Suggestions for Wedding Gifts is impossible for us to enumerate all of the hundreds of articles m our stock wiucii are appropriate for wedding gifts and to describe the style and beauty of each pattern or flnsidn would be enuallv difficult. The following list suggests a few suitable items which may be seen along with many others in a great variety of designs by a visit to our store: a. STERLING SILVER - - $ .75to$ - - .85 to Bon Bon Spoons - -Olive Forks - - -Sugar Spoons - - -Sugar Tongs - - -Berry Spoons - - -Meat Forks - - -Other Serving Pieces Bon Bon Dishes - -Berry Bowls - - -Cream and Sugar Sets Bread Trays - - -Knives and Fork - - 1.25 to 1.S0 to 3.50 to 1.75 to .75 to 2.75 to 14.00 to 12.00 to 12.00 to 2.00 1.75 2.50 3.00 8.00 G.00 10.00 8.50 25.00 20.00 25.00 3.G0 to 30.00 Pickard's Hand-Painted China Vases Plates Fancy Dishes Water Jugs Complete Sets, Etc. $1.50 to $25.00 CUT GLASS -y. Berry Bowls - - - - $ 3.00 to $15.00 V" Cream and Sugar Sets - 3.50 to 10.00 Vases 1.50 to 25.00 Compotes 2.50 to 15.00 til Spoon Trays .... 2.00 to 3.00 Celery Trays .... 3.50 to G.00 ) Bon Bon Dishes - - - 1.35 to G.00 mVm Water Pitchers - - - 5.00 to 10.00 i Tumblers, Set - - - 4.00 to 12.00 k Finger Bowls - - - 1.00 to 5.00 lJ Vinegar Cruets ... 1.75 to 4.50 Wine Sets 8.50 to 25.00 V Water Sets .... G.00 to 35.00 .A Candlesticks Desk Sets BRASS Trays Jardiniere Book Racks, Etc. 75c to $15.00 Fine Potteries, Clocks, Toilet Wares, Electroliers and Novelties DIXON-THE JEWELER Qf2 V'v' iVV v ivO' Vw ... I - . ' I " ' ' 1 I I ' - " - ' SCHILLER & CO., Prescription Druggists First Door North of First National Hank Wood White and son Major returned Wednesday night from a brief visit in Denver, Como to the washing beo next Mon day afternoon at Workman & Darry berry's. Mrs. George Field left yesterday on No. 8 for a visit at her old home in De troit, Mich. A five car train of silk from China went east yesterday as second section of No 4. A committeo is now canvassing the city for the salo of Chautauqua season ticjects. Yesterday over one hundred wero sold. Bring tho little folks to hear about the Boogy-Boo at tho Keith Juno 24th. A. B. Goodwiu and family left Wed nesday for a visit at Portland and tho Seattle exposition. They will be absent about six weeks. It is rumored that a modern olectrjc lightod train from Chicago to Portland will bo put on in tho near future to carry tho heavy travel to tho exposi tion at Seattle. Your furniture needs varnishing and repairing before houso cleaning. Seo P. M. Soronson, shop 107 E. 5th St. Mrs. J. F. Fillion tripped and fell while coming down tho Btairs leading to the K. P. hall Tuesday evening and re ceived severe injuries, including a f rac turod rib. Mrs. II. M. Grimes loaves next week for Canyon City, Col., whero she will be a mombor of a houso party for a week or two. Tho hostess and tho several lady guests wero former girl friends in Iowa. Ralph Starkoy and Miss Clara Geigor, who woro married in Denver lust Fri day evening, returned to town Tuesday and assumed management of the room ing house in tho Ottenstein block. For Rent Six room houso on West Second street. Lawn, shade, garden and electric lights. Geo. E. Fkench. Several North Platte people are now at the Seattlo exposition, others will leave for that city within tho next two weeks, but tho greater number who will attend will delav uoimr until about September 1st. Horses boarded by day or week, good care, charges reasonable. Lafo Pease, Front street Brick Barn. Phono 25. The Athletic board of tho University of Nebraska has decided to ask John D. Rockefeller for $50,000 to build new athletic field. Tho movemont is said to havo sanction of Chancellor Av?ry and Governor Shallenberger and if the renuost is crantod, the new field will be named "Rockefeller Field." If you have any real dirty garments bring them to the Wonder Wnshor demonstration and seo them washed in leas than a minute by the factory de monstrator noxt Monday aftornoon Juno 21st, at Workman & Derryberry's Women Who Are Envied. Those attractive women who are lovely in faco, form and tompor are the envy of many, who might bo. liko them. A weak, sickly woman will bo nervous and irritable. Constipation or kidney poisons show pimples, blotches, aKlr eruptions and a wretched complexion Pnr nil siifih. Electric Bitters work won tars Thov retrulato Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, purify the blood; give strong norves, bright eyes, pure breath, smooth, velvety akin, lovely com ploxion. Many charming women owe their health and beauty to them. 50c at A. J. Salisbury is transacting busi ness in Ogalnlla today. Como and havo a circus witii tho jolly throng at the Keith Juno 21th. Wednesday was a busy day at tho local lcoing plant, ninty sovon cava of fruit being iced. O. H. Thoelccko went to Julesburg and Ogalalla this morning, taking with him some eastern land buyers. , Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Neville arrived on No. 11 this morning from an ex tended visit in the east. County Surveyor Moyers and Commis sioner Kocken went to Sutherland this morning on business pertaining to coun ty roads. The best and cheapest Fire, Light ning, Hail, Tornado and Cyclone In surance written by Bratt & Goodman. Whilo in Omaha a short timo ago, wo were told by a man who knows: that tho prospects for a Y. M. C. A. building at North Platte woro very bright and that it will ba erected in a short time. Tho ladies' auxiliary to tho.B. of L. E. will hold a special meeting this eve ning at tho homo of Mrs. John Stra horn. Arrangements will be mado for a social to be held next week and a full attendance is desirod. J. H. Hoffmaster, repersenting tho local water company, arrived from tho east yesterday and will meet this even ing with tho city council for the purpose of agreeing, if possible, on tho pur chase price of tho plant. Clyde J. Wright, a socialist speaker, gave two streot corner speeches on "Tho Threat of Socialism," Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, Ho was very enthusiatic over hit topics but as he had to compote with a street fakir for an audience, the crowd of listeners was very small. There has recently been issued by a Chicago Publishing House, a bulky volume ontitled "Western Nobraska." It gives a history of western Nobraska to date and a biographical sketch of many old 8ettler3, many of whom live in North Platto. The book resembles Webster's Dictionary in sizo and ro tails for $15. Chief of Police Lowell returned Wed nesday night with D. C. Schroeder, who is wanted on tho oliargo of stoal ing a pair of schaps of one of tho Par- ceon boys. Schroedor, whoso home ii in Omaha, formerly worked in tho local Union I'aciuc shops. Tho thoit occurreu about a week ago, It is understood that Schroeder will plead guilty. DR. 0. II. CRCSSLER, Graduate Dcnfisf. Ofiico over tho McDonnld Stato Bank. Miss Jcnnio Sayre, of Grand Island, is the guest of friends in town. Mrs. D. C. Congdon and Mrs. Guy Congdon are homo from a visit in Oma ha and Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cover returned this morning from their wedding trip to Nampa, Idaho. We havo a full lino of Hammocks ranging in prices from 25c. up. U1NCKER S 1100K OlOrC. Miss Edith Patterson returned last night from Lincoln, wharo sho hud boon visiting friends for several weeks. Mrs. E. A. GarlUeh loaves tho oarly oart of noxt week for a two months visit at Norfolk and points in tho enst. M. H. McDormott, of Somorset, and brother Thomas McDermott, of Wnlker precinct, transacted businoss in North Platte oesterday. Seed Ryo for salo by tho North Platto Mill and Grain Co. Tho Order of Eastern Star will hold a special meeting Saturday evening and conduct initiatory services. Refresh ments will bo served. The ladies' auxiliary to the B. of R. T. will hold a ten cent social at tho homo of Mrs. Perry Buchanan on W id nesday evening of noxt week. The North Platte Mill & Grain Co. is paying 70 cents per bushel for corn. W. L. Cary, of Omaha, stopped over in town yesterday whilo enrouto homo from Bridgeport, where ho wont to look after a bridge contract. Victor doublo faced records and Edison four minute records. Wo have attachments for machines for four minute records. RlNCKElt's Book Store G. A. McMiehnl, formerly of this city, secrotury of tho Y. M. C. A. at Hastings, has handed in his resig nation nnd will bo succeedod by tho assistant secretary at Omaha. In tho last gamo of" tho trip Tuesday North Platte defeated Ogalalla by a score of one to nothing. Ogalalla has n good team, but North Platte has a hotter one. A return gamo is to be played here soon and tho team deserves the patronage of every ono in North Platte, Wo havo a good team and it can bo mado bottor by your hoarty support both financially and vocally, If you are not yot a fan bo ono. Alfalfa. Cane. field and garden 5th & Locust Sts. Mllet and all kinds seeds at Hcrshoy's, Episcopal Church. Early celebration of tho Holy Com munion at eight o'clock a. m., Sunday next. Regular morning sorvico nnd sermon at 10:30 n. m. Sunday school at tho church at 12 m. nt St. Paul's Chapel on tho north sido of tho tracks nt 3:00 p. m. Evening prayer and sermon nt 7:30 p. m. All nro cor dially invited to attend these services. Wo want your children in our Sunday schools and if not nttnehod to any school, wo will mnko them welcome. Tho Sunday school of St. Paul's chapel is to accommodate those parents north of tho tracks who havo children too small to cross to this side or those who prefer to attend Sunday school in tho afternoon. There is a circulating library in this Sunday school whero your boy and girl can read carefully chosen books. Wo nim to tnko a personnl in terest in nil tho children who come to us. Rev. C. F. Chaiman. WALAMO Something New for Inside Paint. Many women who nro havinc their houses done over this season nro using Wnlamo Paint instoad of paper, especi ally for plastered rooms. Thero Is no doubt whatever that turn mothou is more hygenic and cloan'y. Tho walls can be washed down and do not need to bo renewed each soaBon. It is much more ccomical than paper. Seo Workman & DEnitYUEiitiY. Garfield Item. Mr. T. M. Johnson has n sister from Kansas visiting him. Mrs, A. J. Smith and family are en joying a visit with her nephew, Mr. Ernest, who resides in Kansas. Tom Gill camo up from Callaway Saturday returning Monday taking with him his littlo granddaughtor Laurita Meyers. Tho Children's day sorvico that the Sunday school had prepared for last Sunday passed oil very nicely, a good sized audience being present, quite u number coming from a distanco. Mrs. Henry who resides on the Tnline Tablo camo up last week and is visiting with her two sons Jim and Pete Henry. K eep Co Sir! 1 WHEN you're ready to lay asids your vest, it's a sure sign that the "Good Old Sum mer Time" is near. PREPARE FOR IT1 Look to your bodily comfort and peace of mind by providing yourself with one of our cooling Summer Suits, These Suits are right up to our usual high standard and they show every style kink that is now on. .CopyiijM 1909, , Tlx HouMof, Kurptalioax Choice new fabrics, erect lapels, non sagging fronrs, Trousers that refuse to bag every detail is just right and the Suits are very handsome without being priced too high. $15, $16.50, $20 to $25. Cool Hats, Cool Shirts, Cool Underwear, Cool Hosiery and Cool Toggery of all sorts, in styles that are different. Just make note of the fact and you'll find that the best things to wear always hail from here. weingand & Mcdonald GOOD CLOTUES MERCHANTS Mm W. F. Campboll delivered n load of oats to Maxwell on Tuesday. Among thoso from this vicinity who attended the funeral of Mr. Greenland Monday wero Mr. nnd Mrs. Campbell, Mr. nnd Mrs. Fox and Mrs. Ed Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Smith, A. L. Aublo and wife, Jacob Miller nnd Mrs. Oreon Kilncr. Several from thia vicinity attended tho show day. at North Platto last Satur- Could Not Be Better. No ono has ovor mado a salve, oint ment, lotion or balm to compare with Bucklen's Arnica Salvo. Its tho ona Sorfect healer of Cute, Corns, Bums, ruisos, Sores, Scalds, Boils, Ulcers; Eczema, Salt Rheum. For Soro Eyes, Cold Sores, Chapped Hands Its supreme. Infallible for Piles. Only 25c at Stono Drug Co. Jack Service. The Experimental Substation has shipped in a fino Jack which is being stood for service to a limited number of selected mares at a very reasonable price. A Thrilling Rescue. How Bert R. Lean, of Cheny, Wash, was saved from a frightful death is a Btory to thrill tho world. "A hard cold," he writes, "brought on a uespenuo lung trouble that bnflied an expert doctor here. Then I paid $10 to $15 a visit to a lung specialist in Spokane, who did not help mo. Then I went to California, but without benefit. At last I used Dr. King's Now Discovery, which completely cured me and now 1 am as well as ever." For Lunc Trouble, Bronchitis, Coughs nnd Colds. Asthma, Croup its supremo. 50c and $1.00, Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Stono Drug Co. to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to Th e id-Su mmer KT- THE LEADER Sale! to to to to to The Mid-Summer Sale at The Leader is proving a big success, and hundreds of persons are taking advantage of the bargains offered in reliable merchandise. We are not selling shelf-worn, out-of-date goods, nor odds or ends, but a reliable class of seasonable merchandise. Below are a few of the many bargains we offer, and TO to to to to to to to to Distilled Water Ice. The Lexington Artificial Ice Works has established an agency in North Platte with Joseph Spies as agent, and are prepared to furnish in unlimited quantities this Distilled Water Ice. The price is fifty-five cents per ioo pounds. ' 1 Will also furnish patrons with Distilled Water. each is a genuine bargain: DOMESTICS. to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to 7 and 8 cent Prints go at this sale for. . . . 36-inch. L L Muslin during this sale at. . . , 15 cent French Ginghams can be bought at this sale for 12 1-2 cent Percale goes at this sale for. Washable Petticoats worth $1.25 at this sale 25 cent Bicycle Hose at this sale for .... Ladies' Black Hose per pair. . . . Ladies' Gauze Underwear 15 cent quality at. . . . Long Silk Gloves regular $1.50 quality at Good Thread during this sale at, per spool 5c c 10c 8c 73c 17c 11c 8c 69c 3c GENUINE BARGAINS. 23c sale. Mens' Summer Underwear regular price 40 cents . Men's Neglegee Shirts 75 cent quality at this Ladies' WhiteOxfords worth up to $1.50 at. . . . 1 2 -foot Linoleum regular price 75c at this sale. . Men's 50c and 75c 4-in-hand Ties at this sale . . One lot Children's Bonnets' worth up to $1.25. One lot Ladies Shoes to to to to to to to to to to to These prices are for cash only. The sale will continue thirty days, but the sooner you call, the larger the stock from which to make selections. I THE LEADER. - - - - 39c 39c I 60c I 39c 43c St worth up to $4.00 at. .tjJl Ou $1.25 and $i. 35 ' i A i Velvet Carpets now . 1 ) (j) Men's Socks C good ones t)C Men's Handkerchiefs ff r TO red and blue DC TO TO , to to VI '.I J. Pizer, Prop. j to TO TO TO Stono Drug Co.