The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 27, 1909, Image 2

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IRA L. BARE, Publisher
New Uiet Constantly Being Discov
ered for This By-product of
Parnflln wax, so long an unconsid
ered by-product of tho eastern petro
leum, grows In Importance each year.
ino uig oil company manufactured
moro thnn 300,000,000 candloa of 700
sizes and kinds yearly. Tallow and
wax (beeswax) candles havo disap
peared and 12,000,000 poundB of par
affin wax Is sold venrlv to candle-
makers. It Is used for making water-
proor paper for wrapping, for preserv
ing slono surfaces from weathering
nnd crumbling, for making colored
crayons, for blanching llnons and cot
ton oloth, for chqwlng gum, for seal
ing canned fruits and as a substitute
for beeswax, for sealing wax nnd ns
an Insulation for -wires.
Now uses oro discovered every day.'
Tho last nvnllablo flmiroa for tho
United States' production pf paraffin.
wax -oro thoso of tho United States
census of 1105. In thnt yenr tho to
tal output wan 2C8.072.100 pounds.
Petrolatum; n product not generally
known under thnt tltlo, is disposed of
to tho extent of 12,000,000 pounds a
yoar. It serves as tho baBls for vaso
line, salves, ointments, shoo polish
and so on.
Asphnltum, tho bnso of hcavlor oils,
Is nnothor most Importnnt thing In
rondmaklng. Coko, tho flnnl roaldu
uni of tho distillation of potroleum,
has proved valuable It sells for $7
n ton and is used for fuel as well as
for making tho carbon points of arc
As Others 8eo Us.
"The man who can pick out tho best
plcturo of hlmBolf Is n rare bird," said
a photographer. "Even an author,
who Is reputedly a poor Jutlgo of his
own work, oxorclsos vast wisdom In
selecting tho best book, compared
with the porson who tries to chooso
his best photograph. Evory famous
man or woman who has been photo
graphed repeatedly lias Ills or hor fa
vorite plcturo. Usually It Is tho worst
tin tho collection. It shows him or hor
with nn unnatural expression, sitting
or standing In nn unnntural nttttudo.
"Tho Inability to judgo of his beat
plcturo must bo duo to tho average
man's lgnoranco of how ho really
look's, or perhaps It can bo partly at
trilwted to a deslro to look othor than
ho'abos. A, stout man will swear that
tho photograph most nearly lllco him
Is tho ono that makes him look thin;
a thin roan Uio ono that makoB him
look stout; tho solemn man selects
tho jolllcst plcturo; tho jovial man
tho most vndavcrous. President Roose
velt Is about tho only man whoso fa
vorite plcturo Is tho ono most photog
rnphors would pronounco the best, but
then oxccptlonnl judgment on his part
Is oxpectod all nlonog the lino."
An Ancient Mine.
At Falun, Sweden, are tho head
quarters of a raining company with a
history ho remote that tho dato of
its origin cannot bd definitely fixed,
An original purchaso deed dated in
tho yoar 1288 has to do with n salo
of stock of tho present company and
charters given by King Magnus of
Swcdun nnd Norway aro dated Febru
ary 24, 1847. At that timo tho rights
granted by King Magnus' prcdocos
Bors woro rcforrcd to as very old.
Tho original business was tho manu
facture) of copper and tho mlno at Fa
lun, "Stora Kopnrbergot" (tho great
copper mountain) has been continu
ously worked for nearly 700 years. In
this timo It has yielded about 500,000
tons of copper, JG.5 tons of Bllvor and
1.2 .tons of gold, tho whole represent
ing n vnluo of 1,000,000,000 kronor, or
about 65,400,000.
Old .European Regiments.
Tho Gontlomon-nt-Arms, Inspected
by tho king on tho four hundredth an
nivorsary of their Incorporation by
Henry VIII., aro not tho oldest "near
est guard" of tholr kind this honor
bolng contestable by tho "Garde Ecos
salso" of tho kings of Franco, of
Which tho lineal representatives to
somo extent, at leant aro tho "Royal
Scots," now forming tho first regi
ment of tha Rrltlsh lino. Tho Gardo
Ecossaluo consisted of a hundred
men. wheroas our gentlomou-nt-arms
never numbered mora than CO, nnd
tho famous "Cont Gardes" of tho sec
ond einplro wore modolod. on tho
corps In which Quontln Durward
served nt Plcssls-les-Tours, London
i Substitute for Broomcorn.
A now broom which Is practically
mada of a substitute for broomcorn,
tha Intorlor or body being constructed
of hay, la now being placed on tho
market. Only tho outor edgos or ex
terior of tho broomu aro mado of
broomcorn. Tho brooms aro noat In
appearance, aro said to pobbobh good
sweeping qualities, and ns much dur
ability as cheap
Woman Journeyman Goldsmith.
Frauleln Thusnolda Hoyhorgor of
Ulm has the distinction of bolng tho
first woman to pass tho examination
as a journeyman goldsmith in Wur
tembcrg. Sho receivod hor llrot In
traction from her father, who Is a
sculptor and a teacher of mechanics.
Then she worked at the bench just
as any boy would and finally carao up
for examination as to her ability In
the goldsmith's art. Her masterpiece,
which was submitted to the guild, re
ceived the highest commendation.
Congressmen Victims of Bunco Game
WASHINGTON. A novel and gruo
sonio schemo for forcing states
men to part with their money hnB Just
been discovered In Washington, with
tho rosult thnt congressmen aro laugh
ing heartily at tho recont experience
of Representatives Murdock of Knn
bob, Gardner of Now Jersey and Cur
rier of Now Hampshire Mr. Murdock,
who was prominent In tho house Insur
rection ainlnst tho Cannon rules, tolls
tho Btory on himself to show, ho says,
that, though tho Insurrection lBn't
dead yot, tho hand of death occasion
ally weighs upon him.
Tho Knnsnn, according to his story,
was sitting not long ago In his offlco
meditating rovengo on tho Cnnnonltes,
whon nn lmprosalvo-looklng negro en
tered nnd 'nqulred If ho woro Mr. Mur
dock. Mr. Murdock assured him that
ho was correct.
"Don't you romomber meeting me,
Mr. Murdock?" tho visitor wont on.
"I'm lllshop Do Grnffcnrled-Forcst of
your district. I'vo mot you many
times. I'm suro you will romomber
"No, 1 don't. And you didn't know
mo when you enmo In. But novcr
mind, what Is It?"
"Mr. Murdock," tho blBhop said,
"I'm In a powerful lot of trouble. My
doar son, who has boon to school In
Virginia, was Injured In a ball garno
Negligee Costumes
VIEWED Bnrtorlally as well an with
respect to othor attributes of
statoBmanshlp losu porcoptlblo to tho
oyo, ono Is led to speculate as to what
Daniel Wobstor, Henry Clay, John C.
Calhoun and tho othor dond and gono
heroes of tho honvy oratorical porlod
In Amorlcan history would think If
thoy could como back nnd tako n look
at tho United States scnato In thoso
summer days, Timo, tho tailor and
tho modern haberdasher certainly
havo combined with tho seasons to
work a mnrkod chango from tho con
vontionnlltles, In summer as well as wlntor tho as
piring youth of tho land havo boon
wont to plcturo tho dlgniflod sonntor
ns a frock-coated, starch-bosomod bo
lng. Can you conjuro up Wobstor
thundering undying spoochos Jn a nog
llgeo shirt n la Loador Aldrlch, Orator
Uuverldgo and a wholo galaxy of pros-ont-dny
lum'.nnrles, Cnlhoun defend
ing tho ordlnnnco of nullification mtn-
Seriate Puzzled Over Roosevelt Busts
AMAR11LE bust or Theodoro Rooso
velt Is Boon to be placed In a ntc'io
In tho Donate chamber In Washington
alongside all tho othor- vlco-prosldonts
of tho United States slnco John
Adnms. Tho sculptor, James L.
Fmsslor of Now York city, has finished
his work. Ho has .modeled two busts
and It only remains for tho commlttco
of tho library ,to chooso. That la what
It is trying to do now.
Tho trouble Is tho two busts nro so
different, Ono shows tho calm and
thoughtful Roosovolt, nnd It is said to
bo perfect In Its wny.
Tho othor portrays hs as vlce-proal-dent
na tho sennto know htm bust,
with fiery oyo, protruding Jaw and
tonso fnclal muscles In short, 1 tho
real strenuous Roosovolt.
School of Instruction for Diplomats
IN ORDER to proparo now appoin
tees to tho United Stntos diplo
matic Borvico moro thoroughly for
their duties tho state department has
ostabllshod a school In Washington
for tho Instruction of mon who havo.
successfully pnHsod examinations,
Mr. Huntington Wilson,, assistant
secretary of state, has given partic
ular attention to tho selection of now
members for tho service, and autdo
from a moro caroful and painstaking
examination than horotoforo this
practical training huu been docldod
.Heretofore thero has been a so
called "Instruction period" of 30 days
Inst month, and ho's Just died. I am
removing tho body to Kansas, and I
find I lack Just $9.00 of tho amount
necessary for tho trip. I am appealing
to you as my congressman to accom
modate mo with this small nun until
I reach homo. Then I will pay you
back, nnd If you don't help mo I'll
havo to lcavo tho body hero on your
"You'ro trying to bunco mo," said
tho suspicious Murdock. Dut ho was
ashamed of himself tho next minute
when ho Baw tho look of pain tomo
ovor tho open countenance of tho visi
tor, and reached for his checkbook.
"Mako it nn oven $10, Mr. Murdock.
nnd tho Lord bless you," the bishop
That was tho Inst Murdock thought
of tho matter until ho wns lunching
In tho houso rostnurant tho othor day,
Then ho caught n snatch of conversa
tion from an adjoining table.
"Needed Just $14 to got hla son's
body home," Mr. Gardner of Now Jor
scy wns Baying. "I thought It was a
bunco gamo, but I didn't want to tako
chances on having n body consigned
to my hotel, bo I lot him havo tho
money and "
Murdock grow rod about tho cars.
Then ho picked up his hat and stnrted
out. In tho corridor ho mot Mr. Cur
rier of Now Hampshire
"Currier," ho said, "did you ovor
happon to hear of a negro bishop who
needed monoy to got his son's body"
"Shi" Currier Interrupted. "Don't
nay a word. Ho got mo for fifty.1'
"And I'll bot most of tho congress
men In town," Murdock Bald, "havo
been contributing to thnt mortuary
Becoming Popular
us collar or "choker," a la Elklns, or
tiny or Charlos Sumnor tripping
about tho senate chambor in tan
shocfl, a la Lorlmor of Illinois.
A bhiBo observer, looking ovor tho
variegated display of unconventional
dross on tho floor of tho Bonato not
long ago rendered tho opinion that It
habordashory had been as far ad
vancod then as now tho statesmen of
thnt glorified period would havo tn
kon advantage of It. Dut It does knock
school book Ideals to flinders, never
theless, to view tho realities of to
day. Convention as to attlro is losing
ground ovou faster than tho trndltlons
thnt are falling undor tho forco of rad
ical senators who rocontly havo en
tered tho senato. Slnco Vlco-Prosi-dont
Sherman nppoared ono day in a
suit of bluo Ooorgia cotton, tho sen-
ntnrn hnvr )mnn Mnnonmini H
- www uivoouittdi uuu m ;
tho merriest and most striking modes J
mat spoil ror comtort nnd hot weath
er caso.
Tho southorn sonntors aro moro prono
to cling to tho "boiled shirt." Collec
tively tho sennto resembles an aggre
gation of bank clerks as It pursuos
Its work. Dignity Is very, very negligee-.
As yot, howovor, no statesman
hnB romoved his shoos, as a southern
senator did his boots ono sultry day a
fow yoars ago.
Whllo Sonator Wotmoro, chairman
of tho library committee, has not com
mitted hlmsolf In favor of either one,
it is rumorod thnt ho and tho othor
mombora of tho commlttco aro dls
posod to award tho palm to stronu
oslty. 'Tla Bald thoy think tho senate will
fool moro nt homo with that ono look
ing down on its deliberations. Hut
thu rub comes on account of tho fact
that Col. Roosovolt has hlmsolf ex
pressed preference for his roposeful
lloforo ho loft tho Whlto Houso ho
was shown tho work of Mr. Frazlor
and did not hesitate a moment In
mnnk his choice.
Of course, tho commltteo recognizes
that Col. Roosovolt ought to havo
Bomothlng to Bay about his own bust,
but the question It la trying to decide
Is how much. Tho commltteo is in
clined to think that tho sennto ought
to hnvo something to say about tho
matter, too.
It Is truly a knotty problem, and ono
thnt Is llkoly to cause tho library
commltteo much worry.
for successful candidates for dlnlo.
matlc positions by stntuto, which thoy
lmvo usually spent In rocolvlng formal
Instruction from tho department and
"whlllng awny timo."
Tho now school of Instruction will
bo under tho direction of Mr. John H ,
Gregory, Jr., United Stntos minister j
to Nicaragua, who is now In Washing- I
ton giving tho matter careful atton. '
tlon. Mr. Wilson nnd othor otllcinls of
tho stnto department nnd of tho othor
departments will glvo lectures on an- ,
proprlato subjocts. j
Tho course will last .10 days, begin
ning nt tho timo of taking tho oath of j
olllco, and tho men who havo passed '
their examinations will havo a llttlo
extra start, Inasmuch us no ono hatj
yet boon appointed. Hcforu tho men
nro nppolntod tho course of instruc
tion will bo confined to generalities,
but after tho appointments nro made
each appointee will bo taken into tho
confidence of tho department and In
structed along certain linos.
GIRLS who aro making tholr trousseaux will bo interested in this very
dainty underlined which, although being vory pretty, ia quito slmplo
and practical. Tho drawers at top corner aro a French pattern,
trimmed with valenclenncs lacd and ombroldory beading. Tho chcmlso
below has yoko of Insertion, headed by beading; thon comes n nightgown,
trimmed with Insertion nnd tucks. Tho caralsolo at top Is for evening wear,
and is mado In pleco ombroldory, with insortlon shoulder Btraps. Tho
lower caralsolo has n yoko of insertion; tho combinations aro to match, nnd
lmvo French legs. Tho Empire bodlco of tho nightdress is of pleco em
broidery. Material required: Drawers: 2 yards 30 inches wide, 2 yards valen
ynrd beading, 4 yards ribbon.
Camisole: yard 36 inches wldo, 4 yards Insertion, VA yard beading,
2 yards ribbon, 2 yards lace.
Nightdress: 5 yards 30 inches wldo, 2 yards ombroldory 18 Inches wide,
Camlsolo: yard 30 inches wide, 2 yurds ombroldory 18 inches wide,
embroidery edging, 2 ynrds ribbon.
CnmlBolo: 1 yard embroidery 18 Inches wldo, 2 yards beading, 1 yard
2V6 yards ribbon, 26 ynrds laco.
Combination: 2 yardB 3G inches wldo, 4 yards Insortlon, 3 yards
beading, 2V6 ynrds wldo and 3 yards narrow laco, G& yards ribbon.
Nightdress: 5 yards 36 Inches wldo, 2 yards embroidery 18 Inches wide,
3 yards, beading, 3 yards ribbon, 2 yardB wide and 1 ynrd narrow lace, 2
yards embroidery Insertion.
With a Number of These a Good
Whlto Frock Can Be Worn
on Many Occasions.
Tho girl with little money nnd a
groat noed for pretty clothes would
do well well to remember that old but
nono tho Iosb clover device of using
colored slips over a white gown.
Girls who could not afford both n
class day dress and a commencement
dress bought a nico whlto frock and
woro It on class day ovor a colored
slip, with colored accessories, and usu
ally flowers to match.
Dy having various slIpB, of lawn or
Bilk, a good whlto frock may bo worn
upon nn endless number of occasions.
Besides providing a chango of cos
tume, tho slip actually protects tho
gown and holps to keep It fresh.
A thin gown frequently lookB bettor,
hangs bettor, with a slip than without
Thero aro various accessories which
may bo had to match; sash, necklace
or pendant, stockings and oven shoes,
nnd, whoro possible, flowers.
Charming and lnoxpenslvo frocks
mny bo mado of whlto oyolot, embroid
ered In a color and worn ovor a slip
of tho saino color.
Dlouso of silk trimmed with wide
bands of ombroldory simulating a bo
lero and lncod In front with ribbon.
Tho gulmpo nnd underslooves nro or
Woven of Linen.
For tho stout woman thero uro
boautlful combination gnrmonts oven
thinner than tho usual batlsto and
linen affairs mado by tho pcrfoct
sonmBtress. Thoy aro low nockod
and of kueo length.
Thoso corsot-covor-pantnlon combi
nations aro of exquisite mako and
beautiful finish the roally best gar
ment for the would-bo hlplcss,
For Young Girls It In Acknowledned
Ono of the Most Effective
of the Season.
Tho cuirass stylo of gown has
brought about an cffcctlvo combina
tion of net covered with embroidery
nnd othor mntorlals! Ono of tho popu
lar evening frocks for a girl who has
a good figure is a gracefully fitted
cuirass which extends to tho hips, and
a knlfo-plalted long skirt. Tho for
mcr Is mado of coarso not covered
with n flat ombroldory of Bilk sou
tacho, and tho latter of messalino with
n scroll of tho soutacho outlining tho
top of hom. This has tight olbow
sleeves fastened with frills of laca
and is cut Into a Dutch neck outlined
with a flat band of Valenciennes laca
or a tucker of flno whlto net run with
a colored sill: ribbon. This frock Is
fastened down tho back with lac
The original model camo out in
llnon with tho cuirass of coarso net
covered with an Egyptian design of
flno soutacho. It ran straight to tho
nockband and was finished with a
Dutch collar of baby Irish laco. Tho
sleeves are long, almost tlght-flttlng.
and finished with a turnover cuff of
baby Irish.
Tho princess costumo Is a featuro
of tho season.
The pointed wnlstlino is a novelty
after tho straight cross effects of tho
empire cut.
Stripes aro not as wldo aB they
woro last year in men's shirtings; nor
nro thnv nn fnnnv
Among tho materials used for bath- '
lng suits nro mohair, flno serge, taf
feta and silk serge. .
Somo of tho newest and smnrfnnt
of skirt and coat costumes aro bolng
mado without sleovcs.
Tho princess, both fitting and somt
fitting, tho dlrectolro nnd tho omplre,
aro all holding their own.
Necklaces of small cut Jot beads will
bo worn much this summer by thoso
who favor tho collarlcss gown.
Shantung for Summer.
For comfortablo suiumor suits, flno
serge with shantung ror tho coat, both
lu tho samo Blmdo, is bolng employed.
Such suits aro finished Blraply, tho
only braiding often bolng on tho turn
down collar, which comes only to tho
side of tho front and around tho
sleeves nt thq hands and possibly
nbovo and below tho olbows.
Tho fancy ror trimming sloovoa
around nnd around at different parts
of tho arm Is n growing ono. A waist
which a girl has just embroidered for
horsolf has a band of embroidery near
tho shoulder, another on tho urm bo
low thu elbow and another at tbo
Food li
Libby' Oookmd
Corned Bmmf
There's a marked distinc
t i o n between Ukhy's
Oookod Oornod
Bsef and even 'the best
that's sold in bulk.
Evenly and mildly cured
and scientifically cooked in
Uhtty'm Groat Whltit
KItohon, all the natural
flavor of the fresh, prime
beef is retained. It k pure
wholesome, delicious and
ready to serve at meal time,
Saves work and worry in
Other Libby "Healthful"
Mcal-Timc-Hints, all ready
to serve, are:
Peer loss Dried Boo f
Vionna Sausa&&
Voal loaf
Evaporated Milk
Baked Beans
Ohow Ohow
"Purity goes hand in hand
with Products of the Libby
Write for free Booklet,
"Hnw tn m n If n ClnnA
1 Things to Eat".
Insist o n
BJbay's a t
your .grocers.
Libby, McNeill
&. Libby
Ohio mgo
Mrs. Customer That lamb you
sent mc, Mr. Stlntwalto, was the
largest and toughest I evor saw.
Mr. Stlntwaitc Tut, tut. It's that
boy been loitering again. I nssuro you,
when that joint loft tho Bhop it was
tho sweotst little leg of lumb you
could set oyes on and I gavo him
strict ordors to deliver It at onco be
cause you wanted it young.
Tho strawberry shortcako, I love it.
I lovo it! 1 prize it moro dearly than
tonguo daro to tell! No sherbet or pud
ding or plo Is above it; there's nothing
in pastry I lifcu half so well. Just give
me a section aB largo aB a platter,
with freshly crushed berries spread
over tho lot, and I am contented and
happy, no mutter what ailment or
trouble or sorrows I've got. Ho, bring
on tho shortcake, tho Btrawberry
shortcake, and alwayB and over I'm
Jnck-on-tfae-spot! Los Angeles Ex
press. Where Trouble Is Found.
Wigwag I never knew such a fel
low as Djoncs! He Is alwnyB looking
for trouble."
Honpeckko Then, why doesn't ho
got marriod? Philadelphia Record.
of Appetite
and Anticipation
are realized in the first taste of de
licious Post
and Cream
The golden-brown bits are sub
stantial enough to take up the
cream; crisp enough to mako
crushing them in the mouth an
exquisite pleasure; and the fla
vor that belongs only to Po3t'
The Taste Lingers"
This dainty, tempting food is
made of pearly white corn, cooked,
rolled and toasted into "Toasties."
Popular pkg; iocj Large Family slzo 13c
Mada by
Battle Creek, Allcl.
if lI