The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 20, 1909, Image 5

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Our stock of watches
speaks eloquently of good
things, and there are
many people whose hap-,
py experiences confirm
$ the reliability and worth
I of them
Our success as watch l
sellers has not been
merely fortuitous, but is l
the result of the unwav-
ering integrity and knowl-
edtre trained bv loner
years of study. Every E
watch we sell is a guar- t
auiueu 11II1U Kccpci.
Thus you have more
reason to consider this
store as an object wor
thy your seeking.
f 1 DIXON, The Jeweler
Union Pacific Watch Inspector.
tiMt ll.1i
Prescription Druggists
First Door North of
b'lrst National Hank
Mrs. Cora B. Fox, of Randolph,
Nob., is a guest at the E. S. Davis resi
dence, having nrrived last night.
Mrs. B. L. Robinson loft last night
for a visit with relatives in Beatrice.
W. W. Rynson, who lives up between
the rivers transacted business and
visited friends in tho city yesterday.
Miss Ridgeway, of Lexington, is the
guest of her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Franklin Poalo while enroute
homo from a six weeks' visit in Wyom
ing. Mrs. Frederick Warren and littlo
daughter arrived from the south last
.night and will spend tho summor with
airs. Warren's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
F. E. Bullard.
Mr. C. E. Beves, of the Minor Con
cert Co., was in tho city yesterday and
arranged for a concert to bo given July
30th under tho auspices of the city band
at tho Keith Theatro.
For raising a disturbance at a houso
in tho Third ward Sunday, Hiram
Waldo was hauled before Polico Judge
Elder yesterday and flnod five dollars
and costs.
Mrs. M. R. Walker, of Pittsburg,
Pa., a cousin of W. M. Cunningham, is
a guest of thatgentleman's and. family.
Mrs. Walker will probably remain un
til September.
A Victor cabinet phonograph has
been recoived at tho Rincker store and
is attracting much attention. Tho
instrument is u very fine one, and
retails at $200. Apparently it is worth
tho money.
Don't fail to hear tho band concert
on tho streets Friday, July 30th, at
noon nnd at 7:30 in tho evening, as
sisted by tho Miner Family Co. Band
benefit concert at night at tho Keith
Theatro by tho famous Miner Family
Musical Entertainers of Chicago. Don't
Ihiss it. Only 60c, 35c and 25c. Got
your seats early.
DurocJersey Pigs-
The Experimental Substation oilers
for saio pure bred Duroc-Jersoy pigs
at tho following prices: Boars $15.00,
Sows $10.00. These are pigs of tho
boat breeding typo. Tho above prices
hold good until July 30.
W. P. Snyder, Sup't.
j 30
The Home You Have
Longed For
!f vnn nnv fin. Ik matters
jtinv uu j t j - -
npt 6n what location yquhavo sot your
hearty wo nave pno popony mm uw
fcr vou the terms you can meat.
T1i Home Vou Now Occupy
51 aro buying for tho landlord. Let
" 1 MfnH HlltiiM.Nif null fnn
us snow you jjiuu riiuic"jf j
buy itior yoursou.
Buchanan & Patterson
Real Estate and Iniurance.
Mrs. Chas. Gibson spent Sunday in
Hershoy as a guest at the Callaway
Spencer Wood, Frank Parton and E6
Parton, of Wallace, visited friends in
the city on Sunday.
Mrs. Thomas Burney wont to Wood
Rivor yesterday morning and will visit
friends for a few days.
Mrs. Joseph McNeal left Saturday
night for South Dakota, to join her hus
band who went there several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Apploford, of
Maxwell, spent Saturday in the city
transacting business and visiting
Miss Mamio Pizor is expocted homo
tomorrowfrom Hastings. Sho will bo
accompanied by hor cousin, who will
visit in town.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McWllliams loft
tho lattor part of last week for Excel
sior Springs, whero thoy will recuperate
for several weeks.
Mrs. Erwin Berry, of St. Louis, ar-
rivod this afternoon and will be a guest
at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Stamp for a couplo of weeks.
Wo havo a full lino of Hammocka
ranging in prices from 25c. up.
RiNcker's Book Store.
J. A. Guynan and Thos Cox, the
engineers who were in the wreck at
Julcsburg on July 4, havo been dis
missed from the service of tho com
pany. John Fenwick, who had been day
messenger boy for tho Western Union,
has taken tho night caller's job and
Ray Doram takes tho messenger's po
sition. Lorenzo Murphy, who had been suf
fering with mental troublo for soveral
weeks, and had bcon detained at the
Pulvcr hospital, returned to his home
near Sutherland Friday. He is much
Twenty friends were delightfully en
tertained Friday evening at tho homo
of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Shohoney.
Various features were introduced for
the entertainment of the guests nnd at
the closo seasonablo rofreshmentB were
Money to loan on good real ostato se
curity. See O. E. Eider, Keith theatre
A wrestling match between O. M.
Pennington and a man named Brown,
was tho vaudoville feature at The
Crystal Saturday evening. Noither se
curcda fall in tho forty-five minutes
of strenuous work.
W. W. Brown, who runs a drug
storo at Oshkosh, returned yesterday
from an extended visit to Denver and
Idaho points. Ho says that the west
looks good, but ho prefers to livo in
Western Nebraska.
John E. Jeffries, who has boen em
ployed in Van Cleavo's blacksmith
shop, has purchased tho intoroat of
II. S. Gaunt in tho firm of Gaunt und
Wyman. Mr. Gaunt will move to
his ranch northwest of tho city and
will go out of tho blacksmithing busi
ness. Your furniture needs varnishing and
repairing before houso cleaning. See
P. M. Sorenson, shop 107 E. 5th St.
Mrs. Tucker and daughter of Wood-
bino, Iowa, are the guests at tho homoa
of Mrs. Ferguson and Mrs. E.R. York.
Mrs. Tucker is a cousin of Mrs. Forgu-
son, and after n few days stay in tho
city will go to Denver and Greeley
whero thoy will visit relativos. From
there they will go to Seattle, Wash.,
and take in the exposition.
Tho barbers aro somewhat haughty
since winning glory on tho ball diamond
Sunday, and aro becoming so intoler
ablo that other ball players aro anxious
to show them that they aro more ci
phers when it comes to real ball playing.
Bill Landgraf says the barbers have
been challenged by the machinists'
toam, tho boilcrmakerB' team, tho mix
ologists' team and the girls at tho
stoam laundry.
Victor doublo faced records and
Edison four minuto records. Wo have
attachments for machines for four
minute records.
Rincker's Book Storo
Tho Milton sale Wednesday, accord
ing to all accounts, was about tho big
gest thing that has come down tho
pike lately. It amounted to about
$10,000 and as showing how tho farm
ers and stockmen of this boction are
fixed. Mr. Pielsticker, who clorked
the salo says that not ovor $500 in notes
wero taken. Ono man who bought a
big bunch of mules gavo him a check
for $4,800 and another buyer drew his
chock for $2,000. Tho weather was
fine, thero was a big crowd out and the
stuff generally brought a good price-
Wallace winner.
Persons who are indebted to Gaunt &
Wyman, please call and Bettlo immedi
Here's a Certainly.
We aro established right here whero
vou livo and would not daro promise
your money back for the mero asking
If Roxall Kidney Remedy fails to satis
fy you, except wo aro cortatn it wm
do as wo. claim. Try it at our entire
risic. f rice ouc.
McDonell & Graves.
For Sale.
Two Angus Bulls, ono 2-yonr old,
mtr.0 bred but not rocrlstcred: ono 4-vear
oil, eligible to registry, Pritfo $75,00
Experimental Substation
W. P. Snyder, Supt.
Nomination! Filed.
Saturday was tho last day for filing
nominations for county offices to bo
voted for at tho primary on August 17.
Thoso who filed were:
For County Clerk F. R. Elliott and
Wm. Otten.
For SherifT A. J. Salisbury, I, L.
For Treasurer Ray C. Langford.
For County Commissioner A. O.
Kocken, R. L. Douglas.
For Coroner Longloy.
Other candidates will bo compelled
to go on tho regular eloction ballot by
James Carroll, an attorney of Alma,
Kan., who owns land near Brady, was
in town yesterday accompanied by
Wm. Johnson, a prosperous farmor
living south of Brady. Mr. Carroll will
remain nt Brady for a month.
County Treasurer's Statement.
County Treasurers Langford'a
statement, which will be published in
this paper next Friday, shows that
from January 1st, 1909, to July 1st,
1909, he collected.
1908 tax $104,840.70.
1907 and prior... 388.77.
School land' rovonuo 7,35-1.85.
During the samo period ho paid out:
To Stato 13,000.00
Co. General fund warrants. .14,848.37
Co. Bridge warrants 3,842.39
Co. Road warrants 1,5G0.29
Co. Bonds 1,122.60
Precinct Bonds 13.91C.23
School Districts 47,743.33
City of North Platte 11,303.00
Vlllngo of Brady 250.00
Village of Sutherland 250.00
Villago of Wallace 200.00
Road Districts 7,093.93
$115, 1C0. 15
Band Benefit Concert.
Tho famous Miner Family, of Chica
go, musical entertainers (nino in num
ber) havo been sccurod by tho North
Platte City Band for Friday evening,
July 30th, at tho Keith theatro in ono
of their ever popular programs con
sisting of orchestra, brass and male
quartette selections, vocal and instru
mental solos, impersonations, otc. This
organization is recognized by press and
public as tho strongest musical organi
zation in the west. Their programmo
s one of refinement, clean and up-to-date
in every respect. Everybody
should turn out and holp support tho
band. Band concert on the streots nt
noon and at 7:30 in tho ovening, as
sisted by tho Alincr Family Co. Don't
miss It. Prices 50c, 35c and 25c.
I J Sold in
10 Years Ago ' i
b j hey know them to be M
!v illliP The WorW's Best Soda Cracker M
For Sale.
A restaurant, confectionery and
rooming houso at Paxton. Stack will
invoico nbout $1,000, and building will
bo rented for $15 per month, or will
sell the building for $2,000. Place does
a business of $25 or $30 per day. For
further information address Tho Tri
bune, North Platte.
Henhcy News.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Stono are visit
ing relatives in Omaha and Lincoln
this weo'k.
Androw Falk is enjoying a visit from
his sistor from California.
Mrs. J. W. Show was shopping in
tho county seat Friday.
The Ico cream social given by the
Presbyterian ladies last Friday evening
was woll attonded and a modorato sum
of money was received.
J. W. Abbott and Carl Wlckstrom
went to Wallaco last woek in Abbott's
car. Owing to tho rain Thursday eve
ping their return trip was somewhat
Miss Blanchb Ganson, accompanied
by her cousin, Mlsfl Pearl Hall, of Den
vor, aro visiting relatives and friends in
Kearney nnd Hastings.
Miss Moore, of Wyoming, is visiting
nt the Abbott residonco.
Tho Presbyterian ladles' aid wlllmeet
with Mrs. J. IC. Eihleman Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wlckstrom aro
enjoying n visit from their neice, Miss
Muriel Johnson, of Kearney.
Mrs, Margaret Eves is contemplat
ing a visit from her sister and husband
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard F. Hagenbuch,
of Williamsport, Ponn., next month.
Mr. and Mrs. Hagenbuch aro at the
present time in Spirit Lako, Idaho, at
tending to private interests in tho lum
ber business thero. Thoy expect to
attend tho exposition at Soattlo, visit
relatives at Stockton, Cal., and en
route homo stop at Hershoy to visit
their sister.
Mrs. J. W. Prickitt is visiting Mrs.
Loron Fogel in Hastings this week.
D, A. Lawlor and family of Paxton,
spont Saturday and Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. W. T. Millor.
Allison Wilcox, of North Platto,
spont a few days in Hershoy last week.
Tho Methodist ladies mot with Mrs.
R. B. Miller laBt Wednesday.
Bids Wanted.
Bids aro wanted for building an addi
tion 20x32 feet to tho O'Fallon's school
building in Dist. 33. Plans and specifi
cations can bo scon by calling on C. R.
Lawrence, Hershoy, Nob. jl3-09
In the Past 100 Years
Americans havc'learned much and taught
Here's a photo of one WALK-OVER shoe.
Ever see a more attractive shoe.
Patent Leather and Glove Kid Button Boot
on Autate Model Price $4.00.
Wilcox Department Store.
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell have roturncd
after spending tho Fourth at Gibbon.
A. J. Ncale was abuslnoBs visitor at
North Platte during tho week.
George Bay transacted business in
North Platto.
Mr. Nichols, of Logan, was canvas
sing in this neighborhood during tho
Miss Ella Burnside had hor kneo cap
knocked off by falling ovor a fenco
Frank Drako lately purchased n
Not fthe I least
that they 4 have
learned is tnat
shoes are the fin
est and most sat
isfactory shoes
in the world for
the money, and
Americans arc
teaching it to
the world,
shoes are worn
in 44 countries.
motor cyelo.
The Clifton Comedy Co.. becoming
weary and hungry, stopped at' L. C.
Mitchell's for supper Wednesday even
ing resuming their journey intoGnndy
in tho evening whoro thoy -opened up a
weok's engagement.
Paul Smith, of Norlh Platto, passed
through -(his vicinity enrouto to Candy.
For Sale,
thoroughbred Arteus
ranging In agevfrom 8 to a), months;
good heavy, chunky animals, Inquire
of or address
Frank Ebclo, North
Platto, Nqb.