The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 09, 1909, Image 8

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    Semi -Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher, m.
HftHHnllll'TmN UATK91
Ono Yfeftf, cash In advance '?'?
Months, caslf In ad vanco 6i cU
Entered at North Platte. Nobraska.Postofflce
an second cUa mattur.
FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1909.
lannounoo myself as a republican
candidate for the olfico of county clork,
subject to tho decision of the primaries.
F. R. Elliott,
North I'luttn, Neb., June 1, 1909.
I announco myself as republican can
ilUlato for tho offico Of county clerk of
Lincoln county, Nebraska, subject to
tho primaries to bo hold August 17.
William Otten.
I hereby announco myself a candidate
for tho roriublican nomlnntion for the
ofilco of sheriff, subject to tho primary
to bo he'd August 17th.
I respectfully announce myself ns a
candidate for tho nomination for a
nherifr, subject to tho republican pri
mary. Any support given mo will bo
nppriciatcd. A. J. SALlSHUitY.
I hereby onnoounco myself as a
candidate for tho office of County
Treasurer, subject to nction of Repub
lican primary August 17, 1909.
Ray C. Langkohu.
I rospcctfully announce myself as n
candldato for county commissioner,
subject to tho action of tho republican
ptlmary. A. O. Kocken.
. I hereby announco myself u candldato
for tho olfico of County Commissioner
of District No. 1, Bubjoct to tho r.ction
of tho republicans nt tho primary elec
tion. R. L. DOUGLA8.
That U. P. Dopot.
City Physician Quigloy made an ex
amination of tho Union Pacific dopot
ono day this week, and makes tho fol
lowing report:
Considerable has beon written in tho
local papers on tho unsanitary condi
tion of our railroad buildings, offices,
shops nnd roundhouso and the dopot.
Tho waiting room has been held up to
tho renders of tho local papers as tho
place domanding tho nttontion of the
company most urgently but whllo this
is undoubtedly true, thoro nro othor
places that aro brocdlng most foul and
deadly diseases right under our noses
wlvioh also urgently dotuand attention.
If tho railroad company were convinced
that theso ovils oxlstcd and that they
wore worltintr an economic loss and
that thoy could bo remedied very oasily,
then tlwro is no doubt but that tho rail
road company would bostir themselves
to bring about hotter conditions. With
this end in viow tho nttontion of tho
public and tho company is respectfully
called to tho following unsanitary con
ditions existing in tho waiting room
alone. Every Item enumerated is n
mi mt Hit .
(imcaso uroouor. tiioho conuiuons matte
it n risk for any civilized person to
pond much timo in this room.
1, Thoro aro no screens on tho doors
and therefore no precautions taken to
keep out flics, Fliea uro mora durgorous
thun rattlosnakoB.
2. Tho closets aro dirty, foul smelling,
hnvo constantly wet floors and are poor
ly ventilated.
it. A dirty drinking cup is kept nt a
dirty old drinking fountain, nnd tho
floor is constantly wet around this
fountain. A most filthy slop pail is
kept at this fountain.
4. Thoro aro several dirty spittoons
in which flics fed continually and tho
floor is covered with dust and dirt. On
my visit this morning I found a quanti
ty of vomit, evidently from'u drunken
man, on tho door.
6. The walls and posts aro smoarcd
with spit and dirt, the shades .nro cov
ered with tho accumulated fly specks
of years, tho radiators havo boon used
for spittoons, also the holes in tho floor
near them with obvious results.
0. A largo amount of plaster linn fal
len from tho ceiling and more is liable
to fall at any time. Tho whole aspect
of tho plaoo is dingy, dirty, dusty, ill
smolllng, and Bickculng and one of tho
worst features of tho placo Is that
women and children aro compelled to
occupy this room along with tho worst
rubble that tho city affords, Tobacco,
both smoking and chowing, is used lioro
in tho presence of ladies without pro
test from the company except tho ono
"No Smoking" sign which basking sinco
"ceased to bo respected.
Clty Physician.
' .. July 7, 1909.
Roard of county commissioners niet
pursuant to adjournment, prosont
Kockon an,d Springer and county clork.
Claim of J. D. W. Lincoln digging
jrava $5.00 allowed.
Ray C. Longford, county treasurer:
You uro hereby authorized to cancel
personal tux of W. A. Rowdy for 1908
in Cox precinct for tho reason that
samo was paid in Custor oounty, Neb.
CUrlra of Jolm'Dlscooroad work dis
trict No. li, allowed (or1 ?25..00.
Adjourned until tomorrow.
July 8, 1909.
Board mot pwwuuit to adjournment,
present commissioner Kocken nnd
Spuluuer and county clerk.
Roard No. 31C comas up before the
board for action; there boinp; a romon-
stranco filed against granting said
road, the board citca July 19th nt 10 a.
for appoaranco of remonstrators
and petitioners to show causo wny sucn
road should not bo granted. The coun
ty surveyor is directed to survey said
proposed road nndcomputo'tho acreago
to bo taken and have inmo filed with
tho county clerk before July 19th.
At 11:30 tho board takoa'a recess un
til 3 o'clock p. m., and reconvonos as a
board of equalization, present Kockon,
and Springer county commissioners,
county assessor and county clerk.
No returns from tho state board hav
ing been rccoived tho board takes a re
coss until July 15th, and at three o'clock
the board reconvenes as n board of
county commissioners, present Com
missioners Kockon and Springer and
county clerk.
Tho various county officials not being
ready to have books checked, board ad
journed until July 12, 1909.
Tho American Woman's League.
Founder, E. G. Lowls, Pros. Lewis
Pub. Co., University City, Mo.
Tho American Woman's league is
a national organization, composod of
women as full members nnd men as
honorary members,, bandod together
for thoir mutual benofit, protection,
service, advancement, education ana
nssuranco against advorsity or distress.
It is not a socrot socioty, it is not a
charity, It is simply n co-operativo
business organization founded on safe,
sound, conservative principles.
The institution of tho leaguo aro
tho university art and correspondence
schools, to bo opened this October, frco
to all mombors and all minor childron
of members.
A postal library (phonographic), a
lecturo course, National Woman's ox
chango a rotrcat or home for aged and
helpless members, orphanage, a loan
fund, and last but by no means loast,
an income from endowment fund.
Tho first 100,000 constituto tho
foundom (or stockholders) chapter.
A lifo membership is secured to wom
on for $52 in subscriptions for tho six
Lewis publications and tho six others
which havo joined tho league plan.
Membership to men is $20 in sub
scriptions. Besides tho Lowis pub
lications, subscriptions to tho follow
ing will count on a membership: Col
lier's Success, Everybody's, Delinator,
American Boy, Farm Journal.
A member has ono year in which to
comploto a membership, at tho rato of
si per wcck or $o por month
Each member is irivcn a $5 certifi
cate in tho Rcador'sPool(an interest in I
somo land in university City) when a
membership is comploted and for each
new mombor secured. The leaguo is
about two yoars old but so phenomenal
has b en its growth that chapters arc
being organized all over the country
nnd beautiful enactor houses aro Banner
ing up. The leaguo's scope and purpose
Is so great and grand that it cannot be
grasped at n glance, but mut bo
Tho following persons havo proved
thoir wisdom and enterprise by joining
tho leaguo. (uo thou nnu do likowiso
and help to sccuro that handsome
chuntor houso for North Platte.)
Mrs. M. E. StobblnB, Mrs. Olivo Bar
ton (deceased), Mrs. Mattio D. Sturgos,
Mnguolla DUKe, uaipn vroman, Mrs.
Helon Ritner Momborhip completed.
Mrs. Stella Banks, Mrs. M. E. Vro
man, Mrs. Mary Alexandor, Mrs, Dott
Roberts, Gerald Dover, Miss Clara
Shaw Membership nartlv comnleted.
J. L. Packard, Milwaukee, Wis., paid
for by Mrs. Ritner (partly completod.)
Wo must havo fifteen members to se
cure a $1200 chapter houso, the more
mombors tho finer houso. Do you wish
to help -in this groat work nnu nt tho
snmo timo secure to yourself and chil
dren theso lifo timo benefits.
If you aro interested, drop a card to
Lewis Publishing company, Univorsity
City, Mo., for leaguo literature or call
on or address any of tho mombors.
Life 100,000 Years Ago.
Scientists havo found in a cava in
Switzerland bones of mon who lived
100,000 yours airo. whon lifo was in
constont danger from wild boasts. To
day tho danger, ns Bhown by A. W.
Brown, of Alcxnndor. Me., is from
deadly disoiuo. "If it had not been for
Dr. King s New Discovery, which curod
mo, I could not havo lived," ho writes,
"suffering as I did from sovoro lung
troubln nnd Btubborn cough." To euro
sore lungs, colds, obstinato coughs nnd
prevent pneumonia, its the best medi
cine on earth. 50c nnd $1.00. Guaran
teed by tho Stono Drug Co. Trial bot
tle freo, .
Cottonwood and Vicinity.
P. Jorgonson went to Keamoy Co.
Monday to nttend tho wedding of his
Anna Sowlo took tho train for Don
ver on Saturday of lust week.
Paul Arnold returned homo last Tues
day morning.
Tho wheat crop is nearly roady for
tho binder nnd promises to bo good.
Wo havo had tho finest corn weather
for tho past two weeks that could bo
asked for.
A number of our fnrmor attended tho
picnic nt Bubstntiou last Saturday
among whom woro Messrs. Stevens,
Reynolds, Sowlos, Jorgonson, Griflith,
Leo and others.
Vospor Arnold uttended the Chnu
tuiniuu this week ut North Platte.
Tho cherry crop was good thiu year.
Wo can rely on churrics.
Tho families of L. It. Somnors, W.
II. Ilouscr, Peter Jorgenson took -1th
of July dinner with II. C. Ilurtmun.
Irl Sowle took in the -1th of July nnd
Chautauqua at North Platto Monday.
Tho Muxwoll troupo gavo their play
ut Brady on Thursday of last week to
a fair audience.
A novol way to rock a baby is to take
a box to fit tho baby, suspend the box
to a limb of a trooby a wiro or rope and
then swing.
For Sole.
Two Angus Bulls, ono 2-year old,
pure bred but not registered; ono 4-yenr
old, eligiblo to registry. Prico $75.00
W. P. SNYDEIl, Sup't.
Geo. II. Hughes, of Garfield, trans
acted business in the city yesterday.
M. G. C. Clark, of Maxwell, spont
Wednesday in tho city visiting friends.
Fred Latimer, of Maywood, spent
yesterday in the elty attending the
J. II. Johnson left Wednesday night
for Gothenburg, whore ho will have a
short visit.
Sees Mother Grow Young.
"It would bo hard to ovcrstato the
wonderful chango in my mother since
she began to uso Electric Bitters,"
writes Mrs. W. L. Uilpatrick, or Dan-
forth. Mo. ''Although past seventy
sho seems to bo growing young again.
Sho Bultorcu untold misery from dys
pepsia for twenty yoara. At last she
could neither eat. drink or sleep. Doc
tors gavo her up and all remedies failed
till Electric Hitters worKcu sucn won
ders for her health." Thoy invigorate
all vital organs, euro liver and kidney
troubles, induco sleep, impart strength
and appetite Only 50c at Stono's drug
Notice to Overseers.
Wo desire to call tho nttontion of the
overseers of the various road districts
in Lincoln county, Nobrnskn, that you
should got the fire guards plowed and
in good condition, so that tho county
may bo properly protected from liro.
County Commissioners.
Bargains Every Day
Pianos, Organs,
Furniture, Stoves,
Sowing Mnchincs, Bicycles,
Wagons, Buggies,
Harness, Saddle?,
Guns, Revolvers,
Watches, Clocks,
Everything you uso at a low prico
Second Hand Store.
Corner Gth and Locust Strcots.
A Treat for all
Classes who Smoke.
A Forest King 5 cont cigar in his
mouth for his own dolcctation, a few in
his pocket lor his friends, is to be ac
counted ono of tho blest. Resort,
tneroioro, nil yo who aro lonu ot a
good smoko, to tho cigar and tobacco
emporium tho sin abovo whose door is
It is a Well Known Fact
that our bakery goods aro not cxcollud
in Wostorn Nobraska. Wo uso tho
boHt flour, tho bust ingredients of till
kinds. Why allow your wife to over-
hcut herself bakimr when vou can buy
such oxcellont goods of us at such low
prices; lry us.
Mrs. Jennio AmiBtrong, Prop.
Notice For Publication.
Jim Brown, first nnd real nnmo un
known, will tako notice that on tho
Mill tiny of June, 11)01), P. II. Stillivnn,
Justice of tho I'caco ot Lincoln County,
Nebraska, issued nn order of attach
ment for tho sum of $30.00 in an action
ponding boforo him wherein Gust
Gruches is plaintiff and Jim Brown,
nrst and real namo unknown, is de
fendant, and that property of tho said
Jim Brown, first una renl namo un
known, to wit, money in tho hands of
tho Union Pacific Railroad Company,
havo been attached under snid order.
Said causo was continued to the 11th
day of August, 1901), at 10 o'clock
A. M.
Signed nt Nortli Platte. Nebrusku,
this t h rd day of Jury. 1D0D.
Gust Giiuciiks, Plalntilf.
Androw A. Baadsgaard will tako
notice that on tho 23rd. day of Juno,
1909. P. II. Sullivan, u Justico of tho
Pence in and for Lincoln county. No-
brasku, issued an order of attachment
for tho sum of $0.00 in an action pend
ing beforo him, whero Harry Dlxnn is
Plaintiff nnd Androw A. -Baadsiruard
ia Defendant That property of tho
Defendant consisting of mOnoy in the
hands of tho Union Pacific Hail Road
Company, n Corporation, hns boon at
tached unuer saiu oriior.
Said cause was continued to tho 12th.
day nf August, 1909, irt Ten O'clock
A. M. HAHItY DrxoN.
Homeopathic Physiciun
and Surireon.
Office: McDonnld Bank Hull'linir.
Phono 183.
A. J. Amos. M. I). Mario Amos, I, !)
Physicians nnd Surgeons.
Office: Over Stono Drue Co.
Phones: Office 273, Residence 273
V7 Physicinn nnd Surgeon.
uinco: uver fticuonniu uanK.
Phonca Residence. 115
Osteopathic Physician,
Rooms 7 nn-1 8. McDonnld
Slate Bank Building,
Phono US.
Olfico over SchatJ! Clothine
Store. Phono 48
Office: rior. Front & Dew" u's.
Don't Covet Your Neighbor's House.
It s wrong besides there s no necessi
ty of vour wanting his houso when wo
Plenty Homes
judt ns good. Our list of houses sup
plies all requirements nnd our prices
and terms are always satlslnctory.
Prices will bo higher but not lower.
Buy now.
Buchanan & Patterson,
Real Estate and Insurance.
to nobody. Wo take off ours to no'
body either when it comes . to offering
tho finest carriages at rcasosablo prices.
Why not celebrate the country's birth'
day with oho of them. Coma and have
a look at and n talk about it anyway.
A. M. Lock.
is ono that is always pleasurable and
invigorating and those who wish to
indulge in it should see thut their
hnrness is O. K., and if It is necessary
to huvo a new ono buy it before tho
warm days of Snrinutimo eomo and
you will havo tho benefit of it for tho
sonson. our stocl; is worthy ot your
A. F. FINK. .
Furniture Repairing
Also Woodturning.
, 4 . A Specialty. 1
Slibpl07 East Filth.
1 goTng apt eh the li
You need something to clean up
disinfect and kill parasites.
will do the work.
We have a ipeclal book
let on diseases of Poul
try. Call Or write for one..
Stone Drug
The Best Stallion
In Lincoln County
can be found at the Birdwood
ranch at Birdwood Siding1.
All parties desiring to raise
good colts
wood ranch
horse the
call at the bird
and inspect the
only registered
full-blood Percheron
in Lincoln county.
D. A. Goodrich.
In tho matter of tho cstato ot Asa I'
Lowe, duceased.
in t to county court ot Lincoln uountr.
hraskn. Juuu 14th. 1UW.
Notice is horoby given, that tho creditors
nf snlil deceased will meet tlio aunilnlstrato
of said estate, beforo tho county Judiro o
Lincoln County. Nebraska, at tho county
court room, in said county, on tlio 10th day of
July, i w. ami on tlio mill day or January
1U1U, at vt o'clock A. M . each day, for tho pur
liosii of nri'spiitlnir their claims for uxamlna
Hon, adjustment and allowance. Six months
nrn nlloweil for creditors to nreseilt thnl
claims, and ono year for tho administrator to
settle said estate, from the 12th day of May.
lixiy. This notice to ho published for elirht
successive IsUies in tho North I'latto
Tribune a lcual uewsuauer nuul s hod in I. In
coin County, Nebraska, prior to July 10th,
j 15-8 w c. KLDCit. county Judtre.
Serial No. 01078.
United Htates Land Olllcn.
At North i'latto. Nebraska. Mar 21.1009,
Notice Is horoby clvcn that Akiios V. Swet-
land, of Jlaxwell. Nebraska, who. on Juno
2Mb. 1WI. mode homestead entry No. 2WCI.
serial No. 01U7H, for southeast iiuarter, east
hair southwest (luarier. somiienst quarto
northwest quarter ami ;ioih a, i, &, i nnd
Section it. Township 13 N.. Itnntro 28W..tli
rrlnclpal Meridian, lias uieu notice or inten
tion to malm dual live year proof, to eslabllsl
claim to tho land oIkivu described, before
the register and receiver, at North riatt
Nebraska, on tiio2rd day of July. HW.
Claimant names as witnesses: diaries
llendy. Will Hendy, cuariea iviihus and aim,
Irene Ilrown all of Jlaxwen. Neb.
mitt-ll J.K. Evan. ItcKlster.
Serial No, (Hill.
Department of the Interior.
U. 8. Land Olllco at North I'latto. Neb,
May 2 . 1 WO
Notice Is hereby ulven thut Kttpurt
seiiwait'er or North I'latto, Neii., who on May
1st. 1U02. luado Homestead Entry No- WUi.
Serial No. Ullll. for west half southeast
quarter, southwest quarter northeast iiuarter
soutneast quarter northwest quartoror sec
tlou i.towushlplll north, range 2U west of the
sixth principal meridian, has Hied uotlcoof
Intention to make llnal live year proof,
to establish claim to the laud alovo describe
befoiethii Iteuister and Hecelver at Nortl
l'lalte.Nebraska, on the 2'st day of July. WW,
Claimant names ns t'lnlK John
son, I'luuk I loon, Martin ll'xxl and I'. II
Will t v. ill I of North 1'lalli. Ncli.
mitt il I H. Evans, lteulster
Notice for Publication.
Serial No. (KIH7.
Departmenlot tho Interior.
V. 8- Land Olllco at North I'latto, Neb.
Juno a. IWJ,
Notlcols hereby irlven that Carl V. M
Crew, ot North I'latto. Neb,, wlo on June 'M,
Hill, made Homestead Entry No, 20'm. Serial
.mi w roreasi uau aim souuiwestquarioi
section H, township in. north, raiiKu'-K), west o
l no lull principal menu an. has I eu notice
Intention to make Dual live year proof, to es
tabllsh claim to tho land above descrllied. be
fore the reidstor and receiver at North I'latto
Nehrakka, ou thoithduy of Aumist. iwu.
Claimant names as witnesses: W. II. Coml
W. A. Stearns. C. Max Mctlrew. Adolli
Kuuomii nil or Northi'laitiv. Nei.
JS-0 J. K. Evans. HK'litor.
Serial No OiWJ.
Department of the Interior.
IT. S. I.nml Olllco nt North Platte. Neb.
Juno 3. ttlW.
Notice Is hereby irivcn that Chuilus II. John
son tit llnrllnlil. N'oli who. on June 2ri 11KJI
made home-itend entry No. Willi, serial
No. irum for south half and northeast
onartnr of SVi'lloo i .Townshln 111 N.. KailL'
ft . of tho (1th Principal Meridian, has Hied
notice of Intention to make final llvo yeat
proof, to ctitnhlNi claim to tlio lnuil ninivc
ileM-rils'il. before the lieirlster and Itecelver,
at North I'latto, Neb., on tho Tth day of
AiiL'iist. ldiMK
flnlin-int iinmnd njj witnesses: Aliraham E.
Aublo, of Uarllold, Nob.. V. It. Elliott, of
North I'latto. Nob., 1). 1'. Meyers, (Jus Mump,
js-o J. E. Evans, llcslstcr,
E?tray Notice,
Tnkon tin on or about April fith, 1909
ort section 2!i, town 12, range 80, by tlio
undersigned who thoro resides, ono
brown maro colt, about two years old
small, no brands. Owner can havo
samo by proving property nnd paying
charges. ,
North natto, l 0.
Ray Menzcr will tako notice that on
tho 19th day of June, 1909, P. II,
Sullivan, n Justico of tho Peace in and
for Lincoln County, Nebraska, issued
an ordor of attachment for tho sum of
$5.00 in an action pending before him.
wnorcin Mrs. vevn stevenB is plaintiff
and Ray Menzer defendant, that pro
perty consisting of money in tho hands
of tho Union Pacific Railroad Com
pany, a corporation, has been attached
undor said order.
Said cause was continued to tho 11th
day of August, 1909, at 10 o'clock A. M.
Dated North Platte. Neb.. Juno 29th.
Mns. Veva Stevens. Plaintiff
State of Nobraska. county of Lincoln, ss.
In tho County Court Juno Sltli, 190.
In till Innttnr nf tlin iiulntn nf I't-m1,.l.,1r
Dlehl, deceased
ii readme and lllltitr tho petition of Lewis
II, Dlehl uravliiL' t hat tlin niltntiiUti-ntlnn ..r
said estate may bo irrantcd to him as ad
Ordered. That July U. i. at 0 o'clock
111.. Is assluncd for l,onrhn nld kkIIHmm
when all persons Interested In said matter
may appear at n County Court to ho held In
and for said County, and show causo why
tho prayer of K-tlllonor should not bo
(.'ranted. This notice to 1h uniliaiiil tnr
six successive publications In tho North
i'latto Tribune, pi lor to July 19th. WW.
w. u. kmi:k,
J-J-o County Judge.
Serial No. WW.
Dopailment of tho Interior,
U. S. Land Olllco at Nortli I'latto. Neb.
. . Juno SI, Uluu.
Notice Is hnrnliv irlvnn Mint. Ilinli I,, nmni
of North I'latto. Nob.. vh on May 'M. lvol,
made homestend entrv No. 1MIML n-rlnl Nn.
USUI for east half northeast iiuarter and cast
lair soutiioast, quarter, section 10. township
north, rnimo 111, west, of tho sixth
'rlnclnal Meridian, hns IIUwl nollcn of lot, .
Hon to mako llnal llvo year proof, to
establish claim to tho land abovo described.
eroro the lteulster and Jlecelver at North
Matte. Nebraska, on the 2d ilnvnf Aiunu?
Claimant names as witnesses! William
Doebke, Henry Doebke. Jacob Meyers.
UoonroMaeunibor. all of North I'latto, Nob.
Serial No. OIUIH.
Department of tho Interior,
V. 8, Land Olllco at North I'latto. Neb.
. . . Juno ;t. lwm.
Notice Is hnrnliv l'Ivoii flint, loamili W.
Elsher. of North I'latto. Noli., who. on Mnv
Uth, 1M)1. madu homestead entry No. HMc.
serial No. 011)18. for south half northeast
quarter and nortli half southeast quarter
section S4. township 1!, north, raniro 80, wet
oi mo nm i-rincipai .iieruian, nas uieu notice
of Intention to mako llnal five yoar proof, to
establish claim to tho land alxivo described,
before tho lteulster and Itecelver at North1
I'latto, Nob., on tho Slh day of Aucust. 1IXW.
Claimant names as witnesses! l-'red Dlnhl.
James Shuck. Carl SonnortnrtD, (us Dlohl.
all of Nortli I'latto. Nob.
js-u j, v.. EVA1S.
Serial No. 01825.
Notice for Publication.
Department of tho-Interior,
Land Olllco at North I'latto. Nob.
Mnv "111, iniVI
U. S.
Notlcols hereby L'lvnn that .Inn W. .Initio
of North I'latto. Nebraska, who, on Juno 20th,
1W2, made homestead entry No. 11071, Serial
No. Ois-js, for south half southeast ouartor aud
south half southwest quarter Section ri.
rownshlD 14. north. KaniroS west of tho Sixth
Principal Meridian has II led notlco of inten
tion to mako llnal llvo rear nroof to establish
claim to the land above described, beforo tho
uctttsior anu icccoivor at Nortli i'latto.
Nob., on tho i&'ddayot Jaty. 1WW.
Claimant namns as wltimsscs: Horocu
Hawkins. Mart WUi-on and Kred Ivusor. nf
North I'latte. Nob., and John O, Mystroui.ot
Jlaxwell, Nob.
niM-o J. ic. it. VANS. KeclMer.
Sorlal No. 0J103.
Department of tho Interior.
IT. S. Land Olllco at North I'latto. Nob.,
Juno'..'. IWJ.'
Notico Is horeby ulren that Joseph V,
I-'Isher. of North I'latte, Neb., who. on July 2.
Itl, made homestt-ad entry No. X1'J3, serial
No. 02WI, for south half southeast iiuarter
section ,11, township ri, N, ranuo so, w. of tho
Uth Principal Morldan, has filed notice of In
tention to maKo llnal llvo year proof, to
establish claim to tho laud alxivo described,
beforo tlio ltegtstor and llcctdver at North
i'latte, N.eb, on thoftth day of August, HW.
Claimant names as wltnssses: 1'rud IHehl,
James Shuck, Carl Son tier man. Uus Dlelil,
all of Nortli I'latte, Nob.
JS-I J. E. Evans. Ite!stcr.
To tlio Somerset Land Syudlcato: Tho
southeast quarter section -I. townsliLp 10,
north, of raniro si, west, sixth 1'. M the un
known owuors of said tract. Alfred Make,
Ueoriro Carter. Marie ICmma Chandler, execu
trix ot tho estate of I). M. Chandler, deceased
Mario Emma Chandler, John William Drys
dale, Charles Elliott. John Lancaster, John
lteason. l'rederlcka William Shorroy, Ed
ward V. 81ms. tleorco I Truman. 8r
II. Tydeman. first namo unknown. I'eter
Wallace. Itobort Wallace. A. Wtlllntr.
first namo unknown, John Wotliersroon,
Johy E. L. Oifden, Mrs. Sarah Colniun, Wil
liam Anderson Miller, Ellsha E. Cushion and
James Ovens'. You and each of your aro
hereby notllied that Desta E. McCouuell, ono
of tho defendants lit the case of Somerset
Land Syndicate vs. I). E. McCouuell and
Edward E. Davis, peudlnir In tho district
court of Lincoln County, Nobraska. Illed a
cross petition In said nction asklui; for tlio
foreclosure of a tax lien held by heraualnst
tho said southeast quarter section 1. town
ship 10. north, raniro .11, west, sixth I'. M.
under nnd by virtue of tax certlllcato No.
"I.'W Issued to her by tho treasurer ot Lincoln
county, Nebraska, on tho third day of No
vember, 1UUX and for all subsequent tuxes
paid by her. That tho amount claimed duu
on said tract of land Is ?7M and tlio said
cross petitioner nsks that said tract ot laud
bo sold for tho payment thereof.
You and each of you aro required to an
swer said cross petltlou on or beforo tho Uth
of Atieust, UWJ.
llyGeoruo Et Trench, lur Atty.
To every liors'ou in actual possession
01- occupancy of tho premises hclow
described and to Jennie M, 1 1 Illusion.
.1, West lllnustou Trustee aud Koinalno
James lllnustou hi whoso name tho title of
said promises appears of record In the olllco
of tho lteulster of Deeds, In Lincoln County,
Nebraska, ami to you aud each ot you aro
hereby notllied that on tho -ttli day of No
vember, 1W7, T, W. Nawman purchased at
imhltcsalotcortlllcato Nn. )") at tho County
Treasurer's olllco of said county, tho follow
lnu described real estate, towltt lots seven,
eluht and nlno (7. 8 and U) In block twenty (20)
In.tho North I'latte Town Lot Company's
Addition to the c-lty of North I'latto. Ne
braska, for tho delinquent taxes duo thereon
for tho year two. for tho sum of S7H.80 and 011
tho "1st day ot iepteiiibcr, 1UOH, paid the sub
sequent taxes assessed against said promises
for the yoar 11X17 for tho sum of i2. Ki and on
the 17th day of .May. lWW.patd tho subsequent
taxes assessed aualnstsald premises fur tlio
year for tho sum of $U; that tho timo
for redemption will expire 011 tho 1th dayot
Novomhur, 1MW, and If tho tald promises aro
not redeemed 011 the 0th day of November,
iwy. from said tax sale tho tindursluned will
apply to t tin County Treasurer for deed to
said premises.
Dated this 7th day of June. V.W.
U', W. Nawman.
Referee's Sale.
Hv v'rtuoof an order of tho District Court
of Lincoln County, Nobraska, mado on tho
Uth day ot June, I1KK), In a partition suit then
peiuunu wiieroin iiiieniiua ldoim is plain
tlir and Henry ICIeemeyor, Kleetnoyer his
wltu. Ilrsl namo unknown, Casper Klcemeyeh
Ivleomoyer his wife llrst namo unkuovyo,
I'rcd Kleemeyer, - Kleetnoyer his wlfo llrst
namo unknown. Jetty Kleemeyer, Henry MU-
I..- It..l.n M.Kn t.. t ...... Milt
IUI, t4t'.t.lV Jflllllll, ,,,ai .IU1IU9. 1AIUIH .lllllUr.
1'red .Miller. Will am .Millor. Sim Dnlan.
Jones, husband ot Mary Jones tlrt namo uar
Known. 1-red i-.chtenkauip. wi nam Lchten-
Kamp, neury i.ciiteuKamp, .lotty smith.
.iiini n. 1,11 rnusi i-i ur, usiuon-r ner niur;
baud, llrst namo unknown, Etta l.utMnlioUlorj
ami iviiiiam i.uiKinuoiuer afo (iureiuituiui
and directed to me. Reoruo E. l-'rench as
refereo. I will 011 the 2nd day of Auuust, IWw.f
at two o'clock p. m. of said day, at tlio oasttj
front door ot tho court houso In said county j
ot Lincoln, sell to tho hluhost bidder thoNi
northwest quarter of section thirty-live (as);"!
uiltl wiu ftumuuuab uuiifliir ui nuuiiuii nuuvj-
rmirr.iianinrownflnrptoit im n. or rnutri.
1 . 'iii p. m.i ror unsri. .
CEO E. I IttNCIl. UoflUi