The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 18, 1909, Image 4

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    Men's Low Shoes. &
$4.00, $4.50, $5.00.
We are offering this serson an assortment of
good Oxfords for Men to an extent never before at-
Crystal Theatre Tonight and Saturday.
Pictures Teddy in Jungleland; Brid-
got on a Strike; An Actor's Mother;
Tree Champogno. Illustrated Songs
"I Never Knew What Love Wns" nnd
"Lonely Me." Prices 10 nnd 15 cents.
Front Street Brick Barn
is prepared to bonrd and properly enro
for horses by the day or month. Tran
sient teams fed and cared for. Katos
reasonable. Give us a trial.
Hiiatt & Goodman.
Tom Groen has been upending tho
pnst fow days in Denver.
Albert Schatz will return tonight from
tempted by us. They were all made for us by some his stay at Excelsior Springs
of the acknowledged best makers of Men's shoes.
There are Tans. Greens, Oxbloods and Blacks made
up in shapes and patterns comprising all the newest
Let us show them.
H approved ideas
Graham & Company.
Yellow Front Shoe Store.
New and pretty designs in
Sterling Silver; Bright
and Sparkling Liiihy Cut
Glass, Hand-painted
China and a great many
other articles suitable for
a Wedding Gift. :: ::
Jeweler and Optician,
We want your repair work.
Ovur First National. Phono 148
China Sale.
Delia Hanks will havo a salo of hand
painted china, nnd a fow water colors,
at the Howo & Maloney store on Thurs
day, Friday nnd Saturday of this week.
China from $1.00 up; water colors 35c
up. Tho Indies of North Platto are
cordially invited to call.
Butlor Buchannn arrived homo last
night from Excelsior Springs, Mo.
Tho Bewitching Fishormaiden will
steal your heart nt tho Keith Juno 24th.
A. W. Ilontson and two sons of
Sutherland are visitors in tho city to
S. K. Ambler of tho Loup coun
try marketed n load of hogs in town
W. A. Tanner of Lexington is ex
pected to Bpond Sunday with nslativos
in tho city.
Mrs. Ed Lyons, of Sutherland, spent
a fow hours transacting business in
town today.
Josoph Schatz, of tho blacksmith
Bhop, has taken a month's lay off on
account of sickness.
Glydo Frlito has accepted n position
at tho Dickey Ico Cream Parlor, work
ing only In tho evening.
Hov. Crosslor will occupy tho pulpit
ut tho Lutheran church Sunday morn
ing. Thoro will bo no ovoning survlco.
Tho Mnccnbccs Bcnoftt at tho Crystal
has been postponed from Monday night
to Wodnoseny night.
Tho ladles' auxiliary to tho B. of L.
F. will hold a regular meeting Tuesday
afternoon. A full attendance is de
sired. Dr. II. C. Brock leaves Sunday night
for Lincoln to attend a meeting of tho
ntato dental board, of which he is secre
Rev. J. F. Scibcrt loft this morning
for OshkoBh to assist In tho dedicatory
sorviccs of tho now Lutheran church.
Ho wbb accompanied by Revi Ludden
of Lincoln and Dr. Yarger, of tho Lu
thoran board of missions.
Tho partial eclipso of (he sun last
evening wns visible ubout G:15 and
lasted nearly an hour. It probably
would not havo been notiocd at all Jf
Its coming had not beon announced.
Chas. Hcndy, Jr., district agent at
Donver for tho Ford Motor Car, piloted
tho two Ford cars from Denver to Ida
ho in tho transcontinental endurance
Base Ball Goods Bats 5c. up; gloves
from 25c up, nt Rincker's Book Store.
Tho Glow Worn will light your way
to the Keith June 24th.
Morton C. Cowco Is contemplating
moving to Hershey, where ho will go
into business.
Members of thu Episcopal church at
Ogalnlla have decided to erect a church
building at a cost of $-1,000.
Teachers examinations for county
certificates nro being held by County
Supt. Ebright in his office.
Mr. nnd Mrs. D. VV. Louden will
lenvo Saturday morning for a short
visit with friends at Overton.
Tho Girls' Club of the Presbyterian
church will givo a farewell party to
Miss Beryl Jeter this evening at tho
homo of Miss Strahorn.
Mrs. Hnrry Scott bns been at Suth
crland for several days, having been
called there by tne illness of her moth
or, Mrs. John Gummere.
Roy Chambers of JelTcry precint was
fined ono dollar and costs amounting to
11. 95 by Judge Elder in tho county
court yesterday, for hitting a man
Ho paid tho fine and was discharged.
Sarah L. Cogsweel, prima doma
soprano, whoso singing at tho Crystal
theatre has nttracted considerable at
tontlon, leaves tomorrow for an en
gagement at Wichita, Kans.
Lovers telephone your messages to
Cupid 112 at tho Keith Juno 24th.
Tho pcoplo in charge of the North
Platto Chautauqua havo sold up to this
morning 140 tickets, of which 132 wero
adults and 8 woro children's tickets
Prosidcnt Pattirson expects to sell
largo number of tickets and ho especial
ly urgca tho sale of tho $1.00 tickets
for tho children, ono doll fir for 24 bcs
9 1.114 . m
sionB or noout -14 cents lor each pro
gram is very cheap, when wo consider
tho educational vnluo of these meetings
Tho association has worked hard and
secured a good list of attractions and
they deserve the liberal patronage of
all the citizens of North Platto nnd
western Nebraska. The Otcnstcin
Grovo one block west and two
blocks south of the Court
House is being rnpidiy put into shapo
ana wncn unisiicu will present a vory
auracuvo nppoaranco.
J. W. Henderson and two children
eft last night on No. 12 for Kansas
Miss Goldman, sistor of Mrs. J. II.
Stone, left last night for her home at
Dcs Moines, Iowa.
Deputy State Superintendent of Pub
ic Instruction Perduo was n visitor at
the Junior Normal yesterday.
Fresh vegetables nnd celery fresh
every morning from the Yost garden
at tho Tramp Grocery Store.
Judgo Grimes has accepted an invita
tion to deliver the address at tho cele
bration at Gothenbnrg on July 5th.
Got thoso window screens made now.
, M. SoiiKNSQN. Shop 107 E 5th St.
Leader Lowell, of the city band, Bays
no more concerts will bo given until
after the Chautauqua, as tho members
desiro to devotQ all possible time to
practicing tho Chautauqua programs
A card received nt this office nn-
nouncos tho death of Matt Nan at the
home of a relative in Illinois on June
8th. Tho daccascd lived in North Platte
for many years whilo in tho employ of
Isaac Dillon.
The warm weather is here. If you
need n gasoline or coal oil stovo or
Trouble Maker Ousted
Whan n sufferer from Btomach
troublo takes Dr. Kinnt'a New Lifo
Pills he's mighty glad to seo his
Dyspepsia nnd Indigestion (ly, but
more no'n tickled ovor bis now, lino
appetite, stronir norves honlthy vicor.
nil because stomach liver and kidney a
now worn rignt. 25c nt btono lrug Uo,
For Sale.
A nice homo, good lot, lawn, shade,
cement walk, closo in $250.00 cash,
balanco $15.00 per month, same as
rent. A snnp.
Two good houses, nico shade, lawn,
within four blocks of high school.
Cheap at 52000.00. Cut to $2400.00.
Ono good hnuso nnd lot, good rentor,
Also other great bangains today for
quick Bale by
Bratt & Goodman.
Baptist Church.
Regular exercises of tho woek will
bo held nB follows: Sunday School 10
a. m., Proachlng 11 n. m., Junior Un
ion 3 p. m., Preaching 8 p. m B. Y.
P. U. D p. m. R. B. Favomght,
For Rent.
Tho D. A. Bakor residence, 321 West
niiru street.
Tho Pritchard residence, 314 West
First street, 7 rooms with bath nnd
toilet, all now.
Buchanan & Patteuson.
range, wo havo a largo assortment on
hand without superior or equal.
W. P. Bvron. of Gothenburcr. is in
town today boosting the celebration
that will be held in his town on July 5th.
Ho is talking with members of the fire
department relative to getting a team
to entor tho races.
Weather forecast. Partly cloudy,
probably shower stonight or Saturday,
warmer tonight. Maximun temperature
yesterday 84;ono!year ago 83. Minimum
temperature this morning 612: ono year
ago 60.
Brinir in your cream any day in the
week to the ueatrlco Ureamery co.
and got your cash on delivery.
F. A. Stroup spent a couple of days
this week at Gering, whero tho Pnyno
Co. ran another excursion of land buy
ers. This company has sold a half mil-
ion dollars worth of land in that section
at prices ranging from $75 to $125 per
iho Ulub Mnvita was pleasantly en
tertained Wednesday afternoon nt the
homo of Mrs. H. Bnrraclaugh. There
were fourteen members present. An
decant two courso lunch was served.
Tho club will moot next Wednesday
with Airs. Lewis.
Wc currv a full lino of picture
moulding and frnmo all kinds of
pictures. Call nnd seo us when needing
this class 01 worK.
Workman & Derryderry.
HE well-dressed men 01
North Platte want value
for their money. It is not the
lowest priced Suits that count,
but Clothing that gives satis
faction. Value for your money
Clothes, are the kind we sell,
and wc are selling them fast.
If you have not worn a "Miller-Made"
Suit, now is your
chance to buy something out
of the ordinary. These suits
at $15 to $25 have had a
most wonderful success. This
shows what we can do with
Miller Watts & Company's
co-operation. Stripes, greys,
blues, tans, greens, fancy
in fact all the late shades. For
richness of fa rics and materials, for high .
fashion, (not freakish), for perfect tailoring
our Suits at $27.50 to $35.00 are beyond
question the highest art production in Clothes
and we make such goods a prominent feature.
We sell them to men who want the best clothes.
elsewhere in town. They are for the
young men who fancy the swagger effect of
short waist and full-peg trousers. Note the
waist fasteners guaranteed to stay up. They
are $4.00.
Newest thing in Trousers in Corduroy.
blues and
The home of Miller
Made Clothing, Tiger
hats in straw, lohn B.
Stetson hats, Sharood
shoes, Ide shirts and
the swellest line of
neckwear in town.
North Platte's Leading
Specialists in Clothing and Furnishings for
Men, and Nothing Else.
Wo lit you from head to foot,
Phone 155 520 Dewey Street
Dr. Bealtie's Lecture.
In his lecture at tho High School
building last night, Dr. Boattio prin
cipal of tho Junior Normal School,
divided the determining influences of
oar country into six divisions, the home,
the school, the church, tho Sunday
school, the college and the press. After
showing the vastness and largeness of
our country, its divicrsified vocations
nnd conditions he explained the need
and demand of educated men and
women. Tho porcentago of boys nnd
girls of school nge not in school is
rapidly increasing with increase of
population and in the colleges the
women nro outnumbering tho men. He
declared it was n great evil for college
men to marry girls who had nevor seen
tho inside of n college and n groater
evil for collego women to marry men,
who had never enjoyed the benefit of a
college education.
Men ho said were supposed nt ono
time to have superior brain power but
now tho woman compete with the men
in the different studies in mathematics
and sciences.
Ho emphasized tho fact ;that from
tho civil war to the present day "tho
Amorican home Is losing its hold upon
tho American people."
Boys are not as good as girls for tho
reason that their sparo time is spent on
the' street, instead of nt home with
father nnd mother, as the girls usually
Tho music was furnished by a ladies
quartette composed of several young
ladies of tho city.
Quality Goes in
Before the
Name Goes On.
A little paint at a lit
tle cost, with a little work
will improve and pre
serve your buildings.
Schiller & Co.,
1st door north First Natl. Bnnlc.
We say Tans
But there are others.
We are showing many new
Oxford creations this season
in colored leathers.
The Ox Blood, Wines and
Chocolate Shades appear to
be great favorites.
Thev are entirely new and
very handsome. Come, see
f 9
Conservative or extreme
lasts, Ties, Button or Blucher
Oxbloods, made by expert
makers no slipping or gaping.
We've some unusual values
in Men's, W6men's and Chil
dren's Oxfords, but the Shoes
must be seen to be apprecia
The Home of Better Shoes.
While probaby only a small percentage of prospective purchasers of mowing machines are born in the
state of Missouri, there seems to be no remark that applies more perfectly to the condition of mind of mower
buyers than the one that is nationally associated with the state of Missouri, "Show me." In no other way do
the majority of us get so good an idea of an article or proposition as by seeing. Prospective mower buyers
come in and see the old reliable Standard Mower. It was the best mower fifty years ago and it is the best today.
We carry all.sizes of the mower and rake.
Yours for the Mower trade,
erry berry