The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 18, 1909, Image 5

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It Wasn't a Witch He Caught,
but His Ideal of a Girl.
Copyright, 1900, by Associated Literary
Andrew Salisbury was on his vaca
tion when bo mot bis fate.
A sovoro attack of typhoid had put
him considerably on tlio bias, so that
ho welcomed a quiet recuperating old
farmhouse "twenty miles from n lem
on" ns n desired haven and went there
for n Bummer's sojourn the 1st of
The old couple with whom ho board
ed were one Lemuel Merrlwether and
his wife, ami thoy worried constantly
for fear ho should havo n relapse.
"I'm very upt to," Atidrew assured
them often, "being so weak, you know.
The delirium especially is likely to
Being a lone young bachelor, ho en
Joyed their anxiety In his behalf and
worked shamelessly on their sympa
thies. "My heaven 1" oxclnlmed Mrs. Merrl
wether the morning that he told her
that, throwing away a ralslu that she
was seeding and putting tho seeds Into
the cako In her excitement.
"Oh, it's a very sad disease 1" con
tinued Androw pensively, reaching for
his fifth cooky.
-Then he took his camera and went
out for u morning's prowl through the
The country was In Its summer
glory, and Just before ho started back
to the house he took tho picture that
started tho trouble.
ETo had been walking nlong by the
river, and, struck by a clump of birch
trees that fringed a dim woodland
path, he trained his camera on It and
sought tho Under. IIo smiled happily
as ho saw tho picture It made the
slim young trees with tho long path
winding up behind them.
"Thnt's lino!" ho told himself nnd,
holding the camera steady, snapped it
IIo could scarcely wait to got home to
develop it
Mrs. Merrlwether saw him coming
and exclaimed anxiously, "Gracious
me, boy, whero's tho ilrc?"
"Got a prize package," ho answered
Mrs. Merrlwether, honest soul, stnred
after him.
"You don't suppose, now, the heat's
affected his head, do you?" she whls
percd to Lemuel as ho came- up from
the barn n little later.
"lie's been on the go nil day In tho
hot sun, nnd after such a fever ns he
had he's liable to have spells of
looney, you know he said so. I jus'
asked him what ho was hmr.vlns s
for. nnd he said he had a prize pa k
ii go. and I declare to goodness I dldn'i
see it"tlilmr but that old camera!"
"S'no. shoo, mother, tho boy's all
r!'h;. It's probably Just somo of hit
Av.;nv business."
If the:.' had seen "the boy" at thai
moment they would proliahl;.
;. Ii-imi moro anxious than thoj
: r.'.s'Hit him.
v.s looking at tho developed
' 1 ' i'.i startled eyes. Ills hands
f an he held It up dripping be
1 v ; i him nnd the small ruby lamp on
t i table.
"Uy CI cored" ho said and put It
through the lint li again.
A second time he held It up nnd seru
Hnl::ed It In the dim red glow.
"P.y gum," ho said, "It's a witch or
I'm going looney!"
There was tho path stretching out ul
lurlngly Into tho woods beyond. There
were the birch trees, tall and slender
and beautiful, and there, Just beyond
them, peering out between two mass
lvo oak tree trunks thnt bordered the
path, was a girl or a witch or a dry
ad, with laughing lips, Hying hair and
nn extraordinary eighteenth century
."I low the dickens!" puzzled Andrew,
"it's something on tho film. There
couldn't havo been a real girl there,
alone. Lord, there ain't one within
twenty miles! She surely wouldn't
walk that far, and there was no team
In sight, and, anywuy, what would a
girl of Revolutionary days be doing
lie wnshed tho film carefully and
put It through the hypo bath. Then he
washed It again and, hnnglng It up to
dry, went down to supper.
Thero he talked at random, his mind
being full of the mysterious picture.
Ills rcmnrks wcro so rambling that
they confirmed every suspicion that
Mother Merrlwether had formed that
"lie's offl" she whispered sharply to
Lemuel outside tho kitchen door. "It's
the heat. He's 'way off. Just seo how
funny ho talks. If ho ain't better In
tho morning we'll hnvo Dr. Snow come
over. We'll havo to watch him with
out his knowing It. Wo must be
mighty careful not to exelto him. Oh,
goodness, nln't It awful, that poor boy!
My, but typhoid's a fearful disease."
Lemuel, vnstly alarmed, was in
stantly "on to his Job." For a watch
dog he proved A1. Andrew had diffi
culty In shaking him off long enough
to go to tho dark room at bedtime.
The film was almost dry, and ho
could scarcely wait until tho next day
to make a print of It.
Whon morning came, however, he
found Lemuel sticking closer than a
brother. Wherever ho wont Lemuel
wont also, and when Lemuel had to
lenvo him long enough to seo about his
live stock mother obediently took up
the trail Jus whero ho left It, until
Andrew, Impatient nnd totally uncon
scious of their ntixlctles In his behalf,
bluntly locked his door In her very
fnco and, getting out his printing
frame, settled down to business.
Tho sunshine was bright In his south
window, nnd he had a print complet
ed In quick time. IIo held It to tlio
light excitedly, the water dripping
from It.
"Chrlstmns, It's n goddcssl" ho ejne-
She peered out at him, her laughing
faco round and mischievous. Her
dress wAs of olden stylo, with hugo
panniers nt tho side and n trim, laced
bodlco with a low French neck nnd
llttlo puff sleeves. One tiny foot stuck
out saucily In n high heeled French
Androw Btnretl nt her ninnzed. Tho
nrched eyebrows nnd dcllcnto fnco
wore patrician. She might hnvo Just
Btcppcd out of somo old French paint
ing. Why had ho not noticed her ns
he snapped tho picture? It was all
mysterious. Then he hoard Mr. Mcrrl
wether's step outside und called to
"Any llttlo French court ladles
around hero?" ho Inquired.
Androw opened tho door, nnd Lemuel
came In, a puzzled expression on his
honest old face.
'Not thnt I know of," ho answered.
"Well, then, I'm seeing things,"
Inughed Androw, "because I caw one
In the woods yesterday, puffs and ruf
fles nnd high heeled shoes."
"You did?" exclaimed Lemuel slow
ly. "You did, oh?"
Then, to Andrew's surprise, Lemuel
quickly took the key from the lock
und, putting It in again on the outside
of tho door, went out, locking It behind
Andrew pounded nnd yelled In rage
nnd surprise, but nil to no purpose. A
half hour wout by; then a carriage
drew up to tho door, and n second lnt
r Lemuel unlocked Andrew's door nnd
entered, a strange gentleman with him.
"Not fooling well, I hear?" the
strange gentlemnn remarked.
"First I knew of it." spluttered An
drew. 'Tie's got n rolnpse," exclaimed Lem
uel. "Gone crazy like. Seeing things.
Saw a French court lady in tho woods
yesterday" Hut he got no further.
Dr. Snow broke out Into n mighty
"So you nro the young gentleman?"
ho said. "Let's see the picture."
Andrew brought It sulkily forth, not
yet understanding.
"It's my niece. DIantho Barrows,"
explained the doctor after n minute,
still laughing.
Andrew smiled. Dlnnthe!
How tho name fitted her!
"She was attending a fancy drees
lawn party at Stratford, about six
miles up the river, on tho other side.
She pnddled down In her ennoe and,
seeing those pretty birch trees, wan
dered Into tho woods, hiding her canoo
In the bushes. Sho saw you, but you,
of course, did not see her. She know
thnt she would probably show In the
picture, ns Mie happened to peer out
from behind tho trees Just ns you
snapped It. Sho was dressed In a
French costume that used to bo her
great-great-aunt's. We hnd n good
laugh last night when she told us
about It. Wo could imagine whnt a
surprise it would bo to tho gentlemnn,
whoovcr he might be, nfter tho picture
was printed."
"It was," said Androw, laughing him
self now.
"Is Is sho staying with you hero In
Tho doctor smiled a llttlo.
"Yes; for tho summer. At present
sho is sitting outside In my buggy,
holding tho horse."
"I'll come out nnd meet her," said
Andrew promptly. "I always know
I'd marry a girl named DIantho."
No Placo Like Home.
A native of Prince Edward Island
had gone forth to seo tho world. When
ho reached Boston ho engaged a room
at. a modest hotel, Intending to rcnmln
there while ho hunted for work.
"Will you register?" nsked tho clerk,
handing him a pen.
"Heglsler?" said tho traveler. "What
Is that?"
"Wrlto your name."
"What for?"
"Wo are required to keep a record
of all our guests."
Tho man wrote his namo and was
about to lay down tho pen when tho
clerk added:
"Now tho place, If you please."
"What place?"
"Tho placo you come from. Whero
do you live?"
"I live on tho lslnnd."
"Well, but what island?"
Tho other man looked at him In
amazement. Then he said, with an
emphasis that left no doubt of his
feelings: "Prince IMward Island, man!
What other Island Is there?"
Social Amenltiea.
Llttlo Marion was about to make her
first call unattended by a member of
tho family. She was to stay a half
hour. Inspect a wonderful now doll
belonging to a small friend and retail
"Now, Marlon," was her mother's
parting admonition, "Mrs. Rogers may
ask you to stay and dine with them
If sho does, you must say, 'No, thank
you, Mrs. Kogcrs; I havo already
dined.' "
"I'll 'member, mammn," answered
Marlon and trotted off.
The visit finished, the little girl
donned her hat and started for tho
"Oh, Marlon." mid her hostess, over
taking her In tlio ball, "won't you stay
and have a bile with us?"
Thin was an unexpected form, and
for a second the child hesitated. Then
she rof to the went Ion.
"No. tin"!': ynii. M. I!o"PW." sho
jip . ! i i" ! ': "I havo nlrrvdy bit
t( i V .- ' ( 'p l! II
After the Crash Thero Came a
Shock and a Surprise.
Copyright, 1909, liy Asaoclated Literary
Yes, she wore the blue nnd white
dress which had been her wedding
gown, much against Aunt Nyklrk'.i
will, and the latter had said disagree
able things In consequence, even going
so far ns to prophesy that something
would happen.
But what could "happen?" Simply
nothing. Wns not this the old reliable
oventng train, forever on time nnd
without a hint of hoodoo or nny other
bloodcurdling thing In its record?
Of course 1 Rose Uugle settled tho
question satisfactorily In her own
mind nnd from a multitude of femi
nine trinkets In her wrist bag fished
out her ticket and wnlted complnccnt
ly for tho conductor. By and by, iir
tho "old rcllnblo" rolled along, the
moon came up, revealing the land
scape In picturesque panornmn, and
tho owner of the blue nnd white
gown laughed at the prophecy, flatten
ed her pretty nose ngalnst the dusty
pane and fell to enjoying the scenery.
Suddenly nbovo tho peaceful hum of
tho train rose demoniac shrieks from
two locomotives. Tho next moment a
terrific shock sent tho passengers In
nil directions.
Out from beneath the wreckage of
the shattered northbound crawled a
half dozen men nnd women, one with
n cruel slnsh across tho left cheek and
nnothcr with a brokeu arm, while the
remaining four were only "shaken
Among the latter Rose Englc strug
gled to ner feet and stood, while nnd
trembling, endeavoring to grasp the
possibility of tho "old reliable" mnk
ing such a departure.
While tho others began tho senrch
for their belongings or for friends less
luckv than themselves she stood still,
wondering whether It was tho blue
and white gown or tho wickedness of
her Intention which fulfilled Aunt Ny
klrk's prophecy.
Not since tho "word from up north"
that Jack hnd gone back to his old
habits nnd was actually "sowing his
earnings broadcast" had she taken
time for sober second thought. A year
ago, when she kissed him goodhy In
tho low doorwny before he went to
the Klondike, ho had pledged himself
to continue lii well doing, nnd she had
Tested In his promise.
Often sho entertained herself plctur
Ing tho home hey planned to havo on
his return, one with n large, airy kitch
en, plenty of sunshine nnd lots of bap
But when tho "word" ennio sho do
elded thnt Jack Englo's wife wns a
Bhnmofully neglected woman, especial
ly as ho had not written for months
Then n wild determination to be free
from tho man who had gone back to
his old habits nnd didn't care seized
her, and well, here sho wns on her
way to begin legal proceedings for n
separation nnd stranded nnd alone!
Aunt Nyklrk's parting shot rang In
her ears as she clung to a twisted sec
tion of tho vestibule.
"I'd expect something to happen If I
should start on such nn errand, bank
Ing only on henrsay and wearing my
wedding dress. Bless mcl Whon folks
take tho bit In their teeth nnd rush
headlong I always think of Jonah."
Shaky llttlo Mrs. Englo cast a horrl
fled glance down over tho blue and
white gown, now stroked with dust
and grlmo nnd torn In several places
Somo one beckoned to her from tho
farther end of the wreck. Why did sho
stand thero like a dummy when people
needed help?
Away she went over broken ties and
nround nn overturned holler from
which the steam hissed vindictively,
the blue and white gown fluttering in
tho moonlight liko n flag of truce.
Ah, there they were a man prono
on tho ground, nnd kneeling by his
side wns a physician with his open
medicine case.
"Stay by this poor fellow," said tho
doctor as she rnmo up, "while I go for
wnter." and ho was gone.
In a few moments ho returned and,
pouring something from a vial Into u
basin of wnter, gave It to her to hold
while he bathed the unconscious mnn's
She turned her head away. Sho
could not benr to look upon another
victim of the headlong-r
"Too bad!" broke In tho physician
on the self condemnation. "It Is really
too bad! He was going home with a
year's hard earnings with which to
surprise his wife."
Tho slender hands trembled, and tho
basin ennio near falling to the ground
Jack could havo saved, too, If ho had
loved his wife, but ho hadn't.
The doctor wns so Interested In his
patient that he did not notice her agl
tat Ion, so he followed his thoughts
audibly and continued: "Englo Is a lino
fellow. I'll wnrrant his wile Is proud
of him."
A low. smothered cry startled tho
man of medicine, nnd the basin fell to
tho cinder parched sward, spilling the
contents over tho blue and whlto
"Yon must bo braver than that," said
ho iflernly. "It may bo that my friend's
life depends on your quiet courage."
Willi a desperate effort sho refilled
tho basin and resumed her position
but now her gazo was fixed on tho up
turned fnco so familiar In every out
It depended on her. did UV Surely
this wns the atoning hour! Heaven
heerd Jonah In his extremity Would
hor petition of agonized sllonco pre
As If In answer the mau to bo proud
of slowly opened his nj es nnd mndo nn
attempt to rise,
"Ah. Jack, old boy, you're coming
nround all right!" cried the doctor,
supporting him nnd giving him n re
viving draft.
Aft or n few minutes, whon tho other
grow Btronger, tho physician continued
In tender, kindly tone: 'I ntu glad I
was with you, seeing we were booked
for casualties. Some one might have
tukon your money and left you to die.
As It Is, everything Is all right."
"Oh, Horton, I nm so glad, too, for
my wife a sake!" And Jack s hand
sought thnt of the doctor.
The blue und white gown drew back
Into the shadows.
"Here we nro!" exclaimed the doc
tor as the rumbling of the relief train
came to their ears. "Now let us seo
how well you can walk."
Tho bluo and white gewn. torn nnd
bedraggled, followed closely In the
wake of these devoted friends, nnd
little Mrs. Englc climbed up tho steps
of the homownrd bound coach behind
After Jack was comfortably settled
his friend said, "Now I must look
nfter tho lady who so bravely helped
bring you back from tho borderland."
The gown with tho medicine splnshos
on It slipped Into the sent Just behind
them, nnd Rose looked up as Dr. Hor
ton rose to go.
"Ah!" he snld. "Pardon me, madam,
for my seeming neglect. I wns so
taken up with Jack that I nearly for
got you."
She smiled faintly In answer, nnd ho
resumed his scat. Presently n hand
was laid timidly on his shoulder, nnd
ho looked nround.
"Would n surprise a glad one hurt
him?" sho nsked tremulously.
The wondering doctor shook his
head In the negative nnd wnlted for
her to go on. Leaning forward u tri
fle, she whispered something In his
With n misty gladness shining In his
eyes Dr. norton grasped the situation
ns best he could and asked, "You don't
expect to moot your wife on this train.
do you, Jack?"
"Oh. no; she Is snfe at homo!" was
tho quick reply.
"But suppose now," continued the
doctor, "thnt she Is here somewhere.
Would you know her, old fellow. If
you saw nor in tins ear'
"Horton, what makes you tnlk that
way?" queried the other, sitting erect
nnd growing curious.
A movement behind them drew
Jack's attention, nnd his question was
answered, so Dr. Ilnrtnn "Imply chang
ed places with tho owner of the bluo
nnd whlto gown, leaving his friend to
solvo tho problem of Mrs. Englo's
presenco nt his own sweet will.
When Aunt Nyklrk opened tho door
at midnight for her niece she grum
bled In sleepy disgust. But little Mrs.
Englc threw her nrms nround her
"Hush!" sho whispered Imperatively
"Hero comes Jnck!"
This Smnll World.
"About ten years iiko, when I wns
UvhiB In a vIUiiko In Illinois." said the
red headed man, "I hnd business to
cnll me to London. My KCtthiR rendy
for the trip was the talk of the place,
and n dny or two before I started I
was visited by h farmer who was an
Englishman nnd who snldr
" 'If you are going to London would
rou mind seehiK my brother Jim nnd
tolling him his brother Tom over here
Is well nnd dolnir well nnd wnnts him
to wrlto oftener?'
" 'What Is your brother's other
nnmo?' I nsked.
"'Smith, sir-Jim Smith.'
"I told him I would keep nn eye out
for the Smith family, and he thanked
mo nnd withdrew. In duo tlmo I nr
rived In London from Liverpool, nnd
as I took n cnb nt the depot I queried
of tho driver:
" 'Do you happen to know nny ono In
London nnmed Smith?'
'"I'm n Smith myself, sir,' ho re
'"Hut n Jim Smith.'
" 'I'm n Jim Smith.'
'"Uut n Jim Smith who linn got a
brother Tom In America.'
"'Hut 11 Jim Smith
Tom lu America Is 11
nols nnd wants to bo
whoso brother
farmer lu 1111
written to of.
"That's me nKiiln, sir, nnd here's
the proof of It. I'm Just Rolnp to mall
him this 'ere letter.'
"And hmiK 1110 If ho didn't show me
n letter ready for mulling nnd prove
his case on the spot. Ho was tho first
mau I had spoken to In London, and
ho was the Jim Smith I had been told
to look out for." ChatlnnooKn Times
A Japanese Legend.
Ono of the prettiest of all the slorles
relating to mirrors is that which comes
from Japan. In this u man brings as
a gift to his wife a mirror of silvered
bronze. Then she, having seen uoth
Ing of the hind before, nslcs In the In
nocenee of her heart whose was tin
pretty fm 0 smiling back at her. And
when, laughing, he tells her It Is nonr
other than her own she wonders si III
more, but is ashamed to ask further
questions. Hut when nt last her time
conies to die she culls her little datigh
ter nnd gives her tho treasure she has
long kept hidden nwny as a sacred
thing, telling her: "After I am dead
you must look lu this mirror morning
and evening und you will see me. Do
not grieve." So when the mother Is
dead the girl, who much rcscmhlcH her,
looks In the mirror day by day, think
Ing sho thero talks faco to faco with
the dead woman and never guessing
It Is but her own reflection sno sees
And It I added by the old Japanese
narrator that when tho girl's fat lie
learned the moaning of this straniie
conduct of hers, "he thinking It to bo
n very piteous thing, his eyes grew dim
with team."
Furniture Repairing
Also Woodturning.
.... A Specialty.
Shop 107 East Fifth.
A full lino of Cnskots, Robes, etc.
Calls nnswered promptly.
Day Phono 126, Night Phono 482.
The Best Stallion
In Lincoln County
can be found at the Birdwood
ranch at Hirdwood Siding.
All parties desiring to raise
good colts call at the Bird-
wood ranch
and inspect the
only registered
lorse the
iill-blood Percheron
in Lincoln county.
D. A. Goodrich.
Htnto of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss.
In tho county court.
In the matter of tho estalo of William A.
Oroiru. deceased.
Tlm stnle of Nebraska to 1 1111 heirs mul nnrt
of l.ln of tho said William A. Urcor. do
censed t
Tnkii notice. That upon flllnu nf a written
Instrument purporting to lm thn last will nnd
testnmeui of William A. Urcni; for probalo
and allowance, It Is ordered that salil matter
besot for hoarlntr tho 8th day of .luly. A, 0.
l(w. boforo said county court, nt thn hour nf
80'cloclcA. M , nt which llino aiiyiiersoii In-
tertosteil may appear nnd contest tho Ntunoj
and notice of this proceeding Is ordered pub
lished six successive Issues lu tho
North I'lnttn Tribune a Iciral newspaper.
piiHbllsed lu this Htato prior to July Hth. uwu.
in testimony wnoreor, 1 hnvo set my hand
and tho seal of tho county court nt North
l'latto this Hth dny of Juno. A. I). 1MW.
jls-u W- O. Ki.dkii, County Judtre.
In tho matter ot tho ostnto of Asn V.
Lowe, deceased.
in tho countv court of Lincoln Oountv. Ne
braska. Juuo Hth. HW.
Notico is itorony mvcil. mat t 10 creditors
of said deceased will meet the administrator
of said estate, before tho county J 11 dee of
Lincoln County, rsouruska. nt tho eonntr
court room, In said county, on tho 10th day ot
.nny, iiiw, ami on ino iuiii nay ot January,
lliio. at 0 o'clock A.M. each day. for tho pur
poso of preseutlnt; their claims for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance). Six mouths
are allowed for creditors to nresont their
claims, and 0110 year for tho administrator to
settle snld estate, from tho 12th dny of May,
iWJ. T its notice to bo nub Us hed for e u it
successive Issues In tho North l'latto
l'ritiuno n leirni nowspnpor published In Lin
coln County, Nebraska, prior to July loth,
J lo-H W. O. Ki.iiKH. County Jutise.
Horlnl No. 01U7S.
I)i:i'AltTMI!NT 01' Till". INTRItlOlt,
United States Land Olllco,
At North I'lnlto. Nobrnsltn. May 2I.1WW.
Notice Is hereby irlvell IhatAenes V. Hwnt
land, of Maxwell. Nebraska, who. on .limn
2Hth. Hindu homestead entry Nn. mai.
serial No. 01078, for southeast quarter, east
half southwest iinarter. southeast quarter
norinwesi uartor ami .ioik a, 4, &, t nnd 7,
Section 11, Township 13 N., Itatmo 2HW.,tlth
I rincinnl Meridian, lias iiiea not co of inten
tion to mnko Ileal live year proof, to establish
claim to tho land nlKivo described, 1m) fore
1110 recisicr aim receiver, ni isurtn finite,
Nebraska, on tho22il day of July. ltHiu.
Claimant names as Witnesses: Oharles
ilendy. Will llendy. diaries Kuhns nnd Mm
ireno llrown till of Maxwell, Nob.
m-j-u .1 . is. kvans. uccistor.
Serial No. OtiH.
Department of the Interior.
U, 8. Land Olllco nt North Platte, Nob,
May 21. 11HH
Notice Is hereby clvnn thnt Itunnrt
rcuwuii:or ot norm riatto, nop., who on may
1st. 1002. mndo Homestead Entrv No. HW.
Serial No. 111114, for west half southenst
aunrter, southwest iiunrter northeast Quarter
southeast nunrtor northwest nuartorof sec
tion H-'.towiiKldplO north, raiiKoBO west of the
sixth principal meridian, hns llled notice nf
intention to luiuto llnnl live year proof,
to establish claim to tho land alxivo described
before thn lteirlster nnd ltecelvor nt North
rintte.Nobrnska. on tho 21st day of July, low.
Claimant names ns witnesses! i;uris .iniin-
son, I'rnnlt Hood, Martin llod mid l1, 11,
uuiiiiy, nit or north riatto mi,
.,," 11.' 1,'l.lud !n..lUl...
Notice for Publication. ,
Furlnl No. IUK1 .
Departmeulof tho Interior.
II. H- Lund Olllco tit North l'latto. Nob.
.hi 110:1. low.
Notice Is hereby 1: 1 ven that Carl V. Mi-
Grow, of North l'latto. Neb., who on Juno HO,
001. mndo l nmcslond Kntrv No. msti. Serial
No. UL1JH7 for east half and southwest ouarter
section H, township in. north, rauuotf), west 01
tno "in principal mcriuian.nasiiicd notice or
Intention to mnko llnnl live year proof, to es
tablish claim to tho land nlsivo described, be-
inro mo resistor miu receiver nt norm riatle,
.xi'iirusKn, on innuuiiiiv 01 auhuhi. imr.i,
u uimiint names as wit nesNeH! V. .nun is.
W. A. Sterns. O. Max Mcdrew. Ailolph
iiuiioi in nil or iMoctii I'lane, ien.
js-il .1. K. Kvanh. lteiflhter.
risoAi, vhau loon.
I. C'has. K Temple, city clerk, hereby
certify that the following estimate of ex
penses- was made lir the mayor ntiil eltv
council of tho city of North I'ntle. Nebruskn.
for tho iiscol year of I ww, iho ilh day of
.May. 1 ww.
Hnlnrles for city olllclnls $ a,2h0 00
Kxpense f:,r II10 depnrtinent, Includ-
luc services of chief 1,000 00
Streets, culverts, uio Jt.600 00
Sidewalks, cross nirs nnd approaches Ml 00
Deueral and Incldoutnl expenses.... 4,1100 01)
I'lro protection .M.HKI lit)
Street llu'htluir S.MH) INI
Sewer tux lor lnleinst und IkiiiiIs. ... I.2i 00
hewer muinteiiuuco tax I.nouoo
Park I und 1,00000
Total i-i,Wi 00
Tho entire revenue for tho past llscal
year was fl7,fi00 -ID
mS)M UIIAH, If, TKMI'Ml, Ulty Olorlf.
Horlnl No. IMKW.
Department of tho Interior,
i;. S. Land Olllco at North l'latto. Neb.
J 11 1111 S. 1000.
Notice Is hereby irlvcn that Charles II. John
sou of (Jarllnld. Nob . who. on Juno 24 11K1I
made homestead entry No. 20110. serial
No mm tor south half and northeast
iiuartor of Section SO, Township PI N.. Manet)
1SW of the Hth 1'rlnclpul Meridian, has llled
notice of Intention to make final flvo vonr
proof, lo establish claim to tho laud nliovo
ileseiilH)il. Uiforii the lteirlster and ltecelvor.
at North Hullo, Nob., on the Oth day of
Claimant names as witnesses: Abraham L
Aublu, of (liirlleld, Neb.. I". M. Klllott, of
North Platte, Neb., 1). P Meyers, mis If lump,
both of uut Held, Men.
Jl-(l J. K. Kvanh, Iteulstor.
To Ml whom It may concsrnt
Tho special Commlsslnnrr ntnnlnti1 n
low. for tlm tiurtvtsn nf inikltnr rlinnm.
Jioad No. 22. and vacato In panKoad No. 22i
Part to hn established (nhsnirnl (Vimmnnn
Ing nt tho southeast cornor of Section 33.
Township 11. Manco 80, nnd runnlitir thoneo
cost ono-half mllo to tho center ot Section itt,
thonco north on halt soctton lino ns
near as practical ovor Sections 8J. 28 nnd 21
threo miles, nil In town It, Itaniro.TO. and tor
mlnatlniratidcotitioctlnif thereat with Road
Part to bo vacated! That nnrt of Thud Nn.
23 eommonclnir nt tho southeast corner of
Section S3 and southwest cornor of Section 83,
ruiiiiiiiir muiH-u inroo innes norm notween
ections as nnd :w, wand 2S, 20 and 21, nil In
own II. Ifanire Xt). Thn roasnn fnr varnlliii.
thoabovols thnt It will cost tho countr too
much money to try to mnko a rond thnt will
bo possible to trnvel. Road to bo established
tobotwireot wldo and known ns chnneo In
road No. 'Zi. has reported In furor nf tlm
ckamronnd vacntton In pnrtof road No. 22.
an objections thereto, or claims for damairo
must bo filed In tho county clerk's ofllco on or
Iwforo noon on tho 4th dar of Ainrust went.
or. Hitch road will bo established without
reference thrrnto.
Dated North Platto Nobr., Juno 1. JMM.
I''. It. Km.iott, County Clerk.
ltOADNO. S19.
To all whom It may concern)
Till! NItcclal enintnUtnnnp nnimlnlMl n
locate a nubile road commencing about
twolvo rods (UttK) feet west of tho northeast
corner of section 22. township 10. ranee 27.
running thoneo In n southeasterly direction
across sections 22. 23 and 2 on tho oast sldo
of canyon 35. following tho old road, 80 on
wot sldo of canyon, Ml In township 10.
ramrod, section 1 on west sldo of canyon
12 over rldco 100 roils, all In township .
rantro 27, sections 18, 10 and 20 on tho west
sldo of canyon, sections 28 and 2D on oast
side of canyon, section !H as road Is travelod,
all lu township 0. ramro 21). to county lino,
has reported In favor of tho estuhllnlimnnt
of said road, and all claims for da mattes or ob
ject Ions thereto must bo filed In tho county
clerk's olllco onorlwforo noon on tho 2d dny
of Ainrust, A. I). 11KJW, or such road will bo
stabllsheil without reference thereto
nnieii worm nnito, won. iuay w, lw.).
Jl4 V. It. Kt.MOTT. County Clerk
Tho Htato of Nebraska, l..
i.incoin uouniy. 1
In tho County Court.
In tho matter of thn outnfn nf Wllllnm
JolTors. deceased.
Tho Stnlo of Nebraska to tho heirs
and noxtof kill of tho said Wllllnm .TefTir.
dor oasedi
Take notice, that upon mine ot a written
Instrument purportlmr to In) thn Inst will and
testnmont of Wllllnm .Terrors for probato nnd
allowance, It Is ordered that said mattor bo
set for hoarlinr tho 7th day of July, A. I).
uw, iwroro said County Court, at tho hour of
2 o'clock p. m , nt which tlmo any person In
terested may appear nnd contest tho snmoi
and notice of this nrococdliiK Is ordered pub
lished for six successive Issues In tho North
inito uemi-vtoouiy Tribune n Icanlnows-
.taper published In this state prior to July
In testimony whereof. I liavn hereunto set
my hand nnd tho real ot tho County Court at
Norm l-iatto this nth day or .lime. A. I).
JI&-U W. O. Kt.nnu. County Juiltro.
Serial No. ohiih.
Department of tho Interior.
U. 8. Laud Olllco at North Platte, Mob.
.limn :i. 1MM.
Notice Is hereby frlvrm flint .lnsnnli V.
I'lshor. of North l'latto. Nob., who. on May
Vth, 1001. made homestead entry No. WVi,
serial No. 011)18, for south half northoast
quarter and north halt southoast quarter
section 34, township 12, north, ramro 30. west
of tho 0th Principal Morldan, has llled notice
ot Intention to mako llnnl flvo year proof, to
establish claim to tho land above described,
nororo tno neuister and ltecelvor at North
riatto, .ct on tho nth day of A u trust, WJ.
Claimant names us witnesses: Kreil lllehl.
James Shuck, Carl Soiinerman, Gus Dlehl.
an or norm riatto. Mob.
ja-ti J. K. EVANS.
Serial No. 0182.1.
Notice for Publication.
Department of tho Interior,
II. S. Land Olllco at North l'latto. Nob.
May Ultli. 1900.
Nnl inn lu tinrntii ulv.m llit. Tun W . .latvmu
of North Platte, Nebraska, who, on Juno 10th.
1002, made homestead entry No. 10371, Burial
No. 0125. forsooth half southeast ouarter and
south half southwest iurtur Bocllon 8,
l owushli) 14. north. ItanceZS west nf thn Sixth
Principal Meridian has llled notice nf Inten
tion to mako final llvo year proof to establish
claim to tho land alxivo described, liuforo tho
tcirlslor and Receiver nt North L'latto.
Nob,, on tho SSMtlayof July, UWU.
Claimant names as witnesses! lloraco
Hawkins, Mart Wilton and I'red Kusor, of
North l'latto. Nob., nnd John O, Mystrom.of
Maxwell, Nob.
11120-0 j. isvanh. Keiri.itor.
Serial No. 02103.
Department of tho Interior.
U. 8. Laud Olllco nt North l'latto. Nob.
Juno a. looo.
Notice Is hereby trlven that Josnnh W.
I'Mshor. of North l'latto. Nob., who, on July 2,
1001, mntio Homestead entry wo. hkiki, soriai
No. 02lli:i. for south half southeast nunrtor
section III. township 12. N. rnmre 80. W. of tho
llh Principal Morldan, has llled notice of In
tention 10 mauo unai live yonr prooi, to
establish claim to tho 1 nnd nbovo described,
before tho lteirlster and llecolvor at North
Platte, Nob, 011 tho nth day of AuKUst. lW.
Olalmatitnamcs as wltnssscs: Fred Dlehl,
Junes Shuck. Carl Honnorman. Gus Dlehl.
an or North riatto, nou.
JS-I .1. J'.VANS. icciristor.
Tho Htato of Nebraska, lu
Lincoln uoimty. 1
In tho County Court.
In tho matter of tho cstato of William
II. Weltv. deceased, To tho credi
tors, heirs and others Interested In tho
ostatoof William II. Wolty,
iauo nonce, mat, .101111 1.. uvons lias
llled In tho county court n report nf his
dolmrs im ndmlnlstrntor of said estate and
it is ordered that tho samo stand
for hoarlni: tho Hrd day of July. A.D. KWJ, bu
foro tho court at tho hour of V o'clock a, m
at which tlmo any person Interested may ap
pear and except lo und contest tho same. And
notice of this proceeding Is ordered irlvcn
by publication ot this nollcu in tho North
riatto Tribune, ror six successive publica
tions prior to .July ;inl 1000,
witness mv hand and the soul or 1 10 county
court nt North l'latto this 7lh day ot Juuo,
J M-u w. O. KMiim. County Judifo.
The Htato of Nebraska, Lincoln County, s.s.
111 too uoiiuiy uourt.
In tho matter of the iruardlanshln of
Vera Josephine Moran, a minor.
To tho creditors, heirs, legatees, nnd others
Interested lu tho iruurdlunslilp of said minor
Take not I .'o, thnt John 10 Kvuus hns llled
In the county court 11 report of his dollars as
irutirdlnn or Vi ru Josenhlnn Mornntaml It Is
ordered that tho same stand for hearlnir tho
d day or .lime, A. I), lw, lie lore tho court
al tho hour of U o'clock, ti. m., nt which tlmo
any person Interested may apiniur und except
to und contest tho same, And notice or this
iiioceedlnir Is ordered trlven lu tho North
Platto Tribune for six succoslvo publications
prior to Juno '!, loot).
Witness my hand and tho seal of tho coun
ty, court at North l'latto this 2,rith day of
May, A. D, IO00.
W 0. KiiDKM, County Jurtuo
To every person lu actual possession
or occupancy of tho premises lielow
doscrllied and to Jennie M, llluirstoii,
J, West lllmrslou Trustee, and Momnlun
.lumos llluL'stou lu whoso' nnmo the title of
said piomlses appears of record lu tho olllco
ot tho Itetrlstur of Deeds, In Lincoln County,
Nebraska, and to you and each of you nro
hereby notllled that 011 tho 1th day of No
vember, 1007, T. W, Nawimin purchased at
public snlo (certlllcnto No, iMjM) at tho County
Treasurer's olllco of said county, the follow
ing described rcul estate, low It; lots seven,
elcht und nine (7. H and 0) In block twenty (20)
In tho North Platto Town Lot Company's
Addition to tho city of North Platto, Ne
braska, for tho delinquent taxes duo thereon
for tho your 1W), for tho sum of $7H.Wnnd on
tho '.'1st day of September, 10US, paid tho sub
sequent tnxos assessed niralnst said promises
for tho year 11X17 for tho sum of and on
tho 17th dny ot May, IO00, paid tho subsequent
taxes assessed ntraliisl said promises for tho
year J WW for tho sum of 0.ii that tho tlmo
for redemption will expire on tho 4 th day ot
November, 1000, and If tho atd premises nro
1101, ruuceiiicti on nm uiu nay or November,
1000, from snld tax sale tho undorslirned will
appty to inn uounty Troasurer.for dood to
said nremlses
Dated this 7th day of Juno, luffl,
T. W, NAWtlAN.