of VCC ctable ingredients only, direct from Nature's Labo ratory, carefully and con veniently selected, readv for you to ujo and we back Nature with our Guarantee of your money back in stantly if it fails to give iJPer' . 4 Rntllfl McDonell & Graves. ifwHAT i '3 m -tiff 1 -s AZitlJ