HIE SEMI'WEEKIY TRIBUNE IRA L. BARE, Publisher TERMS $1.25 IN ADVANCE NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA INCREASE AS THEY" TRAVEL Circumstance That 8howo How8torlcs Are Magnified In Their Repetition. Englnnd'n recent fright over nn lm nglncd airship from Germany 1a paral leled by tho nmnzlng tiger scare which put central and south WoIcb In corn- motion about .seven years ago. It was rdpbrtcd thai a tiger had es caped from n traveling mcnngurle at Brocan. Mangled sheep were nnld to mnrk. Us., course across country to Llandrlpdod Wells, some farmers lost their dogs and on market days at Uullth, Ilrocon, I'onybout nndLlnnmnr- rach tho' wild beast was tho center of rumor. Country schools were closed becauso parents feared to let their children go along tho roads, and bands of armed men sought to hunt tho tiger down. This stato of terror lasted n wcelc, though no person was found who had actually seen tho tiger, but only peo plo who "had heard that somo ono else," and so forth. Then tho truth was hunted down, and tho origin of tho wholo affair discovered at tho re mote hamlet of Ebcredw, Ono night tho schoolmaqter there, in dlamissing tho children, playfully had wnrned them not to loiter In going homo lest a tiger should got them. Tho scared children accepted tho warning art real, and hastened homo with stories of a savago beaut lurking behind hedges or growling in ravines. And so tho story grow, ns stories do under tho culturo of imagination. Trumpeting Ancient German Chorals. Tho most noted ornninont of tho town la tho RathhnuH, which no nrtlBf who visits Itothcnburg falls to sketch. It Is of a most linnoslnir benntv. con sisting of an older Gothic building, dat ing back to tho middle of tho thir teenth century, with nn elaborate ronnissanco faendo. It was from its darkling dungeons that mnny of the instruments of torture In the museum at Nuremburg camo, for Itothcnburg was not tender in its treatmont of prisoners, Tho enrller building has a high Bqunro tower crowned with a bill cupola, whoro thrlco a wcok tho eholr of St. Jakob's, a reverend church lying within its shadow, pain- tsU; climbs, nrmod with trumpets nnd wthor musical Instruments. Tho wot Lthcran choralo is roponted four times, as tho musicians respec tively fnco tho four points of tho com pass, and tho ceremony, so In keop- ing with do nuatut, old-tirno ltfo of tho town, is ono of tho visitor's un forgettable memories of Ilothonburg. From n Rothenburg (Bavaria) Lot- lor to voguo. Stockvards to Bo Beautified. Unoccimlcd nlncos In tho Chlcnco stockyards aro to bo mado to bloom. Instead of unattravtlvo lanes nnd pons and roadways nnd grcnt bnro bulldiogs, tho yards aro to prosont Btrotchcs of flower beds, witli hero nnd thoro buildings surrounded with Bhrubbory. Tho schomo originated with J. Oadon Armour, and tho llrat fruits of his plan may bo seen at tho gonernl olllcos of Armour & Co., where bright flowers nrp in bloom all around tho buildings. Tho packers wTVr flhrubborV Ilftnr thnv hnvn llatnnnil tn the thousand and oho grating noises Which fl tho a r nt all hours of thn dnv. He Dyed It. "Wlmt'B bocoino of tho charming nctor with tho beautiful white hair that hung on Ills shoulders?" thoy nBkcd nt tho summer garden. "Ho used to bo horo so much. Now wo nevor sco him. "Ho thought ho'd look handsomer with auburn hair," his friend ox plained, "so bo dyed it. It's Boventeen different colors of auburn, all tho way from dark brown to bright rod. He's remaining in seclusion until it grows out whito again." French Officer Rival of Maxim. Col. Humbort, a rotlrod officer of the French nrtlllory, has invonted a gun slloncor llko that of Hiram Maxim, flR It ntlinlnVAO tfm mtnnllln t .....P. fllnir thn Bn.m.i i,v nn,,nnin m -.... .. 0 oi tno oxpiosion and n ov nt thorn to escape gradually. Col. Humbort, how- nvnr. np.in n mn n tmrlnnl n whereas tho colls In Maxlm'a device' nro nrrangod on the principle of tho gVroscopo. Col. Humbert'H silencer Is much hoavior than Maxim's. Tho Great Trek of 1009. A prominent Vnncouvorito who hnB Just rotunlod from a three-months visit to tho northwest, says that there nro hordos of peoplo, piles of furni- uiro ana urovca or cattle and horses taking every trail to tho great farming innuB ot mo prairies. They nro all coming from tho Btntes, nnd ho says that in after years the exodus will bo known ns "tho groat trek of 1009." Victoria (11. C.) Post. Not Honorod In Old Ago, Warships, uiillko war horsos, Btnnd small chance ot bolng turned out to grass when their work 1b ovor. The old Ilritlsh battleship Edinburgh, which is on the snlo list, Is to bo usod as a target. If tho vessel survives the gun flro it is probable that sho wilt be subjected to an attack of torpedoes, to discover wlint would bo tho effect of a well-placed shot with a White head on tho bottom of n ship of tho Dreadnought type, which n section of the Edinburgh's bottom can bo mndc approximately to represent. FRANK H. HITCHCOCK ii " ' , Corjrlglit, 19W, lij UolTett Htudla.Clilnco. Postmaster-General of the United States (From an Official Photograph.) PAINTED OLD HOUSE Maine Man Lost Thirty Thousand Dollars by Job. Pasture He Swappedfor $50 Worth or Paint Afterwards increased Rapidly in Value; 8ays Style Is Costly. Bangor, Mo. Tho costliest Job of bouse painting on record hereabouts is reported by a Northeast Harbor man, who lost a fortune through his anxiety to make improvomntB upon ills rostdenco and his poor opinion of Northeast Harbor's prospects. This man concluded somo years ago that his house, then white, would look n groat deal better If painted a sort of canary color, with pea green trim- tilings Ho hadn't tho money to pay tor tno Pn,nt or work' but ho hud plenty of land, bolilg in fact land poor. To a friend from Ellsworth tho North east Harbor man said: "Horo, Jim, I need $!(Mho worst way. Now, you glvo mo tno ?50 and Blvo y n duci1 t0 tlmt Pasture lot down thoro to tho siioro." And Jim said, after somo thought- ul Inspection of Iho land: "Well, J"'1". oom'a It'8 you nM' yu wnnt tho BY TAKING MICROBES. Patient Gets 125,000,000 Staphylococ- cu ana ulnBr uerrns, Then .Walts. London. Tho beauty pnrlors of Lon- don havo a Berlous and sclentlllc rival in tho Inoculating department nt St. Mary's hosultal. Horo comploxlons aro being renovated and revived by tho lntost sclentlllc treatment, Tho Injoctlon of a few millions of dlBeaso geruiB Into tho tissues of tho shoulder or Hank can transform n sluggish, blotchy complexion to n nor- mnl healthy skin, according to a doc- tor at tho 'hoBUltnl. Tho best results nro obtained In tho cases ot muddy, sallow comploxloiiB due to sluggish nc tlol of tho skin glnuds. Tho disease hero Is caused by a re cently discovered germ mimed tho ncno bacillus. In other cases where tho Bktn lu tender and painful on- other germ, tho staphylococcus, is ., ff..,,,,, ,.,i 4mni. V . 7. ,n"!nt C"? t8 f lnJocUre ,undor 11,0 I ""'"i"""' ,botA' f tU.80 tw bnc,U1' cording lu u u -' """" "o ordinary patient Booking trent ment tor a una complexion win re celvo in hlB llrst dose about 125.000, 000 of stunhvlococcl. with nerhnns B.OOO.OflO of tho ucne bacilli. Tho vne- clnes aro manufactured In laboratory and nro Bupplled In glass bulbs, each holding about a toaBpoonful. Ono of these bulbs is sulllclont for threo or four doses nnd contains ovor 500.000 000 ot tho bacilli. Where tno now treatment has a great advuntngo over tho bonuty par lor complexion euro 1b Ir. tho tlmo' re quired to accomplish results, A tiny patch of skin on the shoulder or llunlc Is washed and sterilized and tho vne clno injected with a hypodermic syr Ingo. Tho wholo treatmont tnkos only n mlnuto or two and tho putlont has only to go homo nnd tnvnlt results. Happy Snake Hunters, York, Pn. Tho snake crop about Now Salom, this county Is In n Hour ishlng condition. Warren E. Mum mort, having read with what oaso a rnttlosnnko can be captured by pin nlng it to tho ground with a forked stick, tried tho stunt upon n G3-inch blackBnnko, which ho found closo to mm m?m money, an' It's a consid'ablo bit o' pastur' well, hero's your money, an' got tho deed." ' So tho pasture lot changed hands. Tho whito hotiflo was painted what tho neighbors described as "light yal ler." Summer visitors subsequently camo and Northeast Harbor began to hump itself and got rich. Tho man who got tho pasture lot sold a half In terest in It to another Ellsworth man for $1,250, nnd then, not long after ward, tho two got $2,500 to hind nn option on tho lnnd at tho' prlco of $10,000, tho deposit to bo forfeited In case of no snlo. There was no salo nnd tho owners of tho land pocketed the $2,500. Lnst summer they sold a quarter of tho land for $7,500 to a Now York mnn, who built n lino cot tngo thoro, nnd to-dny thoy nro nuk ing $25,000 for tho remaining three quarters. Tho man who painted his house at this grcnt cost says that tho sea waves aro positively gay compared with him. "More than $30,000 for pnintln' that rumshncklo ot a house!" ho exclnimcd. "Now, If I'd had moro sense and less stylo I might havo n yof and a team o' speckled bosses an' be a swelling 'round with them big .bugsyes, Kirrco." tho town. Ho wns bitten In tho thumb but managed to tako tho reptilo allvo and ts exhibiting It. A four-foot copporhcad wnB Bhot by Theodoro Decker a short dlstanco from tho borough, and as' she stood looking at It n toad which had evi dently been partly swnllowed by tho reptilo a short time before, scram bled from Its mouth and hopped se rcnoly away. Census of Western Canada. Winnipeg, Manitoba. Tho consus of Wostern Canada, estimated by tho government ot Canada shows a popu lation of 1,100,000. Of this number B00.000 llvo In Manltobjj, 350.000 In Saskatchewan nnd 275,000 In Alberta. This Is an Increase of 300,000 In threo years. WALLS OF OLD DELHI Little Is knovtfn of tho history of Delhi before the Mohammedan conquest In 1193, but the Immense area two miles to the south of the city which ti covered with the olcturesnue ruins of what Is called "Old Delhi," Is sain tc mark the site of the ancient Aryan walls are still almost intact In places, drivers, noathcrds and acKais. OH "EASY STREET" Anybody So Desiring Can Live on That Thoroughfare. Government Directory Shows Odd Names of Public Highways to Fit Almost Any Taste; Three "Rubber" 8treets. Washington. Any man can llvo on "Easy street" If he wants to. Two cities In this , country, Boston nnd Johnstown, Pa., have "Easy streets." A directory of nil tho streets, ave nues, courts, alleys nnd laneB, upon which mail is delivered in 1,279 prin cipal cities in tho United States has Just been Issued by tho dead letter olllco of tho post ofllco department, and it discloses somo interesting in formation. Thcro seems to bo a street for nearly every necessity of life, ovcry profession, ovcry mood nnd condition of man. Thero'B a Rich plnco In West Seneca, Buffalo. And thcro nro two Poor streets, ono Poormnn jrond, ono Poor Farm road, and ono Poor House lane. Threo towns boast Rubber streets and ono a Rubber alley. There is a Champagne street, seven Wino streets, two Whisky hills, several Brewery streets, ono of which Is located In Cin cinnati, and to offset these, seven Cof fee streets nnd ono Coffee alley. There's a Llraborger street, a Swcltzcr street, a Plcklo street, a Ham street, a Ham alley, n Beo Hlvo street, a Honey street, an Onion sttcot, n Bread street, an Oyster street, n Butter street, n Fork street, Eovornl OHvo streets and Bean Btrcets, n Pea alley, n Salad place, a Turkey street and flnnlly several Cranberry streets ns well as a Cranberry nve iiuo and a Cranberry alley, a Pumpkin hill and a great number of streets named after vurlous fruits. Spring, summer, fall and winter aro all represented. There are sovoral Ice streets, somo Snow streets, Flood streets, as well as 20 Sunnysido streets, a number of Sunnysldq nve nues, drives nnd places, with several Sunset streets nnd places. Thcro aro also a Sunday street, a Monday street and n Friday street. Four Coffin streets, two Coffin ave nues, and ono Collin nlley may bo found In tho list; also a Doctor street, LnwycrB row, Merchant street, Tailor street, and Baker street, and oven some Parson streets and n Deacon street, as well as a Butcher alley and Butcher Inno. ' Paradise alley Is represented in eight towns nnd thcro is ono Paradise street, one Parndlso place, and four Pnradlso avenues. And there's nlso an Eden avenue and an Eden nlley, Hogan's alloy Is represented In ono city nnd thcro aro two Hell's Half Acres. There's a Lovo road and nlno Lov- ers' lanes, besides a Sweet street and a Bitter street. There's ono Brovlty street. elcht Long streets, and 200 Short streets, as well as a Rapid 6trect, a Swift street, a Quick street, and a Sly street. There Is no Sorrow street, but a great number of Joy streets, nnd one Joy alley. Faith, Hopo and Charity aro all represented Of all tho streets In tho country, Main Btrect nppenrs most frequently. It is found in ovor 1,000 cities. Wash ington street follows a closo second. Of tho numbered streets Ninth and Tenth streets nro moro numerous thnn any others. New York has tho only Ono Hundred nnd Sixty-second street in tho world. Thoro aro 163 Wall streets and 340 Broadways and 15 Bowrles. Dewey is honored in nearly 200 cities. Many cities nnmo streets after presidents, There nro 37 Roosevelt streets, 31 Roosevelt avenues, ono Roosevelt court, ono Roosovelt lnno, four Itooso volt places, ono Roosevelt terrace, and ono Roosovelt way. Oswego, N. Y has followed simplified spelling nnd has a "Rosevolt street." TUero aro also 20 Bryan streets. Besides, Taft street, Cincinnati, Which Is nnmcd nfter tho Taft family, thcro aro seven Taft streets and two Taft avenues IN ANCIENT INDIA. city, Indraprastha. Though Its crumb)ln& the spot Is now only the haunt of came THE WRONG OBJECTIVE POINT Mule's Lack of Consideration Respon sible for Ike's Being Late at His Duty. An Atlanta mcrchnnt ha8 frequent occasion to robuko Ike, his darky por ter, for his tardiness in reporting for duty in tho morning. Iko Is always ready with a moro or less ingenious excuse. "You'ro two hours Into, rkol" ex claimed tho employer ono morning. This sort of thing must stop! Other wise, I'm going 'to flro you; under stand." " 'Deed, MIstah Edward," replied Ike, it wn'n't mah fault, dls timol Hon est! I wns kicked by a mulol" "Kicked by a mule? Well, oven If that were so, It wouldn't delay you for moro than nn hour. You'll havo tb think of a better excuse than that." Iko looked aggrieved. "MIstah Ed ward," ho continued solemnly, "It might havo been all right ef dnt mulo kicked mo In dls direction; but ho didn't ho kicked me do odder wayl" Llpplncott's. HANDS RAW AND SCALY. Itched and Burned Terribly Could Not Move Thumbs Without Flech Cracking Sleep Impossible. Cuticura Soon Cured His Eczema. 'An itching humor covered both my hands and got up over my wrists and even up to tho elbows. Tho Itching and burning wero terrible My hands got all scaly and when I scratched, tho eurfaco would bo covored with blis ters and then get raw. Tho eczema got so bad that I could not movo my thumbs without deep cracks appearing. V went to my doctor, but his mcdlclno could only stop tho itching. At night I suffered so fearfully that I could not sleep. I could not bear to touch my hands with water. Thi3 went on for throo montha and 'I was fairly worn out At last I got tho Cuticura Reme dies and in a month I was cured. Wal tor H. Cox, 1G Sotnorset St., tiooton, Mass., Sept. 25, 1908." Potter Drag A Cbom. Com. Solo Prop Boston. A HOPEFUL rROSPECT. He Darling, I don't know what to say to your father. She Just say: "Mr. Munn, I wish to marry your daughter" then dodgo. Cheering Him Up. "Bill," said tho invalid's friend, "I've como to cheor you up n bit llko. 1'vo brought yer n few flahrs, Bill. I fought if I was too lato they'd como in 'andy for a wreaf, yer know. Don't got down- carted, Bill. Lummy, don t you look gashlyl But thero, keep up yer spirts, ole sport; l'vo como to seo yer an' cheer yer up a ,blt. Nice little room you 'avo 'ere, but as I sez to mcself when I was .a-comin' up: 'Wot orkard staircaso to get a coffin dahnl' "-London Globe. , Leave It to Him. A Wichita man was fussing becauso of his aching teeth. "Why don't you go to a dentist?" asked ono of his friends. "Oh, I haven't got tho nerve," wns the roply. "Never mind that," replied tho friend, "tho dontlst will find tho nervo all right" Kansas City Jorunal. Painful Insomnia. "What sort of a hat is a wide awake ?" "Why, a hat without a nap, of course." Charms Children ' Delights Old Folks Post Toasties uaim tercal cn ,Z . 1 . -.r.". uV. nmed Food. Products Ubhy's Viannm Smwsmgo I distinctly different from any other sauiage you ever tasted. Jutt try one can and it is sure to become a meal-time necessity, to be served at frequent intervals. Ubby's Vienna Saw SOffO just suits, for breakfast, is fine for luncheon and satisfies at dinner or supper. Like all of Libby's Food Products it is care fully cooked and prepared, ready to-serve, in Ubby's Groat Whito Kltohon- the cleanest, most scientific kitchen in the world. Other popular, ready-to-serve Libby Pure Foods are: Ooohod Gopnod Boot Poorloss DrloU Boot VoalLoaf Evaporated Klltk Baked Beans GIiow Ohow Mixed Pickles Write for free booklet, "How to make Good Things to Eat". Insist on Libby's at your grocers. Ubby, MoMeill & UkSsy Gldcago A doctor of divinity should believe in tho faith cure. Lewis' Single Binder straight 5c cigar is made to satisfy the smoker. Why Actors Wear Long Hair. Why do actors so often wear long hair? Perhaps this is the reason: There onco was a statute in England under which actors found wandering wero liable to be branded through the right ear. Tho long hair concealed tho decoration' and thus tho custom was started. Alcohol and Tuberculosis. Tho most . prominent tuberculosis specialists in the country agree that alcohol will not euro consumption. Dr S. A. Knopf Bays: "Alcohol has never cured and never will euro tuberculosis It will either prevent or retard recov ery." Dr. Frank Billings of Chicago nnd Dr. Vincent Y. Bowdltch, ex-presl-dents of tho National Association for tho Study and Provontion of Tubercu losis; Dr. Lawrence F. Flick of Phila delphia and Dr. Edward L. Trudeau oi Saranac Lako, the founder of the nntl tuborculosls movement in this country) are all of tho s'amo opinion. Objection to Women Golfers. "Farmers don't mind renting their fields to golfers, but they are strongly opposed to women." "Why?" "Becauso woman golfers aro always losing hairpins nnd hatpins and stick pins in tho grnss. Follow tho trnll ol a woman's foursomo with a pincushion and I'll guarantee you a cushlonful ol pins at the end of tho ninth hole." "But why does tho farmer mind tu.it?" "Becauso afterward when his sheep and cattlo graze In those fields thoy Bwnllow pins. Pins, I needn't tell you, aro Injurious tf l.ho health." The crisp delicious, golden-brown food, made of Indian Corn. A tempting, teasing taste distinctly differ ent all its own. "The Taste Lingers" Sold by Groccra. Popular pkg;., ioc. Large Family aize 15c. Postum Cereal Co., Ltd. Battle Creek, Mich. j mm