The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 10, 1909, Image 2

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IRA L. BARE, Publisher
Simple Blouse
Sometimes they do thlnge very well
In Mlchlgnn. As everyono Is aware,
Michigan, llko Now Hampshire, Is vory
solicitous for licr forests. Again, llko
New Ilnmpshlrc, Michigan Is dis
turbed from (lino to Uino by forest
(Iraq, and every loynl Mlchlgnndcr Is
expected to provo Ills willingness,
whenever occasion may demnud, to
join Ills neighbors In fighting thoso
Jlres, says the Manchester Union. In
fact, a Michigan statuto specifically
provides punishment for refusal to as
sist In suppressing a forest Arc. Never,
however, until recently, hns It been
found necessary to Invoko this statute,
and then n man wnn sentenced to 90
duys In tho Dotrolt Iioiibo of correc
tion. It Is, of course, concolvablo that
a rigid enforcement of such a law ns
(hat might work Bcvcro hardship In
some Individual cases. For example,
it would be obviously unjust nnd In-
nutnan to impress Into fire-fighting
servlco ono whoso physical condition
Plainly incapacitates him from that
service, or ono who Is occupied with
tho care of tho sick. On tho other
hand, It is always to bo expected that
careful Judgment will bd exercised
in tho enforcement of thla Inw, us of
any other.
That "unlucky II!" superstition Is
getting no end or Hldeswlpes as a ro
Hiilt of tho InercnBlng Intelllgcnco of
the ago. A married couplo In Tren
ton, N. J., hnvu Just become tho proud
parents of their thirteenth baby, nnil
inutend of being considered n cano of
bad luck, tho coming of tho youngster
Kccms to bo regarded ns uncommonly
fortunate, sayH tho Troy'TImcB. At
all events not only nro tho father and
nothcr delighted beyond uicaBtiro but
they have received offers from nil
over the country to tako and adopt
the child, thoso offers ovldently be
ing Inspired by tho belief Hint tho In
fant will bring good luck. Ono nrdent
bidder tenders tho parents $10,000 for
tho little ones. Ah nil offors havo been
declined tho pnrcnts of tho thlrtconth
evidently intend to keep tho luck In
tho family.
Another step has boon taken In the
direction of Improving waterways. Tho
secretary of war has approved tho
plans submitted by a board of en
gineers for tho construction of u sea
tovol ship cannl ncross Capo Cod be
tween Massachusetts bay and Huz-
xard's bny. Thin work Is to bo done
by n compnny formed for tho purpose,
though tho cnnnl eventually no doubt
will form a link In tho Intorconstal
ystom which Is now under considera
tion. The Cnpo Cod canal will shorten
by many miles tho dlstnnco by water
from Ronton to Now York, besides en
abling vcssols to avoid tho ereater
marine dangers of tho outside route at
cortaln seasons.
Intimntlons that tho disclosures In
tho "Hlnck Hund" conspiracy In Ohio
may lead to tho exposuro of n far-
reaching plot nnd that the trail if fol
lowed may end In the discovery and
punishment of men connected with the
assassination of Lieut. Petroslno, tho
Now York police officer who waB mar-
dored In Sicily, nro not surprising.
There sceuiR to bo no doubt that n
criminal organization exists, uud when
thut fact Is established and tho propor
thrends uro found the wholo mystery
may bo unraveled. And when this Is
accomplished thera Is likely to ba a
blow dealt at "lllnck Handlsm" thnt
will teach n greatly needed lesson.
Tho now president of Hrazll, suc
ceeding Dr. Pennn, deceasod, announ
ces tho Intention of pursuing the poli
cies of his predecessor. Theso policies
nlm nt promoting peace at homo and
abroad and general good rmdorntiiudlug
as conducive to progress and prosper
Ity. He will find no heartier Indorse
ment of thnt program than ho will get
from tho people of tho United States
Hrnzll iu tho largest country In South
America, nnd with Institutions modeled
nfter thoso of our republic there are
special reasons why this nation should
tnke a warm Interest In tho political
and material development of that ro
... . -L?
(ermnna have chosen thrco
boata to represent them In the
off Mnrblefiead. Thoy have
been successful Hum far In tho han
dling of this typo of racer, which de
pends lor her speed on tho prevalence
of conditions for which sho was con
structeii, small yaciits aro mure
closely subject to weather conditions
than are their big slstors.
American statesmanship and llnau-
cial hkiii lmvo apparently scored n
substantial victory in connection with
that railroad loan by tho Chinese gov
ernment. Certain .European poworB
had attempted to shut nut tho Amer
icans, but tho United Stntcs, standing
by tho opon door nnd fair piny policy,
objected, nnd seems to havo won. It
Is now practically assured that Amer
ican ilnanclcrs will hnvo n chance at
tho loan on equnl terms with those
of other countries Interested,
J. S. Harlan Mentioned for High Bench
WASHINGTON. A very Interesting
bit of unusual summer gossip
concerning changes In tho personnel
of the supremo court of tho United
Stntcs connects tho namo of Jainca
S. Harlan, member of tho lntorstato
commerce commission, with an asso
ciate Justiceship in succession to his
distinguished fathor, John Marshall
Harlan, who has been on tho supremo
bench since 1877, and who recently
celebrated his seventy-sixth birthday.
It would occasion no surptlso
should ono or two changes in the per
sonnel of tho highest federal tribunal
tako ,-placo at tho beginning of the
fnll term. Chief Justlco Fuller, now
in his soventy-soventh yenr, and As
sociate Justice Harlan havo been
credited with rotlrcmont Inclinations
at various times for somu years pnst.
It becamo evident, however, after
much talk of this character, that
there would bo no retirements from
the supremo bench during tho Roose
velt administration and latterly it has
been said thnt nolthor tho chief Jus
tlco nor Justice Harlan was disposed
to relax tho labors which nro so con
genial to them. Hut with Mr. Taft
In tho olllco of appolntlvo power
mnny are inclined to bellevo thcro Is
a probability of a change of mind, af
Diplomatic Sinecures
HEREAFTER thcro will be no pure
ly ornamental places in tho for
eign servlco of tho United Stutcs.
Whllo this cannot bo Bnld to bo new
policy. It Is tho dcclnrcd Intontlon of
tho present administration, nnd espe
cially of tho stnto department, that
thoro shall ho no deviation from 1L
This rule will not bo mndo to npply
only to tho diplomatic sorvlco, but to
tho consular offices of tho United
States from tho highest to tho lowest.
In years past thoro havo boon
many complaints unit cue consular
sorvlco of tho United States was, gen
erally speaking, Inefficient nnd of n
much lower grade than that of mnny
foreign countries having representa
tives In the United States. Tho stnto
department olllclals themselves In
previous years havo acknowledged
this, nnd whllo tho sorvlco has Im
proved of Into, It has not mndo tho;
rapid ndvnnco that Is iigt(ccnbln in
tho sorvlco of some of our foreign
trado competitors.
At. present this government has In
forelitn countries 1IS18 consuls and ton
huIb general, with a largo number of
Value of "Tariff
THE "tariff monngovle, a term used
by congressional humorists to des
ignate a miscellaneous assortment of
artlclos of Import, threatens to be an
issue between tho United states bu
reau of statistics and tho "funny men"
of tho sennto and houno In Wash
ington. Tho management of tho bu
reau, which keeps an accurate ac
count of every nrtlclo Imported, Its
nnmo, valuo nnd tho duty paid, Is per
turbed because some of tho artlclos
In the menngerlo list havo been mndo
tho basis of many Jestn by tho con
itrossmen who boo tho humorous uldo
of the thing. In n. statement Issued
recently, the bureau malntnliiB that
Ibeso artlclos, which havo a recog
nized value, Illustrate tho scope of the
commerco of tho United States and
Old Sea Dogs Are
A SOLITARY horseman rode rapidly
down tho Htreet a gootl many
times In Washington tho other day.
Ho was a solitary liorscmnn becauso
ho was not particularly anxious to
havo any ono rldo with him. llo could
Ball a mnno'-wnr, mayhap, and brnvo
tho perils of the brlmy deep, but his
horsemanship wus scarcely ni par.
Tim solitary horseman was a com-
miHHloued otllcer In Undo Sam's
On July 4 tho order issued by Pros!
limit. ltooauvclt that thoso officers
MS3 Of
fected also by other developments.
President Taft, himself a former
federal Judge, snt In the samo circuit
from which Justlco Harlan was ap
pointed to tho supremo bonch, and
there doubtless Is what may bo
termed a bond of Jddlclnl Interest be
tween them. It Is felt thut should Ju
dicial distinction bo bestowed upon,
Jnmes 8. Harlan, who has Inherited
tho Judicial temperament, tho honor
would bo something peculiarly appre
ciated by both father nnd son for ob
vious reasons asido from tho general
considerations pertaining to n su
premo court nppolntment.
Thnt conditions hnvo nrlson which
may causo Justlco Harlan to doclde
to tako up duties In tho servlco of
tho Presbyterian church, which would
bo possible only through his retire
ment from tho bench, is part of tho
latest gossip. James S. Harlan, If
nppolntcd to tho supremo bench,
would tako to that body oxpert knowl
edge of Intorstnto commorco tnntters
which will more and inoro occupy the
attention of tho court.
Tho lato gossip also connects Chler
Justlco Fuller's namo with revived
plans to inako an international trial
court out of Tho Huguo tribunal,
which Is said to bo mi aim of Presi
dent Taft. Should matters cventuutc
as gossip suggcstti Illinois still would
hnvo n representative In tho highest
court of tho land nnd tho wuy still be
open to 1111 another vacancy ifrom tho
circuit of which Ohio nnd Kentucky
tho latter tho state from which Jus
tlco ,HnrIun was appointed I!2 years
ago form a part.
to Be Abolished
vlco and deputy consuls, Interpreters.
etc., mnklng a total of about 1,200, and
It Is tho expressed determination of
tho Btato department to olevato tho
servlco In every posslblo way. A
working familiarity with tho subjects
with which thoy will havo to doal Is
demanded to a greater extent than
over before.
It is tho ptirposo of tho state depart
inent to unify tho work of tho diplo
matic and consulnr services In the In
terest of grcntor efficiency. For many
yenrs It hnB been u matter of regret
to tho government thnt so many na
tive foreigners occupy subordlnnto
positions in our consular Bcrvlco as
deputies and clerks. This, howovcr;
has been largely n matter of inade
quate compensation, hut tho policy
from now on will bo to substltuto
Americans for forelgnorB wherover It
Ik possible to do so and considerable
progress has already been made In
this direction.
Within n comparatively short time
tho percentage of foreigners In our
consular sorvlco has been reduced
from -1C.1 per cont. to tS.S per cent.)
and tho percentago of Americans In
that service Iiuh becu Increased from
CJ.O to 81.2 per cent. These percent
ages, however, apply only tov clerk'
ships pnylng $800 a year or less, but
tho work of weeding out foreigners
will continue as long ns Americans of
the requisite capacity can bu obtained
to (111 tho places
Menagerie" Imports
present somo ominous facts. For in
stance, rcleronco Is mndo to dlvl dlvl,
leeches, roso lenves, dragons' blood,
pnllndium, musk, birds, wild animals
chlclo und cobras.
Tho valuo ot tho Imports of tho Inst
decade of dlvl dlvl, which Is used for
taunlug purposes, Is placed at $85,000.
In tho same ported tho valuo of leech
es brought In was $40,000; roso lcavos
$20,000, and chicle, largely used in,
tho manufacture of gum, $8,000,000.
During tho yenr 190S tho musk Im
portations oxceeded $80,000, whllo tho
quantity of palladium, a raro metal
used In tho muuufucturo of astron
omical Instruments and by dentists,
represented a valuo of $700.
Pains havo been taken to explain
that dragons blood Is roally npt drag
ons' blood at nil, but n mere nnmo for
n deep reddish resinous substnnco ob
talncd from a varloty of trees in the
orient, and used extensively as an In
gredient in varnishes, stains und for
mnklng etchings oti copper and zinc.
Tho value of tho Importations of this
article during tho last decado is
placed at $00,000.
Learning New Tricks
should rldo 90 miles on horseback In
throo consecutive days, walk GO miles
in tho same length of time, or rldo 100
miles on a blcyclo In three consecu
tive days beenmo effective. Tho or
der was Issued January 4 last, but tho
presldont gavo tho officers several
months in which to prepare for the
tests. President Tuft has been naked
to rescind tho order, but ho has agreed
with his predecessor that tho tests
would bo of bunoflt to tho navy.
A largo number of ensigns, lieuten
ants, lieutenant commanders, cap
tains und read admirals stationed In
and about Washington have begun
tho teats. Tho stato, war and navy
building Is thu usual starting point
Tho younger man uro essaying the
horseback test, but tho older ones
seem to prefer walking. Possibly It
Is hard to teach an old sea dog now
These pretly slmplo blouses aro styles that may be carried out In any
'jlouso material, of which there is such a charming selection this season.
Tho ono at tho left side has a tiny square joko of Inco with collar of the
same. Tucks are made over tho shoulder to waist, back and front, also in
ontr of front; Insertion nnd buttonr. form tho trimming.
Tho illustration at the top has a band of embroidery down center front,
with three tucks each side; the long sleeves nro close-rlttiiig und aro tucked.
Ilelow thnt tho blouse lllusl rated has a yoke with plastron to waist, that
might either be In lace or embroidery. Tucks nro made on tho shoulders and
ocross bust, a atrap outlining tho yoke; tho sleeves nro Mulshed at the wrists
'jy a strap.
Tho blouse on the right Is quite a simple style, with six smull tucks on
the shoulders; It instens In tho front, under a box-plait. Tho collur and cults
H'o trimmed with Insertion and laeo edging.
Materials required: for each blouse, about yards 28 Inches wide for
No. .'!03a, 3 yards Insertion anil -ynrd piece lace; for No. 304n, 1 yard' cm-'
broidery 5 Inches In width; for No. y05a, -yard piece luce.
Visiting Dress In Orchid Mauve Cash
mere Trimmed with Buttons
and Worn with Sash.
Orchid mauve cashmoro Is used
here. The slightly hlgh-walwtcd skirt
n trimmed nt tho foot by ono tuck,
add a hem; it has a little train nt
'.ho buck. Ono tuck Is taken over each
shoulder, sewn to wnlst back and
front. Tho yoke, which is either of
ploco embroidery or lace, has a
shaped piece or embroidered material
arranged at each side; R preferred,
this piece might bo covered in figured
or cheno silk.
A wrapped seam Is mndo down the
autsldo of each sleeve, trimmed with
buttons put on in sets of threes, n dl
icctolro sash of mauvo satin Is worn.
Reohlvo hnt of straw and chiffon,
trimmed with a Jet button amran ai
grette. Materials required: 7 yards 4G
Inches wide, -ynrd lace, 1 yard satin
42 Inches wide, ! dozen buttons.
To Make the Curiosity Jug.
Got a two quart jug or larger, If
wished, and gather enough nlckiiueks
and trinkets to cover It. Take somo
putty, roll out to tho thickness of
halt an Inch and place around thu
Jug. Then put on the trinkets, press
ing them firmly Into tho putty. The
moro you have, tho hotter the jug will
look. When nil Is well hardened glvo
a coat of gilt paint ar.d you will havo
somethlui; odd ns well us ornamental.
Simple Arrannemcnt by Which Plain
Dress Can Be Made Into Orna
mental Affair.
Laeo Insertion with both edires ills.
playing little scallops appears on somo
of the Swiss evening dresses, nnd,
wiiai is moro, m very showy outlines,
On ono dress or Swiss this lnco fea
tured tho bretelles over tho shoulder.
The two long pieces meet at tho waist
lino, where n belt holds them down,
nnd they extend in two straight piecos,
smu uy Biue, 10 mo Jiem. A lace band
uucircies mo dress at tho hem and
kneo lines.
Wide Incos with plain edges are made
to produce jacket lines on tho one-plcco
ui .-. mis urrnngement Is worth
M t Inul t M ! ll 1
... u nulling, nincu ii reany makos n.
piaiu dress a very ornamental affair,
ml. a i i - i
mo sinugui lines rrom shoulder to
nip line outline cout edges. At tho
extreme edgo thoy form points, ex
luim Biraigni ncross the hips and
muKo a smgio point at the back. The
front ompiecements pass over tho
snouider, form a V-shnned voke. then
ono single portion of the luco extends
to tho edgo or the cout, down the
back seams. A tucked band of tho dress
material crosses tho coat nt tho nnlnt
or the yoke in tho back, passed under
tho, arms and is placed under tho lace
aim over mo mist. A narrow strip
oi insertion nonis tno Insertion to-
Keinor ni tno lower ends or tho
iront. This dress Is made with
Dutch lace collar.
Tan Shoes Popular.
Tan shoes nro moro worn this sum
mer than ever beforo, porhnps because
inoy aro commonly considered ns cool
er than black. For country wear the;'
mo moro suuamo and show the dusi
or walking much less than tho black
Hlnck buckskin and micdo and gray
suede nro also much worn. Thero 1b
an especial dressing for suede shoes
and nftcr It has been applied and bo
lore inn siioo drleB a coarso hand
brush Is used to brush the nap of the
snoo tno wrong way and restoro the
original sllgntly roughened Biirfnco
r I . .
inrso snoes nro more porous ana
therefore cooler than the itlnzed or
finished leathers nnd do not wrinkle
In the wny tho others do when thoy
nro Biignuy mrge, as they should bp
for comfortable summer wear.
A Fascinating Hand Ban.
A hand ling thnt Is delightfully sum
mory can be mado from henvy white
lllet net with nn oil-over embroidered
scroll running over It done In narrow
white soutache braid. Tho net
doubled nt tho bottom nnd sloped
at each end toward tho top, which
Is at least two inches nnrrower than
tno bottom, edgo shnpo ends of
lllet nro sowed In. Tho bag is made
up over white linen, nnd the hnndlo 1e
of heavy white braid.
Development of Chest.
In tho development of tho ches
thoro aro many ways or obtaining tho
desired otra Inches, but massngo nnd
deep breathing tho all that is nccos
snry, and If practiced regularly for
six weeks tho narrow chested woman
would bo surprised nt tho results.
Vienna Saummgo
It dUtinctly different from any
other sausage you ever tasted.
Jutt try one can and it is sure to
become a meal-time necessity, to
be terved at frequent intervals.
BJbby'm Vlonnm Sau
BBffO just suits for breakfast, is
fine for luncheon and satisfies at
dinner or supper. Like all of
Libby'a Food Products it is care
fully cooked and prepared, ready
to-serve, in Uhby's Groat
White Kltohon- the
cleanest, most scientific kitchen in
the world.
Other popular, teady-to-serre
Libby Pure Foods are:
Qookad Oornod Boot
Peerless Dried Boot
Voal loaf
Evaporatod Milk
Bmkod Boana
Okow Chow
Mixed Plckioa
Write for free booklet, "How
to make Good Things to Eat".
Insist on Llblty's at your
Ubby, McNeill & Libby
Mall Carrier Must Have Realized
That He Picked Out Wrong Man
to Have Fun With.
?' '
Tho now mail carrier on the rural
froo delivery route glanced at tin.
namo on tho letter box by Jhe road
side, stopped his horse, nnd spoke to
tho roughly attired farmer with tho
old slouch hat, who wan resting his
sun-browned arms on the gate a ml
looking at him.
"I see." he said, "your name Is
"lloverly O.?"
"Yes, I'm the man that lives here."
"Any relation of Sherlock Holmes?"
gravely asked the carrier.
"No, sir," answered the farmer, "but
I'm detcctlvo enough to know that
you're not a vory good Judge of hu
man nature. You took mo for nn Igno
ramus because I'vo got my old work
ing duds on. I'm Sherlock Holmes
enough to look nt n man's fnco and
eyes beforo I size him up as a
Some mall for rue? Thanks." Youth's
Ho A woman Is peculiar m zzi
Sho What's that?
He She won't tear up a love let-'
tcr, even after sho's lotgottcn who
wroto It.
Either Way.
Mr.WIlklus had been Fitting quietly
on a nail kei?, perusing a paper which
ho had found on the counter. The
date or It ho had not noticed. Finally
ho looked up with a puzzled expres
sion. "What's this wireless telegraph sig
nal, this 'C. O. I).' they're talking
about?" ho asked.
"1 guess it's '('. Q. D.' nln't it?' sug
gested Ilolbrook, tho grocer. "Any
way, it's a signal or distress," he add
ed, moodily.
Every package cf
Post Toasties
Contains a little book
"Tid-Bits made with
A couple of dozen recipes
Of fascinating dishes,
A help in entertaining
Home folks or company.
Pkgs. JOc and J5cr
At grocers.