Suggestions for Wedding Gifts V. IT is impossible for us to enumerate nil of the hundreds of articles in our stock which are I appropriate for wedding gifts and to describe the style and beauty of each pattern or design would be equally difficult The following list suggests n few suitable items which may be seen along with many others in a great variety of designs by a visit to our store: q: STERLING SILVER - $ .75 to $ 2.00 Bon Bon Spoons - -Olive Forks - - -Sugar Spoons - - -Sugar Tongs - - -Berry Spoons - - -Meat Forks - - -Other Serving Pieces Bon Bon Dishes - -Berry Bowls - - -Cream and Sugar Sets Bread Trays - - -Knives and Fork - - .85 to 1.25 to 1.50 to 3.50 to 1.75 to .75 to 2.75 to R00 to 12.00 to 12.00 to 1.75 2.50 3.00 8.00 6.00 10.00 8.50 25.00 20.00 25.00 3.60 to 30.00 Packard's Hand-Painted China Vases Plates Fancy Dishes Water Jugs Complete Sets, Etc. $1.50 to $25.00 CUT GLASS Berry Bowls .... $,3.00 to $15.00 Cream and Sugar Sets - 3.50 to 10.00 Vases ------ 1.50 to 25.00 Compotes 2.50 to 15.00 Spoon Trays .... 2.00 to 3.00 Celery Trays .... 3.50 to 6.00 Bon Bon Dishes - - - 1.35 to 6.00 Water Pitchers - - - 5.00 to 10.00 Tumblers, Set ... 4.00 to 12.00 Finger Bowls - r - 1.00 to 5.00 Vinegar Cruets ... 1.75 to 4.50 Wine Sets 8.50 to 25.00 Water Sets .... 6.00 to 35.00 BRASS Candlesticks Trays Jnrdiniers Desk Sets Book Racks, Etc. 75c to $15.00 Fine Potteries, Clocks, Toilet Wares, Electroliers and Novelties DIXON--THE JEWELER ! v SCHILLER & CO., Prescription Druggists First Door North of First National Hank ForSalo Tomato plants. Inquire at 915wc8t Third streot. I. T. Keliher, of Cheyenne, is a North Platte visitor today. Edgar W. Chappell and Miss Jessie Wellivor, of Maxwell, wero united in marriago Wednesday. Engineer Elmer Koons returned last night from Omaha, where he took engine 1845 for a general overhauling. -Clarence T. Clino and Signa T. Dahlin, both of Tryon, wero united in marriage by Judgo Elder last evening. O. KD. Wellivor, of Maxwell, filed a complaint in the county court last evening against Frank Knapp charging him with assault. Sjtevo Balqros has filed an infor mation against Jim Drien in the county court charging him with obtaining the sum of $20. under false pretences. Houso to rent at 621 east Fourth street opposito First ward school, Apply to 303 east Second street. L. C. Parrish, deputy troasurer of Dawson county, has bean found $1425.41 short in his accounts. The father of Parrish will pay the shortags. Tonight, Amatour Night at the Keith Theatre Picture Show. Program: Military Mnnouvars at Sagman, College Chums, East Lynn, song, "My World is a Land of Dreams." Vaudeville and amatour stunts. , Chas Kilmer, of tho North part of the county, returned Wednesday night from a visit in Oklahoma. Enrouto home, nfter leaving Grand Island, he had liis pocket picked, the thief re lieving him of twenty-dollars. Seed Rye for sale by tho North Platte Mill and Grain Co. A. W. Hontson and Sam Watson, of Sutherland, were in town yesterday on business before the U. S. land office. For Rent G room houso 808 west Sixth Street. See Mrs. G. S. Huffman Miss Jessie Rouse, who had beon tho guest of her sistor, Mrs. E. A. Doyd, for a month, has returned to home at Cozad. Mrtf. Fred Barraclough leaves about Juno 20th for a trip to Rawlins and Salt Lako and enrouto home will visit in Denver. Tho rain storm Wednesday njght was accompanied by a heavy wind south of the city and a number of windmills were wrecked. Seo East Lynne at tho Keith Theatre Picture Show Friday and Saturday nights. Robert Armstrong and F. E. Bullard returned this morning from Omaha, where they went to attend the sessions ot the Masonic grand lodge. L. P. Dick roturnrd last night from his trip to Rochester, N. Y., after an absence of ten days. His visit was of such duration such that ho did not havo time to seo much of New York state. The vaudevillo at tho Keith picture show has been playing to the full houses this week. It is ono of tho prettiest and most refined acts that the peoplo havo had the pleasure of seeing. O. E. Elder mada a trip to Maywood this week to make an appraisement of the Votaw mill, tho valuo of which enters into tho Votaw divorce proceed ings now being heard in the district court. Mrs. W. A. Gregg, daughter Emma nnd A. S. Gregg and family desire to thus publicly express their thanks to tho friends and neighbors who so kindly gave them assistance during tho long illness and after tho death of the late W. A. Gregg. COME TO Workman & Derryberry's Monday Afternoon JUNE 21st AND SEE h 1 mi tr l r l ttr l r l ri-vuirvrr 1 me wonaerrui, wonaernu wuwuuk WASHER Demonstrated We take the streaks out of dirty shirts in less than a minute, and do more work and better work with less work than you ever saw before. The demonstrator from the factory will be here. Do not forget the place. 1 WORKMAN & DERRYBERRY DATE IS MONDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 21st DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Dcnlisi. Office over tho McDonald Stato Bank. Dr. II. McLeay, of Gancly, is in town today enrouto home from a trip to Omaha. See East Lynne at the Keith Theatro Picture Show Friday and Saturday nights, Tho capital stock of tho Sutherland Talephono Co. has been increased from $2,000 to $10,000. Mrs. Thos. Green and sister Miss Deoring are visiting in Dcnvor, leaving for that city yesterday. Tho Baptist Sunday school will render a childrcns day program Sunday morning Juno 13, at 11 oclock. Tho Ogalalla News says quite a num ber of peoplo of that town will attend tho circus which exhibits in this city tomorrow. 'Mr. and Mrs. Street, of Broken Bow, are in town, having been called here by the death of W. A. Gregg. Mr. Streot is a brother of Mrs. Gregg. Members of the Elks and their ladies are cordially invited to participate in a card party at tho Odd Fellows' hall next Monday ovening at nine o'clock. .ToBeph Hay, aged 70 years and tho third oldest survivor of the Union Pa cific's early day engineer", died eui Jen ly at his home in Omaha of heart failuro last Tuesday. The supervising architect of tho treasury department has written Post master Thomson for considerable data in regard to our electric light and water service, this information being necces sary in designing the new fedoral building. Henry Fulk and J. R. White, of Sutherland, wore visitors in town yes terday, Mr. Fulk informs us that tho windstorm of May 31st destroyed twenty-two acres of his boots, and that ho was forced to roplant. Tho second planting is now coming up nicely. Another heavy rain fell last night, making tho total about three and one quarter inches for tho week. Tho gentle man who is regulating tho weather during tho absence of Observer Mc- Dowall can win admiration from Lincoln county peoplo by giving us a week of hot weather. Girl Wanted For general house work, apply 510 West Third street. The annual meeting of the Nebraska Stock Growers Association is called to meet in Alliance, Juno 10, 17 and 18. The business meeting will bo hold tho ICth and the morning of tho 17th. Tho entertainment will follow on tho 17th and 18th. Secretary E. M. Soarlo, Jr. urges all to attund this sossion, and promises that they will bo repaid by so. Elizabeth McKeen, formerly tho wife of W. R. McKeen, president of tho McKeen Motor Car works, has sold her proporty at Twenty-fourth streot and Langdon court, near St. Mary's avenue, to A. D. Abbott for $U.000. Mrs McKeen is now' in the oast and is said to havo held this property personally as an investment mado with money which was from her share of tho New cstato, the wealthy Indianapolis family of which sho is a member. Omaha Bee, House for Sale. Want to build on lot, and will sell old houso choap. Call at 102 S. Sycamore W. A. Gregg Dies. After nn illness of several months, duo to Brights disease, W. A. Gregg died at his homo in tho Third ward Wednesday morning, and tho funoral was held from tho Methodist church yesterday afternoon. The dsceased camo to Lincoln county from Custor county in tho eighties and located in tho north part of tho county, remaining there until a few years ago when ho moved to this city nnd opened a grocery storo on north Locust streot, in which business ha continued until his sickness necessitated soiling tho stock. Mr. Gregg was a collcgo graduate, and ns a citizen nnd business man was highly respected. He leaves a wifo nnd two brothora, one of tho latter, A. S. Gregg, living south of town, tho other n resident of Oklahoma. Home Wedding. A pretty wedding occurred Wednes day ovening nt seven o'clock nt tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Ebright four miles southwest of this city, when their oldest daughter, Joy, be- camo tho bride of A. Robert Christen- sen. The ceremony was performed by Rov. John F. Scibort, in tho presenco of mombors of the family and tho stop- father of the groom. Tho rooms woro decorated with cut flowers, nnd during tho ceremony 'Henrts and Flowers' was rendered by Miss Bessio Ebright. Tho brido wore a gown of white silk nnd carried bridal roses. Following tho coremony u wedding supper was served, and later in tho ovening tho couplo repaired to tho farm of tho groom two miles west of tho Ebright, residence nnd upon which Mr. Christensen has recontly erected a now houso. The brido is well known in North Platte having lived horo tho greator part of her life, and for several years past has been teaching in tho rural schools, Sho is a young womnn of ad mirable character, and bus beon justly popular with her acquaintances, Mr. Christensen hns resided on tho south sido for a number of yers nnd is well spoken of by nil who know him. Tho Tri bune unites with friends in wishing Mr. and Mrs. ChristenBen a happy and suc- cesaful Aiture. Give a Reception- Tho reception given Rev. nnd Mrs. Goo. Williams nt tho W. V. Hoagiand residence last ovening wbb Inrgoly at tended, tho houso being crowded from 8:30 to 11 o'clock. About half of those present woro members of the Presby terian congregation .and 'ho others nflllinted with other denominations, thus giving evidence that thero is a desire on tho pnrt of all to become ac quainted with Reverend and Mrs. Wil liams. Soveral musical soloctions were rendered for tho entcrtainmont of the guests and punch was served, Miss Ruth Strcitz presiding at the bowl. Tho evening was delightfully passed, nnd the honored guests woro most cordially welcomed to North Plntto. WALAMO Something New for Inside Paint. Many women who nro having their houses dono over this season nro using Walamo Paint instend of paper, especi ally for plastered rooms. Thoro is no doubt whatever that thin method is more hygenic nnd clenn'y. Tho wnlls can bo washed down and do not need to bo renewed ench season. It is much mora ccomical than paper. Seo Wokkman & Dekuyheuky. To Country Correspondents. Country correspondents will ploaso mail their lattors so to to reach this ofilco Monday morning for Tuesday's edition and Thursday morning for tho Friduy issue. Tho papor goes to press at noon nnd country corrcspondenco can not be handled on publication duy. Announcement. Innnounco myself ns a republican candidate for the ofilco of county clerk, subject to tho docision of thoprimnrics. iv. it. ELLIOTT, North Platto, Neb., June 1, 1909. SHEIUFT. I hereby announce myself a candidate for tho republican nomination for tho office of sheriff, subject to tho primary tO DO 110'U August lvtn. I. L. MlLTONHEItOBIt. I respectfully announce mvsolf as a candidate for tho nomination for a sheriff, subject to the republican pri mary. Any support given mo will be appricinted. A. J. Samshuuy. TUKASUHKIt. I horeby nnnoounce myself as a candidate for tho ollke of Countv Treasurer, subject to action of Repub- 1 ' i -. i r I t ncan pnmury tugust iu, rjirj. Ray C. Langi'om). COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I respectfully announce myaolf ns a candiduto for county commissioner, subject to tho action of tho republican primary. . A. O. Kocken. Women Who Arc Envied. Those attractive women who nro lovely in face, form and temper nro the envy of many, who mitrht bo liko them. A weak, sickly woman will bo nervous and irritable. Constipation or kidney poisons snow pimples, Notches, twin eruptions nnu a wretched complexion. For nil such. Electric Bitters work won ders Thoy regulate Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, purify tho blood; givo strong nerves, tmgnc eyes, puro breath, smooth, velvety skin, lovelv com plexion. Many charming women owo their health nnd beauty to them. GOc at Keep C Sir! o ol WHEN you're ready to lay aslds your vest, it's a sure sign that the "Good Old Sum mer Time" is near. PREPARE FOR IT! Look to your bodily comfort and peace of mind by providing yourself with one of our cooling Summer Suits. These Suits are right up to our usual high standard and they show every style kink that is now on. The Houm ol Kuppcahanxt Quetgo Choice new fabrics, erect lapels, non sagging fronrs, Trousers that refuse to bag every detail is just right and the Suits are very handsome without being priced too high. $15, $16.50, $20 to $25. Cool Hats, Cool Shirts, Cool Underwear, Cool Hosiery and Cool Toggery of all sorts, in styles that are different. Just make note of the fact and you'll find that thci best things to wear always hail from here. weingand & Mcdonald GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS miiruriiriTrurm!iriTriiriTriinfriTriTrifriinirmmmTfr. To the Farmers 1 and Ranchmen Please remember we have in stock the nec essary articles that you will soon need, in your' business. They consist of the following: Binder-Twine Binders Mowers Rakes Sweeps Stackers Grindstones Sickle-grinders 'Machine Oil Pitchforks Harness Fly Nets Tackle Blocks Pulleys Rope, Bolts Cold-chisels Machine Punches Oil Cans Come in and we will supply your wants at reasonable prices. Workman & Derryberry I POTATO FECIAL For Three Days: Until Nooa Saiwday Will sell good old Sand Hill Potatoes at, per bushel .... 50c Afternoon, per bushel 55c Monday, per bushel 60c Tuesday, per bushel 65c Get your order in early. Lots of bargains in groceries at North LAMB'S Grocery AT M line ihautauana i July 3d to gth Inclusive 3 53 St., or phone 208. stono urug (jo.