The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 23, 1909, Image 5

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Our stock of watches
Z speaks eloquently of good
things, and there are
many people whose hap-
py experiences confirm
the reliability and worth
of them
Z Our success as watch
sellers has not been
merely fortuitous, but is
3 the result of the unwav-
cring integrity and knowl-
years of study. Every
watch we sell is a guar
anteed time keeper.
Thus you have more
reason to consider this
store as an object wor
thy your seeking.
DIXON, The Jeweler
Union Pacific Watch Inspector.
SUM Sr.-
Prescription Druggists
Klrst Door North of
Elrst National Hank
The $10 Suit Sale lasts
only one day Saturday.
Schatz &Clabaugh.
Wonthor forecast: Fair tonight and
Satnrday; warmer Saturday. Maximum
temperature yesterday 80, a year ajro
83; minimum thin morning: ou; a year
ago G3.
Ralph Barney, a Kearney young man
well known in North Platte, accom
panied by throo other Kearney young
men, went through to Denver with the
Gliddon tourists today in ,his automobile.
Your furnituro needs varnishing and
repairing before house cleaning. See
P. M. Sorenson, shop 107 E. 5th St.
Work on tho new school building is
delayed by non-arrival of pressed brick,
and as a result tho brick layora wero
Jiud nlr yesterday. ThusO bricks ware
chippod from tho yards nt Kansao City,
but un to yesterday had not reached
any connecting point on tha Union
County Surveyor Moyer is making
another test of tho soil on tho federal
building sito, this timo going down eight
and one-half feet in order to determine
tho "bearincr weicht" of the ground.
Samples of the soil at the different
depths will be sent to Washington.
ORDER A "FORD." Sutherland Au
to Co., Sutherland, Neb.
11. P. Basta, the contractor, has
opened an ofllco over the McDonald &
Graves drug store and placed in charge
C. 15. Schatter, ot umaha, an ex
perienced draughtsman, who will look
after that branch of Mr. Basta's work.
Victor doublo faced records and
Edison four minuto records. Wo have
attuchmentB for machines for four
minuto records.
Rincker's Book Store
Mrs. H. C, Brock entertained six
teen ladies at a konsington Wednesday
afternoon in favor of hor mother, Mrs,
Goff, of Fairbury, who has been her
guest for a week. Tho afternoon
proved a pleasant ono to tho guests,
a two-course luncheon being served at
tho close.
See our windows for the $10 suit salo
Saturday. Schatz & CLAnAUGH.
The ladies nuxiliary to the B. of L
E. will hold a social on the Lancfonl
lawn opposite tho court house this
evening for tho benefit of the
Highland Park Homo for disabled
railroad men. This is a very
worthy object and tho public gen
erallv ought to bo glad to avail them
solves of this opportunity to contribute
their mite toward this homo.
For Rent New seven room house at
GOO cast Second. Inquire of 0. E.
Tho Mother's Club was entertained
Wednesduv aftornoon bv Mrs. J. B
Murphy and Mrs. Geo. W. Finn, with
infants Jane Garlow and Frederick
Hayes as tho gucBts of honor, each of
whom was presented with a high chair
an a memento of their first attendanco
at a social function. Tho session of
tiro club proved a delightful one-. In
tho oyening tho members of tho club
were tho guests of Mrs. C. S. Clinton
at a thcatro party.
Any suit up to $18 on sale Saturday
pnly for $JU. schatz & ulabauqh
Dr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Dent entor
taincd at n seven o'clock dinner part,
last oveninir In commemoration of thel
ninth wedding nnnlversary. Thogijesn
were Messrs. and Mesuamcs aeeborger,
Hougland, Patterson, Hart, Bare and
Mr. MpDonell. Tho dinnor was served
in fivo cqurses and proved a most en
ioyablo one, and following a couple of
hours woro pleasantly passed In Bocial
conversation. Tho lady guests presented
the hostess with hand painted china.
" BidT Wanted.
Bids are wanted for building an addi
tion 20x32 feet to tho O'Fallon'a school
bniiaing in Disti 33. Plans nnd-srlecifi
iviHrmn can be seen bv collincr on C. R
Lawrence, Hershoy, Neb. jlH-09
C. T. Whelan returned yesterday
from a trip to Omaha.
Cody Boat will attend the Kcarnoy
Military Academy the coming school
D. E. Morrill, tho real estate agent,
transacted business in Iloldrcffc sov-
oral days this week.
Misses Svbla and Helen Tatum leave
tomorrow for a visit with relativos and
friends in Kenrncy.
Mrs. W. J. Cruscn returned this
morning from a short visit with rela
tives and friends at Omaha.
J. G. Bccler returned homo Ithis
morning from a week's fishing trip in
tho mountains of Colorado.
Richard Stovio leaves Monday for
Sheridan, Wyo., whera he will accept
a position and locato permanently.
Dr. Miller wont to Gothenburg this
morning on somo business connected
with the opera houso at that placo.
Sunt. Snydar. of the Experimental
station, arrived homo this morning
from a business trip to Omaha and Lin
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Klein re
turned Wednesday night from a visit
with their daughter, Mrs. Doll Teel in
Red willow county.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Potor Mies, who havo
been visiting at the homo of, Mrs. Jo
soph Schatz returned to hor home in
Umaha this morning.
Mrs. Johnson, of Malvern, Iowa, who
had been making a propracted 'visit
with her daughter Mrs. R. A. Garman,
returned to her homo Wednesday.
Dr. Agnes V. Sweetland. of Max
well, was in town yesterday proving up
on her homestead. ' Charles and Will
Hcndy accompanied hor no witnesses.
Mrs. B. F. Boorman, of Holdrogc,
and Miss McCall, of Lexington, re
turned to their homes Wednesday after
a fow days visit with Rov. and Mrs.
Lem Bailey returned yosterday morn-
ng irom umaha whero ho went to
purchaso additional material nnd fur
nishings for his bowling alley and pool
James Belton."Miss Carrio Belton
and Mrs. W. H. McDonald and daugh
ter Janet leave the latter part of Aug
ust for San Diego, Cal., where Mr.
Belton, Miss Belton and Janot will
spend the winter.
Ed Wallenhnunt. who had boen visit
ing his parents in town, went to Colo
rado Springs, Colo., this woek for a
visit, and will later return hero and
remain for a time prior to returning to
his home in Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Porritt left yes
terday morning for Buffalo, N. Y.,
whero they will visit Mrs. Jferrltt's
brother. Lieut. Mills, at Ft. Porter.
They will also visit at other eastern
Eolnts and will be absent until beptem-or.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wilcox and two
youngest daughters loft Wednesday
ingnt ior a visit in ine east, wntcn win
extend as far as Buffalo. They will
mako the trip from Chicago to Buffalo
by boat, and will visit their old home
in Ohio. Their trip will occupy about
thirty days.
Fairmont Creamery Co.
Will pay cash for Cream, Butter and
Eggs at LoMaster's block.
S. H. K.EELER, Mgr.
Tho interior of tho waitinc room nt
the depot has beon repainted and othor
wiio improved in appearance ,
Guy Ellis, day c ork at tho. Pacific
hotel, left last night for Kansas City,
whero he will mako his futuro homo.
Gcnl. Supt. Park, who accompanied
Julius Krutchsnitt As far west as
Ogdon. returned to Omaha yestorday.
C. E. HofThinc. of the accountant
forco in Cheyenne, was in North Platte
tho early part of the week visitintr his
John Burroughs left this morning for
wcok.B visit at Grand Island and
at Kearney today and see Ringling's
Traveling Engineer O'Neil. of the
Wyoming division, was at this termin
al on business tho early part of the
Tho nark on tho north sido of the
Pacific hotel is beimr narrowed bv
eight feet in order to provide more
room along Bide the tracks.
John Voseipka leaves tonirht for a
week's visit at Valparaiso, Nob. Mrs,
Voseinka has been visitihrr at that
placo for tho past ten days.
Cheyenno is somewhat stirred un
over the roport that trains No 1 and il
and 7 and 8 will run over the cut-oft
instead of passing through that city.
Westbound nassencer travol is very
heavy over tho Union Pacific. Qn No.
15 Wednesday night a North l'latto,
man who got on at Kearney could not
find a vacant seat.
Bridgeport commercial club had sent
a committeo of three business men to
Omaha to confer with the officials of
the Union Pacific railroad company
with a view of securing a satisfactory
depot site and transportation facilities
at that place.
Major Chas. Hino. who is the "walk
ing delegate" for Julius Kruttschnitt,
in a recent interview at Omaha said:
Loyalty is a great thing among rail-
1 1... t !..!..,.t.j
iuuu iiiisii, miiu iiju uiuuu i. ia uuii'ii
all ovor the country for tho loyalty of
its employes. The Tribuno is certain
that this Btatoment is true an to North
Platte, for tho employes hero aro very
Each Win a Game.
The Kansas City Red Sox took tho
first orame from North Platte Wednes
day afternoon by a score of two to
nothing after fifteen innings of ex
tremely fast ball playing, it was a
pitcher's battle from start to finish,
and tho visitors scored in the last in
ning only through an accident to fielder
Uulton, who stepped In a hole whilo
runnine for a long fly and fell, thus
missing tho ball, and an crro- by holder
Priest. With Faul in tho box lor tho
locals, tho visitors securod eight hits,
whilo tho visiting pitcher was hit for
six safo ones, three of which wero two
baggers, and yet the conditions were
such at the time that tho two baggors
woro without results. Tho visiting
pitcher struck out sixteen and Paul ten
Twico North Platte got a man on third,
but could not score. The game was re-
nleto with fine work, both infield and
outfield plays being sensational in a
number of instances.
In tho second game yesterday be
tween tho two teams the locals re
versed tho score of the preceding day,
winning in a swift game by a score of
two to nothing. Tho first six innings
resembled Wednesday's game, but in
the seventh luck favored tho locals and
a score was made, followed by anothor
in tha eight. Lowell and bhort formed
tho worth natte battery ana their ex
cellent work was supported by tho
team in an errorless game. Five hitB
wero taken off Lowell and a similar
number off tho visiting pitcher.
for Balo. Will also take orders for china
painting and firing. Miss Maky Guil
i.iaume, first door east of Commercia
'hi1W'f '""V ;'''ii i'0Y' 'Ui3S?$v
Presbyterian Church.
Tho pastor will be in his pulpit as
usual at the morning hour 10:30. The
evoning service will bo in the hands of
the young people who aro nrranging a
union meeting at which MiBS Wilson
will make her report. Miss Wilson
was sent by our society to St. Paul as
delegate to tho recent intor-nntional
convention nnd will doubtless havo
many thingB of interest to toll us.
This meeting will be at 8 p. m.
By an unavoidable error in our ac
count of tho Scrappcrs-Ragseller base
ball game in the Tuesday's issue, the
world'B famous player, Mr. Frank Mc
Govarn, waB deprived of tho honor of
special mention und Sunny Jim McDon
ald received it and to escape the dan
ger of being badly damaged, we make
this correction.
Persons who aro indebted to Gaunt &
Wyman, please call and scttlo immediately.
For Sale.
A "rostaurant, confectionery
rrmminir hnURO nl Pnxton. Stack
involco about $1,000, and building
bo rented for $15 per month, or
sell tho building for $2,000. Plnco
a business of $25 or $30 por day.
further information
bune, North Platte.
address Tho Tri-
Hot Weather
Use Talcum Powder
It has medicinal prop
erties of great value, is
antiseptic, absorbent,
wonderfully soothing and
will speedily heal chafing
Buy Colgate's
New Package.
A new idea fresh from
the factory double the
25c size for 35 cents.
Schiller & Co.,
1st door north First Natl. Bank.
U. H,
1 The Coolest Shoes for Hot Weather
at the Lowest Prices.
over a single, j
Our prices are moving our Oxfords and Pumps. To appreciate the bargains
we are offering you should see the shoes. We do not want to carry
pair of Shoes, so have made the price to fit any one's pocket book.
I Sale Willi Close Saturday, July 24th.
Ladies' Kid Oxfords, regular
price $1.75, sale price
Ladies' Kid Oxfords, low heel,
regular price $2, sale price
Ladies' Tan Button Oxfords,
regular price $2.25 sale price
Ladies' Tan Lace Oxfords,
regular price $2. 50 sale price
Ladies' Kid Oxfords, regular
price $3.00, sale price
Ladies' Patent Ankle Strap
Pumps, Patent Lace and
Button Oxfords, Tan Ankle
Strap Pumps, Bronze Ox
fords, Tan and Green Ox
fords, regular price $3.50,
sale price
Ladies' Pat. Colt 3 button Ox
fords, Russia Calf Oxfords
with suede top and Bronze
Ankle Strap Pumps, regular
price $4.00, sale price
Mens' Patent Colt and Green
Calf Oxfords, regular price
$4.50, sale price
Men's Velour Calf, Tan Russia
Calf Oxfords, Russia Calf
and Vici'Kid Oxfords, regu
lar price $4, sale price.
Men's Tan Russia Calf Oxfords
regular price $3.50 sale price
Men's Tan Oxfords, regular
price $3, sale price . . . .
3.75 1
3.50 1
2.85 1
2.50 i
Twenty Per Cent Discount on Children's, Boys' and
Girls' Oxfords and Barefoot Sandals.
I SMALL, The Big Shoe Man. 1
will hereafter take up the
General Practice of Medicine, Surgery and Lying-in Cases,
together with HIS SPECIALTY
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Your Glasses Carefully Filled.
Office and Residence 413 E Fifth St,
on ground floor, no stairs to climb.
Phone 559.
30 years actual experience.
It is a Well Known Fact
that our bnkory Roods aro not excelled
in Western Nebraska. We uso tho
bcstilour, tho best ingredients of all
kinds. Why allow your wifo to over
heat herself bakinir when you can buy
such excellent Roods of us at such low
prices? Try us,
Mrs. Jennie, Armstrong Prop.
Portal No.OIKB.
Notice far Publication.
Monartmcnt or tlio Interior.
Land Olllco at North l'latto, Nob.
j nivalin, mm.
Notlco Is hereby elvon that Joint aumlram.
of North I'lntlu. Nebraska, who. on Aumist
kl, IWi, mado honiutal itutry No. HMife,
Hiirlal No. OIKTJ. for HOiUliwcHt nuarlcr Kcutlon
j 11, Townsnip lo, norm. Kantrn ziMvcutor tint
Hlxth 1'rlnolpal Morldlan has filed notlco of
intention to maxo nnai nvo year proof toes
tabllsh claim to tho land ntiavo descrllxMl
hororo tho licKlstnr and. Itocelvor nt North
natto. Net)., on tno vitii day of bontombor,
Claimant names as witnesses! Wilson II
Combs, Onrlleld (lutlierless. William Human
and Jud Comlw. all of North l'latto. Nob.
JSi-H .1. K. ICVANB, IlPKlStor,
SorialNo. (WIM).
Department of tlio Interior.
tJ. H. Land Olllco at North IMatto, Neb.
July a). 1KW.
Notlco In hereby elven that Dennis McKlllli
of North IMatto. Nob., who. On Anrll 10. 100!
madu homestead crttry No. 21778. serla
No. vnw for south half, east half north
east quarter, northwest quarter northeast
quarter ann Noumwest quarter iiortliwes
miurterof HectlonL't). Towiishlb 15 N.. Ituiun
Ul W . of tho Htl Principal Meridian, has tiled
notlco oi intention to mako final U voyeur
nroor. u cHtamisn cinun to tho land anorc
dowMbofl, boforo thn Kesrlstor and Kccelvcr,
at North l'latto, Nob.i on tlio m1 day of
soTuomnor, ivw.
Claimant names on wlfneqsrsi Dnvhl A
llh.i . t ii.iiii. M rHhl.i.H t . . .. .1
. muuuuiuur, iiiiuui j.uiiukc, .1 n i.(up null
it. i', ijoukc, jr., ait ot isorui riaue, net),
I JM J. U. Evans. ItccUtor.
A Treat for all
Clauses who Smoke.
A Forost Kinir G cent citrar in his
mouth for his own dulcctntion, a fow in
his pocket for his friends, is to be ac
counted ono of tho blest. Resort.
therefore nil vo who aro fond of a
good smofco, to tho cigar and tobacco
emporium tho Bin nbovo whose door is
ASti - -
Furniture Repairing
Also Woodturning.
.... A Specialty.
Shop 107 East Fifth.
In thn matter of Ilurkul
A: Company b partner
Case No. i.
In llaiiliriintev
Voluntary Petition.
Serial No. OlOM.
i Departmonb of tlio Interior,
U. 8. Land Olllco at North I'latte, llii.
m . , . Tuno 3- WW.
Notlco In herebv srlvnn Hint .Inmnl. W
yi?u?.rA.ot N!rth I'lftMo. Nob., who, on May
Wth. IDOl. made bomostead entry No. lVm,
norlal No. 01UI8. for south half northeaak
uuartor and north half Kouthoa-t ouatler
Ht'Ction M, townsbip 12, north, ratnro no, vnut
of tho Otlj Principal Morldan, has (Hod nottco
of Intention to mako Jlnal llvo yoar proof, to
eBtnhllsh claim to tho land Ikto dfcorlbnl.
iwforo tho Itwl-tor and ItnoolTor at North
l'latto. Nob., on tho 3th day ot AUf ust, IM'i.
Olulmant nntneH n l.'-ml in..i1
JatnoH Hhue.lf. Carl Sonnorman. Uub DIohl.
all of North IMatto, Nob.
3"-" J. . amrM.
"TR 5?
The Home You Have
Longed For
mny bo yourH if you say so. I mutters
not on what location you have set your
heart wo havo tho property and can of
fer you tho terms you can meet.
The Home You Now Occupy
you are buying for tho landlord. Lot
us snow you n plan whereby you can
nuy ic ior yoursou.
Buchanan & Patterson,
Real Estate and Insurance.
nershli) oom posed of Ed
ward llurko, and O old I a
llurUo, bis wifo, dolnu'
business in North l'latto,
Lincoln County, No
braska, and Edward
Iturlii mill llntrlln llurlii
as lndivldualN. I
llanli runts.
On thin 15th day of July. IW. on lillnir and
roadlntr tho petition of Edward llurko ono of
tho abovn named llankruptH for his dls
cliari:e In Bankruptcy from all of his Individ
ual debtH, nnd debts provable airalnst thn
partnerslilp of liurkn & uompauy, Ilaukrupt
heroin, it Is
ordered mat tlin 3lst (lav of Jul v. A. n..
KOU, bo and tho same Is hereby lixed an tho
dato on or boforo which all Creditors of, and
all other persons Interested In said estato
and in tlio matter of tho dlsohnrpo In Hank
rupte.y of said Itankrupt. thall if they deslro
to opiksi) thn name, lllo In my Haiti olllco in
Piortn riaito, nenrasua, insahl instrict, thoir
atipearancu In writing In opposition to said
tiibobaruoi mid aixowimin ten days there
after lllo In my said olllco specifications of
the k'rounds of said opposition.
uitness my utiuit at my otiico at Norm
l'latto. Nebraska, tho day and dato horoln
llrut alKivo written -
Uoforeo In liankruptcy.
Nolico for Publication.
Bo rial No. (iS3.
, .Dopnrttnontof tho Interior.
IJ, 8. Land Olllco at North l'latto, Nob.
.lnlv'-'Otli. 11109
Notlco Is hereby trl ven that.lolin flundrnm,
t9 V..rflt llln.t.. M..1. ...1... I.. I.. 111.1.
IWI.mado Ilomesteud Entry No, 20;M), Serial
.o. wjiim, tor norm linn and wiumeaNtduaf
tor xectlon 10. township 15, north, rani) 'JO.
wistiM mo, utii principal meridian. hait Diet
nouco oi intontion to maku lliiai llvo ycitr
proof. tt; oHtabUSh claim to tho Und nfwTo
d wcitlMia. boforo-tho rrtrlstor and recolvor at
North l'latto, Nohranlra, on tho 2lth dar nt
Deiiietauer. iw,i,
I MntfrtfiYlf. n.mrM hh hllNhwiMl TTIIA. tt
ComlN. Oarflnld Outli(frlos, Wllllttrn I'lttman
ttiid .Tud Combs, all of North l'latto. Nob,
J. is. livANH. itcsistor.
United HtMos I,and Olllco,
, At Noilh l'latto, Nebraska. July 14, 1009.
Notice is hereby irlvon that Clinton M. York
ot Muxwell, Nobroi.k.1. who. on Juno aim,
llKJI. inado houicNtoad entry No. 20i,
norlal No. o:o:n, for south half northwest
uuartor, lots n and 4, southwest quarter nnd
southouHtnunrter. Section 4, Townahlp It N..
Han 2H V..of thoCtli Principal Meridian
haH llled notion of Intention to mako
lluitl llvo year proof, to establish
claim to tlio laud nlovo dosorlltod. tuforo
tho retrlstcr and recolvor, at Norlh,
Nobraska, on tholOmdayofHoptombor. lion.
Claimant nanios as witnesses; K. M.
Kuser.of North l'latto. Nob.. Will Lonrpre.
and A. M. Wilson, of Maxwoll, Nob., kntl
(lion Kerirusou.of North l'latto. Nob.
1L. ''" R' liVANH' 1'oclstor.
In tlio matter of tho estato of William
JoiTers, deceased.
In thncouuti conn of Lincoln county. Ne
braska, July liith, id.
Notlco in hereby crlvon that I ho creditor of
said deceased will moot tho Executor and
Trtihteo of said estate, boforo tho Coaiity
Jmliro of Lincoln county, Nobruoka, at tho
county court room, In bald county, on
tho 10th day of Autrust, IW, and on
tho 10th day of l'Vbruary, into, at 0
o'clock a. m. oacli day, for tho purpose ot p' e
sentlnL' their claims for examination, adjust
ment, and allowance. Hlx monlhji aro allowed
for creditor lo pr'Nont their claims, tho Kx
ocutor and Trusleo to soltlo said estate, in
accordance with provlslotu of tho lafct Will
and Testament of William JeiVors, deceased.
This notlco to bo pulillshed for flsucccfsivo
Ihnuoh In thn North l'latto Tribune, a Icval
newspaper, prior to AturtiM loth, IWi.
W. C. KI.DKIt,
jl?'s County Juflgo.
Serial No. 1)3183.
t'cparimont or tno intorior.
U. B. Land Olllco at North l'ltrtte, Jfob.
v, .. ... . Jalr "IU.JJ".
Notice is lierobr dven Hint. Xvtlltun
O. Edls. of North Platte, Nob., who on July
:th, 1W1, made Ilomoutoatl Entry No. Wis.
annui no. ujisj. ror oast nair, oast uuir
northwest (juuiter und oast halt south'. rsl
limrteroi section n. towimlilull nnrtli. mum
west of the blxth principal inorldlan, l aH
Sled notlco of Intention to maUo tlual iivo
rear miMir. toestulillsli elalm tn Mm land
jbovp doHcrllK-d, boforo tho HoKistor and
Uocelvcr at North l'latto, Nobraska, on tho
nil uuy oi rein , iw,
Claimant names bh wltnessnM! Mnrtln Ti.ri-
itpn.of Ilonmark, Nob., Alox Itrown. llnc'i'y
van t'oit. Arthur Wheolor. all of North
l'latto. Neb.
J-O-o J. E. Evans, ltftrlstor.
To all! poBons Interested!
Nottco Ir horoby elven that on tho (1th day
of July, 1P09, thorp was. llled with tho City
council Of North l'latto, Nobraska. a not Hon
prhylnir, that, a lateral sower, district bo
formed from tno fniiowine described blocks,
to-wltl 03, 01, 06, Cfl. 07, 08, IW, 70, 71. 72, 78. 74
and "3 of tho orlirliml plat of tho bald city ot
norm i-iauo. iNoi)rasia
Said lateral sowof to bo constructed of ton
Inch sowor plpo, with proper Hindi tanks,
man-holes and appliances. Comineuclnif at
the renter lltiunf tlin ullnv running tlir.inirli
block 03 IntorHocts tho main sowor on tin) oast
sine or said mock on Cottonwood street, ox
tentrini,' thonco wcitorlyon tho center lino of
sain auey mrougnimo anovo descrihod bloc
to tho woHtSlduof said block 75.
That tho council has set said matter for
hearlntr on tho 10th day of August. 1W, at
oiu'iii o clock p. nt. omulal time, at tho olllco
of tho mayor and city council In tho court
house of said city, All parties Interested uro
heruhy notlJIed to bu present at tin) nbovo
named timo and blaco and vhuw caate, If any.
why aald lateral dutrletsnonld not bo formed
as prayed, and irpcclAl nRsostmontH thcrctttor
lovlea as nroTiaed by. law upon .mo. roai es
tato constituting said district for, tno con
Atnictlon and malntcnanco ot tho same,
Dated July li. looo, . .
" Tllbs. CPATTEllHON. Mayor,
i Atlcstl CHAS. 1 TEMPLE, City Cleric.
In tlio matter of Hurkul
dcCoinnanv a nartnur- I
rihlp composed of Ed-1
ward llurko, and Ooldla I
Case No. 2.
In Hankrlintnr .
Voluntary I'otltlbtt.
llurlto, his wifo,
hoiiht uusmcRsin worm ,
l'latto, Lincoln County. !
Nebraska, and Edward
llurko and ' Ooldla
nurko, as individuals,
On this 15th day of July. ltW, on Mlbc and
reaillnu' thopullilouofuoldla llurke, pno of
tho above named lliuikmpts, for her tils
cliurie in bankruptcy from all nf her Individ
ual c.ebtH, and debu Provable airalnst tho
partnership of llurko & Company, bankrupt
Herein, It Is
Ordered tlmton lliu HUfc ikv nf .Till v. A
KM1, bo and the same Is heiehv flxed as tho
datuuu or boforo which all Creditors of, and
all P'Tbons Interested In snld estate and tn
tho matter ot tho discharge lu IlankrupU'y of
said Ilaukrupt, shall if they deslro to op
pOsO tho same, tlio In my suld olllco In Noivh
l'latto, Nobraska. In said Dlstilob. tbiilt hp
pftranco in u1tlnt In DtiHjsUIoii tonald dl
cbarce and also wlthla ton days thurtrifituT
tlio in tar nald otfloo kpeclucatfoiitr ot thi
irronnfls of said opnouitioTi.
Witness my hand ai my ortlcti ot Jftrrth
Plattis Nobrasltai tlid day ahrt dato herein
first aluivo written. .. ,
ltotcreolu Unulttilbtcy,